Psychology 220: Animal Behavior & Psychology Instructor: Email: Room:
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Psychology 220: Animal Behavior & Psychology Instructor: Email: Room:
Psychology 220: Animal Behavior & Psychology Instructor: Dr. Karlie Intlekofer Email: [email protected] Room: 304 John Dewey Hall Office Hours: Wed 10-12 or by appt TR 4:00 pm - 5:15 pm L311 Lafayette Hall DESCRIPTION: We will explore the concepts and methods used for the study of animal behavior. Topics will be pursued using a wide variety of animal models, from insects to humans, and will incorporate recent findings from the peerreviewed literature. These models will serve as a template to address the development, evolution, and adaptive significance of behavioral traits. Addressing these key points will provide an understanding for the biological mechanisms that underlie animal behavior. OBJECTIVES: 1. Be able to provide a working definition of evolutionary theory and how it relates to animal behavior 2. Give potential evolutionary and environmental pressures that shape behaviors 3. Be able to understand primary literature pertinent to animal behavior, examine and interpret animal behavior data, and evaluate conclusions based on data presented 4. Appreciation of physiological, ecological, and behavioral diversity READINGS: 1. Alcock, J. (2005) Animal behavior: An evolutionary approach. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Southerland, Mass; 8th edition 2. Additional readings (peer-reviewed articles) provided as links via Blackboard COURSE DETAILS: 1. TESTS: Exams are teaching tools that enhance the assimilation of knowledge. Format: combination of diagram, short answers and multiple choice questions. Tests can be retrieved from instructor during office hours. If students wish to challenge points earned on particular questions, they have one week after obtaining their test to do so. If an exam must be rescheduled due to illness, a doctor’s note is required. Other reasons that prevent one from taking the exam require rescheduling BEFORE the original exam date. Question answered correctly by less than 70% of the class will be excluded, but will be reviewed in-class and potentially used again on the comprehensive final. 2. FINAL EXAM: COMPREHENSIVE & the same format as regular exams. 3. TERM PAPER: This can be on any topic as long as it doesn’t contain data presented in class, as long as it supports class objectives and is based on peer-reviewed articles (≥4 articles). Students are welcome to check the topic with the instructor for feedback on your selection. See Blackboard for further info on layout/format. a. Format: APA, or formatted like a peer-reviewed journal of your choice. All sources cited in your paper must be referenced from standard scientific journals. No general websites may be used as reference material. APA format guides: b. Approach: Search the research literature and integrate those findings into your paper. Please do not quote authors, instead, use your own words to incorporate those ideas into the paper. c. Turn in the paper hardcopy along with an electronic copy that will be checked against online resources by Nov 1st. Late term papers will not be accepted. d. Length: 6 pages or less, including references & title page, double-spaced; see example: e. GRADING: Points are earned for: 1) Following directions; 1) Citing sources correctly; 2) Organization; 3) Accurate understanding of cited papers. Points are deducted for: typos/proofreading errors, missing citations, paragraphs exceeding 8 sentences, quoting instead of integrating into your own wording, misciting a review as a primary source. 4. PLAGERISM: Failure to place in quotation marks any direct quoted phrases/clauses or sentences from another author, or failing to document quotations or other borrowed material. If intentional, the penalty is a failing grade for the semester. If unintentional, minor infractions yield a zero for the assignment with a chance to correct the mistakes. Academic integrity policy details can be found at: 5. WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS: These are for practicing critical thinking and acquire depth of knowledge in areas that complement lecture materials. Written assignments can be found and turned in via Blackboard. Late assignments will not be accepted. 6. ATTENDANCE is not required, but test material is based on lecture materials and students will be evaluated for participation. Cell phones must be silenced and do not text, facebook, or email when class is in session. Written responses in class may be collected on five random days throughout the semester for an opportunity to earn up to 5% on the final grade. 7. GRADING Exams I and II Written assignments Term Paper Outline Term Paper Participation Comprehensive Final 400 pts (200 pts each) 180 pts (60 pts each) 25 pts 95 pts 50 pts 250 pts 1000 pts total Tentative Grading Scale (adjustments may be made) A = 900-1000 pts B = 800-899 pts C = 700-799 pts D = 600-699 pts F = < 600 pts 8. STUDENT LEARNING ACCOMMODATIONS: If you have a formal accommodation plan developed in conjunction with UVMs ACCESS Office, please contact instructors by the end of the first week of the semester.; UVM’s policy on disability certification and student support: 9. CODE OF STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES: PSYCH220 Course Schedule Week Date 1 Aug 27 Aug 29 2 Topic Readings Assignments Intro & Evolutionary Significance Behavior Causes: Ultimate v Proximate Ch 1 Ch 1 Sep 3 Sep 5 Avian Song Systems Avian Song Systems Ch 2 Ch 2 3 Sep 10 Sep 12 Development of Behavior: Ants/Bees Genetics, Environment, & Interactions Ch 3 Ch 3 4 Sep 17 Sep 19 Adaption & Phenotypic Gradation EXAM 1 Ch 3 5 Sep 24 Sep 26 Neural Mechanisms, Parasitism Studies: Evading predation Ch 4 Ch 4 6 Oct 1 Oct 3 Evading Predation Continued Specialized Receptors for Stimulus Filtering Ch 4 Ch 4 7 Oct 8 Oct 10 The Organization of Behavior: Neurons Organization by Clocks & Hormonal Systems Ch 5 Ch 5 8 Oct 15 Oct 17 Anti-predation Tactics & Darwinian Puzzles Anti-predation: Camouflage & Retaliation Ch 6 Ch 6 9 Oct 22 Oct 24 EXAM 2 Camouflage Masters & Darwinian Puzzles Ch 6 ● Outline for Term Paper th Due Fri, Oct 25 10 Oct 29 Oct 31 Evolution of Feeding Behaviors Optimization & Game Theory Ch 7 Ch 7 ● Term Paper Due Fri Nov 1 11 Nov 5 Nov 7 Choosing Where to Live Territoriality 12 Nov 12 Nov 14 Evolution of Communication Intraspecies Communication 13 Nov 19 Nov 21 Cetacean & Interspecies Communication Specialized Communication, Honesty & Deceit 14 Nov 26 Nov 28 FALL RECESS 15 Dec 3 The Evolution of Reproductive Behaviors 16 Dec 10 FINAL EXAM (Cumulative) 4:30 – 7:15 PM L311 Lafayette Hall #1: JH in Polistes Wasps th Due Fri, Sep 13 #2: Specialized Adaptation th Due Fri, Oct 4 Ch 8 Ch 8/9 Ch 9 Ch 9 Ch 9 Ch 9/10 Ch 10 #3: Wild Talk & Lucy nd Due Fri, Nov 22 st