
Document 2729622

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Document 2729622
HUMANITIES - Table of Contents
SUMMARY OF COURSE CHANGES.........................................................1
New Programs......................................................................2
Programs - Resource Implications..................................................3
Deleted Programs..................................................................4
Programs - Other Changes..........................................................5
New Courses......................................................................21
Courses - Resource Implications..................................................33
Deleted Courses..................................................................36
Courses - Description Changes....................................................39
Changes in Course Name...........................................................41
Courses - Other Changes..........................................................42
Department Name
Cinema Studies
Erindale Courses
European Studies
History of
Language Courses
Women and Gender
No. of full
courses deleted
No. of full
courses added
No. of half
courses deleted
No. of half
courses added
No. of full
courses changed
No. of half
New Programs
New Programs
Programs - Resource Implications
Programs - Resource Implications
Deleted Programs
Deleted Programs
Programs - Other Changes
Program #1 ERMAJ0525 French Language and French Linguistics (Arts)
Rationale for change:
Reflect course change: FSL280Y5 was changed to FRE280Y5.
FRE240Y5, 272Y5; FSL280Y5
FRE240Y5, 272Y5; FRE280Y5
Program #2 ERMAJ0615 Art History (Arts)
Rationale for change:
To provide clearer program requirements.
1. A minimum of 1.0 credit at any level must be taken in each of the following four areas: Ancient &
Medieval; 15th-18th century; 19th-21st century; Visual Culture/Theory. It is highly recommended
that students take at least one 300 or 400 level H course in at least three of the four areas. Some
courses may satisfy more than one of the distribution requirements. See the departmental website
for the distribution of courses by area.
2. One 0.5 credit at the 200 level in FAH may be taken at St. George in an area not covered by U of
T Mississauga's offerings. These are FAH248H1, 260H1, 262H1, 270H1, 272H1.
3. Courses with significant Art historical or Visual Culture/Theory content in other programs, such as
CCIT, Philosophy, Drama, English, History, East Asian Studies, and Near and Middle Eastern
Civilizations, may be substituted for up to 1.0 FAH/VCC credit only with permission, prior to
enrolment, of the program director. For possible substitutes see the program director.
4. RECOMMENDED LANGUAGE STUDY: Students wishing to pursue graduate studies in Art
History must acquire a basic reading knowledge of at least two of the following languages:
German, French, and Italian. A minimum of 2.0 in one language, or 1.0 in two languages (total 2.0)
is recommended. Applicants to graduate programs who lack such language skills are
generally not admitted.
5. No more than 10.0 FAH courses may be taken.
1. A minimum of 1.0 credit at any level must be taken in each of the following four areas: Ancient &
Medieval; 15th-18th century; 19th-21st century; Visual Culture/Theory. It is highly recommended
that students take at least one 300 or 400 level H course in at least three of the four areas. Some
courses may satisfy more than one of the distribution requirements. See the departmental website
for the distribution of courses by area www.utm.utoronto.ca/cvmc/CourseDescription.html
2. VCC207H5 does not satisfy FAH 200 level requirements. One 0.5 credit at the 200 level in FAH
may be taken at St. George in an area not covered by U of T Mississauga's offerings. These are
FAH248H1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH270H1, FAH272H1.
3. Courses with significant Art historical or Visual Culture/Theory content in other programs, such as
CCIT, Philosophy, Drama, English, History, East Asian Studies, and Near and Middle Eastern
Civilizations, may be substituted for up to 1.0 FAH/VCC credit only with permission, prior to
enrolment, of the program director. For possible substitutes see the program director.
4. RECOMMENDED LANGUAGE STUDY: Students wishing to pursue graduate studies in Art
History must acquire a basic reading knowledge of at least two of the following languages:
German, French, and Italian. A minimum of 2.0 in one language, or 1.0 in two languages (total 2.0)
is recommended. Applicants to graduate programs who lack such language skills are
generally not admitted.
5. No more than 10.0 FAH courses may be taken.
Programs - Other Changes
Program #3 ERMAJ0714 Art and Art History (Arts)
Rationale for change:
To provide clearer program requirements.
At least 7.5 credits are required, comprised of at least 4.0 in FAS (or selected CCT courses offered from
Sheridan) and 3.0 in FAH/VCC courses offered at U of T Mississauga. For the list of CCT and VCC courses
that satisfy Art and Art History requirements, see the departmental web site. The maximum number of
combined FAH and FAS credits is 12.0. Required courses are as follows: FAS143H5, 145H5, 146H5,
147H5, 232H5*, 248H5*, and FAH105H5, VCC201H5. A minimum of 2.0 300/400 level credits in FAH/VCC
or FAS or a combination of the two, must be included. 2.0 or 2.5 credits at the 200 level in FAH must be
taken at U of T Mississauga (see Note 1 for the St. George exception allowed and Note 2 for required area
See Notes below for distribution details. Students enrolled before Fall 2003 should consult faculty advisors
about completion of their program.
1. Students must take at least 2.0 but no more than 2.5 FAH at the 200 level. No St. George
courses may be substituted for the 200-level FAH requirements. However U of T
Mississauga students may take one 0.5 credit 200 level FAH at St. George in the regular or
summer term in an area not covered by U of T Mississauga's offerings. These are
FAH248H1, 260H1, 262H1, 270H1, 272H1.
2. At least one 200 level H course in FAH/VCC must be taken in three of the following four areas:
Ancient & Medieval; 15th-18th century; 19th-21st century; Visual Culture/Theory (VCC201
satisfies this requirement). See the departmental website for the distribution of courses by area.
3. Of the required 2.0 300/400-level credits, a minimum of 0.5 must be in FAH/VCC.
4. As studio space is limited in the 100- and 200-level FAS courses, priority will be given
during the first registration period to students enrolled in the Art & Art History
Major/Specialist, Art History Major/Specialist, CCIT Major, VCC Specialist, and to newly
admitted students who indicated the Art & Art History code on their application. Students
committed to the program should make sure they are officially registered in the program as
soon as possible.
5. All 300- and 400-level FAS courses must be balloted. Balloting is the process by which
students interested in taking courses are granted permission to enrol. Although these courses are
open to all students, priority will be given to students in the Art & Art History program, as studio
space is limited. FAS Ballot forms and detailed instructions are available March 1st from the
Faculty of Arts, Room A100, Sheridan Institute, 1430 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, Ont., L6H 2L1,
phone 905-845-9430, ext. 2571.
6. *FAS232H5 is open to first-year students.
7. *FAS248H5 is open to first-year students.
8. No more than a combination of 12.0 FAH and FAS credits may be taken.
9. Students enrolling in any FAS course will be required to pay a fee of $60-$110 per half
credit/$120-$220 per full credit. These charges will automatically be added to your University of
Toronto student account receivable. This fee covers consumable materials used in studio as well
as take-away materials provided to students.
Second Year
1.0 remaining of the required FAS courses cited above
1.0 FAH/VCC at the 200 level
At least 7.5 credits are required, comprised of at least 4.0 in FAS (or selected CCT courses offered from
Sheridan) and 3.0 in FAH/VCC courses offered at U of T Mississauga. For the list of CCT and VCC courses
that satisfy Art and Art History requirements, see the departmental web site. The maximum number of
combined FAH and FAS credits is 12.0. Required courses are as follows: FAS143H5, FAS145H5,
FAS146H5, FAS147H5, FAS232H5*, FAS248H5*, and FAH105H5, VCC201H5. A minimum of 2.0 300/400
level credits in FAH/VCC or FAS or a combination of the two, must be included. 2.0 or 2.5 credits at the 200
level in FAH must be taken at U of T Mississauga (see Note 1 for the St. George exception allowed and
Note 2 for required area distribution).
See Notes below for distribution details. Students enrolled before Fall 2003 should consult faculty advisors
about completion of their program.
Programs - Other Changes
1. Students must take at least 2.0 but no more than 2.5 FAH at the 200 level. VCC207H5 does not
satisfy FAH 200 level requirements. No St. George courses may be substituted for the
200-level FAH requirements. However U of T Mississauga students may take one 0.5 credit
200 level FAH at St. George in the regular or summer term in an area not covered by U of T
Mississauga's offerings. These are FAH248H1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH270H1,
2. At least one 200 level H course in FAH/VCC must be taken in three of the following four areas:
Ancient & Medieval; 15th-18th century; 19th-21st century; Visual Culture/Theory (VCC201
satisfies this requirement). See the departmental website
www.utm.utoronto.ca/cvmc/CourseDescription.html for the distribution of courses by area.
3. Of the required 2.0 300/400-level credits, a minimum of 0.5 must be in FAH/VCC.
4. As studio space is limited in the 100-level and 200-level FAS courses, priority will be given
during the first registration period to students enrolled in the Art & Art History
Major/Specialist, Art History Major/Specialist, CCIT Major, VCC Specialist, and to newly
admitted students who indicated the Art & Art History code on their application. Students
committed to the program should make sure they are officially registered in the program as
soon as possible.
5. All 300-level and 400-level FAS courses must be balloted. Balloting is the process by which
students interested in taking courses are granted permission to enrol. Although these courses are
open to all students, priority will be given to students in the Art & Art History program, as studio
space is limited. FAS Ballot forms and detailed instructions are available March 1st from the
Faculty of Arts, Room A100, Sheridan Institute, 1430 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, Ont., L6H 2L1,
phone 905-845-9430, ext. 2571.
6. *FAS232H5 is open to first-year students.
7. *FAS248H5 is open to first-year students.
8. No more than a combination of 12.0 FAH and FAS credits may be taken.
9. Students enrolling in any FAS course will be required to pay a fee of $60-$110 per half
credit/$120-$220 per full credit. These charges will automatically be added to your University of
Toronto student account receivable. This fee covers consumable materials used in studio as well
as take-away materials provided to students.
Second Year
1.0 remaining of the required FAS courses cited above
2.0 FAH/VCC at the 200 level
Program #4 ERMAJ0728 Canadian Studies (Arts)
Rationale for change:
This change reflects the changes to the Language Studies course codes: FRE300H5/301H5 will become
7.0 credits are required, fulfilling the following requirements:
1. HIS263Y5; POL214Y5; ENG252Y5 or ENG353Y5; FRE300H5 or FRE301H5; GGR202H5 and
2. 3.0 additional credits (at least 2.0 of which must be at the 300/400 level) in courses chosen from
the list below or approved by the program advisor.
7.0 credits are required, fulfilling the following requirements:
1. HIS263Y5; POL214Y5; ENG252Y5/ENG353Y5; FRC301H5; GGR202H5 and
2. 3.0 additional credits (at least 2.0 of which must be at the 300/400 level) in courses chosen from
the list below or approved by the program advisor.
Program #5 ERMAJ1056 Language Teaching and Learning: French (Arts)
Programs - Other Changes
Rationale for change:
Reflect course change: FSL280Y5 was changed to FRE280Y5 and FGI225Y5 was changed to LTL225Y5.
Second Year
FSL280Y5 (or equivalent), FGI225Y5/JFI225Y5, enrolment in either
FRE240Y5 or FRE272Y5
Second Year
FRE280Y5 (or equivalent), LTL225Y5, enrolment in either
FRE240Y5 or FRE272Y5
Program #6 ERMAJ1249 Language Teaching and Learning: Italian (Arts)
Rationale for change:
Consistent with designator change:FGI listed courses which were changed to LTL and addition of new
courses in Italian.
8.0 credits are required including at least 2.0 credits at the 300/400 level.
1. ITA100Y5. Students exempted from this course may replace it with a higher level ITA
1.0 credit.
2. ITA200Y5
3. 2.0 credits from ITA350Y5, 354Y5, 371Y5
4. FGI225Y5
5. 2.0 credits from ITA375H5, 396H5, 437H5, FGI388Y5, 488H5
6. 1.0 credit in Italian literature
8.0 credits are required including at least 2.0 credits at the 300/400 level.
1. ITA100Y5/101Y5. Students exempted from this course may replace it with a higher level
ITA 1.0 credit.
2. ITA200Y5/ITA201Y5
3. 2.0 credits from ITA350Y5, 354Y5, 371Y5
4. LTL225Y5
5. 2.0 credits from ITA375H5, 396H5, 437H5, LTL388Y5, 488H5
6. 1.0 credit in Italian literature
Program #7 ERMAJ1295 French Language and Literature (Arts)
Rationale for change:
FSL280Y5 was changed to FRE280Y5. Course Catagory section was revised to reflect course deletions,
changes and additions.
