Current status and plans for the future development Ministry of Transport
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Current status and plans for the future development Ministry of Transport
Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Current status and plans for the future development of the Russian transport infrastructure in the NorthEast Asia Head of the Division for transport corridors and logistics development Alexey L. ALEKSEEV Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation The Far-East region on the map of Russia 2 Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Scheme of the international transport corridors Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation The far-east ports’ freight turnover divided into regions 2010 - 2012. Increase 2012 to 2011,% 2010, thousand tons 2011, thousand tons 2012, thousand tons 68610,9 72281,3 80048,6 +10,7% 25164,1 28068,1 28656,3 +2,1% 20606,0 21737,4 21644,5 -0,4% Magadan 1147,3 1225,5 1350,4 +10,2% Kamchatka Chukotka, Arctic Far-east basin 2151,4 2057,3 2042,2 -0,7% 749,0 752,0 912,1 +21,3% 118428,7 126121,6 134654,1 +6,8% Region Primorsky area Khabarovsk area Sakhalin area Vanino, Sov.Gavan 13,7 – 15,4 – 37,8 Export cargo volumes by railways through far-east region ports, mln. tons 2010 2011 2012 2015 Zarubino 0 – 0,1 – 1,0 Posyet 3,5 – 4,1 – 7,0 Total through far-east ports Vladivostok 4,5 – 4,1 – 8,0 Bolshoi Kamen 0 – 0 – 0,1 69,5 74,7 83,1 102,3 % of growth 100 by 2010 107 119,6 147 Nakhodka 13,1 – 13,3 – 15,9 Kozmino 15,2 – 15,3 – 0 Volumes by years Vostochny 18,6 – 21,4 – 31,6 Slavyanka 0,9 – 1,0 – 0,9 5 © ОАО «ИЭРТ» Vostochny 18,6 – 21,4 – 24,1 2010 2011 2012 Ministry of Transport The of the Russian Federation far-east ports’ freight turnover divided by the product nomenclature 2010 - 2012 Product types 2010, thousand tons 2011, thousand tons 2012, thousand tons Increase 2012 to 2011,% Total, far-east basin 119230,6 126121,6 134654,1 +6,8% coal, coke 35259,9 42349,3 48670,8 +14,9% Woods general (without large containers) Cargo in large containers 3686,4 3558,7 3202,7 -10,0% 9335,4 7758,3 8681,9 +11,9% 8523,8 9901,2 10001,3 +1,0% 54135,7 55143,0 55661,0 +0,9% 8289,4 7411,1 8436,4 +13,8% Bulked cargo and liquefied natural gas (LNG) Other cargo Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Knot Vladivostok transport knot VostochnyNakhodka transport knot Khasan transport knot (Zarubino) Primorye area, total Khabarovsk area 2010 Far-east basin ports’ container turnover, TEU 2011 increase 2012 to 2011,% 2012 Share of knot in the container turnover of the far-east basin (2012) 477401 600417 691933 +15,2% 51,4% 256342 340892 411992 +20,9% 30,6% 2178 - - - 0,0% 735921 941309 1103925 +17,3% 82,0% 16309 12017 5080 -57,7% 0,4% Sakhalin 99310 101989 109793 +7,7% 8,2% Magadan 40169 48199 52244 +8,4% 3,9% Kamchatka 57815 57704 61200 +6,1% 4,5% 9349 13689 14504 +6,0% 1,1% 958873 1174907 1346746 +14,6% 100,0% Chukotka Far-east basin, total Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation The typical aspects of the far-east cargo turnover (part 1) 1. The total cargo turnover in the far-east region growth is 6,8%. There is the growth of every type of cargo, except the woods. 2. The growth leader in the percentage (+21,3%) is Chukotsky area, the leader in the absolute expression (+7,8 mln tons) is Primorye area. 3. The growth locomotive, as in the previous years – are row materials, such as oil and coal, and containers. 4. The start of the second phase of the pipeline system “East Siberia – Pacific ocean” in 2012 caused the freight turnover on the special oil seaport “Kozmino”. There was no increase of the oil processing at the “Prigorodnoe” port, but it was an insignificant growth of the liquefied natural gas processing. 5. The Nakhodka and Vladivostok ports are continuing increase of coal processing. 6. There was a positive tendency in the decrease of woods’ processing (from -10% in 2012 in comparison with 2011 and -3,5% in 2011 in comparison with 2010). Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation The typical aspects of the far-east cargo turnover (part 2) 7. As for the containers – the far east region is confidently moving towards the turnover of 1,5 mln. TEU/year. The container turnover growth is +14,6% on all the regions, except for the Khabarovsk area. In the Khabarovsk region the last years’ decrease was mostly because of the ferry and in 2012 the decrease was caused by the decrease of the shipments in Magadan and as the result of it – the decrease of import in Khabarovsk area. In the Primorye area it is the opposite situation – the growth of both cabotage and imported containers. The Transsiberia transit was more than doubled (via VSC “Vostochny port”). FESCO group and SakhMP launched new container services in spring 2012 and this had attracted container flow to Nakhodka. As for the Khasan complex, containers were not processed there, as it was in 2012. 8. The improvement of the ferrous metallurgy market’s conjuncture on the Asianpacific region made it possible to increase the export shipments while the other nomenclature positions faced the reduction. It deals with the wheel technique import (despite the growth of cars’ turnover in Vladivostok sea trade port), cabotage cargo, that was most rapidly growing during the peak of Sakhalin oilgas projects development, construction and reconstruction of the energy objects in Kamchatka area and also the construction of the APEC summit objects on the Russki island in the previous years. Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation «Bottlenecks» in the traffic capacity of the railway infrastructure of the Far-East region Undeveloped cargo transfer volume by 2015 г. 31 million tons including: -JSV «Mechelл» 7,5 mln.t. -JSV «SUEK» 4,2 mln.t -MC «Petropavlovsk» 3,0 mln.t -AK «ALROSA» 2,5 mln.t -JSV «UK» «Kuzbasnefteugol» 2,3 mln.t The length of the «bottlenecks» in the Far-East region -LLC «Kolmar» 2,0 mln t -JSV «Silvinit» 1,5 mln t -«Evraz group.» 1,0 mln t -NC«Allians» Khabarovsk» 1,0 mln t Условные обозначения: ‐«узкие места» на 01.01.2011 г. ‐ «узкие места» на период до 2015 г.* Ограничивающий элемент: П – перегон С – станция Э – электроснабжение Ш – средства сигнализации и связи * ‐ с учетом реализации мероприятий, предусмотренных среднесрочной инвестиционной программой ОАО «РЖД» 01.01.2012 г. – 2363 km Increase Increase of of cargo cargo traffic traffic by by 2015 2015 on on the the way to : way to : -- Vanino Vanino port port –– 121 121 %; %; -- Primorye area ports Primorye area ports –– 21 21 % % in comparison with 2011 in comparison with 2011 Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Primorye – 1 and Primorye - 2 The corridor Suifenhe (Primorye ports – Harbin – Transsib) АН6 ITC «Primorye-1» АН6 Tumen corridor ITC «Primorye-2» АН6 Транскитайский мост Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Transport corridor Primorye -1 system Boundary Suifenhe ITC «Primorye-1»: The length of the boundary road - Vladivostok/Nahodka/Vostochny - 235/347/354 km Dunin Poltavka Ussuriysk Artem Vladivostok Nahodka Source: Administration of Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk branch of JSC "GIPRODORNII" Vostochny Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation АПП Primorye - 2 The automobile transport route «Primorye-2: The existing route from the boundary to Zarubino - 71 km Kraskino Posyet Zarubino Source: Administration of Khasansky Region Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation Overbridges and crossunders created during the work progress for the highway M-60 «USSURI» Khabarovsk – Vladivostok reconstruction 14 Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation The main plans for the transport infrastructure future developments - Transsiberia route modernization and the development of ports, situated on the route last point; - Construction of the Baikal-Amur route second way to increase its traffic capacity up to 110 million tons per year; - The construction of the bridge or tunnel to the Sakhalin island; - Connection of Transsiberian railway with the trans-Korean railway route. PANORAMA of the bridge to the Russki island across the Bosporus the Eastern strait in Vladivostok 16 Thank you for your attention!