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Kaza, Stephanie. 1996. Gretel Ehrlich: A Biography and Review of Work, in American Nature Writers, ed. John Elder, New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, pp. 247-258. w C n E , T E LE H R T I C H (b.1e46) STEPHANIE KAZA t . ) - { , C r c r c l F h r l i c l ri o r r r n c r , - J fN tUNf I t o W y , r m i n gt , r f l l t 1 ] r t L l t \ r ' r r , n t . ) r y ' "n for thc Public BroatlcastrngSys aheepherding \,irs to capturcthc solitary bm.Herassignmcnt liveso{ thc hcrders as thcy travcrscil the oper.r with thcir shcep. She hrd left hcr landscape dyinglover,David, in Neu' York City. Every two J r , ' r . r l , ' u n t l r t r r r n r r r r r . rtion o rt h r e ed a y . "lr. \ \ l t n \ e D a v i d . c , ' r r J r i u nu i r \ L r , , u r r ) \I \: 1 , r \ ( . call Bylate Septcn.rbcrthc fiJming n'as ilonc, :rnd [hrlichmadeplar.rstti fly clst rr]d rcjoin David. h r t s h ew l ' t o o l r l c . H L J r . d t l t , r tr r r r n i n s ,r , theheelsof a powcrfuJstorm. AJterDavid's dcath, Ehrlich traveled for tu,ir pan, beset by grief and cn'rptincss. Hcr Ncw York life fell away as shc triccl to find comfurt and relief. The tears came in wrvcs, blurring eatlierre{erencepoir.rts, as sl.rc driftctl lcross thc mntinent. Whcn fohn, the shccp forcuran in Wyoming, invited her to cornc back, shc accepted.She joined the crew hcrding shccp, fintlingherway througlr the lor.rclincssby inmersing in open space.By wintcr, shc hld scttlcd hersel{ in a smallcabin for a seasonof solitr:dc. Winter in Wyollrilrg is a palplblc forcc. Thc winter of 1978 u'as the tl.rird lvorst on rccord. E h r l i . r r r c Ju r i l t t t S l, ( 1 t C r . tj h L . t , , r \ \ ^ ( r , bo dramatrcto keep to hcrsclf. Unclcr cxtrcnc enperatures of forty, fifty, and sixty dcgrees hlow zero, hcr attcntion was nccessaril.vrivetecl on survival.Thc clcmcnts that shapcd the lanil scapc crept uncler hcr skilt, pcnctrating to thc barc bones o{ her lifc. In 0 rDattcr of nlonths, Nc$' York u'as a distant reality, displrrccdby thc porvcrlul prcscnce of the Big Horn Ehrhch was no str2rngerto thc Wcst. Thotrgh shc hacl gurrc east to Bcnningtor.r Collcge in,sltc was a native of California, born 2I fanr,rrrryl9'1(r in S:rnta Barbara. At twclvc, she \\'anted to bc a plintcr, but by her early twcr.rtics her creativc urgc tr.rrncclto lilmmakilg. She rcturnecl to Californra lnd clrollcd in the filn.r school .rt thc Unrversity of Cahforni:r, Los Angclcs. Latcr shc rnovetl to Nclr, Yorl( City, where shc n'url<cclfor PBS and attended the Ncu' Sclrrxrl{or Social Rescarcl.r. Wyoning, tl.rc lancl shc fcll in love u'ith, sluped rnuch of Ehrlich's u'urk. The Big I Iorr.r Monnt:rins risc 10,000 lcct lbovc the valley llixrr. From hcr ranch in Shcll whcre she livecl u'ith her husblncl, Prcss,thc vie$' to the e:lst, $'cst, xnd south is onc unbroken land sclpe for onc hundrcd milcs in all Thc steep n-ulrnt;rins risc to thc rlorth layers of rock l.rolding thc sl.rlllou' scas that once covereci thc regior-rs. Mr-rdstoncs, s:rnclstones, lirnestone a colllgc of brorvn, rcd, orangc, and u'hite press ag:rinst gny granitc upthrusts. [ 1 r . 1 ' ] 1 q .i . r r t l t n r t l t t r ' . - i l r n r ; r r i r r cr f r o n A c r ls wcll ls sirber-tooth tigcrs. Amcrican N'[r.rscr,u.r.r of Natural History fonnil twer.rty,fivc 247 N NATURE LTRITERS ,,Ix-tERIC,1 colnplctc clil.tos tr skclctot.tsitr thc riruch's lou'ct rlclrdtxl.. Fcedcrcrccks to thc Big Horn Rivct lktrv out of thc bchind thc rirnch. Watcrlirlls of rr]cltwatrr tunrblc to thc vallc)' floor elch Rrrnchcls dcpcnclon thc s[(x\,ml]o{t 1{)rlrrigatirg thc ha1. liclds. Rrrrniall is sparse iu W.voning rrn avctrtgcof lcss than eigltt iuchcs pcr yclr. Sorrretitlcs thc crccks stl,v flilzttr rtntrl Junc. Lr nrost yc:rrs watcr is availitblc tltrly tllrough Au.glrst,b,v Scptctnbcr lll brtt thc rl.tljor Livcrshrrvc chicd ltp. Wyomil.q is big sl<1.coutrtry, likc Motttrtltn irrrcl(lokrritclo.The cudlcss ccntleau sk,vof sunt n.rcLc;rn bc thc soltrcc ol wilcl and clangcritus r,r,crrthcrirr rvintct: sltddcu blizzards trttry thc land uncler six fcct of srx)\{r stllrtlting hrtilstttruts lllttcn corn crops itt rr da-v.In \ ''il.Ltcr,cold frttuts cll] plungc tcrrpcrrlttlres to thirty lleltxr, zcrtt ovcrnight. It is not ulcorrn'lon for u'ccks ttt go by u'ith tcn-tpcr:rtLlresncvcr rising lLlovc zcro. Pcol.rlcadapt by tlking it irll in stridt. In hcr cssay "Lantlscirpc" (in lc.grc.v oi Lighl, l9iJ7), Ehrhch comrncnts, "What can sccr.lllikc a hard shcll r'enecron the pcoplc hcrc is rellly a ucccs- lt rl. ' Ehrlich fccls that "to scc lncl to knorv a pllcc is . r \ , , t l ' n r f l . r l i \ \ i r ! t . T t t l l r ' i l l l \( l l l n t ! i l l I l l r nintis rrntl lcttilg rvhat is thcre, itt itll its nrultiplicitl' end cldlcss vlrietl', comc in." For hcr, scnsc of phce rs il lllrtter ttf scnsorlt knowletigc accunrlrlltcd ovcr timc iu thc mind rrnd botly. "Wc risc rvith thc lrrnclforms.Wc fccl thc rtpper lltituilcs of thil air, sl.rlrp sttugs oi srrow antl ultraviolet on onr llcsb." To etnpty ottt is to let go of prcconccivccl idcls of thc llnclsclpe, to treet tlircctly thc "othcrr.ress" oi a pllcc. Ior "Sr-trrcndcring Lhrlich this is :rl lct oi sut.rcr.rclcr. mcrlns strippir.lg ilorvu, lway cvcry r,eiJ, evcr' obstirclc betwcert ortrsclves ancl thc ( I I First Essays Elrrliclr's first najor book, Thc Srldcc of Open Siroccs( I98 51,is thc story of hcr surrender to the lrrntlscepeoI Wyoming. Shc tlcscribcs thc book ls "e celebratior.rof cverything ]rcrc." The book whcn shc was r,r,lsrvrittcl {ron 1979 to 1913,1, l.