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WASTE WATER TREATMENT – NEW APPROACHES FOR CENTRALIZED AND DECENTRALIZED SOLUTIONS International Conference on “Integrated Resource Management in Asian cities: the urban Nexus” Visions, best practice, experience sharing Bangkok, 24.-26. June 2013 Dr.-Ing. Martin Wett Süddeutsche Abwasserreinigungs-Ingenieur GmbH www.sag-ingenieure.de (englisch) [email protected] Abwasserreinigungs-Ingenieur-GmbH Sachsen www.sag-sachsen.de [email protected] sewers waste water treatment sludge treatment energy GERMANY Ulm Heidenrod Karlsruhe Schramberg Wiesbaden Würzburg Dresden Hamburg AUSTRIA Graz SAG – 100 years of success Süddeutsche Abwasserreinigungs-Ingenieur GmbH Consultant Engineers Company: Founded 1911 ca. 95 employee Main office: Ulm/Donau (next to Stuttgart) Subsidiarys: Competence: CEO (Ulm): CEO (Dresden): Schramberg Karlsruhe Troisdorf Wiesbaden Hamburg Würzburg Dresden (eigenständige GmbH) Gleisdorf Consultants for environmental projects for local authorities and industry Dipl.-Ing. Wolfgang Benz Dr.-Ing. Martin Wett SAG – 100 years of success GÜTENBACH 2.400 PE KA Baden-Baden EW 200.000 BADEN-BADEN 200.000 PE KA Heilbronn, EW 115.000 SINDELFINGEN 115.000 PE WALDMOHR 10.000 PE LIPPACH 45.000 PE KA Neuburg, 65.0000 EW NEUBURG 65.000 PE SINDELFINGEN 260.000 PE KA Graz, Österreich EW 500.000 GRAZ 500.000 PE FRANKFURT 580.000 PE KA Ruhleben, Berliner Wasserbetriebe 1.600.000 EW BERLIN 1.800.000 PE SAG – 100 years of success Global water issue‘s 1. Why Do We Need To Change From Business As Usual? • global water issue • need of paradigm shift in our water business • appropriated process technologies 2. What Are The Decentralized Solutions For Grey And Black Water treatment ? Global water issue‘s Consequence growing waterscarcecy Nature Can’t Satisfy Our Growing Demands Challenge No.I More and more people concentrate in small and urban areas more people = more consumption of resources There comes a point when nature cannot meet the demands for water Infrustructure can‘t cope Challenge No.II Existing centralized infrastructure o must work harder as population densities increase o o tends to be old a fragile are focused on centralised solutions Upgrading existing centralized infrastructure is o o expensive and costs twice: in + out disruptive in the busiest part of town Central infrastructure makes water reuse complex and expensive Infrustructure can‘t cope Challenge No. III Many cities are located in seismically active regions Conventional infrastructure, in particular gravity sewer, are relatively fragile in seismic events and ….. … drainage is often the weak link in re-establishing normal operations after an earthquake ….. the recovery takes longer time, which leads to intolerable hygienic conditions after natural disasters like earthquakes. City of the future – conceptual approach Growing ressource demand Wastewater .... .... has a value .... should be treated and reused .... is a most dependable source of water, nutrients, bio-solids and energy recommended solution: close loops & think in decentralized concepts City of the future – conceptual approach Waste water as a significant source of ... specific volume Grauwasser grey water yellow water ≈ 500 l/(E·a) 25.000-100.000 25.000 100.000 faeces ≈ 50 l/(E·a) wwtp 100.000 PE theoretical nutrient recovery potential l/(E·a) l/(PE·a) N-itrogen P-hosphorus P-otassium COD- ≈ 14 g/(E·d) ≈ 3% ≈ 87 % ≈ 10 % 511 t/a ≈ 2 g/(E·d) ≈ 10 % ≈ 50 % ≈ 40 % 73 t/a ≈ 5 g/(E·d) ≈ 34 % ≈ 54 % ≈ 12 % 182 t/a ≈ 85 g/(E·d) ≈ 41 % ≈ 12 % ≈ 47 % 0,5-1,2 *106 m³ biogas/a Pathogenic germs ++ + +++++++ micropollutants + +++++++ ++ treated watercircle Soure: Otterpohl 2000, adapted and completed) use for fertilizer anaerobic digestion / composting food cycle/sustainable energy generation = CHP with 140-320 kWel. installed = output CHP equal to current consumption off 500 - 800german two person households City of the future – conceptual approach Reuse of wastewater as our most dependable