REPORT ON COMMITTEE ON STANDING 2011– 2012 Diane Crocker Registrar and Director of Enrolment Management Chair of Committee on Standing Petitions – 2011 / 2012 Late Withdrawal without academic penalty Granted 272 Refused 359 Deferred 13 Cancelled 21 Total 665 Extension of time for term work beyond end of Granted course 113 Refused 37 Cancelled 8 Total 158 Petitions – 2011 / 2012 Lift 1 year suspension Granted 39 Refused 58 Cancelled 3 Total Lift 3 year suspension Granted 4 Refused 14 Deferred 1 Total Return early from 3 year suspension 19 Granted 16 Refused 1 Total Lift “refused further registration” 100 17 Granted 1 Refused 5 Cancelled 1 Total 7 Petitions – 2011 / 2012 Exception to degree requirements Granted 14 Refused 18 Total Course Overload Granted 376 Refused 80 Cancelled 26 Total Late enrolment 482 Granted 109 Refused 75 Cancelled 7 Total Other 32 191 Granted 42 Refused 8 Deferred 1 Cancelled 25 Total 76 Petitions – 2011 / 2012 First deferral of unwritten UTM course examinations-June Granted 151 Refused 1 Cancelled 1 Total First deferral of unwritten UTM course examinations-August Granted 149 Refused 0 Cancelled 1 Total First deferral of unwritten UTM course examinations-December 150 Granted 594 Refused 2 Cancelled 6 Total First deferral of unwritten UTM course examinations-April 153 602 Granted 971 Refused 0 Cancelled 6 Total 977 Petitions-2011-2012 Second deferral of unwritten UTM course examinations Granted 208 Refused 44 Cancelled 6 Total First/Second deferral of unwritten St. George/UTSC examinations Granted 112 Refused 4 Cancelled 5 Total Grand Total 258 121 4008 University of Toronto Mississauga Petitions vs. Enrolment 2006-2012 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 38% 43% 31% 32% 28% 34% 2000 0 2006-20072007-20082008-20092009-20102010-20112011-2012 Petitions Enrolment WDR and LWD Stats Reporting Period: July 1 to June 30 Year WDR LWD WDR & LWD % vs. Enrolment # of students # of courses # of students # of courses Enrolment WDR% LWD% 2006-2007 1137 1457 - - 10044 11.3% - 2007-2008 1085 1368 80 89 10238 10.6% 0.8% 2008-2009 151 263 1894 2535 10554 1.4% 17.9% 2009-2010 120 197 2175 2924 11089 1.1% 19.6% 2010-2011 124 213 2240 2966 11532 1.1% 19.4% 2011-2012 110 219 2480 3341 11867 0.9% 20.9% *LWD first offered in 2008 Summer term Statistics by Degree POSt (2012 Graduates and LWD%) # of LWD’s Total ER BBA ER BCOM ER HBA ER HBSC ER BA ER BSC 1 437 7 70 186 151 16 7 2 172 8 25 77 51 6 5 3 104 3 6 55 34 3 3 4 32 - 5 11 10 4 2 5 17 - - 9 3 3 2 6 7 - - 4 2 1 - LWD 769 Total/ Total graduates % by Degree POSt 37.1% 2073 18 70 25.7% 106 34.4% 308 342 38.4% 890 251 36.9% 680 33 86 38.4% 19 39 48.7% University of Toronto Mississauga Percentage of Deferred Exams vs. Enrolment 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 Deferred exams 4000 2000 0 14% 19% 20% 23% 20% 19% Enrolment Committee on Standing Petitions processed in 2011-2012 Office of the Registrar vs. COS Petition Type ORPetitions ORGranted ORRefused COSPetitions COSGranted COSRefused Late withdrawal 665 272 359 13 2 11 One year suspension lift 100 39 58 13 1 12 Three year suspension lift 19 4 14 2 0 2 Return early from three year suspension 17 16 1 0 0 0 Refused Further Registration 7 1 5 1 0 1 Late Enrolment 191 109 75 1 0 1 Other 76 42 8 2 2 0 Overloads 482 376 80 0 0 0 First Deferrals 1882 1865 3 0 0 0 Second/further deferrals 258 208 44 0 0 0 Extension of time 158 113 37 0 0 0 Exception to degree requirements 32 14 18 0 0 0 3887 3059 702 32 5 27 Total **The Committee on Standing reviews all appeals on petitions decisions made by the Office of the Registrar Committee on Standing Membership: Diane Crocker, Chair-Registrar and Director of Enrolment Management Mark Overton-Dean of Student Affairs Professor Tracey Bowen-Institute of Communications, Culture and Information Technology Professor Nicholas Collins-Department of Biology Professor Monika Havelka-Department of Geography Professor Angela Lange-Department of Biology Professor Mohan Matthen-Department of Philosophy Professor Manfred Schneider-Department of Management Professor Kathi Wilson-Department of Geography