
E Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific

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E Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Distr: For participants only
4 December 2014
English only
Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
Ministerial Conference on Civil Registration
and Vital Statistics in Asia and the Pacific
Bangkok, 24-28 November 2014
List of participants
H.E. Mr. Ekramuddin Yawar, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Interior, Kabul
Mr. Shir Mohammad Jami Zada, President General, Central Statistics
Organization, Kabul
Mr. Asadullah Niazy, Director Vital Statistics, Ministry of Interior, Kabul
Mr. Salahuddin Hamidi, Director Policy and Planning, Ministry of Defense,
Mr. Najibullah Hameem, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF Afghanistan,
Mr. Abdul Ghani Amin, National Programme Officer, UNFPA Afghanistan,
Ms. Diana Andreasyan, Director of Health Information Analytical Center,
National Institute of Health, Ministry of Health, Yerevan
Mr. Agram Stepanyan, Head, Civil Acts Registration Agency, Ministry of
Justice, Yerevan
Mr. Peter Harper, Deputy Australian Statistician, Australian Bureau of
Statistics, Canberra
B14-01301 (E) TP091214
Mr. Aghaka Karim Samad-zada, Head, State Registries Department, Ministry
of Justice, Baku
H.E. Mr. AHM Mustafa Kamal, Minister, Ministry of Planning, Dhaka
H.E. Ms. Saida Muna Tasneem, Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative of ESCAP, Embassy of the
People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Bangkok
Ms. Suraiya Begum, Secretary, Statistics and Informatics Division, Ministry of
Planning, Dhaka
Mr. Md. Nazrul Islam, Secretary-in-charge (Coordination and Reforms),
Cabinet Division, Dhaka
Mr. Golam Mostafa Kamal, Director General, Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics,
Ministry of Planning, Dhaka
Mr. Aminul Bar Chowdhury, Joint Secretary, Statistics and Informatics
Division, Ministry of Planning, Dhaka
Mr. MD Azimuddin Biswas, Director, Prime Minister's Office, Dhaka
Mr. AKM Ashraful Haque, Project Director, MSVSB Project, Bangladesh
Bureau of Statistics, Dhaka
Mr. Md. Abdullah Al Masud Chowdhury, Economic Counsellor and Alternate
Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the People’s Republic of
Bangladesh, Bangkok
Mr. Anir Chowdhury, Advisor (Access to Information Programme), Prime
Minister's Office, Dhaka
H.E. Mr. Lyonpo Thinley Gyamtsho, Special Envoy of Prime Minister of
Bhutan, Thimphu
H.E. Mr. Kesang Wangdi, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to
ESCAP, Royal Bhutanese Embassy, Bangkok
Mr. Karma S. Tshosar, Chief, International Organisation Division, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Thimphu
Mr. Kuenga Tshering, Director General, National Statistics Bureau, Thimphu
Mr. Tshering Jamtsho, Head, HMIS (Demographer), Ministry of Health,
Mr. Thinley Wangchuk, Chief, Civil Registration and Census Officer,
Department of Civil Registration and Census, Ministry of Home and Cultural
Affairs, Thimphu
Mr. Dechen Lhendup, Counsellor and Assistant Permanent Representative to
ESCAP, Royal Bhutanese Embassy, Bangkok
Mr. Sonam Phuntsho, Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative to
ESCAP, Royal Bhutanese Embassy, Bangkok
H.E. Mr. Sokha Prum, Secretary of State, Ministry of Interior, Phnom Penh
H.E. Mr. Bunthoeurn Pan, Secretary of State, Ministry of Planning, Phnom Penh
Mr. Darith Hor, Under Secretary of State, Ministry of Planning, Phnom Penh
Mr. Chandara Mao, Director General, General Department of Identification,
Ministry of Interior, Phnom Penh
Mr. Malyna Yin, Deputy General, General Department of Identification,
Ministry of Interior, Phnom Penh
Dr. Lo Veasnakiry, Director, Department of Planning and Health Information,
Ministry of Health, Phnom Penh
Mr. Chhay Satia, Deputy Director General, National Institute of Statistics,
Ministry of Planning, Phnom Penh
Mr. Chandara Eng, Director, Department of Civil Registration, General
Department of Identification, Ministry of Interior, Phnom Penh
Mr. Sambath Yoeun, Director, Department of IT, General Department of
Identification, Ministry of Interior, Phnom Penh
Dr. Lam Phirun, Manager of National Reproductive Health Programme,
National Maternal and Child Health Centre, Ministry of Health, Phnom Penh
Mr. Sek Sokna, IT Officer, Department of Planning and Health Information,
Ministry of Health, Phnom Penh
Mr. Li Hong, Permanent Representative of China to ESCAP, Permanent
Mission of the People’s Republic of China to ESCAP, Bangkok
Ms. Guangli Lian, Director of Birth Certificate Management Office, National
Center for Women and Children's Health Chinese Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention, Beijing
Ms. Liu Chang, Associate Chief Physician, National Center for Women and
Children's Health Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing
Ms. Cai Yue, Technical Officer, Center for Health Statistics and Information,
National Health and Family Planning Commission, Beijing
Ms. Xie Zhangwei, Assistant to the Permanent Representative to ESCAP,
Permanent Mission of the People’s Republic of China to ESCAP, Bangkok
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea
Mr. Kim Jae Hon, Counsellor and Permanent Representative to ESCAP,
Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Bangkok
Mr. Jong Song Gap, Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative to
ESCAP, Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Bangkok
Mr. Han Yong, Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,
H.E. Ms. Veena Bhatnagar, Assistant Minister, Ministry of Health and Medical
Services, Suva
Ms. Leba Drole, Acting Registrar General, Ministry of Justice, Suva
Ms. Sangeeta Shivangni Chand, Acting Registrar of Titles, Ministry of Justice,
Mr. Shivnay Naidu, Director Health Information, Research and Analysis,
Ministry of Health and Medical Services, Suva
Mr. Pita Tagicakirewa, Counsellor & Alternative Permanent Representative to
ESCAP, Fiji High Commission to Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur
Ms. Medea Mumladze, Acting Head, Civil Act and Population Registration
Unit, Public Service Development Agency, Ministry of Justice, Tbilisi
H.E. Mr. Kiren Rijiju, Union Minister of State, Ministry of Home Affairs, New Delhi
Dr. C. Chandramouli, Registrar General and Census Commissioner, Ministry
of Home Affairs, New Delhi
Ms. P A Mini, Deputy Registrar General (Civil Registration System), Office of
the Registrar General and Census Commissioner, Ministry of Home Affairs,
New Delhi
Mr. Shri C. R. K. Nair, Assistant Director-General (Statistics), Ministry of
Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi
H.E. Mr. Didik Suprayitno, Assistant of Minister for Population, Ministry of
Home Affairs, Jakarta
H.E. Mr. Lutfi Rauf, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and
Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia,
Mr. Bebeb Djundjunan, Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission (DCM) and
Deputy Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Republic of
Indonesia, Bangkok
Dr. Didik Budijanto, Deputy Director, Centre of Information and Data,
Secretariat General, Ministry of Health, Jakarta
Dr. Yusely Usman, Researcher of the National Institute of Health Research and
Development (NIHRD), Ministry of Health, Jakarta
Mr. Ferdinan S. Tarigan, Section Chief, Multilateral Cooperation, Ministry of
Health, Jakarta
Mr. Arif Suyoko, Minister Counselor, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia,
Mr. Sautma Sihombing, Head-Subdirectorate for Citizenship Registration,
Ministry of Home Affairs, Jakarta
Mr. Maliki, Director, Labor and Employment Opportunity Development,
Ministry of Planning (BAPPENAS), Jakarta
Mr. Agustaviano Sofjan, First Secretary and Alternate
Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia
Mr. Wasana Adi Nugraha, Third Secretary, Embassy of Republic of Indonesia,
Iran (Islamic Republic of)
H.E. Mr. Mohammad Nazemi Ardakanni, Vice Minister (Head of the National
Organization for Civil Registration), Ministry of Interior, Tehran
H.E. Mr. Hossein Kamalian, Ambassador and Permanent Representative to
ESCAP, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Bangkok
Mr. Nemat-Ollah Rezaei, Deputy of Statistical Affairs, Statistical Centre of
Iran, Tehran
Mr. Mohsen Karami, Deputy for Civil Identity, National Organization for Civil
Registration, Tehran
Mr. Mahmood Halimi, Advisor for International Affairs, National Organization
for Civil Registration, Ministry of Interior, Tehran
Mr. Safiollah Abdollahi, Counsellor and Civil Registration Expert, Ministry of
Foreign Affairs, Tehran
Mr. Ali Gholampour, First Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative
to ESCAP, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Bangkok
Mr. Ardeshir Khosravi, Head, Health Information Systems, Ministry of Health,
Mr. Mitsugu Saito, Minister and Deputy Chief of Mission and Permanent
Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of Japan, Bangkok
Mr. Hisanobu Mochizuki, Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative to
ESCAP, Embassy of Japan, Bangkok
Mr. Toru Adachi, First Secretary and Deputy Permanent Representative to
ESCAP, Embassy of Japan, Bangkok
H.E. Ms. Tangariki Reete, Minister, Ministry of Women, Youth and Social
Affairs, Tarawa
Ms. Tiensi Teea, Registrar, Ministry of Women, Youth and Social Affairs,
Ms. Temaava Lilipa, Deputy Registrar, Ministry of Women, Youth and Social
Affairs, Tarawa
Ms. Alina Shaikova, Chairperson, State Registration Service, Bishkek
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
H.E. Mr. Saisy Santivong, Minister, Ministry of Home Affairs, Vientiane
H.E. Mr. Som Ock Kingsada, Vice Minister, Ministry of Health, Vientiane
H.E. Mr. Samaychan Boupha, Head of Lao Statistic Bureau, Ministry of
Planning and Investment, Vientiane
Mr. Kikeo Naovalath, Director-General, Family Book Administration
Department, Ministry of Public Security, Vientiane
Ms. Thirakha Chanthalanouvong, Deputy Director-General, Department of
Social Statistics, Lao Statistics Bureau, Ministry of Planning and Investment,
Dr. Bounserth Keoprasith, Deputy Head, Planning and Investment Division,
Department of Planning and International Cooperation, Ministry of Health,
Ms. Khonesavanh Voralath, Deputy Divisional Director, Ministry of Home
Affairs, Vientiane
Mr. Ounheane Nammachack, Secretary to Vice-Minister of Health, Ministry of
Health, Vientiane
