
Antrag auf Unterbringung Freemover / Stipendiat/in ____ Name:

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Antrag auf Unterbringung Freemover / Stipendiat/in ____ Name:
Antrag auf Unterbringung
Application for accommodation –
Demande d’hébergement
Freemover / Stipendiat/in
Family name / Nom
First name / Prénom
Date of birth /
Date de naissance
Wintersemester mit Deutschkurs ____
(winter semester with German language course / semestre d'hiver avec cours d'allemand)
nur diese Mietzeiträume
sind möglich, bitte nicht
Rental period:
(Rental periods are fixed. Please do
not alter!)
Wintersemester ohne Deutschkurs ____
(winter semester without German language course / semestre d'hiver sans cours d'allemand)
Sommersemester mit Deutschkurs ____
(summer semester with German language course / semestre d'été avec cours d'allemand)
Période de location:
(prière de ne pas changer les
dates !)
Sommersemester ohne Deutschkurs ____
(summer semester without German language course / semestre d'été sans cours d'allemand)
Mir ist bekannt, dass ein Mietvertrag nur für einen der oben genannten Zeiträume abgeschlossen
werden kann. Eine Verlängerung oder Verkürzung des Mietvertrages ist nur in Ausnahmefällen und nach
Absprache mit dem International Office möglich.
I understand that a rental agreement can only be concluded for one of the rental periods listed above. An extension or reduction of
the rental agreement is possible only in exceptional cases and only after prior consultation with and the agreement of the
International Office.
Je sais qu’un contrat de location n’est possible que pour une seule des périodes données ci-dessus et qu’une prolongation ou une
résiliation avant terme ne seront exceptionnellement prises en considération qu’avec l’accord préalable du Service des Relations
Internationales .
Date / Date
Signature / Signature
International Office, Campus A4 4, D-66123 Saarbrücken
fax: +49-681-302 71119, email: [email protected]
ZA 1 Semester
Nur vom International Office zu markieren!!! Raum für interne Vermerke
ZA 2 Semester
Name: ________________________________________________
Accommodation Options
The prices given below are the prices of the winter semester 2015; they might slightly increase for the summer
Apartment in Kossmannstraße
Single apartments with a small kitchenette and bathroom
 Apartment (ca. 21 m² / 315,00 €)
 Apartment (ca. 23 m² / 325,00 €)
 Apartment (ca. 26 m² / 335,00 €)
Room in Tilsiterstraße
Room in a 3-person shared apartment, shared kitchen
and bathroom (incl. toilet and shower/bathtub)
305€ to 335€
 Single room (ca. 14 m² / 260,00 €)
 Please reserve
me a room!
Room in Kaiserslautererstraße
Room in a 6-person shared apartment, shared kitchen
and bathroom (incl. toilet and shower/bathtub)
 Single room (ca. 13/14 m² / 280,00 €)
 Single room (ca. 15/16 m² / 290,00 €)
 Single room with balcony (ca. 21 m² / 310,00 €)
 Double room (ca. 50 m² / 230,00 € / Person)
230€ to 310€
(can only be booked if you have a person that you want to
share with – if yes, please indicate the person’s name):
Rooms of the Studentenwerk
(all rooms of Studentenwerk are rented out without a mattress)
Dormitory Waldhausweg
 Apartment (Rent: 280,00 € / Deposit = 560,00 €)
Dormitory Guckelsberg
 Dublette (Rent: 190,00 € / Deposit = 380,00 €)
Single room, Kitchen and bathroom shared with 1 person Saarbrücken
& Dudweiler
Dormitory Rotenbergstraße
 Apartment (Rent: 270€ – 286,00€ / Deposit = 2x rent)
190€ to 286€
charges –
every third
month you get
a service
Dormitory E
 Apartment (Rent: 236,00€ / Deposit = 472,00€)
More information can be found at:
 No, I do not require accommodation. I will find a room myself.
Please mark at least two options; otherwise we cannot take your wishes into account.
All of the offers only have a limited amount of rooms available. We are nevertheless doing our best to fulfil all
your wishes and to take your priorities into account.
Please note: Besides the monthly rent, you will have to pay a (refundable) security deposit of 500€ (in the
dormitories it is 2 monthly rents), as well as a 25€ one-time administrational fee.
The rooms are being assigned to students according to their availability and on a first come first served basis.
Please be aware that all of our rooms are non-smoking rooms!!!
Please note that accommodation for Freemover students cannot be guaranteed!
Fly UP