UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS BERKELEY • DAVIS • IRVINE • LOS ANGELES • RIVERSIDE • SAN DIEGO • SAN FRANCISCO SANTA BARilARA • SANTA CRUZ School of Medicine Office of Student and Resident Diversity 4610 X Street, Suite 4101 Sacramento, CA 95817 TEL (916) 734-2615 FAX (916)703-5568 Dear Colleague: We are pleased to announce the Office of Student and Resident Diversity at the University of 4th year Visiting Clerkship Program. Our program t~rgets socio-economically disadvantaged students who come from traditionally Under-Represented in Medicine communities. ~California Davis is sponsoring2-subsidized The VCP is for qualified fourth year students who are considering completing their residency at UC Davis and would like to do an Acting Internship/ Externship at the University of California Davis Medical Center to see if we are a good fit! The Visiting Clerkship Program is an excellent opportunity to: Get a first hand look at University of California, Davis Residency Programs Get a first hand look at the Sacramento community Receive Financial assistance towards travel expenses, food and housing Interact with LMSA and SMNA medical students and house staff We see attached application. If you have any questions or please feel free to contact us at 916-7342615 or email me at [email protected] Thank you, D~:* Asst. Dean Student and Resident Diversity The Visiting C lerkship Program provides support for fourth-year students from socially and economically disadvantaged backgrounds who have historically been underrepresented in medicine. This program is sponsored by the UC Davis School of Medicine's Office of Student and Resident Diversity, in collaboration with the departments of Family and Community Medicine, Internal Medicine and Pedjairics. The program is designed to: Courses oHered: Acting Internship and Externships in • Expose students to both the academic medicine and community service opportunities offered though the above UC Davis Residency Programs Family and Community Medicine, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics. Visit www.ucdmc.ucdavis .edu/mdprogram/ registrar/visiting .html for more information. • Allow students to care for a racially and ethnically diverse patient population from both rural and urban communities Financial assistance: • Reimburse up to $500 toward travel costs • Provide a $500 food allowance Encourage students from diverse backgrounds to apply to the UC Davis Residency Programs • Waive the application processing fee ($150) • Eligibility: Eligible participants are: full-Lime, fourth- year medical students in good standing at accredited U.S. medical schools. Students remain registered at their own schools while participating in the externship at UC Davis; however, stud ent must complete an application form through American Association of Medical Colleges' Visiting Student Application Service (VSAS): www.aamc .org/programs/vsas/start.htm . Length: Rotations are four weeks in duration and are subject to space availability. Housing: The Visiting Clerkshi p Program provides housing for participating stu dents at the Courtyard by Marriott , which is on the Sacramento campus of UC Davis, where the School of Medicine is located. Applications: Please· submit both th e VSAS application , which has a link located on this page, and a UC Davis Office of Student and Resident Diversity \fisiting Clerksh ip Program application, which can be found in the Quick Links section on this webpage: www. ucdmc . mdprogram/ registrar/visiting . html Mentoring and Networking opportunities: The students will meet Darin Latimore, assistant dean of the Office of Student and Resident Diversity. Students also will be in troduced to members of the Latino Medical Student Association, the Student National Medical Association and the LGBT Students in Medicine group, if interested. Office of Student and Resident Diversity For information about the Visiting Clerkship Program, please contact darin .latimore@ucdmc .ucdavis .edu. -