If you want to change how people think, give think differently.
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If you want to change how people think, give think differently.
If you want to change how people think, give them a tool the use of which will lead them to think differently. —Buckminster Fuller (1976) 1 Critical thinking means you ask the right questions; systems thinking means you see the big picture. If you do that, you will have a set of skills that transcends any particular set of technical skills, which may or may not become obsolete. —Michael Hammer, 1997 2 The Evaporating Cloud 3 The problem… 4 The Easy Part… 5 The More Difficult Part… 6 A little history… 7 The Original Thinking Process Concept 8 Second-Generation TP Concept 9 To repeat what others have said requires education; to challenge it requires brains. —Mary Pettibone Poole, 1938 A Glass Eye at a Keyhole 10 New approach to solution… 11 Underlying Assumption Absence of a welldefined target... like shooting in the dark! “If you don’t care where you’re going, then any path will do.” 12 Intermediate Objectives (IO) Map GOAL Critical Success Factor CSF#1 CSF#4 CSF#2 CSF#3 NC Supporting Necessary Condition NC NC NC NC NC 13 A Benchmark GOAL CSF#1 CSF#4 CSF#2 CSF#3 NC NC NC NC NC NC 14 Third-Generation TP Concept IO Map Current Reality Tree Future Reality Tree Evaporating Cloud 15 Third-Generation TP Concept (cont’d) Future Reality Tree Prerequisite Tree Critical Chain Project 16 Challenge: Evaporating Cloud always relevant to a system’s goal 17 How it works… 18 Create an IO Map Goal Critical Success Factors GOAL CSF#1 CSF#4 CSF#2 CSF#3 NC NC NC Necessary Conditions NC NC NC 19 “Go deep!” 20 Start your Evaporating Cloud 21 Relate EC elements to IO Map CSF Do THIS CSF DON’T do THIS Goal 22 Conflict within a single branch 23 Conflict at a lower level 24 The key…find a convergence point 25 Example… 26 Example (cont’d) Intermediate Objectives Map 27 Example (cont’d) 28 In summary… • Establish a “benchmark” • Articulate the conflict • Find the appropriate IO Map branches • Go upward to a convergence point 29 30 31