The potential of improved Water Distribution Management in the Urban Nexus
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The potential of improved Water Distribution Management in the Urban Nexus
The potential of improved Water Distribution Management in the Urban Nexus Fifth Regional Workshop on Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: The Urban Nexus, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 17.-19. June 2015 Younes Hassib (civil engineer) Sector Planner GIZ - Water Competence Centre Seite 1 Water Energy Water WATER to ENERGY: Annual global water withdrawal for energy production is 580 billion m³/year (or 15% of the freshwater consumption) (source: OECD/IEA, 2012) 70 billion m³/year are not returned to its source (source: OECD/IEA, 2012) ENERGY to WATER: The US consumes annually 520 Million MWh on water related energy use This corresponds with 13% of all electricity consumption in the country (source: The carbon footprint of water, River Network, 2009) 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 2 ... let us put energy consumption into proportion ... For example for lifting water: 1 m³ 1 m³ lift 1 m up ! = equals ½ hour ... For example for water desalination: 1 m³ 1 m³ = equals 200 minutes 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 3 How much energy is used at what stage ? Water Production and Conveyance Water Treatment Water Distribution Wastewater collection & treatment 0,00 kWh/m³ 0,03 kWh/m³ 0,07 kWh/m³ 0,19 kWh/m³ high 3,73 kWh/m³ average --> 1,87 kWh/m³ accumulated --> 1,87 kWh/m³ 4,27 kWh/m³ 2,15 kWh/m³ 4,01 kWh/m³ 0,32 kWh/m³ 0,19 kWh/m³ 4,21 kWh/m³ 1,23 kWh/m³ 0,71 kWh/m³ 4,91 kWh/m³ low What can we do to reduce the energy demand ? Not much ! 19.06.2015 Little ! ... we can do much better ! GIZ Water Sector Projects optimize ! Seite 4 ... so what are the common problems with WATER DISTRIBUTION ? Poor workmanship Bad management of house connections No data ! Worn material 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 5 ... which result mostly in WATER LOSSES ? ... and generally poor asset management ! 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 6 How much water is effectively lost ? Source: Guidelines for water loss reduction, giz, 2011 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 7 wasting WATER = wasting ENERGY ! leak diameter leakage flow rate* low cost scenario [mm] 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 [litres/minute] 0,33 0,97 1,82 3,16 8,15 14,80 22,30 30,00 [m³/year] 170 500 940 1.640 4.220 7.670 11.560 15.550 7,0 39,30 20.370 *) 5 ba r pres s ure 19.06.2015 high cost scenario [kWh/year]** [USD/year]**** [kWh/year]*** [USD/year]**** 20 2 340 27 50 4 1.000 80 90 7 1.880 150 160 13 3.280 260 420 34 8.440 680 770 62 15.340 1.230 1.160 93 23.120 1.850 1.560 120 31.100 2.490 2.040 160 40.740 3.260 **) a t 0,1 kWh/m³ ***) a t 2,0 kWh/m³ ****) a s s umi ng 0.08 USD/kWh GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 8 How to improve water distribution ? 1. “Understand” your distribution system ! 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 9 How to optimize the water distribution ? 1. “Understand” your distribution system ! - Document the network 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 10 How to optimize the water distribution ? 1. “Understand” your distribution system ! - Document the network - Create district metering areas (DMA’s) ZONE 1 VALVE ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 11 How to improve water distribution ? 1. “Understand” your distribution system ! - Document the network - Create district metering areas (DMA’s) - Measure flow and correlate to subscribers ZONE 1 ZONE METERS VALVE ZONE 2 ZONE 3 ZONE 4 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 12 How to improve water distribution ? 1. “Understand” your distribution system ! - Document the network - Create district metering areas (DMA’s) - Measure flow and correlate to subscribers - Develop Water Balance (according to the International Water Association, IWA) 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 13 How to improve water distribution ? 1. “Understand” your distribution system ! 2. Improve the system ! - Develop a “Loss reduction strategy” - Carry out leak detection measures - Implement construction measures: Short term solution: Reduce network pressure Investment: 50.000 USD Water saved: 1.500 m³/night Households served: 15.000 Payback-period: 2 years Financed through: GIZ-PPP 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 14 How to improve water distribution ? 1. “Understand” your distribution system ! 2. Improve the system ! - Develop a “Loss reduction strategy” - Carry out leak detection measures - Implement construction measures: Short term solution: Reduce network pressure Long term solution: Repair the network Cost depend on many parameters and need to be studied carefully ! ... but if well done, it is definitively worth the effort ! 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 15 Thank You for your attention ! ... for more information please visit our website: 19.06.2015 GIZ Water Sector Projects Seite 16