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Dates: 21 – 23 March 2016
Venue: CR-4, UNCC, Bangkok
1. The meeting, which brought together 72 nominated participants and 3 regional experts, was
opened with remarks by Mr. YoungHwan Kim, chair of the Legal Working Group of the
Interim Intergovernmental Steering Group on Cross-border Paperless Trade Facilitation.
2. The meeting adopted the tentative annotated agenda without any modifications.
3. The secretariat made a presentation on the process taken and progress made by the Legal and
Technical Working Groups in carrying out their mandated tasks since the Interim
Intergovernmental Steering Group on Cross-border Paperless Trade Facilitation decided their
establishment in April 2015. Chairs of the Legal Working Group (LWG) and the Technical
Working Group (TWG) reported respectively on the progress made in improving the draft
text of regional arrangement and preparation of a draft road map during interim period since
the second meeting. The chair of the LWG informed the meeting that the members of LWG
had made good progress in reaching consensus on many of the provisions in the draft text
during the January 2016 meeting. The chair of the TWG had reported that the TWG had held
six virtual meetings during the interim period and had concrete progress in delivering a few
4. The joint session of the meeting was followed by breakout sessions of the LWG and the
TWG, which would focus on improving the draft text and preparing a draft road map
respectively (See Annexes 2 and 3 for details on activities conducted and decisions made by
each working group).
5. The LWG and TWG reconvened in a joint plenary session and heard the reports from chairs
of each working group on progress made on their respective tasks during the breakout
sessions. The chair of the LWG reported that the LWG reached consensus on finalization of
the draft text and presented the proposed amendments1 to the current draft text, which had
been based on consensus of the LWG for submission to the upcoming 2nd Steering Group
meeting. The chair of the TWG highlighted the major achievements of the TWG, including
concrete progress in tasks such as technical gap checklist and international standards
implementation framework.
6. The secretariat informed the meeting of the next steps after the Steering Group finalized the
draft text. The next steps would include adoption of the finalized text by the Commission
during its seventy second session on 19-23 May 2016 and subsequent preparation of the
adopted text as a UN treaty by the UN Office of Legal Affairs (OLA). It was noted that the
treaty could be open for signature in the fourth quarter of 2016 with possible arrangement of
a signing ceremony. The meeting agreed that the LWG and the TWG would continue
carrying out their mandated tasks and focus on preparing a draft road map, until the next
meeting of the Steering Group, tentatively scheduled to be in April 2017. The two working
groups would mainly use virtual means (group mail and online meeting) with necessary
support from the secretariat in conducting their tasks. It was further noted that the working
groups would hold at least one physical meeting until the next meeting of the Steering Group.
7. The meeting was closed with remarks by Mr. Mikhail Maslov, chair of the Interim
Intergovernmental Steering Group on Cross-border Paperless Trade Facilitation.
Annexes: 1. Final Agenda
2. Main activities and decisions of the Legal Working Group
3. Main activities and decisions of the Technical Working Group
4. Final List of participants
5. Text of the Regional Arrangement for the Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless
Trade Finalized by the 2nd meeting of the Steering Group (Separate)
See http://www.unescap.org/sites/default/files/pre-ods/CEPTAIISG2_CRP1.pdf
1. Opening of the Meeting
(a) Opening remarks
(b) Adoption of the agenda
(c) Update on progress made by the Legal Working Group in improving the draft text of regional
agreement since the second meeting, including its January 2016 meeting
(d) Update on progress made by the Technical Working Group in preparing a draft road map since
the second meeting
2. Working group breakout session
3. Review of progress made in improving the draft text of regional agreement
4. Review of progress made in preparing a draft road map
5. Other matters
(a) Discussion on future work plan, including reporting to the Steering Group
(b) Any other business
6. Closing.
1) The Legal Working Group (LWG) continued its negotiation on the current draft text of the regional
arrangement for the facilitation of cross-border paperless trade and reached consensus on its
2) The LWG proceeded to discuss the draft text article by article, starting with final clauses covering
Article 17 to 25, and covering Title, Preamble and substantive clauses.
3) The LWG agreed to delete the brackets from “Framework”, making the title as Framework
Agreement on Facilitation of Cross-border Paperless Trade in Asia and the Pacific. The brackets
were removed from “Framework Agreement” in other articles of the agreement.
