tp**cl klo-,.m Slst "rl Operation and Maintenance
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tp**cl klo-,.m Slst "rl Operation and Maintenance
.--/ E[ltEI Corpo]ation POBor 979 AnnArbor,Ml 48106-{D79 tp**cl klo-,.mSlst "rl t6l'ro L4B "Es MX32 ENGUARD Operationand Maintenance Manual 80003-040 Fcbruary2001 MCN-27r,0Ur4l02 MCN-278,Mt07t02 MCN-286,10/02L2 MCN-328,03124/05 MCN-330,04/01/05 Iable of Contents 5.L 3 MX32 CoNrRoLSequence of Maintenance Men 5.4.I CalibrationFolotoingan lnitialEationNon OrygenTrut$nitter...--............ 5.4.2 Calibrtion For rsulat preve ive naintenanc ...................11 .................20 Listof lllustrations TABLE'1a: Faulr aNo ALARMRELAYSETflNG.... FrcuRE5: MX32 CoNTRoLMA|NPowERANoCHA NEL8oaR0.,............, ............................. 6 .............................. 7 TAaLE2: WTRING FoRA Ty{o W|RES/T................... TAaLE3: W|RNGFoR IHREEWRE S/T.............. ^ TABLE4:MX32 CoNTRoLSEoUENCE oF MATNTENANCE MENUS..............., 8 ......................... I ..,....................... .......................... 14 E luEfoorporation MX32ENoUARo l.O Intloductlon Thc [X32 CoNTRot unit canmooitor oneor two indeDend€nt chanoels.Esch chanrcl is connecredto one scnso/t-.usmIter. Them€asuremenl with presetalarm outputformth€sensoris displaycd on the MX32 CoNrRoLunitandcompared thresholds.Ifthe thresholds arcexceeded, th€conlrolunitactivates audioalafms,visualalarmsand.elayslhatmaybe usedto controlextemaldevices, NOtEi All specifrcationsstatedin lhis manualmoy changewithoul notice. 1.1Unpack Unpackthc MX32 Co[TRoL andexamineit for shippingdamag€.Ifsuch darnageis observed,notiry both E VffEf customcr servicep€rsonnel6nd thecommercial caricr involv€dimnediately. RsgardingDamagEd Shipments IlrorE: It i! your rfiponlibility lo follow lhe3oinllructions. Iftbey rre lot tollowed, tbe crrricr will not honor 9ny claims fordrDage. wascarefullyinsp€cted, lo lhe o Thisshipment verifiedandprop€rlypackag€d at ourcompanyanddeliv€red cari€r in goodcondition. o when il was picked up by the car.ier al E VlrEL it legally becameyour company'sproperty. O lfyour shipment afiivcsdamaged: . Keepthe items,packingmaterial,andcanon"As h." Within5 daysofreceipl,notifylhe c6nier'slocal officeandrequestimmediate inspection of thecanonandthecontenB. . After $e inspcctionand afteryou haverec.ived written acknowledgmentofthe damageftom the carier, contaclEILEfcustomcr S€rvicefor rctum authori?ationandfu(her instructions. Haveyour Purchase Order andSalesOrder numbersavailable, o ElrlfEfeither repairsor replacesdanagedcquipme[t and invoicesthe carier to the exrentof the liability covenge,usuallyS100.00.Repairorreplacement abovethatvalue6reyourcompany's responsibilily. cbarges with th€ o Theshippingcompanymayofferoptionalinsurance covenge.E/V/lfETonlyinsuresshipments shippingcompanywhenaskedto do so in wriringby our cusromer.lfyou needyourshipments insured,please forward a written requeslto E/VltEfcustomer Service- RegardingShoriages pleasenotiryE|lrEfcustomer Servicewithin5 days lflhere srcanyshonagcs or qucstions reg.rdin8thisshipmeot, ofr€.ciptatthefollowingaddr€ss: ENMETCorporation 680 F.lrflold Court Ann A,bor, l'r148108 73+7 61-1270 731-761-3220F.t 1.2 CheckOrder as Checlqth. conlentsofthe shipmcotagaiostthepurchase order.veriry $at theilx32 colTRoL is received ofcalibrationkits. ordcr€d.lfthere areaccessoaies ontheorder,ascertaio thattheyarepresent.Checkthecontents NodryE f,fEf customcr seNicepcrsonnel ofanydiscrepancy immedialely. '1.3SerialNumbers Eachirx32 CoNTRorisserializcd. Thes€ numbers ar€ontagsontheequipment andareonrecordin anE VI'EI databasa, EMrEf CorDoralion [X32 ENGURo 2.OFceturcs 2.1[X32 Controlelementr Thc nxl2 ColJIRoL unir is madcup ofrhe following clcmcnts: . EnclosucraredIP 55.NEMA-12.l2K. . Hingcdsmokcgrdyvicwingcovcr. . Main powcr ald channclboard,that hastcrminals for powcr, sensorsandrclays. lrcated undaracccsscover. . DispLy board,attachcdto front panc.. . fro panclwith display,alarm LEDS,buzztr Oom) and pushbutronswitchcs. Dbphy