source of water, nutrients, bio-solids and energy Greywater Runoff Water Yellowwater Brownwater Urine Excrements and Washings Precipitation Mechanical Treatment Biological Treatment Filtration Anaerobic Treatment Hygenisation Adsorption From shower, bathtub, washbasin, dishwascher and washing maschine Rainwater, Snowmelt Stripping Absorption Fertilization Recovery of Energy Production of Humus Service Water for Toilet Flushing, Irrigation Groundwater Recharge Source: huber, adapted 2013 City of the future – conceptual approach Rainwater Food & goods brought in LESS Energy brought in LESS solid waste removed LESS wastewater removed LESS Water brought in Reclaimed wastewater and rainwater for amenity flow and groundwater recharge Onsite or nearby wastewater treatment: • reduced overall demand • increased system resilience Onsite or nearby ressource recovery: • reduced load on local ressource supplies © Prof. Dr. Bischof, adapted water reuse solutions _________________ choice of process technology Water Reuse Solutions – process technology Do you really need sewers? No, you don´t. Save or reduce the expense! Treat your effluent on site! Use this source of water and nutrients! Appropriated process approach ? Decentralized Sanitation and Reuse is your better option. On-Site Solutions produce top-quality effluents, where you can reuse them for ... Water Reuse Solutions – process technology Utilisation opportunities ? Water Reuse Solutions – process technology Innovative process technology of the choice ? effect Environmental impact effort note UV o o o o Membranefiltration UF + + - + O3 o - o - Cl + - o o Partial Flow Division o + o + Natural o/- + o o Technology (listing of enhanced customary technology: applicable for grey and black water) objective of water reuse technology appropriated purification and hygienisation UV, membrane filtration, partial flow divison and natural process would be appropriated in dependence on use with respect to the predictability of hygienisation membrane filtration is the best processes of choice In some cases, other technologies with lower predictability of the hygienisation and purification performance could be acceptable/wanted e.g. agricultural use DECISSION PROCESS – TECHNOLOGY CHOICE Question I: Do I really need C,N and P removal ? Question II: Do I really need hygienisation and if yes, which level of hygiene ? membrane bioreactor (MBR) Water Reuse Solutions – process technology Membrane filtration process as: Membrane bioreactor (MBR) or Tertiary filtration process (TFP) Both systems use the same membrane material and working principle: Classification: Ultrafiltration (UF); Pore size nominal: 150 kDa, 38 nm Submerged systems with cross flow aeration or Dead-End-Pressurepipe installation Membrane surface cleaning with scouring air (coarse bubbles) Operation at moderate pressure differences up to 500 mbar underpressure Separation of all particles, bacteria and virtually all germs (separation size < 0.1 µm [0.1 microns]) = 1/1000 the size of human hair effluent: according EU bathing water quality membrane plate function of an ultrafiltration membrane waste water waste water clean water membrane module Decentralised Water Reuse Solutions _________________ use of grey water as service water Water Reuse Solutions – grey water Reuse of grey water as service water (toilet flushing, irrigation) grey water = water from : showers, bathub, washbasin, dishwascher , washing maschine 1 2 Technology choice: MBR 3 MBR+ UV-stage 1 2 3 Water Reuse Solutions – grey water Reuse of grey water as service water (toilet flushing, irrigation) 3 0 1 2 Water Reuse Solutions – grey water Reuse of grey water as service water (toilet flushing, irrigation) Allow any system to be made more visually appealing ! Water Reuse Solutions – grey water Expected Typical Installations Hotels & Resorts Offices Shopping Malls Hospitals Apartment Blocks Golf Courses & Parks Universities & Schools Decentralised Water Reuse Solutions _________________ use of black