
CS195 Computer Science for Geospatial Technologies Spring 2009 Alison Pechenick, Senior Lecturer

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CS195 Computer Science for Geospatial Technologies Spring 2009 Alison Pechenick, Senior Lecturer
CS195 Computer Science for Geospatial Technologies
Spring 2009
Alison Pechenick, Senior Lecturer
[Course Abstract]
[Course Objectives] [Text/Materials]
[Course Guidelines and Logistics] [Blackboard Course Access (restricted)]
Course Abstract and Objectives
This course is designed to introduce geospatial technologies students to a range of programming
and developer skills. Familiarity with geospatial data layers, ArcGIS desktop, and basic
Windows desktop and network file management concepts is presumed.
Today's GIS job postings increasingly seek those with skills surrounding web-based GIS
applications, database and spreadsheet facility, python and java scripting, VBA for ArcGIS,
VB.NET for ArcObject development, ASP.NET, mashups with Google Maps and ArcGIS
Server, and the like. This course will provide a hands-on introduction to a number of these
topics, with opportunity for each student to delve more deeply into an area of his or her choice.
The course is designed for GST students with no previous programming or other CS
background. Experienced students are also welcome.
Course Objectives
Become familiar with a variety of approaches to GIS programming and development.
Hone and reinforce database skills using Microsoft Access.
Hone and reinforce file management skills.
Create event-driven Windows and web-based mapping and other applications using
several popular programming languages and platforms.
Customize ArcGIS Desktop processes.
Become familiar with online resources, samples, and APIs.
Have fun!
There is no text for this course. We will use a series of web-based resources.
See Blackboard for a list of useful resources posted throughout the semester.
Blackboard http://bb.uvm.edu is our course space for all announcements,
assignments, discussions, and other materials.
You are responsible for checking this site regularly, and for responding to all
deadlines on a timely basis.
Software: 1) Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express SP1 with Framework 3.5 SDK
Free download at http://msdn.com/beginner
2) Browser (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome) for access to Blackboard and
homework submissions
3) WinZip, WinRAR or other software for packaging files (see downloads.com).
Note: Windows XP already has a built-in compression utility (right-click on your file(s) and
select "Send To...")
4) Other materials to be announced
Windows XP, Vista
Course Guidelines and Logistics
Office: 319 Votey
Phone: (802)656-2547
Mail: [email protected]
Office Hours in 319 Votey:
Mondays, 11 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Wednesdays, 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
or by
[email protected]
[email protected]
Jake’s Office Hours:
Mondays, 12:50-2:50 in 246 Votey
Tuesdays, 6:30 – 8:30 in 246 Votey
Thursdays after lab, 5:15-6:45 (but in 229 - different
Additional hours by appointment.
Our Teaching Assistants are responsible for grading all homeworks.
Please address any homework grading questions directly to your
grader within one week after grades have been posted.
Lectures are
Tuesdays, 4:00 - 5:15 pm
You are welcome to bring your laptop to lecture for the sole purpose of
in 212
following class activities.
Labs are in
Thursdays 4:00 - 5:15 pm
You may use your own laptop if you prefer.
246 Votey
For practice and homework preparation, you may use your own
Votey Lab machine, or one of several labs in Votey (206, 229, 246), or the Votey
Facilities virtual lab, from any browser window anywhere (wired-on-campus or
VPN required), www.cems.uvm.edu/vlab.
If you work in a lab, be sure to
Save your work on your M drive, and/or
http://www.uvm.edu/filetransfer it to yourself, and/or
use a thumb or other external drive
so you can access your files later and elsewhere.
Any work you do on your home machine can also be transferred to
your M drive to show the TA's.
Access your M drive (Votey network space) from somewhere else:
Map a drive (right-click on the "My Computer" icon or see the Tools
menu in the "My Computer" folder) to \\sidney.cems.uvm.edu\userid
(can also type this path in the Start, Run textbox). See
You may use the SSH software, or the VPN client and a mapped
network drive (see above), or ftp, or thumb drive. You can physically
be on campus, or off-campus and connected via the UVM Virtual
Private Network
VPN - free software available at UVM's software archive,
Please see the EMCF lab schedules for rooms 206, 229 and 246. If no
class is formally scheduled, the room is open for your use (24/7).
Note: After hours, you will need to swipe your UVM ID to open the
doors to the building.
Exam 1: Thursday, February 12 (lab hands-on)
Exam 2: Tuesday, March 31 (paper)
Make-up exams will only be scheduled in the case of documented
emergency situations
Final Project Presentations will be held during our official
Final Project exam block: Tuesday, May 5, 3:00 – 6:45 p.m. in 246 Votey.
A final
project will
be assigned
in lieu of a
final exam.
Your attendance is REQUIRED (3 hrs’ worth). Your absence
will result in a one letter grade reduction to your earned final
Students are
allowed to
up to 48
hours late,
with a 10%
from the
earned grade
for each day
or fraction of
a day late.
A detailed assignment description will be posted inside Blackboard.
Homework assignments will be due as announced.
Questions should be posted to the appropriate Blackboard discussion
(but please do not post your actual code). Please do not e-mail the
instructor or assistant with your initial questions - if necessary, we can
move to e-mail or other venue once the original question has been
Your work will be submitted via Blackboard.
You may contest a grade for a period of one week from the time the
grade is posted on Blackboard.
All homework grading questions should be addressed to your grader.
Open-Note Short quizzes will be given regularly at the beginning of lecture. They
will be unnannounced, and based on your notes.
Guidelines The lowest quiz grade will be dropped.
There will be no make-ups for missed quizzes.
Code of
Mid-semester 50-minute exams 25% (12.5% each)
Final project 20%
Homeworks, labs, group "Show 'n Tell" presentation 40%
Classroom (open-note) quizzes 10%
You are honor-bound by UVM's Code of Academic Integrity not to
collaborate in any way on homework assignments, quizzes, exams, and
projects, other than as indicated here and elsewhere by the instructor.
Anyone violating this code will receive a zero on their work, and will
be reported to the Center for Student Ethics & Standards. You also run
the risk of receiving an XF ("failure resulting from academic
dishonesty") in the course (this is not something pretty on your
transcript). If you are not sure about a specific situation, please feel
free to ask the instructor.
In the spirit of mastering the material to the fullest:
Discussing your homeworks (e.g., project development strategy
and debugging help) is permitted.
It's OK to point the way!
Sharing code is not permitted! Even collaboration on a
homework assignment can result in a failure in the course.
Your code, verbatim or altered, should NOT appear in another
person's work. Do NOT give your project files to anyone else
or share them in any way. Whether you use, or provide, work
in this manner, you are equally culpable.
The teaching assistant and the instructor are happy to assist
It is your responsibility to protect your own work.
Any work that appears to violate the Code of Academic
Integrity will be referred directly to the Center for Student
Ethics & Standards.
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Last updated on January 10, 2009
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