UNNExT workshop on Paperless trade facilitation for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
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UNNExT workshop on Paperless trade facilitation for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
UNNExT workshop on Paperless trade facilitation for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises 2-4 February 2015 United Nations Conference Center (UNCC) Bangkok, Thailand A journey from BPA to TTFMM key issues for trade facilitation Tengfei Wang Economic Affairs Officer Trade Facilitation Unit United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP) Email: [email protected] Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. Business Process Analysis at the core of trade facilitation Ad-hoc and short-term vs. sustainable and long term Trade and Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanism (TTFMM) Conclusion 3 What is a Business Process? A Business Process is a collection of related and structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product. Example Import fabric products from China to Kyrgyzstan Customs Clearance Process at Birgunj dry port, Nepal 4 What is.. ..a Business Process Analysis? An analysis and modelling of business processes for improvement and automation Example Documenting procedure for customs clearance Listing the documents required Measuring time/cost 5 A Thai Case BPA Example Documents related to Exportation of Rice (from purchase order until the cargo container leaving the sea port) 36 Documents involving 15 parties, and more than 1,140 data elements to be filled in 1. Proforma Invoice (35) 2. Purchase Order (39) 3. 21. Master Sea Cargo Manifest(17) 22. House Sea Cargo Manifest (37) Commercial Invoice (51) 23. Export Declaration (114) 4. Application for Letter of Credit (24) 24. Good Transition Control List (27) 5. Letter of Credit (32) 25. Application for Permission to Export Rice (KP. 2) (24) 6. Packing List (25) 26. Sales Report (KP 3) (21) 7. Cargo Insurance Application Form (20) Transport 27. 8. Cover Note (23) Application for the Collection of the Permit for the Export of Rice (A. 3) (35) 9. Insurance Policy (24) 28. Permit for the Export of Rice (A. 4) (35) 10. Booking Request Form – Border Crossing (25) 29. 11. Booking Confirmation – Border Crossing (30) Application for Certificate of Standards of Product (MS. 13/1) (44) 30. 12. Booking Request Form – Inland Transport (16) Certificate of Analysis (17) 31. 13. Booking Confirmation – Inland Transport (18) Certificate of Product Standards (MS. 24/1) (45) 32. 14. Bill of Lading (42) Certificate of Fumigation (21) 33. 15. Empty Container Movement Request (TKT 305) (20) Application for Phytosanitary Certificate (PQ. 9) (29) 34. 16. Request for Port Entry (TKT 308.2) (27) Phytosanitary Certificate (33) Equipment Interchange Report (EIR) (24) 35. 17. Application for Certificate of Origin (42) 18. Container Loading List (28) 36. Certificate of Origin (38) 19. Container List Message (32) 20. Outward Container List (34) Buy/Pay Docs Docs Regulatory Docs * Number in parenthesis is the no. of data elements Information BPA captures Who involved Procedures and Documents required Related Rules and Regulations Some quantitative indicators 7 Business Process Analysis (BPA) for trade facilitation: a technique for documenting business processes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. A use case diagram showing the scope of the business process analysis project; A set of activity diagrams; each explains a core business process as represented by a use case in the use case diagram; (together with a set of process descriptions); A list of trade forms and documents which may be accompanied with samples of physical copies; Costs and time for each procedure; A time-procedure chart; A list of identified bottlenecks; and Recommendations to improve the business process and/or to-be business process models. Experience from ESCAP shows that almost any professional in trade facilitation can conduct BPA after receiving training. 8 A Business Process Analysis - in Exporting Jasmine Rice from Thailand - 16 days are required for these procedures and documents transaction Day 20 Time-Procedure Chart 4 days 16 15 3 days 1 day 13 14 12 10 2 days 5 2 days 2 days 2 3 days 4 6 7 1 day 8 1 day 11 9 10 5 3 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 1. Buy - Conclude sales contract and trade terms 2. Obtain export permit 3. Arrange transport 4. Arrange the inspection and fumigation 5. Obtain cargo insurance 6. Provide customs declaration 7. Collect empty container(s) from yard 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Process 8. Stuff container(s) 9. Transfer to port of departure 10. Clear goods through customs 11. Handle container at terminal and stow on vessel 12. Prepare documents required by importer 13. Verify the accuracy/authenticity of exported cargo 14. Pay - Claim payment of goods BPA: the first step to be taken before introducing other trade facilitation measures 6 5 4 3 2 1 e-Single Window and