Course Categories:
Group A (French Linguistics): FRE272Y5, 325H5, 355H5, 373Y5, 374H5, 375Y5, 376H5, 378H5, 387H5,
476H5, 489H5
Group B (Literature until 1800): FRE350H5, 358H5, 359H5, 360H5, 361H5
Group C (Literature after 1800): FRE364Y5, 367H5, 368H5, 369H5
Group D (Quebec literature): FRE300H5, 302H5, 312H5, 316H5, 317H5, 319H5
Group E (Teaching & Learning): FGI225Y5, 380H5, 417H5, 456H5, 388Y5, 488H5; FRE325H5, 335H5,
345H5, 355H5; FSL482H5
Group unspecified in Literature courses: FRE446H5
Second Year
FRE240Y5, 272Y5; FSL280Y5
Course Categories:
Group A (French Linguistics): FRE272Y5, 325H5, 355H5, 373Y5, 374H5, 375Y5, 376H5, 378H5, 387H5,
476H5, 489H5
Group B (Literature until 1800): FRE320H5, 350H5, 358H5, 359H5, 360H5
Group C (Literature after 1800): FRE364Y5, 367H5, 368H5, 369H5
Group D (Quebec literature): FRE312H5, 316H5, 317H5, 319H5
Group E (Teaching & Learning): LTL225Y5, 380H5, 417H5, 456H5, 388Y5, 488H5; FRE325H5, 335H5,
345H5, 355H5
Programs - Other Changes
Group unspecified in Literature courses: FRE446H5, FRE482H5
Second Year
FRE240Y5, 272Y5; FRE280Y5
Program #8 ERMAJ1407 Diaspora and Transnational Studies
Rationale for change:
To align U of T Mississauga program requirements with the Scarborough and St. George campuses. To add
new courses.
7.0 credits, including at least 2.0 300 level credits. Students must successfully complete the equivalent of
7.0 credits, fulfilling ALL of the following requirements:
1. DTS201H5 and DTS202H5
2. 5.0 credits from Group A and B courses, with at least 2.0 credits from each group.
3. Coverage must include at least two diasporic communities or regions, to be identified in
consultation with the program advisor.
4. DTS401H1 and DTS402H1 (should be taken in the fourth year of study).
U of T Mississauga Courses Group A = Humanities courses
ENG271H5, 272H5, 370H5; FAH457H5; FRE291H5, 292H5, 396H5, 397H5; HIS266H5, 318H5, 330H5,
367H5, 366H5, 371H5, 383H5, 384H5, 386H5, 390H5, 391H5, 393H5, 454H5, 478H5, 479H5; ITA238H5,
239H5; LIN366H5, 466H5, RLG352H5; VCC302H5, 304H5; WGS335H5, 350H5, 369Y5. Group B = Social
Science courses
ANT204Y5, 206Y5, 241Y5, 304H5; GGR207H5; JAL253H5; POL114H5, 218Y5, 343Y5, 360H5, 362H5,
363H5; SOC236H5, 302H5, 328H5, 332H5, 333H5, 339H5, 353H5, 354H5. Students are responsible for
checking the co- and prerequisites for all courses.
7.0 credits, including at least 2.0 300+ level credit. Students must successfully complete the equivalent of
7.0 credits, fulfilling ALL of the following requirements:
1. DTS201H5 and DTS202H5
2. 5.0 credits from Group A and B courses, with at least 2.0 credits from each group.
3. Coverage must include at least two diasporic communities or regions, to be identified in
consultation with the program advisor.
4. 1.0 credit from the following list of St. George courses: DTS401H1, DTS402H1,
DTS403H1, DTS404H1 (should be taken in the fourth year of study).
U of T Mississauga Courses Group A = Humanities courses
ENG271H5, 272H5, 370H5; FAH457H5; FRE291H5, 292H5, 396H5, 397H5; HIS266H5, 318H5, 330H5,
367H5, 366H5, 371H5, 383H5, 384H5, 386H5, 390H5, 391H5, 393H5, 454H5, 478H5, 479H5; ITA238H5,
239H5; LIN366H5, 466H5, RLG352H5; VCC302H5, 304H5; WGS335H5, 350H5, 369Y5. Group B = Social
Science courses
ANT204Y5, 206Y5, 241Y5, 304H5; GGR207H5; JAL253H5; POL114H5, 218Y5, 343Y5, 360H5, 362H5,
363H5; SOC236H5, 302H5, 328H5, 332H5, 333H5, 339H5, 353H5, 354H5. Students are responsible for
checking the co- and prerequisites for all courses.
Program #9 ERMAJ1443 Women and Gender Studies (Arts)
Rationale for change:
Higher Years
1.0 credits from WGS210H5, 299Y5, 300Y5, 350H5, 301H5, 335H5,
367H5, 368H5, 369Y5, 370H5, 374H5, 410H5, 411Y5, 434H5,
435H5, 436H5, 450H5.
Remaining 5.0 credits from the following list:
ANT331H/ 335H; CLA319H/ 320H5; DRE366H; ENG233Y;
FAH435H; FRE391H/ 392H/ 398H/399H; GGR313H; HIS308H/
310H/ 314H/ 326Y/ 386H/ 441H/ 454H/ 481H; ITA227Y/228Y/ 318H;
JAL355H; PHL243H/ 267H/ 277Y/ 380H; PSY311H/ 354H;
RLG314H; SOC202Y/ 214Y/ 301Y/ 332H/ 333H/ 362H/ 365Y/ 368H/
455H/ 471H; VCC304H
Higher Years
Programs - Other Changes
1.0 credits from WGS205H5, 210H5, 299Y5, 301H5, 335H5, 337H5,
350H5, 367H5, 368H5, 369Y5, 370H5, 410H5, 411Y5, 434H5,
435H5, 435Y5, 450H5 470H5.
Or remaining 5.0 credits may also be selected from the following list:
ANT331H5/ 335H5; CLA319H5; DRE366H5; FAH435H5;
FRC303H5 /391H5; GGR313H5; HIS308H5/ 310H5/ 314H5/ 326Y5/
386H5/ 441H5/ 454H5; ITA227Y5/ 228Y5/ 318H5; JAL355H5;
PHL243H5/ 267H5/ 380H5; POL368Y5; PSY311H5/ 354H5;
RLG314H5; SOC216H5 / 263H5/ 362H5/ 365H5/ 368H5/ 413H5/
425H5; VCC304H5
Program #10 ERMAJ1645 English (Arts)
Rationale for change:
All these added courses are currently offered by the St. George English department. They are being added
to UTM offerings and have been added to the program group requirements.
At least 7.0 ENG credits, including at least 2.0 credits at the 300+ level. Only 1.0 ENG course at the 100
level may be counted toward program requirements. ENG100H may not be counted.
Courses must fulfill the following requirements:
1. At least .5 credit from Group 1 (Theory, Language, Methods)
2. At least 1.0 credit from Group 2 (Canadian and Indigenous North American Literatures)
3. At least 1.0 credit from Group 3 (American and Transnational Literatures)
4. At least 2.0 credits from Group 4 (British Literature to the 19th Century)
5. At least 1.0 credit from Group 5 (Literature since the 18th Century)
Group 1: Theory, Language, Methods
ENG201Y5, 205H5, 266H5, 280H5, 380H5, 382Y5, 414H5, 415H5, 416H5
Group 2: Canadian and Indigenous North American Literatures
ENG215H5, 252Y5, 271H5, 274H5, 352H5, 353Y5, 354Y5, 357H5, 424H5, 425H5, 426H5
Group 3: American and Transnational Literatures
ENG250Y5, 270Y5, 272H5, 360H5, 363Y5, 364Y5, 365H5, 370H5, 434H5, 435H5, 436H5
Group 4: British Literature to the 19th Century
ENG202Y5, 220Y5, 300Y5, 302Y5, 304Y5, 306Y5, 308Y5, 311H5, 322Y5, 323H5, 330H5, 331H5, 335H5,
336H5, 460H5, 461H5, 462H5, 463H5 Group 5: Literature since the 18th Century
ENG213H5, 214H5, 234H5, 236H5, 237H5, 239H5, 259H5, 324Y5, 328Y5, 329H5, 340H5, 341H5, 342H5,
347Y5, 348Y5, 349H5, 470H5, 471H5, 472H5, 473H5
Note: The St. George Department of English offers additional courses in each group. For information consult
the Faculty of Arts and Science Calendar at www.artsci.utoronto.ca. Please also consult the U of T
Mississauga Calendar for regulations about taking courses on the St. George campus. Exclusions listed for
English courses in the Arts and Science Calendar apply also to U of T Mississauga English courses. If you
have questions, contact the Undergraduate Advisor for the Department of English and Drama.
At least 7.0 ENG credits, including at least 2.0 credits at the 300+ level. Only 1.0 ENG course at the 100
level may be counted toward program requirements. ENG100H may not be counted.
Courses must fulfill the following requirements:
1. At least .5 credit from Group 1 (Theory, Language, Methods)
2. At least 1.0 credit from Group 2 (Canadian and Indigenous North American Literatures)
3. At least 1.0 credit from Group 3 (American and Transnational Literatures)
4. At least 2.0 credits from Group 4 (British Literature to the 19th Century)
5. At least 1.0 credit from Group 5 (Literature since the 18th Century)
Group 1: Theory, Language, Methods
ENG201Y5, 205H5, 266H5, 280H5, 290Y, 380H5, 382Y5, 414H5, 415H5, 416H5
Group 2: Canadian and Indigenous North American Literatures
ENG215H5, 252Y5, 271H5, 274H5, 352H5, 353Y5, 354Y5, 357H5, 424H5, 425H5, 426H5
Group 3: American and Transnational Literatures
ENG250Y5, 270Y5, 272H5, 360H5, 363Y5, 364Y5, 365H5, 370H5, 434H5, 435H5, 436H5
Group 4: British Literature to the 19th Century
ENG202Y5, 220Y5, 300Y5, 302Y5, 303H5, 304Y5, 305H5, 306Y5, 308Y5, 311H5, 322Y5, 323H5, 330H5,
Programs - Other Changes
331H5, 335H5, 336H5, 460H5, 461H5, 462H5, 463H5 Group 5: Literature since the 18th Century
ENG210Y5, 213H5, 214H5, 234H5, 235H5, 236H5, 237H5, 239H5, 259H5, 324Y5, 325H5, 328Y5, 329H5,
340H5, 341H5, 342H5, 347Y5, 348Y5, 349H5, 470H5, 471H5, 472H5, 473H5
Note: The St. George Department of English offers additional courses in each group. For information consult
the Faculty of Arts and Science Calendar at www.artsci.utoronto.ca. Please also consult the U of T
Mississauga Calendar for regulations about taking courses on the St. George campus. Exclusions listed for
English courses in the Arts and Science Calendar apply also to U of T Mississauga English courses. If you
have questions, contact the Undergraduate Advisor for the Department of English and Drama.
Program #11 ERMAJ1850 Experimental Linguistics
Rationale for change:
Courses listed with FGI designators were changed to LTL.
Higher Years
1. 3.0 credits at 200 level [all LIN courses (excluding
LIN200H5), FRE272Y5, FGI225Y5, JAL253H5]
2. 3.0 credits at 300/400 level for total of 7.0 credits (all LIN
courses, FRE325H5, FRE355H5, 373Y5, 376H5, 378H5,
387H5, 476H5, 489H5, ITA374H5, 375H5. 437H5,
JAL355H5, FGI388Y5, 488H5, PSY315H5, 374H5)
Higher Years
1. 3.0 credits at 200 level [all LIN courses (excluding
LIN200H5), FRE272Y5, LTL225Y5, JAL253H5]
2. 3.0 credits at 300/400 level for total of 7.0 credits (all LIN
courses, FRE325H5, FRE355H5, 373Y5, 376H5, 378H5,
387H5, 476H5, 489H5, ITA374H5, 375H5. 437H5,
JAL355H5, LTL388Y5, 488H5, PSY315H5, 374H5)
Program #12 ERMAJ2468 Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies (Arts)
Rationale for change:
DRE200H5 Canadian Theatre History replaces DRE220H5 History of Performance. This will avoid overlap
with material in required first year course DRE121H5 Traditions of Theatre and Drama. DRE200H5 will
introduce students to the principles of theatre history through the study of their immediate theatrical culture.
DRE342H5, Studies in Twentieth-Century Performance Styles, will no longer be a required course, so
whereas before the requirement was DRE342H and 0.5 DRE, it will now be 1.0 DRE credit.
First and
Second Years
Higher Years
First and
Second Years
Higher Years
DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5, DRE220H5, 222H5
DRE342H5, an additional 0.5 DRE at the 300 level and 4.0 credits
from the drama-related courses, at least 1.0 at the 300+ level.
See Notes for all programs, below.
DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5, DRE200H5, 222H5
1.0 DRE at the 300 level and 4.0 credits from the drama-related
courses, at least 1.0 at the 300+ level.
See Notes for all programs, below.
Program #13 ERMAJ2524 Italian (Arts)
Rationale for change:
Change made reflect the incorporation of new ITA courses (ITA101Y5 and ITA201Y5).
8.0 credits are required including at least 2.0 300/400 level credits.
1. ITA100Y5. Students exempted from this course may replace it with a higher level ITA
1.0 credit.
2. ITA200Y5
Programs - Other Changes
3. 2.0 credits from ITA350Y5, 354Y5, 371Y5
4. ITA231H5, ITA232H5, ITA420Y5
5. 2.0 additional credits in ITA, excluding ITA 100Y5/101H5/102H5. Courses not used in #1
above may be included.
At least 1.0 credit must be in Italian literature (excluding those in item 3 above).
8.0 credits are required including at least 2.0 300/400 level credits.
1. ITA100Y5/101Y5. Students exempted from this course may replace it with a higher level
ITA 1.0 credit.
