Sub-regional Advocacy Workshop on MDGs : effectiveness Ms. Budsara Sangaroon
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Sub-regional Advocacy Workshop on MDGs : effectiveness Ms. Budsara Sangaroon
Sub-regional Advocacy Workshop on MDGs : Strengthen the evidence base for development effectiveness Ms. Budsara Sangaroon Statistician MDGs • In MDG Report 2004 Thailand have been achieved national MDG targets ahead of global schedule - Poverty - Hunger - Gender - HIV/AIDS - Malaria • Thailand not satisfied with these achievements • We try to set more ambitious targets “ MDG Plus” which is suitable for Thai context 2 MDGs Plus • The challenge targets beyond national targets and suitable and feasible to Thai context • Point to the persistent disparities among region and groups and vulnerable groups - below-average condition health in the Northeast - poverty in remote highland areas of the North - Muslim communities in 3 provinces of the South 3 6 ธ ันวาคม 25488 How to Monitor the MDG Plus • Participatory process and engagement by all policy makers ● Networking and multi-sectoral actions through the function of the Committee ● Integrating MDG strategy into the country National Development Plan • Each champion and related agencies are responsible for respective strategic goal. ● Most of the data of the related agencies would be used to calculate those indicators, including monitoring the situation of the indicators 4 Champion Agencies and Related Goals Poverty Gender Thank You NESDB, NSO Education MoE, NSO MSDHS, NSO For Your Attention NESDB Maternal Health MoPH HIV/AIDS MoPH, Dept. of PA Child Health MoPH Focal point Malaria, Tuberculosis and Heart disease Sustainable Development MoNRE, MoE, MoI, MoPH 5 Lessons Learned • The participatory approach by the form of committee created the close networking of multi-sectoral • Integration into the National Development Plan + • The MDG targets are too ambitious for the national level. 6 The Challenges + • The MDG goals and targets should be set and point to the problem of specific population group in specific area. ● The people and policy maker in the specific area should be paticipate in the MGD+ processing. • Thailand have MDG at sub-national level; call “ MDG* “ 7 Role of National Statistics Office on MDGs 8 The National Statistical Office (NSO) To provide through consultation with national consultants during target, indicator, data and methodology research, documentation analysis, and through cluster meeting. 9 and The NSO's Role on the MDGs The NSO provides not only consultation and cluster meeting, but also through survey and census conducted which could provide data using for measuring MDG indicators. Furthermore, the function in compiling and analyzing statistical data is used to support government policies and those could support for MDG indicators. 10 The NSO is the statistical data center, which provides information, produced by the NSO and the other government agencies including the data for the MDG indicators. However, data from various agencies might have different coverage and definitions. 11 The different definition and classification, make them could not compare to each other. Therefore, the NSO has to coordinate with other statistical producers to promote the use of statistical standard. consultancy services production and data Statistical in terms advice of processing and statistical such as statistical methodology, questionnaire design, data collection and compilation, data processing and analysis are provided to other agencies 12 Table 1 Number of indicators provided by the line agencies * Include 4 indicators of goal 8 Indicators (MDGs) Indicators (MDGs+) 1. NSO 21 2. Ministry of Public Health Line Agencies Total No. % 7 28 47.4 13 13 26 44.1 3. Ministry of Education 3 14 17 28.8 4. Ministry of Interior 8 6 14 42.4 5. NESDB 4 3 7 10.2 6. Others 7 8 15 25.4 Total Indicators* (goal 1 – goal 7) 31 24 59 13 ROLE OF STATISTICS FOR DEVELOPMENT PLANNING and MDGs TARGET The NSO, as the consultant and producer would fulfill the gap in consulting and producing the continuity, consistency statistics data timely including policy analysis. The NSO would also conduct the survey, those that are important and not produced by the other statistical units. 