E M conomic Statistics in alaysia
Economic Statistics in Malaysia1 National Statistical Website: World Bank Economic Grouping: Upper middle-income 2 Population (millions, 2014): 30.2 GDP per capita (2005 PPP, 2012): 14,822 2 Advocacy Coordination ▪ Agency involved in economic statistics: ○ Department of Statistics Malaysia ▪ Strategic Plan being implemented ▪ Statistical law protects confidentiality and independence of statistical information ▪ Centralized statistical system ○ Responsibilities are clearly defined for agencies involved in the production of the Core Set ○ Plans are currently being implemented to improve coordination of production of economic statistics ▪ Publication policies in place and available to users/staff ▪ Contact points publicized for each statistical subject area ▪ User consultations are organized by producers of economic statistics ▪ Awareness of relevance, among users, of official statistics to economic policy making is considered sufficient and there are activities in place to improve upon it International Collaboration ▪ Interested in participating in RPES as both a provider and a recipient of technical assistance ▪ Partnered with SESRIC and SIAP ▪ Participant in International Comparison Programme for calculating purchasing power parities Statistical Infrastructure Key Collections/Compilations Frequency Timeliness National Accounts Quarterly 7 weeks Balance of Payments Quarterly 7 weeks Labour Force Survey Monthly 2 months Household Income/Expenditure Survey Every 2.5 years 12 months Enterprise/Establishment Survey Monthly 6 weeks Population Census Every 10 years No Response Economic Census Every 5 years 12 months Agricultural Census Every 10 years No Response Standards/Classifications - SNA 1993 (2008 planned) - ISIC Rev. 4 - CPC ver. 2 - COICOP - COFOG - Plans to make BoP coherent with BPM6 × Quality assessment framework is not available but implementation is planned × Centralized national metadata repository is not available Centralized business register is currently used for multiple statistical products Establishing methods for identifying ‘births’ and ‘deaths’ of businesses IT systems are considered adequate for producing the Core Set of Economic Statistics 1 This national summary was prepared by ESCAP Statistics Division in November, 2013. Results of the Capacity Screening questionnaire were received in November, 2013 from 50 of the 58 member countries who were contacted. Further information on RPES and the Core Set is available here: 2 ESCAP Statistical Yearbook for Asia and the Pacific 2014: Technical Skills Human resources are considered adequate for producing the Core Set Documentation of internal processes and staff manuals are available Reported frequencies for indicators in the Core Set compared to RPES recommendations Table Legend Meet or Exceed Recommendations ● Below Recommendations Core Indicator Price and Costs Demand and Output Income and Wealth × Unavailable or No Response Reported Freq. RPES recommendations Consumer price index (CPI) Weekly Quarterly Producer price index (PPI) Monthly Quarterly Commodity price index Monthly Monthly External merchandise trade price indices Monthly Monthly Wages / Earnings data Monthly Quarterly Labour costs index / Wage index Ad-hoc Quarterly ● GDP (production) nominal and real Quarterly Quarterly GDP (expenditure) nominal and real Quarterly Quarterly External trade – merchandise Monthly Monthly External trade – services Quarterly Quarterly Short-term indicator (STI) - industry output Monthly Quarterly STI – services output Quarterly Quarterly STI – consumer demand Quarterly Quarterly STI – fixed investment Quarterly Quarterly STI – inventories Monthly Quarterly Economy structure statistics Annually Every 5 years Productivity Annually Annually Integrated national accounts Annually Annually Institutional sector accounts Annually Annually Balance of payments (BOP) Quarterly Quarterly International investment position (IIP) Annually Annually External debt Quarterly Quarterly Income distribution Ad-hoc Every 5 years ● Assets / liabilities of depository corporations Weekly Monthly Broad money and credit aggregates Weekly Monthly Interest rate statistics Daily Monthly General government operations Quarterly Quarterly General government debt Quarterly Quarterly Money and Banking Government Labour supply and demand Quarterly Annually Labour Market Hours worked Monthly Quarterly Natural Resources and Environment Natural resources Unavailable Annually × Summary of Responses to all 31 Indicators in the Core Set (comparison of two columns in the table above) Meet or Exceed Recommendations Below Recommendations 28 Unavailable or No Response 2 1