
University of Vermont Department of Mathematics & Statistics Course:

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University of Vermont Department of Mathematics & Statistics Course:
University of Vermont
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
STAT 141 Section G Syllabus
Basic Statistical Methods
Instructor: Jeff Buzas
Room 201 Lord House
[email protected]
Office Hours: M 10:30-11:30am,W 2:00-3:00pm
Office Phone:
“Intro Stats”, DeVeaux, Velleman, Bock, 4 Edition, Pearson/Addison Wesley, 2009. You will also need an access code to use MyStatLab, our
Homework Portal. This comes with the bookstore text package, or can be purchased separately. An e-book version of the text comes with
MyStatLab. A copy of the text is on reserve at the library. A link will be provided to show you how to register for my section of MyStatLab.
Online Homework: Homework for the course is required through the online portal, MyStatLab; available for purchase at
Course Description: Basic Statistical Methods provides an introduction to basic statistical concepts and methods, with an emphasis placed on
developing a thorough understanding of terminology, concepts and ideas. The goal of this course is for students to become
statistically literate and learn how to apply this knowledge in diverse situations while providing the necessary foundation
for their future study of statistics. Statistical software is used.
We will use the software package JMP (available as a download from the UVM Software Archive) for homework.
Learning Goals:
1.To learn how to describe and explore sets of data both numerically and graphically.
2. To learn the normal model for the distribution of a single variable and the linear regression model for the relationship between two variables.
3. To learn the basic ideas of good experimental design and good sampling design
4. To learn the fundamental ideas of statistical inference for means and proportions including both hypothesis testing and confidence intervals
5. To learn how to interpret confidence intervals and P-values in the context of real problems.
6. To learn how to be critical consumers of statistical studies reported in the media
Reading and learning from the text will be an essential part of this course. Reading to learn, especially from technical text, is a skill that may be new to many of
you...going forward, in your education and career, this is often your primary source of acquiring knowledge. This book was chosen specifically for its readability.
You will gain much of your statistical knowledge directly from the text and through working homework problems. We will discuss key points and tricky topics
during class.
Grading: Your grade for the course will be based on:
MyStatLab Homework (10%)
Quizzes (approximately weekly 10% total)
Tests (2 at 25% each)
Cumulative Final Exam (30%)
Exam Dates:
Exam I October 1
Exam II November 5
Final December 15 at 10:30 in Fleming 101
Expectations and UVM Policies:
Students are expected to act in accordance to the rules outlined in the University’s Policy Statements.
Religious Holidays: If you need to miss class to observe a religious holiday, please submit the dates of your absence in writing by the end of the
second full week of the semester.
Homework: The best way to learn about statistics is to work problems-- many problems. To this end, exercises will be assigned on approximately
a weekly basis. It is important that you think about and struggle with problems. Collaboration with other students is not only allowed but
encouraged! However, each homework assignment should be a unique submission.
Late Work: All work is expected to be completed on-time. There will be NO makeup quizzes or exams. When calculating your final grade,
your lowest homework grade and your lowest quiz grade will be dropped. If you miss an exam, that material will be made up during the final
exam period.
Absences: If you are missing class due to a serious personal/health issue and you believe that the circumstances require some flexibility in
course expectations, you must contact your college’s Student Services. Once I receive their documentation, I will consider their
recommendations for adjusting course expectations. If you are missing class due to a University sponsored activity, you must provide an official
University letter outlining the dates and purpose. I will determine if any adjustments to course expectations will be necessary.
Academic Integrity Policy
Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities
FERPA Rights Disclosure
Diversity at UVM and in the College of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences
Laptops, Cell phones, iPhones, iPods, iAnything: To be respectful of the learning environment, it is expected that none of these items will be
out or turned on in the classroom. These items are forbidden to be out during an examination.
Help Outside Class: There is a TA for this course: TBA
Office: 3 Floor of Pearl House
Office Hours for all the TAs can be found here.
Peer Tutoring through the Learning Coop is available.
Academic Assistance:
Students with documented learning disabilities are entitled by law to certain “reasonable accommodations.” If you have a
documented reason for special accommodations, you must provide written evidence of this as soon as possible from the appropriate office. Further info at
http://www.uvm.edu/~aspprogs .
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