-rrning to hcrd cattle antl shcc1.r.Shc helped ncigl.rborsancl lillcd in frequently rs a ranch hancl clurilg calvinll scason, pulling stucl< Lr;rbies out of nrothers :rnd doctorir.rgrveak calvcs in cold $,crthcr. Thc cssays grel\'' out of iournal entries kept dr.rring this txrre arttl ls lctters to a fricntl in Hau'aii. In 1986 thc book v'on thc Au'arcl of the Hrrolcl D. Vurscll Mc,.orial AlDcrican Acltlemy rtud Institute of Arts and Lettcrs. Il trvclvc cssays, Ehrlicl.t offcrs sketches of rrlch liic ir.r Wyomilg, shorvu throngh the lens oi irer on'n personal journcy ir.rtothc land. Thc sarl' spiritccl rcsilietrcc." Like othcr. writers oi placc, Elrrlich spcaks I r ' , ' r rt rl r L r r l t f t t t . r l r l \t r \ \ ( r 1 ' f 1 11, 1 1 p 11 1111 L r1, t t thc hlti, thc particuhr piccc of l:rutl shc calls horlc. Lil<c Hentl' Dlvid Thorear.t autl fohtt Muir beforc hcr, shc is a v'lll<cr antl u,ilrdelcr: Il "Landscape," shc s:rys, "I likc to thinl< o{ laldscapc not as a lixccl pllcc but ls l pilth th:lt ir ttntr tttJttt! lr,l,'t,- ttrr 1rr'-. tttlt[ t l]l\ cxfth.... It is to allo\\' ourselvcs to bc touched fron above altl bclou'and v'ithin, to lct a place lcavc its waterlurk un rLs" ("Lanilsclpc"l. titlc piccc, "Thc Solacc of Opcn Spaccs," scts thc stlgc for thc lrr-urur.t drirn:rs to follorv. Shc describcs Wyoning rls "thc doing of a mad tr.rmblccl lnd tu'istetl, ribbonccl with lrchitect Iadcd, dcathbed colors. Thntst r.rp ald pullcd clown es if thc placc hlcl bcen startlcd out of a dccp sleep ancl tltrown into purc iight" ip.3l. Circetarid valle-vsstrctch out;rcftrss thc ccnter of tlrc state, sheltcrcti on the horizon Lry great rnountlin ralgcs: thc Big Honrs, thc ALrstrokas, and the Thc u'ildcmcss of the Iandscapcis rratcheti by the ulmlincss of tl.reseasols. "Wintcr lasts six n.lonths herc. . At twenty, thirty, ilncl fofty clegreesbckrw zcro, not ttuly clttcs your cilr not work, but ncithcr cloyour nild anclbotly" ip. 11. Thc cnd ol wintct tlocs uot necessarilyntcirn ;rn cnd of thc harshncss. "Spring u'eathcr is capri' cious and nc:rn. It sno\{s, ther blistcrs u'idr l.reat.... Melting st.tou'birnkshiss and rot, \'iper olrs, thcn drip into cllm pools" lp.7l. And through all the scasonsof cold, he:rt, snorv, lnd rain, thcre is alrvays thc wincl. "If an1'thing is ),48 GRETEL EIIRLI(:H endemicto Wyomir]g, it is wind. This big roon] of spaceis swept out daily, lcaving a bone yarci of fossils, agates, anci c:rrcasscs in cvcly st:rgc of decay"(p. iJ). In this vastness, pcople conscn e r,r,'ordsSo.litudeis a way o{ life for many oi the ranchcrs and h e r r . l e rF- h r l r c b ( l s c l r h ( \ . L J l t €l l l J t l i \ c , , l l l pressed,almost r.netaphorical."Scntencc stntcture is shorteuccl to thc skin ancl btlncs ol a thought"(p. (rl. Ehrlicl.rconcs to rellcct this stylc of comn-runicattug in her own leat.t voice and careftrllychosen words. A poct first, in her writ' ing she reveals a kecn ear for p:rcing, wcigl.rt and In the introductlon to Wtrrt/s undcrstatcrnct.rt. lront thc Luntl 119881,Ehrlich is qu)tcd .rs srying, "l1.r.r ve4, particltlar about latrguagc, ls arc most pcople who startcd out u"riting poctry' I think abor,rtevcty wrrd. I clre a lot :rllout holv it s o u n d s "( p . I 8 I . Despite lacorlc modc o{ speaking, Elrrlich feelswarmcd by thc "cozincss" ol statc. Ranchcrsknow each other fronl one vallcy to anothcr,and pcople travel lttng distanccs to sec eachother. "Fricndlincss is a traclition" ip 5) It mitigates lonclir.ress autl isolatiot.t, altl providcs essentialhelp in encrgctlcics. In this cnptiness, peopledo not wastc words; thcy valuc truth over etiquette,"bclieviug honesty is stronger ncdicinc than sympathy, which nay console but often conceirls" (p. Ill. Though Ehrlich adrnits sheoriginally rctun.rcdto Wyoning to lose hcrselfin thc rrnpopulltcd vastt.tcss,instcld "lifc on the sl.recpranch wol<e mc up. Thc vitllity ol thc people. . . llushccl out whirt hird bccome a halluci natory rawness insitle tuc.... Thc arid country was a clcan slatc. Its absolutc indtffercuce stcadiednc" ip. 4). In this waking up Ehrlich elcounters thc con.r plexities o{ human history on tllis land, the wilderncssstaincclby battlcs {or tcrritory. Crow, Sioux oncc Shoshonc,, Chcyemc, roamed thc lald without sccitrg a single barbccl wire fencc. Whitc scttlers carved thc reEiiotl int{) Iargeranch lroldings dorr-rir.tltedby cattle barons. Instead of enptiucss, thc land is full ol stories that she tclls il thc rest oI book. Ll "Obituary," thc reirclct mects the ocld characters who hcrci sheep for a living and havc Grt'tcl Ehrlicl.r clone so Iot nost of thcir livcs. Tl.rereis Crady, thc bir.tgc clrinkcr; Fred, thc junk horrdcr; and Albcrt, who tries to seduccher. Shc visits Bob Ayers, who is iu jrril for shootiug six //evell il we arc co\4's ul it ninor tange war: unclerpaitl,I'd rathcr herd shccp thll have s()mc flat footctl prick tclling rnc what I can aud can't do" ip.2S). Each h:rs a storl' bom cluring krng colclnights watching sheep,llone with the silent stilrs. In "C)thcr Livcs" u'e mcct Mary Francis "Mike," a third-.qcncratioDrancher tlf "scln.rless lo,vrlty" taught Ehrlich to ropc, lncl twrlr other $"omcl) "cowtroys" wlto :rrc lrcclttcnt partr r er . , r t t t l t e r r l n g t .l t t \ l ' , ' t t r M ! r ' 1 . u" ( l t t c L l l l ( corvboys, u,ho turn olrt llot to bc as tor-tgh as thc nen in thc Marlboro acls. Ehrlich cxplotles 249 A M T:,RI(,AN NATLI RE WRITERS tlte ron)anticizcd stercoqipes,spcaldng irr plain talk aboLrt hou. thcsc mcn tkr thcir iobs.-One old-tin.rcrtold hcr, ,,Cowboys iuc ilrst likc a pile ol rocks-cverything happcr.rsto thcm. Thcy gct clir.nbed ou, kicke d, raincd an,1 snowcd. ur.r, ,just scuffeciup by the u,ind. Thcir to takc iob is it"' ip.50). Cowboy courlge is Lrascdlcss or.t chasing outlirws and norc on hclping a stuck co$', a drowling horsc, or rn troul)lc. "Becausc tl.rcscmcn rvork u,ith anintals.. . bc c . l u : ( t l l ( \ I j v C , , u r \ i ( lr(r rL r D d - r r r p c . ,rr,t, r r I n r i . t l beauty. . . and arvesrxlc variables,bccausec:rlves die in thc arms that pulled others il]to life. . . their strength is ;rlso I sottness, thctr toughncss, a rarc delicacy,, {pp.52_53). Herding corvs and sl.rccp mcans working rvith anrmals at lll times of day and nigi.rt and in all scasons.In "From :r Shecphcrdcr,sNotcltook,,, Ehrlich dcscribesriding for thrce ciayson horse_ back, tracking shccp through summer p.lstLlrcs. Shc deals with sun, wintl, dust, and sheep ticks in the company of a tr-usty Kelpie shecpclog.,,To herd shecp is to cliscover a new human gear somewhercbctwcen second ancl rcvcrse_:r slotv steady trot of kcenness,, ip.59). In ,,Fricntls, Foes, and Working Animals,,, El.rrlich cxpcri_ cnces the "stdppcd dou,n compassior.r,, of dcal rng with birtl.r end deirtl.r,ar.rdthc ,,sacrar.r.rcnt of nurtunng" ailing irnimals. In cuntr:rst to ,,out srders"-tou'nspeoplc and city slickcrs witl.r their patronizing .lttitu(les-she sccs itr lt.l aninal's wordlcsslrcss,,the clcansrng rlualitics oi space.,,She u'ritcs of horscs lts mischicvous, intelligent, ,,chtulmy,,, tcllillg stoncs ol horse outlaws with onliDoLls nantes Bonccrushcr and Witlou'makcr. Aniltals bcconrc rrcdltation t e r e h c r ' .j r , r l r l i r rt A l r r l r c j r r , , r r h r r li s p r c s t . l r r; , , who we are at the timc, not wlto wc,vc bccl,, Wild aninrais rnakc up lirr a lack of hLrrnen contact out on the cattlc rangc. In her terse style, shc dcscriltes encountcrs with Big Hur,r ra-., coyotcs,and rattlesnakcs.,,I tried nude sunbath ing once: I fcll aslcep ancl woke just in time to sec thc Eirim, Jlat hcad of a snakc angling to,,r,ard nc" ip.69). In "Ot.r Watcr,,, Ehrlich trlccs pcculi:rrly Westcnl prcoccr-lpiltioll $'ith watcr_whcr.r it r,r,ill cornc, hol' nruch the rc u,ill be, utl n he ther it u'ill bc cnoughfrtr cropsaud cattlc.,,Dryress is a colllnlor.t dcnolninittor in Wyoming. We,re drcnchcd morc olten in clust thln tn \r,ater,, (p.78). Onc hopcsior spring rains in April, but nt drought yelrs thcre mav bc only thin n_rnoff tror.nthc high pcaks.As Ehrllch puts it,,,Waitl t I'rr $.tt( r i- iu.t Dn( ,,1tlt(.\^it\i \4vomrnq rlrte]tr'rr hrtd tlterl-..1v... ,,, ,t.,. ,,,.,.f--o? wcathcl" ip.7(r). Wars over watcl rights have plagucd tl.rc Wcst since thc first white settlers grabbcd rqr thc territories irlotrg thc watcr_ courscs.Elrrlich is also drlwn to $,atcr ior,,what is rurconscioLrs,instinctivc, lrncl scxuitl in us.,, She comparcs pcoplc to rivcrs, fcaring the,,tlry spells," fecling thc potcncy of water for hcaling, k)r creatrvity. Ihrlich,s lolg-standing heartachc is filally re_ solvccln'hcn shc nccts a krcirl ranchcr at ir film lcstival itr nclrby, Cod1,.Hc screnadcs her with sanclhill crane cails llcl thcy itrc ltlarlrcd ten months l:rtcr, in thc tnidtlle 0f r,r,iuter. They ltlovc s(x)n ilftcr to \a,hat used to be thc town (f Cloverly. Thcir plan is to rcscuc an olcl ranch iront ncglcct, though the pricc ts surrctrdcr of their blchclrr hvcs on ,,Lhc bLrnkhorrsc_bcdrollbirrroolu circuit.,,After a honeymoon in Okla_ holrl City at rhc Ndrroual Finlls Rotlco, they rctunt to thc rauch to follou. ..utc t.l:rrrativc tl.rreld oi birth, rleath, chores, lld scasons,,, r.r.rar l<ctl by cveryclay rituals and casy fanilirr_ ltlcs. Tha Soluca of ()lcn Slece5 u,as rcccivccl u,ith prarsc Lry revieu,rrs. In thc los Anlqalcs Titnas Brxtk llcvicw, Kristinr.rir Liregorl callecl tl.rc book 'il tcDdcr/ poctic sillutc to tltc West.,, Ianet Caruorr, irr Wcstant Atncritun Litct(!ILIc lle ucw, describcdEhrlich,s writing as ,,harcl, lcan, yet fer.ninrnc prosc.,, In thc Sawancce Review, Pat C. Hoy II rccognizcclEhrlich,s ,,finc car for thc u'cstcrtr voicc, Iocal sayings,anci local color,, and hcr ability to bcconc tltc cartlt itsclf_,,at oncc lull, barrel, contradictory; actetl upon, chlnged, arrd chargcd.,, In this first volume of cssays, Ehrlich dcfincs hcr vorcc: pithy, strong/ terser ar.rdvivid. Si.recstablishesl.rcr rcla, tionship its a rvritcr to tlrc lancl of W,vonrrng, to "landscape as sacrancntal. . . pcrfcct, irrational, . \ ' n ) i " l i ( \ l r L i r . ; r r r rt rl t , .l.r ; t r dl L - . o n , ,,tlrnlrr_ 250 H I I t n h ti S h r( GRETEL EII RLICH mancltce: "krss cunstitutes al ocltl l<ind oI fulincss; clcspaircmptics out into irn unrluclrchablc appctitc for lifc" (p. Shc tells hcr lilc story as a story oi placc:rlcl cuntext, inscparablc from the changurg $'cather and rar,r,landscapc sltc cor-r-rcs to l<nou'as irome. affectcdby the landscapcby no cl.roiceof thcir r ) r , ! I LB v l l t c ( n d O t t l r r ' b , x , l <w . c : L . e /i l \ r c v i t - \ { ( r Marian Blr-rcnotccl in Twcntic Ih Ccutury West ent Writcrs { 1991), that ,,thcrc arc no winners of a war, L)ut only sunrivors left in varior.rsstagcs of l.realirrg" ip.206). Thus Haart MoLmtLin l)e_ concs a seqLrcncet0 Ehrlich,s own healing in 5 , , / . ".r ,. u p c r r i n *l t C r| . . r p C r r rt C er r l c O r ) r l ' ; r . . r r rtno thosc who suffercdbeforc hcr on thc samc land. Storiesof Heart Mountain Tl.rc drlnra of Hcttrt Mountaiir turns around Belorc Tlrc Solace ol Opai ,Sprrccs,Ehrlich hati rancher McKay AIIison and internce antl painter wittcn two volurncs o{ poctryj aftcl.warrl, shc Mariko OkuLro. Though hc has ,,nrorc brains begln cxpcrimenting with short stories. 1,4/yoand conntrxr scnse,gooclJooks,irld more natu, nrir.g Stoliei, publishcd il l98f), wcre skctclrcs ral ability than anyone iu thc vallcy,, lp.4l, of charlctcrs n]ro latcr appcared in hcr first McKry is rnclancholy. McKay,s brothers havc novcl, Herirt Mottntttin i198il). The collagc of gone off to war, he is left to lnanagc thc stories tilkes placc during Worlcl War II, folkxv cxttle rilnclt because hc has a gimp leg. In an ing Prcsider.rtRrxtscvclt's cxccutivc orclcr illthor odd huntirrg accidcnt, McKay rnjurcs Abe san, r Z i n gt h C . s r , r h l i s l] ' ] ( l l tr r l l l I j l n L \ \ . t t ( . n t n l c l Mariko's grlntlfatl.rcr; ltc gocs to thc cantp to cnmps. Hcart Mourltirin, :rcrossthc vallcy to tl.rc nrakc irmcuds. At a tilnc when r-uost Americans wcst of thc Big Hoflts, \{as one ot ren ctmps l.l vicy'eclthe fapanescas archencmies,McKiry acts n l r i r h n r o r Lt l ) i r n i l U . { I I ) l ; r p r t r r u r. e r 1 1 r i g r . r 1 r r rnorc like a ncighbor thln a patriot. AJtcr sevcral and fapalcsc Ar.ucLicals werc clctainctlfor over visits, he finds l.rimself dr:rwn to Mariko. Thcy tlrree ycars. The novcl combincs flct ancl fictior.r flll ir.r krvc, but it rs a compromisccl krve, torn by to preseltt a victv ol camp lilc, thc il.rposition of cliffcrcncesin culture tnd situation. Mariko is military mlc on thc Japancsc,:rncl thc problcm r.narrietl, McKay is krr.rcly. yct l.rc is close to atlc iuxtirposition \\'ith ranchcrs lnd rurll vlhrcs. Mirclclcinc Hclley, :r womln he has known Ehrlich u'as muvccl to expose this undertolcl sincc cl.rildhood.Matlclcinc is loncly, too, for her history':rs an cxarnplc of thc complex tirnglc oI husbancl is rnissing in action. Ehrlich tclls tltc pcople antl culturcs ol this land sl.rc clllcd story of lite insidc the cemp tltrough the joumal homc. Sl.rcclrcw nutcriirl from libr:rry archivcs itt voice of Kai, a Berkeley student n ho helps orgaUnivcrsity