4) On Article 3: Definition, the LWG agreed to replace the word ‘sale of’ with the words ‘trade in’ in
paragraph (f) of Article 3, in order to harmonize this with the language of the paragraph (a) of Article
5) On Article 5: General Principles, the LWG accepted an editorial change made on wording of Article
5(c) from previous “Technology neutrality” to “Technological neutrality” to align it with the wording
in the benchmarked reference (United Nations Convention on the Use of Electronic Communications
in International Contracts)
6) On Article 6: National policy framework, enabling domestic legal environment and paperless trade
committee, the LWG agreed to replace the words “domestic legal environment” with “national
legislation” and insert “in particular addressing the functions of the national operators for crossborder paperless trade” in paragraph 2.
7) On Article 8: Cross-border mutual recognition of trade-related data and documents in electronic form,
the LWG agreed to delete the word ‘may’ and retain the word ‘shall’ in paragraph 1. The LWG also
agreed to include paragraph 3 with an addition of wording “provided that the provisions of these
bilateral and multilateral arrangements will not contradict the present agreement.”
8) On Article 9: International standards for exchange of trade-related data and documents in electronic
form, the LWG agreed to delete words ‘regional and global’ and replace the words ‘communications
protocols’ with the words ‘means of communication’ in paragraph 1.
9) On Article 10: Relation with other legal instruments enabling cross-border paperless trade, the LWG
revised paragraph 1 to read as “The Parties may, where appropriate, adopt relevant international legal
instruments concluded by United Nations bodies and other international organizations.” Changes
include replacing the word “shall” with “may”, adding the words “take into account, and”, replacing
the words “available and accepted” with “relevant” and replacing “made by relevant” with
“concluded by”. The LWG also agreed to an editorial change of merging two sentences in paragraph
1 to read as “The Parties shall endeavour to ensure that the cross-border exchange of trade-related
data and documents in electronic form is consistent with international law as well as regional and
international regulations and best practices, as identified by the institutional arrangement established
under the present Framework Agreement.
10) Following extensive discussions and continuing concerns on the possible misinterpretation of Article
11: Legal liability framework, the LWG agreed to delete it in connection with insertion of a new
phrase in paragraph 2 of Article 6 (Refer to revision in Article 6) and adjust the numbers of
subsequent articles accordingly.
11) On Article 12: Institutional arrangements, the LWG agreed to delete the words “and Executive
Secretary of ESCAP” from paragraph 1 of Article 12 to align the revision to change the
representation level from “ministerial level” to “high-level”. The LWG also agreed to insert a new
paragraph 6 in Article 12 to replace Article 16 bis, which reads as “The Council and the Standing
Committee may, in their competence determined in the rules of procedure, adopt protocols on
specific legal, technical and organizational matters. The requirements for entry into force of any
protocol shall be established in that instrument.”
12) On Article 13: Action plan, the LWG agreed to delete the bracketed words “endeavor to”.
13) The LWG agreed to delete Article 16 bis, in accordance with the decision to include the new Article
14) On Article 19: Entry into force, the LWG agreed to five (5) as the number of member States for entry
into force in paragraph 1, as members of the LWG preferred five (5) more to eight (8) in the survey.
The LWG also agreed to replace “consent to be bound” by “deposited their instruments of ratification,
acceptance, approval and accession to”, in accordance with recommendation from the Office of
Legal Affairs.
15) On Article 20: Procedures for amending the Framework Agreement, the LWG decided to delete the
bracket on paragraph 4 of Article 20. The LWG agreed to replace the existing provision of paragraph
5 with proposed opt-out option text from the Office of Legal Affairs. The LWG also agreed on the
time period of “3 months” for entry into force of amendment.
16) On Article 23: Suspension of Validity, the LWG agreed on five (5) as number of Parties for the
suspension of validity, in alignment with the decision made in Article 19.
17) The delegation from Japan stated their concerns and reservations to articles of the draft text, in
particular articles 5, 6, 8 and 11, noting that some articles and concepts were not compatible with
their domestic legal system, and are not clear regarding legal status and interpretation. However, the
delegation stated that they would not prevent it from finalization of the present agreement.
18) The LWG also discussed the nature of the explanatory note. It was stated that whilst the explanatory
note is not part of the treaty text, the secretariat would work together with the LWG following the
meeting to incorporate the various definitions and explanations for the relevant articles of the text for
further deliberations by the working groups and the Steering Group.
