
KWEE Hui Kian il: Department of Historical Studies

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KWEE Hui Kian il: Department of Historical Studies
KWEE Hui Kian
email: [email protected]
Department of Historical Studies
University of Toronto Mississauga
3359 Mississauga Road
North Building, Room 271
Mississauga, ON L5L1C6, CANADA
Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies
University of Toronto
Jackman Humanities Building
170 St George Street, Room 230G
Toronto, ON M5R 2M8, CANADA
[last updated: November 2015]
Ph.D. in History, Leiden University, December 2005.
Advanced M.A. Diploma in History, Leiden University, December 2001.
M.A. in History, National University of Singapore, January 2001.
B.A. in Southeast Asian Studies (Honours) and Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore, July
1996, 1997 (Honours).
Ph.D. scholarship, “Towards A New Age of Partnership” (TANAP) Program, Department of History and
School of Asian, African and Amerindian Studies, Leiden University, January 2002-December 2005.
Advanced M.A. scholarship, 2001, TANAP Program, Department of History and School of Asian, African
and Amerindian Studies, Leiden University, 2001.
M.A. scholarship, National University of Singapore, 1997-1999.
Max Planck Institute for Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Research Grant on “The Chinese Diasporic
Institutions and Networks in Northeast Sumatra, c. 1920-Present,” 2015-2017. Principal Investigator.
New York University Research Institute and the John Templeton Foundation, Research Grant “The Success
Project: New Non-State Perspectives on Individual Liberty and Development,” 2015. Collaborator.
Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore, April 2015. Visiting fellow.
College of Humanities and Social Science, National Chiao-tung University, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, April 2014.
Visiting fellow.
International Center for Studies of Chinese Civilization visiting fellowship, Fudan University, Shanghai, May
2013. Visiting fellow.
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) and Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast
Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) joint research fellowship, Leiden, The Netherlands, April-June
2012. Research fellow.
“Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council” Standard Research Grant, Canada, April 2008-March
2011. Principal investigator.
Connaught New Staff Matching funds, University of Toronto, Canada, May 2008-April 2009. Principal
Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV) and “Encountering a
Common Past” (ENCOMPASS) program joint research fellowship, Leiden, The Netherlands, MarchJune 2008. Research fellow.
Connaught Start-up funds, University of Toronto, Canada, July 2007-June 2008. Principal investigator.
KITLV research fellowship, Leiden, The Netherlands, October-December 2006. Research fellow.
Postdoctoral fellowship, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, July 2006-June 2007.
Postdoctoral fellow.
Visiting fellowship, Department of History, National University of Singapore January-June 2006. Visiting
University of Toronto, Department of History and Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies, Associate
Professor, July 2012-present.
University of Toronto, Department of History and Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies, Assistant
Professor, July 2007-June 2012.
Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, Postdoctoral Fellow, July 2006-June 2007.
Southeast Asian History (especially Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore), Monsoon Asia (South China Sea,
Indian Ocean), Colonialism and Imperialism (especially Dutch and British), Capitalism, Chinese Ethnicity,
Migration, Religion, Transnationalism and Entrepreneurial Networks
University of Toronto
DTS2000 (Winter 2012, 2013): Trade Diasporas
HIS1640 (Winter 2011): Chinese Diaspora and Capitalism
HIS1668 (Winter 2010): Asia in the Early Modern World
DTS401 (Winter 2009): Advanced Topics in Diaspora - Diasporic Entrepreneurship and Capitalisms
HIS493 (Winter 2012, 2013): Advanced topics in Global History: Entrepreneurial Diasporas
HIS493 (Fall 2007): Advanced topics in Global History: Southeast Asia
HIS364 (Fall 2012-2014): International Labour Migration
HIS383 (Winter 2009, Fall 2011): Chinese Diaspora
HIS366 (Fall 2007): Diasporic Histories and Cultures
HIS283 (Fall 2008): Introduction to Southeast Asia
DTS201 (Fall 2007-2014): Introduction to Diaspora and Transnational Studies
National University of Singapore
SSA2203/HY2239 (Second Semester 2006): Chinese Business History in Singapore and Beyond
 Book/Monograph
The Political Economy of Java’s Northeast Coast, c. 1740-1800: Elite Synergy. Leiden: Brill Publications, 2006.