Bo.rd rontPanal fl oe€ Smokr G.ry vllwlng cow. Hing.don thr l.Il.ld. Acc6t Covsl Po0ar,Son3or rnd R.hy T.]mln.l Figur€l: [X32 Featu]€3 ElvrFr corporatjon iui32 ENot'Ro 2.2Frontpanolfsatulss sceFigu€2 for locstionof features. Dorcrlptlon LED Dl.plry,Opor.tlon boltonfrontPanel] I Lighting CrccnLED . wh.n thegccn LED is blinkingthcchsnnclis id progtammode' . whende gr.cnLEDisonsleady thacham€lis in opcrstion' ALI I gellon tont panell AL2( BellonfrontPanelI ALnn I rcd LED *hen in alarn Frult, C.llbr.tlon, Ptogr.m I Wienchon frontPanel] LowarmostyellowLED a malfunclionontheline . whcnrhcyellowLED is onstcady,it indicates . whcnrhcycllo* LED is blhkins th. channelis in!!!ryI131!gryg Alain 2 t€d LED whan in alam h.nngl 2 Ch.nnclI LEDr Oltpl.y LCD LEDr Buzer ispl.y , Opontlon LEDio. .rch ch.nnol fi; I L FrontPan.l Swltch.r -l ;-l Gl f.E [X-J *-eg r,'/'! Flgur€2: tSX32FrcntPenel I LEDfor aachchannel ]tn 2 LED fol aachchlnnal Frult, Crllbr.tion, Prog..m LEDtor aachcharntl 5Cl2 ErcxRo E flEI Cqpo6ton Ch|nn l I lrdlc{o. Chrn||l 2 lndlc|tor Incr.|alng Vdu. Indb.toa Slgn Chrrd|llbc l fa.e.0v! 8lgn 8888 %t HH /. . G|. typ. . Udt ot l.|.srt . Irlnbnanca Xrnur > ky dbphy . YEgor OUI . Oorl.o Lnu Indlcrtol Ch.f|ct!|t lbt: GrLaulr|t|.. Ac6r. Cod. flrlnianrnca Lnur > Iry dbpl.y SAVEor ENRG FlguB 3: UX32Dbplry l{OrE: I! lmc .ppli5inl aligln ahct$ic lloilc bcrwctDthc SanlorlTresnitbr |nd th. Cootlol c- crna tlucluii.)n! b lha ditphy rading, ThcscEiro.IlucludioG.rE cosiddld !o bc irliglific.||r ir t.'m! ofttc nryq dctcctim limit |nd al!r|!t vrluca of tbc gi! baingmo|itorcd. fl)qt2 Er€u RD EflfETCorDoBtion !.O Inrtelletlon Th€IX32 Co|{rRoLcanbc instdlcdin anybdoor.Ica tbatis notcle$if.d f, b.zrrdo|r3rtmocphar. It should prcf.rablybc placcdin ! vcntilrtld sndmonitor€dlocation,socha! g rdhorrsa,controlrooo, inrtrumdrtation room, clc. NOTE:To bc rblc to tully opcnth. hinScdfrotrtcovcrofdrc fI32 CO IROTallowspsccfor op.nilg rh. viqring 3.1mountng[X32 Contol ThcIXt2 ColrRoL ianountad!o thcwall widi 3 sqEws.DeDotionrarcgivcr in iDchca h Figur.4. Dcmotionj all rllo mr*cd m lbc rcarofthc anclo3uEin me. RaarVLw Sld. VLY' Flgurc4: fountng [X32 El{ltEf Corporation MX32 ENGUARD 3.2 Wiring the MX32Control - Th€electricalinstallalion shouldconformlo appropriate electricalcodes,suchastheNationalElectricalCodein the UnitedStates. lyAR rrM: Th€ lonplilnce olth€ installationto sppropriat€codesis not E rrt Ets responsibility. providedfor thh purpose. The MX32 CoNTRoLshouldbe poweredlhroughcircuitbreakers A typical Eachchannelof the MX32 CoNTRoLhasa terminalstripto whichall wiringfor thatchannelis connected. two-channelcircuit boardis shownin Fieure5 andwirineforlhis terminalis shownin TableL 3.2.1 Relay Contscts MX32 coNTRoLrelaycontacbfor thefirstrwo alarmlevelsar€on theRL, 1, RL and 2 positionsofeachchannel terminalstrip,as indicatedin Figure5 andTableI . Thereare3-pinheaderc for seltingrelaysto normallyopenor normallyclosedoperation.Thelocationoflhes€headers is indicatedin Figure5. To settherelays,placethejump€rs on theposition2 & 3 pinsfor NO opemtionor positionsI & 2 for NC opemtion. Thesej umpersareplacedin th€NC opemtionpositionsat thefactory.SeeTableI a. Theserelayshavea maximuncapacityof 2 Amp at 230Vohs. TheFaultRelay(DEF),systemalarn relayconlacts areon themainboard,asshownin Figur€5. Table1a:Faultand AlarmRelaySetting Jump€. Poaition Rol.y s.tting 3-pinheader l-pin h€aderlo{atednearassociated relay: = Faultrelay(DEF) J103 ChannelI -ALl relay= J105,AL2 relay= Jl0l Channel2 - ALl relay= J108,AL2 relay= Jl07 SeeFigure5 for lorationofeach3-pinhead€r. Pin#l2 3 ^ .r r-prnlumpel (rol Jumper onpinsI & 2 @E Jumperon pins2 & 3 (nopowerandnon-alarm condition) Jumperon pins I and2 relayNC operation (FactorySetting) Jumperonpins2 andI relayNO operatior 3.2.2 Wiring Requirements Sensor/Transmitters: wiring to the Sensor/Transminers shouldbeby two or thr€ewile shieldedcable.The recommended cableis I 8 gaugethreew ire,E Vf,tEf pannumber660I ?