19) On other matters, there was a discussion on programme budget implications of the agreement. The
Secretariat informed that the Secretariat support to the agreement did not imply additional regular
budget as the agreement and trade facilitation and paperless trade matters are already part of the work
programme on trade and investment. The Secretariat however called on Members States to consider
provider extra budgetary resources to support implementation and related capacity building.
1) The Technical Working Group (TWG), chaired by Mr. Wahid as one of vice-chairs in the absence of
the chair, started with review of progress made in delivering TWG tasks so far. The secretariat
introduced overall progress of TWG tasks. The TWG decided to collectively review all the draft
documents developed so far for better understanding of them on the first day, before breaking into
three subgroups on the second day.
2) In the morning session of the second day, the TWG broke into three subgroups under the
coordination of three vice-chairs (Mr. Anikin, Mr. Kim and Mr. Wahid). Each subgroup focused on
tasks to be coordinated by respective vice-chairs. For the task of developing a technical gap checklist
(under coordination by the absent vice-chair), Mr. Wahid volunteered to work on the task under his
subgroup. In the afternoon session of the second day, the TWG convened together and invited vicechairs to report outcomes of each subgroup for detailed discussion.
3) Subgroup 1 under the coordination of Mr. Anikin worked on mutual recognition requirements. In this
connection, Russian group of experts shared their initial contribution, two draft documents titled
“Legal Aspects of Improving the Transboundary Trust Environment Between the Member States of
the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN ESCAP)” and
“The definition of the criteria concerning the requirements to offer a substantially equivalent level of
reliability of trade-related data in electronic form,” with members of the TWG. Russian group of
experts requested members of the TWG to review the two documents and share any comments or
feedback by the end of April 2016. In developing a common approach to mutual recognition
mechanism, in particular developing model memorandum of understanding or service level
agreement, the TWG would start with collecting and analyzing existing samples from the ESCAP
member States. In this connection, China and Republic of Korea agreed to share their examples by
the end of April 2016
Subgroup 2 under the coordination of Mr. Kim worked on development of three technical guides [(1)
Guide on how to develop or upgrade paperless trade systems consistently with the general principles,
(2) Guide to help facilitate concurrent implementation of national and cross-border paperless trade
systems, and (3) Different implementation options/mechanisms for paperless trade systems in an
interoperable manner] based on a study report produced by a regional expert. The TWG decided to
merge guides (2) and (3) by making the guide (3) an annex to the guide (2), in consideration of
relatively small scope of the guide (3) and its relevance to the guide (2). Upon receiving initial draft
from Mr. Kim, members of the TWG would share their comments by the end of April 2016.
Subgroup 2 also discussed further improving the template for cross-border paperless trade reference
map; members of the TWG would be requested to review and make comments by the end of April
2016, upon receiving the further revised template.
5) Subgroup 3 under the coordination of Mr. Wahid worked on three tasks: international standards
implementation strategy, technical gap checklist and template for collective and individual action
plan. The TWG decided to change the title of the document as international standards
implementation framework and keep annexes on relevant international standards and standard bodies
as references; the TWG also decided to start filling annexes with relevant standards and standard
bodies, including the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The TWG found the draft technical
gap checklist quite comprehensive and decided to proceed with fine-ting of the document for further
improvement. For the development of template for action plan, the TWG reviewed one example of
individual action plan for paperless trade in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and
decided to start with collecting country examples for analysis; the members of the TWG were
requested to share their national action plan examples by the end of April 2016.
6) For the capacity building strategy, Mr. Kim (one of vice-chairs) shared ROK Customs’ national
approach by introducing its capacity building programme. China expressed its willingness to
contribute to development of capacity building strategy and programmes.
7) For future work plan, the TWG decided to continue its tasks through virtual interaction using group
mail and monthly virtual meeting. In this connection, the secretariat was requested to set tentative
schedule for monthly virtual meeting and circulate it to members of the TWG. The secretariat was
also requested to prepare a guide on usage of group mail and TWG webpage for the benefit of TWG
members. In addition, the secretariat was requested to set tentative timeline for each task and specify
which task was linked to each draft document.