 Journal Articles
“Chinese Economic Dominance in Southeast Asia: A Longue Durée Perspective,” Comparative Studies in Society
and History 55, 1. 2013: 5-34.
“How Strangers Became Kings: Javanese-Dutch Relations in Java 1600-1800,” Indonesia and the Malay World
36. 2008: 293-307.
“Pockets of Empire: Integrating the Studies on Social Organizations in Southeast China and Southeast Asia,”
Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 27, 3. 2007: 616-32.
“Local Knowledge Specialists: Chinese Merchants in Eighteenth-Century Java,” Journal of Asian Business 22, 23. 2007: 47-62.
 Book Chapters
“Political Acceptance of the Chinese in Southeast Asia, Past and Present.” In Ethnicity, Society and History: The
Practice and Development of Local Research in Taiwan and Beyond. Editor: Lien Jui-Chih. Forthcoming in 2015.
“Koudai diguo: Zhongguo dongnan diqu he Dongnanya shehui zuzhi zhenghe yanjiu.” [In Chinese.]
Translation of “Pockets of Empire: Integrating the Studies on Social Organizations in Southeast China
and Southeast Asia,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East 27, 3. 2007: 616-32. In
Dongnanya huaqiao yanjiu. Editor: Wu Xiaoan. Beijing: Beijing University Press. Forthcoming in 2015.
“The Expansion of the Chinese Inter-Insular and Hinterland Trade in Southeast Asia, c. 1400-1850.” In
Environment, Trade and Society in Southeast Asia. Editors: David Henley and Henk Schulte Nordholt. Leiden:
Brill, 2015, pp. 149-65.
“The Rise of the Chinese Commercial Dominance in Early Modern Southeast Asia.” In Merchant Communities
in Asia, 1600-1980. Editors: Yu-ju Lin and Madeleine Zelin. London: Pickering and Chatto, 2014, pp. 7993.
“Chinese in Southeast Asia.” In Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian History. Editor: Norman G. Owen.
London/New York: Routledge, 2013, pp. 289-99.
“The End of the ‘Age of Commerce’?: Javanese Cotton Trade Industry from the Seventeenth to the
Eighteenth Centuries.” In Chinese Circulations: Capital, Commodities and Networks in Southeast Asia. Editors:
Eric Tagliacozzo and Chang Wen-chin. Durham: Duke University Press, 2011, pp. 283-302.
“Money and Credit in the Chinese Mercantile Operations in Colonial and Precolonial Southeast Asia.” In
Credit and Debt in Indonesia, 860-1930: From Peonage to Pawnshop, from Kongsi to Cooperative. Editors: David
Henley and Peter Boomgaard. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies Press, 2009, pp. 124-42.
“Cultural Strategies, Economic Dominance: The Lineage of Tan Bing in Nineteenth-century Semarang, Java.”
In Linking Destinies: Trade, Towns and Kin in Asian History. Editors: Peter Boomgaard, Dick Kooiman and
Henk Schulte Nordholt. Leiden: KITLV Press, 2008, pp. 197-217. Reprinted in Friend’s Forum: The Global
Magazine for Indonesian Expatriates and Friends 2, 2. April 2011: 18-24.
 Work in Progress
Chinese Indonesian Lives Before and After 1998. Book-length manuscript. Research financed by the Max
Planck Institute; currently in research and writing process. Projected completion year: 2018.
Nexus of Mobility: The Social-Economic Migration of the Bai Clan of Anxi to Southeast Asia from the Late
Nineteenth Century. Book-length manuscript. Research financed by the Max Planck Institute and New
York University; currently in research and writing process. Projected completion year: 2020.
 Review Articles
“Studies on the Chinese in Southeast Asia in the Twenty-First Century,” Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en
Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië 166, 4. 2010: 533-44. Books reviewed:
Michael D. Barr and Zlatko Skrbis, Constructing Singapore: Elitism, ethnicity and the nation-building project.
Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2008.
Marleen Dieleman, The Rhythm of Strategy: A corporate biography of the Salim Group of Indonesia. Amsterdam:
Amsterdam University Press, 2007.
Kristina Goransson, The Binding Tie: Chinese intergenerational relations in modern Singapore. Honolulu:
University of Hawai’i Press, 2009.
