
Syllabus Forming Committe History Dr. Vijay Poonacha T. - Chairman

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Syllabus Forming Committe History Dr. Vijay Poonacha T. - Chairman
Syllabus Forming Committe
Dr. Vijay Poonacha T.
- Chairman
Professor, Department of History
Kannada University, Hampi
Vidyaranya, Bellary District - 583 276
Dr. Narendra Prasad S.
- Member
Professor, Department of History
JSS Womens College
Saraswathipuram, Mysore
Dr. K. Mahesh
- Member
Senior Grade Lecturer
First Grade Government College
Shidlagatta, Chikkaballapura District
Dr. Vagiswari
- Member
Professor, Department of History
Christ College, Hosur Road, Bangalore
Dr. Shashidhara
- Member
Department of History
Bangalore University
Jnanabharathi Campus, Bangalore
Dr. Parimala Rao
CWDS, 25, Bhaiveer Singh Marg
New Delhi 110 001
- Member
5 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
India and Its People
1. Extent
- To understand Indian's position - Use of Atlas locate India
in international community
the Atlas
- Testing the students skill on using
- Trace the extent of one's own
region, such as the zone,
territory etc and locate the surrondings, regions.
2. Boundries
- To understand problems like
border disputes between states
- Locate the borders of India through
on Atlas
- Trace the borders of one's own
district, taluk, village, hobli etc
and wars caused by crossing the - Locate countries sarrounding India
along with water bodies like
border etc.
lakes, ponds, rivers, hills,
- Quiz on names of borders countries
surroundings and directions.
forest patch, grazing fields,
bomboo grooves, waste lands.
3. Rivers
- To understaned issues like use
and conservation of water,
Water disputes between states
Interlinking of rivers between
north and south India.
- Locate the origin path and area of
importance rivers in the Atlas.
- Quiz on promient rivers and their
- Locate and trace the flew of
rivers in one's region.
- Locate important streams /
ponds in one's region.
- Identify the agricultural crops
and their patterns along
these water bodies
4. Coastal Region - Sea Shore
- To realise problems of Indian
- Understand occurence of
natural disasters like sunami
- Understand and be able to
- Locate important parts and harbours
of aminent India.
- Draw the map and the coastal border.
- Collection and study of
varieties of mind / sand,
sweet/salty water.
- Findout the kind crops, fruits
nuts, vegetables, flowers or
explain problems of vanishing
plants, shrubs grown in these
sea coast, lifting of and from
varieties of mild or soil and
water bodies.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- To understand Indian's trade
- Explanation regarding bio-diversity
- Collect varieties of leaves
link with other countries.
- Link Bio-diversity, destruction
of flora and Fauna.
- Test on Bio-diversity.
and flowers to be pressed
and preserved between sheets
with real life events like
of paper and later present
elephants said into agricultural
them in an exhibition appro
lands, pollution, smog etc.
priately named/with titles
and spelies mentioned.
5. Diversities
- To understand diversity and
- Introducing culture, langauge costume,
- Activities such as asking chil
a. People
multicultural presence in
food of different parts of the country.
dren/students to address the
cinema literature, sports.
b. Biodiversity
class in their native languages
- Project for 5 marks on diversity.
- Holding an ethnic day so that
the regional diversity in
Customes are seen.
- Food festival, where simple
regional snaks can be tasted.
- Exhibition of projects, on
annual life
- Models of bio-diversity
- Listing of flora and fauna
existing in one's region.
- Collecting and recognising
various seeds of fruits and
flowers of the area.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 2
Pre-History of India
1. The Evolution of Life
- To explain the concept that man - Explain about various stages of
is a social animal.
- Link the present industrial sed
human life and compare with
the early stages.
- Collection of pictures.
evolution through.
- Pictures
- Pencil sketch and drawing.
- Test through oral question and
answer session.
2. Stone Age
- To know why wheels are with
- Locate the pre-historic settlements on
spokes, from where the pulleys
a map.
of a well came from.
- Observe the drawings and pictures of
- Link this above mentioned
early man.
- Examining the handicraft
industry of one's own area.
- Collecting various tools of
transformation with the early
- Trace the phased manner of evolution
- Preparing replices of pre
period, to justify learning of
through project work, which is evalu
historic tools in clay /
this topic.
ated for 5 or 10 marks of a unit test.
thermacole / mud / wood
- An oral presentation should ecompany
the project.
which can than be used as a
teaching aid.
Chapter 3
Indus Civilization
1. Introduction
2. Major Centres Cities
3. Town Planning / Builidings
- To understand the present
arrangement of urban planning.
- To understand the orgin of
4. Economic Life
division of cities/towns into
5. Art
residential, industrials
6. Social Life
commercial units.
7. Script
8. Decline of the Cities
- To realise the origin of urban
infrastructure like paved roods,
- Explanation through pictures of Indus
scripts sculpture, jewellery etc.
- Use of map of India to locate the
Indus belt.
- List the names of various sites
of Indus civilisation.
- Locate them on the map of
- Test in the form of Drawing or college
of Indus topics like sculptures toys,
jewellary, tools map with Indus sites
drainages etc.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- To know how present day
- Explanation through comparitive
- List various occupation groups
Chapter 4
The Vedic Age
1. Beginning of the Vedic Period
2. Rigvedic / Culture
political, social identities such
analysis of position of women, system
3. Political System
as democratic institutions like
of education policy etc.
4. Economic System
panchayats, marriage, caste
5. Society
hierarchies originated.
in one's area.
- Objective type based questions in a
written test.
6. Later Vedic Period - Changes
Chapter 5
Jainism and Buddhism
1. Factors which led to the
Rise of New Religion
2. Jainism - Life and Teachings
of Vardhamana Mahavira
3. Buddhism - Life and Teachings
of Gautama Buddha
- To understand why new sects
continously emerge in all
- To understand why varieties of
branches / divisions exist in all
religious to this day.
- To understand the process of
- Explanation through stories and
legends such as the Jataka tales.
- Visiting Jaina or Buddhist
- Explanation through historical events
such as Ashoka's patronage, Harsha's
support etc.
- Evaluation through quiz either
individual or group base.
protests in religions with
Jainism and Buddhism as
Chapter 6
Ancient North India
1. Republics, Janapadas
and Ganarajyas
2. Impact of Foreign Invasions
- To understand why and how
democracy asa tradition is
stable in India.
- To understand how the present
- Using maps to locate republics and
- Trace the route of Alexander's
compaign on the map.
- On a printed map of India
republics can be located
or marked.
- On a printed map of India
Democratic institutions are based - Narrate the stories of the
compaign route of Alex
on the tradition of assent and
under can be traced or
confrontations between Pururava and
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
dissent of India from anient
- To realise how closely inter
Method and Evaluation
Alexander Ambi and others.
- Group Discussion for 05 marks.
- A brief 10 minute skit on
- The group can be of 5 members,
Alexander and pururava
linked are the systems of local
taking 5 specific tasks like writing,
can be enacted by the
self government of the present
collecting the data, presentation,
students in the class room,
with the part.
drawing etc and marks awarded
with the script prepared by
the students themselves.
Chapter 7
The Age of Mauryas
1. Chandragupta Maurya
2. Asoka
3. Spread of Dhamma
4. Administrative System
5. Art and Architecture
6. Decline
- To know where the symbols of
- Use of map of India to, trace the extent - Collecting pictures,
modern India such as Ashoka
of Mouryan Empire- locate kaling to
photographs of Mouryan
- Chakra on the flag, currency etc
explain Ashoka's compaign - locate
came from.
- To understand the origin of
present administrative divisions
centres of mouryan art.
- Use of pictures of Mouryan
Monuments as teaching tools.
- Drawing the monuments and
exhibiting them which later
can be used as teaching tool.
such as district taluks, hobli etc. - Evaluation can be marks based
assignment on the drawing and
labeting of saranath pillar or sanchi
Chapter 8
Ancient South India
1. Sangam Age
- To understand how the present
2. Satavahanas -
Kannada, Tamil, Telugu and
India to locate
centres trade centres, part
other regional cultures of south
- Regional kingdoms and capitals,
cities and harbours of ancient
India emerged.
- Centres of art of these kingdoms.
and modern south India on
- Trading centres.
a printed map.
Gautamiputra Satakarni
3. Trade and Urban Life
4. Religion, Language and Literature
- To know how the present
- Explanation through map of south
* List the names of urban
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
5. Kadambas - Mayura Sharma -
urbanisation of Southern India
- Narrating stories of classics such as
* Field trip to study a regional
Contribution to Literature.
is a continuation of the economy
Manimekhalai Shilappadikaram,
structure such as a temple,
of urban centres/temple towns of
Bharata Bahubali
Basadi / Chaitya.
6. Gangas - Durvinita - Contributions
to literature.
ancient and medieval South India. - Class room reading of reigional
7. Art and Architecture.
literature to familiasie students with
8. Status of Women
regional writing as part of method of
Chapter 9
1. Sungas and Kavas
2. Kushanas
a. Kanishka
- To understand how the present
- Use of map to locate the Kushana
image of Buddha was formulated.
area, centres of Gandhara art and
on the political map of India
and Asia
- To understand how non-indian
b. Religion
cultural trends assimilated with - Explanation through pictures of
c. Art and Architecture
regional cultures to forge new
d. Literature
Gandhara icons.
- Drawing and sketching of Gandhara
and Mathura images, monuments as
- Locating Gandhara art centres
- Collecting and exhibiting
pictures of Gandhara and
Mathura monuments and
minor projects, which then can be
evaluated for 5 to 10 marks or as
home assignments.
Chapter 10
The Guptas
1. Chandragupta I
2. Samudragupta II
3. Chandragupta II
- To understand the origin of
Ayurvedic medicine.
- To know from where and how
- Explanation through using of maps to
trace the extent Guptas empire.
- Using pictures, plates, photographs to
4. Fahian
our knowledge of mettalurgy,
explain Gupta art tradition.
5. Contributions to Literature
physical sciences such as mathe - Narrate stories, tales of important
- Enacting skit on the themes
of prominent plays of the
Gupta period.
- Visit museums to study
Gupta coinage and art.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
6. Art and Architecture
7. Science
8. Decline
matics, astronomy etc evolved.
Method and Evaluation
literary works of Kalidasa, Basava
- To know the evolution of state- - a written test.
- Prepare a list of important
scientific discoveries and
craft literary traditons in various
and inventions of the Gupta
period and trace their
- All the above three provides a
relevance to the present.
link in understanding the
existing systems of kowledge
and institutions such as polity,
trade, economy, industrial
networking etc.
Chapter 11
Vardhans, Chalukyan
1. Vardhanas
and Pallavas
2. Harsha Varadhanas - Literature Nalanda University Religious Assemblies.
3. Pllavas of Kanchi - Literature
- Temples - Heun-Tsang
- To know how the present
mercantile group formation
tradition is derived.
- To understand how the present
form of temple archiecture
- Using maps to locate their respective
centres of power, extent of empires.
- Use of OHP's, LCD's to explain the
- Field visit to chalukya, pallava
architectural centre.
- Field visit to observe and
architectural contributions of the
study temples of ancient or
medieval period.
- Photographs, Line drawings, sketches
to explain their architecture.
- Evaluation based on project work that
involves collection of photographs/
drawing/sketching/painting of the
- Collect photos of chalukya,
Pallava monuments and
arrange for an exhibition
of those.
- List the names of foreign
monuments etc, which can be either
travellers who visited India
graded or marked or given as home
during the vardhana,
chalukya and pallava period.
- An oral test.
6 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
India and Outside World
1. Introduction
2. Rise of Christianity and Islam
3. Crusades, Arabs, Mongols,
- To understand that India had
contact with outside world.
- To understand the circumstan-
4. Turks, Political
ces which led to the advent
5. Cultural and Trade Contacts
of Christianity and Islam to
India and the impact which
- Make a list of important tenante of
Christianity and Islam.
- Collect picture of thefounders
of Christianity and Islam.
- Mark on an outline map the birth place - Collect information on
of Christianity and Islam.
- Ask questions and supplementary
festivals and rituals
associated with Christianity
and Islam.
resulted from it.
- To realise that India had
cultural and commercial
contacts with countries such as
Arabia, Mangolia and Turkey.
Chapter 2
Rajputs and Their
1. Palas
2. Gurjara - Prathiharas
a. Rajputs
b. Society and Culture
- Know the contributions of
Rajupt Kings.
- Know the contributions of
Palas and Gurjaras.
c. Literature
- Understand the administrative
d. Economy
and socio-ecoinomic life of
e. Religion and Sects
medieval period.
- Make a list of important Rajput
- Which are the important Literary
works of Rajput period.
- Mark on outline map areas ruled
by Rajput Kings.
- Mark the Rajput States on
outline map.
- Collect pictures and information about Rajput rulers.
- Collect pictures of Rajput
Architectural Monuments.
- Questions and group discussions.
f. Arts and Architecture
g. Economic Condition
h. Contributions
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 3
Prominent Kingdoms of
South India
1. Rastrakutas
- Understand the rise and
- Make a list of contribution made by
- Mark on outline map on the
2. Kalyani Chalukyas
growth of culture in Southern
South Indian kings for the growth of
areas ruled by Rastrakutas,
3. Hoysalas
regional languages and literature.
Chalukyas, Hoysala and
4. Cholas
- Historical importance of
- Make a list of contributions made by
a. Society and Culture
Deccan region and major
Rastakutas, Chalukyas, Hoysalas and
b. Literature
dynastics who ruled from
Cholas to Art and Architecture.
c. Society
d. Economic Life
- Cultivate interest among
important literary works
of South India.
- Territorial expansion and
e. Religion and Sects
battles among the South
f. Art and Architecture
Indian Kingdom.
- Contributions made by South
Indian Dynasties to Promote
Regional language, Art and
Chapter 4
Religious Ideas and
Social Reformers
1. Shankaracharya (Advaita)
- Understand the circumstances
- Ask questions relating to the teachings - Collect pitctures of important
2. Ramanujacharya (Vishistadvitha)
which led to Religious
of Sankara, Ramanuja, Madhwa and
3. Madhwacharya (Dwaita)
4. Basaveshavara
(Shakti Vishistadvaita)
5. Vachana Movement
- To realise that religious
- Explain with suitable examples on to
reformers emphasized simple
how new Religious safe contributed
way to achive salvotion.
to the growth of language and
religious sect founders.
- Collect simple Vachanas and
practice them.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Attempts made by reformers
to remove blind believes
among the people.
Chapter 5
Delhi Sultenate
1. Polity
- Know about important Delhi
- Discusses the achivements and
- On an outline map locate the
2. Economy
Sultans and their achivements
contributions of important Delhi
extent of Delhi Sultane King-
3. Society
and contributions.
dom, capital cities, places of
- Administrative reforms
introduced by Delhi Sultane.
- Contributions made by Delhi
Sultane to Art and
- Make the students understand the
extent of Delhi Sultans kingdom with
the help of a map.
- Using suitable picture explain the
Architectural importance and
commercial centres.
- Collect pictures of monuments built by Delhi Sultane.
contributions of Delhi Sultans to
Chapter 6
Bhakti Cult
1. Bhakti Cult - Introduction
2. Chaitanya
- Realise the goal and objectives - Make a list of Teachings Preached
of Bhakti movement.
by the Bhakti Saints.
3. Gurunanak
- Realise that Bhakti movement
- Contribution of Bhakti Saints to
4. Meera Bai
promoted. Social harmony
promote Hindu muslim unity.
5. Sufi Saints
among different sections of
6. Chishtis
- Make a list of places.
- Collect pictures of important
religious reformers.
- Know about songs and other
literary forms used by
religious leaders.
- Bhakti movement promoted
regional language and
Chapter 7
1. Introduction
2. Dynasties
- The circumstance which led
to the foundation of Vijaya-
- Make a list of the Vijayananagara
rulers of four dynasties.
- Collect pictures of Vijayanagara Monuments.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
a. Sangama
b. Saluva
nagar empire.
- Know the important Vijaya-
c. Tuluva
nagar rulers and their
d. Aravidu
achivements and contributions.
3. Devaraya - II
- Understand the glory and
4. Krishnadevaraya
Vijayanagar empire as
5. Batttle of Talikota
revealed from the accounts of
6. Foreign Travellers
foreign travellers.
7. Contributions
A. Literature
B. Art and Architecture
Method and Evaluation
- List out significant literary works
and monuments.
- Collect more information on
the glory of Hampi, the
- Locate the places which were being
capital.of Vijayanagara
rules by Vijayanagara kings in a
- Know more about literary
songs of Purandaradasa and
- Importance of battle of
- Contribution of Vijayanagara
C. Society
to Art, Architecture and
D. Economy
Chapter 8
Bahamani Sultans
1. Introduction - Factors that lead
- Understand the political
to the Rise of the Kingdom
system established by
2. Major Rulers
3. Mahammed Gawan
Bahamani rulers.
- Contribution made by
4. Decline of Bahamani
Bahamani Rulers to literature,
5. Rise of New Kingdown
Art and Architecture.
a. Immad Shahi of Birar
- Political disintegration of
b. Nizam Shahi of Ahamad Nagar
Bahamani kindgom and the
c. Adil Shahi of Bijapur
rise of new independent states.
- Note the list of Sultans of Bahamani.
- Note a special reference on
Mohamad Gawan.
- List out the monuments of Bahamani
- Locate the places which were being
rules by Bahamani kings in a map.
- Mark on an outline map the
areas ruled by Delhi Sultane.
- Collect pictures of Monuments built by Delhi Sultane.
- Collect more information on
patronage extended by mohammad Gown to education
d. Barid Shahi of Bidar
e. Qutub Shahi of Golkonda
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
6. Contributions
a. Literature
b. Art and Architecture
c. Society
d. Economy
Chapter 9
The Mughals
1. Important Rulers
- Understand the Mughal poli-
a. Babur
tical system and important
b. Akbar
rulers, their life and
c. Jahangir
d. Shershah
e. Shahajan
f. Aurangzeb
g. Decline of Mughals
- Locate the places which were being
rules by Mughals kings in a map.