2. ITA200Y5/ITA201Y5
3. 2.0 credits from ITA350Y5, 354Y5, 371Y5
4. ITA231H5, ITA232H5, ITA420Y5
5. 2.0 additional credits in ITA, excluding ITA 100Y5/101H5/102H5. Courses not used in #1
above may be included.
At least 1.0 credit must be in Italian literature (excluding those in item 3 above).
Program #14 ERMIN0615 Art History (Arts)
Rationale for change:
To provide website for course listing.
4.0 credits in FAH and VCC are required. The following is a list of requirements that must be fulfilled:
1. FAH105H5
2. VCC201H5
3. 1.0 at the 300/400 level
4. A further 2.0 at the 200 level of which:
◊ At least 0.5 must be in Ancient & Medieval
◊ At least 0.5 credit must be in 15th-18th century
◊ At least 0.5 credit must be in 19th-21st century
◊ At least 0.5 credit must be in Visual Culture/Theory (VCC201H5 can count to satisfy this
See the departmental website at www.utm.utoronto.ca/cvmc/index.html for the distribution of courses by
area. Please note that no St. George courses may be substituted for the required 100- and 200-level
courses. One 0.5 credit 200 level FAH course may be taken at St. George in an area not covered by U
of T Mississauga's offerings. These are FAH248H1, 260H1, 262H1, 270H1, 272H1.
4.0 credits in FAH and VCC are required. The following is a list of requirements that must be fulfilled:
1. FAH105H5
2. VCC201H5
3. 1.0 at the 300/400 level
4. A further 2.0 at the 200 level of which:
◊ At least 0.5 must be in Ancient & Medieval
◊ At least 0.5 credit must be in 15th-18th century
◊ At least 0.5 credit must be in 19th-21st century
◊ At least 0.5 credit must be in Visual Culture/Theory (VCC201H5 can count to satisfy this
See the departmental website at www.utm.utoronto.ca/cvmc/CourseDescription.html for the distribution of
courses by area. Please note that no St. George courses may be substituted for the required 100-level
and 200-level courses. One 0.5 credit 200 level FAH course may be taken at St. George in an area not
covered by U of T Mississauga's offerings. These are FAH248H1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH270H1,
Program #15 ERMIN0728 Canadian Studies
Rationale for change:
This change reflects changes to the Language Studies course codes. FRE300H5/FRE301H5 will become
4.0 credits are required, fulfilling the following requirements: 1) 2.0 credits from the following list: HIS263Y5;
POL214Y5; ENG252Y/ENG353Y; FRE300H5/FRE301H5; GGR202H5 and 2) 2.0 additional credits (at least
1.0 of which must be at the 300/400 level) in courses chosen from the list above or approved by the program
Programs - Other Changes
4.0 credits are required, fulfilling the following requirements: 1) 2.0 credits from the following list: HIS263Y5;
POL214Y5; ENG252Y/ENG353Y; FRC301H5; GGR202H5 and 2) 2.0 additional credits (at least 1.0 of
which must be at the 300/400 level) in courses chosen from the list above or approved by the program
Program #16 ERMIN1000 Functional French (Arts)
Rationale for change:
Changes to Minor programs made reflect courses with new designators. To alleviate confusion and clarify
requirements across the minor programs to clearly distinguish the 3 areas of studies in French.
4.0 credits in FSL/FRE are required, including a minimum of 2.0 at the 300 level or higher. The obligatory
core series courses (FSL105H5, 106H5, 205H5, 206H5, 305H5, 306H5) must be included in the student's
program, unless exemptions are approved by the Department. These exemptions can be granted on the
basis of: (i) previous high school credits in French, (ii) transfer credits from Study-Elsewhere programs,
and/or (iii) the achievement of a suitably high score on the French Placement test. For any exemption
received, the student must fill the gap with another suitable FSL/FRE course in order to complete the
required minimum 4.0 courses. To complete the minor in Functional French program, students can choose
from courses such as FSL366H5, 385H5, 386H5, or any other FRE/FSL course (excluding those offered in
English) providing that the prerequisite requirements have been met.
4.0 credits in either FSL or FRE with at least 2.0 credits at the 300 level. Courses offered in English are
excluded (FRC and LTL). The obligatory core series courses (FSL105H5, 106H5, 205H5, 206H5, 305H5,
306H5) must be included in the student's program, unless exemptions are approved by the Department. For
any exemption received, the student must fill the gap with another suitable FSL/FRE course in order to
complete the required minimum 4.0 courses. To complete the minor in Functional French program, students
can choose from courses such as FSL366H5, 385H5, 386H5, or any other FRE/FSL course (excluding
those offered in English-FRC and LTL) providing that the prerequisite requirements have been met.
Program #17 ERMIN1054 Francophone Studies (Arts)
Rationale for change:
Changes to Minor programs made reflect courses with new designators. To alleviate confusion and clarify
requirements across the minor programs to clearly distinguish the 3 areas of studies in French.
4.0 credits are required, including 1.0 at the 300 level, specified as follows: FSL105H5, 106H5, 205H5,
206H5; FRE291H5, 391H5, FRE393H5, 396H5, FRE398H5; or any 1.0 FSL/FRE/FGI/JFI credit at the
300/400 level.
2.0 FSL credits plus 2.0 FRC credits including 1.0 at the 300 level.
Program #18 ERMIN1135 French Studies
Rationale for change:
Changes to Minor programs made reflect courses with new designators. To alleviate confusion and clarify
requirements across the minor programs to clearly distinguish the 3 areas of studies in French.
4.0 credits are required, including 1.0 at the 300 level, specified as follows: FRE180Y5, FSL280Y5,
FRE240Y5/272Y5, plus 1.0 FRE credit at the 300/400 level. Courses offered in English are excluded. Note:
Students enrolled in the French Studies Minor prior to Summer 2003 should consult the Department
regarding completion of their program.
4.0 FRE credits with at least 2.0 FRE language credits (FRE180Y5/FRE280Y5/ FRE382H5/FRE383H5).
Must include 1.0 FRE credit at the 300/400 level. Courses offered in English are excluded (FRC and LTL).
Note: Students enrolled in the French Studies Minor prior to Summer 2003 should consult the Department
regarding completion of their program.
Program #19 ERMIN1407 Diaspora and Transnational Studies
Rationale for change:
To align U of T Mississauga program requirements with the Scarborough and St. George campuses. To add
new courses.
4.0 credits, including at least 1.0 300+ level credits. Students wishing to do a Diaspora and Transnational
Studies Minor Program must successfully complete the equivalent of 4.0 credit, fulfilling ALL of the following
1. DTS201H5 and DTS202H5
2. 3.0 credits from Group A and B courses, with at least 1.0 credit from each group.
Group A = Humanities courses.
Group B = Social Sciences courses. Students are responsible for checking the co- and prerequisites for all
Programs - Other Changes
courses in Groups A and B. Note: course = one full course or the equivalent in half courses. Please see the
Faculty of Arts & Science Calendar for details.
4.0 credits, including at least 1.0 300+ level credit. Students wishing to do a Diaspora and Transnational
Studies Minor Program must successfully complete the equivalent of 4.0 credit, fulfilling ALL of the following
1. DTS201H5 and DTS202H5
2. 2.5 credits from Group A and B courses, with at least 1.0 credit from each group.
3. 0.5 credit from the following list of St. George courses: DTS401H1, DTS402H1,
DTS403H1, DTS404H1 (should be taken in the fourth year of study)
Group A = Humanities courses.
Group B = Social Sciences courses. Students are responsible for checking the co- and prerequisites for all
courses in Groups A and B. Note: course = one full course or the equivalent in half courses. Please see the
Faculty of Arts & Science Calendar for details.
Program #20 ERMIN1443 Women and Gender Studies (Arts)
Rationale for change:
Higher Years
1.0 credits from WGS210H5, 299Y5, 300Y5, 301H5, 335H5, 350H5,
367H5, 368H5, 369Y5, 370H5, 410H5, 411Y5, 434H5, 435H5,
436H5, 450H5.
Remaining 2.0 credits from the following list:
ANT331H/ 335H; CLA319H/ 320H5; DRE366H; ENG233Y;
FAH435H; FRE391H/ 392H/ 398H/399H; GGR313H; HIS308H/
310H/ 314H/ 326Y/ 386H/ 441H/ 454H/ 481H; ITA227Y/228Y/ 318H;
JAL355H; PHL243H/ 267H/ 277Y/ 380H; PSY311H/ 354H;
RLG314H; SOC202Y/ 214Y/ 301Y/ 332H/ 333H/ 362H/ 365Y/ 368H/
455H/ 471H; VCC304H
Higher Years
1.0 credits from WGS205H5, 210H5, 299Y5, 301H5, 335H5, 337H5,
350H5, 367H5, 368H5, 369Y5, 370H5, 410H5, 411Y5, 434H5,
435H5, 435Y5, 450H5, 470H5.
Or remaining 2.0 credits from the following list:
ANT331H5/ 335H5; CLA319H5; DRE366H5; FAH435H5;
FRC303H5/ 391H5; GGR313H5; HIS308H5/ 310H5/ 314H5/ 326Y5/
386H5/ 441H5/ 454H5; ITA227Y5/228Y5/ 318H5; JAL355H5;
PHL243H5/ 267H5/ 380H5; POL368Y55; PSY311H5/ 354H5;
RLG314H5; SOC216H5/ 263H5/ 362H5/ 365H5/ 368H5/ 413H5/
425H5; VCC304H5
Program #21 ERMIN2468 Theatre, Drama and Performance Studies (Arts)
Rationale for change:
DRE200H5 Canadian Theatre History replaces DRE220H5 History of Performance. This will avoid overlap
with material in required first year course DRE121H5 Traditions of Theatre and Drama. DRE200H5 will
introduce students to the principles of theatre history through the study of their immediate theatrical culture.
First and
Second Years
DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5, DRE220H5, 222H5
First and
Second Years
DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5, DRE200H5, 222H5
Program #22 ERMIN2524 Italian (Arts)
Programs - Other Changes
Rationale for change:
Wording modified to clarify intended program requirements.
4.0 ITA credits are required including at least 1.0 300/400 level credit and a literature course.
4.0 ITA credits are required including at least 1.0 300/400 level credit and 1.0 credit in literature.
Program #23 ERSPE0615 Art History (Arts)
Rationale for change:
To provide clearer program requirements.
Within an Honours degree, 11.0 credits are required, comprised of at least 10.0 in FAH and VCC (distributed
in 4 areas; see Notes), and 1.0 in FAS or CCT courses offered at Sheridan Institute. For the complete list of
CCT and VCC courses that satisfy Art History requirements see the departmental web site.
The 10.0 credits must include: FAH105H5; VCC201H5 + 2.5 additional 200-level FAH credits; 4.0
300/400-level FAH credits of which at least 1.0 must be at the 400 level.
Please note that no St. George courses may be substituted for the required 100- or 200-level
courses. (For exceptions see Note 2 below). Students enrolled before Fall 2003 should consult faculty
advisors about completion of their program.
1. 2.0 credits from each of the following four areas: Ancient & Medieval; 15th-18th century; 19th-21st
century; Visual Culture and Critical Theory. Some courses may satisfy more than one of the
distribution requirements. See the departmental web site for the distribution of courses by area.
2. No more than 4.0 FAH credits may be taken at the 200 level. 0.5 credit at the 200 level in
FAH may be taken at the St. George in an area not covered by U of T Mississauga's
offerings. These are FAH248H1, 260H1, 262H1, 270H1, 272H1.
3. All 300- and 400-level FAS courses require balloting. FAH students fulfilling their FAS
requirements are given registration priority when they submit their ballots.
4. Courses which have significant Art historical or Visual Culture/Theory content in other departments
(such as CCIT, Philosophy, Drama, English, History, East Asian Studies, and Near and Middle
Eastern Civilizations), may be substituted for up to 1.0 FAH/VCC credit only with permission, prior
to enrolment, of the program director. For possible substitutes see the program director.
5. RECOMMENDED LANGUAGE STUDY: Students wishing to pursue graduate studies in Art
History must acquire a basic reading knowledge of at least two of the following languages:
German, French, and Italian. A minimum of 2.0 in one language, or 1.0 in two languages (total 2.0)
is recommended. Applicants to graduate programs who lack such language skills are
generally not admitted.
6. No more than a total of 13.0 FAH and FAS courses may be taken.
Within an Honours degree, 11.0 credits are required, comprised of at least 10.0 in FAH and VCC (distributed
in 4 areas; see Notes), and 1.0 in FAS or CCT courses offered at Sheridan Institute. For the complete list of
CCT and VCC courses that satisfy Art History requirements see the departmental web site
The 10.0 credits must include: FAH105H5; VCC201H5 + 2.5 additional 200-level FAH credits; 4.0
300/400-level FAH credits of which at least 1.0 must be at the 400 level.
Please note that no St. George courses may be substituted for the required 100- or 200-level
courses. (For exceptions see Note 2 below). Students enrolled before Fall 2003 should consult faculty
advisors about completion of their program.