-006,Alpha-I 747Cor equrvalent. OutputLoop: Wiringto outputloopshouldbe similartwowire shield€d cable. Relay: wire. Relaywiringcanbe suilableansulated E rlfE Corporation I{X32 EIGUARD F11 lFu..2av Frl I Es19=3.11 blrd.cEaJ |iiil,y^=-1 lF.uhR.l.y I loE F l EE-,,.;1-', F.ull Rolay h..d.r Jl03 F.hy R-;--l R.r.y RLl S..r|.i|ty POT-1 chtnnslI \ S.nlltivity POr "''*fl-fm Ateg<< s !! Figure5: MX32CoNTRoL MainPowerand ChannelBoard MX32CoNTRoL FusoT.ble F7 2ilv InDut F9,F8 for I l5VAc lnplt F9,trt lor 2.30VAc Input Fll,Fl3 24vOrtput 1.25ATimedelav 3l5nA Timedelay l60mA Tine delay 400nA Timedelay Ch2,ALi ralay ttlx32ElcuaRo €Ig{Ef Ccrporation Tabl61: wiringterminal R.f Lab.l Teimlnrl L.bol P JI N 12 Inpur,AC high Input,AC neuFal J] Cround Input,DC minus 0 +24Y DEF cl c2 cl RLI W.lng lnpur,DCposiliv€ J6 FaultrelaY' t1 Fauhrelav' J8 J9 Jt0 Jt I Channell. Sensorsignal- (SeeTablc2. I for 2 or 3 wire S/T) Channcl| , sensorgound if uscd(SeeTable 2, 3 for 2 ot 3 wire S/T) Channcl| , S€nsor+ (Se€Tsble 2, 3 for 2 or 3 wir€ S/T) Chann€lI, Alann I relay' Chann.lI, Alarm I rclay' Iz Channel l, Alarm2 relay' cl Jl3 Jl4 Jl5 c2 Jt6 RLI Jt7 Jl8 Jl9 Channel?, Sensorsroundifused(Se€Table2, 3 for 2 or 3 wir. S/T) Channel2, Senso.+ (SceTablc 2, 3 for 2 or I wire S/T) Channel2,Alarm I r.lay' RL2 ChannelI, Alarm2 rclay' Channel2, Sensor signal- (Se€Table2,3 for2 or I wireS/T) 2, AlarmI relay' Channel J20 t2l Channel2,Alarm2 relay' Channel2, Alalm 2 rclay' 'See Tablela fo. settingrelaystoNO or NC operation. RL2 4-20 Sensor/Tmosmittcr areshown Sensor/Transminers arcconnected lo oositionsCl. C2 andC3 on eachchannelterminalslriD.Connections in Tabl€2 for two wire S/T andTable 3 for threervire S/T. Seefigure 5 for locatiooof channellerminal slnps. Table2: Wiringfor a TwoWiroSIT Table3: Wiringfor a ThreeWit€S/T Thl.o wlt! SgnlotlTl.namttttr Two wl|t Sanaor/Tnnsmilter CI Signalminus(-) cl Signal C2 Nol uscd C2 c3 Signalplus,+24vocpower Cround +24VDC po*er E r/UEfCorporation tax32ENot,ARo 4.O Operatlon Thelrx32 CoNTRoLdisplayis indep€ndent ofth€ LEDSandrelaysfor eachchannel. Whena visuafor audio alarn is activated,lhe displa! does nol aulorrralicaAy dkpla! lhe channel in alotu. 4.'l Front PanelPushbuttonSwitches Threepressur€ switches(buttons)on theirx32 CO TROLFRONTpanel. trM@ (if2 channels) Manualdisplayoforherchannel Manualdisplayofpreviousmenu Decr€ase valueof a digit whilesetlinga value Combinedwith "+" switchto st€ptkough nornal displaycycle Manualdisplayof otherchann€l(if2 channels) Manualdisplayofnext menu Incr€ase valueof a digit whilesettinga value Combined wilh "-" swilchto sl€pthroughnormaldisplay cycle To entermainlenance menus ENTER E rrflEf C{rDoration [I32 EIGu^RD Dbplay.t 3tart-up '1.2 wl|en poweris suppliedto lhc t{X32 CoNrRoL,theunitgocsthrougha self-testscquence asfollows: I . Currcot softwarcvenion and bu?zarlcst. E qnples ofDisplay: 1 2 0ve t r210 Seesection5,0for Maintenancc Mcnus Section5.5 for AcccssCodc 2. Curcnt menuaccess cod., Exonpl. ofDi'play: I 3. CuncntAL I lhresholddisplayed for channcll.*hilcthcA'-l FlMple of Di'play: andfault lightfor channclI lightup. 2 0 co (: 1 4. Cunent AL2 thresholddisplaycdfo. channel|, while fic AL2 and fault light for chatrnclI light up. Exanple of Displcr: r 4 0 co aa2 5. CunentALI threshold displ.ycdfor channel2,whilethc ALI andfaull light for chamcl2 lightup. E anple of Display: v 1 9 .5 o2 (: 1 6. CurrcnlAL2threshold displ.yedfor chann€12, whilethc AL2 ahdfaull light for channel2lighl up. E anpleof Displar: 2 3 .5 o2 <42 7. Countdown (io s€conds),lime for lhe scnso(s)to srabiliz€,and both f.ull LED are lit. E anple ofDisploy: Thistirhcis programmcd at thcfactory 0 . 