Ms. Souksan Thavikham, Translator, Ministry of Home Affairs, Vientiane
H.E. Mr. Haji Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Home
Affairs, Putrajaya
Mr. Zakaria Awi, Deputy Director General of National Registration, National
Registration Department, Putrajaya
Ms. Rokiah Harom, Deputy Director, Economic Planning Units, Prime
Minister’s Department, Putrajaya
Dr. Md. Khadzir Sheikh Ahmad, Deputy Director, Ministry of Health,
Mr. Mohd Sofi Ali, Principal Assistant Director, Department of Statistics
Malaysia, Putrajaya
Mrs. Wan Nur Asyikin Mohd Yusof, Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of
Home Affairs, Putrajaya
Mrs. Shazana Binti Zainal Abidin, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Home
Affairs, Putrajaya
Ms. Ilham Abd. Kader, Legal Advisor, Ministry of Home Affairs, Putrajaya
Mr. Fazli Mohd Ruslan, Private Secretary to Deputy Minister, Ministry of
Home Affairs, Putrajaya
H.E. Ms. Aishath Rameela, Minister of State for Health, Ministry of Health, Male
Ms. Aminath Nafha, Senior Administrative Officer, Ministry of Health, Male
Marshall Islands
H.E. Mr. David Kabua, Minister, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Majuro
Mr. Wallace Peter, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Majuro
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Mr. Wincener J. David, Health Planner, Department of Health and Social
Affairs, Pohnpei
H.E. Mr. Chimeddorj Battumur. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary,
and Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Mongolian Embassy, Bangkok
Ms. Oyunchimeg Dandar, Director of Population and Social Statistics
Department, National Statistical Office of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar
Ms. Buyanjargal Yadamsuren, Director, Department of Policy Implementation
and Coordination, Ministry of Health, Ulaanbaataar
Mr. Enkhbayar Lkhagva, Head of Travel Documents Registration Division,
General Authority for State Registration, Ulaanbaatar
Ms. Munkhchimeg Bayarsaikhan, Attaché and Assistant
Representative to ESCAP, Mongolian Embassy, Bangkok
H.E. Mr. San Lwin, Deputy Minister, President’s Office, Nya Pyi Taw
Mr. Tin Myint, Deputy Director General, General Administration Department,
Ministry of Home Affairs, Nay Pyi Taw
Mr. Shein Win, Director, Department of Immigration and National
Registration, Chin State
Mr. Thuzar Chit Tin, Director, Department of Health, Nay Pyi Taw
Mr. Win Naing, Deputy Director, Ministry of Health, Nay Pyi Taw
Mr. Kyin Htay, Deputy Director, Central Statistical Organization, Nay Pyi Taw
Ms. Gillian San San Aye, Policy Advocacy Officer, UNICEF Myanmar
Country Office, Yangon
Mr. Klenny K. Harris, Deputy Consul-General, Consulate-General of the
Republic of Nauru, Bangkok
Mr. Lindsay Thoma, Statistical Officer, Bureau of Statistics, Department of
Finance, Government Buildings, Yaren district
Mr. Som Lal Subedi, Secretary, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local
Development, Kathmandu
Mr. Reshmi Raj Pandey, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local
Development, Kathmandu
Mr. Yubraj Subedi, Under Secretary, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local
Development, Kathmandu
Mr. Shankar Nepal, Under-Secretary, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local
Development, Kathmandu
Mr. Kedar Bahadur Bogatee, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and
Population, Kathmandu
Mr. Anil Thapa, Director, Population Division, Ministry of Health and
Population, Kathmandu
Mr. Prem Prakash Biswokarma, Nayab Subba, Ministry of Health and
Population, Kathmandu
Mr. Dhanaraj Gnyawali, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs,
Mr Rudra Suwal, Deputy Director General, Central Bureau of Statistics,
Mr. Binod K. C., Executive Director, National lD Management Center,
Ms. Sushila Pandel, Ministry of Women Children and Social Welfare,
Mr Dornath Aryal, Charge’ d’Affaires, a.i., Embassy of Nepal, Bangkok
New Zealand
Mr. Jeff Montgomery, Registrar-General and General Manager, Births, Deaths,
Marriages and Citizenship, Department of Internal Affairs, Wellington
Mr. Naeem Uz Zaffar, Member (Social Sector and Devolution), Planning
Commission (Leader), Islamabad
Mr. Sohail Khan, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Pakistan to
UN ESCAP, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Bangkok
Mr. Ghulam Asghar Abbasi, Chief Health, Ministry of Planning, Development
and Reform, Islamabad
Mr. Muhammad Asif, Deputy Chief Health, Ministry of Planning,
Development and Reform, Islamabad
Mr. Muhammad Imtiaz Tajwar, Chairman, National Database and Registration
Authority, Islamabad
Mr. Adnan Hafeez, Director CRMS, National Database and Registration
Authority, Islamabad
Mr. Ata ul Munim Shahid, Counsellor/Deputy Head of Mission and Deputy
Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of
Pakistan, Bangkok
Ms. Aqsa Nawaz, First Secretary and Assistant Permanent Representative to
ESCAP, Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Bangkok
H. E. Ms. Jocelyn Batoon-Garcia, Ambassador and Permanent Representative
to ESCAP, Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines, Bangkok
Ms. Lisa Grace S. Bersales, National Statistician and Civil Registrar General,
Philippine Statistics Authority, Manila