1. 2.0 credits from each of the following four areas: Ancient & Medieval; 15th-18th century; 19th-21st
century; Visual Culture and Critical Theory. Some courses may satisfy more than one of the
distribution requirements. See the departmental web site
www.utm.utoronto.ca/cvmc/CourseDescription.html for the distribution of courses by area.
2. No more than 4.0 FAH credits may be taken at the 200 level. VCC207H5 does not satisfy
FAH 200 level requirements. 0.5 credit at the 200 level in FAH may be taken at the St.
George in an area not covered by U of T Mississauga's offerings. These are FAH248H1,
260H1, FAH262H1, FAH270H1, FAH272H1.
3. All 300-level and 400-level FAS courses require balloting. FAH students fulfilling their FAS
requirements are given registration priority when they submit their ballots.
4. Courses which have significant Art historical or Visual Culture/Theory content in other departments
(such as CCIT, Philosophy, Drama, English, History, East Asian Studies, and Near and Middle
Eastern Civilizations), may be substituted for up to 1.0 FAH/VCC credit only with permission, prior
to enrolment, of the program director. For possible substitutes see the program director.
5. RECOMMENDED LANGUAGE STUDY: Students wishing to pursue graduate studies in Art
History must acquire a basic reading knowledge of at least two of the following languages:
German, French, and Italian. A minimum of 2.0 in one language, or 1.0 in two languages (total 2.0)
Programs - Other Changes
is recommended. Applicants to graduate programs who lack such language skills are
generally not admitted.
6. No more than a total of 13.0 FAH and FAS courses may be taken.
Program #24 ERSPE0714 Art and Art History (Arts)
Rationale for change:
To Provide clearer program requirements.
Within an Honours degree, at least 11.0 credits are required, comprised of 7.0 in FAS (or CCT courses
offered from Sheridan) and 4.0 in FAH/VCC courses offered at U of T Mississauga. For the official list of
CCT and VCC courses that satisfy Art and Art History requirements see the departmental website. The
maximum number of combined FAH and FAS credits is 16.0. Required courses are as follows: FAS143H5,
145H5, 146H5, 147H5, 232H5*, 248H5*, and FAH105H5, VCC201H5. A minimum of 4.0 300/400 level
credits in FAH or FAS (see Note 3 for distribution), 1.0 of which must be at the 400 level (in FAH/VCC or
FAS or both), must be included. 1.5 to 2.5 credits at the 200 level in FAH must be taken at U of T
Mississauga (see Note 1 for the St. George exception allowed and Note 2 for required area
distribution). See Notes below for distribution details. Students enrolled before Fall 2003 should consult
faculty advisors about completion of their program.
1. Students must take at least 1.5 but no more than 2.5 FAH at the 200 level. No St. George
courses may be substituted for the 200 level FAH requirements. However U of T
Mississauga students may take one 0.5 credit 200 FAH at St. George in the regular or
summer term in an area not covered by U of T Mississauga's offerings. These are
FAH248H1, 260H1, 262H1, 270H1, 272H1.
2. At least one 200 level H course in FAH/VCC must be taken in three of the following four areas:
Ancient & Medieval; 15th-18th century; 19th-21st century; Visual Culture/Theory (VCC201
satisfies this requirement). See the departmental website for the distribution of courses by area.
3. Of the required 4.0 300/400-level credits, a minimum of 1.0 must be in FAH/VCC.
4. As studio space is limited in the 100- and 200-level FAS courses, priority will be given
during the first registration period to students enrolled in the Art & Art History
Major/Specialist, Art History Major/Specialist, CCIT Major, VCC Specialist, and to
newly-admitted students who indicated the Art & Art History code on their application.
Students committed to the program should make sure that they are officially registered in
the program as soon as possible.
5. All 300- and 400 level-FAS courses must be balloted. Balloting is the process by which
students interested in taking courses are granted permission to enrol. Although these courses are
open to all students, priority will be given to students in the Art & Art History, Art History or VCC
Specialist programs. FAS Ballot forms and detailed instructions are available March 1st from the
Faculty of Arts, Room A100, Sheridan College, 1430 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, Ont., L6H 2L1, phone
905-845-9430, ext. 2571.
6. It is recommended that students take at least one of the following "practicum" courses:
FAH451H5; FAS453H5, 454H5.
7. *FAS232H5 is open to first-year students.
8. *FAS248H5 is open to first-year students.
9. No more than a combination of 16.0 FAH and FAS credits may be taken.
10. Students enrolling in any FAS course will be required to pay a fee of $60-$110 per half
credit/$120-$220 per full credit. These charges will automatically be added to your University of
Toronto student account receivable. This fee covers consumable materials used in studio as well
as take-away materials provided to students.
Within an Honours degree, at least 11.0 credits are required, comprised of 7.0 in FAS (or CCT courses
offered from Sheridan) and 4.0 in FAH/VCC courses offered at U of T Mississauga. For the official list of
CCT and VCC courses that satisfy Art and Art History requirements see the departmental website. The
maximum number of combined FAH and FAS credits is 16.0. Required courses are as follows: FAS143H5,
FAS145H5, FAS146H5, FAS147H5, FAS232H5*, FAS248H5*, and FAH105H5, VCC201H5. A minimum of
4.0 300/400 level credits in FAH or FAS (see Note 3 for distribution), 1.0 of which must be at the 400 level
(in FAH/VCC or FAS or both), must be included. 1.5 to 2.5 credits at the 200 level in FAH must be taken
at U of T Mississauga (see Note 1 for the St. George exception allowed and Note 2 for required area
distribution). See Notes below for distribution details. Students enrolled before Fall 2003 should consult
faculty advisors about completion of their program.
Programs - Other Changes
1. Students must take at least 1.5 but no more than 2.5 FAH at the 200 level. VCC207H5 does not
satisfy FAH 200 level requirements. No St. George courses may be substituted for the 200
level FAH requirements. However U of T Mississauga students may take one 0.5 credit 200
FAH at St. George in the regular or summer term in an area not covered by U of T
Mississauga's offerings. These are FAH248H1, FAH260H1, FAH262H1, FAH270H1,
2. At least one 200 level H course in FAH/VCC must be taken in three of the following four areas:
Ancient & Medieval; 15th-18th century; 19th-21st century; Visual Culture/Theory (VCC201
satisfies this requirement). See the departmental website
www.utm.utoronto.ca/cvmc/CourseDescription.html for the distribution of courses by area.
3. Of the required 4.0 300/400-level credits, a minimum of 1.0 must be in FAH/VCC.
4. As studio space is limited in the 100-level and 200-level FAS courses, priority will be given
during the first registration period to students enrolled in the Art & Art History
Major/Specialist, Art History Major/Specialist, CCIT Major, VCC Specialist, and to
newly-admitted students who indicated the Art & Art History code on their application.
Students committed to the program should make sure that they are officially registered in
the program as soon as possible.
5. All 300-level and 400-level FAS courses must be balloted. Balloting is the process by which
students interested in taking courses are granted permission to enrol. Although these courses are
open to all students, priority will be given to students in the Art & Art History, Art History or VCC
Specialist programs. FAS Ballot forms and detailed instructions are available March 1st from the
Faculty of Arts, Room A100, Sheridan College, 1430 Trafalgar Rd., Oakville, Ont., L6H 2L1, phone
905-845-9430, ext. 2571.
6. It is recommended that students take at least one of the following "practicum" courses:
FAH451H5; FAS453H5,FAS454H5.
7. *FAS232H5 is open to first-year students.
8. *FAS248H5 is open to first-year students.
9. No more than a combination of 16.0 FAH and FAS credits may be taken.
10. Students enrolling in any FAS course will be required to pay a fee of $60-$110 per half
credit/$120-$220 per full credit. These charges will automatically be added to your University of
Toronto student account receivable. This fee covers consumable materials used in studio as well
as take-away materials provided to students.
Program #25 ERSPE0815 French and Italian (Arts)
Rationale for change:
Course changes:FSL280Y5, 382H5 and 383H5 were changed to FRE280Y5, 382H5 and 383H5; all FGI
designators were changed to LTL; incorporation of new FRE320H5 course .
Course Categories:
Group A (French Linguistics): FRE272Y5, 373Y5, 374H5, 375Y5, 376H5, 378H5, 387H5, 476H5, 489H5
Group B (Literature until 1800):FRE350H5, 358H5, 359H5, 360H5, 361H5
Group C (Literature after 1800): FRE364Y5, 367H5, 368H5, 369H5
Group D (Quebec literature): FRE300H5, 302H5, 312H5, 316H5, 317H5, 319H5 Group E (Teaching &
Learning): JFI225Y5/FGI225Y5, 380H5, 417H5, 456H5, 388Y5, 488H5; FRE335H5, 345H5, 355H5
Group unspecified in Literature courses: FRE446H5, FSL482H5
Students without pre-and co-requisites or written permission of the instructor can be de-registered
from courses at any time.
Higher Years
1. FRE240Y5
2. FSL280Y5, 382H5, 383H5
3. 1.0 credit from Group A of the French program
4. 1.0 credit from Group B, C, or D of the French program.
5. 1.0 additional credit in French linguistics or literature.
Course Categories:
Group A (French Linguistics): FRE272Y5, 373Y5, 374H5, 375Y5, 376H5, 378H5, 387H5, 476H5, 489H5
Group B (Literature until 1800):FRE320H5, 350H5, 358H5, 359H5, 360H5
Group C (Literature after 1800): FRE364Y5, 367H5, 368H5, 369H5
Group D (Quebec literature): FRE312H5, 316H5, 317H5, 319H5 Group E (Teaching & Learning):
LTL225Y5, 380H5, 417H5, 456H5, 388Y5, 488H5; FRE335H5, 345H5, 355H5
Programs - Other Changes
Group unspecified in Literature courses: FRE446H5, FRE482H5
Students without pre-and co-requisites or written permission of the instructor can be de-registered
from courses at any time.
Higher Years
1. FRE240Y5
2. FRE280Y5, 382H5, 383H5
3. 1.0 credit from Group A of the French program
4. 1.0 credit from Group B, C, or D of the French program.
5. 1.0 additional credit in French linguistics or literature.
Program #26 ERSPE1092 Language Teaching and Learning: French and Italian (Arts)
Rationale for change:
FSL280Y5 was changed to FRE280Y5 and FGI225Y to LTL225Y5.
Higher Years
1. FGI225Y5; FRE240Y5/272Y5, FSL280Y5 (or equivalent)
2. 3.0 additional credits, including 2.0 credits at 300/400 level
in Teaching and Learning (Group E - French program)
Higher Years
1. LTL225Y5; FRE240Y5/272Y5, FRE280Y5 (or equivalent)
2. 3.0 additional credits, including 2.0 credits at 300/400 level
in Teaching and Learning (Group E - French program)
Program #27 ERSPE1092 Language Teaching and Learning: French and Italian (Arts)
Rationale for change:
Changes reflect those made to courses with FGI designators which were changed to LTL.
7.0 credits are required.
1. ITA200Y5
2. 2.0 credits from ITA350Y5, 354Y5, 371Y5
3. FGI225Y5
4. 2.0 credits from ITA375H5, 396H5, 437H5, FGI388Y5, 380H5, 456H5,
417H5, 488H5
5. 1.0 credit in Italian literature
7.0 credits are required.
1. ITA200Y5
2. 2.0 credits from ITA350Y5, 354Y5, 371Y5
3. LTL225Y5
4. 2.0 credits from ITA375H5, 396H5, 437H5, LTL388Y5, 380H5, 456H5,
417H5, 488H5
5. 1.0 credit in Italian literature
Program #28 ERSPE1295 French Language and Literature (Arts)
Rationale for change:
Changes made to reflect those made to courses:FSL280Y5, FSL382H5, FSL383H5. The latter were
changed to FRE280Y5, FRE382H5 and FRE383H5.
Second Year
Programs - Other Changes
FRE240Y5, 272Y5; FSL280Y5
1. FRE373Y5; FSL382H5, 383H5
2. 4.0 FRE literature courses including:
1. at least 1.0 FRE credit in Group B
2. at least 1.0 FRE credit in Group C
3. at least 1.0 FRE credit in Group D
4. at least 1.0 400 level credit
Second Year
FRE240Y5, 272Y5; FRE280Y5
1. FRE373Y5; FRE382H5, FRE383H5
2. 4.0 FRE literature courses including:
1. at least 1.0 FRE credit in Group B
2. at least 1.0 FRE credit in Group C
3. at least 1.0 FRE credit in Group D
4. at least 1.0 400 level credit
Program #29 ERSPE1384 International Affairs (Arts)
Rationale for change:
FSL383H5 has been changed to FRE383H5 GER205H5, 305H5, 303H5 have been removed from our list
because they are no longer offered at UTM.