40 for bcstrcsulo. Seesection5.2to changc programm€d settang. E. Thco$c nX32 CorfiRot will b.gin thenormaldisplaycycle E onpls oI Dirplar' 0 2Q .9o 2 t0 Se€s€ction4.4 for No.malDisplayCyclc 4.3DisplayCycleof ChennelmeasurgmsntE Caunoxr Thcdisplayandaudioalarmsopcrateindcpend]nr.lyWhaaan audio a6d vhuol olam or. actira lha dlrpl4y doat aot autorruticolly s*itch to rh. cho nal in al$t a 4.3.1Dilphy ofNo M..luEmctrt! Modc No measuremebts displayed, By pressing boththe- & + s*itchesartbcsametirnethcdisplaychangcs to nomeasur€mcnt displaymode. neasufenent Dbplay: ok Thc displaywill r€mainin lhc no mcasurm€nt mod€ until thc + & - swhchcsar. Drcsladat th€ ssmclim. to changcto lhe singl€chaDn€l displaynode. ln thenomcasurcmenr modcto displava chamelmanualtypr€ssthc+ or - swirch. E'6ptd of npEd! Di'd@: Press- to display chann€l 1 tor 't minutg E\6pht 0 of ,Wd Diltpldt: Presr+ to display channel2 b.1 minutea2 2 0 .9 Aftcr about I minut€,tha dispLy r€tumsto lhc no mcasurcmenidisplaymode. 4.3.2 Dilpl.y of r Singl. Chrtrrcl Modc Thcdisplaywillremainin thechannelscl€ctcd by p.essing lhe + or- switch. By plelsing both lhc & + switchesat the sametimc a sccondrime, thc displsy changcstoa singlc chamel di-splaynode. By pressinglhe - s*itch. lh. display is msnuallycbangcdio channclI and will conrinucto display chantrelI until thc + switch is prcsscd.By pr.sing drc + switch,thc display is manuallychangcdto channal2 ad will co[tinue lo display chann€l2 untilthc swirchis Dressed. E Npl.t Daplcy: P.ess- to display channel1 0 Pre3s+ to display channel 2 2 0 .9 o2 To retum lo fic normaldisplay mod€prcssthe - and+ swhchesat the sametime oncc morc, 11 MX32 ENGU^Ro E VfiEfCorporation 13 E V/VETCorporation tlx32 ENGUaRD 5.fJ MX32 CoNTRoLScquence ofMairteoanceMetrus SeeTabl€4 forthesequence ofmaintenance m€nus anda description of theiruses. Press lfie+ switchto moveto thed€xtmenu(J) orthe-switch!o movebackto theprevious menu(T). Table4: irx32 ControlSequenceof Maintenance Menus Menu Description Display(flashin9) AccessCode Thekeyusedto enterlhemaintenance EnterValid CodeJ Seesection 5.1.1 Programming Us€dto p.ogramthe parametersofa m€asurement channel.Seesection5-2 Calibration Usedto checkandmakeadjustments to gaszero(cleanair)andcalibration Seesection5-4 Do Not us€without consulting E{ EfCorp Initialization DoNol usewithout consulringEflltEf Corp Usedlo initislizethemeasurement curve managed by th€nicroproc€ssor with a sensor.Se€section5.1 0000 cod CAL tn1 Pr ess+Jor1 AccessCodeChange % Usedto changethe accesscodefor enteringth€maintenance menus. Seesection5.5 cod Usedto setth€buzzeractiveor inactive. Seesection5.6 b..]z Press 1 Buzzer * CAUtoir: Do Not enterwithout first consultingEflllfEf Corporation. Improper usewill causethe MX32 to be Non-Functional Uset to by passthis function. 11 E YfiEf CorDoration ilx32 ENGo^RD 5.2Programming menu To s€ta chanoelactivc or inaclive,gasto b€ mcasurcd,slrrm ihrcsholds,relay timing and scnsortypc. Seesecdon5,I . I to anlera valid accesscodeto coter thc maintenaocemenus. Pr€ssthe + switch to movethrcush the mainl€nanccmenusuntil the PRGis flashing. l. PrcssENTER switch while PRG is flashingto cntcr progmmmingmenu PrcssENTER Ptcss+ orwheo lhc channel p ! g PRG to sclect to indicaloris correct. channel be progaarnmco. Pr€ssENTER fire wrenchsymbolwill appearin thelowerrightcomerofthedisplayandthey€llowLED ofthe correspondrng channelis flaehing,indicatingthe 1OG2 CoNTRoLis in maint€nancemodeand th€ rclaysare inhibicd. 2. SeleaON or OFF,ifthc channclis to bc acliveor inactive.Theon or ofrwill b€ narhing. PrEss+ oa- to sclcclON or OFF co Pnis ENTER stareis'hcn s.ledcd 3. Selectthe gasto b€ mcasureo throughfte symbolsuntil lhe ft€ssENTERshcn movc thrcughthe 4. S€lectthc symbol fol]!44494!!I9!!lfrolling Ppn movc rhroughthe synbols + to 5, Formeasur€mcnt scalePress on thedisplay. Ncxl lhe symbolfor the unitofmeasure willbe flashing ttuoughlhc symbolsuntilthc ENTERwhm 500 bol app€arsoo the display. Na the mcasurcment Do,i scalcwill b€ flashing digil valueandENTER to PrcssENTERwhcn comctscalcis sclcct€d modifythe scale digit by dieit Ncxi lh€ slmbol for the gssto be measur€d will bc flashins Ncxt thedecimal placem€nt 5r. For measuremcntscslc dccimalpoint Press+ to changcpositionand ENTERro move to ncxt digit. l PrcssENTERwho Ncxrrh€ALI modirythc decimalplace 35 pprn con ct d.cimd placcis ^ 35 thrcsholdwill be ll&thing {<l 6. This display indicalcsdl. Alarm thr€sholdI andmanualclcarance.The red LED for the