- Mark on an outline map area
under Mughal rule, capital
cities and commercial cities.
- Collect more information on
Taj Mahal and Mayura
of Mughals.
- Reforms introduced by
Mughals in the field of
administration, economy
3. Economic Condition
5. Art and Architecture
and their contributions.
- Factors which led to decline
2. Political System
4. Society and Religion
- Make a list of the Mughal kings
- Contribution of Mughals to
Art and Literature.
Chapter - 10
1. Life
- Understand how early life and
2. Achievements
political environment
3. Administrative System
influenced political rise of
4. Military System
- Locate the places which were being
rules by Shivaji in a map.
- List out the administration reforms
of Shivaji.
5. Revenue System
- Relation between shivaji and
- Noting the nature of military system
6. Social Condition
Adil shahi's and Mughale.
of Shivaji with special reference to
- Collect pictures of Shivaji.
- Collect more information on
built by Shivaji.
- Know more about Naval force
established by Shivaji.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
- Character of the Maratha
Method and Evaluation
naval administration.
State System.
Chapter 11
Karnataka History
1. Introduction
- Understand the political
- Locate Mysore, Keladi, Chitradurga,
2. Wodeyars of Mysore
system which emerged in
Yalahanka, Coorg (Kodagu), Chittur
3. Keladi Rules
Karnataka after the decline of
and Tulunadu in a map.
4. Nayakas of Chitradurga
5. Yalahanka Nadaprabhaus
- Contributions made by
6. Kings of Coorg
regional Chiefs to economic
7. Kittur Province
development and cultural life
8. Rulers of Tulunadu
- Political military system and
9. Nayakas of Hydrabad Karnataka
economic reforms introduced
10. Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan
by Hyder Ali and Tipu Sultan.
- Explain the nature of wars held
- Collect information and
pictures on Mysore Dasara.
- Collect information and
pictures of Palace, Forte built
between British and Hyder-Tipu
by Chitradurga Nayakas,
through the help of map.
Keladi Chiefs, Yalahanka
- Note the contribution of various
Prabhus and Tipu Sultan.
administrators ruled in different parts
of Kannada region.
7 Standard
Total Period -30
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
India and the
Modern World
1. Renaissance
- To understand the background
- Use the maps for such topics like
a. Humanism
of 20th political and economic
geographical discoveries, tall of
b. Art, Architecture, Science
systems of Asia, Africa and
c. Spread of Renaissance
2. Reformation
- To understand the problems of
- Use of photographs, plates etc for
teaching Renaissance Art and Archi
a. Sale of Indulgence
the, original inhabitantants and
tecture along with introducing relevant
b. Martin Luther
their identities of these lands.
literature ex: Roopadarshi by K.V. Ayyer
c. Counter Reformation
4. Effects of Reformation
3. Geagraphical Explorations
a. Introduction
New Inventions
- To get a background to under
- Prepare a list of new
- Familiarise the life history
of important reformers and
- Trace the prominent geographical
stand issues such as slavery,
expenditions on the map which can
American / Red Indian identities,
then be evaluated for either 5 or
Afrikaneers / people of Africa
10 marks.
and issues associated with them.
b. Fall of Constantinople
c. Marco Polo
d. Vasco-Da-Gama
e. Discovery of America
f. Ferdinand Megallon
g. Consequences
Chapter 2
Europeans in India
1. Background of the Advent
of Europeans
2. Portuguese-AlbuquarqueDecline of Portuguese
- To analyse and be aware of the
origin of extensive use of Euro-
- Use of map to locate the European
trade centres.
- Prepare a list of exports from
India before and during the
pean / English language and
- Writer Test.
time of the arrival of
culture at present.
- List the most valuable
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
3. Dutch
- To know the difference in the
4. English East India Company
economic status of India from
5.French East India Company
the present to that of pre
Method and Evaluation
commodities imported from
India into the Europe markets.
colonial era.
Chapter 3
India in 18th Century
1. Anarchichal Conditions in India
2. Downfall of the Mughal Empire
important to realise the dangers
3. Administration of Peshwa Rulers
of inter-state conflict and
4. Nawabs of Carnatic
seperatist movements in India
5. Carnatic Wars
at present.
6. Nawabs of Bengal Battle of Plassey
7. Consequences
- The study of their unit is
- Explain the details of wars through
- Students would narrate and evaluate
the wars in the class room.
- Preparing a list of valuable
materials of Mughal Empire
which was found during
the invasion of Nadirshaw
- Preparing a list of chronology
- The unit demonstrates how the
of wars and names of wars.
pressure generated by regional
conflicts regarding identities
resulted in European
Chapter 4
Rise of the English
1. Introduction
2. British Rule in Bengal
Robert Clive, Warren Hastings
- Indiscrimante granting of per
- Chronological Table.
- Preparation of compart lists
mits in globalisation to multi
- Use of map for explanations of war.
for names of rulers, kingdoms
national companies leads into
- Written Test.
and centres of war.
3. Native Rulers
disastrous results. This unit
4. Battles - Buxar
demonstrates such results due
Anglo Maratha War
to granting of unrestrained per-
Anglo Sikh War
mits to the British, French,
Dutch and other Europeans.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
5. Administrative Changes
a. Revenue
b. Political
c. Military
Chapter 5
Hyder Ali and
Tippu Sultan
1. Introduction
2. Hyder Ali
Anglo Mysore War
Emergence of New Mysore State
3. Tippu Sultan
4. Architect of Modern Mysore State
- To know the origin of Indu
- Use of coins, currency and maps.
- Filed visit to administrative
strialisation and trade system
- Use of photographs and plates.
centres such as Mysore,
of Karnataka at present.
- Group discussion / Individual prese-
Bangalore, Srirangapattana.
- To know the reason for the
ntation by student of 5 or 10 marks
location of the mint of
Government of India in
a. Political Strategies
Alliances, Wars, Consequences
b. Economy, Trade Industry - Coinage
Revenue - Plantation
c. Society
Chapter 6
Impact of British
Rule on India
1. Administrative
- To understand the reason for
a. Civil Service
the decline of Panchyat Raj
b. The Military and Police
system, extensive use of
c. The Judiciary
English Language etc.
- Comparitive study of Revenue systems - Compare the past revenue
as a part of teaching process.
- A general introduction to prominent
systems with that of the
writings of this period. ex: Dadabai
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
2. Economy
Method and Evaluation
Naoroji's ‘Poverty and Un British rule
a. Land Revenue Policy
in India.
b. The Permanent Settlement
- List the important produce
of both of these periods.
- Brief project report and oral test.
c. Mahalawari System
d. Ryotwari System
e. Consequences
2. Industry and Trade
- Consequences
3. Society - Legislations
- Reforms
4. English Education
- Changes
Chapter 7
Social Reform
1. Brahma Samaj
- To know the origin and proble- - As a part of teaching method, a
- Class room discussion on
2. Prarthana Samaj
matic nature of caste system,
general introduction to the Bengali
the changed position of
3. Satyashodaka Samaj
the practise of dowry etc.
literature of the period for ex: Bankim
4. Arya Samaj
- To understand the prices of
chandra chatarjee, Sharat Chandra
5. Theosophical Society
Non-governmental /people's
Chattopadhyaya's works.
6. Sri Narayan Guru Movement
intiatives at bringing about
7. Aligarh Movement
Chapter 8
Indian Resistance
to British Rule
1. Introduction
- To understand the background
- As a part of teaching methodology
- Location of centres of war
2. First War of Independence
of Gandhiji's Non-violent
use of popular historical literature and
on map.
3. Causes
cinema. Ex. Works of william Dalnymple, - List out important dates.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
a. Political
Method and Evaluation
Ketan mehta's movie ‘Mangal Pande’ etc.
b. Economic
- Preparation of analytical (brief)
c. Administrative
write ups.
Partition Bengal
- Listout names of rulers and
- List out important dates.
- List out names of rulers and
Rowlatt Act - Jallianwala Bagh
Chapter 9
National Movement
1. Introductoin
- The dangers of unrestricted
- Teaching in Disucussion made
2. Growth of Nationalism
liberalisation and globalisation - Use of popular mediums such as
3. Foundation of Indian
is the emergence of disguised
National Congress
colonialism. To combat this a
- Nature and Characteristics
study of this unit is essential.
- Preparatoin of a list of names
of leaders and events.
literature / cinema on Gandhi etc.
- Quiz
4. Early Leaders
- A.O. Hyume, Gokhale,
Surendranath Byanarji
- Objectives and Methods
5. Formation of Muslim League
6. Extremist Leaders - Lal, Bal, Pal
7. Revolutionaries - V.D. Savarkar,
Arbindo Gosh
8. Home Rule Movement - Tilak,
Annie Basent
9. British Reaction to National
a. Divide and Rule Partition of Bengal
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
b. Rowlath Act
c. Tragedy of Jallianwallabagh
d. First World War and
Respose of Indians
Chapter 10
National Movement
(Gandhian Era)
1. Introduction
- Making an attempt to explain
2. Gandhi's Early Life
the growth of modern
3. Gandhi's Entry into the
democratic India which had
- Discussion mode.
- use of map.
- Written test.
National Movement
inspiration from Gandhi's
- Reading of literature and
a. Non-co-operation Movement
great ideals of Non-violence,
watching cinema-both of these
b. Civil Disobdience Movement
Swarajya and Satyagraha.
belonging or representing that
c. Quit India Movement
- Collection of newspaper
reports of the Gandhian
period and exhibiting them.
Chapter 11
National Movement
Partition and
1. Introduction
- To know how the national
2. Impact of IInd World War
movements made impact
3. Jinnah-Separate State for Muslims
in building up the modern,
4. I.N.A. Subhaschandra Bose
stable and democratic India.
5. Towards Independence
- To understand the dimensions
of Partition of India and Jinnah.
- To study the contributions of
- Use of map.
- Use of popular music, literature
cinema etc.
- Watching movies such as
Richard Atonborou's Gandhi,
Ketan mehta's Sardar, M.S.
Satya's Garam Hawa and
so on.
- List names of important
national leaders.
Nehru, political agitations of
Subhashchandra Bose and
Social concerns of
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
8 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Conemporary events such as
- Use of inscriptions, seals, rewards,
Chapter 1
Sources of History
1. Introduction
2. Literature
change governments, develop-
3. Inscriptions
ment in information sector,
- Introduce the branch of Oral traditions
4. Numismatics
business/trade strategies cannot
- Brief writeup an any one of the
5. Architecture
be understood without the help
6. Monuments
of sources like newspapers,
7. Legends
radio, television, magazine.
8. Oral Sources
coins, copper plate rewards.
- Collection and exhibition of
coins, palm leaf rewards,
photographs etc.
- Presentation on any of the sources.
- Similarly to know and underest
and the past sources of ancient
period are very essential.
Chapter 2
Geographical Features
and Pre-history of India
1. Introduction
- To know-India's defence
2. Geographical features of India
preparation-Problems of
3. Pre-historic Period
border encroachment.
a. Old Stone Age
- Use of charts and maps for
geographical features.
- Use of models of tools, pictures and
- To understand issues like river
b. Microlithic Age
water disputes, interlinking of
- Written test.
c. Neolithic Age
rivers of North and South India. - Drawing the map of India locating
d. Metal Age
- To Understand crisis and
the prehistoric sites.
- Survey and maping of one's
own area's geography.
- Listing of ponds, grazing
lands and other physical
features of the region.
- Drawing the map / ground
plan with directions of one's
dangers of shrinking of coastal
lands, excessive lifiting of and
buildings etc.
from river beds etc.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 3
Indias Ancient
1. Introduction
2. Indus Civilization
3. Vedic Age - Early Vedic Period
- To understand the present
system of urban planning
- To understand and analyse
- Use of pictures, replicas of bronze
figures, seals of Indus valley civilisation.
- Visiting a museum to study
Indus artifacts.
- Use of map to locate the topographical - Group discussion on position
a. Polity
various cointemporary
extent; sites, of the civilisation.
of women in comparitive
b. Society
institutions such as caste system
made the present with the
c. Religious Beliefs
by tracing their original exista
nces as social hierarchies.
- To understand how the institutions of monarchy evolved.
Chapter 4
World's Ancient
1. Introduction
- To understand the present or
- Lecture - Demonstration
- Discussion on comparitive.
2. Egyption Civilization
contemporary revival of several - Use of Globe and map of the world.
strengths of civilisations of
3. Measapotamian Civilization
Asian nations / societies life
- Use of Photograph, pictures.
Asia, Africa and America.
4. Chinese Civilization
china, Taiwan, Japan.
- Question and Answer session.
a. Polity
- To understand, analyse the
- Through comparison link
the achievements of these areas
b. Society
European dominations in
in the present with that of
c. Religious Beliefs
economy & international
the past.
d. Literature
e. Science
f. Art and Architecture
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 5
Greek, Roman and
American Civilization
1. Introduction
2. Greek, Roman and
American Civilization
- To understand the culture
and societies of counterparts
of Anciant India.
a. Polity
- Projecting the western documentaries
and cinemas.
- Comparative studies on the
contemparary civilisations.
- Explain the details to the students
through LCD projectors.
b. Society
c. Religious Beliefs
d. Science
e. Literature
f. Art and Architecture
Chapter 6
North India from
6th C.B.C. to 3rd C.B.C.
1. Introduction
- To understand the origin of the - Narration of Buddhist and Jaina tales
- Trace Alexander's route
traditions of Assent and Dissent
such as jatakas as part of teaching.
a. Jainism
in Indian society which is also
- Using photographs, plates as teaching
b. Buddhism
the basis on which the
tools to explain Gandhara and Mathura - Visit a nearby chaitya, Stupa
democratic system of country
2. Birth of New Religions
3. Foreign Invasion - Alexander Impact of Foreign Invation
across the map of India.
- Read Jaina, Buddhist Stories.
or a vihara.
- Group Discussion.
- To understand and appreciate
the heterodoxical traditions.
Chapter 7
Mouryas- Kushanas
1. Mouryas - Policy - Society -
- It helps in understanding the
Economy - Literature -
origin of modern Indian identities
Art and Architecture
such as the wheel on the flag,
- Trace the geneology and chronology
through flowdiagram.
- Photogaphs of Mouryas monuments.
- Drawing the Sanchi stupa.
- Drawing and naming of the
various components of the
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
2. Kushanar - Policy - Society Economy - Literature Art and Architecture
Ashoka pillar on currency etc.
- To know the origin of the
present administrative hierarchy.
Method and Evaluation
- Use of map to indicate.
i. Capital
Saranath Colum.
- Collection of photographs
ii. Provinces and their capitals.
such as tourist broachure,
iii. economic centres.
photo cards of the
Mouryas provides a link to
iv. Ports / harbours.
understand practise of politics
v. Extent of the empire.
- To know how the age of the
in contemporary India.
- Quiz on centres of art, literature,
Administrative units and Economic
- Drawing of monuments such as Sanchi
stupa as home assignment and later
evaluated for 5 or 10 marks.
Chapter 8
The Guptas and
the Vadhanas
1. Introduction
2. The Gupta Age:
- To dissect and understand the
- Discuss the writings of prominent
- List the contemporary names
link between economic
authors of the Gupt period, such as
of several defence and
a. Polity
prosperity and urbanisation as
Kalidas Bhasa etc, either through
communication satellites
b. Society
is happening at present.
i. a Short skit
connect them with the names
ii. narrating the stories.
of Gupta period.
c. Economy
- To understand the contem-
d. Religious Beliefs
porary feature of interdepen-
e. Literature
dency between administration
eonomic prosperity, increased trade,
f. Science
and leading business houses.
growth or urbanisation greater
monuments on the map of
importance to imperial power etc.
g. Art and Architecture
3. The Vardhanas
a. Polity
- To get a link to the present fea
- Trace the connections between
ture of large reserveir of techni - Group disucussion / presentation with
cal pool, trace its origin to the
seperate but equal marks for write up,
- List of writers and their titles.
- Locate the areas of Gupta
- List of important writers and
their works.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
b. Society
evolution of science and tech-
presentation, line drawings / sketches
c. Economy
nology from the Gupta age.
and Photos / pictures.
d. Religious Beliefs
- List the names of scientists
and their scientific contribution.
- Explore how many of these
e. Literature
names, discoveries and inven-
f. Science
tions are being used at present.
g. Art and Architecture
Chapter 9
South India form
3rd C.B.C. to 6th C.B.C.
1. Introduction
- To understand how the present - A tabulation chart for geneology.
2. Satavahanas
linguistic regions of South
- Time line for chronology.
3. Kadambas
India emerged.
- Readings from classics of period /
4. Gangas
5. Contributions
- To understand the origin and
evolution of specific regional
a. Polity
cultural identities of South
b. Society
India at present.
c. Economy
- To be aware as to how inter-
- Mind maping for dynasties
qulers and administrative units.
- Attempt to read and translate
narrating the stories / lengends of this
a few words / sentences of
Halamidi inscription and
- Drawing / sketching of Satavahana
and Ganga Monuments.
other inscriptions of the
- Preparing a list of the architecultural
d. Religious Beliefs
dependent linguistic traditions
centres of Gangas and Kadambas and
e. Literature
always are.
Satavahanas and locating them on a map.
f. Science
Both of the above mentioned can be
g. Art and Architecture
evaluated as home assignment / marks
based internal assignment.
Chapter 10
The Chalukyas of
Badami and the
Pallavas of Kanchi
1. Introduction
2. The Chalukyas of Badami,
- To understand the significant
role played by traders, business
- Use of geneology chart.
- Flow Diagrams usage for chronology
- Field visit to any of the
Badami chalukyas and
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
The Pallavas of Kanchi
associations in governance at
3. Chalukya Pallava Conflict
present by tracing the evolution
4. a. Polity
of mercantile guilds of the past
b. Society
c. Economy
Method and Evaluation
and genelogy.
- Photographs, line drawings usuage to
explain architectural topics.
and their role in administration. - Use of map of South India for locating
- To know the link of continuity
historical places.