10.0 credits are required from the following list: ECO100Y5; MAT133Y5/134Y5/135Y5;
ECO200Y5/204Y5/206Y5, 202Y5/208Y5/209Y5,364H5,365H5; POL208Y5; 4.0 language credits in the
same discipline. 3.0 from: GGR325H5,345H5,365H5;HIS311Y5/HIS311H5; POL302Y5,
327Y5,340Y5,343Y5 1.0 from: ECO456H5/460H5/461H5/463H5; a 400-level language course. The
following 400-level St. George courses will also fulfill this requirement: ECO419H1, 459H1; POL454Y1 or a
400-level course from a cognate discipline approved by the faculty advisor. Language components available
at U of T Mississauga: French: FSL205H5, 206H5, 305H5, 306H5, 385H5, 386H5/366H5, 383H5 German:
GER100Y5, 200Y5, 205H5, 300Y5, 305H5, 303H5, 330H5, 370H5 Italian: ITA100Y5, 200Y5, 231H5,
232H5, 313Y5, 315Y5, 350Y5, 437H5, 436Y5, 420Y5
10.0 credits are required from the following list: ECO100Y5; MAT133Y5/134Y5/135Y5;
ECO200Y5/204Y5/206Y5, 202Y5/208Y5/209Y5,364H5,365H5; POL208Y5; 4.0 language credits in the
same discipline. 3.0 from: GGR325H5,345H5,365H5;HIS311Y5/HIS311H5; POL302Y5,
327Y5,340Y5,343Y5 1.0 from: ECO456H5/460H5/461H5/463H5; a 400-level language course. The
following 400-level St. George courses will also fulfill this requirement: ECO419H1, 459H1; POL454Y1 or a
400-level course from a cognate discipline approved by the faculty advisor. Language components available
at U of T Mississauga: French: FSL205H5, 206H5, 305H5, 306H5, 385H5, 386H5/366H5, FRE383H5
German: GER100Y5, 200Y5, 300Y5, 330H5, 370H5 Italian: ITA100Y5, 200Y5, 231H5, 232H5, 313Y5,
315Y5, 350Y5, 437H5, 436Y5, 420Y5
Program #30 ERSPE1880 Theatre and Drama Studies (Arts)
Rationale for change:
DRE200H5 Canadian Theatre History replaces DRE220H5 History of Performance. This will avoid overlap
with material in requried first year course DRE121H5 Traditions of Theatre and Drama. DRE200H5 will
introduce students to the principles of theatre history through the study of their immediate theatrical culture.
DRE342H5, Studies in Twentieth-Century Performance Styles, will no longer be a required course. This
course has not been taught by a full-time faculty member for several years and this situation is unlikely to
change in the near future. We want to require Specialists to take a minimum 0.5 DRE at the 400 level, while
also opening DRE 400-level courses to third-year students.
Second Year
DRE220H5, 222H5; DRS221H5, 222H5
Third Year
DRE342H5; 0.5 further DRE at the 300/400 level; DRS321H5,
322H5, 325H5, 326H5
Fourth Year
1.0 further DRE course at 300/400 level; DRS421H5, 422H5,
425H5, 426H5; 2.0 additional credits in drama-related courses.
Second Year
DRE200H5, 222H5; DRS221H5, 222H5
Third Year
1.0 further DRE at the 300/400 level; DRS321H5, 322H5, 325H5,
Fourth Year
Programs - Other Changes
1.0 further DRE course at 300/400 level; DRS421H5, 422H5,
425H5, 426H5; 2.0 additional credits in drama-related courses.
Students must take a minimum 0.5 DRE at the 400 level in
either third or fourth year.
Programs - Other Changes
New Courses
Course #1 DRE200H5 Canadian Theatre History (HUM)
A survey of the history of theatre in Canada, with particular emphasis on developments since the mid-twentieth
DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5, or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director.
DRE200H5 replaces DRE220H5 as the required 200-level course for all Drama programs. This will avoid the
current overlap of DRE220H5 with required first year course DRE121H5 Traditions of Theatre and Drama.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #2 DRE348H5 Production Dramaturgy (HUM)
Plays from the Western theatrical tradition in contemporary productions
DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5, 200/220H5, 222H5, or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director.
Similar material and approach is currently taught in DRE220H5 History of Performance (which is being deleted),
but is more appropriate to a 300-level seminar course.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #3 ENG210Y5 The Novel (HUM)
An introduction to the novel through a reading of ten to twelve texts, representing a range of periods, techniques,
regions, and themes.
All 200-series courses are open to students who are concurrently enrolled in ENG110Y or ENG140Y, or both
DRE/ENG121H and DRE/ENG122H, or who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits.
Course is currently offered by the St. George English department. It is being added to broaden the UTM offerings.
It will not be offered every year, but in rotation with courses we already offer. The description is the same as in the
FAS calendar.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #4 ENG235H5 The Graphic Novel (HUM)
An introduction to book-length sequential art, this course includes fictional and nonfictional comics by artists such
as Will Eisner, Art Spiegelman, Frank Miller, Alan Moore, Chris Ware, Daniel Clowes, Julie Doucet, Marjane
Satrapi, Chester Brown, and Seth.
Prerequisite: All 200-series courses are open to students who are concurrently enrolled in ENG110Y or ENG140Y,
or both DRE/ENG121H and DRE/ENG122H, or who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits.
This course is currently offered by the St. George English department. It is being added to broaden the UTM
offerings. It will not be offered every year, but in rotation with courses we already offer. The description is the same
as in the FAS calendar.
No. Hours
New Courses
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #5 ENG290Y5 Literature and Psychoanalysis (HUM)
An introduction to psychoanalysis for students of literature, this course considers major psycholanalytic ideas
through close readings of selected texts by Freud. The course also explores critiques and applications of Freud's
work and examines a selection of literary texts that engage psychoanalytic theory.
All 200-series courses are open to students who are concurrently enrolled in ENG110Y or ENG140Y, or both
DRE/ENG121H and DRE/ENG122H, or who have successfully completed at least 4.0 full credits.
Course is in the research field of recently tenured faculty member who wants to teach it.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #6 ENG303H5 Milton (HUM)
Selections from Paradise Lost and other works.
This course is currently offered by the St. George English department. It is being added to broaden the UTM
offerings. It will not be offered every year, but in rotation with courses we already offer. The description is the same
as in the FAS calendar, including exclusions.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #7 ENG305H5 Swift, Pope, and their Contemporaries (HUM)
Selected works in prose and verse by Swift and Pope studied alongside works by their contemporaries. Topics
may include the legitimacy of satire, the role of criticism, and the growing importance of writing by women.
This course is currently offered by the St. George English department. It is being added to broaden the UTM
offerings. It will not be offered every year, but in rotation with courses we already offer. The description is the same
as in the FAS calendar, including exclusions.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #8 ENG325H5 Victorian Realist Novels (HUM)
This course explores forms of realism in Victorian fiction and includes at least six novels by such authors as
Dickens, Thackeray, George Eliot, Charlotte Bronte, Gaskell, Collins, Trollope, and Hardy.
This course is currently offered by the St. George English department. It is being added to broaden the UTM
offerings. It will not be offered every year, but in rotation with courses we already offer. The description is the same
as in the FAS calendar, including exclusions.
No. Hours
Offered at St
New Courses
Revived Course:
Course #9 FRC301H5 The French Connection: Literature in French in Québec and Ontario (HUM)
(Offered in English) A study of contemporary Francophone writers from Québec and Ontario; writers from
elsewhere in Canada might also be included. Assignments written in English.
FRE301H5, FRE300H5
All FRE culture courses taught in English become FRC (French Cultural Studies).
To alleviate confusions and inconsistencies within and across programs and to clearly distinguish the three areas
of studies in French as follows:
FRC courses are for the Francophone studies stream (taught in English)
FSL courses are for the Functional French stream (FSL)
FRE courses are for the French Studies stream (French)
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #10 FRC303H5 Women of Québec, New Brunswick and Manitoba (HUM)
(Offered in English). A study of various images of women in Quebec, New Brunswick and Manitoba as presented in
literary works by both Anglophone and translated Francophone authors such as Margaret Laurence, Constance
Beresford-Howe, Anne Hébert, Gabrielle Roy, Antonine Maillet and Michel Tremblay. Assignments and exams
written in English
FRE302H5, FRE303H5
All FRE culture courses taught in English become FRC (French Cultural Studies).
To alleviate confusions and inconsistencies within and across programs and to clearly distinguish the three areas
of studies in French as follows:
FRC courses are for the Francophone studies stream (taught in English)
FSL courses are for the Functional French stream (FSL)
FRE courses are for the French Studies stream (French)
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #11 FRC391H5 Women of the Francophone World (HUM)
(Offered in English) An in-depth examination of the status of women in various Francophone countries and of the
representation of women in a selection of literary works from France, Québec, the Caribbean and Africa. The
course will focus on the varying status of women due to the diversity of Francophone cultures, differences in social
class and consequences of slavery in former French colonies. Assignments and exams written in English. Course
counts towards the minor in Francophone Studies only.
FRE391H5, FRE392H5, FRE390H5, FRE392H5
All FRE culture courses taught in English become FRC (French Cultural Studies).
To alleviate confusions and inconsistencies within and across programs and to clearly distinguish the three areas
of studies in French as follows:
FRC courses are for the Francophone studies stream (taught in English)
FSL courses are for the Functional French stream (FSL)
FRE courses are for the French Studies stream (French)
No. Hours
12L, 12T
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #12 FRC393H5 French Cinéma: An Introduction (HUM)
New Courses
(Offered in English) A historical perspective on French films with a focus
on the specificity of French cinéma, from the Poetic Realism of the Thirties to the New Wave of the Fifties and
Sixties, the "Cinéma du look" of the Eighties and the various genres of contemporary French cinema: heritage film,
film noir and comedies in particular.
Recommended foundation course for FRC397H5.
Assignments and exams written in English. Course counts towards the minor in Francophone studies only.
FRE393H5, FRE394H5
All FRE culture courses taught in English become FRC (French Cultural Studies).
To alleviate confusions and inconsistencies within and across programs and to clearly distinguish the three areas
of studies in French as follows:
FRC courses are for the Francophone studies stream (taught in English)
FSL courses are for the Functional French stream (FSL)
FRE courses are for the French Studies stream (French)
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #13 FRC397H5 Films of the Francophone World (HUM)
(Offered in English) A study of a selection of films from Francophone
countries, e. g. France, Québec , Burkina-Faso, Senegal.
Knowledge of French useful but not required. Assignments and exams written in English.
FRE396H5, FRE397H5, FRE395H5
All FRE culture courses taught in English become FRC (French Cultural Studies).
To alleviate confusions and inconsistencies within and across programs and to clearly distinguish the three areas
of studies in French as follows:
FRC courses are for the Francophone studies stream (taught in English)
FSL courses are for the Functional French stream (FSL)
FRE courses are for the French Studies stream (French)
No. Hours
24L, 24P
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #14 FRE280Y5 Advanced Language Practice II: Written and Oral (HUM)
Improvement of the four language skills (writing, reading, listening and speaking) for students specializing in
French studies at the university.
FSL280Y5, FSL331Y1, FSL341Y1
FRE180Y5/FSL221Y1 or equivalent/Gr. 12U (Immersion) FIF4U, or Placement Test results.
Formerly FSL280Y5.
To alleviate confusions and inconsistencies within and across programs and to clearly distinguish the three areas
of studies in French as follows:
FRC courses are for the Francophone studies stream (taught in English)
FSL courses are for the Functional French stream (FSL)
FRE courses are for the French Studies stream (French)
No. Hours
48L, 24P
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #15 FRE320H5 French Literature of Classicism and Enlightment (HUM)
New Courses
An introduction to French literature between Classicism and the French Revolution with particular emphasis on its
relationship to philosophical, cultural, and political movements of the Enlightenment, providing historical depth to
philosophical and socio-political foundations of today’s life. A privileged access to, and critique of, modernity in the
postmodern age.
FRE320Y1, FRE320H1
Added to replace FRE361H5 and can be taught by any current full time faculty member with a specialization in
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #16 FRE382H5 Advanced Language Practice III: Written French (HUM)
Consolidation of writing skills already acquired by students specializing in French studies, with emphasis on
advanced process writing techniques.
FSL382H5/FRE380H5/FSL442H1. Open to francophones with permission of the Department.
FRE280Y5/FSL280Y5 or Placement Test results.
Formerly FSL382H5.
To alleviate confusions and inconsistencies within and across programs and to clearly distinguish the three areas
of studies in French as follows:
FRC courses are for the Francophone studies stream (taught in English)
FSL courses are for the Functional French stream (FSL)
FRE courses are for the French Studies stream (French)
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #17 FRE383H5 Advanced Language Practice III: Oral French (HUM)
Consolidation of oral production and aural comprehension
FSL383H5, FRE381H5, FSL443H1.
Formerly FSL383H5.
To alleviate confusions and inconsistencies within and across programs and to clearly distinguish the three areas
of studies in French as follows:
FRC courses are for the Francophone studies stream (taught in English)
FSL courses are for the Functional French stream (FSL)
FRE courses are for the French Studies stream (French)
No. Hours
24L, 12P
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #18 FRE482H5 Creative Writing (HUM)
This course will look at the creative process and techniques of fiction, poetry and drama (rhetoric, matters of
literary genres). Discussions centered on student writing will be developed during workshops.
Formerly FSL482H5.