oI Calitornrir at llcrkelcy and at Los nizc a dralt resist:rncccampaign. Angclcs, thc Sntitltsor.riau,local hbrarics, pcrThc emotional tonc tltrorlgltout l.tlost o{ the \ o r ) . r Il ] t t ! n i \ ' \ t \ . . t r ) ( Jl l n f t t l L t l . t r rt r r r r r r , . - r r story is ()nc of longing-longing {or thc war tu be gatc N{)h thcatcr and r.naskmakir]g, Shinto, antl ovcr, longing to bc with thc one you love, krnging Zen. tor a window of openness in thc rlidst of ten, Hearl Mottrttttin is tlot n:rture writing, yet it slor.l,str.rin, ancl unccrtaint,rr.Matlelcinc ,,came rellcctsEhrlich's scnseof thc lirnd and thc pcoplc to think wiriting u'as one of tl.rc things that go who livc therc. Hcr curiosity and tlucst for r.,'ith bcing a won.ln, antl sl.rc hatcd it. But undcrstanding,are personllly lnotivatcd. As a d flnll ,l \\itr ( vcnr)I]Ci. u:tiUnjl. t'v(ry t.l( l\ residcnt of thc Big Horn Rivcr vallcy, sJrc has pou'crlcss, cveryone is offcring himscll up to nadc Hcilrt Mount:rin plrt o{ her lanclscape.Its become clcld in son.reway,, lp. 142.).Shc passes history is hcr history, acrluircd in thc act oi thc herding and calving, working long takrng up tcnancy. Thc storics from w:rrtrme arc Iights ir.r tl.rc cold. McKay,s rcsponse ttr krngingl still Jlive in thc hn.rilics of her tvidcr ncighboris to seek solacc in thc landscapc, paralleling hood. Shc lecls their wcight anclpoignant hck of Ehrlich's owl journey ilto the open sp:rccs tor rcsolution. In tclling the story of Heart Mounhcaling. "Undcr the clipped top of IIcart Moun_ tain, shc hor.utrs those who lr.ere profountlly tain...hc imagincd thcre wils an eyc that saw 251 A M E RICA *" N',ITLIRE W RITE RS l.rim, sourctimcs thc only c,ve,luil a bcactln light r'r4.richled his, solitary thou$rts home" pou'crftrl lpp. 5 61.Lil<ehcr, hc cannot forgct thc presencc ol the onc hc loves i.rut citn ncver rcally hrrvc. Klt, u'ho llso ycatns for Mariko, linds stability iu tl'tc prxcticc o{ Zcn Butlcihisn.r,u'hich the point hc learns fron Abc'sln. Abc aclclresses dircctly. "If yolt arc enlightcncd, docs not lrcal.r therc is no pain, no conlttsion in yortr lifc Ttl Ikkuyu [a ]irpanesepoct], dcsirc and lctting go tii thir.rg" (p. I 8l I Whcn tl.rc u'ar is ovcr, Mariko leaves Hcart Mountxin. On ttnc of their llst walks togethcr, shc antl McKay clinrb the ridgc and look ckrwn into a small czrnyon. "Httw diffcrcnt we ere, Mariko thought. I look at all tl.risbut hc is madc of it. He is not separatefrolrl it:rs I am" ip.345)' Herc Ehrlich shows thc fmits of hcr own etl.rbrace ol the llnd. ln thc ch:rracterof McKay, shc portrays thc powcr of the land to p()sscssthose live thcre. lt is the land, a{ter lll, tl.rrt remains constant thrortgh thc rvar. Kai xnd Abc san takc a da1' o{ tl.reir ne$' frecclom to climb Hcart Mount:rin. This pilgrimage rcprescnts thc high pr-rint of thc Zen teacl.tit.tgs{or Kiri; Abc bccomcs onc with the mountain tllat lrxs crlst its shado$'on the can.rpthrollghout the irltcrlmcl1t' A s i l l r r . t 3 t k i . c , , l l l f l r l ( , A l r ' .r l t t ' ' o . t l r t l t t r ' whilc sitting in McKirY's car' Critics rccognized the cffort Ehrlich matlc to r e r i r r lt l t c J r t r l < . r J c , r lt l ) t A l l l ( t l c i l l l! ' \ . l r\ L l r \ ' Mariln Blue writes, "Rarcly has Worltl War Il literaturc succcssfrtlly rcachccl tnto thc rural Wcst and creatccl a t.l.tictclcttsnt;Ehrllch lus so" (p.20(r). Garrett Hollgo in thc Ncw Yrrrk 'fintas I\xtk liavlcw complencnted her fot hcr "imnensc poctic fceling for tlle intcrlal lives of ancl thc sublime Ithc book'sl vrricd clurlctcrs backdrop " Hcr is its l.righplains lenclscirpethirt portrlyal of Japancsecultltrc tcncls to$'ard thc "extttic Othcr," but at the sane time it revclls her own growiltg fascinltion with Buddhisn, a theme thlt surfaccs repeatcdly in her ncxt \rolLlrlc. Beforc Ehrlich rcturnecl to naturc writing, shc retricvcd {oltr of thc earlicr picceslrom Wyorrllr.g Storjcs antl aclclcdtcr.t postscript storics Thc nerv collcctior.rwls pr-rblishcdin 1991 as Drinking Dry Cloutls.ln circh ptlstscript shc writcs in first pcrson, irllowing hcrsel{ to wirlk into the cxperience o[ the chirrlctcrs ftot't'rIlaatt Ml.runtrlirt she hrows so u'ell. Shc speaks as Kai's mother, as Mlcleleinc, as McKay. It is as if shc is still haunted by thcse voiccs and cannot lct thelD go until thcy havc becomc part oi hcr. All the people bcrtr the scars of loncliness erd loss And all thc storics take placc in tl"re cn.rpty benchlencls that can drivc pcople nucl. "God, thcre's nothing herc," says onc o{ thc rekrcirtitln camp residents.But he is stating thc view oi a strat.tger; for Elirlicl.r, thc fullness of the landscape shapes evcrythin!!. Cl.rristopher Tilghman wrote {or the Ncw Yrrrk Tjntcs IJrxtk Revicw, "Thc peoplc in Ms. El.rrlich's storics secr.t.tcompellcd to bcar witncss to their tines, to thcir land and the livcs they hrvc lived r-rponit" (p (r). Thcsc thcnlcs arc consistent in all of Ehrlich's wotk: sltc uscs pcrsoual testilnony to invcstigatc, stntgile, and ultinatcly acccpt tllc relative scales of life and ilcath, Iove and loss, antl thc intpcrrnitnent nltr.rrcot it lll. "FIt)me Is How ManY Places" thc []rtivcrse' Hoirc i19911, Ehrlich ln 1s1anr/s, retunts to nafllrc cssays,bascd both at honle in Wyomir.rgand farther alicld This work wrs supported by ir Grtgqcnhcin felkru'ship awartlccl in 1989. For wider pcrspcctives on het orl'n scnse of p)lce, sl.retravels to Hawaii, japan, and thc Channel lslands off the Santa Batbara coast, collecting insights frorn physicists and astronomcrs ils well as her fapancsc lrosts. Truc to thc trirdition of Thoreau, thc book uscs walking as a u'ay to lollon'the landscapc aud the mind simultitneously. Ehrlich scts the {rarnc for hcr journcys in thc first cssay, "Looking for a Lost Dog " Shc stmg3les with pcrspectivc, n'ith distance zrncl intimacy, rvith "impulse lntl reason, passlon ancl logtc." Walking over trails antl washcs, shc is fillecl with longing. "Somc days . this onc place isn't enotLgh.... Thosc clays,like today, I u'alk t'ith a purposc but no destin:rtion. Only thcn ilo I see, at least momcntarily, that most cverything is hcrc" (P.71. 