Pallava centres of art.
- Collection and exhibition of
photographs of these
monuments with titles, explanatory notes.
d. Religious Beliefs
in the tradition of establishment
e. Literature
of various guilds such as artisan,
minutes of the topics taught such as
plans of chalukya and pallava
f. Art and Architecture
craftsmen, etc and their role in
importance of guilds, trade centres,
the formulation of economic
religious movements etc and marks
awarded a wordingly.
- To understand the evolution
- Individual presentation of 2 to 3
- Line drawings of ground
- Group presentation with topics equally
of the form of temple in its
divided between them, of 10 to 15
present formation.
minute duration. Each topic individually
assigned and equal marks assigned for
all the topics and marks awareded
accounting to the performance.
Ex: Topic-badami caves, Topi division:
1. Collection of Data, 2. Photographs
3. Maps of line drawings, 4. Chart
Preparation. 5. Presentation.
- All these 5 areas to five students with
equal marks of 5 for each area. But
awarding of marks based on
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 11
The Rastrakutas
of Manyakheta
1. Introduction
- To understand the political
and the Chalukyas of
2. The Rastrokutas of Manyakheta
situation of North India a from
- Maps for location of their provinuial
3. The Chalukyas of Kalyana
11th Century AD onwards by
administrative units, centres of art.
4. Contribution
linking it with the political
- Flow chart for geneology.
vaccume cansed by Rashtrakutas
- Written test.
into modern Kannada a few
North Indian Compaigns till
- Listing of Kalyani Chalukyan rulers,
sentences of ‘Kavirajamarga’.
- Use of photographs, pictures.
- Study tour to architectural
centres of Kalyani Chalukyas.
- Visiting the Museums.
- Attempt ot read and translate
10 Century AD. The result of
monuments with brief explanatory note - List prominent structres of
the vaccume was the success of
as evaluation based assignment.
Turko Afghan entry.
surrounding oine's region.
- To understand the evoluation
Kalyani Chalukyan period
- Explore the link or contrast
of engineering technology in
between the architectural trends
India through Rashtrakuta
of the present with that of
structures such as the Kailas at
the past.
Ethera and Kalyani Chalukyan
centres of art.
- To explore and understand
the close link between.
1. Political stability
2. Economic prosperity through
Industrialisation and Trade.
3. Architectural Tradition based
on artisan and artist guilds.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 12
The Cholas of Tanjore
and The Hoysalas of
1. Introduction
- To understand the origin of
- Flow chart for
- Visit the nearest Hoysala
2. The Cholas of Tanjove
local self govenment tradition
a. Geneology
monument and study the
3. The Hoysalas of Dorasamudra
through the local self govern-
b. Irrigaiton network
details of the structures.
4. Contributions
ment system of the cholas.
c. Architectural Centres.
- To understand the origin and
extensive use of the present
varieties of irrigation systems
like. Tank, well, canal etc
- Map for location of capitals provinces
and routes of compaigns.
- Map of Asia for the chola South East
Asian expansion.
- Identify various pasts of the
monument and prepare a
field report.
- Make a comparitive study
between the present
through the irrigation system of
- Project work as presentation.
panchayat or any other local
the cholas and Hoysala period.
- Quiz
self Goverment system with
- Written Test.
that of the chola local self
- To study the evolution of
engineering technology through
governing institutions.
the chola and Hoysala
9 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
Chiristianity and Islam
1. Introduction
2. Christianity - Teachings
and Impact
- Learn about the important
teachings of Jesus Christ and
prophet Mohammed
3. Islam
- Make a chart of basic characterstic of
Islam and Christianity.
- Show with the help of maps birthplace
of prophet Mohammed.
4. Semitical Character
- Group Discussion.
- Ask them to identify the
basic characters of Islam and
- Make them identify by way of
maps the birth places of Jesus
Christ and Prophet
Chapter 2
Middle Ages in Europe
1. Introduction
- Learn about important
2. Feudalism
characteristics of feudalism in
3. Decline of Feudalism
medieval europe.
- Make a chart indicating the feudal
structure in medieval Europe.
- Question and answer sessions can be
- Make them identify the social
hirarchy in medieval
european society.
Chapter 3
India from 9th Century
AD to 14th Century AD
1. Introduction
2. Rajaputs
3. Mohammad of Ghazni and Ghori
4. The Delhi Sultans
a. Polity
b. Society
c. Economy
d. Literature
e. Art and Architecture
- Learn about the administration of the sultanate of Delhi.
- Appreciate the contributions
of the Rajputs and their culture.
- Give a list of Literary works of Rajputs - Ask them to list the literary
and that of Delhi sultanate period.
- With the help of map show the way
works on the Rajputs.
- With the help of a map let
ruled by Rajputs and that of the sultans
them identify the major
of Delhi.
Rajput kingdoms and the
- Show the invasion route of
Mohammed of Ghazni and Ghori.
areas ruled by the sultanate of
- Through Projects in collection of coins, - Identify the invasion routes of
literary works and picture collections
Mohammed of Ghazni and
of architectural movements.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 4
Preachers of India
1. Introduction
2. Shankarachrya
3. Ramanujacharya
- Will understand the teachings
of these religious preachers.
- Will appreciate and adopt the
4. Basaveswara
important aspect of their
5. Madhwacharya
- Teach the main concepts associated
- Make them identify the basic
with Shankara, Ramanuja, Madhva
concepts in the teachings of
and Basava.
shankara, Ramanuja, Madhva
- Seek conceptual answers with regard
and Basaveswara.
to the saints.
Their Teachings and Impact.
Chapter 5
The Vijayanagara and
The Bahamani Polity
1. Introduction
- Will understand the contribution - With the help of chart indicate the
- Make them identify the vari
2. Vijayanagara
of Vijayanaga Empire to art,
various dynastics of Vijayangara
ous dynasties of Vijayanagara
3. Bahamani
architecture and Literature.
Empire and that of Bahamani Kingdom.
Empire and under the
a. Polity
b. Society
c. Economy
- Give a list of literary works of
Vijayanagara period.
- With the help of maps show the areas
d. Religion
ruled by Vijayangara kings and
e. Literature
f. Art and Architecture
- Display charts bearing Vijayanagara
coins and Architectural monuments
Bahamani kingdom.
- Make them list the literary
works of the period.
- Let them collect various
pictures related to
Vijayanagara and Bahamani
architecture of the period.
of the period.
- Through projects assignments of coins,
literary works and architectural
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 6
The Mughals and
The Marathas
1. Introduction
2. The Mughals
3. The Marathas
a. Polity
- Will learn about the activities
of shivaji.
- Will learn about religious
tolerance practiced by Akbar.
- List the achievements under various
rules among the mughals and the
achievements under various
rulers of the mughals.
- With the help of map show the areas
b. Society
ruled by various rulers among the
c. Economy
mughals and the marathas.
d. Religion
- Make them list the
- Give a list of literary works of the
e. Literature
f. Art and Architecture
- Show the pictures of architectural
monuments of the period.
- Through project assignment of coins,
literary works and architectural
- Quiz.
Chapter 7
Bhakti Cult
1. Introduction
- Will understand and appreciate - Give the list of work composed by
2. Ramananda
the values taught by the
3. Kabir
Bhakti saints.
4. Chaitanya
5. Gurananak
these saints.
- Give a list of features taught by these
- Let them identify with the
help of a map the places with
which the saints are associated
- Show with the help of maps the places - Make them list the respective
6. Meera Bai
with which the saints were associated
works composed by these
7. Sufi Saints
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
- Teachings and Impact
Method and Evaluation
- Make them list the common
theme of their teachings.
Chapter 8
Modern Europe
1. Introduction
2. Renaissance
3. Geographical Explorations
4. Reformation
5. Industrial Revolution
- Will learn and appreciate the
values of Renaissance.
- Will understand the impact of
the geographical discoveries.
- Will learn the impact of
- With a map show the places associated - With the help of a map let
with geographical discoveries and
them identify the places
associated with Renaissance,
- Show the works of various artists painting and architecture of the period.
reformation movement in
- Show the routes of explorations.
- List the inventions of the industrial
- Will appreciate the develop-
ment in science, technology,
- Quiz
art and literature.
- Project assignments on collection of
paintings, monuments.
Reformation, Geographical
Discoveries and Industrial
- Let them list the prominant
people of the renaissance with
their importance.
- Let them list the geographical
discoveries with the names
and places of discovery.
- Make them list prominent
events of reformation.
- Let them list the important
inventions of the industrial
Chapter 9
Revolutions and The
Rise of Nation States
1. Introduction
2. The American War of
- Will learn and appreciate the
- Indicate the dates of the revolution.
- Make them list the prominent
French Revolution like Liberty, - Ideas of the revolution.
people and places associated
Equality and Fraternity.
with the American and French
- Philosophy behind the revolutions.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
3. The French Revolution Ideas and Philosophers
4. Unification Movements
Method and Evaluation
- List the philosophers of the Revolutions. Revolution.
- Discuss the achievements of Bismark.
- Let them list the philosophers
- Conduct group discussion on the
of the French Revolution with
a. Italy
importance and changes brought
b. Germany
about by revolutions and unification
their works.
10 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
Advent of Europeans
1. Introduction
- Socio-economic factors which
2. The Portuguese
led to the advent of
3. The Dutch
4. The English
- Circumstances which led to
5. The French
the discovery of sea route to
6. Battles and Expansion
India and its effects.
- Entry of Porchuguese, Dutch,
English and French to India
- Mark the trading centres established
by the Europeans on the outline map.
- Mark trading centres
established by the Euorpean
- Make a list of important articles which
traders on outline map.
were being imported and exported by
- Collect information on the
- Discuss the impact of missionary
activities which was being carried by
monuments and trading
centres established by the
and establishment of economic
- Political conditions in India
during the advent of
- Political conflicts between
European traders and native
Chapter 2
Kannada Speaking
Regions during
Colonial Rule
1. Introduction
2. Mysore
- Political battles among
European trading power.
3. Kodagu (Coorg)
- British political domination.
4. Hyderabad Karnataka
- Administrative changes
5. Madras Karnataka
6. Mumbai Karnataka
introduced by the British.
- Mark the Kannada speaking areas
during adonial rule on outline map.
- Make a list of early leaders who
opposed colonial rule.
- Discuss the reforms introduced by
the British in India.
- Collect picture of European
Sailors and officials who
visited India.
- Mark places where the British
waged wars against Hyder
and Tipu in outline map.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
7. Colonalism and Resistance
8. Administration and Reforms
Method and Evaluation
- To know the Circumstances
- Collect pictures and
which led to political
information about early
fragmentation of Kannada
Indian rulers who fought
speaking regions.
against British rule.
- Early Anti-British struggles in
Chapter 3
Folk History
1. Introduction
- To understand the Meaning,
- Know the folk stories, folk songs
- Collect folk songs which
2. Importanace of Oral History
importance and various forms
available for the reconstruction of
became popular during Anti-
3. Nature and Characterstice of
of Folk History.
History of Karnataka.
British uprisings.
Janapada Kavyas
- Possibilities and limitation in
writing folk history.
- Folk tales, folk songs and
- Taking same examples of folk
literature to show how they help in the
- Collecting folk songs availabe
near by villages.
reconstruction of History.
other forms of folk literature.
Chapter 4
The Foundation of
British Rule and
1. Introduction
2. Strategies and Battles
3. Mercantile Capitalism
4. Industrial Capitalism
5. Society
6. Constitutional Development
- To understand the policies pur- - Using a map to discuss the battle
sued by the British.
- Battles between British the
Native chiefs and its effects.
- Economics policies adapted
by the British and its impact.
- Flow of British capital and
its effects.
- Collect more information on
between local Chiefs and European
early leaders who fought
against British rule.
- Discuss the positive and negative
- Collect more information on
effects of English trade and flow of
British policy towards Indian
British capital into India.
social system.
- Make a list of social legislation
enacted by the British.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
- Social impact of colonial
ruleand constitutional changer.
Method and Evaluation
- Make a list of constitutional changes
introduced by the British in India.
Chapter 5
Social and Religious
1. Introduction
2. Brahma Samaj
3. Arya Samaj
4. Prathana Samaj
5. Sathya Shodhak Samaj
6. Aligarh Movement
- To know the impact of western - Ask questions relating to important
education on Indian society.
- Life and works of important
socio-Religiouse reformers.
- Role of institutions in social
7. Ramakrishna Movement
- Reforms in Muslim society.
8. Theosophical Society
- How social reforms promoted
political unity.
- Make a list of socio-religious
social reforms and the organisation
reformers and collect infor-
that they had established.
mations on the institutions
- Mark important centres of socio-
which they had established.
religious reform movement on
- Make a list of Reform activi-
the outline map.
- Explain the importance given by
ties carried out by Arya
Samaja and Brahma Samaja.
the social reformers to promote
Chapter 6
First War of
1. Introduction
2. Causes
a. Political
- To know about the charcter of
First War of Independence.
- Understand the political causes
b. Economic
which led to the First War of
c. Admistrative
d. Military
- To know about important places
- Locate important places connected
with 1857 movement on an outline
First War of Independence
on outline map.
- Make a list of important leaders
associated with movement.
- Make a discussion on character,
e. Spread of War
connected to the First War of
significant events and impact of the
f. Cases for Failure
1857 movement.
g. Effects
- Mark places connection with
- Collect pictures of leaders
who had participated in First
War of Independence.
- Make a list of various
stages of the movement.
- Understand the causes for the
failure of First War of
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 7
Impact of British
Rule in India
1. Introduction
- To know about the positive
- Ask questions relating to eduational
- Collect more information on
2. Uniform System of Administration
and negative impact of British
institutions, industries, newspaper and
Lord Maculays's role in
3. Economic Impact
Railway lines established by the
introducing educational
Reforms in India.
4. Land Revenue System
5. Industry
6. Education
- how India became politically
united as a result of British rule. - Disucss the impact of British rule
- Understand the process of
7. Transport and Communication
Economic drain during
8. Journalism
British rule.
9. Social Life
- Educational reforms
- Know more about lamb
like famine, drought,
revenue reforms introduced
epidemics and economic drain.
by British.
- Make a list of reforms introduced
by the British.
- Make a list of educational
institution and industries
introduced by the British and
established by the British
its effects.
in India.
Chapter 8
Freedom Movement
1. Introduction
2. Indian National Congress
a. Moderates
b. Extremists
- To know Character and goals
of Freedom movements and
its different stages.
- Role of congress in vation
3. Revolutionaries
Freedom Movement.
Hind Swaraj
- Role of Revolutionaries,
Non Violence
Students, peasants, labourers
and Tribals in Freedom
Non-cooperation Movement
Civil Disobedience Movement
Quit India Movement
- Make a list of important stages of
congress movement.
- Ask questions relating to moderate,
extremist, and revolutionary
- Make a list of moderate and
extremist congress leaders.
- Make a list of movements
started by Gandhiji.
- Make a list of important movements
led by Gandhiji.
- Collect pictures of leaders
who participated in the
national movement.
- Role of important national
leaders in freedom struggle.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
5. Peasants and Workers Resistance
6. Tribal Reistance
Method and Evaluation
- Partition of India and its
7. Jawaharlal Nehru, Ambedkar
Subhash Chandra Bose,
Mohammed Ali Jinnah
8. Partition of India
Chapter 9
India After
1. Introduction
2. Effects of Partition
a. Refugee Problem
b. Government Formation
c. Military and Police Action
d. Liberation of Pondicherry
and Goa
e. Reorganisation of Linguistic
3. Prime Ministers and their
- To know how the national
a. Use of map.
a.Watching movies such as
movements made impact
- Use of popular music, literature
Richard Atonborou's Gandhi,
stable and democratic India.
- Make a list of important challanges
Satya's Garam Hawa and
- To understand the dimensions
faced by India after Independence.
of Partition of India and Jinnah. - Discuss impact of partition of India.
- To study the contributions of
- Discuss the effects of States
Nehru, political agitations of
re-organisation commission.
Subhashchandra Bose and
Social concerns of
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar
- Challanges of Independent
- Partition and its effects.
- Formation of linguistic states.
- Make a chart showing the Prime
Ministers of Independent India.
so on.
- List names of important
national leaders.
- To pramote stories,
films and other medias
depicting the issues relating to
partition of India.
- Mark the new linguistic states
in the outline map.
- Preparation of the list of Prime
Minister of India.
- Electoral politics,
Achivements of Prime
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 10
Political Dimension of
20th Century
1. Introduction
- To know how the wars,
2. Russian Revolution
revolutions, movements made
3. Ist World War
impact on India.
4. Rise of Dictators
5. IInd World War
6. Cold War
- India's policy towards Neighbouring countries.
- Steps taken by India to achive
7. Chinese Revolution
a honourable and Strategic
8. Rise of U.S.A.
position among the modern
- Discuss the cause and effects of the
First World War.
- Know move about the leaders
associate with Russian
- Ask questions relating to the rise of
dictatorship and its impact on Europe.
- Discuss the causes and effects of the
II World War.
- Ask questions relating to meaning,
character, and effects of Cold War.
- Explain the significance of Chinese
- Make a list of causes and
Rusults of First World War.
- Collect information on the
policies and programmes of
Hitlar and Mussoloni.
- Collect more information on
the functions of United
Syllabus Forming Committe
Civics & Political Science
P.A. Kumar
- Chairman
Professor (Rtd.)
Department of Political Science
Vijaya College, Bangalore
Dr. K.M. Kumar
Department of Political Science
First Grade Government College
Nyamati, Davanagere District
- Member
5 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
1.1. Meaning
- To understand that the family
1.2. Importance
and the school are the basic
1.3. Units of Society
units of the society.
a. Family
- To understand his role and
b. School
responsibility in the family
c. Community
and the school.
- Explaining the meaning of society
with examples.
- To encourage the collection
of pictures relating to
family and school.
- Introducing the various units of
society with the help of pictures.
