1.5MHz STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER ... Data Sheet General Description Features
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1.5MHz STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER ... Data Sheet General Description Features
Data Sheet 1.5MHz STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER AP3012 General Description Features The AP3012 is a high power, constant frequency, current mode PWM, inductor based, step-up (boost) converter. The converter operates at high frequency (1.5MHz) so that a small, low profile inductor can be used. · · · · · · The AP3012 has built-in overvoltage protection (OVP) to allow the device goes into shutdown mode when the output voltage exceeds the OVP threshold of 29V. · · · The AP3012 is available in standard SOT-23-5 package. High Efficiency up to 81% Adjustable Output Voltage up to 29V Shutdown Current 1µA Typical 1.5MHz Switching Frequency 36V 500mA Rugged Integrated Bipolar Switch Built-in Soft-start to Reduce Inrush Current During Start-up On-chip Overvoltage Protection Uses Low ESR Ceramic Output Capacitor Uses Small Inductor Applications · · · LCD/OLED Display Bias Supply White LED Driver for LCD Display Backlights Cellular Phones SOT-23-5 Figure 1. Package Type of AP3012 May 2010 Rev. 1. 6 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 1 www.BDTIC.com/DIODES Data Sheet 1.5MHz STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER AP3012 Pin Configuration K Package (SOT-23-5) SW 1 GND 2 FB 3 5 VIN 4 SHDN Figure 2. Pin Configuration of AP3012 (Top View) Pin Description Pin Number Pin Name 1 SW 2 GND 3 FB 4 SHDN 5 VIN Function Switch Pin. Connect inductor/diode here. The output voltage can go up to 29V but should not exceed this limit. If the voltage on this pin is higher than the overvoltage protection (OVP) threshold, the device can go into shutdown mode. It can be restarted by a low to high pulse on the SHDN pin, or by a power on reset on the VIN supply Ground Pin. Connect directly to local ground plane Feedback Pin. Internally compares to 1.25V. Connect R1 and R2 resistor divider here. Calculate the Output Voltage according to the formula: VOUT=1.25V * (1+R1/R2) Shutdown Pin. Connect to 1.5V or higher to enable device (ON), 0.4V or lower to disable device (OFF) Input Supply Pin. Must be locally bypassed May 2010 Rev. 1. 6 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 2 www.BDTIC.com/DIODES Data Sheet 1.5MHz STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER AP3012 Functional Block Diagram 1 OVP FB VIN 3 DRIVER A1 5 1.25V A2 RC VREF SOFT START Q R S 4 SHUTDOWN Q1 CC Σ SHDN SW COMPARATOR 0.2 Ω 2 GND RAMP GENERATOR 1.5MHz OSCILLATOR Figure 3. Functional Block Diagram of AP3012 May 2010 Rev. 1. 6 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 3 www.BDTIC.com/DIODES Data Sheet 1.5MHz STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER AP3012 Ordering Information AP3012 - Circuit Type E1: Lead Free G1: Green Package TR: Tape and Reel K: SOT-23-5 Package Temperature Range SOT-23-5 -40 to 85oC Part Number Lead Free AP3012KTR-E1 Marking ID Green AP3012KTR-G1 Lead Free E6B Green G6B Packing Type Tape & Reel BCD Semiconductor's Pb-free products, as designated with "E1" suffix in the part number, are RoHS compliant. Products with "G1" suffix are available in green package. May 2010 Rev. 1. 