252 GRETEL EHRLICH Storicsof Wyomir.rgaltcrnate with accounts ot hcr journcys. "Spring," "Summer," and "Tl.ris Autumn Morling" take thc reader into the cxtremes of Wyonitrg weather. Winter is about not only cold but also about icc, "rnovcnlent bctraycd, watcr seizcd in the noment of falling" ip. l3l. Spring is about restlessness,thc rcturn oi movcment. "Sap riscs in trecs and in mc, and the hard knot of perscvcrance I cultivatcd to meet $.inter dissip;rtes, I walk aw:ry from thc obsidianof bittcr nights" (p. 131.Thc nlountltrll moves bclow l.rcr feet, a continent adrift. Thc wind blustcrs. "Its Iat undcrbclly scrapcsunevcn gound, twisting toward ntc like taffy" [p. 17). The season brings on r.t'avcs of doubt, deliberation/ resistlnce. Qncstions of time and spacc blur over tltt lrrtr ,'I tlle lrntl'clpc, (t,tl\un]itlg cl.roked.. .. I knttn'hon, eastlycxistencc is scluanclcrccl, how t.roiselcssly love ts dropped to ground" ip.751. Shc sits, holding Zcn pos tr-rrc of stillncss, seeking relief {rol.ll the mintl's chattcr. A smell island in hcr ranch pontl is hcr refugc, her point o{ refercncc as timc passesand the scrsons shift. By Novernber tllc lake is frozen and covcrcd with snou'. This wintcr shc cscapes to fap;rn, following her clesircto knou'ntotc lbout thc culturc and spirituality shc encountcredwhcn writing Heart Mountain. Ehrlich's attrirctioll to JapiLnand Zcn go back to an carly lovc for Japancsc poetry, espccially that of Basho. Ehrlich idcntifies thc tentlr-cclrtury The Kokinsln :rs ;r favorite collectiol o{ poens. Shc came in hcr u'tlrds, to snifl out sltizcrt... spolltancous, self-rc' ncwiltg, inhcrcntly sircrcd naturill world of whjch hr.ulans are an inextricablc part. I wantcd to scc hol' antl wherc holincss revealcd itscif, to scarch for those "thin spots" on the ground whcrc divinity riscs irs if rcli' gitlrr wcre a function of gcokrgy itsclf: the of sacredncss clltting throupll.I noltcn nrltle cirrth likc rn acetylcl'lc torch, crtlpting as tcrr ple sitcs, sacred nounLrins, plains, and scas, places u'hcrc inward power is spawned. /1s Itnttls,Thc I Jnivcrsa,Hrtnte, p.901 the rnind with tluestiot.ts. Mcanwhile, Ehrlich "sitls] cross-lcpgedon old blankcts" (p.24). Summcr is not just any sllmmer; it is thc ddest suntner sincc the Dust Bowl, and Yclklwstonc is on firc. Ehrlich chroniclcs the storms ol heat, the rainless tlrrtnderclouds, tenpcrltures over 100 dcgrces,ancl the combinatitxr of tlust and smokc darkening the sky. "A big hand is dropping matches all over the Wcst. Lrkc winged seeds,sparks are propelled it.tto the sky, scratching and scarring its skin" ip.47l. On Blnck Saturday, 20 Au1lr.rst,over 1(10,000 acrcs burn in a single drry. Despite massivc deployt.nelrt oi troopsand hellcoptcrs, the Wcst kecps burning On 6 Scptenbcr, Ehrlich r.neditatcson highcr ground in the rnountains, and ash lancls on hcr tonguc."What have I catcni A piccc of trcc, of ffre;a piece ot this island univctsc. . .i" ip. 551. The cndless,wcighty smoke becomcs metapllor for obstaclc, dclusion, barrier to inner clarjty. Almost thc cntire surnnler is obscuretl. In autun l the nights turn cold. It is a ycar later, and Ehrlicl.r ilashcs l)ack to the prcvioLrs springwhen she and hcr husbantl visited Ycllon' stonc to slrrvcy the damage: dcad bison, dcld elk, the charrcd mins of the iorcst. At home death comcs to a hcifcr and t}tcn to a good friend. Shc lvrites, "l knew how dcath is madc-not why, but u'hcrc in thc body it bcgins, its lurking prescnce beforc fact, its stranglcd music as il the r.reck of a violin n'erc bcing Whcrc cloes onc fincl shizcn i Ehrlich travels to thc xnimist traditiolrs back bciorc Buddhisr.r.r ol Shinto, cstablished through oral tradition beforc thcre wls ir written language in |apan. Shc $'atchcs thc wild kagura play at midnight on Ncw Year's Evc, where bcirting dntms call down thc karni ispirit'gods]. Krulj live cverywhere:in pit.rcs, birds, rain clortcls, fish, and wlrterfalls Solne have spcci:rl tcmplcs built for thern, cspccially on thc sacred rnountirins likc Fujiyarna. Hcr pilgrimagc leads hcr to the triril taken by Mirtsuo Basho, a Zen poct fanrons fot his $'itty l.rlil<us.In func 1(rll9 he clirnbed Ilag'uro in str;ru'sandals; thrcc hunclred ycitrs lnd six l.nonths latcr, Ehrhch takcs a cilr to the top, which nou' holds fivc or six templcs, a hugc parking krt, and mauy souvenir and noodlc shops. She is in northern Hons}tu, the coldest part of J:rpan,r,r'hcreBasho wrote his u'cll'knowrr 253 A M E R I C A N N A T LR] E W R I T E R S spirits ot Nrrrrrlv lltrad to the DceP North' The Dortllelstem far thc dcail lrc said to livc in thc itako' thc corner. This is rlso the hot.l.tcof thc womcn u'htt spcirk with the dead arc Ehrlich n-rcctsscverll italo, irll of rvhon cspcciirlly to be blind; blind \4lomen arc thought c:rtches rcccptiveto thc spirits. Thc thirtlwolniln spclk hcr iry su4rrisc, recognizit.tgher nccd to the by haut.rtctl still is with a tlcacl onc Elrrlch pilgrinagc a loss of hcr Iovcr David. Shc mirkcs twcntyup Osorezon, thc n]ottntain o1 spirits-a physt' This snow. falling in six-mile rortnd-trip her to brings W:ty" the cal challengein "sccking 1rWith the heart of Buddhisn.r-cornpitssion finds sight trorn on the ciark u'intcr night, shc as for .or.r'rp"rai,u.tfor her owt.t suffcrtng as lvell the is this end, ln thc the sr.rffcring of othcrs lrcr loss only tmc reliel for thc dcpth of south H., ior,rt.y continr.lcsotf the coast of en.r Califon.ri,r, in a boilt tip to SNn Migucl' ln "Hor.nt: Isllnds northernnost of the Chlnnel to Is How Milny Places," Ehrlich links ishncls h:rve who family, to history, to the nativc pcoplc ot gone-beforc hcr, thc Cihunush A {riend want yor'r "'I1 her, tells Chumash lncestry yort to know u'ho yot-t lte antl wherc yllu lrc' havc to know who lived here first"' [1s'/anrls' ttl p. 1,131.Ehrlich speaks o{ islauds ls placcs ls "Lc "birtl.r lnrl :rroltsal o{ consciousr.rcss"' ''rctuge lrs mindcrs ol arrivirl antl cleplrturcs"' Birr and sancntary." As a child living in Santir to Sittr bara, she had o{tcn dreamcd of su'imming Mi!'uel' Miguel. Now she was going to San retcrencc childhoocl hcr finrling I fresh vieu' on point. As shc lics on thc wet boat clecl<'thc ,,a."r-t apr"y blots or-tt the stars "I lick clatkrlcss oi {rom my mouth. It's strid thxt xt the Lr{rttom cnlightcnis satori IZcn the gravest cloubt therc ctLltural mentl" ip 131) Stories