Road safety design standards and the Asian Highway Network
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Road safety design standards and the Asian Highway Network
Road safety design standards and the Asian Highway Network Joint ESCAP-Korea Expressway Corporation Seminar on Asian Highway Greg Smith ([email protected]) 2015/11/04 By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents A World Free of High Risk Roads A World Free of High Risk Roads A World Free of High Risk Roads A World Free of High Risk Roads Road safety in AH Network countries • Serious crashes tend to be concentrated. Eg 33% of deaths in India occur on National Highways, which account for around 3% of roads • High death rates on some road sections: – 0.42 deaths /km /year in Bangladesh – 0.61 deaths /km /year in Indonesia – 1.9 deaths /km /year in India • By comparison: – 0.07 deaths /km /year: highest risk road in the UK A World Free of High Risk Roads Review of standards and guides 11 10 32 62 ESCAP members with AH network ESCAP members without AH network ESCAP associate members International organizations A World Free of High Risk Roads Number of road attribute citations Sight distance Speed limits Lane width Number of lanes Roadside severity - object Intersection type Intersection quality Curvature Delineation Intersecting road volume Intersection channelisation Grade Roadside severity - distance Median type Paved shoulder Quality of curve Facilities for bicycles Pedestrian crossing facilities Property access points Pedestrian crossing quality Operating speed Speed management / traffic calming Street lighting Road condition Land use Pedestrian fencing Sidewalk Skid resistance / grip Facilities for motorised two wheelers Vehicle parking Roadworks Differential speed limits School zone warning Service road Shoulder rumble strips Centreline rumble strips School zone crossing supervisor A World Free of High Risk Roads A World Free of High Risk Roads “THE CONTINUED PRESENCE OF OBSOLETE AND DEADLY FORMS OF TERMINAL TREATMENT, INCLUDING … TURNED DOWN ENDS, SHOULD BE A CONCERN TO ROAD AUTHORITIES EVERYWHERE.” A World Free of High Risk Roads Managing risk for pedestrians and bicyclists • Pedestrian crossings with refuge islands • Sidewalks • Pedestrian fences • Bicycle lanes • Traffic calming • Street lighting A World Free of High Risk Roads Managing risk for vehicle occupants and motorcyclists • Run-off road crashes: – Delineation – Audio-tactile lines – Forgiving roadsides (including specialist motorcycle barriers where motorcycle volumes are high) – Skid resistance A World Free of High Risk Roads Managing risk for vehicle occupants and motorcyclists • Head-on crashes: – – – – Delineation Audio-tactile lines Skid resistance Median treatments such as safety barriers and wide centrelines – Overtaking lanes A World Free of High Risk Roads Managing risk for vehicle occupants and motorcyclists • Intersection and rear-end crashes: – Delineation – Priority control – Rectification of skewed intersections – Provision of protected turn lanes – Intersection channelization – Lighting – Skid resistance – Roundabouts – Managing gaps in medians A World Free of High Risk Roads Managing risk for vehicle occupants and motorcyclists • Exclusive and non-exclusive motorcycle lanes A World Free of High Risk Roads Class II Rolling terrain, design speed 60km/h (Typical curve and intersection frequency) Relative risk of vehicle occupant death or serious injury 1.00 Baseline + improved delineation 0.77 + shoulder rumble strips 0.65 + roadside clearzone/barriers + wide centreline 1 star A World Free of High Risk Roads 2 stars 0.51 0.35 3 stars 4 stars Class II Rolling terrain, design speed 60km/h (Typical curve and intersection frequency) Relative risk of vehicle occupant death or serious injury 1.00 Baseline + improved delineation 0.77 + shoulder rumble strips 0.65 + roadside clearzone/barriers + wide centreline 1 star A World Free of High Risk Roads 2 stars 0.51 0.35 3 stars 4 stars Class II Rolling terrain, design speed 60km/h (Typical curve and intersection frequency) Relative risk of vehicle occupant death or serious injury 1.00 Baseline + improved delineation 0.77 + shoulder rumble strips 0.65 + roadside clearzone/barriers + wide centreline 1 star A World Free of High Risk Roads 2 stars 0.51 0.35 3 stars 4 stars Class II Rolling terrain, design speed 60km/h (Typical curve and intersection frequency) Relative risk of vehicle occupant death or serious injury 1.00 Baseline + improved delineation 0.77 + shoulder rumble strips 0.65 + roadside clearzone/barriers + wide centreline 1 star A World Free of High Risk Roads 2 stars 0.51 0.35 3 stars 4 stars Class II Rolling terrain, design speed 60km/h (Typical curve and intersection frequency) Relative risk of vehicle occupant death or serious injury 1.00 Baseline + improved delineation 0.77 + shoulder rumble strips 0.65 + roadside clearzone/barriers + wide centreline 1 star A World Free of High Risk Roads 2 stars 0.51 0.35 3 stars 4 stars Example of vehicle occupant star ratings L = level R = rolling M = mountainous S = steep Primary Design speed (km/h) Class I Class II L R M S L R M S L R M S 120 100 80 60 100 80 50 50 80 60 50 40 Baseline * + delineation + rumble strips + roadside clearzone/barriers + median treatment + int. quality + int. lighting + protected turn lanes + chanelization 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars * Based on typical curve and intersection frequency and roadside hazards A World Free of High Risk Roads Example of vehicle occupant star ratings L = level R = rolling M = mountainous S = steep Primary Design speed (km/h) Class I Class II L R M S L R M S L R M S 120 100 80 60 100 80 50 50 80 60 50 40 Baseline * + delineation + rumble strips + roadside clearzone/barriers + median treatment + int. quality + int. lighting + protected turn lanes + chanelization 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars * Based on typical curve and intersection frequency and roadside hazards A World Free of High Risk Roads Example of vehicle occupant star ratings L = level R = rolling M = mountainous S = steep Primary Design speed (km/h) Class I Class II L R M S L R M S L R M S 120 100 80 60 100 80 50 50 80 60 50 40 Baseline * + delineation + rumble strips + roadside clearzone/barriers + median treatment + int. quality + int. lighting + protected turn lanes + chanelization 1 star 2 stars 3 stars 4 stars 5 stars * Based on typical curve and intersection frequency and roadside hazards A World Free of High Risk Roads A World Free of High Risk Roads Next steps 1. Survey of ESCAP member countries 2. Finalize list of road safety facilities 3. Draft specifications for safety facilities and their expected effect on risk (star ratings) 4. Consultation with ESCAP member countries on draft specifications, including workshop 5. Revision of specifications 6. Finalize specifications A World Free of High Risk Roads