6 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 4 www.BDTIC.com/DIODES Data Sheet 1.5MHz STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER AP3012 Absolute Maximum Ratings (Note 1) Parameter Symbol Value Unit Input Voltage VIN 20 V SW Voltage 38 V FB Voltage 5 V SHDN Voltage 16 V 265 oC/W 150 oC TSTG -65 to 150 oC TLEAD 260 oC ESD (Machine Model) 250 V ESD (Human Body Model) 2000 V Thermal Resistance (Junction to Atmosphere, no Heat sink) RθJA Operating Junction Temperature Storage Temperature Range Lead Temperature (Soldering, 10sec) Note 1: Stresses greater than those listed under "Absolute Maximum Ratings" may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under "Recommended Operating Conditions" is not implied. Exposure to "Absolute Maximum Ratings" for extended periods may affect device reliability. Recommended Operating Conditions Parameter Symbol Min Max Unit Input Voltage VIN 2.6 16 V Operating Temperature TOP -40 85 o May 2010 Rev. 1. 6 C BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 5 www.BDTIC.com/DIODES Data Sheet 1.5MHz STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER AP3012 Electrical Characteristics (VIN=3V, VSHDN=3V, TA=25oC, unless otherwise specified.) Parameter Symbol Conditions Min Minimum Operating Voltage Typ Unit 2.6 V Maximum Operating Voltage Feedback Voltage Max VFB FB Pin Bias Current VIN=5V, VOUT=24V, IOUT=30mA VFB=1.25V 16 V 1.17 1.25 1.33 V 10 45 100 nA Supply Current ICC VSHDN =VFB=VIN, No switching 2.5 3.5 mA Supply Current IQ VSHDN =0V, VFB=0V 0.1 1.0 µA Switching Frequency f 1.1 1.5 1.9 MHz Maximum Duty Cycle DMAX 85 90 % Duty Cycle=80% 500 mA ISW=250mA 300 mV VSW=5V 0.01 Switching Current Limit Switch VCESAT VCESAT Switch Leakage Current SHDN Voltage High (ON) VTH SHDN Voltage Low (OFF) VTL 1.5 VOVP Soft-Start Time Thermal Resistance (Junction to Case) V 0.4 SHDN Pin Bias Current OVP Voltage Threshold µA 5 θJC 55 µA 29 V 550 µS 69.57 May 2010 Rev. 1. 6 o C/W BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 6 www.BDTIC.com/DIODES Data Sheet 1.5MHz STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER AP3012 Typical Performance Characteristics 3.0 SHDN=10V SHDN=3.6V SHDN=3V SHDN=2.7V 320 2.0 SHDN Pin Bias Current (µA) Quiescent Current (mA) 2.5 o -50 C o 25 C o 100 C 1.5 1.0 0.5 280 240 200 160 120 80 40 0.0 0 4 8 12 -50 16 -25 0 25 50 75 100 o VIN (V) Junction Temperature ( C) Figure 4. Quiescent Current vs. Input Voltage Figure 5. SHDN Pin Bias Current vs. Junction Temperature 70 2.0 Feedback Bias Current (nA) Switching Frequency (MHz) 60 1.6 1.2 0.8 0.4 50 40 30 20 10 0.0 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 0 -50 100 o -25 0 25 50 75 100 o Junction Temperature ( C) Junction Temperature ( C) Figure 6. Switching Frequency Figure 7. Feedback Bias Current vs. Junction Temperature vs. Junction Temperature May 2010 Rev. 1. 6 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 7 www.BDTIC.com/DIODES Data Sheet 1.5MHz STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER AP3012 Typical Performance Characteristics (Continued) 85 1200 80 Switching Current Limit (mA) 1000 Efficiency (%) 75 70 65 VIN=5V VOUT=24V IOUT=30mA 60 55 50 -50 -25 0 25 50 75 800 600 400 200 0 100 0 20 40 100 85 1.29 VIN=5V VOUT=24V IOUT=30mA 80 Efficiency (%) 1.28 Feedback Voltage (V) 80 Figure 9. Switching Current Limit vs. Duty Cycle Figure 8. Efficiency vs. Junction Temperature 1.27 1.26 1.25 1.24 -50 60 Duty Cycle (%) o Junction Temperature ( C) 75 VIN=3.0V VIN=3.6V VIN=4.2V VIN=5.0V VOUT=24V L=10µH 70 65 -25 0 25 50 75 60 100 o Junction Temperature ( C) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Output Current (mA) Figure 10. Feedback Voltage vs. Junction Temperature May 2010 Rev. 1. 