Developing a Regional Core Set of Gender Statistics and
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Developing a Regional Core Set of Gender Statistics and
Developing a Regional Core Set of Gender Statistics and Indicators in Asia and the Pacific Preparatory Survey Questionnaire REGIONAL CONSULTATIVE WORKSHOP TO DEVELOP A FRAMEWORK AND CORE SET OF GENDER STATISTICS AND INDICATORS IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC 4‐6 NOVEMBER 2013, UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE CENTRE, BANGKOK, THAILAND Welcome We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your upcoming participation in the Regional Consultative Workshop to Develop a Framework and Core Set of Gender Statistics and Indicators in Asia and the Pacific. Before completing this questionnaire, please carefully review the proposed draft framework and indicator set. As a primary component of the workshop will be the development of a core set of gender statistics for Asia and the Pacific, we would like to ask participants to carefully review the following proposed list of domains, gender objectives and indicators, providing critical feedback for each. Your perspective is essential for the successful adoption of a core set of gender indicators for Asia and the Pacific. The questionnaire should be completed online and should take no more than one hour. We appreciate your participation in this preparatory survey and look forward to your attendance at the workshop. Information about the participant 1. Please provide information about who you are. Name: Institution: Address 1: Address 2: City/Town: State/Province: ZIP/Postal Code: Country: Email Address: Phone Number: Domain 1: Poverty, access to timesaving infrastructure and services The next series of questions refers specifically to the indicators under Domain 1: Poverty, access to timesaving infrastructure and services. For reference, domain 1 and its policy objective are given below: DOMAIN I: Poverty, access to timesaving infrastructure and services Policy Objective (1): Minimise the impacts of poverty on women in poor households through improved access to timesaving infrastructure and to services 2. Is "minimising the impacts of poverty on women in poor households through improved access to timesaving infrastructure and to services" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n Page 1 3. Do the current policy objectives sufficiently describe the most relevant gender policy priorities for your country regarding poverty, access to timesaving infrastructure and services? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 4. In the box below, please describe any proposed changes or additions (including additional policy objectives). 5 6 Page 2 5. The indicators for domain 1 are given below. Please provide the following information about each: Are data for this indicator available? (Yes or no) HEADLINE INDICATOR 1: Does this indicator reflect relevant national gender policy priorities in your country? (Yes or no) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Average number of hours spent on paid and unpaid work combined (total work burden), by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 2A: Proportion of poor and ultrapoor households by sex of household head HEADLINE INDICATOR 2B: Proportion of households living on less than US$1.50 per person per day (PPP) by sex of household head HEADLINE INDICATOR 3A: Prevalence of under nutrition Percentage of women aged 1549 years with a Body Mass Index below 18.5 HEADLINE INDICATOR 3B: Proportion of pregnant women with anaemia (direct indicator of malnutrition among women) HEADLINE INDICATOR 3C: Proportion of last live births in the 2 years preceding the survey weighing below 2,500 grams at birth (indirect indicator or malnutrition among mothers) HEADLINE INDICATOR 3D: Proportion of children under age 5 who (a) fall below minus two standard deviations (moderate and severe) or (b) fall below minus three standard deviations (severe) from the median height for age of the WHO standard. SUPPORTING INDICATOR 4: Average time taken to travel to sub district/district centre/ capital SUPPORTING INDICATOR 5: Average time taken each day to Page 3 carry water in the dry season by age and sex of the carrier SUPPORTING 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 INDICATOR 6: Average time taken to travel to the nearest primary health centre SUPPORTING INDICATOR 7: Average time taken to travel to the nearest doctor SUPPORTING INDICATOR 8: Average time taken to travel to the nearest midwife SUPPORTING INDICATOR 9: Percentage of households with access to sources of drinking water SUPPORTING INDICATOR 10: Percentage of households with access to improved sanitation SUPPORTING INDICATOR 11A: Average number of hours per day that households have access to electricity SUPPORTING INDICATOR 11B: Percentage of households with no access/ with no daytime access/ with less than 4 hours daytime access and with 4 8 hours daytime access to electricity SUPPORTING INDICATOR 12: Percentage of households with refrigerators