paperless trading Cross Border Data Exchange National Data Harmonization Document Simplification & Standardization Process Simplification and Harmonization Business Process Analysis for Trade Facilitation Business Process Modeling What A technique for documenting a business process and its attributes Activities that come in a specific order and decision points Actors who perform those activities Defined inputs and outputs of each activity Criteria for entering and exiting the business process Relationships among actors Information flow Associated rules and regulations Quantitative indicators such as number of steps as well as time and cost required to complete a particular business process Why To establish a common understanding about a business process that is shared by all relevant parties To communicate better all aspects of a business process 11 Unified Modeling Language (UML) A set of standard graphical notations for documenting a business process and business requirements Is widely recognized and used among practitioners in business community as well as those in IT and software industry Allows business domain experts to communicate procedural and documentary requirements with IT implementation or software development team http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unified_Modeling_Language 12 Why UML UML can help quickly clarify complex problems and scenarios UML can help establish a common understanding about a business process A common language for electrical engineer A common language for musician 13 UML Diagrams for BPA Importer Buy - Conclude sales contract and trade terms Exporter or Representative Quote price and term of trade Proforma Invoice Prepare the shipment of goods Exporter or Representative Importer Not acceptable Use Case Diagram A frame of reference illustrating a high level business process and its associated actors Activity Diagram A detailed elaboration of a use case diagram A graphical representation of a business process and its attributes Cancel Acceptable Confirm the intent to purchase Purchase Order Activities that come in a specific order and decision points Actors who perform those activities Defined inputs and outputs of each activity Criteria for entering and exiting the business process Relationships among actors Information flow 14 UML Notations for Use Case Diagram Notation Actor/Role Use case Description Actor Represents a role in a particular business process Is labeled with a role name Use Case Represents a business process Is labeled with a descriptive verb phrase Relationship Association Link actors with business processes that they participate in Boundary Subject Boundary Represents a process area Includes the name of a subject boundary on top 15 UML Notations for Activity Diagram Notation Notation Description Initial State Represents the beginning of a set of activities Final Activity State Indicates the completion of the business process Final Flow State Indicates that further activities cannot be pursued Transition Line Indicates a sequential flow of actions and information in an activity diagram Fork (Splitting of Control) Visualizes a set of parallel or concurrent flow of actions Join (Synchronization of Control) Indicates the end of parallel or concurrent flow of activities Object Represents a document or information that flows from one activity to another activity (labeled with the name of a document) Process Participant 1 Process Participant 2 Description Process Participant n Swimlane Is used to break up individual actions to individuals/ agencies that are responsible for executing their actions Is labeled with the name of the responsible individual or agency Activity Represents a non-decomposable piece of behavior Is labeled with a name that 1) begins with a verb and ends with a noun; and 2) is short yet contain enough information for readers to comprehend Decision Represents the point where a decision has to be made given specific conditions Attached with labels addressing the condition on each transition line that comes out of an activities and connects to a decision point or vice versa 16 How many actors are involved in trade process? Exporter or Representative 2.1) Have Authorized Private product sampled Inspector and examined Department of Fisheries (DoF) Authorized Private Inspector Exporter (or Representative) Department of Fisheries (DoF) Have product ready for sampling Additional examination not required Schedule the sampling date Additional examination required Collect sample Examine sample Deliver sample Notify the date for sample collection Submit Request for Sampling Request for Sampling Collect sample Record sampling result Record the result of examination Examine sample Test Report Collect Test Report Record result of examination Collect Test Report Test Report BPA Phases Scope setting – Specify a scope of processes to be analyzed I. Data collection and process documentation – Define and document a sequence of steps in actual practices and their attributes II. III. e.g. import and/or export