conaspondingalann is lit. To modirythealam t!tr$q!4ql!!!!!9$ary, nodirythealarm digitby digil ^ 35 Press+ |o changedisil valueandENTERto movcto nexldigit. ft€ss ENI ER wh.n P* (.: t <: I 7. Press+ or - !o s€lc.l incrcasingor dccrEasingalarmtypc. PrcssENTER 15 ^ 35 ^n Ncxt theincreasing decr€asingindicatoris flashidg EWETCoIpo€lion Pilsr + for incrlding Prc$r- for d€caasirrg IX!2 E{cu Ro (:r 35 roan N.xtS. MAN d Prls ENTERwhqr A NorEi ThcchDgamry or rrry notbc ilaicatcdoothcdisptay. IE {:r 35 nan AUT i! [.!hing / lrx-32ENGo^Ro E {ttEf Corporation Manualalarmclearing:Ifthe gascontenrdropsbelowthcpresetalarmthresholdagainrlii alarmnusrbaclearcd manually by pressing the+ (clcaralarm)swirch. Automatic alarmclearing:Ifthegrsconcntdropsbclowthcpre-set alamthreshold againtherclayrrill b€ automalically cleared. (AUT) rnodcfor alarmclearing.Pr€ssENTER t. Pr€ss+ or - to sclectmanual(MAN) or automatic a s€lectalarmclear 35 uAx P.cssENTERehcn co.rcd alafm clcar mod€ Next thc rel.y delay 00. 05 nan time(in mioules)is flashing (: I <:l Whenlh. alann thresholdis exce€dedthc time delay is countaddown thcn the alarms(buzzerand LED) areactivaled lhe r€lay is activated. Usea 0 min s€dng for an instantaneous rElayactivation,this may causenuisanccalanns. 9. Prcss+ or- ro sel.cltimedelay(in minures)for ala.m I relay. PrcssENTER Ptess+ or- to modirytherime digitbydigir PrcseENTERwhcn 00 . 05 :rLin con ct rim€is scl€cr€d 100 ^ (:l Ncxt alarmAL2 lhrcsboldwill bc flashing <<2 10.Thisdisplayindicates theAlarmthreshold 2 andmanualclcaiance.TheredLED for lhe conespondilgalalmis lit. To modirylhealam +E$q!!3!l!!!!Eary. ^ 100 P pn modirythealam digitbydigit <.2 hcss + to changediait valueandENTERto movero nexrdigh. Prcss ENTERshcn 100 ^ / Nextthe increasing dearcasing indicatoris flashing <1 2 I | . Press- or to s€lecrincreasing or decreasing alannrypc. PressENER Paess+ for incrcasing Press- for decreasing ^ 1 0 0 ma n Pr.srENTERshcn 100 ^ <<2/ Ncxr lhc MAN or AUT is flashing <<2 NoTE:Thechangemayor maynorb€ indicatedon thedisplay. Manual alam cleadng: If thc gasconrcntdropsbelow the presetalam thresholdagainrhis alalm mustbe clearEd manuallyby pressing thc + (clearalarm)switch. Automaticalarm clearing:lfthe gascontentdropsbclowth€prc-sclalarmthresholdagaintherelaywill be automatically cleared. (MAN)orautomatic (AUT)modcfor alarm + or-to scl€clmanual 12.Press selectalalmclear mode a 1 0 0 MA N PrcssENTERwhen conccralalmclcarmodc 00.05 < .2 ENTER Ncxttherelayd.lay time(inminules) is ^an flashing / whcn ftc alarmftrcshold is exceedcdthe time delay is counteddown thentbe alarms(buzer and LED) ar! activared thc relay is rclivaled. Usc a 0 min s€ttingfor an instantancous relay activation,this may causcnuisancaalarms. l!. Press+ or -to selecttime delay(in minutes)for alarm2 relay. PressENTER modirytherime digirby dieir 00.05 l''in PrcssENTERwh.n cortcr rim. is sclccrcd 0 0 . 0 5 . i" <a2 + or- !o selecttime 14.Prcss delay(inninures) foralarmFauhrclay.P.ess ENTER 17 Next the fauk r€lay timedelaywillbc flashing E lltEf CorDoration Press+ or to modiryth€time digirby digit MX32 ENGUARD Pres,ENTERwh€n cor€cttimeis $lected 00.05 1.00 E/ m in 15. Press+ or - to selectthe slabilizationtime at stan uD. Pr€ssENfiR Prcss+ or to PresrENTERwhen modirythetime digirby digir 1 .0 0 .i n El/ Next the stabilization time countdown at stan upwill beflashing Next the sensortype will b€ flashins May display:otH coftct rime is $lected 16 Press, or to scrollthroughde differenrrypesofsensory',ece$ary. PressENTER Prcs ENTER wh.n modiryfte type AU T N AN S€echoices below (Lll o. aur = Orher,for toxic or Oxygen (for 4-20m,\ Sensor/Transmilter) fl .