14 Plan and Activities of NSO - A statistics strategic development plan “Thailand Master Plan” - The database would be developed to provide complete and correct data and information timely - Conducted Thailand Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey - Capacity building - Project on Key National Development Indicator with MDGs Indicators (CountryData) 15 Thailand’s Statistical Master Plan Current Situation of Thailand National Statistical System Thailand National Statistical System Decentralized Statistical System Too many sources of data collection Too many data produced Could not find the right source/kind of data (duplication, omission, quality & statistical standards problems) Could not do any analysis or make decision for national policies formulation & for urgent crisis (user confusion, coordination problems) Due to data are not being integrated and linked 17 Amendment of Statistics Act in 2007 (1952 → 1965 → 2007) • Thailand National Statistical System is still Decentralized System, but with clear roles, function and relation of various agencies in the National Statistical System • To empower NSO to do better coordination roles for effective management of National Statistical System • Statistical Data of Government organizations will be linked and used integratedly 18 Statistics Act 2007 Section 5 NSO is the central state agency in charge of the technical statistics work Section 6 NSO has authority and duties: (1) Preparing the Master Plan for the implementation of the government statistical work (2) Preparing statistics standards to present to the cabinet for approval (5) Coordinating & consulting with agencies to prepare plans that define the responsibilities in implementing the statistical work under the Master Plan as mentioned in (1) (7) Coordinating with agencies to create statistical network in order to obtain important & timely statistical database of the country Section 7 NSO shall coordinate with relevant agencies and prepare the plan in such a way that it is consistent with the national policy and development plan. Relevant agencies shall follow the Master Plan. Section 8 Agencies shall prepare their statistics in accordance with the plan defining the responsibilities under section 6(5), and shall ensure that they meet statistical standards. In the event that any agency fails to perform according to paragraph one, the National Statistics Office shall report to the cabinet for instructions as it is deemed appropriate. 19 Strategy in Development of Thailand National Statistical System • Official Statistics concept be used as reference data of the country • Consideration of Official Statistics be done by each sector • Development of system to link, integrate and share statistical data from government agencies • Promote and support the use of statistical data • Improvement of quality of Official Statistics - Develop the capacity of statistical teams and units - Improve quality by upgrading the standard and quality of statistics by minimizing redundancy and workload 20 Vision and Strategy of Thailand Statistical Master Plan 2011-2015 Vision: “Thailand has a statistical system that drives all the agencies together. Thailand will have the official statistics to develop country.” Strategy for the development of statistical systems: Strategy #1 Efficient management of the statistical system Goals : 1. Thailand has Official Statistics. 2. Thailand has a statistical system of high standard and efficiency. 3. Thailand has a system to develop statistical teams and units. Strategy #2 Standardized statistical production Goals : 1. Thailand has good statistical practices. 2. Thailand produces statistical data in accordance with the quality standards. Strategy #3 Equal access to statistical data Goals : 1. People have equal access to statistical data. 2. Official Statistics are widely used. 21 Thailand Statistical Master Plan: Principal Idea Statistical Committee Good Governance Sub-committees Sectoral Statistics Sub-committees (21 sub-committees) Provincial Statistics Sub-committees Government Policy (76 sub-committees) Official Statistics & responsible agencies MIS DSS EIS 7 Official Statistics Concept “ Key statistical items in each sector that are commonly used for national development planning and monitoring, and ensure that Official Statistics (OS) are produced and disseminated periodically, timely, and high quality” 8 The Implementation of Thailand Statistical Master Plan 2011-2015 Cabinet approval, 28 Dec 2010 Cabinet approval, 3 May 2011 Committee on National Statistical System Management (3 Major Stat.: Social, Economics, and Natural resources and environment) Sectoral Statistical Sub-committee (21 sectors) Provincial Statistical Sub-committee (76 provinces) (Function Base) (Area Base) Academic Advisory Committee Constructing the country statistical database from registered base data, survey/census data - have official statistics; key statistics items in each sector with quality, completeness and no duplication, host agency of official statistics will be clearly identified - all levels of administrators will have statistical data for decision making 9 Implementing TSMP: List of 21 Sectoral Statistics Social Statistics 1. Demographic, population and housing statistics 2. Labour statistics 3. Education statistics 4. Culture statistics 5. Health statistics 6. Social security statistics 7. Gender statistics 8. Statistics of household income and expenditure 9. Justice and other social statistics Economic Statistics Natural Resources and Environment Statistics 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. Natural resources and environment statistics (including Meteorology statistics) National accounts Agricultural statistics Industrial statistics Energy statistics Trade statistics and price statistics 6. Transportation statistics 7. Information communication and technology statistics 8. Tourism statistics 9. Money, finance and insurance statistics 10. Fiscal statistics 11. Statistics of science and technology 10 Implementing TSMP: Challenges 1) The plan was to launch all 21 sectors at the same time, which was big job and needed more staff. 