SUPPORTING INDICATOR 13: Percentage of households using traditional labour intensive biomass fuels for cooking 6. Do you have any proposals for additional indicators for this domain? If so, please describe them in the box below: 5 6 Page 4 7. In the box below, please provide any additional comments: 5 6 Domain 2: Participation in productive activities The next series of questions refers specifically to the indicators under Domain 2: Participation in productive activities. For reference, domain 2 and its policy objectives are given below: DOMAIN II: Participation in productive activities Policy Objective (2A): Increase women’s participation in paid work and income generating activities, including as employers and in self employment Policy Objective (2B): Increase women’s ownership of assets and access to other economic resources 8. Is "increasing women's participation in paid work and income generating activities, including as employers and in selfemployment" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 9. Is "increasing women’s ownership of assets and access to other economic resources" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 10. Do the current policy objectives sufficiently describe the most relevant gender policy priorities for your country regarding participation in productive activities? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 11. In the box below, please describe any proposed changes or additions (including additional policy objectives). 5 6 Page 5 12. Indicators for this domain are given below. Indicators 14 24 refer to policy objective 2A and indicators 25 29 refer to policy objective 2B. Please provide the following information about each: Are data for this indicator available? (Yes or no) HEADLINE INDICATOR Does this indicator reflect relevant national gender policy priorities in your country? (Yes or no) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 14: Labour force participation rate for the population aged 15+, by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 15: Labour force participation rate for the population aged 1524, by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 16: Proportion of employed who are own account workers, by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 17: Proportion of employed who are contributing family workers, by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 18: Proportion of employed who are employers by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 19: Percentage of firms owned by women, by size SUPPORTING INDICATOR 20: Percentage distribution of employed population by sector (Agriculture; Industry; Services), major industry and occupation classifications for each sex . SUPPORTING INDICATOR 21: Informal employment as a percentage of total non agricultural employment, by sex and major industry and occupational classification SUPPORTING INDICATOR 22: Percentage of employed population in vulnerable employment (unpaid family workers and own account workers) by sex and major industry and Page 6 occupational classification SUPPORTING 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 INDICATOR 23: Unemployment rate by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 24: Youth unemployment rate by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 25: Proportion of adult population with access to credit, by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 26: Proportion of adult population owning land, by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 27: Proportion of adult population owning their own housing, by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 28: Proportion of adult rural population owning animals, by type of animal and sex of owner SUPPORTING INDICATOR 29: Proportion of adult population using land, housing or animals as collateral for bank loans, by sex 13. Do you have any proposals for additional indicators for this domain? If so, please describe them in the box below: 5 6 14. In the box below, please provide any additional comments: 5 6 Domain 3: Unpaid domestic work and care The next series of questions refers specifically to the indicators under Domain 3: Unpaid domestic work and care. For reference, the domain and its policy objective are given below: DOMAIN: III. Unpaid domestic work and care POLICY OBJECTIVE III: Reduce the amount of time that women spend in unpaid domestic work and increase the opportunities for men to share in child care and unpaid domestic work Page 7 15. Is "reducing the amount of time that women spend in unpaid domestic work and increasing the opportunities for men to share in child care and unpaid domestic work" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 16. Do the current policy objectives sufficiently describe the most relevant gender policy priorities for your country regarding unpaid domestic work and care? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 17. In the box below, please describe any proposed changes or additions (including additional policy objectives). 