water as service water Water Reuse Solutions – black water Small Size Solutions system for one houshold up to approx 500 PE Onsite sewage treatment systems and decentralized (i.e. cluster systems) wastewater treatment plants Creation of recycled water for internal and irrigation reuse. Complete systems including tanks and membrane and control unit available or for retrofitting only membrane and control unit prefabricated septic tank solution bigger sized concret tank solution Water Reuse Solutions – black water Small Size Solutions systems from 200 – 2,500 PE (25 - 750 m³/d) Modular design concept allows system to be easily configured to suit each projects requirements. Allows tighter nutrient reduction and in consequence higer effluent quality e.g. for water reuse WWTP housed in a Central Technical Room WWTP as ground basin concret tank solution WWTP as mobile prefabricated container solution Water Reuse Solutions – black water Middlesized Solutions systems from 1,000 – 40,000 PE (200 – 10,000 m³/d) System with lower energy consumption thanks to e.g. unique air scouring design (up to 75% lower than competitors systems) Mechanical Preatreatment as container solution System A System B Difference Qav = 140 m³/h 0.32 kWh/m³ 0.45 kWh/m³ 40% Qmax = 220 m³/h 0.23 kWh/m³ 0.40 kWh/m³ 75% Qmin = 30 m³/h 0.31 kWh/m³ 0.43 kWh/m³ 38% Filtration chamber for Vacuum Rotation Membrane System Decentralised Water Reuse Solutions _________________ black water for rural areas and specific applications Water Reuse Solutions – black water Do you need water and nutrients for your crops ? Wastewater is your most reliable source of water and nutrients. You can close the loop. Pond Solutions Adapted and affordable Pond Solutions improves the efficiency and capacity of your wastewater lagoons. Reuse their nutrient-rich effluents for irrigation and watch your crops grow fast! Water Reuse Solutions – black water with mbr Reuse of black water for irrigation and use of water nutrients as fertilizer Pond Solution Micro Screening 1 + Lagoon/Pond 2 + Membrane Unit 3 = Hygienic Service Water for Irrigation Partial biological waste water (ww) treatment remaining nutrients from ww are available as fertilizer in agricultural systems Water Reuse Solutions – black water with mbr Reuse of black water for irrigation and use of water nutrients as fertilizer Application in the Middle East Micro-Screens at Lagoons for mechanical wwtreatment in the Middle East Drip Irrigation with High-Quality Lagoon Effluent in the Middle East Water Reuse Solutions – black water without mbr Best water quality on a tight budget ! You have a challenge: You must improve your water quality, but your funds are limited. SAG Solutions Our affordable and modular Solutions start with most cost effective mechanical/chemical wastewater treatment. Then, step by step, as your funds permit, we further improve your water quality. Water Reuse Solutions – black water without mbr Examplified process technology realised within the step by step approach Tight budget solution Fine Screening + Flocculation + Micro Screening + Trickling Filter + Mirco Straining = Step by Step Upgrading of the Wastewater Treatment One of many alternative process strategy to MBR ! Decentralised Water Reuse Solutions _________________ black / grey water innovative overal approaches Water Reuse Solution – deus21 approach System approach DEUS 21": DEcentralized Urban Infrastructure System Source: Fraunhofer IGB Water Reuse Solution – deus21 approach System approach equilization tanc Source: Fraunhofer IGB settling tank biogas anaerobic fermenter (no heating) equlisation tanc anaerobic fermenter (37°C) wastewater from households operation building effluent for irrigation or nutrient recovery excess sludge for disposal membrane membrane excess sludge vacuum station anaerobic fermenter membrane Water Reuse Solution – deus21 approach System approach : separation of greywater, urine und faeces Betriebsgebäude Wohngebäude 9 Vakuum- 1 Schwerkrafttrenntoiletten