6 Figure 11. Efficiency vs. Output Current BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 8 www.BDTIC.com/DIODES Data Sheet 1.5MHz STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER AP3012 Typical Application VIN OFF VIN ON SHDN C1 1µF VOUT D1 1N5819 L1 10µΗ 5V R1 92.82K SW AP3012 24V C2 1µF FB GND RLOAD R2 5.1K Note: VOUT=1.25*(1+R1/R2)=1.25*19.2=24V C: X5R or X7R Dielectric L: SUMIDA CDTH3D14/HPNP-100NC or Equivalent Figure 12. LCD/OLED Display Bias Driver Typical Circuit May 2010 Rev. 1. 6 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 9 www.BDTIC.com/DIODES Data Sheet 1.5MHz STEP-UP DC-DC CONVERTER AP3012 Mechanical Dimensions SOT-23-5 Unit: mm(inch) 0.300(0.012) 0.600(0.024) 1.500(0.059) 1.700(0.067) 0.100(0.004) 0.200(0.008) 2.950(0.116) 2.650(0.104) 2.820(0.111) 3.020(0.119) 0.200(0.008) 0.700(0.028) REF 0.300(0.012) 0.400(0.016) 0° 8° 1.800(0.071) 2.000(0.079) 0.000(0.000) MAX 1.450(0.057) 0.950(0.037) TYP 0.150(0.006) 0.900(0.035) 1.300(0.051) May 2010 Rev. 1. 6 BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited 10 www.BDTIC.com/DIODES BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited http://www.bcdsemi.com IMPORTANT IMPORTANT NOTICE NOTICE BCD Semiconductor Semiconductor Manufacturing Manufacturing Limited Limited reserves reserves the the right right to to make make changes changes without without further further notice notice to to any any products products or or specifispecifiBCD cations herein. herein. 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BCD Semiconductor Semiconductor Manufacturing Manufacturing Limited Limited does does not not convey convey any any license license under under its its patent patent rights rights or or other rights of of others. others. other rights rights nor nor the the rights MAIN SITE MAIN SITE - Headquarters BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Limited - Wafer Fab No. 1600, Zi Xing Road, Shanghai ZiZhu Science-basedLimited Industrial Park, 200241, China Shanghai SIM-BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Tel: Fax: +86-21-24162277 800,+86-21-24162266, Yi Shan Road, Shanghai 200233, China Tel: +86-21-6485 1491, Fax: +86-21-5450 0008 REGIONAL SALES OFFICE Shenzhen OfficeSALES OFFICE REGIONAL - Wafer FabSemiconductor Manufacturing Limited BCD Shanghai SIM-BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. - IC Design Group 800 Yi Shan Road, Shanghai 200233, China Corporation Advanced Analog Circuits (Shanghai) Tel: +86-21-6485 1491,YiFax: 0008200233, China 8F, Zone B, 900, Shan+86-21-5450 Road, Shanghai Tel: +86-21-6495 9539, Fax: +86-21-6485 9673 Taiwan Office Shanghai Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Office BCD Taiwan Semiconductor Shenzhen SIM-BCD Office Office (Taiwan) Company Limited Unit A Room 1203, Skyworth Bldg., Gaoxin Ave.1.S., Nanshan Shenzhen, 4F, 298-1, Guang Road,(Taiwan) Nei-Hu District, Taipei, Shanghai SIM-BCD Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.District, Shenzhen Office BCDRui Semiconductor Company Limited China Taiwan Advanced Analog Circuits (Shanghai) Corporation Shenzhen Office 4F, 298-1, Rui Guang Road, Nei-Hu District, Taipei, Tel: +86-755-8826 Tel: +886-2-2656 2808 Room E, 5F, Noble 7951 Center, No.1006, 3rd Fuzhong Road, Futian District, Shenzhen 518026, China Taiwan Fax: +86-755-88267951 7865 Fax: +886-2-2656 28062808 Tel: +86-755-8826 Tel: +886-2-2656 Fax: +86-755-8826 7865 Fax: +886-2-2656 2806 USA Office BCD Office Semiconductor Corp. USA 30920Semiconductor Huntwood Ave.Corporation Hayward, BCD CA 94544, USA Ave. Hayward, 30920 Huntwood Tel :94544, +1-510-324-2988 CA U.S.A Fax:: +1-510-324-2988 +1-510-324-2788 Tel Fax: +1-510-324-2788 www.BDTIC.com/DIODES