Dr. Enrique A. Tayag, Assistant Secretary, Department of Health, Manila
Dr. Gerardo V. Bayugo, Assistant Secretary, Department of Health, Manila
Mr. Teodulo Romo Jr., Assistant Secretary, Department of Social Welfare and
Development, Manila
Ms. Paula Monina G. Collado, Interim Deputy National Statistician, Civil
Registration and Central Support Office, Philippine Statistics Authority,
Ms. Princess Tomas-Tayao, Second Secretary and Alternate Permanent
Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines,
Ms. Lourdes J. Hufana, Interim Assistant National Statistician, Civil
Registration and Central Support Office, Philippine Statistics Authority,
Quezon City
Ms. Anna Marie Santos, Third Secretary and Alternate Permanent
Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines,
Ms. Crispinita A. Valdez, Director III, Information Management Service,
Department of Health, Manila
Ms. Editha R. Ramos Orcilla, Civil Registration Services Office, Philippines
Statistics Authority, Quezon City
Ms. Aurora T. Reolalas, Chief, Civil Registration Services Office, Philippines
Statistics Authority, Quezon City
Ms. Charity L. Tan, Division Chief, Department of Health, Manila
Mr. Paul L. Guimbarda, Attorney, Department of Health, Manila
Ms. Juliana S Bayugo, Department Health, Manila
Republic of Korea
Mr. Hyoungoen Shin, Minister and Permanent Representative to ESCAP,
Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Bangkok
Mr. Kwang Sup Kim, Director-General, Social Statistics Bureau, Statistics
Korea, Daejeon
Ms. Hyunjeong Sohn, Assistant Director, Vital Statistics Division, Social
Statistics Bureau, Statistics Korea, Daejeon
Ms. Sehyoung Kim, Specialist and Assistant Permanent Representative to
ESCAP, Embassy of the Republic of Korea, Bangkok
Russian Federation
H.E. Mr. Kirill Mikhailovich Barsky, Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary and Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the
Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Thailand, Bangkok
Mr. Alexander G. Smirnov, Minister-Counsellor and Deputy Permanent
Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom
of Thailand, Bangkok
Mr. Konstantin Kozlov, Third Secretary and Assistant Permanent
Representative to ESCAP, Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom
of Thailand, Bangkok
Mr. Ilya Andreev, Attaché and Assistant Permanent Representative to ESCAP,
Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Kingdom of Thailand, Bangkok
H.E. Mr. Lautafi Fio Selafi Purcell, Minister, Ministry of Public Enterprises, Apia
Mr. Kalepo Tuautu, Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Registrar of Births,
Deaths and Marriages Division, Samoa Bureau of Statistics, Apia
Solomon Islands
Mr. George Hoa'au, Undersecretary for Finance and Administration, Ministry
of Health and Medical Services, Honiara
Sri Lanka
Ms. Warnakulasuriya Miriam Deepthie Fernando, Additional Secretary,
Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs, Colombo
Ms. Shiranee Champika Wickramasinghe, Director (Health Information),
Ministry of Health, Colombo
Ms. D.D.G.A. Seneviratne, Deputy Director, Department of Census and
Statistics, Colombo
Mr. Shokirov Shodmon, First Deputy Director, Agency on Statistics under the
President of the Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe
Mr. Zhalolidin Rakhimov, Deputy Head, Civil Registration Department,
Ministry of Justice of Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe
Ms. Gulizor Gadoeva, Senior Specialist of Main Computing Center, Agency on
Statistics under the President of Republic of Tajikistan, Dushanbe
Mr. Ashurov Alisher, National Programme Officer on Population and
Development, UNFPA Tajikistan Country Office, Dushanbe
General Anupong Paojinda, Minister, Ministry of Interior, Bangkok
Mr. Wiboon Sanguanpong, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior, Bangkok
Mr. Apinun Suetanuwong, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior,
Mr. Maitri Inthusut, Deputy Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Interior,
Mr. Grisada Boonrach, Director-General,
Administration, Ministry of Interior, Bangkok
Mr. Doldej Padhanarath, Deputy Director-General, Department of Provincial
Administration, Ministry of Interior, Bangkok
Mr. Vichian Chidchanognarth, Director, Bureau of Registration
Administration, Department of Provincial Administration, Ministry of Interior,
Prathum Thani
Mr. Viroj Sreesawad, Registration Administration Senior Specialist,
Department of Provincial Administration, Ministry of Interior, Prathum Thani
Mr. Vinit Sonchai, Director, Division of Registration Technology
Development and Administration, Department of Provincial Administration,
Ministry of Interior, Prathum Thani
Ms. Tippawan Jitrat, Governing Officer, Department
Administration, Ministry of Interior, Bangkok
of Provincial
Mr. Banchob Chantarat, Governing Officer, Department of Provincial
Administration, Ministry of Interior, Bangkok
Mr. Phithasuang Chanchaichut, Governing Officer, Department of Provincial
Administration, Ministry of Interior, Bangkok
Ms. Aphinya Unruen, Governing Officer, Department of Provincial
Administration, Ministry of Interior, Bangkok
Ms. Phakchira Apirakpaton, Governing Officer, Department of Provincial