8) Regarding report of its progress in the week to the second meeting of the Steering Group, The TWG
decided to update progress status in the table in Section Ⅲ of the Steering Group meeting document
titled Preparation of a draft road map for the implementation of substantive provisions in the draft
text of the regional arrangement for the facilitation of cross-border paperless trade
9) Mr. Wahid, as the interim chair, closed the meeting by thanking all the participating
members of the TWG and delegates.
See http://www.unescap.org/sites/default/files/pre-ods/EPTAIISG2_3E.pdf
Third Meeting of Legal and Technical Working Groups of the Interim Intergovernmental
Steering Group on Cross-border Paperless Trade Facilitation
21-23 March 2016
Bangkok, Thailand
Mr. Albert Babayan, Head of Business Environment Improvement Department, Ministry of Economy,
Tel: +374 11 597131, email: [email protected]
Mr. Fuad Farzalibayov, First Secretary, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Azerbaijan,
Tel: +994 12 596 9321, email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mr. A.H.M. Shafiquzzaman, Deputy Secretary, Ministry of Commerce of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Tel: +88 02 954 0199, fax: +88 02 954 9346, email: [email protected]
Ms. Rama Dewan, Joint Chief, Bangladesh Tariff Commission, Dhaka
Tel: +88 02 933 6447, email: [email protected]
Mr. Pema Thinley, Trade Officer, Department of Trade, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Thimphu
Tel: +975 2 334932, email: [email protected]
Mr. Sok Sopheak, Director General, Ministry of Commerce, Phnom Penh
Tel: +855 12 992035, email: [email protected]
Mr. Eng Veng Pha, Deputy Director of Customs Regimes, General Department of Customs and
Excise of Cambodia, Ministry of Economy and Finance, Phnom Penh
Tel: +855 77 459 999, email: [email protected]
Mr. Chantha Un, Chief of Inspection and Registration Office, Export-Import Department, General
Directorate of Trade Support Services, Ministry of Commerce, Phnom Penh
Tel: +855 12 833397, fax: +85 23 866 469, email: [email protected]
Mr. Yang Zhengwei, Director, Department of International Trade and Economic Relations, Ministry of
Commerce of China, Beijing
Tel: +86 10 6519 7719, email: [email protected]
Mr. Liu Xiang, Deputy Director, Department of International Trade and Economic Relations,
Ministry of Commerce of China, Beijing
Ms. Chen Yiwei, First Secretary, Department of E-Commerce and Information, Ministry of
Commerce of China, Beijing
Tel: +86 10 6519 7495, email: [email protected]
Mr. Wang Naipent, First Secretary, Department of Foreign Trade, Ministry of Commerce of China,
Tel: +86 10 6519 7594, email: [email protected]
Mr. Wang Chunyang, Official, Ministry of Commerce of China, Beijing
Tel: +86 10 6519 7765, email: [email protected]
Ms. Yu Miao, Official, Department of International Trade and Economic Relations, Ministry of
Commerce of China, Beijing
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Wang Jia, Department of Policy and Legal Affairs, General Administration of Customs of China,
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Zhou Jinping, Office of Port Administration, General Administration of Customs of China,
Ms. Qin Hening, Department of Customs Control and Inspection, General Administration of Customs
of China, Beijing
Mr. Zhou Changchun, Information Center, General Administration of Customs of China, Beijing
Mr. Zheng Xialong, Department of Supervision and Internal Auditing, General Administration of
Customs of China, Beijing
Mr. Zhang Yanzi, Sector Chief, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and
Ms. Sui Jie, Official, General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine
Ms. Anice Joseph Chandra, Director, Department of Commerce, Ministry of Commerce and
Industry, New Delhi
Tel: + 91 112306 3642,
[email protected]
[email protected],
Mr. Pudjiyanto, Deputy Director for UN and Mon-UN Bodies, Ministry of Trade, Jakarta
Tel: +62 21 352 3459, email: [email protected]
Ms. Yenni Hernawati, Head of Section of UN Bodies, Ministry of Trade, Jakarta
Tel: +62 21 352 3455, email: [email protected]
Mr. Ali Gholampour, Minister Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy
of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Bangkok
Tel: +66 2 390 0871 to 73, email: [email protected]
Mr. Hitoshi Kozaki, Director of International Organization Division, Embassy of Japan in
