
To Date From RE

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To Date From RE
Class of 2016
Date: September 3, 2013
From: Christa Zehle, M.D.
Clerkship Selection Process
On Monday, October 7, 2013 from 4:00-6:00 pm in Med Ed Center 200 there will be a class meeting to
discuss the selection process for your Clerkship Year that will begin in March 2014. To make this process as
efficient as possible and give you time to plan, we hope to have schedules completed the week of November 4,
2013. We expect that most students will spend at least some clerkship rotations at one of our affiliate sites
outside of Vermont. UVM COM affiliate sites include Danbury Hospital in Danbury, CT; St. Mary’s Medical
Center in West Palm Beach, FL; and Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor, ME.
To be considered for an exemption this form must be received no later than Friday, September 20, 2013. In
order to be exempt from spending at least one clerkship at an affiliate site you must be approved for an
Please note that the below exemptions are the only ones that UVM COM can take into consideration. UVM
COM is unable to make exemptions for pet ownership or other situations not listed below.
Exemption Options:
Please place an “X” next to the exemption which applies to you and include the details regarding your
constraints in the space provided.
I have children under age 18 living in my household.
I have a serious illness that requires ongoing treatment locally.
I have a family member with a serious illness for whom I provide care locally
Details regarding your constraints:
If any of these exemptions apply to you, please return this form with details regarding your constraints to
Kiersten Hallquist via email at [email protected]. All exemption requests and any supporting
documentation will be confidential.
To have the selection process run smoothly we need to have this back no later than September 20, 2013.
Requests after that date will not be considered.
Students with exemptions from clerkship assignments outside of the local area will be distributed evenly
among the 7 clerkship sequences. Students with exemptions will be given priority for location in Vermont,
however will lose flexibility when it comes to choosing their clerkship sequences.
Fly UP