Administration, Ministry of Interior, Bangkok
Ms. Roongtip Buysng, Governing Officer, Department of Provincial
Administration, Ministry of Interior, Bangkok
Ms. Chamnancha Bunmakhom, Governing Officer, Department of Provincial
Administration, Ministry of Interior, Bangkok
Mr. Noi Seangatit, Department of Provincial Administration, Ministry of
Interior, Bangkok
Mr Patthapong Pholek, Department of Provincial Administration, Ministry of
Interior, Bangkok
Mr Kengkai Maneerat, Ministry of Interior, Bangkok
Ms. Pratana Disyatat, Counsellor, Development Affairs Division, Department
of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok
Ms. Pornrawe Poenateetai, Attaché, Development Affairs Division,
Department of International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
Ms. Kulsamee Baisamoa, Development Affairs Division, Department of
International Organizations, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bangkok
Ms. Saowanee Khomepatr, Deputy Director General, Department of Social
Development and Welfare, Ministry of Social Development and Human
Security, Bangkok
Ms. Kanitta Kamolwat, Director of Bureau of Promotion and Protection of the
Vulnerable, Office of Promotion and Protection of Children, Youth, the Elderly
and Vulnerable Groups, Bangkok
Ms. Jatuporn Rojanaparnich, Director, International Cooperation Group,
Office of the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Development and
Human Security, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security,
Ms. Haruthai Sirisinudomkit, Social Development Worker, Senior Professional
Level, National office for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry
of Social Development and Human Security, Bangkok
Ms. Tassanee Sushevagul, Social Development Worker, Senior Professional
Level, Office of Women’s Affairs and Family Development, Ministry of Social
Development and Human Security, Bangkok
Ms. Somsri Chongpensuklert, Social Development Worker, Professional Level,
Office of Women’s Affairs and Family Development, Ministry of Social
Development and Human Security, Bangkok
Mr. Pathompong Pongburanakit, Social Worker, Practitioner Level, Office of
the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Social Development and Human
Security, Bangkok
Ms. Jenjeera Boonsombat, Social Development Officer, Practitioner Level,
National Office for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, Ministry of
Social Development and Human Security, Bangkok
Mr. Nirut Rungjang, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security,
Ms. Angkana Homhual, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security,
Ms. Piyanuch Wuttisorn, Director, Social Database and Indicator Development
Office, National Economic and Social Development Board, Bangkok
Mr. Chaiyong Mongkolkitngam, Plan and Policy Analyst, Senior Professional
Level, Social Database and Indicator Development Office, National Economic
and Social Development Board, Bangkok
Ms. Sureerat Sanitpaporn, Director, Social Statistics Bureau, National
Statistical Office, Bangkok
Ms. Pattama Amornsirisomboon, Director, Human Development Bureau,
National Statistical Office, Bangkok
Ms. Pannee Pattanapradit, Chief, Population Statistics Group, National
Statistical Office, Bangkok
Ms. Orasri Hintamai, Statistician, National Statistical Office, Bangkok
Ms. Sanonoi Buracharoen, National Statistical Office, Bangkok
Ms. Chujit Nacheeva, Statistician, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi
Ms. Auraphin Sublon, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi
Ms. Aree Suthiart, Officer, Ministry of Public Health, Nonthaburi
H.E. Mr. Dionisio Soares Babo, Minister, Ministry of Justice, Dili
Mr. Victor da Costa Neto, Director of Civil Registration, Ministry of Justice, Dili
Ms. Maria do Rosario Fatima Castro de Araujo, National Director of Civil
Registration, Ministry of Justice, Dili
Mr. Domingos Martins,
Administration, Bobonaro
Mr. Antonio Freitas, Director General of Statistics, Ministry of Finance –
DGE, Dili
Mr. Elias dos Santos Ferreira, National Director of Methodology and Data
Collection, Ministry of Finance – DGE, Dili
Ms. Anastasia Sri Endang, Directorate General of Statistics, National
Secretariat CRVS, UNFPA, Dili
Ms. Beatriz Pereira, National Secretariat CRVS, Dili
Mr. Ricardo Da Cruz Santos, Directorate General of Statistics Timor-Leste,
Ministry of Finance, Dili
Ms. Antonia Luedeke, Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF Timor-Leste
Country Office, Dili
Mr. Francisco Dionisio Fernandes, Charge d' Affaires, Embassy of the
Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste, Bangkok
Ms. Atanasia Pires, First Secretary, Embassy of the Democratic Republic of
Timor-Leste, Bangkok
Ms. Salote Koloamatangi, Acting Legal Officer, Registrar General's Office,
Ministry of Justice, Nuku'Alofa
Mr. Şemseddin Erkaya, Head of Department of Research and Development
and Foreign Relations, General Directorate of Civil Registration and
Nationality, Ministry of Interior, Ankara
Ms. Sevgi Güler, Public Health Institution, Ministry of Health, Ankara
H.E. Mr. Satini Manuella, Minister, Ministry of Health, Funafuti
Ms Lilipeti Tagisia Faavae, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Health, Funafuti