- Providing an opportunity to express the
importance of the various units of
- Listing out the advantages and dis
advantages in the two types of family
Chapter 2
Citizen and Citizenship
2.1. Meaning
- To learn about the differences
2.2. Qualities of Good Citizen
between the citizen and
2.3. Acquiring Citizenship
2.4. Loss of Citizenship
- To imbibe the qualities of a
good citizen.
- Showing the differences between a
citizen and an alien.
- List out the characterstic
of citizen and display it
through wallposter.
- Illustration of good charactors of a
citizen with an example with the help
of examples and pictures show the
methods of becoming citizen.
Chapter 3
3.1. Meaning of Democracy
3.2. Differences between Monarchy
and Democracy
3.3. Election Process
- To understand the meaning
and importance of democracy.
- To understand the importance
of election in Democracry.
- List the features of citizenship through
the election of local leaders introduce
- To conduct the mock
election in the school.
the meaning of democracy.
- Ask them to tell the advantages of
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Make the write the difference between
students union elections and the local
Chapter 4
Village Communities
Urban Communities
4.1. Village Life
- To understand the problems
- Explaining the various development
- List out the different
4.2. Rural Occupations
of their community and their
schemes of the government with the
occupations of the rural
4.3. Problems of Rural Community
duties to improve the life.
help of examples.
4.4. Measures taken by the
Government to improve the
- To develop a sense of dignity
of labour.
- Making them to list the advantages of
village life.
- List out the problems of
village life.
conditions of villages.
4.5. Urban Life
- To realise his role in solving
4.6. Urban Occupations
the problems of his place of
4.7. Urban Problems
4.8. Measures taken by the
- List out the occupations of
the urban areas.
- List out the problems of
urban life.
Government to improve
the conditions of Urban life.
Chapter 5
Social and Economic
Problems - Remedies
- To understand the social and
- Instruct with example how caste-system,
a. Casterism
economic problems of ours
communalism and untouchability has
social and economic
b. Communalism
hindered national integration.
problems of our society.
5.1. Social Problems
- Prepare the charts about the
- Creating awareness about the importance - To conduct the debate about
c. Untouchability
- To realise his responsibility
5.2. Measures taken by the
in solving the social and
of emotional relationship in solving
the economic and the social
economic problems
these problems.
problems of the present day.
government to solve these
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
social problems
Method and Evaluation
- To inform with examples how poverty
5.3. Economic Problems
and economic unequality is
- Poverty
detrimental to national progress.
5.4. Measures taken by the
- Educate, how untouchability is a
Government to solve
problem to social and economic
these problems
Chapter 6
Protection of
Public Property
6.1. Public Property and their uses
- To know about the use of
6.2. Maintainance
public property and the need
6.3. Protection
to protect them.
6.4. Duties of Citizen in
- To create awareness about public
- To make them to realise that public
property is the prperty of all.
Protecting Public Property
- To make them realise with the
examples that to protect public
- Prepare a list of public properties being used by him.
- Make them to write their
role in the protection of
public property.
- To discuss the dis
property is the responsibility of
advantages of destroying
every citizen.
public property.
Chapter 7
Local Self Governments
(Local Administration)
7.1. Village Panchayats
- To know the importance of
7.2. Taluk Panchayats
local self government.
7.3. Zilla Panchayats
- To know the sources of
7.4. Municipal Corporations
a. Formation
b. Functions
c. Sources of Revenue
income and the expenditure
of the local bodies.
- Explain the nature of local government
- Visit local administrative
and its powers with the help of local
bodies and collect
information about its
- Discuss the important activities of
formation and functions.
Grama Panchayat.
- Instructions to be given to write the
works undertaken by local
- Governments in their respective places.
6 Standard
Total Period - 30
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
Constitution of India
- To know and to understand
about the meaning and
constitution is a reflection of national
Consitution and exhibit it
Framing of the Constitution
framing of the constitution.
in the class room.
Features of the Constitution
- To appreciate the features of
the constitution.
a. Written Constitution
b. Unitary and Federal
c. Rigid and Flexible
- Make them to realise that the
- Instruct about the activities of the
constituent assembly and the draft
- Read the Preamble of the
- List out the fundamental
rights and duties.
committe of the constitution.
- To know the importance of
both the rights and duties.
d. Sovereign
- Explain the features of the
constitution with the help of examples.
- Make them to write briefly about the
e. Socialist
fundamental rights and duties.
f. Secular
g. Democratic
h. Republic
i. Single Citizenship
Directive Principles
Fundamental Rights and Duties
Chapter 2
Our Government
a. Executive - Centre and
the State
b. Legislative - Centre and
the State
- To learn about the powers and
functions of the president of
- Instruct with example the meaning of
government and its necessity.
- To form a model parliament.
- To prepare the list of
India and the Governors of the
functions of central and
state governments.
- To learn about the structure
- Introduce the various organs of the
- To prepare the list of
c. Judiciary
and the work of the central
government with the functions in its
functions of central and
- Supreme Court
and state legislatures.
relation to the other.
State Governments.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
- High Courts
- To learn about the structure
- Subordinate Courts and
and functions of the Supreme
- Lok Adalats
Court and High Courts.
Formation - Power and
the state.
Method and Evaluation
- Make the students to write the meaning
of legislature, Executive and Judiciary.
- Explain the sturucture and working of
Lok Adalat with the help of example.
- Make the students to write the meaning,
composition and working of the Lok
Chapter 3
Our Defence
Need for Defence
Divisions - Army - Nevy
and Airforce
- To know about the functioning - Explain with the help of examples
of our defence forces.
- To feel a sense of pride to
Ausculating Force
join the defence and serve
Chiefs and Head Quarters
the nation.
a. B.S.F.
of war, the need of Defence Forces in
the country.
- Explain with the help of pictures the
three wings of India's defence force's
and their workings.
b. Home guards
- Inform the working of para-military
c. Coastal guards
force's by preparing a list.
d. Civil Defence
- Inform the students to write a note on
e. N.C.C.
the importance and need of military
f. Red Cross
- Prepare with the list of the
different divisions of our
- Defence, their head
quarters, the chiefs and the
training centres.
- Collect the information
about the second line of
defence forces
(Anxiliary forces).
- Make the students lits the emportance
and the services rendered by the para
military forces.
Chapter 4
National Integration
Factors hindering the
National Integration
- To understand the unity of
India in tier diversity.
- Explain with examples the meaning of
the word national Integration.
- Collect the pictures of our
National symbols, festivals
of India.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
a. Casteism
- To understand the importance
b. Communalism
of our National Symbols,
c. Regionalism with
i.e., National flag, National
Special reference to
- Anthem and National emblem.
Border, Water and
Method and Evaluation
- Instruct the elements helpful in the
- Arrange the exhibitions in
growth of National Integreation.
the school depiting the
- Explain with examples the elements
hindering national integration.
pictures of the diversities
found in India.
- Instruct the students to write an essay
Language problems.
on what is nationalism? What are the
Factors Contributing to
elements that hinder Nationalism?
National Integration
a. National Symbols
b. National Festivals
c. National Anthem
7 Standard
Totoal Period - 30
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
Social Problems
and Remedies
a. Illiteracy
- Explaining the factors affecting the
b. Population Explosion
social problems are
social development in India with the
c. Economic Inequality
hinderance to social progress.
help of illustrations and pictures.
d. Corruption
- To understand as to how the
- To develop awareness towards - To discuss the measures undertaken to
e. Untouchability
towards the consumer
f. Dowry
protection activities.
solve the social problems.
- To convince the students about the
g. Domestic Violence
importance of consumer education
h. Remedies
with the help of examples.
Consumer Education
- Prepare the chart of the
social problems of India.
- Collect the information
about the consumer
protection act.
- Introducing the place's where consumer
courts are found and to explain how to
make use of them and when to
approach them.
Chapter 2
United Nations
Organisation (UNO)
- To appreciate the purpose,
- Introducing the UNO with the help of
ojective's and achievements
pictures depicting the buildings and
of UNO.
flag of UNO.
Specialised Agencies
India and UNO
- Explaining the objectives, subordinate
orgnisations and its achievements.
- Prepare a list of the
secretary generals of UNO.
- Listout the name's of the
Indian's who served several
agencies of UNO
- Explaining its chief subordinate
organisation's and their objectives.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Discussing the role of India in the
achievements of UNO.
- To question the students about the
establishment of UNO, its objectives
and its subordinate organisations.
Chapter 3
India's Foreign Policy
3.1. Non - Alignment
- To understand as to how India's
- Explaining the meaning of foreign
- Discuss the principles of
3.2. Panchasheela
foreign policy is contributing
policy by giving exampled of relation-
our foreign policy with
3.3. Anti - racism
to establish world peace.
ship with neighbouring countries.
3.4. Anti - Colonialism
- Explaining the features of India's
foreign policy.
- Ask the students to explain the foreign
policy with example's.
Chapter 4
India and her
4.1. India - Pakistan
- To appreciate that India wants
- Explaining India is relationship with
4.2. India - China
to have the policy of peaceful
the neighbouring, countries with the
4.3. India - Nepal
co-existence with her
help of maps and charts.
4.4. India - Srilanka
- Discuss India's relationship
with her neighbours.
- Ask the students to identify the
neighbouring maps of countrie's and
Chapter 5
World Problems
5.1. Denial of Human Rights
5.2. Aparthied
- To understand as to how the
present problem's are
- Make an attempt to convince the
factor that the human beings have
- Collect the information
regarding the world
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
5.3. Economic Inequality
obstacles to the progress and
5.4. Terrorism
development of the world.
Method and Evaluation
been possesing rights naturallay.
- Explain economic disparities,
aparthied problems and problems of
problems which apear in the
news paper and exhibit in
the school.
terrorism through the help of media such
as newspapers, television and so on
8 Standard
Totoal Period - 27
Political Science
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
Importance of the Study
of Political Science
- To Understand the Importance - Explain the importance of Political
of the Study of Political
Science taking the examples from
- To conduct debate on the
Topic: The Importance of
- Ask Questions about the Meaning
and importance of Political Science.
Chapter 2
Citizen and Citizenship
Citizen - Meaning
of the words, citizen and
Difference between Citizen
and Alien
Ways of Acquiring Citizenship
Loss of Citizenship
Benefits of Citizenship
Citizen and the Government
- To Understand the meaning
- To know the methods of
acquiring citizenship.
- To understand his role as a
citizen and his duties.
- To eliat the differences between a
citizen and alien.
- To list out the rights
employed by a citizen an
- To explain the methods of acquiring and
losing the citizenship through examples.
- To ask questions about the method of
- To discuss the situations of
losing or termination of
acquiring citizenship by an Indian who
marries a foreigner or a foreigner who
marries an Indian.
Chapter 3
Meaning and Definition
Differences between Democracy,
Dictatiorship and Monarchy
Types of Democracy
Principles of Democracry
Characteristics of Democracry
Defects of Democracry
- To understand the basic
requirements of Democracy.
- To cherish the Values of
- The meaning, Principles and Chara-
- Arrange a debate on the
cteristics of Democracy to be elicited
topic: Characteristics of
and also explained by taking the
Monarchy and Democracy.
examples of elections and the
Constitution of local self government.
- To know the process of
election system in India.
- To explain the importance of elections
and election process through examples.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Universal Adult Franchaise
Election Process
Party System
Public Opinion
Freedom of Press and
Electronic Media - Influence
- To understand the need and
role of the party system.
- To understand the importance
of public opinion.
Method and Evaluation
- The influence of Public opinion,
Freedom of Press and media in the
- To conduct modal election
in the classroom.
democratic setup to be discussed and
- To encourage the students to
write a note about the
characterstics, priciples and
defects of Democracy.
Chapter 4
Local Self Government
Panchayat Raj System -
- To understand and appreciate
- To introduce, explain and question
- To invite a member of the
the role of local self govern-
about the local self government by
local self government to
Grama Panchayat
ment in the administrative
taking the examples of the local bodies
school and arrange a talk.
Taluk Panchayat
setup of India.
where the child resideng.
Zilla Panchayat
Town Municipalities
and the Jurisdiction
about the composition, power,
City Corporation
of local self government.
functions and sources of income and
Bruhat Mahanagarapalike
Composition, Powers and
maintaing the cleanliness
and sanitation of their
Sources of Income
- To understand the functions
- To explain and also question
- To list out the problems of
local bodies.
- To list out the role of each
and every student in
and Expenditure
9 Standard
Totoal Period - 27
Political Science
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
Constitution of India
Forming of Constituent
- To know about the constituent
- To narrate the formation of the
Constituent assembly taking the
Framing of the Constitution
- To understand the differences
to provide details about the drafting
- between Directive Principles
of the constitution.
Features of the Constitution
Fundamental Rights
(PIL & RTI) and Duties
and Fundamental rights.
- To appreciate the features of
our Constitution.
Directive Principles
- To explain the preamble and features
of the consitution through charts.
- To explain the differences between
fundamental rights and
- To list out the features of the
Indian Constitution.
- To prepare the draft of
fundamental right.
- To help the students to list
out the directive principles.
- To hang out the list of
fundamental duties.
Directive Principles.
- To elicit the fundamental duties
with the help of pictorial chart.
Chapter 2
Union Government
- To display the prictone
Meaning - Organs
Legislative - Parliament
and functions of the union
of the different organs of central
of the parliament house in
Executive - President
government in safe guarding
the class room.
the unity and integrity of India.
a. Supreme Court
- To understand and formation
- To explain the composition and powers
- To understand the formation
b. High Courts
and functions of our Judicial
Composition, Power
and Functions
- To narrate the relationship between
the three organs of the government.
- To explain the election procedure,
- To origanise a mock
cabinet meeting with some
topic of discussion.
position and powers of the president.
- To explain the formation, importance
and functions of Judiciary with examples.
- To ask the students to list out the
differences between the different
- To list out the name of the
persons wo occupied the
office of the president of
India and the tenure.
organs of the central government.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- To ask the students to write about the
power and position of the president of
Chapter 3
State Government
State Legislature
State Executive
functions and the role of
legislature, exacutive and Judiciary
state and central
Subordinate Courts
through examples.
a. District Courts
- To understand the formation
- To exlain the composition of state
- To understand the importance
- To narrate the differences in the
b. Magistrate Courts
of subordinate courts in the
functions of the three organs.
c. Revenue Courts
democratic system.
- To explain the composition
- List out the powers of the
- List out the names of the
governors of Karnataka.
- To organise the mock
d. Lok Adalts
functions and the jurisdiction of
court procedings the
Composition, Power
Subordinate Courts.
understand the functions
and Functions
and procedings of
the courts.
Chapter 4
Need for Defence
Organizations of Defence
- To known the importance of
defence to a country.
country through examples.
- To organise the mock pa
rade of the defence forces
- To familiasise the functions
- Briefing the composition and functions
with the help of the students
a. Army, b. Navy, c. Airforce
of the three divisions of
of the different wings of the defence
wearing the different types
Chiefs - Training Centres -
defence forces.
forces through the examples of
of defence uniforms.
Defence Production
- Explain the need for defence to a
Second line of Defence
weaponary and uniforms.
- To introduce the second line
(Auxuliary Forces)
of defence (Anauling force)
a. Border Security Force
and their services.
- Explain the auxiliary forces through
- To creat a mock battle area.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
b. Home Guards
Method and Evaluation
- To analyse the role of a citizen - To explain the importance of auxiliary
c. Coastal Guards
in safe guarding the interests
forces like NCC or any other units,
d. Civil Defence
of our nation.
functioning in the school through
e. NCC - wings
f. Red Cross
- List out the benefits of NCC
or the auxiliary forces.
- To develop the spirit of
protecting the nation.
- List out the importance of defence
- Suggest list out the importance
ausculiang forces.
Chapter 5
National Integration
Factors Promoting
National Integration
- To know the importance of
National Integration.
- To appreciate the Principles
- Explain the meaning of National
integration through examples.
- To enact a play or a fusion
item with the students
- Discuss the factors contributing
wearing different types of
Problems Hindering
of unity in Diversity of our
to the promotion of National
customs of India to bring
National Integration
integration and also the abstacles to it.
about the idea of National
- To develop the spirit of conde- - To explain the factors contributing the
ming and opposing the factors
achive unity in diversity through
hindering National integration.
- To suggest the students to listout the
essential factors to promote National
10 Standard
Total Period - 27
Political Science
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
Problems of India and
- To understand the post
- Elicit and explain the social and
- Prepare the pictonial charts
independent problems of India
economic problems of India through
of social and economic
and the measures to overcome
problems of India.
Economic Inequality
those problems.
Over Population
Foreign Policy - Meaning
- To understand the Principles
Panchasheel - Principles
of Indian foreign Policy.
Non - Alignment
Opposition to Colonialism
Indias foreign policy is
Opposition to Racism
contributing to establish
world peace.
Regional Co-operation
- To discuss as to how these problems are
- Organise debate to discuss
responsibilities in solving
a hindrance to the social and economic
the factors which contribute
such problems.
backwardness of India.
to the progress of the
- To understand their role and
- To list out the role of the students in
solving such problems.
Chapter 2
India's Foreign Policy
- To understand as to how
- Explain the foreign policy of India
with examples.
- To list the Principles of
- Explain the Principles of Panchasheel.
a. Commonwealth
c. European Union
e. OAU
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 3
India's Relationship
with Other Countries
India - Pakistan
- To know about and to feel
- Narrate India's relationship
India - China
proud of India's policy
with other countries taking the
about India's relationship
India - Nepal
of settling disputes with
reference of news items from
with other countries and to
India - Bangladesh
neighbouring countries in a
Newspapers, Periodicals and also
exhibit it an the bulletin
India - Srilanka
peaceful manner and
India - U.S.A.
following the policy of
India - Russia
peaceful co-existence.
Denial of Human Rights
Race of Armaments
the present problems are
denial of Human Rights, Race of
the present problems facing
Economic Inequality
obstacles to the peace.
armaments, economic inequality and
the world.
Racism (Aparthied)
- Progress and development
India's Role in Overcoming
- Form questions and elicit answers.
