Technical Assistance Technical Assistance for Improving Economic Statistics for ASEAN Member States
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Technical Assistance Technical Assistance for Improving Economic Statistics for ASEAN Member States
10/28/2013 Technical Assistance Technical Assistance for Improving Economic Statistics for ASEAN Member States Agus Sutanto ASEAN Secretariat Third Meeting of the Steering Group for the Regional Programme on Economic Statistics UNESCAP, Bangkok, Thailand, 29‐31 October 2013 Outline Mandate Mandate of the ASEAN Community Statistical of the ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS) Committee Three major components of ACSS Work Plan Capacity Building on Economic Statistics Strategic Plan 2016‐2020 1 10/28/2013 1. Mandate of the ACSS ACSS Committee’s Stronger Mandate: ACSS Committee is the highest regional policy‐making and coordinating body on statistical matters in the ASEAN region. 1. Mandate of the ACSS ACSS Committee’s Roles (amongst others): Formulate statistical policies Promote improvement of statistical infrastructure and facilitate institutional and capacity building Ensure supply of timely and comparable ASEAN statistics In support of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), ASEAN Socio and Cultural Community (ASCC) as well as ASEAN Political and Security Community (APSC) 2 10/28/2013 1. Mandate of the ACSS NSO’s Stronger Mandate The national focal point Coordinator of statistical development and harmonisation at the national level Coordinator of statistical provision to the ASEC 1. Mandate of the ACSS ASEANstats’s Stronger Mandate Member of the ACSS Committee Regional focal point Links between ACSS Committee, ASEAN bodies and international statistical organisation Technical arm of the ACSS Committee h l f h Secretarial function 3 10/28/2013 2. Three Major Components of the ACSS’s Work Plan Institutional Strengthening • Institutional and legal framework, Infrastructure, coordination, work plans, monitoring tools, and other enabling mechanisms towards the establishment of an ASEAN Community Statistical System (ACSS) by 2015 Strengthening ASEAN statistics • Harmonisation of statistics, improvement of quality, dissemination, IT and database Narrowing Development Gaps • Catchup programme for (but not limited to) CLMV 2. Three Major Components of the ACSS’s Work Plan Accomplished The ACSS Committee Th ACSS C itt Strategic Plan 2011‐2015 Multi‐Year Action Plan (MYP) and AWPs Rules of Procedure The Sub‐Committee on Planning and Coordination ACSS Code of Practice Policies on Data Sharing, Confidentiality, Dissemination and Communication of Statistics Improved comparability, availability, and dissemination of IMTS, SITS, FDIS, and dissemination of MDG and ASEAN integration indicators 4 10/28/2013 2. Three Major Components of the ACSS’s Work Plan On‐going: Quality monitoring tools Data Sharing arrangement Dissemination and communication strategy and model Improvement of availability, quality and comparability of key integration statistics (FDIS, SITS, IMTS) and facilitation for SNA, MDG, Connectivity and other relevant statistics for SNA, MDG, Connectivity and other relevant statistics Including metadata and methodological documentation ASEAN Statistical Indicators (ASI) – covering the core set Consolidate template for effective collection of ASI ACSS Strategic Plan 2016‐2020 2. Three Major Components of the ACSS’s Work Plan Coverage of the ASEAN Statistical Indicators (ASI) 140: (ESCAP) Core Set of Economic Indicators: 44; Other ASEAN economic indicators: SITS, FDIS, manufacturing statistics, and ASEAN Food Security Information System (AFSIS): 14; MDGs Indicators: 61; MDGs Indicators: 61; Poverty and Well‐being Indicators: 20; IMTS: 1 5 10/28/2013 2. Three Major Components of the ACSS’s Work Plan The ASI and Consolidated Template: 140 endorsed by the ACSS Committee in November 2011 63 for regular submission to the ASEAN Secretariat – 10 have been regularly submitted through separate mechanisms – 53 to be submitted to the ASEAN Secretariat through a new mechanism (consolidated template) to be defined by the Working Group on Data Sharing, Dissemination and Communication (WGDSA). 