National Accounts and the Environment Growth Trend from the Regions of Asia
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National Accounts and the Environment Growth Trend from the Regions of Asia
10/11/2013 Panel on National Accounts and the Environment 8th October, 2013, Bangkok Pushpam Kumar h ([email protected]), Chief, Ecosystem Services Economics Unit , United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Growth Trend from the Regions of Asia Source: Based on World Development Indicators, 1 10/11/2013 Saving during 1993‐2010 Gross savings (% of GNI) Gross savings (% of GNI) gross national income less total consumption plus net transfers consumption, plus net transfers. Adjusted savings: natural resources depletion (% of GNI) Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (% of GNI) Bangladesh Bhutan Adjusted savings: natural resources depletion (% of GNI) (Natural resource depletion is the sum of net forest depletion, energy depletion, and mineral depletion). Adjusted savings: net forest depletion (% of GNI) N tf Net forest depletion is calculated t d l ti i l l t d as the product of unit resource rents and the excess of round‐ wood harvest over natural growth. Cambodia China India Philippines Thailand Vietnam Source: Based on World Development Indicators, Environmental performance Terrestrial protected areas (% of total land area) 1990-2010 Forest area (% of land area) 1990-2000 and 2000-2010 2000 2010 Terrestrial protected areas (% of total land area) 1990-2010 CO2 emissions (kg per 2005 PPP $ of GDP) 1990-2008 1990 2008 Bangladesh Mongolia Bhutan Nepal Cambodia Pakistan China Philippines India Sri Lanka Indonesia Thailand Lao PDR Vietnam Forest area (% of land area) 1990-2000 and 2000-2010 2000 2010 CO2 emissions (kg per 2005 PPP $ of GDP) 1990-2008 1990 2008 Malaysia Source: Based on World Development Indicators, 2 10/11/2013 Poor and EA Evidences from Africa Uganda (2010) Ethiopia (2005) Kenya (2005) Swaziland (1999) Value of recorded contribution from forestry in US$ 447.65 million (28%) ETB 8 billion (9%) KES 15,333 million (35%) 41 million rand (13%) GDP: Estimated value of contribution from forestry US$ 1,136.84 million (72%) , ( ) ETB 83 billion (91%) ( ) KES 29,108 million (65%) , ( ) 277 million rand (87%) ( ) missing from GDP : i i f GDP GDP at current prices: US$19.399 billion US$ 54,890,000,000 US$18,737,900,000 $1,547,889,000 Value of missing contribution from foresty as a 5% 18% 2% 4% percentage of country GDP: Proportion of rural population who mainly depend on natural resources that do not feature 27,093,600 (85%) 65,450,000 (85%) 25,372,193 (75%) 639,940 (65%) in the SNA : Country population: 31,800,000 77,000,000 33,829,590 980,000 Missing Ecosystem Services Ethiopia Uganda Kenya Swaziland South Africa Currently included in the SNA Firewood: Charcoal: Construction wood and other timber commercial flows: Forestry management, regulation, education and research: Recreational/cultural services: X X X X X X X Partial Partial X Partial Currently exluded from the SNA Asset values: Carbon sequestration: X X Biodiversity conservation service: Soil protection services: il i i Hydrological services: X X X X X X X X X X Reduction of rainfall runoff: X Non timber forest products: Medicinal plants: X X Wood: Edible plants: Game meat: Thatch grass: X X X X X X X X X 3 10/11/2013 Voices for Change • • • • • • • Beyond GDP Beyond GDP Conference, Brus sels 2007 • Potsdam 2007 G8+5 initiative & TEEB 2008, 2010 • Stiglitz/ Sen/ Fitoussi report Paris 2009 Paris 2009 • Ecosystem Capital Accounts fast track project in Europe (2009‐ 2012) • WAVES Others • Post‐2015 UN development agenda • SEEA revision for 2012/13 and EEAs • Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) • CBD revised CBD revised Nagoya Strategy 2010 • Green economy/green growth UN Kuznets 1941 Hicks 1948 Samuelson 1961 Nordhaus and Tobin 1972 Hartwick 1990 Timbergen 1992 Arrow, Dasgupta et al 1995 Weitzman 1997 Dasupta and Maler 2000 Dasgupta 2001, 2009, 2011 Research • • • • Implementation IWR • Conceptual Underpinning • Paradigm shift SEEA • How • Entry point WAVES / VANTAGE • Evidence base • Examples 4 10/11/2013 Inclusive Wealth Index Man Made Capital Natural Capital Human C i l Capital Post Rio+ Planning Participation Ownership 5