Mr. Oudom Wang, Permanent Representative to ESCAP, Bangkok
Ms. Kaevaa Lototele, Health Statistician, Government of Tuvalu, Funafuti
Mr. Semu Malona, Government Statistician, Central Statistics Division,
Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, Funafuti
Ms. Wannipa Bamphenthamsakul, Secretary to the Permanent Representative
to ESCAP, Bangkok
Mr. Pan Shahong, Assistant to the Permanent Representative to ESCAP,
Mr. Iati Joe Johnson, Registrar General, Civil Registry Department, Ministry
of Internal Affairs, Port Vila
Mr. Kap Calo Andy, Senior Statistician (Secretary, National CRVS Task
Force), Ministry of Finance and Economic Management, Port Vila
Viet Nam
H.E. Mr. Khanh Ngoc Nguyen, Vice Minister, Ministry of Justice, Hanoi
Mr. Nguyen Cong Khanh, Director, Department of Civil Registration, National
and Attestation, Ministry of Justice, Hanoi
Mr. Nguyen Van Lieu, Deputy Director General, General Statistics Office of
Viet Nam, Hanoi
Mr. Bach Quoc An, Deputy Director, Department of International Cooperation,
Ministry of Justice, Hanoi
Mr. Nguyen Tuan Anh, Deputy Director, Department of Population and
Labour Statistics, General Statistics Office of Viet Nam, Hanoi
Ms. Le Thi Phuong Mai, Population and Development Specialist, United
Nations Population Fund Office in Viet Nam, Hanoi
Associated members
Cook Islands
H.E. Mr. Nandi Glassie, Minister, Ministry of Health, Avarua
Ms. Claudine Henry-Anguna, Registrar of the High Court, Ministry of Justice,
Ms. Mii Tuatini Taggy Tangimetua, Government Statistician, Avarua
Other State
Ms. Alexandra White, Senior Program Officer, Global Issues and Development
Branch, Global Health Policy, Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and
Development, Jakarta
Mr. Seree Nonthasoot, Thailand's Representative to
Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights, Bangkok
Dr. Boonchai Kijsanayotin, Research Manager, Thai Health Information
Standards Developmetn Center, Health System Research Institute, Nonthaburi,
Mr. Kanet Sumputtanon, Thai Health Information Standards Development
Center, Health System Research Institute, Nonthaburi, Thailand
Ms. Pianghatai Ingun, Expert, Thai Health Information Standards Development
Center, Health System Research Institute, Nonthaburi, Thailand
Mr. Alvin Onaka, State Registrar of Hawaii and Director of Health Status
Monitoring, Hawaii Department of Health, Honolulu, United States
Mr. Helge Brunborg, Senior Researcher, Statistics Norway, Oslo
Mr. Alan Lopez, Melbourne Laureate Professor and Director, Global Burden of
Disease Group, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health, University
of Melbourne, Brisbane, Australia
Ms. Sophie Taylor, CRVS Programme Lead, De La Rue, Basingstoke, United
Ms. Helen Cochrane, Director, De La Rue, Basingstoke, United Kingdom
Mr. Chaiyasit Srisongruk, Regional Manager – South East Asia, De La Rue
(Thailand), Bangkok
Mr. Muhammad Abdul Hasib Bhuiyan, General Secretary of Sylhet District
Muslim Marriage Registrar Samity, Bangladesh, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Ms. Alissa Qotrunnada Munawaroh, Vice Chairperson of Family Welfare
Agency, Nahdatul Ulama of Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Mr. Tomas Africa, Chief Civil Registration Counselor, VERified Inc., Manila
Ms. Maria Cecilia Africa, Civil Registration Counselor, VERified Inc., Manila
Ms Pritha Venkatachalam, Global Development Advisor, Dalberg, New Delhi
Mr. Rinchen Chopel, Director-General, South Asia Initiative for Ending
Violence against Children, Kathmandu
Ms Gwen Robinson, Senior Fellow, Institute of Security and International
Studies at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok
Ms. Saraswoti Shrestha, Nepal Youth Activist
Ms. Nash Tsymans, Youth Delegate
Mr. A K M Ahsan Uddin, Youth Delegate
Ms. Gao Wen, Youth Delegate
Ms. Dina Chaerani, Youth Delegate
Ms. Pawana Boonsaeng, Youth Delegate
Mr. Jonas Freist-Held, Youth Delegate
Ms. Carolin Florence Kern, Youth Delegate
Mr. John Carlo Fernando, Youth Delegate
United Nations bodies
United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
Mr. Daniel Toole, Regional Director, Regional Office for East Asia and the
Pacific, Bangkok
Mr. Stephen Blight, Regional Advisor for Child Protection, Regional Office for
East Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok
Ms. Kendra Gregson, Senior Advisor, Social Welfare and Justice Systems,
New York
Ms. Amanda Bissex, Chief, Child Protection Section, Pacific Office, Suva
Ms. Sarah Coleman, Chief, Child Protection Section, Pakistan Country Office,
Mr. Kanchan Dyuti Maiti, Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist,
Planning Section, India Country Office, New Delhi
Ms. Astrid Gonzaga Dionisio, Child Protection Specialist, Indonesia Country
Office, Jakarta
Ms. Naning Pudjijulianingsih, Child Protection Specialist, Indonesia Country
Office, Surabaya
Ms Kristen Wenz, Consultant, Child Protection Section, Regional Office for
East Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok
Ms. Sufang Guo, Maternal and child health specialist China Office, Beijing
Ms. Lori Thorell, Senior Consultant, ICT and HIV, Regional Office for East
Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Ms. Caitlin Wiesen, Chief of Regional Programme Policy Support Unit,