- To collect the information
- Arrange lectures an the
topic by experts.
Chapter 4
World Problems
and India's Role
- To understand as to how
- Explain the world problems i.e.
- Collect information about
social discrimination through examples.
of the world.
- Narrate the role of India in overcoming - Discuss the role of India in
these Problems
these problems.
solving these problems.
Chapter 5
World Organizations
U.N. - establishment
Aims and Objectives
establishment and objectives
World War and in the light of that
building, flar, organs and
Organs - Functions
of U.N.
explain the establishment, objectives
functions of U.N. and
and achivements of U.N.
exhabit it on the bulletin
Agencies of U.N.
a. FAO
- To understand the
- To know the achivements and
failures of U.N.
- Explain the effects of the Second
- Questions may be asked on these
- Prepare a chart of the
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
b. WHO
- To know and appreciate the
functions and achivement
e. IMF
of the agencies of U.N. in
the social and economic
g. ILO
Progress of the World.
- Narrate the organs, ogencies of U.N.
and their functions through the charts.
- Arrange debate on the
achivement and failures
of U.N.
i. WTO
- Composition, Objectives,
Members, Head quarters and
achievement of the agencies of U.N.
Regional Co-operation
a. Common Wealth
- To Understand the Role of the
- Name of the regional co-operative
- Arrange a lecture on the
regional organisations to the
bodies of the world and explain their
functions and achivement of
c. European Union
economic and social progress
objectives and functions.
regional bodies by inviting
of the world.
- Questions may be framed and asked.
e. OAU
Syllabus Forming Committe
Prof. Manjunath
- Chairman
Department of Geography
MES Junior College
Jayanagara, Bangalore
Prof. Devaraj
Department of Geography
Cauvary College, Gonikoppa
Kodagu Dist.
- Member
Sri. Katti
Department of Geography
First Grade Govt. College
- Member
5 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Understands the suns
- Explain the suns family by using
Chapter 1
Earth Our Mother Planet
Sun's Family - Earth and
Other Members
- Appriasal of sun, earth and other
members of sun.
Shape and Size of the Earth
- Understands the shape
size of the Earth.
- Disucess the shape and size of the
eath by using diagram.
- Appraisal of Shape and size of the
Earth's Satelite: Moon -
- Understand about moon,
- Explain the moon and it's features
Planets and Satelites.
- Prepare Termocol, Clay,
Cotton etc. models to show
Solar System.
- Draw diagram to show
Shape of the Earth, prepare
pleases of moon and eclipse by using
Table to show details of
Eclipses: Lunar and Solar
and eclipses.
charts and diagrams.
Earth's Inclination
- Understands the earth's
exis and it's position.
Movements of the Earth:
Rotation, Revolution
- Know the movements of
the earth and their effects.
- Their effects
Meaning and Uses
sky (Natural Laboratory)
and Observe different
- Appraisal of earth intonation.
phases of Moon and
- Discuss the rotation and rendition of
Eclipses (Whenever they
the earth and their effects by using
pictures and photography.
and their effects.
Geographic Co-ordinates:
- Watch moon in the night
- Describe the earth's inclination.
- Appraisal of the earthy movements
pictures and photos of Sun,
features phases of moon
Sun and Planets. Collect
Features, Phases
- Appraisal of moon, phases and
- Draw diagram to show the
- Understands the imaginary
- Explain the latitudes and longitudes
of globe with their uses.
with their uses by using globe and
- Appraisal of Latitude and longitudes.
- Collect Pictures and
Photographs of Phases of
the Moon and Eclipses.
- Preapre models of Phases
of Moon of Eclipses.
- Draw neat diagram of
inclination and Revolution
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Longitude and Time: Local
Method and Evaluation
- Understands the longitudes
- Discuss the longitude and time and
of the Earth, showing Orbit,
and Standard Times,
and time, local and slater
identify the local time, standard time,
different positioins of the
Time Zones International
time, time zones, interna-
time zones and international date line
Earth and occurance of
Date Line (IDL)
tional date live.
with the helpf of globe and map.
Cycle of Seasons.
- Appraisal of longitudes and time and
- Draw neat diagram of Earth
ask date and day of different countries
and Show Latitudes and
of the world.
Longitudes (Equator,
Tropics, Prime Meridian,
IDL etc.)
- With the help of Globe and
maps identify different
latitudes and longitudes,
IDL and Date and Day
difference between
- With your friends play the
game of identifying
Latitudes-Time, Date and
Day of different countries
of the World.
Chapter 2
Globe, Maps,
Geographical Symbols
- Map Reading
Globe: Meaning
- Understands the globe and
its importance.
- Discuss the meaning and features of
- Globe - observe its features.
the globe by using models.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Appraisal the feature of globe.
Maps: Meaning, Types,
- Understands meaning, types,
- Explain the different maps, identify
Essential, Components
essential components and
the essential components and their
Classify on the basis of
and Uses
uses of maps.
uses by using different maps.
theme, identify the essential
- Appraisal of different components
- Observe different maps,
components of a map.
and uses of different types of maps.
Geographical Symbols:
Meaning, Colours and Lines
- Know the meaning, uses of
geographical symbols.
- Explain the meaning and uses of
- Read the map and identify
symbols. Identify the different
the different symbols and
(Contour) used to show
colours and linens used in the
colours used to show
Physical Features
different maps use maps.
different features. Draw
- Appraisal of geographic cap symbols
used in different maps.
maps and try to mark lines,
colours and symbols to
show different natural and
cultural features.
Map Reading: Identifying
- Know the identification of
- Discuss the identification location,
- For the given map identify
Location, Direction and
location, direction and
direction and distance between places
the location, direction and
Distance of Places on
distance of places.
by using maps (Karnataka, India)
distance between places
Latitudes and Longitudes
- Appraisal of location direction and
(Karnataka, India)
(Karnataka, India)
distance of places.
Chapter 3
World - Major
Landforms and
Major Landforms: Mountains,
- Understands the formation
- Explain the different types of land
- Draw diagrams of different
Plateaus, Plains, Deserts,
and importance of major
forms by using modes, photography,
types of mountains, piateaus
Islands - Meaning, Types
land forms.
charts and maps.
plains etc.
and Importance
- Appraisal of different types of
land forms.
- Collect the photographs
of world famous mountains,
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Major Climate Regions of
Method and Evaluation
- Understand the major
- Discuss the climatic regains and
the World: Meaning, Types
climatic regions of the
and Importance
identify and show in the world map.
- Appraisal of different climatic
regains of the world.
plateaus, deserts, islands
- Show major climatic
regions on the world map.
Chapter 4
India - Physical
India: Physical Setting
- Know the physical scoffing
of India.
- Explain the physical sifting
or India with importance by
India and show its physical
using India maps.
- Appraisal of India and its
physical sifting.
Major Physical Divisions:
Northern Great Mountains,
- Understand the major
physical feature of India.
- Northern Great Plains,
- Explain the major physical
- On the outline of map of
India show the physical
divisions by using colour,
features of India with
cotton, cereals, sand, saw
importance by using maps,
dust, thermocol etc.
Peninsular Plateau, coastal
outline map, pictures and
Plains - Other regions:
Indian Desert, Island groups
- Draw the outline map of
- Appraisal of major physical
features of India.
- Draw maps and show individual physical divisions by
using different materials.
- Collect pictures and photographs of various physical
features of India.
6 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Understands the location,
- Explain the position of Asia in the
Chapter 1
Asia - Land of
Asia: Location, Extent and
Physical Setting
extent, physical setting and
world, latitudinal and longitudinal
and physical setting of Asia
contrast features of our
extension, size etc. with the help of
on the world map.
- Appraisal the location of our
Regional Divisions of Asia
- Clarify Regional, Political
divisions, highlight their
latitudinal and longitudinal extent
South Asia, Middle East etc.
- Appraisal political as well as regional
divisions of the continent Asia.
Physical Divisions
- Describe major physiogra-
Agricultural Activities
political divisions and
- On the outline map of Asia
- Describe major physiographic
show the major physical
divisions and their distribution with
divisions by using colours
distribution with the help
the help of map.
and other materials.
- Ask to identify and name the major
physical divisions in the map.
Major Rivers and
identify the important
phic divisions and their
of map.
- On the political map of Asia
Physiography - Major
show the regional divisions:
East Asia, South East Asia,
contract features by using
- On the outline map of Asia
continent Asia in the world map,
and frontiers.
- Show the location, extent
- Understands the relation-
- A brief account of major rivers,
- Draw the major river systems
of Asia on the outline mapsource to mouth.
ship between major river
their source, direction tributaries,
- On the outline map of Asia
systems and agricultural
influence on agriculture and other
show the river systems and
major crops cultivated along
- Appraisal names of major rivers and
its course.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
uses in respect of irrigation and
Climate and Natural
- Know the relationship
- Classify the Climate and natural
between climate and
vegetation, factors affecting there
national vegetation of Asia.
on and importance.
- Appraisal types of climate
and natural vegetation.
- Discuss on major minerals,
- Prepare table to show the
major rivers and its details:
Birth place, length,
Tributaries, dams, mouth etc.
- Show the major climate belts
and natural vegetation
regions on the outline map.
Important Minerals - Iron
- Understands major minerals,
Ore, Manganese Bauxite,
their importance, distribu-
their uses, types, distribution,
Coal, Petroleum, Major
tion production and trad,
production and influence on
Industrial Regions
identify major industrial
industries, major industrial regions
important minerals and their
of the cointinent.
- Appraisal major minerals
and their distribution on maps.
Population - Growth,
Distribution and Density
- Know the total population,
- Explain trends is the growth of
- Mark the major minerals and
industries on the outline map.
- Prepare table to show the
- Prepare table to show the
growth of population in Asia.
- Show the distribution and
its growth, distribution and
population, factors affecting oin
density of population on the
uneven distribution and density of
outline map of Asia.
population with reliable facts.
- Ask to give reasoins for huge
population, its rapid growth and
variation in density.
Chapter 2
- Peninsula of Asia
Europe: Locatin, Extent
and Physical Setting
- Understands the location of
the continent in the world
- Brief account of latitudinal and longitudinal extent, area and frontiers with
- Show the Location, Extent
and physical setting of
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
and its extent, physical
Method and Evaluation
the help of map and globe.
- Ask to identify the lets and longs.
Extent and physical setting.
Physiographic Divisions Peninsula of Peninsulas
- Identify the physical
- Divide the continent into physiogra-
divisions, their features and
phic divisions, justify why Europe
is called peninsula of peninsula.
- Appraisal major physical divisions.
Climate regions and Natural
- Understands the relation-
- Explain the types of climatic
the map?
- Show the major peninsulas
of Europe on the outline map.
- On the outline map of Europe
show the different Physical
regions and natural
relationship, benefits.
and other materials.
- Appraisal classification of climate
- Understands the position
- Discuss on agriculture, major crops,
of agriculture in Europe,
factors affecting Dairying and fishing,
major crops, significance
their importance.
- Appraisal the sole of Dairying and
and fishing is more than agriculture
in Europe.
Minerals, Important
‘Peninsula of peninsulas’ on
divisions by using colours
of Dairying and fishing.
- Show why Europe is called
regions and natural vegetation, their
regions and natural vegetation.
Farming, Dairying and
Europe on the world map.
ship between climate
- Understands the availability,
- Explain the distribution and produ-
- Draw the outline map of
Europe and show the major
Natural Vegetation regions.
- Show the important farming,
dairying and fishing rigions
on the map.
- Mark the major minerals and
industrial regions on the map.
- Prepare table to show the
Industries - Iron and Steel
distribution and production
ction and production of major
important minerals and their
Cotton Textile, Ship
of major minerals location
minerals which determines the
Building and Automobile
factors and progress of
development and concentration of
major industries.
industries is certain areas.
- Appraisal distribution and production
of minerals, their influence on
- Show the Iron and Steel,
cotton textile, Ship building
and Automobile manufacturing centres on the map.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
location of industries.
Major Industrial Regions
of Europe
- Know the reason for the
- Explain the main factors responsible
concentration of industries
for the development of industrial
in certain regions of the
regions in certain regions with facts.
- Ask about the reasons for concentration of industries in certain regions.
Population - Growth,
- Understands the growth,
- Explain the size, trends of
Distribution, Migration
density, migration pattern
growth, distribution, den-
and Density
of population.
sity, reasons for invigoration
- Prepare table to show the
growth of population in
- Show the Density and
Migration pattern of
population on the outline
of population with suitable
- Appraisal growth, distribution and
factors affecting on immigration
of people.
Chapter 3
- Central Continent
Africa: Location, Extent
and Physical Setting
- Identify the central location
- Explain the latitudinal and longitu-
of Africe in the world, its
dinal extent, size and frontiers with
location of the continent in
extent and physical setting.
the help of map.
the world and its extent and
- Ask to identify bets and long extent
and physical setting of the continent.
Physiography - Great Rift
- Understand the central
- Know the importance of
- Describe physical division, distinct
physical features: Rift Valley
relief features, rift valley, Suez
Lakes basins, Suez Isthamus
Mountains and Isthumus
Isthmus, deseart and llakes by using
and Great Desert.
of Suez.
Valley, Basins, Lakes
- Understands the physio-
physical setting.
graphic of Africa.
- Understand the Climate
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Ask to name special features,
mountains, lakes, valleys and desearts.
Water Resources: Rivers Nile, Zaire, Niger,
- Understands rivers system
and water resources.
Zambezi and Senegal
- Brief the major river
Animal Wealth.
- Discuss the climate conditions and
Rivers: Nile, Zaire, Zambezi
and Senegal
- Understand the poor develop
between climate and natural
how it determines Natural vegetation,
ment of agriculture and indu-
(WLS / National Parks)
vegetation animal life.
Animal life, including wild life
stries in the contienent.
sanctuaries and National parks.
- Know the rich deposits of
vegetation and animal wealth - WLS
and national parks.
- Know the water resources:
and Animal Wealth
- Appraisal on types of climate,
relationship between Climate
continent with the helpf of
- Know the relationship
Convergence Zone (ITCZ),
Natural Vegetation and
- Appraisal of major rivers in the
Climate, Natural Vegetation
conditions Inter Tropical
systems, their role on the
Agriculture and Industries
- Understands the Backward-
- Explain the important reasons for the
- Reasons for poor
ness of agriculture and
poor development of agriculture
industries in Africa.
and industries.
Precious Minerals:
Diamond and Gold
- Understands the rich
Diamond and Gold and their
- Know the growth rate, distribution and density of
- Explain the distribution production
deposits of Diamond and
and trade of Diamond and Gold by
gold and their distribution.
using maps.
- Appraisal about rich deposits of Gold
and Diamond.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Population: Growth,
Distribution and Density
Method and Evaluation
- Understands the growht,
- Explain the trend in the growth,
distribution and density of
distribution and density of population
factors affecting there on.
- Appraisal high medium and low
density population areas.
7 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Understands the location,
- Explain the position of North America
Chapter 1
North America
- Land of Prairies
North America:
Location, Extent and
entire physical setting of
in the world, latitudinal and longitu-
world show the location,
Physical Setting
North America.
dinal extension size with the help of
extent and physical setting
world map.
on North America.
Major Physical Regions
- Understands physical
regions of North America.
- Appraisal of location extent and
- Show the different Physical
physical regions on the map.
divisions on the map by
- Explain the physical regions by using
- Ask to identify the physical regions
on the map.
Important Rivers and
Great Lakes (HOMES)
- Understands the important
rivers and Great Lakes
Climate and Natural
- Understands the climate
- Explain the rivers and 5
important lakes.
their relationship.
and importance.
cultures regions and their
Cotton, Tobacco Belths
distribution and production.
with tributaries on the outline
- Prepare table to show the
Length, Tributaries, Mouth
vegetation, factors affecting on them
Wheat, Corn (Maize),
- Show the network of Rivers
- Classify the climate and national
and natural vegetation and
- Understands the major agri-
details of River: Birth,
natural vegetation.
Major Agricultural Regions-
using colours and other
- Appraisal about the rivers and lakhs.
- Appraisal about types of climate and
- On the outline map of the
- Mark the Great Lakes
(HOMES) on the outline
- Explain the Agricultural major crops
- Show the distribution of
and their distribution and production.
natural vegetation on the
- Appraisal of major agricultural
regions and areas of major crops.
outline map (Prairies).
- On the outline map show the
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Important Minerals and
Populatin: Growth,
Method and Evaluation
- Understands major minerals,
- Discuss on major minerals,
their importance, distribution,
their importance, distribution
production and trade and
production and trade and influence
identify major industries.
on industries.
- Understands the total popu-
- Describe the trends in the growth of
Major Agricultural crops and
growing regions.
- Prepare table to show the
important minerals and their
Distribution and Density
lation, its growth, distribution
population, factors affecting and
- Urbanisation
and densitive urbanization.
distribution densitive and
show the growth of
- Appraisal the growth and variation in
density and about urbanization.
- Prepare table and graphs to
- Show the distribution and
density of population on the
outline map.
- Identify the rate of growth of
urban centres in North
Chapter 2
South America
- Land of Andes
South America: Location,
Extent and Physical Setting
- Know the location, extent
- Discuss the position of South
and physical setting of
America in the world latitude and
world show the location,
South America.
longitudinal intention, size etc
extent and physical setting.
with the help of maps.
- Appraisal the physical setting of
South America on the map.
Physical Features and
Drainage System
- On the outline map of the
- Know the physical features
and drainage system.
- Explain the physical features identify
the drainage system.
- Appraisal the physical features on
- Show the physical features
on the outline map.
- Draw the major Rivers
systems on the outline map.
- Mark and show the major
Natural vegetation regions
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
the map and also drainage system.
- Classify the climate division and
on the outline map.
Climate and Natural
- Understands the relationship
Vegetation (Selvas,
between climate and natural
natural vegetation factors affecting
Grasslands: Campos Pampas
on them and its importance.
- Appraisal about climatic division and
natural vegetation on the maps.
