
Thea atre Erinda ale Receiv ves Genero

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Thea atre Erinda ale Receiv ves Genero
Theaatre Erinda
ale Receiv
ves Genero
ous Gifts
[Mississaauga ON, Septem
mber 2011] On Frriday September 16th at the Erindaale Studio Theatrre, the annual Aw
wards Night Gala of the Theatre annd Drama Studiess
Program celebrated the beeginning of the 21st year of this un
nique Sheridan-U
UTM partnership. On hand to help present the Awarrds were the Vicee Principal of UT
Amy Muullin, and Vice Prresident of Sherid
dan Mary Preece. Though there weere many momentts that displayed tthe brilliant talennts of current studdents, the highligh
of the evvening were the in
ntroduction of a unique
fund in meemory of Lawrence Stern, and the one-time gift of tten thousand dolllars from UTM P
Professor Emeritu
Roger Beeck and Janet Becck.
The Beckks were co-found
ders of the professsional actor-trainiing program, and
d won the Laurie Pallett
Patron of tthe Arts Award ssome years ago foor their constant
patronagge and ongoing sccholarship donatio
ons. This gift, how
wever, was to hellp celebrate the tw
wentieth anniverssary. “It couldn’t have come at a bbetter time”, says
Artistic D
Director Patrick Young.
“We’re bu
ursting at the seam
ms this year and mounting
the two
o largest shows w
we’ve ever producced – Nicholas N
Nickleby and Stage
Door. Thhe Becks’ generossity is sponsoring
g Assistant Directtors for both of th
hose, plus a numb
ber of needed extrras we could neveer have afforded without them.”
As a tokeen of the program
m’s appreciation, Theatre Erindale’s annual festivall of one-act Indep
pendent Student P
Productions has bbeen re-named “T
The Beck Festival”.
Accepting the chheque from the Beecks on Sheridan’s
This yearr’s edition will pllay December 8-1
10 at pay-what-yo
ou-can prices (freee to Theatre Erin
ndale Members). A
behalf w
were VP Mary Preeece and Director of Development Lisa Piccolo, wh
ho then unveiled a striking logo deesigned by UTM’s Alison Dias. Thhe logo incorporaates
the smiliing faces of Rogeer and Janet Beck, and will represeent the Beck Festiival in perpetuity.
Executivve Producer Nanccy Copeland and graduate
Zaib Shaaikh, star of CBC
C’s Little Mosquee on the Prairies, iinaugurated a uniique and excitingg fund in memory of
longtimee program advisorr and distinguisheed Streetsville draama teacher Lawrrence Stern. The fund will supportt first year studennts of the program
m in their early visits
to Toronnto’s professional theatres. On hand to help celebratte were other pastt students of Stern
n’s and graduatess of Theatre Erinddale, including G
Gemini-winner and
TVO starr Mark Sykes.
1/2 he Jack Frost Theaatre Erindale Awards for distinguiished backstage w
work, the Faculty Awards, The A. L. Fernie Bursaries
Also presented during thee evening were th
pecial awards in memory
of Gina Smith, Meg Youn
ng, and David Sééguin. The Séguinn family arrived w
with a huge birthd
and Schoolarships, the Becck Awards, and sp
cake big enough to be shaared by the entire audience!
Entertainning were Mississsauga’s busiest Musical
Director Anthony
on (an instructor in
i the program), aand a dozen curreent students from
m across the country
with scennes and songs thaat were alternately
y hilarious and riv
Theatre E
Erindale’s upcom
ming season “The Power of Perform
mance” opens witth Charles Dicken
ns’ Nicholas Nickkleby Part 1 on O
October 20th. Forr information conttact
the box ooffice at 905-569--4369 or www.th
Contact: Patrick Young att 905-845-9430 ext.
e 2709
Photo: Roger
and Janet Beck
with the new
w logo for the Beeck Festival desiggned by Alison Diias.
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