5 6 Page 8 18. Indicators for this domain are given below. Please provide the following information about each: Are data for this indicator available? (Yes or no) HEADLINE INDICATOR Does this indicator reflect relevant national gender policy priorities in your country? (Yes or no) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 30: Average number of hours spent on unpaid domestic work (excluding child care and other care work) by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 31: Average number of hours spent on child care and other unpaid care work by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 32: Age dependency ratio (ratio of the population aged under 15 and more than 60 to the population aged 15 65) SUPPORTING INDICATOR 33: Proportion of children under age 3 in formal care SUPPORTING INDICATOR 34: Employment rate of persons aged 2549 with a child under age 3 living in the same household, by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 35: Employment rate of persons aged 2549 with no child under age 3 living in the same household, by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 36A/B: Proportion of employed men with a child born in the previous 12 months who had access to / and who took parental leave SUPPORTING INDICATOR 37: Average number of hours worked per week by men in full time employment Page 9 19. Do you have any proposals for additional indicators for this domain? If so, please describe them in the box below: 5 6 20. In the box below, please provide any additional comments: 5 6 Domain 4: Equal access to genderresponsive education and information The next series of questions refers specifically to the indicators under Domain 4: Equal access to genderresponsive education and information. For reference, the domain and its policy objective are given below: Domain 4: Equal access to genderresponsive education and information POLICY OBJECTIVE IVA: To achieve universal primary and junior secondary education for girls and boys POLICY OBJECTIVE IVB: To increase access to employment for women and girls through improved access to employmentoriented education and training POLICY OBJECTIVE IVC: To increase access to information technologies for women and girls, including in rural areas 21. Is "achieving universal primary and junior secondary education for girls and boys" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 22. Is "increasing access to employment for women and girls through improved access to employmentoriented education and training" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 23. Is "increasing access to information technologies for women and girls, including in rural areas" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n Page 10 24. Do the current policy objectives sufficiently describe the most relevant gender policy priorities for your country regarding equal access to genderresponsive education and information? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 25. In the box below, please describe any proposed changes or additions (including additional policy objectives). 5 6 Page 11 26. The indicators for this domain are given below. Indicators 38 50 refer to policy objective IVA, indicators 51 54B refer to policy objective IVB, and indicators 55 58 refer to policy objective IVC. Please provide the following information about each: Are data for this indicator available? (Yes or no) HEADLINE INDICATOR Does this indicator reflect relevant national gender policy priorities in your country? (Yes or no) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 38: Adjusted net enrolment rate in primary education by sex and rural/urban residence HEADLINE INDICATOR 39: Gross enrolment ratio in secondary education, by sex and rural/urban residence HEADLINE INDICATOR 40: Gender parity index in gross enrolment ratio at primary, secondary and tertiary levels and rural/urban residence SUPPORTING INDICATOR 41: Adjusted net intake rate in primary education, by sex and rural/urban residence SUPPORTING INDICATOR 42: Primary education completion rate (proxy), by sex and rural/urban location SUPPORTING INDICATOR 43: Effective transition rate from primary to secondary education (general programmes), by sex and rural/urban location SUPPORTING INDICATOR 44: Proportion of female teachers at secondary level SUPPORTING INDICATOR 45: Proportion of the education budget allocated to gender related activities (gender analysis and revision of curricula, text books, teaching methods, teacher training, inclusion of GBV module in curricula etc) SUPPORTING INDICATOR 46: Proportion of households within 30 minutes travel from nearest primary school Page 12 SUPPORTING 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 INDICATOR 47: Proportion of households within 30 minutes travel from nearest secondary school SUPPORTING INDICATOR 48: Proportion of schools without access to water by level of school and rural/urban location SUPPORTING INDICATOR 49: Proportion of schools without toilet facilities by level of school and rural/urban location SUPPORTING INDICATOR 50: Proportion of schools without separate toilet facilities