oi gctlkrgic lntl kruger origins establish hcr placc in the much ln history of her lifc Thc ocean, too, is home nlatter Legaq, tt{ 1-ig1?l(1987), shc rvritcs, "No in landscapc *" live ls adults, *h.r. indeliblc its which we grcw Lrp stailts us with ink" iP.2{J1. the LJttiversc'Honte All tlre thernes ol1.s1onds, last conc together in "The Fasting Heart"'thc sclson' essay o{ thc book: wrlking, laldscape' hcart \vrter, (llrest, spirit, ioumey iasting te''tivr i ! t l l r l l ! L ht t t - c t l t l t t r ; 1 1 1.1l p t t t t ' r " anything knou' the "knou'leclge thlt c:rrlnot matetial v'ry Ehrlich engages fuliy with "thc ald implicit ortlcr can be reality is r-tnobseniable physiound iu paradox." She clrlrvs otr quatltutrr illusion grrlsp the to ics, asttonomy, and Taoisnt liooded oi scparatcness.Her lakc rslanclrcftrgc is "thc by siring ntnoff' oncc agatn sbc sccs that dcirth is oiignr ol lifc is:rlwl-vs lor-rncliu ilclth; by hauntcd is She lifeis constant companion " 'lVhat js rltis r'r'rli tntltrttce I Wlttt qrrcstions, ' i.shr iing rnc.:" {p l92l. "P:rlc clouds unlolti The the mourtrit.t movcs likc I rivcr" ip. 196l asks' She acl.riug cnbtacc is infinrte, delicious, clocs watcr "Wherc clo I brcak off ancl rvhcre tl.rir' bcgrni" ip. 19(rl. Nolv the rvords oi the hcr t"i,-ttl., ..ttt,',t1' Zcn nastcr Dogcn clefine 'Walking beyoucl aud rvalking rvitl.rin wirlkit.rg: " hcr ue both clonc or.r watcr"' 1p I9(r) Thr-rs and isllnd' journeys tlkc hcr frour island to lcross all the expilnscsbcnvectl' Lightning Strikc liglltC)n 6 August 1991, Lhrlich $'its struck by abmptly elcied skies lilg. Hcr wall< rtntlcr bluc unconr'r'herl she wls thro$'n to tlle gtound l'4/oltlans scious. A Mutch to Llla Heart: Oltc bv Lightnirtg'll994l is the Str.rrlo/ Scing,StrLrcJ< tlucst Ior astonisl.ring siory of het nclr clelth, hcr recovevcntull hclp lncl unilcrst;tnding, and her .fh", mitacle' slic livcd to tell thc story is a .ry. :rnd Throughout het varions hospital stays ot statcs her clrttxriclcs blackout cpisodcs, shc perthrs lnto lnind neaL the dark fog of dcath on thc sorul lccortlt Ehrlich r'r'cilvcsitlformatiotl thc rlirtlrre of thc llcart lntl ltclvtltts systcnl' conrthc lntl ligl.rtning, nlture of thrtndcr antl plex long-term cffects of lightning strikes on thc htturau lnind and lrodY reThe book begir.rswith Ehrlich's :rgolllzlng stirs tunt to cot]sciousncss:"A singlc hcartllcat strc'Lm till)i a in, iust gray \\'lters Rluc trickles in I pool Awakcning 3l silencc" l,,,tg [p T}t"n " Ehrlich oi bloocl antl Ih-u.rg f:rr off the path' tlying the {or instmctions consiclers Bucldhist 254 GRETEI, EHRLIC'H Her chcst nur.nbaDd hcr hcart bcatiDgwildly, shcmaruges tu rvalk thc quarter milc back to hcr r l l l c l l l l , ' l l \ Ct t t W l r r r t r i r t t" T h r - u r r r l r i c l t l i k r ; t pcach that haLl split opcn in thc rniddlc;... thc sky rvas tattcrcil ltouk pages wlving in different" lp.8 9). The cr.l.rcrgencymedical tcam brought her to tl.rc neitrcst hospital, thrrtyhvc miles lu'av, whcrc the utly doctor in to$'l.) recorclcclhcr :rilmcnts: cardiac arrcst, ltrol<cn ribs, concussion, lilcur.rtiolts,and kcraur-ro-1.tlral ysis lrom r,xist to tltroat. Alonc in tl.reJrospital thxt night shc fclt "lil<c tn ancicnt, mummilied child . . . bound tightl_v, urable to rrove , m)' dcad {acctippetl backu'ardstou-irrdthc rnoon,, ip. I8}. Whcn hcr conrlitiot.r u'urscncd to thc point whcrc shc could ltirrcly rcnrain conscious, Ehr lich's fathcr llerv to Wyorning to bring ircr honrc to Santl Barlura. Therc shc rccctvctl propcr metiical carc unclcr thc hancls of cotllpassi()nirtc c l r t i i , ' l n g i - LB l r t i r r . f l r . r n i n .I \ r n l ( r i l u n i l ( . 1 showcd hcr syn4tiltltctic nervous systcm had bccn "fricd," Ieaving thc vilgLrsnetr''econstantly tcllilg cverything to skrrv clown, including hcr hcart antl trkxrd grrcssure."Clarlmincss turncd to a drcnclting s\vcirtr rry ltrclthing clme f:rst and the tcrr.iblc, elcphlntitre hcavincss invatlcd my body agrrin" lp.471. Betwccu doctor visits Ehrlich trics to ur.rclcrstandthc hndsclpe oi hLtntanneurornatotny. Shc col-npilrcsthc brain to a globe on ir spincllc,shc sccs thc bocly as ,,a Scparatecontincnt, I u'hole ccosysteul, I secrct spinning planct" (p. 5 I I. Earlicr shc muscs, ,,lf I held ir match to m).hclrt, r,wnld I bc rblc to sce its workings, would I knou. rly body the uty I kr.rou'a city, . . . rvoulcl I knorv u'hcrc this passion to livc irnd lovc comcs frorn" (p. 27li In thc courscoi hrr peinstlking rccovcry she conclutles "the n.rintl-body spiit is a nrcirninglcss, lar.rgl.rirblc iilea" 1p.i3l.i),ancl furthcr, that ncglcct of the naturalu'urld outside tl.rc Lrodyreflccts ln eeluirlly of thc rvrtrldwithin. Thus Ehrhch extenclsl.rcrcuriosity and passion for the hncl to the ir.rncr lr,ildcrncss of tl.rc human bocly-ln equllly complex system worthy o{ rnan el. Thc sctting 1or much o[ A Matt:lt to !]ta Hcotl is thc Salta Berbara coitst, u.hcrc Ehrlich lets thc l.rcaling pou'er of wttcr restorc hcr strclgtlt. Herc she "wonkl surrcr-tiier t{) \{hitevcr s\{iln-r through" ip. (r51. Shc cncoulltcrs grcbes, kclp, pclicans, and fog, wilrtlswept beaches,and ll'rltcr stolns. Aching tbr a fricr.rd,she flics her belovccl sheephcrding clog Slnt to towlr a week LrciorcChristrnas. "Nnlv one of my saviors was hcrc at ny siclc,wc haclboth bccn stmck, we had both sLrwived, and I kneu' that iI cl-rring thc night I fell unconscious, he would bring me back e l i v c "1 p . 