Thailand, Bangkok
Tel: +66 2 2696-3000, email: [email protected]
Mr. Satoshi Yoshida, Second Secretary, Embassy of Japan, Bangkok
Tel: +66 2 207 8500, email: [email protected]
Mr. Zhyldyzbek Zhumakov, Chief Specialist, Trade Division, Department for Eurasian Economic
Union and WTO issues, Ministry of Economy, Bishkek
Tel: +996 312 620 535 ext. 172, email: [email protected]
Mr. Khemdeth Sihavong, Deputy Director General, Department of Import and Export, Ministry of
Industry and Commerce, Vientiane
Tel: +856 21 454224, email: [email protected]
Dr. Hosni Hussen Md Saat, Head Section for Research on System and Procedure, Corporate
Planning Division, Royal Malaysian Customs Department, Kuala Lumpur
Tel: +60 3 888 22 864, Mobile: +60 13 2494 304, email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Mr. Ahmad Hafiz Abdul Aziz, Principal Assistant Director of Trade Facilitation Unit, Investment
Policy and Trade Facilitation Division, Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI), Kuala
Tel: +60 3 6200 0166, fax: +60 3 6203 3173, email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Mr. Ezral Bin Uzaimi, Counsellor, Embassy of Malaysia, Bangkok
Tel: +66 2 679 6801, email: [email protected]
Mr. Ismail Nashid, Assistant Commissioner of Customs, Maldives Customs Service, Malé
Tel: +960 333 4195, fax: +960 332 2633, email:
Mr. Enkhbold Liguu, Officer, Trade Policy and Coordination Department, Ministry of Industry,
Tel: +976 51 266430, fax : +976 11 5126 3333, email: [email protected]
Mr. Win Thant, Director, Customs Department, Ministry of Finance, Yangon
Tel: +95 1 387161, email: [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected]
Mr. Toya Narayan Gyawali, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Commerce and Supplies, Kathmandu
Tel: +977 1 4211431, mobile: +977 984 0150111, email: [email protected]
Mr. Umar Wahid, Executive Secretary, National Trade and Transport Facilitation Committee
(NTTFC), Ministry of Commerce, Islamabad
Tel: +92 51 920 7678, email: [email protected]
Mr. Anthony Korau, Principle Trade Officer, Department of Trade, Commerce & Industry, Waigani
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Ms. Noemi B. Alcala, ATTY. IV, Bureau of Customs Philippines, Manila
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Nomie V. Gonzales, Information Technology Officer III, Bureau of Customs Philippines, Manila
Tel: +63 2 5278258, email: [email protected]
Mr. Kim YoungHwan, Senior Deputy Director, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Sejong
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Son Minho, Assistant Director, Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Sejong
Tel: +82 44 215 8077, email: [email protected]
Mr. Sung Sig Kim, Assistant Director, Korea Customs Service, Daejeon
Tel: +82 42 481 7762, email: [email protected]
Mr. Deok-Bo Kim, Officer, Korea Customs Service, Daejeon
Tel: +82 42 481 7968, email: [email protected]
Mr. Kwan-Woo Kim, FTA Division, KCS Accredited Specialist & Trainer in Rules of Origin
(FTA), Busan Main Customs, Busan
Tel: +82 51 620 6885, email: [email protected]
Mr. Seung Hyun Cha, Strategic Team Manager, Customs UNI-PASS International Agency (CUPIA),
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Sung Heun Ha, Director, Global Business and Cooperation Team, Korea Trade Network
(KTNET), Seoul, Republic of Korea
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Mikhail Maslov, Head, Division of UN Organizations and Multilateral Cooperation,
Department of Europe, North America and International Organizations, Ministry of Economic
Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Tel: +7 495 9513338, fax: +7 495 9512364, email: [email protected]
Mr. Mikhail K. Antipov, Deputy Director, Department of Coordination, Development and
Regulation of Foreign-Economic Activity, Moscow
Tel: +7 495 650 8700 rcy/ 12611, email: [email protected]
Ms. Anastasia Orlova, Chief Expert, Division of International Economic Legislation, Legal
Department. Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Sergei Anikin, Deputy Head, IT Department – Chief Information Security, Federal Customs
Service of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Tel: +7 499 449 7186, email: [email protected]
Ms. Alla Kryzhanovskaya, Counsel, Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR), Moscow