Chang-Yau Hoon, Chinese Identity in Post-Suharto Indonesia: Culture, politics and media. Brighton: Sussex
Academic Press, 2008.
Leo Suryadinata, Understanding the Ethnic Chinese in Southeast Asia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast
Asian Studies, 2007.
Sikko Visscher, The Business of Politics and Ethnicity: A history of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce
and Industry. Singapore: NUS Press, 2007.
Voon Phin Keong (ed.), Malaysian Chinese and Nation-Building: Before Merdeka and fifty years after. Vol. 2.
Kuala Lumpur: Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies, 2008.
 Book Reviews
Dutch Commerce and Chinese Merchants in Java: Colonial Relationships in Trade and Finance, 1800-1942. Claver,
Alexander. Leiden: Brill, 2014. In Low Countries Historical Review (BMNG) 130, 3. 2015, review 60.
The East Asian ‘Mediterranean’: Maritime Crossroads of Culture, Commerce and Human Migration. Schottenhammer,
Angela. Ed. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2008. In Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van
Nederlandsch-Indië 167, 1. 2011: 123-25.
Melancholy Order: Asian Migration and the Globalization of Borders. McKeown, Adam M. New York: Columbia
University Press, 2008. In Journal of World History 22, 1. 2011: 174-77.
Histories, Cultures, Identities: Studies in Malaysian Chinese Worlds. Carstens, Sharon. Singapore: National University
of Singapore Press, 2005; repr., 2006. In Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië 166,
2/3. 2010: 335-38.
Chinese Indonesians: Remembering, Distorting, Forgetting. Festschrift to Charles Coppel. Ed. Timothy Lindsey and
Helen Pausacker. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2005; and Anti-Chinese Violence in Indonesia,
1996-1999. Purdey, Jemma. Singapore: ASAA Southeast Asia Publications Series/Singapore University Press,
2006. In Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië 164, 2/3. 2008: 329-332.
Water Frontier: Commerce and the Chinese in the Lower Mekong region, 1750-1880. Edited by Nola Cooke and Li
Tana. Singapore and Oxford: Singapore University Press and Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2004. In
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 39, 2. 2008: 327-28.
“Socio-Religious Institutions and Economic Migration: Case Study of a Fujianese Clan Diaspora to Southeast
Asia, c. 1880-Present,” “Beyond the Nation-State” Conference, the New York University Development
Research Institute, New York, 13 November 2015.
“Chinese Social-Religious Institutions and Migrant Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia,” XVIIth World
Economic History Congress, Kyoto, 2-7 August 2015.
“Chinese Trade and Religion in Southeast Asia,” “Comparative Religious and Trade Networks in Southeast
Asia” Workshop, Asia Research Institute, Singapore, 14 July 2015.
“The Sinicization of Maritime Trade in Southeast Asian Port-Towns and Present-Day Economic
Momentum,” “Traditional Chinese Coastal Cities and Modern Transformation” International Workshop,
Department of Chinese and History, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 16-17 June 2015.
“Chinese Temple Institutions and Socioeconomic Facilitation in Southeast Asia,” “Religious Networks in
Asia” Workshop, the Max Planck Institute for Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Gottingen, 11-12 June
“The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Para-States in West Borneo (Indonesia), c. 1740-1880,” “Binding Maritime
China: Control, Evasion, and Interloping” Conference, Boston University, 29-30 May 2015.
“Chinese Socio-Religious Institutions and Economic Expansion to Southeast Asia: The Case of West Borneo,
c. 1740-1850,” seminar at the Department of Chinese Studies, National University of Singapore, 17 April
“Symbolic Capital and Economic Expansion of the Bai Clan from Anxi, Fujian, in Singapore, Malaysia and
Indonesia during the Late Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries,” “Non-National Analysis of
Development Success” Preconference, the New York University Development Research Institute, New
York, 23 March 2015.
“Chinese Temples in Indonesia,” “Chinese Temple Networks in Southeast Asia” Workshop, the Max Planck
Institute for Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Singapore, 18-19 October 2014.
“Conceptualizing ‘Asia(nism)’: Musings from the Southeast,” Workshop “In Search of Asia,” Guangdong
Museum of Art, Guangzhou, 11-12 October 2014.
“Chinese Cultural Strategies and Commercial Expansion in Southeast Asia: A Long-Term Perspective,”
seminar at the College of Asia Pacific Studies, Beijing University, 6 June 2014.