trenntoilette 10 Schwerkrafttrenntoiletten Küche Membranbioreaktor Urine (by gravity) Faeces (by vacuum) Ecosan approach Küche Vakuumanlage Urintanks Dünger Biogas gereinigtes Wasser Biogasanlage Dünger Bioabfall Bodenfilter Grobfilter Kompostierung Dünger Fäkalien Grauwasser Zweikammergrube gravity no-mix-toilet vacuum no-mix-toilet 6 – 10 l water/flush 0,7 – 2 l water/flush Urin bewachsener Bodenfilter gereinigtes Wasser demonstration project Source: BWB financed by LIFEU Decentralised Water Reuse Solutions _________________ YOUR decission process City of the future – decission process which water ressources you have (wastewater, rainwater, surface water) ? which water consumers you have (households/industrie/ agricultural) ? which water cleaning technology is appropriated what is your financial budget ? what are your socio-political aims and conditions ? which options are realistic to handle with your water (how can you close loops ?) which framework defines the urban planning (e.g. population district growth, existing which of your dutys infrastrucutre)) can / would you do decentralised (identify optimized sized subunits !) You need a long term overal water strategy and the goodwill to turn around your strategy, to realise a paradigmen shift City of the future – decission process – factor costs investment + operational costs annual costs costs per m³ sewage statistic average value, (all wwtp, germany, 2007 size of wwtp in polulation equivalent Important criteria whithin your decission making process: EFFICIENT USE OF YOUR MONETARY RESSOURCES ! Source: löffler/siegel 2008, adapted Centralized Water Reuse Solutions _________________ technology trend Global water issue‘s –centralised approach CURRENT STATUS CENTRALIZED WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANTS - world-wide wwtp – C+N+P removal Influent Qzu primary settlement tanc coarse activated sludge tanc secondary settlement tanc effluent to river primary sludge high energy demand (i.p. electricity demand for the aerobic nitrogen-removal) need of big reactor volume waste-sludge no contemporary sludge disposal concept excess-sludge wwtp – waste-sludge-conversion into biogas biogas dewatering digester process water waste sludge disposal (incineration, agricultural, melioration) less conversion of the organic fraction of the waste sludge in digesters no own electricity production less usage of waste heat (chp) no process technology for water reuse heat ...... no nutrient recovery wwtp – biogas conversion insufficient water purification as preperation for water reuse biogasstorage CHP heat electricity high chemical demand (i.p. polymer for dewatering and carbon-Source for process water treatment) Global water issue‘s –centralised approach Optimized biological waste water purification technology: wwtp – C+N+P removal Influent Qzu primary settlement tanc coarse DEMON activated sludge tanc secondary settlement tanc effluent to river primary sludge waste-sludge excess-sludge wwtp – waste-sludge-conversion into biogas biogas dewatering digester process water Goal: crucial step to achieve „Energy Self-Sufficient WWTP “ waste sludge disposal (incineration, agricultural, melioration) heat wwtp – biogas conversion biogasstorage CHP heat electricity DEMON-process Patented system (Cyklar Stulz GmbH) using specialized bacteria side stream (process water treatment) / main stream treatment: energy saving approx. 60% no external carbon source required minimized excess sludge production Global water issue‘s –centralised approach Optimized biogas yield : wwtp – C+N+P removal Influent Qzu primary settlement tanc coarse DEMON activated sludge tanc secondary settlement tanc effluent to river primary sludge waste-sludge Excess-Sludge Desintegration (LYSO-GEST) Ensure reduced retention time for digestion (approx. 