Bangkok, Thailand 2015.12.10
2015.12.10 Bangkok, Thailand Contents 1. Overview uTradeHub : Ubiquitous Trade Hub Covers all trade process including from market survey to financing settlement One stop service through internet Single window for e-Trade (e-Trade platform) History uTradeHub has developed from 2003 to provide “electronic trade service” for users Republic of Korean government & KITA(Korea International Trade Association: KITA) has invested to develop uTradeHub system - A part of e-Government project e-L/C service : 2005 (world first) e-B/L service : 2008 Open uTradeHub : July 2008 Service and connectivity extended 2 1. Overview Initiated, designed, approved and in nation wide service by Korean Gov’t By Republic of Korea government, this system was initially invented in order to speed up export/import clearance and to increase competitiveness of trading companies. e-Trade of Republic of Korea started from 1994. (Based on “Electronic Trade Facilitation Act” – Dec. 1991) Grand design for e-Trade system through BPR/ISP(11.2003 – 6.2004) First project for uTradeHub - eTrade storage and e-L/C(12.2004 – 7.2005) Second project for uTradeHub - Single window for eTrade (12.2005 – 11.2006) - Develop Web service - e-L/C(second phase) Third project for uTradehub7.2007 – 2.2008) - Expansion single window service - e B/L. e-Nego 3 2. Review of uTrade-Hub uTradeHub : System concept and structure The infrastructure of the uTradeHub consists of the interfaces linking the e-Trade Relay System, e-Trade Document Repository, and Title Registry 4 2. Review of uTrade-Hub Designated service operator : KTNet Since 2006, The Ministry of Knowledge Economy designated KTNET as the e-Trade service provider for operating the uTradeHub services and systems under the e-Trade promotion law 5 2. Review of uTrade-Hub Major service The trade portal provides an integrated workspace allowing companies to rapidly and seamlessly process all trade-related tasks, ranging from marketing to checking conditions, foreign exchange, customs clearance, logistics and payment. 6 2. Review of uTrade-Hub Expected Benefits •One-Stop e-Trade Services - The current e-Trade services and trade-related service networks will be integrated into the uTradeHub. •Support for all Trade-Related Activities - The uTradeHub is a smart service network based on business process management (BPM) that automatically generates and processes relevant tasks for export, import and local affairs in accordance with the trade procedure. •Reuse of Information - Since the information once entered into the system is stored and automatically used for other documents, the user does not need to submit the same information repeatedly. •Facilitated Distribution of Documents - Documents stored in the e-document repository of the uTradeHub can be submitted to the third parties such as banks, logistics companies, and the Republic of Korea Customs Office with just one click. •Reduction in Working Hours and Costs - The uTradeHub reduces working hours and costs by replacing all the offline procedures and integrates the entire trade related activities. •Tailor-Made Services for Each User's Needs - The user can work in a user-friendly environment that can customized by selecting needed menu and service. •Diverse User Interface - The user can access e-Trade services easily through various methods including web portals, solutions, web services according to the different IT environments. •Secure Transaction - Since the uTradeHub allows only the authorized user to access and use the information and documents, security is guaranteed. Transactions are safe from fraud, forgery and financial incidents. 7 II 8 1) Users/roles/key function User : 86,000 Trading e-Documents : 620 e-Trading events : More 30.6Bil(per year) Service & key function : UTrade, ULogis uTrade uLogis 9 1) Users/roles/key function Service & key function : uBankers, uTradesearch, uCustoms uBankers uTradesearch 10 2) Data standards/type used Standard - Domestic Standards : XML Electronic Documents(V3.0) - International Standards : .Core Component Technical Specification, UN/CEFACT TMG, 2003 . XML Naming & Design Rules, UN/CEFACT ATG, 2004 . UN/CEFACT Modeling Methodology, UN/CEFACT TMG, 2002 UNCEFECT - Key Working Group Activities > UneDocs: Development of universal electronic trade document standards (TBG2) > International Trade Facilitation: Development of recommendations on trade facilitation (TBG15) > Applied Technologies Group: Aiming to develop technologies to create and maintain XML-based electronic document standard XML (ATG2) Expansion single window service 11 3) Institutional Arrangement Legal system support to promote eTrade 1991 : Electronic Trade Facilitation Act - To introduce VAN/EDI to trade process. 2001 : e B/L (Commercial Act) - FRAMEWORK ACT ON ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS AND TRANSACTIONS 2005 : Amendment reflected new technology, trade process and public interest (Electronic Trade Facilitation Act ) - Mandatory to use uTradeHub : 10 Electronic documents 2007 : e B/L (Commercial Act) - REGULATION ON IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE COMMERCIAL ACT REGARDING ELECTRONIC BILLS OF LADING 2012 : : Amendment ( FRAMEWORK ACT ON ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS AND TRANSACTIONS) -ENSURING SECURITY OF ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS AND PROTECTION OF CONSUMERS -FORMULATION OF BASIC POLICIES ON ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS AND ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS AND SYSTEM FOR PROMOTION THEREOF -FACILITATING USE OF ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS AND ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS AND CREATING INFRASTRUCTURE THEREFOR -AUTHORIZED ELECTRONIC INTERMEDIARIES DOCUMENT CENTERS AND AUTHORIZED ELECTRONIC DOCUMENTS 12 4) Cooperation mechanism and Connectivity Lead agency : MKE & KITA Cooperative agency : Customs, KTNET, KOTRA, Bank and etc. Global e-Trade Network Pan Asian e-Commerce Alliance (PAA) - The alliance was formed by nine Asian countries including Republic of Korea, Singapore, China, Japan, Malaysia, Thailand, Macau (China), Hong Kong (China) and Taiwan (Province of China) aiming to provide global eTrade services such as business-to-business exchange of e-Trade documents and mutual security authentication. Asia-Europe Alliance for Paperless Trade (ASEAL) - The ASEAL aims to promote electronic trade through the exchange of electronic trade documents such as electronic certificate of origin and commercial invoices between Asian and European countries. The member states include Republic of Korea, France, Germany, Taiwan (Province of China) and the UK. 13 5) Security uTradeHub gives top priority to information protection and security in order to secure stable services and reliability Authentication through the use of Certificates 14 4th Expert Group Meeting (Bangkok) ขอบคุณมาก Thank you for your attention 谢谢 ありがとうございます 감사합니다 15