“Preserving ‘Chineseness’ in Diaspora: The Control and Discipline of Creole Women in Nineteenth-Century
Batavia,” “Gender, Migration and State” Workshop, Research Centre of Chinese Overseas, Beijing
University, 4 June 2014.
“The Cultural Strategies and Economic Activities of Batavia Chinese, 18-19th Century,” “Asia in the South:
Ritual and Identity” Workshop, College of Humanities and Social Science, National Chiao-tung
University, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, 25 April 2014.
“The Organizational Strategies and Economic Migration of Fujian and Guangdong Chinese, 17th to early
20th Centuries,” seminar at the Institute of Taiwan History, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 22 April 2014.
“Organizing Migrant Chinese Capital and Labour in the Mining and Commercialized Agriculture in West
Borneo, c. 1740-1850,” seminar at the College of Hakka Studies, National Chiao-tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 15 April 2014.
“Chinese Cultural Strategies and Trade Expansion in Southeast Asia, 17-19th Centuries,” seminar at the
Department of History, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 11 April 2014.
“Expansion of Chinese Commercial Activities in Southeast Asian Port-Cities, 17th-19th Centuries,” “The
2013 Conference on Maritime Culture,” Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, National
Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 29-30 November 2013.
“Betwixt and between tang/fan: Constructing and Maintaining Ethnic Boundaries in Pre-Twentieth-Century
Southeast Asia,” “Ethnicity, Society and History: The Practice and Development of Taiwan Local
Studies” International Workshop, National Chiao-tung University, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, 26-27 June 2013.
“Chinese Migration and Economic Expansion in Southeast Asia: A Longue Duree Perspective,” “The Chinese
Migration and Expansion to Its Borderlands in the Longue Duree” International Workshop, International
Center for Studies of Chinese Civilization, Fudan University, Shanghai, 31 May 2013.
“Understanding the Chinese Economic Prominence in Southeast Asia,” seminar at the Faculty of
International Relations, Xiamen University, Xiamen, Fujian, 24 May 2013.
“From Exotics to Staples: Extension of Chinese Diasporic Trade in Early Modern Southeast Asia,”
“Foodways: Diasporic Diners, Transnational Tables and Culinary Connections” International
Conference, Centre for Diaspora and Transnational Studies, University of Toronto, 4-6 October 2012.
“Chinese Economic Dominance in Southeast Asia from the Late Seventeenth Century to the Present,”
“Beyond Eurocentrism? China and Narratives of World History” International Workshop, Asia Institute,
University of Melbourne, 16-17 July 2012.
“Clan-, Native-Place-, and Temple-Cult Affinities: Symbolic Capital of the Chinese Diaspora in Batavia, c.
1780-1900,” XVIth World Economic History Congress, organized by Stellenbosch University,
Stellenbosch, 9-13 July 2012.
“Chinese Ubiquity in the Southeast Asian Economy: A Longue Duree Perspective,” seminar at the KITLV,
Leiden, 20 June 2012.
“Persisting Ties, Binding Rituals: Chinese Diaspora and Socio-Cultural Institutions in Eighteenth- and
Nineteenth-Century Batavia,” “Merchant Communities in Early Modern Asia: Towards a Comparative
Institutional Perspective” International Workshop, organized by the Institute of Taiwan History,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, 6-7 December 2011.
“Chinese Social-Cultural Associations and Financing Capacities in Indonesia, Nineteenth-Twentieth
Centuries,” “Non-state Actors in the Transition Period in Monsoon Asia, 1760-1840” International
Conference, organized by Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies and National Tsing-Hua University, Taipei, 2830 November 2011.
“Economic Operations of the Chinese Diaspora in Southeast Asia, c. 1400-1950,” “Southeast Asia: The
Longue Durée” Workshop, organized by KITLV, Leiden, 24-26 August 2011.
“Religious Sanction among the Chinese in Batavia in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries,” “Institutions
and Merchant Communities in Asia from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Centuries” International
Workshop, jointly organized by the Keio/Kyoto Global COE Program, JSPS Kaken Research Project
and Kagawa University; Takamatsu, 10-11 March 2011.