2) NSO internally established three bureaus as following: - the Statistical Management Bureau; mainly responsible for coordinating the endorsement and implementation of the TSMP - the National Information Center; mainly responsible for developing the system for linking and exchanging statistical data & information from all government agencies - the Human Resource Development Group; mainly responsible for providing training to statistical staff from all statistical units 3) NSO also recruited internal staff for assisting as committee and secretary assistance 10 Implementing TSMP: Role & Responsibility Cabinet Committee on National Statistical System Management Sectoral Statistical Sub-committee (21 sectors) - Chair: ICT minister - Members: Perm Sec-Gen of line Ministries - Secretariat: NSO (DG) - Duty: - consider & approve framework of TSMP - report progress to Cabinet Provincial Statistical Sub-committee - Core component: 1) Responsible Ministries serves as Chairman (Perm Sec-Gen) and Secretary 2) NSO serves as Vice Chairman and Assistant Secretary 3) Agencies responsible for OS and other concerned - Duty: - identify OS and responsible agencies - outline measures for quality development of OS - outline measures to enhance the capacity of Statistical units and necessary resources - implement the plan - prepare annual report to the above committee (76 provinces) - Chair: Provincial Governor - Members: Representatives from concerned statistical units - Secretariat: NSO provincial officer - Duty: - identify OS and responsible agencies - investigate and approve in quality assurance - outline measures for quality development of OS - outline measures to enhance the capacity of Statistical units and necessary resources - implement the plan - prepare annual report to the above committee 11 Implementing TSMP: Function Base Approach Sectoral Committee on Statistics Data (21 sectors) Sub-committee Sector 1 Sub-committee Sector 2 OS of Population statistics sector OS of Labor statistics sector ... Sub-committee Sector 21 ... OS of Environmental and Resources statistics sector Link / Integrate / Data Sharing Can be analyzed and found its relation Prime Minister Operation Center: (PMOC) Can be presented in an easy format (table / graph / map) 12 Implementing TSMP: Function Base Approach (cont’d) Linkage / Integration / Data Sharing Can be analyzed and found its relation 1. Mind Map Can be presented in an easy format (table / graph / map) ground Source of water underground forest catchment Area reservoir Gini Coefficient (5 groups) Monthly current income per capita 2545 0.403 3,844 2552 0.385 6,219 2554 0.376 7,226 irregated Weather water Status rain storm demand usage prevention for flooding/drought Budget remedial for flooding/drought irregation project Water use Quality demand usage contaminated treatment 2. Function ; Y = a + bx1+ cx2 + … Evidence base for decision making 13 Implementing TSMP: Achievements “Official Statistics” are available to support policymaking at national and sector levels Statistical Units have strong capacity to produce OS Government convinced that investing in good quality statistics is significant and worthwhile The public can easily access and well understand of OS and their usage 14 Implementing TSMP: General workflow process Sectoral Statistics Development Plan Implementation plan OS Production and dissemination & Capacity Development of Statistical Units Annual Report The Cabinet Committee on National Statistical System Management 15 Steps of TSMP Implementation 1) Setting a governance structure in the form of committees and sub-committees 2) Visiting high-level executive in order to have closely collaboration among relevant stakeholders 3) Scheduling the meeting of each statistics sectors in order to have sectoral statistical master plans, a list of official statistics and annual report of each sector 4) Introducing the use of the guideline for good statistical practice and the quality assessment framework 5) Developing the centralized system for statistical service such as Data Networking 16 Implementing TSMP: Recent Progress (2011-2012) Collaboration from line ministries and the perception of highlevel executive on the significance and usefulness of statistical data for national development as well as for the development of their agencies A well understanding and pursuing by relevant staff from all agencies Be able to establish the Sectoral Statistical Master Plan of each sector Having the quality statistics from each sector Having an annual report (for a fiscal year 2012)of each sector On the process of preparation for - The Guideline for Good Statistical Practice (GSP) - The Quality Assessment Framework (QA) 17 Implementing TSMP: Problems / Obstacles The implementation of TSMP is so far having a well collaboration from line ministries, however the progress was slightly delayed. This is because 1) The system is new to both NSO and other agencies, many issues need discussion and clarification, many details of the system need to be worked out, as well as the need for well plan and structure from conceptual idea to practical implementation. 