for girls by level of school and rural/urban location HEADLINE INDICATOR 51: Proportion of the adult population employed in technical and professional occupations, by age and sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 52A: Gross enrolment ratios in technical and vocational education, by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 52B: Gross enrolment ratios in tertiary education, by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 53A: Proportion of females among technical and vocational education teachers SUPPORTING INDICATOR 53B: Proportion of females among tertiary education teachers or professors SUPPORTING INDICATOR 54A: Share of female graduates in the plumbing, electrical, carpentry and building trades in technical and vocational education SUPPORTING INDICATOR 54B Share of female science, engineering, Page 13 manufacturing and construction graduates at tertiary level HEADLINE INDICATOR 55 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 Proportion of individuals using the Internet, by age, sex and rural/urban residence HEADLINE INDICATOR 56: Proportion of individuals using mobile/cellular telephones, by age, sex and rural/urban residence SUPPORTING INDICATOR 57A/B: Proportion of girls in IT courses in technical and vocational schools / tertiary institutions SUPPORTING INDICATOR 58: Proportion of households with access to mass media (radio, TV, Internet), by sex of household head and rural/urban residence 27. Do you have any proposals for additional indicators for this domain? If so, please describe them in the box below: 5 6 28. In the box below, please provide any additional comments: 5 6 Domain 5: Health and related services The next series of questions refers specifically to the indicators under Domain 5: Health and related services. For reference, domain 5 and its policy objective are given below: Domain 5: Health and related services. POLICY OBJECTIVE V: To improve women’s health and reproductive health through increased access to health services 29. Is "improving women’s health and reproductive health through increased access to health services" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n Page 14 30. Do the current policy objectives sufficiently describe the most relevant gender policy priorities for your country regarding health and related services? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 31. In the box below, please describe any proposed changes or additions (including additional policy objectives). 5 6 32. Indicators for this domain are given below. Please provide the following information about each: Are data for this indicator available? (Yes or no) HEADLINE INDICATOR Does this indicator relect relevant national gender policy priorities in your country? (Yes or no) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 59: Maternal mortality ratio HEADLINE INDICATOR 60A: Residual life expectancy at age 65 by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 60B: Probability of surviving from birth to age 85 by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 61A: Contraceptive prevalence among women who are married or in a union, aged 1549 SUPPORTING INDICATOR 61B: Contraceptive prevalence among men who are married or in a union, aged 1559 (54 in some cases) SUPPORTING INDICATOR 62: Proportion of households within 30 minutes travel from nearest clinic SUPPORTING INDICATOR 63: Percentage of women age 1549 years who were attended during pregnancy in the 2 years preceding the survey (a) at least once by skilled personnel (b) at least four times by any provider Page 15 SUPPORTING 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 INDICATOR 64: Proportion of births attended by skilled health professional SUPPORTING INDICATOR 65: Proportion of households within 30 minutes travel (by usual means for women) from nearest clinic SUPPORTING INDICATOR 66: Proportion of households within 30 minutes travel (by usual means for women) from nearest doctor SUPPORTING INDICATOR 67: Proportion of households within 30 minutes travel (by usual means for women) from nearest midwife SUPPORTING INDICATOR 68: Reporting one or more longterm health conditions, all persons by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 69: Reporting any lifetime mental disorder, 1685 years by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 70: Reporting disability by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 71: Reporting high/ very high level of psychological distress, 18 years and over 33. Do you have any proposals for additional indicators for this domain? If so, please describe them in the box below: 5 6 34. In the box below, please provide any additional comments: 5 6 Domain 6: Governance and participation in public life and decision making The next series of questions refers specifically to the indicators under Domain 6: Governance and participation in public life and decision making. Page 16 For reference, the domain and its policy objective are given below: DOMAIN: VI. Governance and participation in public life and decision making POLICY OBJECTIVE VI: To increase women’s active and informed participation in public life and all areas of decision making, including in the private sector 35. Is "increasing women’s active and informed participation in public life and all areas of decision making, including in the private sector" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 36. Do the current policy objectives sufficiently describe the most relevant gender policy priorities for your country regarding governance and participation in public life and decision making? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 37. In the box below, please describe any proposed changes or additions (including additional policy objectives). 5 6 Page 17 38. Indicators for this domain are given below. Please provide the following information about each: Are data for this indicator available? (Yes or no) HEADLINE INDICATOR Does this indicator reflect relevant national gender policy priorities in your country? (Yes or no) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 72: Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament HEADLINE INDICATOR 73: Women's share of government ministerial positions HEADLINE INDICATOR 74: Percentage of company directors / union leaders / office bearers in the cooperative movement/ office bearers in NGOs who are women SUPPORTING STATISTIC 75: Voting record of all MPs on legislation promoting gender equality, women’s rights and women’s empowerment by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 76: Proportion of candidates standing for election for the national parliament who are women SUPPORTING INDICATOR 77: Proportion of voters in national elections who are women SUPPORTING INDICATOR 78: Proportion of candidates standing for election to local government bodies who are women SUPPORTING INDICATOR 79: Proportion of leaders at the communitylevel who are women *SUPPORTING INDICATOR 80: Percentage of judges who are women SUPPORTING INDICATOR 81: Voting record of local leaders on legislation promoting gender equality, women’s rights and women’s Page 18 empowerment by sex SUPPORTING 6 6 6 6 INDICATOR 82A: Women’s share of managerial positions SUPPORTING INDICATOR 82B: Share of Women in high level occupations, i.e. ISCO08 Groups 11 (Chief Executives, Senior Officials and Legislators) and 12 (Administrative and Commercial Managers) 39. Do you have any proposals for additional indicators for this domain? If so, please describe them in the box below: 5 6 40. In the box below, please provide any additional comments: 5 6 Domain 7: Human rights of women and girls The next series of questions refers specifically to the indicators under Domain 7: Human rights of women and girls. For reference, the domain and its policy objective are given below: Domain 7: Human rights of women and girls POLICY OBJECTIVE VIIA: End child marriage POLICY OBJECTIVE VIIB: Ensure equal rights for girls in access to education at all levels POLICY OBJECTIVE VIIC: Eliminate genderbased discrimination in the work place POLICY OBJECTIVE VIID: Prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women (VAW) and girls POLICY OBJECTIVE VIIE: Ensure equal rights of women to own and inherit property, sign a contract, register a business and open a bank account 41. Is "ending child marriage" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n Page 19 42. Is "ensuring equal rights for girls in access to education at all levels" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 43. Is "eliminating genderbased discrimination in the work place" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 44. Is "preventing and eliminating all forms of violence against women (VAW) and girls" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 45. Is "ensuring equal rights of women to own and inherit property, sign a contract, register a business and open a bank account" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 46. Do the current policy objectives sufficiently describe the most relevant gender policy priorities for your country regarding the human rights of women and girls? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 47. In the box below, please describe any proposed changes or additions (including additional policy objectives). 5 6 Page 20 48. The indicators for this domain are given below. Indicators 83 85 refer to policy objective VIIA, indicators 86 88 refer to policy objective VIIB, indicators 89 91 refer to policy objective VIIC, and indicators 92 96 refer to policy objective VIID, and 97 99 refer to policy objective VIIE. Please provide the following information about each: Are data for this indicator available? (Yes or no) HEADLINE INDICATOR Does this indicator reflect relevant national gender policy priorities in your country? (Yes or no) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 83: Percentage of women aged 2024 years who were married or in union before age 18 SUPPORTING INDICATOR 84: Net enrolment rate of girls in primary and junior secondary education SUPPORTING INDICATOR 85: Labour force participation rate of young women