8 2 ) . In San's cor.npanyantl n'ith tirc help of krvin.q r.rcighLrorsand Dr. Branitf, Ehrhcl.r rcgains cnough strength to visit Wyontilrg to casc her hor.r.rcsickless for the llntl shc has known for scventccn yetrs. But in the year au.ay hcr mar, n:rgc h:rd failcd rrnd thc ranch hacl changed Doticclbly. She could sce thjs was no krngcr homc, that shc had to le:rvc. "l felt likc a rivcr moving inside a rivcr. . . thc rivers wcre laycrs of gnel slicling, the love of open spaces bcing nudgctl undcr fallen logs, presscd llrt rgirinst cut brnl<s :urd point bars" ip. 1401. To soothe hcr solrl frrxr.r tl.rc loss oi so much intimacy, shc trirycls to Alaska whcre "thundering amputations" of calving glacicrs rnaclcit secm like ,,tl.rc Lrnivcrsew:rs falling apart" ip. I:1(rl. Hcre fir.rally shc could scc the illLrninating face of de:rth: "Night can.rc and the fecc of tl.rc glacicr trrrnccl l.rright irs if I hugc slab of moon hlcl been cut off irnd laid agair.rsttl.rcrnountains,,(p. 150J. In this unusual naturll history of body, placc, rnd rnincl, Ehrlich again ilraws on scicntific cxpcrtisc to enrich hcr niur:ltive. Two cardiologists shou' hcr thc world o{ the bcating hcart by rlkrn'ing her to obserye open hcart surgcry. A ncurops,vchologistdescribcsthe "postelectrocu tiol syrlrlrolle," confessingnost doctors do not knon'to kxrk for tiny clar.naged ncrvcs. A lightning expcrt explains thlt wilter is the most dlngcrous timc of year bcciruseo{ the incrcased ruoisturc in thc atmosphcrc Ehrlich attends the Third Annual Lightning Strike and Elcctric Shock conferencc and cttcounters strangc and tcrrible strtries of seizurcs, amncsia, night ter rors, nLrmLtless,impotence, chronic pain. With startling richncss, she con.rmunic:rtcsthc alien inncr llndscapc of thosc rvho havc treen irrcvers ibly transformctl b1' thcir expcricnce r,r'ith electIlclty. 25.5 A M E R I CA' N N A T U R E WR I T ER S Blck in Cllifornia rltcr thc confcrencc,Ehrlich finelly breaks through hcr lor.rg lrrrrdrr, Tibctan $orcl Ior "wandcring state bctwccl.I lite rtnd dcath, confessiot.rand enlightenment, ueuLosisand sallity" ip '10f f0ining friends krr a tlivilg expcditior.r ott Santa Cruz Islancl, shc jumps into the ocean for the first trne in thifty hited otf and ,vcars :rnd "the sl-rcll ol r.ny body was dcstroycd as cool n'atct flowcd in ovcr ne\{ skin" ip. 189J. This primotclial plunge takes Ehrlich back to hcr $'aters, revealing thc dimcnsior.rof healing in her cxpcricncc of scnse of place. YellowstoncCountry Having suwrvcd this drlnlattc encountcl witlt Iighming, Ehrliclr ou to write I vivid nauittivc {or Ycllr.lvslot.r:Lurtd of Fira arrdlce [19951, ;r photo-essey oI thc widcr Ycilou'stone bioregion. Bcautifr.rllyproduccd, with cxcpisite fttll pagc color pltotographs ;rucl double-pirge tlil triltnllliltlL ll'ltl"llt' tl)t hrrL'kl' rrllC itt:t "tit' celcbratit.tgthc epic geologicproccssesof Antcr ic:r's national parks. Brilliant plrotos by Willard and Kathy Clay iutrodr'tcethc divcrse llndfort.ns thc grancl morurlnd hirbitats of Ycllowstollc tains, vallcys, citnyons, thc lspcus, pines, ancl glasscs. Ellrlich is irt hcr best rctuming to the land she knows so well. Though the trook is a broatl natural history of place, Ehrlich espccially enticcs the rcader to cxpericncethc grlncleur ol its gcologic ilctivit-v."standurg il the midst of hot pots, wild gorgcs, and white capped ll.loLlntallls, it sect.netlthat heavcn, carth, lnd hcll wcre all here in this one pllce, bound by the vcrticirl stitchcry of rain, snow, {irc, and stelr.n" ip 17l' spcaks of Yclktwstoue irs arl ecosystcn/ l]ot as l sruglc plrk with ltmitctl boundarics, bnt rathcr "an ernlllrassnlcnt of richcs" ip. Ill"six platclus, a grancl car.tyon, .. tcn thotlsard thermill ictturcs,... dozens of rivcrs lntl crccks, scvctal mtnntain ranges irr-rd .. hugc ghciatcd valleys" [p. l7]. She tr:rcesthe rlcvelopl.Dentot a l r t r r dL t h i r t u r l l l c . t r ( t . , l ( l \ o L , l l i nJAg c l l L \l't l l l l agcncnt bascd on biological untlcrstanding As in all hcr writing, Ehrlich rlluminates the vastness of lanclscapc through her own pcrsonal er:pcriencc. Shc monitors the rccovcry from the 1988 fires that bumcd ovcr orlc million acres, she r'r'alks the{ thc Grantl Canyon of the Yellowstonc, offers close up vlews oi llrlzzlies and coyotcs, pcregrine falcons, and deer micc. Returning from a weeldong pack trip in the high cour.rtry, she concs to understand Yellurvstonc as "truly a living organism" (p 129) Thc book's bcautiful journey thrortgh this vital and remarkable place concludes with hcr concern for shrinking fragments of habltat. Shc urgcs, "we must do whilt \ve can to help restorc the brokclr anci delilcd lands bct$'een thesc beautiiul islar.rdsand undcrstand that, lvhcn wc travcl through this finc wilderncss, wc are walking on tl.reback o{ a living bcing" (p. 1291. ArnonglModern Writers Likc othcr l1atluc writers, Ehrlich spcaks lrom l.rcr cxpericr.rccsof lar.rdscapcand pilgrin.ragc, the quest tlf a mystic, ranchcr, lliltllrllist, wolllan llcr work fits l'etcr Fritzcll's dcscription of natruc writxrg (in Ndturc Writirtg itt Anterictt, 19901 as part spiritual lutobiogr:rphy and part natural history. Fritzell sulgcsts this is a literatutc O{ cxtrert]c positions, from celcbr:rtions ot seli to rrodcst sclf-effaccnctlt antl hr'rr.nility, fron raclical doubts to strong aftirmations lt.t 'e.kirrg r.' lot lt( llltlll'(l\c' tlStur( writer\' l n l z r ' l l . u l t c \ l \ . e , . l l , r h < t l et r l c t t t l t ] J\ ' x n c r i c l l c e of early Amcricans. Thc Nerv World, in cffect, is irn epistemokrgicel problem still being worked out on thc Westcrn lronticr. Ehrlich's writing people, weathcr, sca lbout Wyotring-its place, a w:ry of "scttof an cxplicatioll sons-is it into stories by composiDg ling country" by goilrg story likewisc explores her ou'n back to hcr Cllifornia origins and lclrning about sone o{ thc original pcople thcrc. ln thc journcy to Japan, shc gathers sceds of rnsight drat will nourish her storics of the htture Ehrlich tlpifies the tlpe of naturc \\'ritcr John P. O'Grady ciescribes (in P/grlms of tlrc Wiltl' 256 GRETEL EH RLI(:H ''$4lo iiocuments the crossit.lgof 1993) as one pcrcepthrcsholds." These are the thrcsholds of wherc trirllsiorrlation, tion and psychological larger thc o{ sel{ ancl other blur in thc exlericncc the whole. Walking rs a wry to preparc to reccive Othcr, to scttlc the t.ntnd and opell the senses drivO'Grady focuscs on desire as the personal Hc $'ritillg naturc ing force behincl powertul dJfincs desire krr thc r'vild as ;rn "objcctlcss desire," :t passion spread over thc lendscapc' Ehrlich charging tlt" space with erotic potency in hcr again a"pr.aa., this desire lgain and her "obkrnging, her roaning, her clucstioning, cnr sesiion with " Whot is t-liis wiic/ seckrng ko;rn, a as tlttcstion brace.lShe asks thc physianswcrs it1 dreams, rock {ormltions, the changing cality of Iife and death, in the pulsing, . h ; r l . . , i t h ( \ c , l \ o n \ J n ( l t l t e i r c o n ' t t n t t l t ' t t i o t irt t her. Ehrlich stantls out among