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PSYS 296 – Fit Kids Applied Research - 3 Credits
Spring 2016
Location: 100 Dewey Hall
Teaching Assistant: Anna Pirog
Instructor: Betsy Hoza, Ph.D.
Email: [email protected]
Office hours: Tues & Thursday 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
Course Description:
“Fit Kids Applied Research” is a service learning course covering the science and practice of promoting better
school readiness, performance, and adjustment in young children through structured physical activity. Students
will spend one hour per week in the classroom, with the remaining course time devoted to hands-on work in local
preschool and elementary-school settings. A major focus of the course will be on learning how to implement ageappropriate physical activity in the context of an applied research (program evaluation) setting. This course is
applicable to students and professionals from a range of disciplines (e.g., psychology, education, exercise science,
social work, nursing, pediatrics) seeking to augment their knowledge of the effects of physical activity on
children’s development and adaptation.
Course Learning Objectives:
Students will develop knowledge of the scientific literature underlying the use of physical activity to promote
better cognitive development, behavioral adjustment, and social functioning in young children. In addition,
students will gain competence in administering the Children and Teachers (CATs) on the Move physical activity
curriculum. At the conclusion of the course students should be able to:
 Describe beneficial effects of physical activity on the brain
 Identify key components of an effective aerobic physical activity program for young children
 Summarize extant studies on the effects of physical activity on children’s cognitive, behavioral, and social
 Describe basic research designs in applied settings
 Identify a testable research question related to physical activity and child well-being in applied settings
Course Prerequisites: Instructor permission is the only prerequisite. You must request an override from the instructor.
Required Readings:
 Course readings will be drawn from online sources and scientific journals. Weekly reading assignments
may be found on Blackboard in the Weekly Course Outline and accessed through the UVM library. There
is no textbook for this class.
Required Assignments:
 One article or document will be assigned to read each week; it will be discussed in class.
 Six hours (off-campus) or eight hours (on-campus) at assigned service learning site each week; the time
differential between on and off campus placements is intended to equalize the total time commitment for
those who must travel to off campus sites.
 Ten journal entries (1-page each, double-spaced; 1-inch margins & 12 point Times New Roman font).
 Final paper formulating a research question (5-page literature review leading to a testable hypothesis;
double-spaced; 1-inch margins & 12 point Times New Roman font).
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Grading for this course will be based on the following components (500 possible points):
20% Class attendance and participation in weekly discussions (100 points total)
40% Performance, reliability, and professionalism at service learning sites (200 points total)
20% Journal entries (100 points total; 10 points each)
20% Final paper (100 points total)
The point totals from each of the five components above will be summed and the final grade determined as
= 490 – 500 points
= 470 – 489 points
= 460 – 469 points
= 450 – 459 points
= 430 – 449 points
= 420 – 429 points
= 410 – 419 points
= 390 – 409 points
= 380 – 389 points
= 370 – 379 points
= 350 – 369 points
= 340 – 349 points
= < 340
Behavioral and Timeliness Expectations:
 Regular, on time participation is expected both in class and at the assigned service learning site.
 Students must complete a six-hour training on the physical activity curriculum during the first week of the
class; this is instead of their hours at their service learning site and does not increase their overall weekly time
 Students are expected to adhere to the highest possible standards of professionalism at their service
learning sites and in their interactions with school staff and students. This includes:
 being respectful of facilities, staff, and students at service learning sites at all times;
 refraining from discussing children participating at the sites with anyone outside of the
school or physical activity program staff and only conducting any conversations in a
confidential space;
 using appropriate language at the school at all times;
 wearing appropriate clothing to the school at all times;
 refraining from bringing any food or drink (other than water bottles) to the gym where
physical activity occurs.
 Journal Entries - Students are required to submit 10 journal entries. Journal entries are due by 5pm each week.
Late submissions will not be accepted.
 A criminal background check is required prior to starting at the service learning sites.
 Students are expected to log in to check announcements on Blackboard AND their UVM email regularly. All
communication from the instructor, teaching assistant, or lab supervisors will utilize Blackboard or the student’s
UVM email address only.
Required Software:
Make sure you are using a supported browser to access Blackboard. For a list of compatible browsers, check out
this link to the supported browser list:
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Technical Help:
If you need immediate assistance with Blackboard during this course you can click on the HELP button at the
very top of the Blackboard course page. That will provide you with numerous ways to get help. If you have a
question about how something in Bb works, go to the Discussion Board, and post to the Technical Support forum.
There is a 12 – 24 hour response time frame. Please feel free to contact me, too, with any questions or assistance
you may need.
Student Learning Accommodations:
In keeping with University policy, any student with a documented disability interested in utilizing accommodations
should contact ACCESS, the office of Disability Services on campus. ACCESS works with students and faculty to create
reasonable and appropriate accommodations via an accommodation letter to professors with suggested accommodations
as early as possible each semester. Contact ACCESS: A170 Living/Learning Center; 802-656-7753; [email protected];
or www.uvm.edu/access.
Religious Holidays:
Students have the right to practice the religion of their choice. If you need to miss a class or assigned time at your
service learning site to observe a religious holiday, please submit the dates of your absence to me in writing by the
end of the first full week of classes. You will be permitted to make up work within a mutually agreed-upon time
with no point deduction from your final grade.
Student responsibilities and rights are outlined in the following University policies:
 UVM’s Academic Integrity Policy: This policy addresses plagiarism, fabrication, collusion, and
cheating. http://www.uvm.edu/~uvmppg/ppg/student/acadintegrity.pdf
 Grading Policies: For information on grading and GPA calculation, go to
http://www.uvm.edu/academics/catalogue and click on Policies for an A-Z listing.
 Grading Appeals: http://www.uvm.edu/~uvmppg/ppg/student/gradeappeals.pdf
 FERPA Rights Disclosure: The purpose of this policy is to communicate the rights of students regarding
access to, and privacy of their student educational records as provided for in the Family Educational
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974. http://www.uvm.edu/~uvmppg/ppg/student/ferpa.pdf
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