Agriculture and Animal
- Understands importance of
agriculture and animal
husbandry of the continent.
- Explain about animal husbandry with
relation to Agriculture.
- Appraisal importance of agriculture
and Animal husbandry.
2.5. Population Composition and Distribution
- Know the toal population its
composition and distribution.
- Explain the trend in the growth of
(Selvas-Amazon Forest,
- Show the distribution of
Major Crops on the outline
- Mark the important areas
of Animal Husbandry on
the map.
- Show the distribution of
poplation and distribution and its
population on the outline
map to justify South America
- Appraisal about population growth,
a ‘Hollow Continent’.
reasons for the uneven distribution
and composition.
Chapter 3
- Flattest Continent
Australia: Location, Extent
and Physical Setting
- Understands location, extent
- Explain the position of Australia in
- Show the location, extent and
and physical setting of
the world extent and size etc. with
physical setting on the world
Australia flattest continent.
the help of map.
- Appraisal to show the position of
- On the outline map show the
Australia in the world map and also
different physical divisions
latitude and longitudunal extent.
by using colours and other
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Physiographic divisions and
Drainage System
Method and Evaluation
- Understands the physical
- Explain about the physical feature
features and drainage system.
of Australia and its river system with
the help of map.
- To show the physical divisions and
the major rivers on the map.
Climateand Natural
- Know the climate and
natural vegetation.
- Explain about the classification of
climatic divisions and natural vegetation and its importance.
- To identity the climate divisions and
classification of vegetation on the
Agriculture and Animal
- Know about the importance
- Explain importance agriculture major
of agriculture and animal
crop and animal husbandry sheep
and cattle learning also fishing.
- Appraisal about the major belts of
sheep and cattle rearing an fishing
Minerals and Industries
- Understands major minerals,
- Discuss on major minerals their
- Draw the major River
systems with tributaries on
the map.
- Mark the major natural vegetation regions on the map.
- Show the distribution of
major crops on the outline
- Mark and show the major
areas of sheep rearing in
- Mark the major minerals and
industrial belts on the outline
- Prepare table to show the
growth trend of population.
- Show the distribution and
importance, distribution,
importance distribution production
density of population on the
production and trade and
and its influence on industries.
outline map.
about industries.
- Appraisal the major mineral areas
and industrial areas as the map.
Population - Growth,
Distribution and Density
- Know the total population,
- Explain the trends growth factors
its growth, distribution and
affecting the distribution, density of
population and urbanization.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Reasons for the growth and variation
in density.
Chapter 4
- White Continent
Location, Extent and
Physical Setting
- Understands the location,
- Explain the position of Antarctica in
extent and physical setting
the world latitude and longitudinal
physical setting on the world
of Antaractica-white
extent with the help of map.
- Identify the physical features on the
Physical Features Land and Water
- Understands physical
- Explain the physical features and the
features and the distribution
distribution of land and water of
of land and water.
- Identify the physical features on the
Important Geographical and
Natural Features
- Know the natural vegetation
and animal wealth.
- Explain the rotationship between
Animal Wealth
- Understands about Antarctica
expenditions- Antarctica
Antartica Expenditions Antartica Treaty
- Understands the important
Research stations.
Important Research Stations
colours and shades.
- Prepare list of the major
Geographical and natural
- List out the important species
in Antarctica.
- Explain about the antarctica expenditions and the importance of treaty.
- List out the important
Antarctic Expenditions by
different countreis.
- Collect pictures, photos of
land, animals and plant
- Explain about the role of research
station established by countries,
including India.
the cointinent by using
animal wealth.
Land Water bodies around
of plants and animals around
vegetation and animal wealth.
Natural Vegetation and
- Show the distribution of
N.V.P. Life and vegetation and
- Appraisal the types of national
- Show the location, extent and
- Name of Research Stations establi-
- Prepare table to show the
important research stations
in Antarctica.
shed by India.
8 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Know the size position,
- Explain the size, position distribution
Chapter 1
Earth: Size, Area, Distribution
of Land and Water Bodies
ratio of land and water
of land and water by using maps.
- Appraisal of size, position distribution
- Draw diagram to show
equatorial and polar
diameter of the earth.
of land and after.
Earth's Interior and
- Understands the earth's
structure and composition.
- Explain the structure and composition
- Prepare a model to show
of the earth with the help of diagram
the interior profile of the
and chart.
Chapter 2
Meaning and Importance
- Understands the meaning
and importance of
Rocks: Formation and Types
- Brief the meaning and
- Describe the different types of
rocks with example.
- Appraisal of the types an importance
- Ask the meaning and importance.
importance of lithosphere.
- Draw diagram and model
to show landforms prduced by volcanic activity,
folds and faculty.
Internal Forces: Volcanoes,
Earthquakes, Folds and Faults
- Describe the volcanoes,
earthquakes, folds and faults
- Appraisal how earthquakes and
volcanoes occurs.
by using charts and models.
External Forces: Weathering -
- Understands the weathering
- Brief account on weathering, denu-
and denudations agents
dation agents which forming different
Denudation: Agents of
which produce various land
land forms by using models and
Gradation River, Glacier,
forms on the earth.
and Sea Waves
show various land forms
using thermocol and clay.
Meaning and Types
Underground Water, Wind
- Prepare the models to
- Appraisal various eternal forces
action the changing the surface of
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Understands why atmosphere
- Explain the meaning and importance
Chapter 3
Meaning and Importance
is important for living beings.
of Hemisphere.
- Prepare a diagram to show
the layers of the atmos
- List out the important
gases of the air.
Structure and Composition
of the Atmosphere
- Know the structure elements
of air around.
- Describe the layers, composition
and their significance.
- Appraisal the structure and
- Draw diagrams of
instruments. (Thermom
eters, Rainguage, etc)
collect temperature and
rainfall of your locality.
Elements of Atmosphere:
Temperature, Pressure,
- Understands baisc elements
of atmosphere.
Wind, Humidity, Clouds
and Rainfall
Temerature: Horizontal and
- Explain difference atmospheric
elementals and their influence on
Isotherms. Record the
weather and climate.
temperature variation of
- Appraisal of atmospheric elementals.
- Know the distribution of
- Prepare a map of
- Explain horizontal and
your locality.
- Draw a diagram of
Vertical Distribution of
temperature and factors
vertical distribution of
pressure belts and
Temperature, Temperature
influence on it.
temperature factors affecting
Zones, Factors Influencing
temperature.(with the help
of isotherm map)
- Distinguish between the horizontal
and vertical distribution of
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Pressure: Horizontal and
Vertical Distribution of
Method and Evaluation
- Understands atmospheric
- Explain the distribution of atmosph-
- Draw diagram of wind
eric pressure and pressure belts with
vane and Anemometer.
pressure and its distribution.
Presssure, Major Pressure
belts of the Globe
- Ask how the temperature and
pressure related.
Winds: Types and
- Understands the types of
winds, their importance.
- Explain the distribution of
atmospheric pressure and pressure
- Draw diagram of
belts with diagram.
- Ask how the temperature and
pressure related.
Humidity: Types - Absolute
and Relative Humidity
- Know the types of humidity
and it importance.
- Explain the meaning formation, types
and affects on precipitations.
- Observe the variation of
clouds is the atmosphere.
- Appraisal regarding humidity and the
Clouds: Types and Features
- Know the types and feature
of clouds.
- Discuss about the formation, classification and features of clouds.
- Draw diagram of
rain guage.
- Ask, about the clouds formation.
Rainfall: Types and
- Know the occurrence of
rainfall and its distribution.
- Explain how rainfall occurs, types
and distribution.
- Appraisal of types of rainfall.
10. Weather and Clime:
Factors affecting the
Climate of a Place
- Understands the weather
and climate.
- Explain the meaning, factors
affecting the climate of a place.
- Ask, distinguish between weather
- Observe the variation of
weather conditions in your
- Prepare a chart to show the
types of water bodies of
the earth.
and climate.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Know the real of water
- Explain the disribution of water
Chapter 4
Distribution of Water Bodies:
- Prepare a diagram to show
Meaning of Oceans, Sea,
bodies on the earth, types
bodies and brief note on types and
the relief features of the
Gulf, Bay, Strait, Isthmus etc.
and importance.
importance with the help of maps
ocean floor.
and charts.
- Appraisal of water bodies on the
earth and importance.
Topography of the Ocean
- Understands the relief
features of the ocean floor.
- Explain the topography of the ocean
floor with their types extent and
- Visit the coast to observe
salinity of sea water.
- Appraisal of the depth of oceans
relief features.
Temerature and Salinity of
- Know the distribution of
- Explains the distribution of
- Visit to sea cast to observe
the Ocean Water
temperature and salinity of
temperature and salinity of the
the waves and movement
- Distribution
the ocean water.
ocean water with the helps of map.
of ocean water.
- Appraisal difference between sea
water and fresh water.
Ocean Currents: Pacific
Ocean, Atlantic Ocean and
- Understands movement of
- Explain the causes of ocean currents,
ocean water, sea waves.
factors affecting the ocean currents
Indian Ocean Currents
- Diagram of tides.
and types with the help of map.
- Appraisal of high and low, reap and
spring tides.
Tides: Causes, Types and
- Know the causes, types
and uses of tides.
- Explain the occurrence, types and
- Visit to the nearst beaches
importance and effects with the help
and harbors to study the
of charts.
pollution of sea water.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Appraisal of awareness of the
importance and conservation of
ocean water.
Conservatin of Oceans
- Understands the conser-
- Discuss the measures to be taken to
vation of ocean water.
conserve the oceans and protect
living being.
- Appraisal of biosphere and its
relatioon with other spheres.
Chapter 5
Meaning and Importance
- Understands the meaning
and importance of biosphere.
- Describe the inter relationship
between lithosphere, atmosphere
or rivers were toxic se-
and hydrosphere with biosphere.
wage water adding to
- Appraisal the imbalance of ecosystem
and its effects on living beaings.
Ecology: Ecological Balance
and Imbalance
Environment: Environmental
- Understand the difference
- Visit to nearby pond, tanks
- Explain the difference between
them and observe the
imbalance of water.
- Observe any kind of
between ecological balance
ecological balance and imbalance
pollution and think over to
and imbalance.
and find ways to maintain balance.
preventive measures.
- Understands causes and
- Discuss various causes and effects
Pollution: Air, Water,
effects of environmental
to environmental pollution and find
Noise (Sound), Land/Soil
pollution and control
the measures to prevent it.
- Group discussion causes
effects of these.
- Appraisal of pollution and its effects
on living organism.
Global Warming - Green
- Understands the causes
- Discuss about global warning, green
- Visit wild life sanctuary
House Effect, Ozone
and effects of gloal warming,
house effect etc. Their causes and
or national park to study
Depletion, Acid Rain
green house effects etc.
effects. Find the suitable ways and
conservation biodiversity.
measures of prevention.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Appraisal human activities, causes
adverse on nature.
Bio-diversity: Meaning and
- Understands the meaning
- Explain the meaning, types and
and significance of bio-
conservation of biodiversity.
- Appraisal of importance of bio
"Save Earth", "Save Maker
Planet" - Programmes
9 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
- Our State
Karnataka: Location, Extent
- Understands the location
- Explain the positions of Karnataka
Draw a map of Karnataka
and Physical Setting with
extent, physical setting with
in India, latitudinal and longitudinal
and mark latitude and
Neighbouring States
neighboring state of
extension size, area with neighboring
longitudes and districts.
states, with the help of map.
- Appraisal of location extent and
physical setting.
Physiographic Divisions
- Understands Physiographic
- Classify the physiographic divisions
their importance with the help of map.
Draw a map to show
physiographic divisions
- Ask to identify the physiographic
and prepare a model to
divisions oin the map.
show physiographic
Climate, Soils, Natural
Vegetation and Animal Wealth
- Know the climate, soils,
- Explain the types of climate, soils
Draw a map to show
natural vegetation and
natural vegetation and animal wealth
climate, soil, natural
animal wealth.
refer map.
vegetation, centuries,
- Appraisal about types of climate, soil
visit any national park.
natural vegetation with relationship
with animal wealth.
Water Resources: Rivers,
- Understands water resource,
- Explain about water resoure,
Visit, dams, power
Tanks- Irrigaiton: Types
like tanks and rivers. Types
Irrigation types-Hydro-electricity-
stations, Collect articles
Hydro-electricity: Important
of irrigation. Hydro-electri-
River water sharing, dispute and
about water disputes and
Hydel Power Stations, Sharing
water disputes (cauvery,
think about conservation
of River Water: Water disputes
Krishna) need for water
(Cauvery, Krishna etc.),
Need for Water Conservatin
- Appraisal about water resource,
of water.
importance, uses disputes and need
for conservation.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Land Resources: Land Use,
- Know the land resources,
- Explain the land resource - types of
Visit the farm land to
Agriculture: Importance,
types and major crops-Rice,
farming, Imp food, commercial and
know the cultivation of
Types, Major Crops: Rice,
jowar etc.
beverage crops with the help of map.
different crops in different
Jowar, Ragi, Sugarcane, Cotton,
- Appraisal about land use pattern,
Tobacco, Coffee
Method and Evaluation
Mineral Resources: Availabilty
farming of different crops on the map.
- Understands the mineral
- Discuss on major minerals, their
Visit any mines and collect
and Distribution of Major and
resource, their availability,
importance, distribution, production
the matter nearby your
Miner Minerals: Iron Ore,
distribution importance,
with the help of map.
locality and prepare a
Manganese Ore, Bauxite, Gold
production of iron ore,
- Ask the importance of minerals how
manganese, aluminium
it influences on industry and its uses.
chart about it.
and gold.
Transportation: Major
- Understands the importance
- Describe the mode of transportation,
Roadways, Railways, Water
of transportation and about
its importance and influence with
ways and Airways
road ways, railways, water
the help of transportation map.
ways and Airways.
Draw a map of different
types of transportation.
- Appraisal about the different types
of transportation and its advantages.
Major Industries and Industrial
- Understands, major industries - Describe the major industries
Mark the industrial areas
Belts: Iron and Steel, Cotton,
and industrial belts - Iron and
distribution, production and trade with
in the map and visit the
Sugar, Paper, Cement
steel, cotton, sugar, paper,
the help of map.
industry nearby your
- Appraisal the importance of industry
in the development of a state.
Important Tourist Centres:
- Know the important tourist
- Explain about tourist places, role of
Natural and Cultural Places
centers - like natural, cultural
tourism in changing the face of
with National and International
with natural, cultural with
Karnataka, with the help of map.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Importance - Hills, Waterfall,
national and international
Forest, Historic Places etc.
importance - Hills, water
Method and Evaluation
- Appraisal about the important tourist
places, its uses and advantages.
and chart of historical
falls, forest, Historical places.
Population: Growth,
- Know the total population,
Visit and prepare a map
- Explain, about the population and
Prepare a graph to show
Distribution, Density, Literarcy,
its growth distribution,
its influences in the states develop-
the growth of population,
Migratin - Its role in changing
density, literacy, migration
ment with the help of map.
density, literacy.
the face of Karnataka
and its role.
- Appraisal about the growth of
population and its effects.
10 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
India-Our Mother Land
India: Location and its
Environs, India in the World
- Understands the location
extent and neighbors of India.
- Explain location in the world and
Draw outline map of
its environs, frontiers with the help
India mark the name of
of map.
states and capitals.
- Appraisal of latitudinal and longtudinal extent, its neighbors and
Physiographic Divisions of
- Know the physical divisions,
their features and importance.
- Divide India into major physical
divisions and diverge their areas and
Draw a map to represent
physiographic divisions.
importance by using physical map.
- Assessment of physiographic
divisions of India.
Climate Seasons: Indian
- Understands the climate of
Monsoon and its features
India with its seasonal
mansoon, its mechanism and influence
charges, influence of
with the help of charts and facts.
Monsoon oin the country
- Discuss on type of climate, seasons,
Draw maps to show
mansoon winds.
- Appraisal of seasonal charges in
climate and its effects.
Soil Resources: Meaning,
- Understands soil types,
- Explain meaning, types, distribution,
Prepare a map to show
Types, Distribution - Soild
character sties, distribution
causes of soil erosion and con-
distribution of soild
Erosion and Conservation
and coinservation of soil.
servation with the help of map and
- Appraisal of types of soild,
distribution and importance.
Forests: Types, Importance -
- Understands types, products
- Discuss the types, importance,
Prepare a map to show
Important WLS / National Parks,
of forests, distribution and
distribution of forests, need for
types of forests and list
Biosphere Parks - Need for
conservation, WLS, NP and Biosphere
out major WLS and NP.
Conservation of Forests
by using facts and maps.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Assessment of types, importance
and distribution of forests.
Water Resources: Major Rivers,
- Know the rivers system,
- Explain Source of water resources,
Prepare a map to show
Importance of Irrigation,
water resources, need for
rivers, irrigation, river valley projects
river systems, river
Multipurpose River Valley
irrigation, Hydel power water
development Hydel power, Rainwater
valley projects and hydel
Projects - Objectives: DVC,
scarcity and conservation
harvesting with the help of maps,
power stations.
BNP, Hirakud, Tungabadra
of water.
diagrams, facts and charts.
Projects, Hydro-Electricity:
- Appraisal of water resources,
Water Scarcity, Need for
potentiality, utilization, scarcity and
Conservation and Rain Water
Land Resources: Land Use
- Know the land use pattern
- Explain land utilization, Agriculture
Prepare pie diagram to
Pattern, Agriculture:
cropping pattern, crop
and its importance, types of farming,
show land use pattern
Importance, Types of Farming,
seasons and major crops.
cropping pattern, season and crops by
and show the arena under
using maps and facts.
crops is out line map of
Cropping Pattern, Crop Seasons,
Major Crops: Food - Rice,
- Appraisal of land resources - uses,
Wheat, Commercial -Sugarcane,
types of agriculture, major crops etc.