lrlodern rlltrue with writers for her poctic voice, her intimacy ttr thc Wyon.ring landsc:rpe, and hcr inclinatiolt atten Budrlhisrn. Her writing is markccl by its netaphor haikr-r-likc in tion to nuance cxprcsscd she and simile. Spcaking of an injured cagle, she writcs, "FIow big shc rvas, hou' erch time spreaclher wings it was like I thought strctching p l 13)Shc intetbetweentwo scasons" l1s1onds, with sperses poctic irnagcry oi thc landscapc iu Tlrc terscphilosophical insights For exllmplc, ln Sollcc oi Opcn Sirrtccs,"There is nothrng botl.t naturc that can't bc takcn irs a sign ot of writcr (p As a 8'3l mortality antl invigoration" thc to crpturc place, shc makes a plrticrtlar cffort peoplcshapedby thc placc; in l.rertime, thesc arc irn.h"tt, hcrdcrs, outdoor people Shc rccog nizesin then an evolutionary tntth of charactcr' A ranchcr's li{e "is t.rot a series of ciranatic exilcd evcnts for whicl.t hc or shc is :rpphuded or ycars' but a slow accumulation of days, seasons' oi onc's t'cight generatiot.trl flcshcd or.rt by the ol sense family and anchorcd by a land-bound and plr."i' (p.51. Hcr sketchcs o{ sheepherders hcr cowboys in Solace bring other voices thxn contrast For life owr to commcnt tln botshe sceks out pl.rysicists, asttonomcts, antl thc on anists to offcr a scientific perspective larger scale of Plirce. Ehrlich placcshersclf ir.rthe literary tradition of Enerson and Thorcau, quoting their works in hcr ess;rys.Sherefersto Dat.rtc,RobinsonJeffers' ancl Walt Whitman-pocts who in{om her work. Basho is a special favoritc, though shc cites poctry by othcr fapanescwritcrs ls well' She is eclually cirawn by the spiritual writings o{ Lao tru, the Buddha, and thc Zen teachcr DugrIt. Th*c ptor idt ltt f 't-tertt t trtttttctl'uint {or her Wcstcrn litcrary heritagc They offer gridcpostsof it.rspirationas shc dcals wrth tlre cphcncral nature of tl-Lcuniversc Ehrlich brings To dlescEast West in{lucr.rccs is onc ot a Shc her scnsibilitiesas e \\'omiLll handful of wol.ncn natLrrc writcrs ir.r the 1990s and u,ho arc infusing thcir u'ork witl.r scnsitivity an is work Her crotic clrlotioll that revcal the thc ol attracti(n eifort to cr]-rboclythe powcr and iI.t Iirnd. The wiltl is alivc in hcr-in her body' her fect, in hcr hclrt-and sl.rcclnnot rest while the this vitality stirs in her. Hcr n'ork irgs with cant.tot thlt clcpth richness of livcd cxpcriencc, I be phur.rbcd in a r'1uickrcadrng' In El.rrlich's work u'e havc thc gilts of onc who is wiLling to stmpglc u'ith the qucstidrs of life rvith alcl meaning. She invitcs tclclcrs to travcl i t t t t t t t rrt t' h e r t U t l t c l r r r r J rr ' I n : r r ' r J o rl'r t . t t t t'r but and spirit. Shc ofters uo linal answcts, thror-rghl.rer cxploring, reatlcrs sec I \{:ly to scttlc sec with thc clrth ar.rdfincl thcir r'r' "Ttl wrltes shc mcans to stop, to brclthe in ancl out," in "Landscilpe." "lf we gtl ottt in order to find' $'c not to inpose, thc landscapctouchcs us :rnd plact: born " cli it. Only thcn is a sense SelectcdBibliograPirY WORKSOF C]RETELEHRLICH ESSAYS I9ll5l; Tbe Stittt:eoi ()pctt S-paccsiNerv York: VikinS' itr of Wiuter"' Skull Surlot}r :rnd "Thc "On Watcr" frrmtrlc iSJt i,,td.t lnt,u rltc l-arIr.l'cd by Stepher.r itr LJ<e City: PercgrrneSnrith books, 19!191;"Spring"' Hi\lorl' Nll1ll1ll/ 'rlrd Lrlll(lscll/)'' Orr Nirtrrrc: Ntilur'c, I98(r1; "Landscepe'" lstn Friurcisco: North Poilt, (Nclv rn lcarcl' o/ lr,ght ed by Cotlstance Sulliva 257 A.IIf R|(A \ \'4TI RE WRITER,S Slnrcc\, in ltr'c.!lci?rAlll.r;(!rr Liltttl1Lltc licyic!1' 21, no. .3 1198(r); Prco E,vet, "l\rddhist at rhe Lclge of thc Earth," il lrc-r'(1. 5, no. 3 lsprirl.q l996li Kristiur Crcgoq', revicu' of TLtc *tlLttt' rt ()ptttt Yorkr Krropi, l987lj "A Rivel's ll.outc," Hurlet s )77 il)ecerrrbcr 19881;/s/rlrds, Lllc I Jtlivcrsu,llolrrc iNcw York: Viking, I99l); "Tjnre ol Icc," Harpt'ri 28'1 (Marclr i9921; A MLitcl)10 lltc HcLtrt: Ottc l\,'(rllrlll'\ Story of Bting Siflrcl bv li.glll]ir.g iNc\\, Yotl<r Pengrrin, 199,11, lutotriognphy; Yelht*':trntt. Lnd ol Fitc arti lcc 1Ncu, Yotk: Hrtpcr Collins, 19951, photo F]CT]O\ It,yonlir.q .Slolirs lSlntl Barbare,C:rli{.: C.rpta, I 98(rl, sh(r't storics, bourcl uith Ed$'ltrd Ho:Ighnd, Cil\' Tdlcsj H(art Mortntuin (Nerv York: Vikirrg, 19881, novel, l)lrrArlr.q Dr.v CktuLls: Sforit:s lrolrl l4!rrrlling (SantiB L rrb.r., CaJii: Caprr, l99ll, short storics. POETlIY C cole/tuttl< li)r/) iSantx B.ub.rrr, Cclil.: C--rpricor, 19701, To Trntclt tfu l,trlttcr, ed. by Tour Tntsl<,v iBorsc, Iclll-ro:Ahsrirta, 19811;Atclic HLttrt: A [\)t't)] Clyc1d iSrntr Barbirra,(ielif.: Capra, 1992). AND CRITICAL STUI)IES BIOGI].APHICAL Marian Blue, "Elrrlich, Grete1,"ir\ Twctlt icl 11(:t:txLltt Western Wntcr:, ed. b1' Cicofi Sadler i2cl ccl.,Chicirg,rr: St. Jdrres, i99l]; Rosellen Bro\rn, "Bolt h1)rl1thc Blue," in lt/rurcn's Rrtvictl t)/ liooA\ iN()\'cmL)cr 19941, Janet (ierrrrorr, rcvrer,r'Ltl Tlte SolLttc tt ()|tt:rt sflc.s, in /.o\ Ar3c/.s Tit11c\Ilt)ok lict;r!f i5 Jltltltry HistrtJ: An 19li(r); DrDicl Halpcr n, cd., "Nrturrl Arrrotatcd Booklist," in Oir Niilill-cr NLtttltt . Ldtltl larrl)c, dnd Nrlliilll/ H;\l{)/-r' iSiln Franclsco: N()rth lburt, l986li (lrrrctt Hongo, "Lovc Be,vottd thc Fences,"irr Nrw'Y0IA Tirrcs Brx* llctittt i6 Novern bcr l9li8l; Plt C. Ikrv, "Tlic Lutt,qrtlgeoi Nltllrrl ll/!'ich' 95, I1o.,1 i l9llTlj PilL]llfu:., Li[c, ' in Scu',trtr:,: "Lift' in thc Empt,v (lu:Ifter," in Nrilirr.rl /icvi('w' i,1 hrly 1986); [.dwutd Lrtcclcrs,"The So].cc ot Opcn Sprccs," in WL'\lctrt IIulDaDjltcs /{dtla1,,'.1(1,no. ;[ ll98a)), (--hristophcrMcrtil], "Volegt's to thc Inlllccli atc: Rccclrt Nxturc Wr itil'lgs," in Navr'tl?gltrnd Rcvicvv utd Ilrcatllo,tl (lrrartrdl' 10, no. .l il9ll8l' Tudith N{(nre, ''Whxt il MountriD Is," in N.$' York Tinl$ lJool /icr.icvr:il Deccmbcr I9851; ChristrDher Tilgh' nar1, "A iVhn Who U.rrkedencl(lh:rscd Crrs," in N(w YorA Tirrrr:s ,Bool llr!'1.t'r i2a) NIl,v 1991], Stcphcu TrirrrLrlc,cd., l\ttn tl: lrnn llc lrlrrl iSlll Ltrke (lit,v: l)cregrine SlDith Bool<s, 19891; Rogt'r M Vrladc III, "Ehrlich, Gretrl," ir\())nLtrt)p(r1tr\. Atltltrls. vol. I,10, ccl by L)olru L)lcnclori iDetloit: Grlc l{cscrrch hc., 19931;Loujs WerrTer,"A Sliltccl l)ossr(rnf(n NltLtrc," in ClrrisiirrrrSr'ielrcc,lloriiol i 1.1NovrnlL)cr 19911. 25u