15 days) Reduced need of digester volume or ... ... further increase in gas production (app. 10%) improved phosphate and nitrogen recovery excess-sludge wwtp – waste-sludge-conversion into biogas biogas dewatering digester Co-Digestion Adding co-substrates to the digester enhanced biogas yield enhanced production of electricity / heat waste sludge disposal Goal: „Energy Self-Sufficient WWTP“ process water (incineration, agricultural, melioration) LYSO GEST co-substrates (e.g. leftover foodstuff) heat wwtp – biogas conversion biogasstorage CHP heat electricity Global water issue‘s –centralised approach Optimized nutrient recovery technology: wwtp – C+N+P removal primary settlement tanc coarse Influent Qzu DEMON activated sludge tanc secondary settlement tanc effluent to river primary sludge waste-sludge excess-sludge wwtp – waste-sludge-conversion into biogas biogas MAP dewatering digester LYSO-PHOS - phosphate recovery in combination with e.s. desintegration phosphate recovery from the hydrolyzed sludge beforde digestion (MAP) significant improvment of the mechanical sludge dewatering significant reduction of sludge quantity for disposal MAP phosphate and nitrogen recovery waste sludge (partial flow: centrate from sludge disposal dewatering) MAP process water LYSO GEST co-substrates (e.g. leftover foodstuff) map = magnesia-ammonia-phosphate heat wwtp – biogas conversion biogasstorage CHP heat electricity (incineration, agricultural, melioration) Goal: „Enhanced and optimized nutrient recovery“ Global water issue‘s –centralised approach Optimized sludge disposal technology: wwtp – C+N+P removal Influent Qzu primary settlement tanc coarse DEMON activated sludge tanc secondary settlement tanc effluent to river primary sludge waste-sludge Goal: „reduction of sludge quantity as onsite solution“ excess-sludge wwtp – waste-sludge-conversion into biogas biogas dewatering digester MAP PYREG process water LYSO GEST MAP co-substrates (e.g. leftover foodstuff) heat wwtp – biogas conversion biogasstorage CHP heat electricity PYREG – SLUDGE MINERALIZATION sludge pyrolisation into coal significant reduction of sludge quantity for disposal new disposal way beside agricultural and incineration (off-side-solution) heat sanitized sludge ash magnesiaammoniaphosphate disposal Global water issue‘s –centralised approach Optimized off-heat conversion technology: wwtp – C+N+P removal Influent Qzu primary settlement tanc coarse DEMON activated sludge tanc secondary settlement tanc effluent to river organic medium which evaporates already below 80°C drives a turbine coupled with a generator electrical efficiency 12-15 % significant increase of your electricity production primary sludge waste-sludge CONVERTION OFF-HEAT FROM CHP INTO ELECTRICITY BY ORC (ORC = Organic Rankine Cycle) excess-sludge wwtp – waste-sludge-conversion into biogas Goal: „Energy Self-Sufficient WWTP“ biogas heat dewatering digester MAP sanitized sludge ash PYREG process water LYSO GEST magnesiaammoniaphosphate MAP co-substrates (e.g. leftover foodstuff) heat wwtp – biogas conversion offside biogas use: cars / biogasnet ORC biogasstorage CHP electricity heat electricity disposal Global water issue‘s –centralised approach wwtp – C+N+P removal Influent Qzu primary settlement tanc coarse DEMON tertiary membran filtration activated sludge tanc secondary settlement tanc Water reuse in central irrigation network primary sludge or in households waste-sludge excess-sludge wwtp – waste-sludge-conversion into biogas biogas heat dewatering digester MAP sanitized sludge ash PYREG process water LYSO GEST magnesiaammoniaphosphate MAP co-substrates (e.g. leftover foodstuff) heat wwtp – biogas conversion offside biogas use: cars / biogasnet ORC biogasstorage CHP disposal electricity heat electricity Water reuse technology: Tertiary membrane filtration stage Effluent in bathing water quality Alternative to tertiary filtration: submerged membrane filtration (MBR) microsieves + uv + depot-chlorination ozon + chlorination Goal: „water reuse“ Global water issue‘s –centralised approach Contemporary design of wwtp with the aid of 3D computer-aided-design-software Global water issue‘s –centralised approach CONCLUSION There is