“Re-thinking the Chinese Diaspora,” “Transnational Engagements” Workshop, jointly organized by the FASS
“Cities and Migration Research Clusters”, National University of Singapore, and the University of
Toronto; Singapore, 21-23 February 2011.
“Chinese Economic Dominance in Southeast Asia,” invited lecture, Institute of Ethnology, Academia Sinica,
Borderland Anthropology Research Group, Taipei, 18 December 2010.
“Sanction through Divinity: The Chinese Council (gongtang) and Guanyinting Temple in Batavia, c. 17801870,” “International Conference on Inter-Asian Connections II,” Singapore, 8-10 December 2010.
“Cultural Strategies, Economic Dominance: Temple and Lineage Organizations of Chinese Merchants in
Semarang (Indonesia), 1670s-1950s,” seminar at National Chiao-tung University, Hsin-chu, Taiwan, 8
December 2009.
“Conceptualizing Chinese Capitalism in Southeast Asia,” seminar at the Munk Centre for International
Studies, University of Toronto, 30 October 2009.
“Financing Capacities of Chinese Social-Cultural Institutions in Southeast Asia: The Case of Batavia gongtang,
c. 1880-1930,” the “International Conference on New Institutional History,” organized by the
Department of History, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2-3 August 2009.
“Chinese in Indonesia: History, Perspectives and Possibilities,” “South Sulawesi in History and Culture”
conference, organized by Balai Pelestarian Sejarah dan Nilai Tradisional Makassar [Centre for the
Preservation of Makassarese History and Tradition], Makassar, Indonesia, 12 May 2009.
“Family and Faith in Chinese Diasporic Entrepreneurship in Southeast Asia, c. 1700-1900,” seminar at the
ENCOMPASS graduate program, Leiden University, 7 May 2008.
“Ephemeral Glory? Nanyang Donations to Longchiyan and Qingjiao Cijigong Temples in the Seventeenth
Century,” the “Baosheng Dadi (Great Emperor Protecting Life)” Conference, organized by the
Department of History, Xiamen University, China, 17-18 April 2008.
“Political Economy of Racial Categories in the Dutch Colonial World and Its Aftermath,” “Dutch Heritage in
the Atlantic, African and Asian Regions” Conference, organized by the Royal Netherlands Institute of
Southeast Asian and Caribbean Studies (KITLV), Capetown, 24-28 March 2008.
“‘Peoples and Networks’ Versus the ‘Regime Change’ Framework for Southeast Asian History,”
“Encountering a Common Past in Asia” (ENCOMPASS) Conference, organized by the Department of
History, Leiden University, Jakarta, 15-17 January 2008.
“Crossing Borders: Researching on Early Modern Connections between Southeast Asia and China,” seminar
at the ENCOMPASS graduate program, Leiden University, 14 February 2007.
“Chinese Social Organizations and Economic Expansion to Southeast Asia, circa Seventeenth to Twentieth
Century,” seminar at the KITLV, Leiden, 7 February 2007.
“Re-thinking ‘Impoverishment’ and ‘De-industrialization’: Production and Trade of Cotton Textiles in the
Indonesian Archipelago,” the “Chinese Traders in the Nanyang: Capital, Commodities and Networks”
Conference, organized by Center for Asia-Pacific Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, 18-19 January 2007.
“Performing Public Identities: VOC-Javanese diplomatic Protocols and Politico-economic Interaction, 17th
to 19th Century,” the “Contingent Lives: Social identity and material culture in the VOC world”
Conference, organized by the University of Cape Town, 17-20 December 2006.
“Expansion without Empire: Integrating the Studies on Social Organizations in Southeast China and
Southeast Asia,” seminar at Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences, Academia Sinica,
Taipei, 1 November 2006.
“Integrating Two Fields: A Survey of the Scholarship on Late Imperial Southeast China and Early Modern
Southeast Asia,” the “Dynamic Rimlands and Open Heartlands: Maritime Asia as a Site of Interactions”
Workshop, jointly organized by Osaka University and Asia Research Institute, Singapore; Nagasaki, 2728 October 2006.
“How a Stranger Became King: Javanese-Dutch Relations in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries,” the
“Stranger-Kings in Southeast Asia and Elsewhere” Workshop, jointly organized by Indonesian Institute
of Sciences (LIPI), Asia Research Institute, Royal Netherlands Institute of Southeast Asian and
Caribbean Studies (KITLV) and International Institute for Asian Studies; Jakarta, 5-7 June 2006.