aged 1524 with at least junior secondary education HEADLINE INDICATOR 86: Primary, secondary school graduates by sex; Technical and Vocational and Tertiary Education graduates by discipline of study and sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 87: Ratio of girls to boys in primary/secondary and tertiary education* by grade /year of study SUPPORTING INDICATOR 88: Proportion of girls of school entry age enrolling in the first year of primary school HEADLINE INDICATOR 89: Gender gap in wages SUPPORTING INDICATOR 90: Ratio of females to males employed in precarious employment (e.g., short, fixedterm, casual, seasonal workers) SUPPORTING INDICATOR 91: Ratio of females to males employed in the informal sector (harmonised Delhi definition) Page 21 HEADLINE INDICATOR 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 92: Intersurvey change in the proportion of women aged 1549 subjected to physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner in the last 12 months. HEADLINE INDICATOR 93: Intersurvey change in the proportion of women aged 1549 subjected to physical or sexual violence by persons other than an intimate partner in the last 12 months HEADLINE INDICATOR 94: Percentage of referred cases of sexual and genderbased violence against women and girls that are reported, investigated and sentenced. SUPPORTING INDICATOR 95: Percentage of police officers who are women, by rank SUPPORTING INDICATOR 96: Percentage of the national budget allocated to programmes to prevent and eliminate gender based violence HEADLINE INDICATOR 97: Sole proprietorships by sex of proprietor HEADLINE INDICATOR 98: Individual bank accounts by sex of Account holder SUPPORTING INDICATOR 99: National legislation guaranteeing women’s right to own and inherit property, sign contracts, register a business and open a bank account 49. Do you have any proposals for additional indicators for this domain? If so, please describe them in the box below: 5 6 Page 22 50. In the box below, please provide any additional comments: 5 6 Special Issue: Human Rights Indicators The next series of questions refers specifically to the indicators under Special Issues: Human Rights Indicators. For reference, the domain and its policy objective are given below: SPECIAL ISSUE: Human Rights Indicators ISSUE 1: Migrant Receiving Countries POLICY OBJECTIVE VIIIA: Ensure safe migration for women and girls ISSUE 2: Migrant Sending Countries POLICY OBJECTIVE VIIIB: Ensure that women have equal access and opportunities to regular migration ISSUE 3: Refugees POLICY OBJECTIVE VIIIC: Protect the rights of women and girls who are refugees and IDPs. 51. Is "ensuring safe migration for women and girls" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 52. Is "ensuring that women have equal access and opportunities to regular migration" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 53. Is "protecting the rights of women and girls who are refugees and IDPs" a relevant national gender policy priority in your country? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 54. Do the current policy objectives sufficiently describe the most relevant gender policy priorities for your country regarding migration and refugees? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n 55. In the box below, please describe any proposed changes or additions (including additional policy objectives). 5 6 Page 23 56. The indicators for this domain are given below. Indicators 100 105 refer to policy objective VIIIA, indicators 106 110 refer to policy objective VIIIB, and indicators 111 121 refer to policy objective VIIIC. Please provide the following information about each: Are data for this indicator available? (Yes or no) HEADLINE INDICATOR Does this indicator reflect relevant national gender policy priorities in your country? (Yes or no) 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 100: Percentage of migrants receiving a visa/ document at the new destination, by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 101: Percentage of labour migrants holding legally enforceable contracts issued in the country of destination, by sex SUPPORTING STATISTIC 102: Number of cases where the labour rights of migrants under legally enforceable contracts have been upheld in court SUPPORTING STATISTIC 103: Number of reported cases of trafficking (labour/sex), by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 104: Percentage of registered migrants with an occupation by sector, age and sex SUPPORTING STATISTIC 105: Number of migrants registered as “irregular” at the new destination by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 106: Ratio of female to male registered international migrants SUPPORTING INDICATOR 107: Proportion of registered labour migrants receiving predeparture/orientation training by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 108: Percentage of immigration officers receiving training on common migration issues (including trafficking and smuggling) in previous 12 months SUPPORTING INDICATOR 109: Page 24 Percentage of migrant workers holding