processes of a specified product, through a certain mode of transportation (trucks, trains, ships or airplanes) Who involved (stakeholders/actors) Procedures and documents required (input to/output from) Related rules and regulation Process analysis – Locate bottlenecks, examine what causes them, and develop measurable and quantitative process indicators (e.g. the number of steps, time and costs required to fulfill those processes) Recommendation development – Determine how to eliminate each bottleneck and prioritize improvement actions 18 Trade Facilitation Analysis Database (TPAD): Summarizing most, if not all, BPA studies A database of business process analyses of country and productspecific import and export procedures conducted in AsiaPacific developing countries. Over 50 import and export process cases are included, based on studies conducted since 2009 by international organizations such as ESCAP, ECE, ADB and their member states. 19 20 Key functions of TPAD Data analysis: enables the users to compare trade process and procedures across countries TPAD is also a tool to assist researchers to standardize the BPA studies in the future 21 Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. Business Process Analysis at the core of trade facilitation Ad-hoc and short-term vs. sustainable and long term Trade and Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanism (TTFMM) Conclusion 22 Why is sustainable national trade and transport facilitation monitoring mechanism important and essential? Available international cross-country trade and transport indicators are useful but not sufficiently detailed or reliable Many trade facilitation studies often done in developing countries, but One-off / Ad hoc assessment studies; Overlapping and not coordinated; No uniform method & approach Lack of ownership of results, with no follow-up Need for an integrated and sustainable mechanism: (1) To provide adequate data & information to support decision making and to monitor implementation and impact of these decisions on trade facilitation measures (2) To reduce unnecessary duplication of efforts & ensure recommendations are implemented Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. Business Process Analysis at the core of trade facilitation Ad-hoc and short-term vs. sustainable and long term Trade and Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanism (TTFMM) Conclusion 24 Integrated and Sustainable Trade & Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanism (TTFMM) Baseline trade and transport facilitation assessment study Formulate, update and prioritize recommendations for advancing trade facilitation Trade facilitation reform Implementation Measure, monitor and assess progress in trade facilitation Integrated Methodology: BPA+ National Human Capacity Institutional Arrangement TTFMM – Key Outputs TTFMM Description, activity diagram and related rules/regulations for each trade & transport procedure for selected products along selected corridors Time, Cost, No. of documents for each process/procedure Set of Indicators (dashboard) Include Time, Cost, No. of documents for each process/procedure Average speed along the corridor Average border crossing time An Database, including: annual report Presenting relevant summary information from the database to the public, as decided by the NTTFC, as well as an analysis and recommendations 26 Time Release Study (TRS): Measuring ‘time’ for border crossing procedures Shipping company Shipping agent Port Authority, etc. Arrival of cargo Importer, Customs broker Container Yard OGAs, etc. Unloading /Storage Customs, Bank, Customs broker Submission of Declaration Port Authority Container Yard Warehouse, Forwarder, etc. Customs release permission Removal of cargo 27 27 Time-Cost-Distance Method: record ‘time’ and ‘cost’ of physical movement of cargoes Destination Day 4 Sea transport $400 Wait at sea port Transport to sea port Day 3 $300 Day 2 $200 Day 1 $100 Wait at border crossing/change transport mode Transport to border 500 km Point of Origin 1000 km 1500 km 2000 km BPA+: An Integrated Methodology Trade-related procedures before cargo movement Cargo origin Border crossing point Border crossing point TRS TRS Cargo destination Traderelated procedures after cargo arrival TCD BPA of Trade Procedures Business Process Analysis (BPA) for diagnosis of TF bottlenecks along entire supply chain Time-Cost Distance Method (TCD) & Time Release Study (TRS) to Improve/verify BPA time and cost estimates TTFMM implementation in Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal (with support of ADB, ESCAP and WCO) 30 Agenda 1. 2. 3. 4. Business Process Analysis at the core of trade facilitation Ad-hoc and short-term vs. sustainable and long term Trade and Transport Facilitation Monitoring Mechanism (TTFMM) Conclusion 31 Concluding Remarks BPA is the first step for any trade facilitation reform Monitoring trade and transport facilitation in a sustainable manner is essential and possible for all countries - it does not have to be expensive 32