
State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan national statistical system

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State Statistical Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan national statistical system
State Statistical Committee
of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Role of Social statistics in the
national statistical system
Prepared by Nemat Khuduzade
1. Date of joining to the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe – 30.01.1992
2. Date of joining to the United Nations – 2 March 1992
3. Date of joining to Council of Europe – 17 January 2001
Agenda of My Presentation
• Brief of country
• The main specific characteristics and importance
in statistical system of Azerbaijan Republic
• About SSC of Azerbaijan
• Main sources for social statistics
• Indicators of MDG
• International classifications
Brief of Country
Independence Day: 18 October 1991
: Presidential Republic
Legislative Power: Milli Mejlis (consists 125 deputies)
: South Caucasus
: 9,111,000 (by January 1, 2011)
: Baku
Land area
: 86 600 sq. km
Monetary unit
: Manat (AZN)
: Azerbaijanian
: Turkey, Russia, Georgia, Iran,
The main specific characteristics and importance in
statistical system of Azerbaijan
 Centralized countrywide system
Law on “Official Statistics” and “Statute on SSC of
Azerbaijan” adopted by the Milli Mejlis in 1994
State Programme “On Improvement of the Official
Statistics in Azerbaijan for the period 2008-2012”confirmed
by the Decree of Republic’s President
in addition:
“Action Plan on the introduction of the SNA-2008: the 20092011” has been adopted and is in implementation stage
 The
financing : from the budget of the Republic
 statistical system is independent
 Satisfaction of user’s needs
 Single statistical policy
 Statistical publication
About SSC of Azerbaijan
SSC is composed of the Central Office,
the Main Computer Center and
regional statistical offices.
For the time being the Main Computer Centre is
responsible for data collection, processing, checking
and data transfer from the regional offices to the
headquarters as well as software development.
Organizational chart of the SSC of Azerbaijan
First Deputy
Deputy Chairman
Deputy Chairman
The SSC of Nakhchivan
AR, Baku CSO, 64 R(S)O
Head of the
Central Office
Main Computing Centre
Personnel Division
Coordination of Statistical
Works Division
Demography and Social
Statistics Division
Statistical Information Division
Census Population Division
Financial Division
Agricultural Statistics
Industry, Transport and
Communication Statistics
Fuel-energy and Material
Balance Statistics Division
National Accounts Statistics
Food Security and Balance
Statistics Division
Construction Statistics
General Division
Labour Statistics Division
Development of the
Regions Statistics Division
Trade, Service and Tourism
Statistics Division
Price Statistics Division
Population Living Standards
&Households Researches Div.
Regime and Confidential
Clerical Works Division
Scientific-Research and
Design Technological
Centre of the Statistical
Educational Centre
Main sources for Social statistics
Administrative sources or statistical reports submitted
by enterprises and organizations
Statistical Surveys such as the 10 yearly population
census, quarterly Household survey, Labour force
survey and other one-time statistical surveys
Household & Labour Force
Household surveys – carry out quarterly, number of
household is 4250.
The questionnaire has approximately 3000 indicators, on
characteristics, income, living conditions, expenditure and
consumption of the households.
COICOP classification has been used in this survey.
Labour Force survey – carry out quarterly, number of
household is 4725.
The data on quantitative and cost indicators are compiled in
accordance with National Classification of Economic Activities
and Employment which is based on the international
classifications ISIC-rev 3 (NACE-rev 2 and ISCO-88)
Administrative sources or statistical reports
Data on environmental protection, health, education, culture,
science and crime statistics are collected from the Ministry of
Health, Education, Justice, Internal Affairs and etc.
The four questionnaire on education statistics, on educational
level of the population and literacy of the population are
prepared and filled in Online system for Statistical Institute of
UNESCO every year.
Administrative sources or statistical reports
• The following annual data are processed:
- births – by the age of mother; by age, marital status of mother and order
of birth; by age of mother and father; sex of the child and mother's age;
the days and months of births, etc.
- mortality - on sex, number of lived days and months, birth and mortality
on calendar months, sex of dead children during 0-6 days, on stillbirth
and main cause of death) and etc;
- marriages – by the age at marriage, marital status before marriage;
- divorces – by sex; by age and duration of marriage; by days and months,
the number of common children;
- migration - by age and sex, sex and education, by marital status, sex and
year of birth, place of birth.
Using Indicators of Millennium Development Goals
 The State Programme on Reducing poverty in Azerbaijan for the
period 2008-2015 according to Millennium Development Goal is
approved by the President of the Republic.
 There are more 40 tables covering poverty, employment,
unemployment, education, literacy rate, infant and maternal mortality,
maternal health, different diseases, environmental sustainability and
etc. indicators of Millennium Development Goals getting from the
sample statistical surveys and some administrative sources in the
website of SSC of Azerbaijan.
 The SSC of Azerbaijan produces “Women and Men in Azerbaijan”
yearly publication covering the data on gender statistics including the
indicators on population, health, education and scientific manpower,
employment and unemployment, welfare and social security and etc.
The above-mentioned data are covering all 8 goals of the MDG.
International Classifications
 The classifications NACE, CPA and PRODCOM have
been introduced into surveys.
The transition to the NACE 2008 has been already
implemented carefully.
ISCO-88 (International Standard Classification of
Occupations) and COICOP-HBS (Classification of
Individual Household Consumption by Purpose) have been
HS (Harmonised System) is used in external trade
NACE, CPA and PRODCOM have undergone the official
process of registration as national classifications.
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