“Practising as Knowledge Specialists: Commercial Operations of Chinese Merchants in Eighteenth-century
Java,” the 3rd “International Conference on Chinese Entrepreneurship and Asian Business Networks,”
organized by Singapore Management University, Singapore, 20-21 March 2006.
“‘Chinese’ as an Analytic Category: Intra-Asiatic Commerce of the Towkays on Java’s Northeast Coast,
1750s-1800s,” the 2nd “Water Frontier Workshop,” organized by Australian National University,
Phuket, 18-19 February 2006.
“Production, Consumption and Trade of Javanese Cotton Yarn and Textile in the Late Seventeenth and
Eighteenth Century,” the 8th “Global Economic History Network” (GEHN) Conference, jointly
organized by London School of Economics and Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics, Pune,
India, 18-20 December 2005.
“The Political Economy of Java’s Northeast Coast in the Eighteenth Century,” seminar at International
Institute of Social History, Amsterdam, 29 November 2005.
“Researching on Eighteenth Century North-Coastal Java,” seminar at postgraduate studies program, Sanata
Dharma University, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 23 February 2005.
“Trade-offs, Gambles and Capitalization: Tax Farming on the Java’s Northeast Coast, 1740s-1790s,” the 4th
“Towards A New Age of Partnership” (TANAP) Conference, Jogjakarta, Indonesia, 10-14 January 2005;
the 18th “International Association of Historians of Asia” (IAHA) conference, Taipei, 6-10 December
“Colonialism Creeping In: The Dutch East India Company’s Promotion of Petty Coins in Central and East
Java, 1740s-1790s,” the 4th EUROSEAS Conference, Sorbonne University, Paris, 1-4 September 2004.
“‘Indolent Regents’ Versus ‘Diligent Chinese’: Embedding the Idiom of Regents and Chinese on the Java’s
Northeast Coast in the VOC Documents, 1760s-1790s,” the 3rd TANAP Workshop, Xiamen
University, China, 26-29 October 2003.
“Tax-farming Activities on the Java’s Northeast Coast in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century,” the
2nd TANAP Workshop, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, 23-26 October 2002.
“Criss-Crossed Coalitions, Rising Cliques: Wealth and Power in Eighteenth-century Semarang,” the 1st
TANAP Workshop, National University of Singapore, 5-7 December 2001.
Organizer. International Workshop “The Chinese Migration and Expansion to Its Borderlands in the Longue
Duree,” International Center for Studies of Chinese Civilization, Fudan University, Shanghai, 31 May
Co-Editor. “Chinese in Singapore,” Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies 5 (e-journal), 2011-2012. With Hong Lysa
(main editor).
Main Editor. “So What???? Social Labels, Discipline and Discrimination in Contemporary Singapore,” S/pores:
New Directions in Singapore Studies 10 (e-journal), 2011. With Teng Siao See (co-editor).
 Journal of Chinese Overseas
Review editor, January 2015-present
 Chinese Southern Diaspora Studies
Member of international advisory committee, 2010-present
 University of Toronto
Committee Member, fellowship awards committee, Department of History, 2014-2015
Committee Member, graduate program committee, Department of History, 2013-2014
Committee Member, policy committee, Department of History, 2013-2014
Committee Member, graduate admissions committee, Department of History, 2011-2012
Committee Member, graduate committee, Department of History, 2009-2011
Committee Member, “Masters of Asia-Pacific Program,” 2008-present
Committee Member, Centre for Southeast Asian Studies, 2007-present
 Department of Historical Studies, University of Toronto Mississauga
Committee Member, Curriculum Committee, 2010-present
Committee Member, Research Committee, 2010-2013
Committee member, SIGS funds selection committee, 2008-2009
Organizer (together with Laurel MacDowell), Brown Bag Seminar Series, 2008-2009
 Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Member, Organizing Committee, 2nd Singapore Graduate Forum on Southeast Asian Studies, 26-27 July
Native fluency:
-Chinese script: both the classical and modern variants
-Chinese spoken languages: Mandarin, Hokkien
Reading and speaking:
-Dutch: both the seventeenth-century and modern variants
-two other Chinese languages: Cantonese and Teochiu
Fly UP