€orrnc = ionic,oplicaletc... (notu*d) auT Next the MAN or AUTwillbe flashing (notusd) (nol used) EHPo TE HP -Combuslible =Bdd8e 17.Press+ or lo selectMAN or AUT. PressENTER MAN: no visualalarm,yellowLED flashing,whenVl is in calibralionmode AUT: visualalarm,yellowLED flashins,whenVt is in calibralionmode Press+or-to select MANor AUT AUT ^ enrg n non PEs ENTER sheD conecl choice is selecled will b€displayed 0 .1 ,2 0 PrcssENTER4 times Next the save(udate) progamming will be flashing lE. Press+ or-lo selectOUI (yes)orNON (no). To updatetheprogranmingfor thechannel, PressENTER Ifyou seleclNON andpressENTERtheprogranning*ill nol be updaled. PEs ENTERwhen coEecrchoiceis slecr.d 0co 19. Programmingis completethe MX32 coNTRoLdisplayr€tum-sto normaldisplaymode. l8 NexttheMX32 Contlol rctumsto the normaldisplaymode. Ulll En rio EflElCo|'o.don 5.3lnlt|.lts ton (l ll m.|lu Cfutrofl.'Thb proc.dllt b ro, rrcd rlth 4 - 2ltnA Saror/TrurDiltcn Colthrc to O. !.rt L'IL Tbb @u i uladto ridrdaaly l$n^lEE tia Ernqt|.trr orw mrdtad by ttc mkrqqq of sr6 cm.6.d !o tia ddrl loiti.liaioi lhouldb. don!vhco tio unit ir ftrt iocrlLd .!d wb.o I c.ll 6 r.olor i! rcpL..d. Saar.clio 5.1.1b aoiarI vdir! &caatcoda!o adr lhat|rrhtd|ecc Mur. P!6! 6c + iwiEh b nda tbrfigh |b0 n in6-cG mquDtil rt INIi flhitr& l. Pn t EN|ERrribh wtib INI ir lhiirtlo.e. iritidiznio n {u P!,... ENTER 1ni. N.f 16.6.|!.l iidi(ic ir tu$i!!. 2. Pr!.. + or - !o S.bcr chmDclb bc hitidi,.d Whctr6. dEur.l ildicer it oorFci. PrlssENTER in1 lh. r.v. irilLlldin dipLy h fdbs 3. Pr6r + 6 - to lolr.t OUI (y6) d NON(.o) f6 ohrucl itritidir{iod !o b. u9dd.d Pr! r ENTER Prltt ENIER enrg our 4. tnitilltdoo L oq||9Li.|t. U!2 Co ,ol dirphy lfinn! to ldrd 0co It dilpLt eod.. I ilx32 Excu^Ro E{ Ef CorDoration 5.4 Calibration Menu MX32 CoNrRoL procedureis to align thc MX32 CONTROL CAUT|O|{.'Thtu 8nd S/T displsysonly. Do Not enter without first consultingE rrwEf Corporstion. Calibrationof sensorcMusr be doneat the sensor/trrtrsEitter,h rccordaDcewith thc S/T manurl. The S/T for Oxyg€ndoesnot havea z€.opoinl. Thcrcfo€. a crlibration of the S/f in accordancewith rhe S/T manual shouldbc adequatefor alignment. The [X32 CotlTRoL calibrationmenuc€nbc usadto chcck ahdmak. ,n ror adjutrrrnrr to thc zerc andsansitivity ofihc displa'comparcd !o thes€nsorsignal. Therearc two waysto calibralelhe fX32 Co rRoL: . Followingan Initializrtion.Se€scction5.4.1. . Forregularprcventive maintenanc€ ofunit. Sees.ction5.4-2. 5.4,1 Cdlbr.tlor lDitirlizrtior NoD TnDsmitter Seeseclion5,1,I to antera validaccess codeto a[ler themaintenance menus,Prcssthe+ switcblo movethrouehthe mainlenance mcnusuntil rheCAL is flashingl. PrcssENTERswilchwhileCAL is llashinsto cntcrthecalibration menu. Prcss+ or to s€lect channel to be progammed. ftessENTER whenlhcchannel indicalor is conect. Press ENTER 2. Apply clean20.9oxygen(cleanair) to these[sor.Displaywill sho* thecltrrentzerovaluc,lhcXO ovcrdle wrenchindicales2rro adjusoneni. 3. lfnecessary(displaydo€snot equalZcro) .djusi the m.&5ur.mentlo Zerc by adjustingthe Zero Potentiomerer corcspondingto thc channelconcemed.SecFigurc 5 for lo.ation of Zcro POT. O = 4mA. PressENTER 0 xo 4. Apply calibr.Iion gasto thc senso.ard wait undl lhc signalstabiliz€s. Display will showthe cunent gas measurcmenl, theXF overthewrmch indicatcs sensiiivityadjustment. yyARwrrrG:Do not mrkc.diustncnt or pre.s ENTER withoul lpplying crlibratiotrgrs, r frult cordition rrlll bc trlgg€red. 5. PressENTER,Ioindicale sensilivityadju$m€nt 0 xr (displaydo€snot equalcalibmtiongas)adjustthemeasurement gasby adjusting 6. lf necessary to thecalibration the SensitivityPotcnliomer€r conesponding ro thechannelconcemed.SeeFigure5 for localionof SensitivityPOT. PrcssENTERio update adrustm€nt 0xt Thenthe r€quesllo savccalibntion is displaycd 7. Prcss+ or - to sclcci OUI (yes) or NON (no) for channelcalibmtionlo b€ updated. PrcssENTER. lfyou selaclNON andpressENTERlhc calibration *ill not bc updarcd. lfyou s€le.lOUI andpressEryIE8 t9 !4!!!E!!9! PressENTER E.Calibrationis comol€rciDG2 Cor{IRor di ill b. updated. rctumsto normaldisDlavmode. 