To alleviate confusions and inconsistencies within and across programs and to clearly distinguish the three areas
New Courses
of studies in French as follows:
FRC courses are for the Francophone studies stream (taught in English)
FSL courses are for the Functional French stream (FSL)
FRE courses are for the French Studies stream (French)
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #19 HIS203H5 The Making of the Atlantic World (1000-1800) (HUM)
An introduction to African, European, and American peoples around and across the Atlantic Ocean between 1000
and 1800. Themes include ideologies and practices of exploration, conquest, and colonization; perceptions and
misunderstandings; forced and voluntary migration; effects of disease; resistance and revolt; and the “Atlantic
World” as a field of study.
This course provides another option for an introductory history class and is the only course at U of T Mississauga
explicitly rooted in the Atlantic World field of history.
No. Hours
24L, 10T
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #20 HIS358H5 Canada Since World War Two (HUM)
This course examines Canadian developments in the post-war period. It explores the tremendous economic
expansion in that period. It surveys trends in immigration and urban development. The course also examines social
movements and social change, as well as the growth of nationalism in Canada and Quebec.
To offer a survey of Canada since the Second World War for history, political science and other students
particularly interested in the modern period.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #21 HIS379H5 History of Asian Political Economy (HUM)
Historical literature tends to portray a decline in developments in Asia with European capitalist onslaught from the
sixteenth century. These views have increasingly undergone revisions in recent decades. This course examines
the shifting paradigms in the history of Asian political economy.
0.5 200+ level credit in Asian history.
Adds to Asian history component. Uses a more comparative and Pan-Asian approach, crossing the boundaries of
various studies of South Asia, East Asia and Southeast Asia.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #22 HIS409H5 The Lifecycle in Medieval and Early Modern Europe (HUM)
New Courses
This course examines the daily lives of medieval and early modern Europeans as they moved through birth,
infancy, childhood, adolescence, marriage, adulthood, old age and death. Special attention is given to the ways in
which gender, social status and local custom shaped thoughts and experiences throughout the lifecycle.
0.5 credit medieval or early modern Europe.
This course adds a pre-modern social history option to the 400-series history courses.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #23 HIS413H5 Medieval and Early Modern Scotland (HUM)
This course examines the political, social, cultural, and religious history of Scotland from 1100 to 1707. Topics
include the Anglo-Norman impact, the Wars of Independence, Stewart monarchy, the growth of towns and trade,
Highlands and Lowlands, the medieval Church, the Protestant Reformation, and Union with England.
0.5 credit in medieval or early modern Europe.
This is the only course on Scottish history offered to undergraduates at the University of Toronto, it complements
other U of T Mississauga British and Irish history courses.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #24 HIS448H5 Memory, History and South Asia’s Contested Pasts (HUM)
This course focuses on the relationship between memory and the "traditions" of historical writing and remembering
in the sub continent from 1200 to the present. It also focuses on the role of politics in mediating the region’s
multiple, often contesting histories in our period of study.
It connects fundamentally to HIS101H5 because of its focus on historiography and the ‘production of history’. It
would be an important addition to the Historical Studies courses on South Asian history. It would have relevance to
other courses offered in the department.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #25 ITA101Y5 Intermediate Italian I (HUM)
Main elements of Italian grammar for students who have some passive knowledge of Italian or an Italian dialect or
some secondary school training in Italian (but not at the senior OAC/ 4th year level). Introduction to linguistic
analysis of literary prose.
OAC Italian/ ITA100Y5/101H5/102H5 or higher/ITA101Y1 or higher.
Increasing number of students coming into ITA100Y5 with Grade 11 knowledge of Italian, basic knowledge of a
dialect, and experience in the country of study vocabulary, basic grammar concepts already acquired will give them
an unfair advantage in ITA100Y, while not preparing them adequately for ITA200Y5.
No. Hours
72L, 24T
Offered at St
Revived Course:
New Courses
Course #26 ITA201Y5 Intermediate Italian II (HUM)
A review of Italian grammar, readings of Italian authors and one hour of oral practice.
ITA100Y5/200Y5/251Y1 or higher.
ITA101Y5 or permission of the department.
To provide a challenging upper-level-intermediate language course for those students who have a transitional
background in Italian or who will have previously taken ITA101Y.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #27 LTL225Y5 Teaching and Learning a Second/Foreign Language (HUM)
In this course, students will learn how language teaching methods have evolved since the 1960s. Different
teaching approaches (behaviourist, audio-visual, communicative, cognitive and humanistic) will be examined with
special emphasis on the teaching of the four skills (reading, writing, listening, speaking) and culture, on the roles of
the teacher and the learner in the classroom. [24L, 24T]
This course is taught in English and is open to students from other disciplines. Students enrolled in this course who
submit all written work in the language they are studying (French/Italian) may petition the department for credit
towards a Specialist or Major (French or Italian).
For students doing the work in:
English: 4.0 credits.
French: FRE180Y5 (or equivalent)
Italian: ITA200Y5 (or equivalent)
Formerly FGI225Y5. All Language Teaching & Learning courses with the FGI course designators will become LTL
(Language Teaching & Learning) and create consistency between the nature of the courses and the discipline area
they are associated with which is Language Teaching & Learning.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #28 LTL380H5 Theoretical Issues In Second Language Teaching and Learning (HUM)
This course examines theoretical research on adult second language learning and the resultant implications for
second language teaching. Topics include learning styles and strategies, age, affect, communicative competence,
and sociolinguistics. Links are drawn to teaching practices, including error correction, materials selection, and order
and method of presentation. This course is taught in English and is open to students from other disciplines.
Students enrolled in this course who submit all written work in the language they are studying (French/Italian) may
petition the department for credit towards a Specialist (French or Italian) or Major (French/Italian)
FGI380H5, LIN380H5
Formerly FGI380H5. All Language Teaching & Learning courses with the FGI course designators will become LTL
(Language Teaching & Learning) and create consistency between the nature of the courses and the discipline area
they are associated with which is Language Teaching & Learning.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #29 LTL380Y5 Testing and Evaluation of Multimedia Language Resources (HUM)
New Courses
his course will examine the resources (stand alone software and Web) for Teaching and Learning Second
Languages, and will assess their pedagogical effectiveness. This course is taught in English and is open to
students from other disciplines. Students enrolled in this course who submit all written work in the language they
are studying (French/Italian) may petition the department for credit towards a Specialist (French or Italian) or Major
Formerly FGI388Y5. All Language Teaching & Learning courses with the FGI course designators will become LTL
(Language Teaching & Learning) and create consistency between the nature of the courses and the discipline area
they are associated with which is Language Teaching & Learning.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #30 LTL417H5 Second Language Pedagogy (HUM)
This course offers a comprehensive survey and analysis of fundamental concepts and issues related to second,
bilingual, and foreign language instruction by developing students' knowledge of second language acquisition,
approaches to language teaching, computer-assisted teaching, and pedagogical design and implementation in the
language classroom. All written work must be completed in French for students who wish to petition the department
for credit toward a Specialist or Major in French. All written work must be completed in Italian for students who wish
to petition the department for credit toward a Specialist or Major in Italian.
FGI417H5, LIN417H5
Formerly FGI417H5. All Language Teaching & Learning courses with the FGI course designators will become LTL
(Language Teaching & Learning) and create consistency between the nature of the courses and the discipline area
they are associated with which is Language Teaching & Learning.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #31 LTL456H5 Sociolinguistics and Second Language Teaching and Learning (HUM)
This course considers the impact on variant use by second language learners exerted by linguistic and
extra-linguistic factors, such as the surrounding linguistic context, age, sex, style, and curricular and
extra-curricular exposure. Implications are drawn for second language teaching, including deciding what registers
and variants to teach and what activities to employ. All written work must be completed in French for students who
wish to petition the department for credit toward a Specialist or Major in French. All written work must be completed
in Italian for students who wish to petition the department for credit toward a Specialist or Major in Italian.
FGI456H5, LIN456H5
Formerly FGI456H5. All Language Teaching & Learning courses with the FGI course designators will become LTL
(Language Teaching & Learning) and create consistency between the nature of the courses and the discipline area
they are associated with which is Language Teaching & Learning.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #32 PHL224H5 Philosophy of Judaism (HUM)
New Courses
An investigation of the interaction between philosoophy and Judaism. Themes such as: faith and reason,
chosenness and universality, revelation, divine attributes and anthropomorphism. creation, providence, divine
command and ethics, religion and modernity. Figures such as Philo of Alexandria, Maimonides, Spinoza,
Rosenzweig and Levinas.
This course was deleted from the calendar because the faculty member who taught the course moved to the St.
George campus. The Director of the Centre for Jewish Studies, has offered to fund this course three times in the
next six year period and we have graduate studetns who could teach it well
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #33 PHL357H5 Philosophy of Biology (HUM)
Conceptual issues in modern biology. Topics may include natural selection, biological kinds, the role of evolution in
explaining human attributes such as rationality, cooperation, and communication, reductionism in molecular
biology, and functional explanation in biology.
This course reflects faculty interest in this area. It also provides more options for students taking our popular
Philosophy of Science minor.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #34 PRS310H5 Intermediate Persian I (HUM)
Reading, grammatical analysis, and translation of representative samples of contemporary Persian prose of
intermediate difficulty. The reading materials are selected from a wide range of sources in order to ensure
balanced, yet comprehensive exposure to the different usage of the language.
NMC340Y/Native users
Offering of intermediate level language course in-line with other language courses offered by the department and
will also offer students the opportunity to further develop their skills beyond the introductory level. Will be taught by
cross-appointed faculty member.
No. Hours
72L, 24P
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #35 PRS311H5 Intermediate Persian II (HUM)
Continuation of Intermediate Persian I.
NMC340Y1/Native users.
Offering of intermediate level language course in-line with other language courses offered by the department and
will also offer students the opportunity to further develop their skills beyond the introductory level. Will be taught by
cross-appointed faculty member.
No. Hours
72L, 24P
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #36 SPA259H5 Introduction to Hispanic Culture (HUM)
New Courses
Forms of cultural expression in Spain, Latin America and Spanish-speaking North America, with study of
representative media, including literature, journalism, film, visual art, and the urban environment. Introduction to
methods of cultural analysis.
SPA323Y1, SPA323
Building the demand for studies in Spanish and upon the skills acquired at the intermediate level this course will
offer students the opportunity to further develop their skills in a literary context. Responding to growing student
demand and successful enrolment in lower level Spanish courses.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #37 SPA323H5 Business Spanish (HUM)
Practical uses of spoken and written Spanish for business contexts. This course builds on grammar and vocabulary
knowledge already acquired at the intermediate level.
SPA323Y1, SPA323H1
Building upon the skills acquired at the intermediate level this course will offer students the opportunity to further
develop their skills for practical application in business, finance and management. Responding to growing student
demand and successful enrolment in lower level Spanish courses.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #38 WGS250H5 Women in Families (HUM)
This course studies how the notion of family is conceptualize and organized transnationally and historically and
examines the multiple familiar roles of women in diverse contexts.
Addresses an area of study that supplements the topic introduced in WGS200Y5. Approved by the Women and
Gender Studies Board and suggested by a student survey.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #39 WGS355H5 Wired Women: Gender, Cyberspace and New Information Technology (HUM)
No. Hours
The course examines how computer technologies facilitate women’s participation in cyberspace and how women
define and construct their involvement. It studies the simultaneous generation of new modalities of empowerment
and disempowerment including language, role-playing, communication, gaming, and networking and conduits for
sex trafficking, harassment and other forums of exploitation.
This course addresses an area of interest directly relevant for Information Technology and Women and Gender
Studies majors/minors. Supplements and expands introduction to the topic in WGS200Y5.
New Courses
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #40 WGS365H5 Gender, Justice and the Law (HUM)
This course discusses the construction and representation of women in Canadian and International law. It analyzes
specific contexts and historical issues including employment, sexuality, reproduction, deviance and a variety of
justice theories relating to gender.
Addresses a gap in the Women and Gender Studies curriculum. Identified by Women and Gender Studies Board
and suggested by student survey.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
Course #41 WGS420H5 Engendering Human Rights (HUM)
This seminar analyzes human rights responses to particular gendered sites of historical repression including
examples of genocide, torture and war. It includes reactions generated from government and international
organizations as well as remedies developed by victims/survivors.
WGS200Y5 and 0.5 WGS300+ level course/HIS338H5/HIS438H5
An addition to fourth year offerings in an area identified by Women and Gender Studies Board and student survey.
No. Hours
Offered at St
Revived Course:
New Courses
Courses - Resource Implications
Course #1 DRE200H5 Canadian Theatre History
Resource implications: None.
Course #2 DRE348H5 Production Dramaturgy
Resource implications: None.
Course #3 ENG110Y5 Narrative
Resource implications: None.
Course #4 ENG210Y5 The Novel
Resource implications: None.
Course #5 ENG235H5 The Graphic Novel
Resource implications: None.
Course #6 ENG290Y5 Literature and Psychoanalysis
Resource implications: None.
Course #7 ENG303H5 Milton
Resource implications: None.
Course #8 ENG305H5 Swift, Pope, and their Contemporaries
Resource implications: None.
Course #9 ENG325H5 Victorian Realist Novels
Resource implications: None.
Course #10 FRC301H5 The French Connection: Literature in French in Québec and Ontario
Resource implications: None.