legally enforceable contracts issued before departure, by sex SUPPORTING 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 INDICATOR 110: Ratio of remittances remitted, by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 111: Ratio of female to male persons affected by a conflict/ natural disaster who received assistance HEADLINE INDICATOR 112: Ratio of female to male asylum seekers HEADLINE INDICATOR 113: Average number of years for refugees/asylum seekers to obtain legal status, by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 114: Average number of years for refugees to be resettled in a third country, by sex and age HEADLINE INDICATOR 115: Percentage of refugee students enrolled in Grades 16, by sex HEADLINE INDICATOR 116: Percentage of refugee SGBV cases who received support (DP), by sex SUPPORTING INDICATOR 117: Ratio of female to male refugees/asylum seekers detained SUPPORTING INDICATOR 118: Percentage of female members in food distribution committees at refugee camps SUPPORTING INDICATOR 119: Percentage of asylum seekers / refugees who participated in SGBV training SUPPORTING INDICATOR 120: Percentage of UNHCR and partner staff who have completed SGBV training Page 25 6 SUPPORTING 6 INDICATOR 121: Percentage of needs met for sanitary material 57. Do you have any proposals for additional indicators for this domain? If so, please describe them in the box below: 5 6 58. In the box below, please provide any additional comments: 5 6 Organization of Domains The current proposed regional core set of gender indicators is divided into eight topical domains, listed below: DOMAIN 1. Poverty, access to timesaving infrastructure and services DOMAIN 2. Participation in productive activities DOMAIN 3. Unpaid domestic work and care DOMAIN 4. Equal access to genderresponsive education and information DOMAIN 5. Health and related services DOMAIN 6. Governance and participation in public life and decision making DOMAIN 7: Human rights of women and girls SPECIAL ISSUE: Human Rights Indicators SPECIAL TARGET GROUP: Subset for Rural Women Page 26 59. For each of the domains of the proposed regional core set of gender indicators, we would like to know its relevance to your country in supporting gender equality and women's empowerment. DOMAIN 1. Poverty, Not relevant Slightly relevant Mostly relevant Very relevant j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n access to timesaving infrastructure and services Would you suggest changes to the wording or scope of this domain? 5 6 DOMAIN 2. Participation j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n in productive activities Would you suggest changes to the wording or scope of this domain? 5 6 DOMAIN 3. Unpaid j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n domestic work and care Would you suggest changes to the wording or scope of this domain? 5 6 DOMAIN 4. Equal access j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n to genderresponsive education and information Would you suggest changes to the wording or scope of this domain? 5 6 DOMAIN 5. Health and j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n related services Would you suggest changes to the wording or scope of this domain? 5 6 DOMAIN 6. Governance j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n and participation in public life and decision making Would you suggest changes to the wording or scope of this domain? 5 6 DOMAIN 7: Human rights j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n of women and girls Would you suggest changes to the wording or scope of this domain? 5 6 Page 27 SPECIAL ISSUE: Human j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n Rights Indicators Would you suggest changes to the wording or scope of this domain? 5 6 SPECIAL TARGET j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n j k l m n GROUP: Subset for Rural Women Would you suggest changes to the wording or scope of this domain? 5 6 60. Does the current set of domains sufficiently describe the scope of topics to be included in a regional core set of gender indicators? j Yes k l m n j No k l m n Proposed changes to the domains For reference, the proposed domains are listed below: DOMAIN 1. Poverty, access to timesaving infrastructure and services DOMAIN 2. Participation in productive activities DOMAIN 3. Unpaid domestic work and care DOMAIN 4. Equal access to genderresponsive education and information DOMAIN 5. Health and related services DOMAIN 6. Governance and participation in public life and decision making DOMAIN 7: Human rights of women and girls SPECIAL ISSUE: Human Rights Indicators SPECIAL TARGET GROUP: Subset for Rural Women 61. You have indicated that the current set of domains may not sufficiently describe the scope of topics that should be included in a regional core set of gender indicators. In the box below, please describe any changes, additions or removals that you feel would better improve the scope. 5 6 Questionnaire Completed Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire. We look forward to your participation at the workshop. Page 28