5.4.2Crlibialiotr For raguhr prwantive mritrleornce CAU|ow.'Thtuproccdureis to .ligtr thc MX32Cor{TRoL arldS/Tdispleysooly. Cstibrationof sctrsors Musf bcdotr€rt lbe leNor/trrDsmitter, in eccordeoce with abeS/Tmrtrud. Thes/T for oxygendo.snothav.a zcropoinr.Thcrcfor€,a calibrationof rhevr in accordance with thes/T manuar shouldbeadequare for aliSnment. seescction5.I .I to entera validaccess codcroenterrhcmain(cnance mcnus.prcssrhc+ switchlo movcthrou€hthe maintcnance mcnus unlilrhcCAL is flashing. l. Press ENTERswitchwhileCAL is flashing to cdterlhccalibration me[u. PiessENTER + Prcss or /t Wheothc channel CAL to select channel to b€ indicatoris concct, pmgrammed. PrcssENTER 2. Apply clcan20.9 oxygcn(cleansir) to rh;scnsor. Displaywill showthecuncdlzerovalue,theXO overthewrenchindicates zeroadjushent_ (displaydoesnot cquatZe.o) sdjustd|c measurement 3, If ncccssary_ to Zcro by pressinB+ or - switchesuntildisplay showsZcro. PrcssENTER. PrcssENTER 0x" 4. Apply Calibration gasto th€s.nsorandwait untilthesignalstabilizes Display wiu showrhe currcnrgasmcasur.m.nt,the XF ov.r the wrmch indicatessensitivity adjusrment. 5. PrcssENTER,loindicar.sensitivityadjustmeni 30 x r 6Ifneccrsary(displaydo.snorequrlSpan)adjustthemeasur.menttothcspanbypressing+or_switch il drsplayshowsl|ie correctmeasur.mcnt. Pr€ssENTER. PressENTERlo updateadjusrment 30 x t Thenth. request to 5svecalibrdlionh displted 7. Prcss+ or- to s€lecrOUloies) or NON (no) for channclcalibralionto bc rDdalcd. pEss ENTER. Ifyou selectNON ard pressENTERthecalibrarion will not be updated. lf yousclectOUI anlblgllEqlElqlibrarior will beupdar;d. PTeT'ENTER enrg t. Calibration is completeMX32 CO|lIrRo!displayrctumsto normaldisplaymode. 0"" 21 E lttEf CorDoration ITIX32ENGUARo 5.5 ChanglngAcco33Code This mcnuallo*s flX32 CofTRoL unit accesscodc to bc changcd. Se€seciion5.| , I to cntcr a vslid acccsscodeto cnterthc maintenanccmenus. Prcssthe + switch to movcthrouehthe maintenanccmenusuntil thc % COD is flashing. PressENTER switch u/hilc the % COD is flashinc to cntcr ft€ accesscodemenu. The cun.nt accesscodeis displayed. I . Press+ or - selcctvalu€of digi!,pressENTERto movelo nextdigit. wlen access codeis complcte,pressENTER. o/o valucofdiSit PressENTER lo l21O Yo coc, vrluc ofdigit PrcasENTERto movc to ncrldigit 8888 coo Whenaccess codeis comPlet€, pressENTER. Thenthc rcquesllo savcocw acccsscodc is displayed. 2. Prcss+ or - to scl.ct OUI (y€s) or NON (no). To updatetbc acccsscode,PressENTER lfyou sclcctNON and pressENTERth. ncw .ccesscodewill not b€ updatcd. Ifvou sclcctOUI and Dr€ssENTERlhc nerr accesscodebc uodated, s€leqyesor no enrCI oui PEssENTER whcn conccl choicc h s.lccrcd ^ 0co Ncxt thc MX32 Control retumsto the normaldisplaymode. . Ifthe access codeis invalid,$e displaywill retumro $e normalmode. . lfth€ access codcis vslid,6e displaywill cnte.themaint€nance menus 5.6Buzzermonu This mcn! allow! [X32 COI{TRoLunil lo srt the buzzer(hom) activeor inactive. Seeseclion5.| . I to entcr a vslid acccsscodeto cnter thc maintenancemenus. Pressthc + switch to movc thmuehthe maintenanccmcnusuntil lhc BUZ is flashing. L PressENTERswirchto.nt.r lhc Buzer mcnl PressENTER o. OFF(buzzeris oon-acliv€).PressENTER 2. Press+ or-lo sclactON to selectbuzzet senng senrng15corTec! ENTER 3. Pr€ss+ or - ro srl.ct OUI (ycs)or NON(no)for bozzerscniogto beupdated.PressENTER lfyou lelectNONandprcssENTERlhc brl?2trs€nin8will nolbeupdaled. lfyou sclcctOUI anlDEllEllE&lqluzzlr s.ningwill bc updared. enrCI 4. Buzzc.sening iscoe oui PrcstENTERwh€n corrccr choiccis scler.d theMX32 Co[TRoL dbolavrctumsto normaldisDlavmode. 0co 22 E VitE Comoration MX32 E GUARD 6.0 WARRANW E t ltEfwanants new instrumentsto be fr€e from defectsin workmanshipandmaterialund€rnormalus€for a period The warrantycoverstrothpartsand labor excludinginstrument ofone year from dateofshipment EflifEt parts calibrationandexp€ndable suchascalibrationgas,filters, batteries,etc... EquiPmentbelievedto be d€f€ctive shouldbe retumedto EMtEf within the waranty period (transponationprepaid)for inspection. lfth€ evalualionby E/VltEf confirmsthat lhe productis defective,it will be repairedor replacedal no charge,within the slated limitations,and retumedprepaidlo any localion in th€ United Statesby the most economicalmeans,e.g-Surface UPS/RPS.lfan €xp€dientmeansoftransportationis requestedduring lhe