Course #11 FRC303H5 Women of Québec, New Brunswick and Manitoba
Resource implications: None.
Course #12 FRC391H5 Women of the Francophone World
Resource implications: None.
Course #13 FRC393H5 French Cinéma: An Introduction
Resource implications: None.
Course #14 FRC397H5 Films of the Francophone World
Courses - Resource Implications
Resource implications: None.
Course #15 FRE280Y5 Advanced Language Practice II: Written and Oral
Resource implications: None.
Course #16 FRE320H5 French Literature of Classicism and Enlightment
Resource implications: None. Pre-1800 literature course which any current full time faculty member with a specialization in literature
will be able to teach.
Course #17 FRE382H5 Advanced Language Practice III: Written French
Resource implications: None
Course #18 FRE383H5 Advanced Language Practice III: Oral French
Resource implications: None.
Course #19 FRE482H5 Creative Writing
Resource implications: None.
Course #20 GER100Y5 Introductory German I
Resource implications: None
Course #21 GER200Y5 Introductory German II
Resource implications: None
Course #22 HIN312Y5 Intermediate Hindi
Resource implications: None.
Course #23 HIS203H5 The Making of the Atlantic World (1000-1800)
Resource implications: This is a new course being added by a new teaching stream instructor. It will require tutorials similar to all other
200 level history courses.
Course #24 ITA101Y5 Intermediate Italian I
Resource implications: None. The inclusion of this course would be taught in place of one section of ITA100Y5.
Course #25 ITA201Y5 Intermediate Italian II
Resource implications: None. The inclusion of this course would be taught in place of one section of ITA200Y5.
Course #26 LIN200H5 Introduction to Language
Resource implications: None.
Course #27 LIN204H5 English Grammar
Resource implications: None.
Course #28 LTL225Y5 Teaching and Learning a Second/Foreign Language
Courses - Resource Implications
Resource implications: None
Course #29 LTL380H5 Theoretical Issues In Second Language Teaching and Learning
Resource implications: None
Course #30 LTL380Y5 Testing and Evaluation of Multimedia Language Resources
Resource implications: None
Course #31 LTL417H5 Second Language Pedagogy
Resource implications: None
Course #32 LTL456H5 Sociolinguistics and Second Language Teaching and Learning
Resource implications: None.
Course #33 PHL224H5 Philosophy of Judaism
Resource implications: None. The Director of the Centre for Jewish Studies, has offered to fund this course three times in the next six
year period and we have graduate students who could teach it well.
Course #34 PHL357H5 Philosophy of Biology
Resource implications: None.
Course #35 PRS310H5 Intermediate Persian I
Resource implications: None.
Courses - Resource Implications
Deleted Courses
Course #1 DRE220H5 History of Performance
Rationale: Content moved to DRE348H5 Production Dramaturgy.
Course #2 DRE364H5 Canadian Theatre
Rationale: Replaced by DRE200H5 Canadian Theatre History.
Course #3 FGI225Y5 Teaching and Learning a Second/Foreign Language
Rationale: Will become LTL225Y5. All Language Teaching & Learning courses with the FGI course designators will become LTL
(Language Teaching & Learning) and create consistency between the nature of the courses and the discipline area they
are associated with which is Language Teaching & Learning.
Course #4 FGI380H5 Theoretical Issues In Second Language Teaching and Learning
Rationale: Will become LTL380H5. All Language Teaching & Learning courses with the FGI course designators will become LTL
(Language Teaching & Learning) and create consistency between the nature of the courses and the discipline area they
are associated with which is Language Teaching & Learning.
Course #5 FGI388Y5 Testing and Evaluation of Multimedia Language Resources
Rationale: Will become LTL388Y5. All Language Teaching & Learning courses with the FGI course designators will become LTL
(Language Teaching & Learning) and create consistency between the nature of the courses and the discipline area they
are associated with which is Language Teaching & Learning.
Course #6 FGI417H5 Second Language Pedagogy
Rationale: Will become LTL417H5. All Language Teaching & Learning courses with the FGI course designators will become LTL
(Language Teaching & Learning) and create consistency between the nature of the courses and the discipline area they
are associated with which is Language Teaching & Learning.
Course #7 FGI456H5 Sociolinguistics and Second Language Teaching and Learning
Rationale: Will become LTL456H5. All Language Teaching & Learning courses with the FGI course designators will become LTL
(Language Teaching & Learning) and create consistency between the nature of the courses and the discipline area they
are associated with which is Language Teaching & Learning.
Course #8 FGI488H5 Principles and Strategies for Second Language Course Design
Rationale: Will become LTL488H5. All Language Teaching & Learning courses with the FGI course designators will become LTL
(Language Teaching & Learning) and create consistency between the nature of the courses and the discipline area they
are associated with which is Language Teaching & Learning.
Course #9 FRE300H5 The French Connection: Literature in French in Québec and Ontario
Rationale: All francophone culture courses taught in English (new FRC designator) will ONLY be counted towards the Minor in
Francophone studies. This will ensure a solid and more uniform language training and a good proficiency to all students
graduating in the FSL or FRE stream.
Course #10 FRE301H5 The French Connection: Literature in French in Québec and Ontario
Rationale: All francophone culture courses taught in English (new FRC designator) will ONLY be counted towards the Minor in
Francophone studies. This will ensure a solid and more uniform language training and a good proficiency to all students
Deleted Courses
graduating in the FSL or FRE stream.
Course #11 FRE302H5 Women of Québec, New Brunswick and Manitoba
Rationale: All francophone culture courses taught in English (new FRC designator) will ONLY be counted towards the Minor in
Francophone studies. This will ensure a solid and more uniform language training and a good proficiency to all students
graduating in the FSL or FRE stream.
Course #12 FRE303H5 Women of Québec, New Brunswick and Manitoba
Rationale: All francophone culture courses taught in English (new FRC designator) will ONLY be counted towards the Minor in
Francophone studies. This will ensure a solid and more uniform language training and a good proficiency to all students
graduating in the FSL or FRE stream.
Course #13 FRE361H5 Poetry and Innovation in Early Modern France (17th-18th Centuries)
Rationale: Faculty with expertise in this area is no longer with the department.
Course #14 FRE391H5 Women of the Francophone World
Rationale: All francophone culture courses taught in English (new FRC designator) will ONLY be counted towards the Minor in
Francophone studies. This will ensure a solid and more uniform language training and a good proficiency to all students
graduating in the FSL or FRE stream.
Course #15 FRE392H5 Women of the Francophone World
Rationale: All francophone culture courses taught in English (new FRC designator) will ONLY be counted towards the Minor in
Francophone studies. This will ensure a solid and more uniform language training and a good proficiency to all students
graduating in the FSL or FRE stream.
Course #16 FRE393H5 French Cinéma: An Introduction
Rationale: All francophone culture courses taught in English (new FRC designator) will ONLY be counted towards the Minor in
Francophone studies. This will ensure a solid and more uniform language training and a good proficiency to all students
graduating in the FSL or FRE stream.
Course #17 FRE394H5 French Cinéma: An Introduction
Rationale: All francophone culture courses taught in English (new FRC designator) will ONLY be counted towards the Minor in
Francophone studies. This will ensure a solid and more uniform language training and a good proficiency to all students
graduating in the FSL or FRE stream.
Course #18 FRE396H5 Films of the Francophone World
Rationale: All francophone culture courses taught in English (new FRC designator) will ONLY be counted towards the Minor in
Francophone studies. This will ensure a solid and more uniform language training and a good proficiency to all students
graduating in the FSL or FRE stream.
Course #19 FRE397H5 Films of the Francophone World
Rationale: Francophone culture courses taught in English will adopt new designator-"FRC". FRE397H5 will become FRC397H5.
Course #20 FSL280Y5 Advanced Language Practice II: Written and Oral
Rationale: Will become FRE280Y5.
To alleviate confusions and inconsistencies within and across programs and to clearly distinguish the three areas of
studies in French as follows:
Deleted Courses
FRC courses are for the Francophone studies stream (taught in English)
FSL courses are for the Functional French stream (FSL)
FRE courses are for the French Studies stream (French)
Course #21 FSL382H5 Advanced Language Practice III: Written French
Rationale: Will become FRE382H5.
To alleviate confusions and inconsistencies within and across programs and to clearly distinguish the three areas of
studies in French as follows:
FRC courses are for the Francophone studies stream (taught in English)
FSL courses are for the Functional French stream (FSL)
FRE courses are for the French Studies stream (French)
Course #22 FSL482H5 Creative Writing
Rationale: Will become FRE482H5.
To alleviate confusions and inconsistencies within and across programs and to clearly distinguish the three areas of
studies in French as follows:
FRC courses are for the Francophone studies stream (taught in English)
FSL courses are for the Functional French stream (FSL)
FRE courses are for the French Studies stream (French)
Deleted Courses
Courses - Description Changes
Course #1 GER100Y5 Introductory German I
An intensive language course for students with no previous knowledge of German. Practice in comprehension, reading,
writing and speaking. This is a language course. [72L]
An intensive language course for students with no previous knowledge of German. Practice in comprehension, reading,
writing and speaking. This is a language course. [72L, 24P]
Rationale: Change of instruction hours in-line with other introductory level language courses taught in the department.
Course #2 GER200Y5 Introductory German II
Continuation of work done in GER100Y5/101H5. Expansion of grammar and vocabulary, practice in comprehension,
translation, composition, and conversation. This is a language course. [72L]
Continuation of work done in GER100Y5/101H5. Expansion of grammar and vocabulary, practice in comprehension,
translation, composition, and conversation. This is a language course. [96L]
Rationale: Change of instruction hours in-line with other language courses taught in the department.
Course #3 HIN312Y5 Intermediate Hindi
Readings form selected authors of modern Hindi prose and poetry: introduction to samples of pre-modern Hindi texts. [72L,
Continuation of HIN212Y5. This course will focus on further development of grammatical structures. Includes an
introduction to Hindi readings and texts. [72L, 24P]
Rationale: To alleviate confusion and clarify intended course content.
Course #4 HIS101H5 Introduction to Historical Studies
Introduces students to historical thinking and writing in the humanities and social sciences and explores the emergence of
Classics, History, and Religion as fields of academic inquiry. [24L, 10T]
This writing-intensive course introduces Historical Studies through a variety of exercises that will allow students to read
models of good writing and to practise the integration of successful strategies into their own work. After a basic overview of
the disciplines of Classics, Diaspora and Transnational Studies History, History of Religions and Women and Gender
Studies, students will try different tools and approaches for developing the skills useful at every stage of the creative
process from pre-writing and preliminary research through to editing and undergraduate publication. Each year will focus
on a particular historical event that will appear as a recurring theme in readings and assignments. [24L, 10T]
Rationale: This course is being taken over by a new teaching stream professor.
Course #5 HIS263Y5 The History of Canada
This is a survey of Canadian History from the first arrival of aboriginal peoples to the present day. The first half of the
course examines the French colony along the St. Lawrence River and its conquest by Great Britain. How did French
culture survive? Political topics include Rebellions and Confederation. The course also explores the many peoples who
arrived on our shores: stone-age hunters, French soldiers and brides, white and black Loyalists, and famine Irish; as well
as later waves heading to eastern cities and western prairies. Twentieth century topics include modern social movements;
the nation at war; popular culture; consumer society; and issues of Canadian identity. Lectures, debates and weekly
tutorials help students master historical methods. [48L, 24T]
The department’s most comprehensive survey of Canadian history, this course is designed to enhance the knowledge and
skills of history students, those preparing to teach and others who want to benefit from a full lecture course and weekly
tutorials. The first half of the course examines the French colony along the St. Lawrence River and its conquest by Great
Britain. How did French culture survive? Political topics include Rebellions and Confederation. The course also explores
the many peoples who arrived on our shores: stone-age hunters, French soldiers and brides, white and black Loyalists,
and famine Irish; as well as later waves heading to eastern cities and western prairies. Twentieth century topics include
modern social movements; the nation at war; popular culture; consumer society; and issues of Canadian identity. Lectures,
debates and weekly tutorials help students master historical methods. [48L, 24T]
Rationale: An update the course description by the professor and to clarify the difference from the HIS261H5 course.
Courses - Description Changes
Course #6 HIS368H5 Canada in the First World War
The First World War offers a focus for examining every aspect of Canadian Society in an age recognizable and different
from our own. Seminars will address the basis for Canada's involvement in the conflict, the Canadian military response and
the problems and achievements of the CEF overseas and the impact of the war on Canada itself. [24L]
The First World War offers a focus for examining every aspect of Canadian Society in an age recognizable and different
from our own. Lectures will address the basis for Canada's involvement in the conflict, the Canadian military response and
the problems and achievements of the CEF overseas and the impact of the war on Canada itself. [24L]
Rationale: To update the list of pre-requisites. To update the course description to reflect a lecture not seminar style class.