Tobacco, Fibre - Cotton,
Beverage - Tea, Role of
Horticulture and Floriculture in
Agricultural Development
Mineral Resources: Iron Ore,
- Understands the reserves
- Describe production and distribution
Draw maps to show the
Manganese Ore, Bauxite,
production and distribution
of major minerals and energy
distribution of minerals
Mica, Gold, Power Resources:
of major minerals and their
resources, crisis and remedies with
and energy resources.
Conventional - Coal, Petroleum,
the help of facts and charts.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Atomic Minerals, Non-
Method and Evaluation
- Assessment of reserves, production,
Conventinal-Solar Energy,
distribution, trade of major minerals,
Wind power: Energy
energy resource and importance.
Crisis and Remedies Need for Non-Conventional
energy Sources
Transportation: Types and
- Understand the modes of
Importance, Golden
transport, golden quadrila-
Quadrilateral Roiad, Major
teral, major Airports and
Airports and Seaports
- Explain types and importance of
transport, GQ ports and Airports.
Draw maps to locate
Airports and seaports.
- Appraisal of modes of transport,
CQ ports and Airports.
- Appraisal of modes of transport,
airports and sea ports of India.
Major Industrial Regions
- Know the industries
- Describe meaning, factors of location
Locate important
and Industries: Iron and Steel,
industrial regions, locali-
industrial regions, Iron and steel,
producing centers of
Cotton, Sugar, Aluminium,
zation factors and some
cotton, sugar Aluminum, paper etc.
selected industries on
Paper and Knowledge based
important industries.
Industries (IT, BT, AT)
- Appraisal of localization of industries,
out line maps.
industrial reigns and some selected
Communication: GIS, GPS
and Remote Sensing
- Understands the need of
GIS, GPS and Remote
- Brief account communication on GIS,
GPS and Remote sousing.
Draw diagrams which
are necessary.
- Assessment of communication with
reference to GIS, GPS and Remote
Natural Disasters: Causes and
Consequences of Cyclones,
- Know the Natural
disasters, causes and effects.
- Explain the causes and effect of
disasters with instances.
Prepare diagrams, charts
and maps to show the
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Flood, Landslides, Coastal
Method and Evaluation
- Appraisal of Natural effect of
Erosion and Earthquakes -
natural towards areas
disasters with instances.
etc. collect photographs
Major regions
Population: Growth,
Distribution, Density and
of disasters.
- Understands demographic
feature of our country.
- Explain the total population, trends
Draw maps to show the
in growth, distribution, density and
distribution of population
immigration by using maps and
of population, graphs for
density and growth.
- Assessment of population growth
and problems.
Syllabus Forming Committe
Business Studies
Dr. Uday Kumar Ervathur
- Chairperson
Professor of Commerce
Mangalore University College
Hampanakatte, Mangalore
Dr. B. Mahadevappa
Department of Commerce
Mysore Univesity PG Centre
Hassan 573 220
- Member
8 Standard
Business Studies
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Evolution and Growth
- To inform the students about
- Classroom teaching follows by activities - Question answer in class
of Commerce
the context in which the subject
like project works (Special references to
room project work.
needs to understood.
local and regional specialities)
- Visit to local trade enters or
Chapter 1
1. Economics Activity
2. Exchange
- To differentiate between various - Explain with examples. Ask students to
narrate stories of production,
types of activities & understood
identify / classify activities. Evaluation is
trade and commerce in the
the importance economic
done on the basic of oral & writer
historical context.
activity in making a living.
- Coins stamp Collection.
- To explain the necessity of
- Explain through exchange of ideas i.e.,
- Project work, basis on
exchange in a community.
class room teaching. Give examples
village economy, where
- To understand what is exchange. of market place where exchange actually
exchange, takes place.
takes place.
- Project work aimed at
- Evaleatior is done on the basis of oral
identification of problems and
and written examination.
advantages is exchanges
Previaling at the local level.
- Coin and Stamp Collection.
3. Growth
- To explain what is growth and
- Explain through exchange of ideas, class Project work about this
why it is importants and how
room teaching.
- Growth of industries in
exchange helps growth.
- Evaluations through question answer
various parts of the work.
oral and written.
- Condition or local area
during the past & its comparison with the present.
- Model of Growth.
4. Commerce in 21st Century
- To explain the role of trade &
- Class room teaching, use visual media
- Project work concerning the
commerece & its importance to
wherever pssible Evaluation through
important industrins in the
economic growth.
oral and written exmination.
region country.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- On various aspects of
commerce like Banks,
Markets, Advertsiment
Industry, Transport, Fishing...
Chapter 2
1. Meaning of Business
- To inform studetns of meaning
- Class room teaching and Evaluation
- Project work, vistis to
and importance of business.
through written and oral methods.
business units.
- To explain in order to help the
- Class room teaching, question answer
- Project work visit to
students to understand what is
quiz, stories from legends and folklore
business centrers units, meeting
a business.
sucessful business persons
(men & women)
2. Trade, Industry and Service
- To inform students of faction
- Class room teaching with the help of
- Project work: Classification
and various activities of the
available teaching aides.
of business organisation, or
business work.
- Evaluation is done- based on oral and
companies based on their
written methods.
- List out the organisations
engaged in various types of
business activities at the local
- Prepare a list of symbols of
various companies and
identify the ask of their
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
3. For-profit Business and Non-profit
Method and Evaluation
-To enable students to understand -Class room teaching with help of teaching
Project tto identify for profit
objectives with which business
aids. Examples of Non-profit organisations,
and Not-for profit business
is done today. Also to inform
their contribution to development, trade,
the students that NBO are also
business and production evaluation is done
- Various activities of for
important business institins.
based on the oral and written methods of
profits non-profit business
- Evaluation of project work.
- Visit to non-profit
- Achivers in both areas.
4. Business Ethics and Social
- To enable students to understand
- Class-rom teaching and causes of
Discussion with the students,
the importance of social support
business units social responsibility.
to know this views on ethics
to business.
- Evaluation is done with the help of class and social responsibility
- The purpose of all activities
room sesponse, performance in oral
project -on
should be centered around
and written examination.
- Social works taken by
human good and social welfare.
business organisation at local
- Discussion with business
- New paper chippings on
the topic.
Chapter 3
Formation of Small
Scale Business
1. Meaning of Business Organisation
- To inform students the meaning - Class room teaching, orgnisation charts
& importance of organisational
exmaples may be given in support of
structers of business.
- Project work taking into
account acess to print and
electronic media.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Evaluation based on oral and written
- Prepare a list of small
examination, question answers in the
business units in the town/
- Products produced by small
business units.
2. Sole Trading Organisation
- Simple form of business
orgnaisation to compare form of
- Class room teaching, with the examples
organisation charts
business organisation. A class
- Organising inchibitims about
how big business hours
emerged / evolved / grown
3. Partnership Firm
understainsis of forms and an
- Evaluation based on oral and written
4. Hindu Undivided Family Firm
idea about the evoluation and
exmination and question answers in
RELIANCE and local
grow of such organisations hour
the class
Business Houses if any.
a period of time.
- For e.g. TA, BIRLA,
- Interaction with business
people in the school or at the
business house.
5. Registration
- To inform the student about
the legal system concernis
- Class room teaching with help of
Forms, procedures of registration.
- Evaluation based on oral and written
- To collect copies of
registration certificates of
various firms.
- To show application forms
for registration.
- To invite from institutions
awareness with registration
of business organisation and
explain how registration is
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 4
Formation of Large
Scale Business
1. Co-operative Socities
- To state the, formation meaning - Introduce the concept with the help of
- Project: Story of Lijjath,
importance and formation of
examples is the class room, like Lijjath,
AMUL, SEWA or any other
various types of co-operative
AMUL, SEWA, or any other local
local co-operatives story -
co-operative society.
with the moral of med for and
benifits of co-operatives
paper clippings relating to
co-operative government.
2. Joint-stock Companies
- To enable students to understand - Class room teaching with help of
- To list out Indian companies
what is a company, types of
monoplus and success stories of some of
their products, symbols
companies. How they are formed
the Indian companies.
ad-panch lines, their meaning
(Stages in the formation of
3. Multi-national Corporation
- Meaning, importance and how
MNC's are functioning in India.
- Products of multinational company may
be used to introduce student to MNC.
- Explanation with examples.
- To list out Indian companies
their products, symbols
ad-panch lines, their meaning
4. Registration
- To inform the legal framework
- Class room teaching, specific documents - Discussion with the
regarding the formation and
if any about registration, prospects may
if any who are working for
functionings of Indian and
be shown to students in the class.
companies, inform studetns to
MNC's is India.
- Evaluation- basis on class room question find out the information about
answer (both oral and written)
companies in the product
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
packege, news papers,
advertisment etc.
6. Share Markets
- To enable students to understand - Explain the meaning and importance of
- Students may be given
the concept of capital market in
(share) capital markets in India, if
projects, regarding trading and
India, importance of capital
possible (share) with the help of
various activities in the share
markets in India.
examples and news paper clippings.
market, national stock
- Evaluation may be done through oral
exchange, Bombay stock
and written questions.
- News paper clippings about
stock exchange.
- If possible visit to a share
9 Standard
Business Studies
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 1
Management of
1. Meaning of Management
2. Priciples of Management
3. Decision - Making Process
4. Functional Areas of Management
- A Systamatic business orgnaisa- -Explain how management is singnificant
-Students are asked to arrange
tion may take the form of 'Sole
for managing single individual but it is
a function in the class. They
- Propietorship' 'Partnership' and
more important for meaning groiup of
are asked to observe decision-
'Joint Stock Company', How
individuals who are working for a business making process and principles
these business organisations are
managed by a single individual
-Describe how do we make decision in our -Students are asked to observe
or a group professinal managers? daily matters. Compare it with decision-
of management practiced.
how a family is managed, how
- The aim of this chapter is to:
making process of a business organisaiton. a small business firm is
1. The meaning and importance
Explain the principles to be followed while managed in their area.
of management in business.
managing the organisation.
2. To describe principles of
-Describe the functional areas of manage- organised on managing
ment like finance, marketing, production
different functional areas of
3. To define decising - making
-Evaluate the student's learning by showing
-Manager of a business orgni-
4. To understand the different
photos of CEO's of big organisations like
sation may be invited to deliver
functional aras of management
Narayana Murthy of Infosys Ltd. and ask
talk on 'Management'.
-Group discussions may be
like - finance, marketing, human how they are called successful manager.
-Study tours may be arranged
resources, production etc.
to local factories to observe
managable aspects.
Chapter 2
Financial Management
1. Role and Importance of Finance
in Business
2. Short-term Finance and Its Sources
-To understand the role and
-Explain the role and importance of finance
-Ask the students to interact
importance of finance is modern
in business by taking local business organi-
with local businessmen to
business organisation.
sations. How a provision store can be
understand the importance of
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
3. Long-term finance and Its Sources
-To describe the different sources started with own capital and borrowed
finance and sources of their
4. Financial Institutions and Markets
of finance when business organi- capital.
sation require it regularly.
-How finance from external sources can be Invite the bank manager to
-To explain how a business
obtained from banks and share market by
address the students on
orgnaisation moboliser its short-
explaining them into short-term and
different types of finances
term and long-term finances
long-term sources.
provided by them to business.
and manages.
-Explain the different types of short-term
-Ask the students to read the
-To understand the different
and long-term finances given by banks-
newspaper and collect
financial institutions in our
co-operative socities, financial institutions. information about names of
country like banks- credit
-Evaluate the students learning by asking
co-operative socities - financial
questions. The finance obtained for day to different types of loans offered
institutions like KSFC.
day business is differentiated to the
banks, financial institions and
by them.
-To understand the capital market finance required for purchase of vehicles,
in our country- stock exchanges.
plant and machinery.
-The aim of business is to buy
-Introduce the concept of market and
1. Ask the students to interact
goods from producers and
marketing management by explaining
with vendars in roadside or an
growers and sell them to
local examples. How marketing is
streets to know how do they
consumers. What are the factors
producing goods from producers and
buy goods from producers and
3. Producer - Middlemen - Consumer
to which businessmen give their
selling them to consumers is different from
where do they buy and how do
4. Consumer Rights and
attention from collection of goods marketing management. It involves under- they sell to consumers.
Chapter 3
1. Role and Importance of Marketing
in Business
2. Marketing Mix - Product, Price
Place and Promotion
Consumer Forms
to distribution of goods? Where
standing the needs of consumers, and
2. Take the students in small
do they procure goods? How do
producing the products to fulfill these
groups to local market fairs,
they exhibit their goods? How
needs. Milk, vegetables sellers, weekly
exhibition and tell them to
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
to market goods? There are some market may do taken as examples.
observe how goods are
of the problems of marketing in
excha-nged between
-Explain the marketing mix by selling
business. The aim of this chapter locally produced goods in cities and goods producers, middlemen and
is to find solution and give
produced in cities in villages - milk, soap
direction to solve these problems. etc.
3. Invite local businessmen and
specific objectives are:
-Describe the role of producer middlemen arrange lectures on marketing
1. Understanding marketing
and consumers in exchange of goods with of their goods.
management and its role in
the example of local venders, Fairs,
4. Visit consumer forums and
weekly market.
observe how consumers
2. Understanding Marketing
-Define the consumer rights and explain
disputes are solved there.
mix and how it helps to attract
how their right are protected and enforced Try to understand the rights
through consumer forums.
of consumers.
- To understand the definition
-Explain the meaning of accounting and its
1. Students are asked to write
of accounting.
needs through maintenance of accounts
their daily receipts and pay-
- To understand the need for
in our daily business transactions. For
ments on a slip of paper.
accounting in business.
example: Explain how an old lady from
Afterwords, they are asked to
- To explain the meaning of
village brings milk to the city and sell it
classily them into different
3. What is the role of producermiddlemen and consumer in
exchange of goods.
4. What are the consumer rights
and the functions of consumer
Chapter 4
Accounting in Business
1. Need for Maintaining Accounts
in Business
2. Meaning of Account - Types
- Principles
3. Accounting Cycle - Business
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Transactions - Journal - Ledger -
account and to identify the
regularly keeps accounts. On the painted
heads of accounts. Example:
Trade Balance - Profit and Loss
different types of accounts and
wall, for every litre or half a litre, she puts Receipts from parents, scholar-
Account - Balance Sheet
understand their principles.
one dot everyday. At the end of the
ships, payments towards school
- To describe accounting.
week or a month, she cavats the dots and
fees, purchase of books, stati-
To understand recording business receives the money. Thousands of
onery etc.
transaction in journal and ledger. instances and business transactions like
2. Identify the functions to be
To understand prepartion of trail
these may be explained to the student to
held in the school and ask the
balance and final accounts.
understand need for accounting.
students to identify and record
Every business man tries to
-To evaluate whether students have under- receipts and peyment.
understand affairs of its business. stood accounting and its importance a
Example: School Anniversary,
He wants to kow what is the
Idependance Day celebration.
question may be asked, how an umpire
financial position of his business? says 'over' is completed immediately after 3. Ask the students to visit
- At any given point of time, what bowling sex balls by the bowler. The
nearby banks, post office, shops
is his assets and liabilities? How
umpire's fingers are counting each ball.
of hotels and ask them to
much he owes to others? How
Describe double-entry system of book-
observe how they record day
much others owe to him? He also keeping by showing the entries in Saving- to day business transactions.
wants to know how much is the
bank account pass-book.
4. Obtain the annual report of
profit? and how much is the loss?
co-operative socities, partner-
- How he earned profit or how he
ship firms or joint stock compa-
incurred loss?
nies and study the profit and
- Accounting in business will
loss account and balance sheet
answers all the above questions
in them.
and it provides simple and reliable
5. Decontrate through Tally
information about business.
package with the help of a
computer how accounts are
10 Standard
Business Studies
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- To understand how banking
- Define the term bank to understand
operations help to lead our day
banking operations. Describe how money
Chapter 1
Banking Operations
1. Banking Transactions
Banks and Post Offices
- Through theatre activities one
could dramatise the admini-
2. Types of Bank Accounts
to day life and conduct activities. is the tradable commodity for a bank by
stration activities of Banking
3. Opening of a Bank Account
- To explain how banking tran-
comparing it with rice as a tradable
sector. Students could act
4. Operation of Bank Account
sactions help in one way or the
commodity for a merchant.
different roles such as manager
other from production of goods
- Explain the two different types of
accountant and so on in this
and services to consumption.
customers. First type includes those
proposed play. Different roles
3. To discribe the different
customers who deposit their money in
such as depositing money and
dimensions of globlised banking
bank and the others borrow money from
other functions of the Bank
operations, the types of bank
could be displayed in the said
accounts, how to open a bank
- Explain how banks mobilise deposits from
play where students could
account, and the procedure for
public with the help to three types of bank
participate in the center stage.
operating bank accounts.
accounts - current account, fixed deposit
- Taking students in various
account and savings bank account.
groups to local post office or
- Demonstrate the bank account opening
banks in order to have field
form. Pay-in-silps, cheque books, and
bank pass book by collecting them from
a local bank or post office.
- Describe how A.T.M. cards are used to
- Arranging guest lectures by
local Bank managers.
- To make a list of public,
withdraw money from savings bank
private and cooperative
banks in local areas.
- Evaluate the student's learning level by
asking questions.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
1. Need for Insurance
1. To understand how insurance
- Explain the financial loss suffered by a
- Arrange a role play among
2. Principles of Insurance
help us to protect our life, pro-
family if its earning member dies with a
students to understand the
3. Life Insurance and General
perties and goods from unforseen road accident. Describe how insurance
need for insurance. One
would help the decesed family to get
student may play the role of
2. To explain how insurance
insurance claim if the person was insures
insurance agent who visits a
make good the loss suffered by
prior to his death.
house to sell policy. Other two
natural or man made hazards.
