
Author Questionnaire Title:

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Category: Documents





Author Questionnaire Title:
BCS, The Chartered
Institute for IT
First Floor, Block D
North Star House
North Star Avenue
Swindon SN2 1FA
Author Questionnaire
T +44 (0) 1793 417 417
F +44 (0) 1793 417 444
E [email protected]
Sales and marketing support
Please complete the following questions to help us produce and market your book successfully. The form will
be used by members of our production and sales and marketing team.
Where we already have some of this information we have included it, so please check this is still correct
and/or update where appropriate.
Have you provided a digital picture of yourself that can be used for marketing purposes?
To follow
It needs to be a head or head and shoulders photo, and can be in either black and white or colour.
Email this with the completed questionnaire to [email protected]
Author details
Full Name:
Name as you wish it to appear on the book:
Home Phone Number:
Business Phone Number (if it’s OK to contact you at
Mobile Number:
Email Address:
Date of Birth:
Home Address:
Business Address:
Author biography
(Please write, in under 100 words, a mini-biography. This will be used as the starting point for the author
details on the cover of your book):
About your book
The following information is taken from the Publishing proposal document. Please check this information is
correct and update where applicable.
Even shorter summary
Main competing books
Please list 5 books people would find if they were looking for a book like yours.
Specialist origins or connections
Sales, Marketing and Publicity
Please provide names of your key contacts who we may contact for comments about your book.
Key message
What is the strongest, most compelling message that would sell your book?
Top tips
Please provide between five and ten short ‘top tips’ from your book.
Sales description
Please provide a short (350 characters) sales description of your book (e.g. key selling points, audience)
Please provide details of magazines, journals, websites or other media that are relevant to your book’s
subject area.
Please provide names of organisations / businesses or other influential people who may be interested in
reviewing your book and / or writing a Foreword and / or cover quotes.
Educational sales outlets
Please provide names of universities, academics, training providers or similar that might be interested in
using your book on courses as a textbook or as recommended reading.
Online publicity
To back up our online marketing, it would be helpful if you could provide details of any social media activity
you are engaged in (e.g. Twitter, LinkedIn, blogs etc.)
Please provide a list of up to 20 key words that describe your book and the target audience – for use in
adword campaigns and search engine optimisation purposes.
Other promotion
Please indicate if you would be prepared to get involved in any of the following – please feel free to suggest
additional activities.
Write a related article for BCS?
Producing syndicated articles for our Press Office?
Take part in a video / audio interview for BCS?
Participate in a round table debate on a related subject?
Appear on TV or radio, locally or nationally?
Write a post for the BCS Books blog?
Additional activities:
Please list all conferences, lectures, seminars, etc that you will be attending or speaking at.
Lectures / Talks
Would you be interested in giving talks on your area of expertise?
NB If you would like to put yourself forward as a speaker for our Member Groups, please submit your profile:
Additional information
Please provide any additional information that you feel is important to the success of your book.
Return this completed form to [email protected]
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