Course #7 HIS461H5 History of Upper Canada
This course surveys Ontario before Confederation. What were the bases of the region's prosperity? Topics include
backwoods life, gender roles and the rise of schooling. Also of interest are political topics: Loyalism, the Family Compact,
the 1837 Rebellion, and Upper Canada's key role in shaping Confederation. Each student studies biographies and sources
of a key Upper Canadian figure. [24S]
This course surveys Ontario before Confederation. Topics include aboriginal and immigrant settlements, gender roles and
the rise of schooling. Also of interest are political topics: Loyalism, the Family compact, the 1837 Rebellion and Upper
Canada’s key role in shaping Confederation. Each student explores one key historical figure in depth through biographies
and primary sources of a key Upper Canadian figure.[24S]
Rationale: Update to the course description from the professor.
Course #8 LIN204H5 English Grammar
How the English language works: students analyze a wide variety of English grammatical structures and learn how they
vary across dialects and change through time. [24L]
How the English language works: students will learn grammatical concepts and structures and apply their knowledge to
meaning-making in reading and writing contexts for specific disciplines. [24L, 12T]
Rationale: To alleviate confusion and clarify intended course content. Modified description reflects more accurately from a linguistics
perspective the work undertaken in the course.
Courses - Description Changes
Changes in Course Name
Course #1 CLA369H5 The High Roman Empire
The Roman Empire
The High Roman Empire
Rationale: The course covers only the period of the High Empire (to be followed by CLA370H5 Late Antiquity) but not the Roman
Empire as a whole; old title could lead to misunderstanding among students.
Course #2 HIN312Y5 Intermediate Hindi
Readings in Hindi Literature
Intermediate Hindi
Rationale: To alleviate confusion and clarify intended course content.
Changes in Course Name
Courses - Other Changes
Course #1 CLA237H5 Introduction to Greek Culture & Society
Recommended Preparation: CLA101H5/HIS101H5
Recommended Preparation: CLA101H5/ 204H5/ HIS101H5
Rationale: To better prepare students for the course.
Course #2 DRE342H5 Studies in Twentieth Century Performance Styles
Prerequisite: two of DRE220H5, 222H5, 240H5, 242H5, 244H5, 246H5 or permission of the U of T Mississauga program
Prerequisite: two of DRE200H5/220H5, 222H5, 240H5, 242H5, 244H5, 246H5 or permission of the U of T Mississauga
program director.
Rationale: Adds new required course to prerequisites.
Course #3 DRE360H5 Developmental Dramaturgy
Prerequisite: DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5; DRE220H5, 222H5
Prerequisite: DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5; DRE200/220H5, 222H5
Rationale: Adds new required course to prerequisites.
Course #4 DRE420H5 Senior Seminar 1
Prerequisite: 14 credits, including DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5, DRE220H5, 222H5, 342H5, one additional DRE or
drama-related credit at the 300 level or above; or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director.
Prerequisite: 9 credits, including DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5; DRE200H5/222H5; or permission of the U of T Mississauga
program director.
Rationale: Prerequisite changes to open seminar to third-year students. New course, DRE200H5, added to prerequisite.
Course #5 DRE422H5 Senior Seminar II
Prerequisite: 14 credits, including DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5, DRE220H5, 222H5, 342H5, one additional DRE or
drama-related credit at the 300 level or above; or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director.
Prerequisite: 9 credits, including DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5; DRE200H5/222H5; or permission of the U of T Mississauga
program director.
Rationale: Prerequisite for course changes to open the seminar to third-year students. New course, DRE200H5, added to
Course #6 DRE463H5 Senior Seminar III
Prerequisite: 14 credits, including DRE/ENG121H5/ 122H5, DRE220H5, 222H5, 342H5, one additional DRE or drama
related credit at the 300 level or above; or permission of the U of T Mississauga program director.
Prerequisite: 9 credits, including DRE/ENG121H5, 122H5; DRE200H5/222H5; or permission of the U of T Mississauga
program director.
Rationale: Prerequisite for course changed to open seminar to third-year students. New course, DRE200H5 added to prerequisite.
Course #7 DRS221H5 Acting 3
Corequisite: At least one of DRE220H5, 222H5, 240H5, 242H5, 244H5, 246H5
Corequisite: At least one of DRE200H5/220H5, 222H5, 240H5, 242H5, 244H5, 246H5
Rationale: New course, DRE200H5, added to prerequisite.
Course #8 DRS321H5 Acting 5
Courses - Other Changes
Prerequisite: DRS222H5 and permission of instructor, DRE220H5, 222H5
Prerequisite: DRS222H5 and permission of instructor, DRE200H5/220H5, 222H5
Rationale: New course, DRE200H5, added to prerequisite.
Course #9 ENG110Y5 Narrative
Course Exclusion:
Course Exclusion: ENG140Y
Rationale: Exclusions are being added to prevent students from enrolling in both courses, which is not advisable.
Course #10 ENG140Y5 Literature for Our Time
Course Exclusion:
Course Exclusion: ENG110Y5
Rationale: Exclusions are being added to prevent students from enrolling in both courses, which is not advisable.
Course #11 FRE373Y5 General History of the French Language
Prerequisite: FRE180Y5 or equivalent
Course Exclusion: FRE273Y5
Prerequisite: FRE280Y5/FSL280Y5 or equivalent
Course Exclusion: FRE273Y5/FRE373Y0/FRE372H1
Rationale: Prerequisite change from FRE180Y5 to FRE280Y5/FSL280Y5 was made to ensure students have the required linguistic
skills to study the evolution of the French language.
Course #12 FSL385H5 Functional French VII
Course Exclusion: FSL261Y5/262H5/263H5/280Y5/282H5/283H5/331Y1/341Y1
Course Exclusion: FSL331Y1/341Y1
Rationale: Exclusion change. FSL280Y5 was removed. FSL280Y5 (to become FRE280Y5) is a course in the French Studies stream
and will be taken by students wishing to major or specialize in French. The courses are different in content and in structure.
Course #13 FSL386H5 Functional French VIII
Course Exclusion: FSL261Y5/262H5/263H5/280Y5/282H5/283H5
Course Exclusion: FSL261Y5/262H5/263H5/282H5/283H5
Rationale: Exclusion change. FSL280Y5 was removed. FSL280Y5 (to become FRE280Y5) is a course in the French Studies stream
and will be taken by students wishing to major or specialize in French. The courses are different in content and in structure.
Course #14 HIS241H5 Introduction to 19th-Century European History
Course Exclusion: HIS109Y5; EUR200Y5
Course Exclusion: HIS109Y5; EUR200Y5; FGI200Y5
Rationale: This course taught by the same professor in all departments.
Course #15 HIS242H5 Introduction to Contemporary European History
Course Exclusion: HIS109Y5; EUR200Y5
Course Exclusion: HIS109Y5; EUR200Y5; FGI200Y5
Rationale: This course taught by the same professor in all departments.
Course #16 HIS272Y5 The History of the United States
Course Exclusion:
Courses - Other Changes
Course Exclusion: HIS271H5
Rationale: Covers the same content as the HIS272Y5.
Course #17 HIS313H5 Canadian Working-Class History to 1919
Corequisite: 1.0 credit from the following list: ECO 244Y5, HIS 262Y5, (262H5,263H5), HIS263Y5
Course Exclusion: HIS 313Y5, 313Y1
Corequisite: 1.0 credit from the following list: ECO244Y5; HIS262Y5, (262H5,263H5), HIS263Y5; SOC227H5
Course Exclusion: HIS313Y5, 313Y1
Rationale: To update the list of co-requisites.
Course #18 HIS314H5 20th Century Canadian Working-Class History
Corequisite: 1.0 credit from the following list: ECO 244Y5; HIS 262Y5, (262H5, 263H5) HIS263Y5
Corequisite: 1.0 credit from the following list: ECO244Y5; HIS262Y5, (262H5, 263H5) HIS263Y5; SOC227H5
Rationale: To update the list of co-requisites.
Course #19 HIS318H5 Canadian Environmental History: Contact to Conservation
Recommended Preparation: HIS 101H5/ 262Y5/ 262H5/ 263H5/ 263Y5
Recommended Preparation: HIS 101H5/ 261H5/ 262H5/ 262Y5/ 263H5/ 263Y5
Rationale: To update list of recommend preparation courses.
Course #20 HIS319H5 Canadian Environmental History: Conservation to the Modern Environmental
Recommended Preparation: HIS(101H5, 318H5)/(262H5,263H5)/ 262Y5/ 263Y5
Recommended Preparation: HIS(101H5, 318H5)/ 261H5/ (262H5,263H5)/ 262Y5/ 263Y5
Rationale: To update the list of recommend preparation courses.
Course #21 HIS368H5 Canada in the First World War
Prerequisite: HIS262Y5/ 263H5/ 263Y5/ POL100Y5
Prerequisite: HIS261H5/ 262Y5/ 263H5/ 263Y5/ POL100Y5
Rationale: To update the list of pre-requisites. To update the course description to reflect a lecture not seminar style class.
Course #22 HIS386H5 Gender and History in Colonial South Asia
Course Exclusion: HIS481H5
Prerequisite: HIS101H5
Course Exclusion: HIS282Y5, 481H5
Rationale: To better prepare students for upper level courses.
Course #23 HIS396H5 Modernity and Islam
Prerequisite: HIS201H5
Recommended Preparation:
Prerequisite: HIS101H5, 201H5
Recommended Preparation: HIS282H5
Rationale: To better prepare students for upper level courses.
Course #24 HIS402H5 Topics in the History of French Canada
Courses - Other Changes
Prerequisite: HIS262H5/ 263H5/ 263Y5
Prerequisite: HIS261H5/ 262H5/ 263H5/ 263Y5
Rationale: To update the list of pre-requisites.
Course #25 HIS416H5 Canada and the Second World War
Prerequisite: HIS262H5/ 263H5/ 263Y5
Prerequisite: HIS261H5/ 262H5/ 263H5/ 263Y5
Rationale: To update the list of pre-requisites.
Course #26 HIS441H5 Race and Gender in the Northern Colonies
Prerequisite: HIS262H5/263H5/271H5
Prerequisite: HIS261H5/ 262H5/ 263H5/ 263Y5/ 271H5
Rationale: To update the list of pre-requisites.
Course #27 LIN200H5 Introduction to Language
Course Exclusion: LIN100Y5
Course Exclusion:
Rationale: Exclusion of LIN100Y5 was removed as the content is more specialized than LIN200H5. The latter course no longer counts
towards any program of study in Linguistics.
Course #28 RLG347H5 Zoroastrian Sacred Writings
Recommended Preparation:
Recommended Preparation: RLG208H5
Rationale: To better prepare students for upper level courses.
Course #29 RLG348H5 Zoroastrian Customs and Ceremonies
Recommended Preparation:
Recommended Preparation: RLG208H5
Rationale: To better prepare students for upper level courses.
Course #30 RLG352H5 Jews and Muslims: The Medieval Encounter
Recommended Preparation: HIS101H5
Prerequisite: HIS101H5/ RLG101H5/ 202H5/ 204H5
Recommended Preparation:
Rationale: To better prepare students for upper level courses.
Course #31 WGS200Y5 Introduction to Studies of Women and Gender
Course Exclusion: NEW160Y1; ERI200Y5
Course Exclusion: NEW160Y1; ERI200Y5; WGS160Y1; WSTA01H3
Rationale: To update the exclusion list to reflect the course code changes at St. George and Scarborough campus.
Course #32 WGS205H5 Women and Popular Culture
Course Exclusion: May not be taken with or after WGS470.
Course Exclusion: WGS271Y1; WSTB13H3; May not be taken with or after WGS470H5.
Courses - Other Changes
Rationale: To update the exclusion list to reflect the course code changes at St. George and Scarborough campus.
Course #33 WGS301H5 Gender and Islam
Course Exclusion: NEW368H1
Course Exclusion: NEW368H1; WSTC13H3
Rationale: To update the exclusion list to reflect the course code changes at Scarborough campus.
Course #34 WGS335H5 Women, Migration and Diaspora
Course Exclusion: ERI335H5, NEW335H1
Course Exclusion: ERI335H5, NEW335H1; WGS380H1
Rationale: To update the exclusion list to reflect the course code changes at St. George campus.
Course #35 WGS350H5 Critical Race Theory in Women and Gender Studies
Course Exclusion:
Recommended Preparation: WGS368
Course Exclusion: WSTB11H3
Recommended Preparation: WGS368H5
Rationale: To add the exclusion from the Scarborough campus.
Course #36 WGS367H5 Women and Health
Course Exclusion: ERI367H5, NEW367H1
Course Exclusion: ERI367H5, NEW367H1, WGS367H1
Rationale: To update the exclusion list to reflect the course code changes at the St. George campus.
Course #37 WGS368H5 Women in World Cultures
Course Exclusion: ERI368H5; NEW368H1
Course Exclusion: ERI368H5; NEW368H1; WGS368H1
Rationale: To update the exclusion list to reflect the course code changes at St. George campus.
Course #38 WGS369Y5 Gender, Colonialism and Cultural Resistance
Course Exclusion: NEW369Y1
Course Exclusion: NEW369Y1; WGS369H1
Rationale: To update the exclusion list to reflect the course code changes at St. George campus.
Course #39 WGS435Y5 Women and Gender Studies Practicum
Course Exclusion:
Course Exclusion: WGS470Y1
Rationale: To add the exclusion from the St. George campus.
Courses - Other Changes
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