not only one process optimized and energy selfsufficient WWTP design The intelligent choice and combination of different processes and techniques can contribute to convert a WWTP at least to an energy-efficient WWTP and ... ... to a reduction of operating costs / acceptable investment costs Sludge treatment optimization plays a mayor role and frequently also reduces sludge disposal costs The sewage sludge serves as energy source and as fertilizer source (phosphate, nitrogen) and .... ... waste water as a water ressource THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST ! june 2013 Heat recovery from wastewater Lets start using them. Heat recovery from wastewater 3 3 1 2 4 5 (1) Sewer (2) Manhole structure with a fully automatic Huber Screen with return of screenings to the sewer, wastewater pump (3) HUBER RoWin heat exchanger for wastewater (4) Heat pump (5) Energy storage Heat recovery from wastewater Office Tower Switzerland The system yields 480kW of heating & 840kW of cooling and operates with a Coefficient of Performance (COP) of approximately 5-6. Heat recovery from wastewater ~100 Apartments - Germany Heat recovery from wastewater (consumer) (warm water) (heating) (central heating) boiler (energy saver) (heat pump) (CHP) (waste water treatment plant) (local heating network to 20°C) (waste water sewer 12°C to 20°C) (heat exchanger) Source: Uhrig Heat recovery from wastewater Hilfsenergie [kWh/a] Gas [kWh/a] Nutzenergie [kWh/a] Abwasserwärme [kWh/a] 600000 23,000 Energy Input [kWh/a] 500000 53,500 96,300 400000 300000 535,000 200000 385,200 72 % Umweltwärme aus Abwasser 100000 0 Wastewater Heat Recovery Conventional Heat recovery from wastewater 140 CO2 -Emissionen [t/a] 120 100 80 140 60 40 20 14 0 Wastewater Heat Recovery Conventional Nature Can’t Satisfy Our Growing Demands Water availability, consumption and treatment City Water consumption litre/capita/ day Wastewater treatment (%) Azerbaijan 40 45 Lagos 45 no data Karachi 132 10 Jakarta 162 16 Lima 108 4 Montevideo 173 34 New York 448 100 United Nations Human Settlement Programme / UN-Habitat, The Challenge of Slums, Global Report on Human Settlements, p 277, 2003 Water Reuse Solutions – SafeDrink Solution Water Pollution kills! Do you care? Thousands of children are killed every day by water pollution. It could be your child and future. SafeDrink Solution Our adapted and affordable SafeDrink Solution produces clean drinking water from polluted surface water. Our technology is simple, robust, and easy to operate and maintain. It helps to save lifes. Water Reuse Solutions – SafeDrink Solution Simple and Affordable Production of Potable Water from Surface Water SafeDrink Solution: Screening + Flocculation 1 4 2 + Sedimentation + Sand Filtration 3 + Disinfection 4 5 3 2 = Simple Solution + Easy Operation and Maintainance 1 5 Water Reuse Solutions – SafeDrink Solution Simple and Affordable Production of Potable Water from Surface Water Application in Sudan Sandfilter in Sudan Clean potable water should not remain a luxury City of the future – conceptual approach Typical Emergency Provisions in Modern Buildings Structures: Designed to withstand seismic events Electricity: Standby generator or multiple points of supply. Water: Storage tanks (8 – 24 hours supply) Wastewater: Typically nothing Water Reuse Solutions – septage treatment What can you do with septic sludge? Soils lose humus through erosion. Septic sludge is a source of humus. Why don´t you use it ? SeptageTreat Solutions Our adapted and sustainable SeptageTreat Solution produces fertile bio-solids from your odorous septic sludge. Apply the product on your land and watch your crops grow fast. Water Reuse Solutions – septage treatment Septic Sludge Treatment for Reuse SeptageTreat Solutions Screening 1 + Dewatering 2 + MBR for Process Water with VRM 3 = Service Water for Irrigation 1 2 3 Water Reuse Solutions – septage treatment Application in Kuching, Malaysia Screen and Grit Trap in Kuching, Malaysia Presses in Kuching, Malaysia