
Sunitha Bhaskar  Director Social Statistics Division Ministry of Statistics and Programme 

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Sunitha Bhaskar  Director Social Statistics Division Ministry of Statistics and Programme 
Sunitha Bhaskar Director
Social Statistics Division
Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
Government of India
 Collected by a Decentralised system.  Based on a combination of administrative data and collected data.
Inda’s statistical Planning and Implementation
 All its plans and programmes are legally supported.
 At the national level, the Planning Commission draws up Five year Plans in consultation with various Ministries and State Governments reflecting the nation’s priorities.  Each Ministry formulates its five yearly strategic Plans in line with the Five year Plan Approach paper prepared by Planning Commission. Inda’s statistical Planning and Implementation (contd)
 The Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation has a five year strategic action plans with annual action plans designed in tune with a mission and vision to improve the existing data collection system, in all realms and to take up new initiative in response to national and international developments.
Key Social Statistics and resources
 Demographic –
Ten Yearly Census
 Civil Registration System
 Sample Registration System
 Health Statistics –
Administrative records  Sample Registration System
 Health Surveys
Key social statistics and their resources (Contd)
 Income & Employment
 Population Census
 Socio Economic Surveys
 Education Statistics
 Administrative records,  Population Census
 Surveys
 Crime Statistics 
Administrative records data
 Housing
 Population Census
 Surveys
MDG Frame work Adopted by India
 Based on UNDG‘s 2003 guidelines.  As per the frame work adopted by India, there are 18 targets corresponding to 8 MDGs. However for India as not all the 18 targets are relevant, only 12 targets are statistically monitored.  Corresponding to the 12 monitorable targets, India has adopted 35 of the 48 prescribed indicators (by UN) as relevant for Statistical tracking.
INDIA’s Framework for MDG and Progress
Adoption of International classifications for Social Statistics ‐ A few examples  ICD ‐10
 WHO brought out the 10th version of International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD 10) in 1993 for systematic coding of morbidity and mortality causes in the medical records of medical/health institutions.  India adopted this classification in the year 2000.  Hospital records coded uniformly using ICD 10 form a vast data base and conclusions drawn on the processed data are extremely important for India
Adoption of International classifications for Social Statistics ‐ A few examples  Time Use Survey
 The Central Statistical Organisation a pilot survey for 6 States in 1998.  An adhoc classification keeping in mind the International Classification Revision‐I (ICATUS) was used.
 Revision of NCATUS in alignment to the ICATUS developed by the UNSD (4th revision) , NIC , and conventional Employment and Unemployment Surveys (EUS) and the Population Census
 Efforts are now going on to test the classification revised NCATUS and to conduct a Nation wide TUS
Expectations from TAG ‐SS
 Identifying core Social Statistics  Guidance to fill data gaps
 methodological and substantive guidelines for formulation of national capacity development for social statistics
 guidance on long term and mid –term plans including monitoring and evaluation.
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