Tel: +7 499 709 8110, email: [email protected] copy to [email protected]
Mr. Oleg Tarasov, Representative of Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR),
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Sergei A. Kiryushkin, Counselor to General Director, Gazinformservice, Ltd., Moscow
Tel: +7 812 677 2050, email: [email protected]
Mr. Vasily V. Dolmatov, Deputy Director, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of
Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Ms. Natalia B. Kulieva, Senior Specialist-Expert, Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications
of the Russian Federation, Moscow
Tel: +7 495 771 8000 ext. 8764, email. [email protected]
Mr. Sergey Demidenkov, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to ESCAP,
Mr. Konstantin Kozlov, Third Secretary, Assistant Russian Permanent Representative to ESCAP,
Ms. Natalia Karmazinskaya, Third Secretary, Assistant Russian Permanent Representative to
ESCAP, Bangkok
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Ekaterina Abalova, Counsellor, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russian Federation, Moscow
Tel: +7 495 244 1864, email: [email protected]
Mr. S. Rajendran, Additional Director General of Customs, Sri Lanka Customs, Colombo
Email: [email protected]
H.E. Mr. Saidrahmon Nazriev, First Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade,
Tel: +992 372 213 876, fax: +992 372 278 857, email: [email protected]
Always copy Dilshod Sharifi <[email protected]>
Ms. Onanong Ninthajitrat, Customs Technical Officer, Professional Level, Customs Procedures
Division, Customs Standard Procedures and Valuation Bureau, Thai Customs Department,
Tel: +66 2 667 6944, email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mr. Sakchai Sakabucha, Director of International Law Division, Thai Customs Department,
Ministry of Finance, Bangkok
Tel: +66 2 667 7495, email: [email protected]
Mr. Aphichat Aumyoo, Legal Officer, Thai Customs Department, Ministry of Finance, Bangkok
Tel: +66 2 667 8330, email: [email protected], [email protected]
Ms. Kanokporn Hanbumrungtham, Director of Export and Privilege System Development
Division, Information and Communication Technology Bureau, Thai Customs Department,
Tel: +66 2 667 6192, email: [email protected]
Ms. Phitphorn Thayamaha, Thai Customs Department
Ms. Urachada Ketprom, Director, Office of Standards Electronic Transactions Development
Agency (Public Organization), Ministry of Information and Communication Technology.
Mr. Leonardo Guterres de Carvalho, Chief, Department for Export and Import, Ministry of
Commerce, Industry and Environment, Dili
Tel: +670 7732 7397, email: [email protected]
Mr. Kamuran Buyukkol, Ministry of Customs and Trade, Ankara
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Bakhodir Baxtiyarovich Sayimov, Head, Department for Development of Export Potential, Ministry for
Foreign Economic Relations, Investments and Trade, Tashkent
Tel: +998 71 238 5036, email: [email protected]
Mr. Anh Vu Nguyen, Vietnam e-Commerce and Information Technology Agency, Ministry of Industry
and Trade, Hanoi
Tel: +84 98 611 2041, email: [email protected]
Dr. Hong Xue, Professor, Director of Institute for the Internet Policy & Law (IIPL), Beijing, China
Tel : +86 10 8242 5692 Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Dr. Somnuk Keretho, Director, Institute for Information Technology Innovation, Faculty of
Engineering, Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66 2 797 0938, email: [email protected], [email protected]
United Nations Commission on
International Trade Law (UNCITRAL)
Mr. Luca G. Castellani
Legal Officer and Secretary of
Working Group IV (Electronic Commerce)
Vienna, Australia
Tel: +43 1 26060 4078
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Susan F. Stone
Trade, Investment and Innovation Division
Mr. Yann Duval
Chief, Trade Facilitation Unit
Trade, Investment and Innovation Division
Mr. Sangwon Lim
Economic Affairs Officer
Trade Facilitation Unit
Trade, Investment and Innovation Division
Mr. Tengfei Wang
Economic Affairs Officer
Trade Facilitation Unit
Trade, Investment and Innovation
Mr. Dong-Oh Nam
Expert in Regional Trade and
Monetary Cooperation
Trade, Investment and Innovation Division
Ms. Maame Agyeben
Associate Economic Affairs Officer
Trade Facilitation Unit
Trade, Investment and Innovation Division
Fly UP