warrantyperiod,th€ cuslom€ris responsibl€ for the differenc€betweenth€ most economicalmeansandthe exD€di€ntmode.E V/VETshall not be liable for any lossor danagecausedby the improp€ruseof the product- The purchas€rindemnifiesand savesharmlessthe companywilh respectto any lossor danagesthat may arisethroughthe us€by the purchaseror othersofthis €quipment. This warrantyis expresslygiven in lieu of all otherwarranties,eithfi expressedor imPli€d,including lhat of with thisequipmentmerchantability, andall oth€robligations or liabilitiesof EIV/UEfwhichmayarisein connection E VlrEf neitherassum€snor authorizesany repres€dtativeor olher personto assunefor it any obliSalionor liabilhy otherlhan lhat which is setfonh herein. NOTE: when retuming an instrumentto th€ factory for service: . Be sureto includepaperwork. . A purchas€order,retum addressandlelephonenumberwill assistin the expedientrepairandretum ofyour unit. . Includeanyspecificinslructions. . For warantyservice,includedateofpurchas€ . If you requirean estimate,pleas€contactE {ffEf corporation. Thereare Retum for RepairlnsfiuctionsandForm on the lastpagesofthis manual. This Form canb€ copiedor used asneeded. 23 EIVMEICorporation MX32 ENGUARo Notes: 24 = EN1^WET =ffino\t PO Box979 680 FairtieldCourt Ann Arbor,Michigan48'106-0979 7U.7 61.1270 Fax 734.76 1.3220 Returning an Instrument for Repair E/ViUEfinslruments maybe returnedto the factoryor anyoneof our FieldServiceCentersfor regularrepairserviceor calibration.The E riuEf RepairDepartment and FieldServiceCenters alsoperformwaaranty servicework. Vvhenreturningan instrument to the factoryor servicecenterfor service,paperworkmustbe includedwhichcontainsthe followingintormaiion: > A purchaseordernumberor teferencenumber. > A contactnamewithreturnaddress,telephoneandfax numbers > Speciflcinskuctions regardingdesiredseNiceor description problems of the beingencountered. > Dateof originalpurchaseandcopyof packingslipor invotce for warrantyconsideration. > lf a priceestimateis required,pleasenoteit accordingly andb! sureto includeatax number. Providingthe aboveinlormation assislsin the expedientrepairand returnof yourunit. Failuroto providgthi! informationcan rosult in procassingdelays. EflitEfcharges a one hourminimumballing for all approvedrepairswithadditionaltimebilled to the closesttenthof an hour. All instruments sentto EMtEf are subjectto a minimum$30 evaluation fee,evenif returnedunrepaired.Unclaimedinstruments thatE rrtEf hasreceived paperwork withoutappropriate or attemptsto adviserepaircoststhat havebeenunanswered, aftera periodof 60 days,may be disposedol or returnedunrepaired CODwiththe evaluation fee. Servicecentersmay havedifferentratesor terms. Be sureto contaclthemtor this information. RapairsdInstrumont3are returnedby UPSTRPS surfaceand a.e !gL!!99!9d unloss otherwise!peciliod. It orpeditod shipping methodsor insuranceie roquirsd,it must be statod in your paperwork. Note: Warrantyof customerinstalledcomponents. lf a componentis purchasedandinstalledin the field,andfailswithinthe warrantyterm, it can be returnedto E ViltEf andwill be replaced,freeof charge,per ElritEfs returned goodsprocedure. lf the entireinstrument is returnedlo E VltEf Corporation withthe defeciiveitem installed, the atemwill be replacadat no cost,butthe instrument will be subjeclto labor chargesat haltofthe standardrate. iIIiMET = ffifr at RepairReturnForm llailing Addross: E/VitEf Corporaton PO Box 979 Ann Arbor, [ichigan il8l06 PhoneNumber: FAX Numbori ShippingAddrels: E VIUEICorporation Attn: RepairDepa.lnont 680 FairfioldCourt Ann Arbor, ltlichigan/|8108 7U.761,1270 731,761.3220 Your ShippingAdd1633: Your llailing Address: ConlactName: Your Phono: YourPorR€ier€nce Numbor: Your FAX: PaymontTormli (Checkone) O COD O V|SA/ ItasaaftardCardnumber ExDiration ReturnShippingUothod: O UPS/RPSSurfaceiO 3 day O 2nd DayAir O NextDayAir O FederalExpress: O NextOayMoming O NextDayAftemoonoStandard O FedExAccountnumber: Would you like E VitEflo Inaurotho returnahlpmont? O No ClYes InsurancgAmount $