2. Three Major Components of the ACSS’s Work Plan The 53 indicators covered in Consolidated Template – 10 Chapters: ASI‐A: Macroeconomic, Gov Finance & Monetary ‐ Quarterly ASI‐B: Macroeconomic, Gov Finance & Monetary – Annual ASI‐C: Price Indices and Index of Industrial ASI‐D: Industry Output, Employement, Science & Tech and Innovation ASI‐E: Commodity Prices Data ASI‐F: ASI F: Government Finance Government Finance ASI‐G: Gross National Income (GNI) ASI‐H: External Debts ASI‐I: Production Data ASI‐J: Social and MDG 6 10/28/2013 3. Capacity Building and Technical Assistance 1. EU‐ASEAN Statistical Capacity Building (EASCAB) Programme: 2009‐Jan 2013 IMTS, FDIS, SITS, and to some extent MDG IT and Regional Database Exchange System (REXDBS) Institutional building Institutional building Greater emphasis on CLMV Euro 6mn 3. Capacity Building and Technical Assistance 2. AUSAid (AADCP) : 2005‐2007 (AADCP): IMTS and SITS – ground works for harmonisation of statistics – with ABS expert 2008‐2009 (AADCP): ASEAN Progress Monitoring System (ACPMS) 2007 2012‐2013 2013 (AADCP II): ACPMS 2012 (AADCP II): ACPMS 2012 2012 7 10/28/2013 3. Capacity Building and Technical Assistance 3. GIZ : Database for dissemination: DevInfo application ‐ 2012 Model, Strategy and policy on data sharing, confidentiality and dissemination – 2013 (on‐going) Modernization of the ASEAN statistics publications production process – 2013 (on production process 2013 (on‐going) going) 3. Capacity Building and Technical Assistance 4. Others and Ad‐hoc : USAid – 2007‐2009: Workshop on SNA and assessment Identification of Poverty and well being indicators IMF – 2007‐2009: Workshops on SNA ILO – 2007:2009: Workshops on labour market indicators ADB – 2009: Database for the ACPMS 8 10/28/2013 3. Capacity Building and Technical Assistance 4. Others and Ad‐hoc : ABS 2013: ABS 2013: Technical support for the Model of dissemination and communication of statistics – a project under the GIZ PARIS21 and Eurostat: Workshops on Strategic Planning – 2012 APRIS (EU): ISIC4 APRIS (EU): ISIC4 UN 2013: Workshops on SITS Japan: Manufacturing statistics and ISIC 4 2004‐2007 3. Capacity Building and Technical Assistance 5. Forthcoming : EU‐ASEAN Capacity Building on Monitoring and Statistics 2014‐2018: IMTS, SITS, FDIS, SNA, MDG, other relevant indicators Institutional building IT and Database and Dissemination Other development partners (Ad‐hoc): Dissemination Indicators for monitoring ASEAN progress Strategic Plan 2016‐2020 9 10/28/2013 4. Strategic Plan 2016‐2020 Four (tentative major components) Four (tentative major components) Enhancing dissemination and communication, visibility and use of statistics Catching up and narrowing development gaps Improving response to ASEAN statistical requirements Catch‐up and narrowing development gaps C t h d i d l t 4. Strategic Plan 2016‐2020 Improving response to ASEAN statistical requirements Institutional strengthening I i i l h i Improving response to ASEAN statistical requirements – Focus on harmonization of statistics of key ASEAN integration: – ASI and metadata and methodology documentation – Improve comparability and timeliness of statistics in support of new ASEAN initiatives: MDG, ACPMS, and ASEAN Surveillance, Connectivity, price &financial market stability Improve response to global initiatives on statistics • SNA 2008 and the Improvement of Core Set of Economic Indicators Enhance metadata and methodological documentation 10 10/28/2013 THANK YOU Email: [email protected] Website: 11