Bangkok Regional Hub, Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok
Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Mr. Alistair Boulton, Assistant Representative (Protection), Regional
Coordinator's Office, Bangkok
Mr. Nicholas Oakeshott, Regional Protection Officer (Statelessness), Regional
Coordinator’s Office, Bangkok
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
Ms. Nobuko Horibe, Regional Director, Regional Office for Asia and the
Pacific, Bangkok
Ms Wassana Im-em, Assistant Representative, Regional Office for Asia and
the Pacific, Bangkok
Mr. Christophe Lefranc, Regional Advisor on Population and Development,
Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok
Ms. Kiran Bhatia, Gender Advisor, Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific,
Mr. Nicholas McTurk, Population and Development Specialist, Regional
Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok
Ms Natsuda Suwatthanabunpot, Programme Assistant, Asia Pacific Regional
Office, Bangkok
Mr Richard J. Makalew, National Programme Officer for Population and
Development, Indonesia, Jakarta
Mr. Robiul Islam, District Field Officer- Gender, Bangladesh, Sylhet
Specialized agencies and related organizations
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Ms. Aurélie Acoca, Assistant Programme Specialist, Bangkok
Ms. Els Goossens, Intern SHS, Unit, Bangkok
Mr. Jose Luis Paulin Correa, Intern SHS Unit, Bangkok
World Health Organization (WHO)
Mr. Ties Boerma, Director, Department of Health Statistics and Information
Systems, WHO Headquarters, Geneva
Ms. Audrey Aumua, Acting Representative, WHO Solomon Islands, Honiara
Mr. Khalil Rahman, WHO Liaison Office to ESCAP, Regional Office for
Southeast Asia, Bangkok
Ms. Anneke Schmider, Technical Officer (Civil Registration and Vital
Statistics), Department of Health Statistics and Information Systems, WHO
Headquarters, Geneva
Mr. Dale Huntington, Director, Asia Pacific Observatory, Asia Pacific
Observatory, Western Pacific Office, Manila
Mr. Mark Landry, Team Leader, Health Information, Evidence and Research,
Western Pacific Regional Office, Manila
Ms. Fern Greenwell, Programme Manager and Unit Leader, Health
Information Monitoring and Analysis, Regional Office for Europe,
Dr. Azza Mohamed Badr, Technical Officer, Vital Statistics and Country
Support, Evidence Based Situation and Trend Assessment, Information,
Evidence and Research, Regional Office for the Eastern Mediterranean, Cairo
Ms Lucille F Nievera, Tehnical Officer, Western Pacific Regional Office,
Dr Yonas Tegegn, Representative to Thailand, Thailand Country Office
World Bank
Mr. Ulrich Zachau, Country Director for Southeast Asia (covering Cambodia,
Lao, Malaysia, Myanmar, and Thailand), Bangkok
Mr. Hassan Zaman, Senior Adviser, South Asia Vice Presidency, Washington D.C.
Ms. Haishan Fu, Director, Development Data Group, Washington D.C.
Mr. Samuel Mills, Senior Health Specialist, Health, Nutrition & Population
Global Practice, Washington D.C.
Dr. Toomas Palu, Manager, Health, Nutrition & Population Global Practice,
Mr. Paul Daniel Risley, Senior Communications Officer, East Asia and the
Pacific External Communications, World Bank, Bangkok
Intergovernmental organizations
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Mr. Juzhong Zhuang, Deputy Chief Economist, Economics and Research
Department, Manila
Mr. Rana Hasan, Assistant Chief Economist, Development, Indicators and
Policy Research Division, Economics and Research Department, Manila
Mr. Kaushal Joshi, Senior Statistician, Development, Indicators and Policy
Research Division, Economics and Research Department, Manila
International Organization for Migration (IOM)
Ms. Mariko Tomiyama, Senior Regional Policy and Liaison Officer, Regional
Office for Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok
Mr. Jaime Calderon, Regional Migration Health Adviser, Regional Office for
Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok
Mr. Nicolas Bishop, Regional Policy and Liaison Intern, Regional Office for
Asia and the Pacific, Bangkok
Mr. Qinfei Zhu, Regional Policy and Liaison Intern, Regional Office for Asia
and the Pacific, Bangkok
Partnership for Statistics Development in the 21st Century (PARIS21)
Mr. Johannes Jütting, Secretariat Manager, Paris
Ms. Tejada Millicent Gay, Regional Programme Coordinator (Asia and the
Pacific), Paris
Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
Mr. Gerald Haberkorn, Director, Statistics for Development Division, Noumea
Ms. Karen Carter, Vital Statistics and Civil Registration Specialist, Statistics
for Development Division, Noumea
Non-governmental organizations
Plan International
Mr. Mark Pierce, Asia Regional Director, Asia Regional Office, Bangkok
Mr. Haider Yaqub, Asia Deputy Regional Director (Programmes), Regional
Office, Bangkok
Ms. Nicoleta Panta, Count Every Child Advocacy Manager, Woking, United
Mr. Edward Duffus, Digital Birth Registration Project Manager, , Paris
Mr. Matt Crook, Communications Specialist, Plan International Headquarters,
Woking, United Kingdom
Ms. Hatai Limprayoonyong, Internal Communications Specialist, Asia
Regional Office, Bangkok
Mr. Brian Beckett, Head of Regional Resource Mobilization, l Asia Regional
Office, Bangkok
