
Chiang Mai Municipality

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Chiang Mai Municipality
Chiang Mai Municipality
Chiang Mai Municipality
Chiang Mai Municipality An area of ​40.216 km2
Further divided into 4 Sub Club.
Nakornping area of ​
​ 11.7 km2
Kawila an area of ​
11.4 km2
Meang rai area of
7.7 km2
SeeWi Chai area of
9.2 km2
The Restoration and Development of
Lamkoowai Waterway with Community
Participation Project
Chiang Mai Municipality
Chiang Mai is the largest city in
northern Thailand.
As a city blessed with natural resources, the former capital of Lanna Kingdom has
in abundant the evidence of being the cultural and historical development center of
distinct Northern characteristic. The city has great potential and ready for further
Mayor of Chiang Mai
(prachachat.net / news July 25, 2013)
“The city has been growing steadily in the last 10 years.
The city grew with focus on economic development. The growth comes
with environmental impact on the society. There are many
environmental problems such as pollution and waste issues, not to
mention the impact on culture which was neglected and destroyed.”
Restoration of Water Quality of Lumkoowai Waterway
Lumkoowai is narrow at the beginning and wider downstream. Starting from a small
river in Doi Suthep - Pui Municipality areas in the west, moving down the stream,
running parallel to the old city wall - Lumkoowai waterway then merges with Mae
Kha canal (The largest canal of Chiangmai which is heavily polluted)
Lamkoowai water quality is bad. It flows through
Kanchanapisek Public Park before continuing down to merge with Mae Kha.
The demand and target of Chiang Mai Municipality that must be implemented:
“ To restore better water quality in Lamkoowai, such that the people can enjoy
leisure and activities in the park area, as well as to reduce pollution released into
Mae Kha Canal. ”
Project Objective
1. To perform survey and collect data regarding problems in Lumkoowai waterway to support
the management plan.
2. The data will be used in the preparation of development plans to improve landscape,
restore water quality, reduce energy consumption in the treatment process, and reuse the
treated water for family farming.
3. Treatment of water resources at the Kanchanapisek Public
Park to cater to the needs of the community.
Groups targeted to be engaged in the project
Educational institutions
- Environmental Engineering , Chiang Mai University
- Agricultural Production , Maejo University
- Wattnothaipayap school
Government Agencies
- Office of Highway 1 Chiang Mai
- Regional Environment Office 1 Chiang Mai
7 communities which Lamkoowai flows through
- Chaeng Hue Rin community
- Suen Dok community
- In Thanin community
- Thip Panete community
- Ha Thunwa community
- See Ping Mueng community
Nexus Component
Referring the Mayor’s simple but important guiding principles:
“Stop polluting the water,
Treat the current waste water,
Return good water quality back to the natural reservoir.”
Therefore the water management approaches are:
1. Water treatment with natural methods or other suitable solutions
2. Reduce energy consumption in the treatment process
3. Recycle the water for use in agriculture, recreation, and households
The Restoration and Development of Lamkoowai
Waterway with Community Participation Project
Chiang Mai Municipality.
Supporting Factors of the Project
1 This Community Participation Project will fall under Chiang Mai City Development
Plan (3 years, 2014-2016)
2 In Chiang Mai City Development Plan, there are altogether 4 development
strategies - this project is related to two of the four strategies:
Strategy 2 Management of Community Environment with Public Participation
Strategy 4 Development of Good Civil Management Practice
Expected benefits
1 . Obtain the actual facts and figures on the waterway pollution problems as well as
the area involved and use the data to support management planning.
2. Use the obtained information to develop a plan to restore water quality via natural
methods or other suitable solutions. As well as increase the amount of “good”
water in the Lumkoowai waterway with the aim to use the treated water for
agriculture, for use in households, and recreations.
3. Encourage community participation through the provision of preliminary education
on water treatment methods to communities or other source of pollution, as
well as the use of water as recreation, food production, income generation, and
reduction of resource consumption.
GIZ Nexus activities Chiang Mai.
Surface water and Wastewater Quality
Monitoring in Chiangmai
On 14th March 2014 at the Kanchanapisek
Public Park
Ms. Ruth Erlbeck GIZ Nexus Project Director
Met with Mayor of Chiang Mai Faculty and
Staff On 22th April 2014 at the municipality.
GIZ Nexus activities Chiang Mai.
Dr. Banashri Sinha Project Coordinator, EDD,
UNESCAP met with Dr. Suwasa Kantananichkul
Associate Professor, Faculty of Engineering,
Chiang Mai University, On May 29, 2014 at
GIZ Nexus and UNESCAP surveying Lum
koowai waterway which merges with the Mae
Kha canal and then released into Ping River.
Thank you and the next time of Chiang Mai All are welcome.
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