Vermont Genetics Network Outreach Proteomics Module Protein Mass Spectrometry: Theory and Application
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Vermont Genetics Network Outreach Proteomics Module Protein Mass Spectrometry: Theory and Application
Vermont Genetics Network Outreach Proteomics Module Protein Mass Spectrometry: Theory and Application Prepared by Bryan A. Ballif, Ph.D. Two Essential Partner Tools in Proteomics Gel Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry First Things First -- Know Your Goal ! ● There are nearly as many mass spectrometry methods as there are mass spectrometry projects. ● Your goal determines your methods which determine your outcomes. The Four Most Common Protein Mass Spectrometry Projects (Observe How Each Project Has A Distinct Goal / Method !!) What is this protein? What proteins are present in _____? Where Is this protein Post-translationally Modified? What protein Changes occur Following ______? Stimulus Stimulus H2O2 Block Block Western Blot α-pS Western Blot α-pY Rat eCSF Purify pY Proteins Identify pY Proteins Identify pY Sites Quantify pY Changes Typical Protein Mass Spectrometry Work Flow Protein Preparation / Analyte Preparation Junk In … Mass Spectrometry Data Analysis / Interpretation Junk Out ! Most Proteomics Experiments Further Purify the Analyte Using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) Organic Solvent H2O HPLC pumps Mass Spectrometer Carbon Column Electric / Magnetic Fields Two Common Types of Peptide Ionization Electrospray Ionization John Fenn (2002 Nobel Prize) Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization (MALDI) Koichi Tanaka (2002 Nobel Prize) Perhaps the Most Simple Concept for Mass Measurements in Mass Spectrometer Remember there are relationships between mass and Energy : E = mc2 or Ek = ½ mv2 Carbon Column Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry Electric field gives ions defined kinetic energy. Image from Kore Technology Limited Ekinetic = ½ mv2 Mass Spectrometer Electric / Magnetic Fields Peptides (Bottom Up Proteomics) Versus Protein (Top Down) Tryptic Digest MFSCFLQAGNPQGSRSGFGHNVELVRHASIWVTYHSEEKLLIPYSDEL MFSCFLQAGNPQGSR SGFGHNVELVR HASIWVTYHSEEK LLIPYSDEL Another Problem: Multiple Peptides may have the same Mass! NH3 G-F-S-F-P-V-A-T-G-L-M-E-D -D-G-K-P-R COOH NH3 G-F-S-F-P-M-L-G-T-A-V-E-D -D-G-K-P-R COOH Basics of Liquid Chromatography (LC) Tandem Mass Spectrometry (MS/MS) for Peptides HPLC pumps Mass Spectrometer Relative Abundance organic concentration in mobile phase low m/z high time MS1 MS2 Peptide Ions Peptide Fragment Ions Relative Abundance LC m/z Knowing your ABC’s and your XYZ’s: In your “Daughter” or “Fragment” Ions A Closer Look at MS2 (For Peptide Identification) He He 8 NH3 b ions 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 G-F-S-F-P-V-A-T-G-L-M-E-D-D-G-K-P-R G-F-S-F-P-V-A-T-G-L-M-E-D -D-G-K-P-R 1 2 CollisionInduced Dissociation ( CID ) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Y ions COOH A Closer Look at MS2 (and Phosphorylation ) P He NH3 - G-F-S-F-P-V-A-T-G-L-M-E-D-D-G-K-P-RCOOH