Ms. Jessica Lomelin, Web and Social Media Specialist, Asia Regional Office,
Mr. Mike Bruce, Media and Advocacy Specialist, Asia Regional Office,
Ms. He Ying, Child Protection Program Officer, Plan International China,
Ms. Louise von Hobe-Gelting, Board Assistant, Plan International Germany,
Ms. Reny Rebeka Haning, Universal Birth Registration Specialist, Plan
International Indonesia, Jakarta
Ms. Vanina Trojan, Programme Officer, Plan International Ireland, Dublin
Ms. Sudthida Keophaithool, Child Right/Child Protection and Gender Adviser,
Plan International Thailand, Bangkok
Mr. Andres Montes, Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Technical Advisor,
Plan International Laos, Vientiane
Ms. Ajima Jotivudh, Security Focal Point from Plan International, Thailand
Office, Bangkok
Mr. Syed Safdar Raza, Country Advocacy Manager, Plan Pakistan, Islamabad
Mr. Wanchai Lertsrijatuporn, translator, Plan International Thailand, Bangkok
Mr Ty Sovannary, Plan International Cambodia, Phnom Penh
Mr. Dominikus Laka, Plan International Indonesia, Jakarta
Mr. Pratya Khammuang, Asia Regional Office, Bangkok
World Vision International
Mr. Tim Costello, Chief Executive Officer, World Vision Australia, Melbourne
Dr. Stefan Germann, Board Member, The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn
and Child Health and Director for Partnerships, Innovation and Accountability,
World Vision International, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ms. Amelia Fannie Merrick, National Director, World Vision Lao People’s
Democratic Republic, Vientiane
Mr. Patrick Canagasingham, Senior Director (Operations), East Asia Regional
Office, Bangkok
Mr. Mesfin Teklu, Director of Maternal Child Health, HIV and Infectious
Diseases, Global Health and WASH, World Vision International, Nairobi
Mr. Abid Gulzar, Director Advocacy and Justice for Children, East Asia
Regional Office, Phnom Penh
Ms Caroline McGann, Advocacy Specialist, Port Moresby
Ms. Ticha Nopratkhet, National Advocacy Coordinator, World Vision
Foundation of Thailand, Bangkok
Ms. Amonpajee Auppamai, Advocacy Officer, World Vision Foundation of
Thailand, Bangkok
Mr. Saw Wah Ba Saing, Advocacy Coordinator, World Vision Myanmar
Office, Yangon
Ms. Erdenechimeg Batsuuri, Relationship Coordinator/Consultant, World
Vision Mongolia, Ulanbaataar
Mr. Anangdev Singh, Campaign Officer, World Vision India, New Delhi
Mr. Mark Kelly, Senior Director Operations, World Vision International, South
Asia and Pacific Regional Office, Singapore
Mr. Mark Nonkes, Communication Officer, Asia Pacific Regional Office,
Himalayan Human Rights Monitors (HimRights)
Ms. Anjana Shakya, Chairperson, Kathmandu
Mr. Peregrino G. Bertolano, Institutional Relations Manager, Intervida
Philippines Foundation, Manila
Initiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment through Alternative Legal
Services (IDEALS), Inc.
Mr. Egad Ligon, Executive Director, Manila
Zomi Innkuan USA, Inc.
Mr Thang Zu Khai, Liaison Officer, Bangkok
United Nations Secretariat
Office of the Secretary-General’s Envoy on Youth
Mr. Ahmad Alhendawi
ESCAP secretariat
Office of the Executive Secretary
Ms. Shamshad Akhtar, Executive Secretary
Mr. Shun-ichi Murata, Deputy Executive Secretary
Ms. Laura Lopez, Director Strategic Publications, Communications and
Mr. Adnan Aliani, Secretary of the Commission
Mr. Steve Odera, Chief, Conference and Documentation Services Section
Mr. John Loftus, Officer-in-Charge, a.i., Editorial Unit
Statistics Division
Mr. Anisuzzaman Chowdhury, Director
Ms. Rikke Munk Hansen, Chief, Economic and Environment Statistics Section
Mr. Yanhong Zhang, Statistician
Mr. Chris Ryan, Regional Advisor
Mr. Eric Hermouet, Statistical Information Systems Officer
Mr. Aaron Beck, Statistician
Mr. Daniel Clarke, Statistician
Ms. Zeynep Orhun, Statistician
Mr. Marko Javorsek, Associate Statistician
Ms. Imae Mojado, Associate Statistician
Mr. Christopher Sean Lovell, Associate Statistician
Ms. Carla Abouzahr, Consultant
Ms. Elena Nyanenkova-Lowry, Consultant
Mr. Jonathan Marskell, Cosultant
Ms. Tiffany Laluce, Consultant
Ms. Nongnuch Hiranyapaisansakul, Statistics Assistant
Ms. Sharita Serrao, Statistics Assistant
Ms. Panpaka Supakalin, Statistics Assistant
Ms. Marisa Limawongpranee, Statistics Assistant
Ms. Nixie Mabanag Abarquez, Statistics Assistant
Mr. Teerapong Praphotjanaporn, Research Assistant
Ms. Yukhontorn Suewaja, Senior Staff Assistant
Ms. Wannaporn Sridama, Administrative Assitant
Ms. Rattana Duangrapruen, Staff Assistant
Ms. Benchaporn Nimsuwan, Staff Assistant
Mr. Alexander Hauerslev Jensen, Intern
Mr. Angelo Saponara, Intern
Ms. My Thi Tra Dam, Intern
ESCAP Pacific Office
Ms. Jillian Campbell, Statistician
Information Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Division
Mr. Matthew Perkins, Economic Affairs Officer
Social Development Division
Ms. Nanda Krairiksh, Director
Mr. Srinivas Tata, Chief, Social Policy and Population Section
Ms. Vanessa Steinmayer, Social Affairs Officer
Mr. Marco Roncarati, Social Affairs Officer
Ms. Ksenia Glebova, Associate Social Affairs Officer
Division of Administration
Mr. Peter Van Laere, Director
Ms. Chetna Lakhoo-Verbeek, Chief, Conference Management Unit
Security and Safety Section
Mr. Christoper Ankersen, Chief
Fly UP