2) Concerning that TSMP involves almost all government agencies – saying that it is a big job. And it is somewhat an extra assignment to all participated line ministries concerning that most of them have their usual work. 3) Concerning that each sectoral sub-committee chaired by the permanent secretary of the respective ministry which needs an advance booking – saying that it is difficult in scheduling the meeting date of each sector. 18 Implementing TSMP: Way Forward NSO will conduct the assessment of TSMP implementation of the first phrase (year 2011 – 2012) NSO will prepare the centralized system for statistical service (including the development of the input, searching and presentation feature) such as Data Networking, for which the statistics is used worthwhile NSO will construct the capacity building programs; 1) a good practice for the production of statistics 2) the use of statistical service system 19 National Statistical Management in Thailand Statistical Master Plan Supporting the use of statistics Data exchange and integration • Sectoral statistical master plan (identify Official Statistics and responsible agencies) • Quality Assessment of Official Statistics • Good Statistical Practices : GSP • Human Resource Development • Statistical Standard Management Process for developing the Sectoral Statistical Development Plan 1 tudy current situation and development of sector statistics 2 Study plans/strategy for country development (Demand) 3 Investigate current Status o sector statistics and Gap their operation (Supply) Obtain Official Statistics 4 of each sector necessary & important statistics (quality, duplication, problems/obstacles on statistics production, etc.) 5 Obtain Sector Statistics Development Plan Procedure of National Statistical System Development 1. Collaborative work among relevant agencies, where NSO serves as center coordinators 2. Study strategic plans of each agencies 3. Identify Official Statistics and responsible agencies for each OS 4. Develop the Statistics Development Plan in accordance with standard framework for which the plan can be used widely and internationally comparative 5. Build statistical capacity for each agency 6. Linkage of statistical data from government agencies and used integratedly 7. Develop the statistical service system for easy access 8. Develop the statistical information system in a form of easy to use and understand, such as GIS, graphs and charts, and such information can be used as evidence-base decision making for high executives 9. Produce an annual report to the Cabinet Concept for Thailand Statistical Master Plan (TSMP The TSMP is “a tool for management of national statistical system” and “used as the guideline for direction, objectives, main goals, structures and strategic framework for the development of national statistical system” Guideline for implementing TSMP • Establishing a multi-stakeholder mechanism (data producers and data users) • Evaluation the status and the capacity of statistical system as well as concerning the expectation of current users • Building a share vision and goal among relevant agencies for the development of national statistical system • Establishing a strategic framework, setting priorities in order to accomplish vision and goals • A clear defined action plan including time and budget planning in accordance with strategic plan • Establishing a monitoring and evaluation mechanism in order to assess the progress of the plan TSMP: from Planning to Sharing Office of StatExchange BI Platform Analysis User OS1 Database Server 21 Servers OS2 ... Internet BI Content Server OS21 NSO Data Warehouse Data Warehouse Other Data Sources Text/Excel/CSV File Analytical Reports Challenges of the TSMP implementation 1) It is new issue to both NSO and line agencies - need to have clear understanding for the concept and the usefulness of TSMP 2) It is needed to translate from conceptual idea to practical implementing - need well plan and structure 3) It has new role for NSO to be ‘manager and coordinator’ - need for capacity building Challenges of the TSMP implementation 1) It is new issue to both NSO and line agencies - need to have clear understanding for the concept and the usefulness of TSMP 2) It is needed to translate from conceptual idea to practical implementing - need well plan and structure 3) It has new role for NSO to be ‘manager and coordinator’ - need for capacity building