- Define life insurance, explain different
students will play the role of
3. To describe the different
insurance policies offered by life
family members who tries to
dimensions of life and general
insurances companies.
understand the life insurance.
insurance, principles of insurance,
- Explain the meaning of general insurance
Invite the local insurance
procedures for obtaining an
with different types - fire insurance,
agent or Development officer
insurance policy and cliams.
marine insurance and motor-vehicle
of life insurance to deliver
insurance. Describe the need for and
leacture on life insurance
procedure for obtaining motor vehicle
-Ask the students to collect the
Chapter 2
4. Insurance Proposal - Policy Premium - Claim
- Collect the inforamtion boklets, proposal advertisements that appear in
forms, and policy bonds of life and
the daily newspapers regarding
general insurance companies and describe insurance policies. Ask them to
their contents.
study their conditions and
- Make a small group of students
and ask them to visit insurance
branch in your area to understand insurance.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
-To instill in students the spirit
- Classroom teaching, ask questions to
- Project: Identify entrepreners
of entreprenership, self-
students, to know their idea of entre-
at local, national and inter-
confidence, and achivement
prenurship, give examples of successful
national level, ask why one
entreprenership at the global, national and considers than as entreprener.
Chapter 3
1. Meaning, Role and Important of
local level.
2. Self Employment Opportunity
- To inform the students of the
- A board picture about employment
- Project on the following:
scope of self employment and
opportunities in the organised and un-
- Ask the students to list out
opportunities available in various organised sectors may be explained
people self employed is their
through class room teaching. Graph,
village / town / area.
trietogram, and other teaching aids may
- Ask students to prepare a
be used to explain the concept to students. list of areas, where there is
scope for self-employment.
- News paper clipping about
3. Self-employment Schemes
- To inform the students of the
- Provide a list of schemes to students -
- Visit to NGO, Govt.
various schemes of self
explain how such schemes are helping
Departments which train
employement available.
people to earn and make a living through
people on self employment.
class room teaching.
- News paper clippings which
narrate success stories of
successful self employment
- Inspiring movies, songs
Gandhian ways (Project work).
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
4. Profile of Successful entrepreneurs. - To motivate students to explore - Selection profits of successful
self and develop self confidence
entrepreneurs from all sections of the
- What inspired you the most
and also to prepare them for
society. (men and women) ask students
career planning.
to read the profits in the class.
- What makes people
Ask questions, make students to identitfy
the qualities that make people successfull
- What one should do to be
in the area of their choice.
successful. Invite people who
- Evaluation through written and oral
can inspire.
examination in the class.
- Collect pictures of people
- Assignments, may be given
who inspired you.
- To inform students the changes
- The sub units may be be introduced to
Projects on:
taking place in the business
students through class room teaching.
- Impact of globalisation at
environment and its effects on
Some specific examples to communicate
local level.
Chapter 4
Globalisation of
1. Meaning of Globalisation
2. Need for Globalisation Business
3. World Trade Organisation
the National, Regional and Local the concept of
- Products available in the
economy and Business, environ-
a. Globalisation
local market after globalisation.
ment the advantages and dis
b. Advantages of Globalisation
- Local products which moved
advantages of this change taking
c. Disadvantages of Globalisation
to international market after
place in the business environment. d. Opportanities arising out of
- The role and relevance of WTO
- Role of information
and how its effects our daily life. e. How to look at Globalisation may be
technology in accelerating
If possible some examples may
be given some important Inter-
- Press clipping concerning
national Trade Agreement may
be discussed in brief like GATT.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
4. International Trade Agreements
Method and Evaluation
- Evaluation of the topic may be done
through written and oral examination
- International Trade
in the class and after completion of the
entire sub units.
Syllabus Forming Committee
Dr. T.R. Chandrashekhara
Department of Development Studies
Kannada University, Hampi
Vidyaranya, Bellary District - 583 276
- Chairman
8 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- The principal objective of this
- It should be taught by giving as may
- The teaching, learning and eva
chapter is to introduce basic
examples as possible about economic
luation are to be activity-based.
2. Economic Activities
concepts relating to economics.
activities, production etc, from local area. -The monotonousness of teaching
3. Production
- Every act of human being has
- Students must be encouraged to partici
can be avoided by engaging
4. Factors of Production
an economic element.
pate in teaching. The learners themselves
pupils in learning, debating
- Knowledge of economics is
should give examples of economic
necessary for students to become
occupations existing in their village / town.
- Pupils can be asked to prepare
the responsible citizens of India.
Interactive and interrogative method is
the list of occupations in the
- Pupils should know that the
more useful to teach economics.
village or the town. They can
nation cannot prosper without
- Teaching economics should be flavoured also find out the different uses
the proper management and
with local examples. Focus should be an
to which land is used.
organisation of production.
generation of debate and discussion.
- They can be asked to prepare
- The objective of this chapter is
a list of physical capital in the
to make pupils to understand the
-It should be the part of teaching. For this village. They can also be asked
importance of land, labour, capital
interrogative method is useful. Pupils
to find out the number of land
and organisation in the process of
should be encouraged to write whatever
lords in the village and the
they have learnt in class room. Evaluation number of landless labourers.
- The learners should know that
should not become an inposition. It
Issues for discussion
the knowledge of economics is
should be an integral part of teaching
- Inequality in ownership of
essential to understand how an
and learning
land poverty - caste system.
Chapter 1
1. Meaning and Importance of the
Study of Economics
economy functions and flourish.
- Economic and Non-economic
- Productive and Unproductive
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
1. Scarcity of Resources
- The basic objective of teaching
- The method of learning by rote
- Students can be asked to
2. Exhaustible and Non-exhaustible
is to make pupils to understand
should be given up.
prepare a list of resources of
the alternative uses of resources
Interactive and participatory teaching is
their village such as types of
3. Deforestation and Desertification
and the scarcity of resources.
essential to teach this chapter. A live
soil, types of trees, lakes
4. Carrying Capacity and Climate
Students should be able to
classroom is one where the teacher and
rivers, types of birds, the level
appreciate the need of
pupils are engaged in lively dialouge and
of underground water, number
Chapter 2
Natural Resources
conservation of natural resources. disussion.
of borewell etc.
- Another important objective is
- Deaf teacher and dumb students cannot
- They can be asked to compare
to introduce to students the
make a classroom lively.
the environmental situation
concept of intergenerational
- Teaching should be interrogative. It
between the present and 20
equality in utilisation of resources.
should generate questions among pupils.
years ago.
- To make pupils understand the
- Teaching should create curriosity.
- Teacher can take students to
global dimension of the issue of
- It should create hunger for knowledge
fields to show deforestation,
climate change.
among students.
- They should be able to analyse
- Information pouring is not teaching.
- Teacher can encourage the
the carrying capacity is their
students to build school park.
own village / town.
- Teaching and evaluation should not be
Rain water harvesting plant
treated as two separate things. Students
can be built for the school by
can be asked to distinguish between
students themselves.
exhaustible and non-exhaustible
resources with suitable exaples. Students
can be asked to identify resources
exhausted in their village / town.
Pupils should be able to associate their
own family history with intergenerational
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
1. People as Resources
- The objective of teaching this
- Child-centered education is possible
- The growth of population of
2. Populaton Growth
chapter is to make pupils to
only under activity-based teaching. So,
the village over a period of time
3. Demographic Transition
understands people are not mere
teaching this chapter involves using of
can be calculated.
4. Reproductive Health and
number, but they are living things.
graphs, charts etc.
- No. of people in the village
Quality of Population
People are the assets of a nation.
- Pupils should be involved in preparing the in 1991_________5000.
- They are not only resoures but
statistical tables for population by sex of
- No. of people in the village
also the end of development.
the village. Numerical examples must be
People should not be treated as
used to teach sex ratio, density, population Calculate the growth rate.
instruments of development.
of the village can be the theme for
- Population _____ 8000.
- They should be make to
Area _______ 50 Sq KM.
understand that growth of
- Debate can be organised in the class to
Calculate density.
population in India has started
discuss the consequences of population
- Male Population ____ 4000
declining. They should be
- Female Population ___3500
introduced to the concept of
- Students can visit a health centre in the
- Calculate Sex Ratio.
demographic transition.
- Students can be asked to
- They should be made to
- Local issues should be used to teach this prepare a list of the
appreciate the significance of
chapter. Students can be asked to prepare
components of reproductive
women's health. Finally pupils
a list of infant death in the village during
should be made to familiar with
a particular year.
- Students can be asked to
Chapter 3
Human Resources
concepts like density, sex ratio,
explain their experience with
IMR, MMR, family planning etc.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
1. Who are Poor?
- The objective of teaching this
- Interactive and interrogative methods of - Students are made to visit the
2. Indicators of Poverty
chapter is to make pupils to
3. Hunger and Famines
understand that poverty can be
4. Food Security and Eradication
eliminated. It is not a curse of
Chapter 4
Poverty and Hunger
of Poverty
god. It is a man-made thing.
Pupils should understand that
teachings should be adopted.
- Pupils are to be encouraged to ask
- Debate, dialogue, discussions should be
part of teaching.
panchayat and find our the
level of income used to
measure poor in the village.
- Students can be asked to
prepare a list of poverty eradi-
the identification of poor is not
- Numerical examples are to be used.
cation programmes is the
an easy task.
- Small calculation, mathematical
- Students should know that
poverty has a caste dismensions,
examples should be used.
- Pupils can be asked to visit the fair price
- Pupils can prepare a list of
prices essential food grains
Poor are more among dalits
shops in the villages. Students can be
in the village.
than among others. Why?
asked to list the number of houseless
- They can be asked to prepare
After studying this chapter,
families in the village.
a list of wage rate in the
pupils should be able to say
income in not the only indicator
- Students should be asked the distingnish
between starvation and fasting.
of poverty. Illiteracy, Illness,
disabilities, caste, gender, natural
wealth etc. are also indicators of
poverty. They should know that
poverty is there in India, but
hunger is not there.
- They should become familiar
with poverty eradication
9 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
1. Structural Transformation
- The principal objective of
- Everyday example are to be used to
- Students can be asked to
2. Sources of Income
teaching this chapter is to intro-
explain the structure of the economy.
prepare a list of occupations in
3. Sources of Employment
duce to the students the different
Pupils should be encouraged to discuss
the village / town.
4. Static Economy and Dynamic
elements of the economy and
how income is generated, how jobs are
- They can be asked to debate
how these elements change over
generated. What occupations generate
the generation of low income
a period.
more income?
in agriculture. How changes
Chapter 1
Economic Structure
- They should know what was the - While explaining static economy,
are taking place in the village
nature of primitive economy.
examples can be given from the colonial
can be explained by giving
- How it paved the way to the
some social examples.
capitalistic economy.
- Dynamic economies can be explained
- Translation of primitive agri-
- They should know that the
by tracing the changes taking place in the cultural economy into market
income generated in agriculture
village over a period of time.
economy can be a subject
goes on declining as economy
for discussion.
develops. But labourers
- Students can be asked to give
depends on agriculture continues
examples in static situation
to be larger.
and dynamic situation.
- They should be able to understand the distinction between
static economy and dynamic
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- There is a lot of scope to adopt
- Students can be asked or
Chapter 2
Sectors of the
1. Primary - Agriculture
- The objective of this chapter is
Indian Economy
2. Secondary - Industries
to enable the pupils to understand interactive and interogative methods of
entrusted the task to prepare
3. Services - Trade, Transport etc.
the grouping of various economic teaching in this chapter.
a list of agriculutral and
activities into three sectors.
allied activities in the
4. Karnataka Economy
- To provide knowledge about the
- Teacher should borrow examples from
village / town.
significance of agriculture and
every day life of students to explain
- Pupils can prepare a list of
allied activities such as animal
various aspects of agriculture. Teacher
private and public industries in
husbandry, dairy products,
can organise a discussion on the famous
fisheries, frestey etc.
statement “Industrialise or Perish”.
- They can be asked to
- To make pupils to familiarise
- Teacher should encourge pupils to
prepare a list of services in
with organisational aspects of
understand the significance of growing
industrial sector such as public
service sector. Teacher can pickout
- The list of following things
sector, private sector, multi-
examples in services from the village life. of Karnataka can be prepared.
natinal companies etc.
- The uniqueness of Karnataka
a. List of Agricultural Cropes.
- It is necessary to introduce
can be introduced to students by
b. List of Irrigation Project.
various aspects of Karnataka
arranging industrial tours.
c. List of Rivers.
economy to pupils.
d. List of wild life sancturies.
- Teaching and evaluation should not be
e. List of IT Industrier in
treated as two separate things. It is wrong.
Question and answer method is more
useful at secondary level.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
1. Forms of Money
- The main objective of teaching
- Supply of money can be taught by
- A small school bank can be
2. Forms of Credit
this chapter is to enable the pupils borrowing examples from every day
set up.
3. Banks and Deposits
to understand the historical
- Student can act as Manager
4. Reserve Bank of India
evolution of money and banking
- Demonstration of cheque, draft, creditslip
cashier, clark etc.
etc can be done in the class room.
- All students must be
Chapter 3
Money and Credit
- To provide knowledge about the - Teacher can take students to post-office
encouraged to open bank
system of money lending existing or bank in the villages to show to students accounts.
in rural sector and problems
how a bank works.
- Credit cards, debit cards,
associated with money lenders.
- They can be taught how to write
cheques, drafts can be
Pupils should be able to dis
a cheque.
demonstrated in the schools.
tingnish various types of
- They can be shown the safe vaults.
- Students can be asked to
analyse why notes are issued
- They should know the distinciton - In the interactive teaching method
by the Governer of Reserve
between credit and debits.
evaluation take place along with teaching. Bank of India and not by the
Pupis should know how notes
Students must be encouraged to ask
Central Finance Minster.
and coins are printed. Reserve
question. They must be asked to pose
- A debate can be organised
bank of India can be introduced
question to banker, post master.
on indebtedness and Formeris
in brief.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
1. Division of Labour
- The basic objective of teaching
- Interactive and dialogue method is to be - Student can be asked to
2. Labour: Male-Female
this chapter is to enable the
adopted. We have to give up the age
prepare a list of work done by
3. Employment-Unemployment
students to appreciate the role of
old lecture - narrative method.
father and mother separately
4. Disguised Unemployment
labour in production.
- Problem solving method of teaching is
in the house.
- To provide the knowledge about
suitable for this chapter.
- They have to give
gender dimensions of labour
- Gender discrimination in labour market
explanation to distinction
and discrimination associated
can be demonstrated by means of live
between work done by women
with female labour.
and men.
- Productive labour, domestic
- Sexist approach in teaching should be
- Students can be asked to
labour, reproductive labour.
prepare a list of types of
Chapter 4
Labour and
Pupils should be able to know
joblessness is not unemployment.
- Student can asked to prepare
- They should be able to distingnish
a list of work where men and
that all unemployed are not poor
women both perform.
and all employed are not rich.
- They should know that disguised
unemployment can appear only in
a labour surplus economy.
10 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- The principal objective is to
- The pupils should be engaged in the
- Pupils can be asked to
enable the students to appreciate
discussion of the varied and diverse
prepare a list of developed
2. Indicators of Income Development
the need and concepts of
dimensions of development.
countries in the world.
3. Indicators of Human Development
- For this, debate, dialogue and
- They can be asked to
4. Gender related Development
- To make them to understand
discussion are more useful.
prepare a list of Human
why a country remains under
- Pupils are to be encouraged to distingnish
development Indices of
developed. To familiarise pupils
between income as the sole indicator of
various states of India.
with new concept of development
development and health, education and
- The literacy rate of women
such as human development,
income together as composite indicator
and men in Karnataka for
gender related development.
of development.
1991 and 2001.
- Pupils should appreciate that the
- The teaching should be gender sensitive. - A discussion can be organi-
attainment of health by people,
- Women should figure in every aspect of sed on differences in literacy
education attainment are as
important as that of the growth
of income.
- Teaching and evaluation should go
- Distinction between GDP and
together. These two can be combined
only when participatory teaching method
Chapter 1
1. Development and
rate between women and men.
is adopted.
Chapter 2
Economy and
1. Planning in India
- The objective of teaching this
-Students are to be involved in teaching.
- Students can be asked to list
2. Five Year Plans
chapter is to enable students to
-So participatory teaching is necessary,
areas where government
3. Green Revolution
understand the role of
local flavour is to be their in teaching.
plays a role.
4. Liberalisation and Globalisation
government in development.
Interrogative method will make class-
- They can be asked to
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
-Pupil should know that planning lively and interesting.
prepare a list of merit and
is a stategy adopted by govern-
-Monotonousness must be avoided.
demerits of privatisation,
ment to develop the economy.
-Women must figure is every aspects of
marketisation and globalisation.
Pupils should know the
- Students can asked to
periodicity of different five year
-Every day examples must be used while
prepare an essay an Green
plans in India. Pupils should
Revolution on International
know that one of the greatest
Food Day.
achievements of planning in
-Debate, discussion and dialogue method
- Students can be asked to
India is Green Revolution.
generate questions and evaluation takes
distingnish between govern-
-Students should be able to
place along with teaching.
ment - centered and market -
understand various elements of
centered economic policies.
Green Revolution.
Chapter 3
Rural Development
1. Meaning and Importance
- The purpose of teaching this
- The teacher can organise a mock
- Students can be asked to
2. Decentralisation
chapter is to make students to
panchayat and engage students to discuss
collect the data about
3. Role of Panchayat Raj Intitutions
understand and appreciate the
the function and powers of PRIs.
Panchayat members or muni-
4. Women in Development
crucial role of rural development
- The development plan prepared by Gram
cipality members of their
is nation building.
Panchayat can be used as an example to
village or town.
- They should know how big our
explain how PRIs work in rural
- Students can be asked to
rural economy is and how
development. Teacher can take students
collect data about powers and
significant its development is for
to Gram Panchayat and arrange a dis
functions of PRIs.
nation's development.
cussion with panchayat members. Teacher - Students can be asked to
- They should understand the
must take local example to show how
prepare a list of work done by
distinction between centralisation much work women done and in what way women in the village and work
and decentralisation in
they experience injustice.
done by men in the village.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- 73rd amendment to India's
- Students should be asked to justify how
constitution has given
rural India in real India. Teacher should
constitutional status to
judge whether pupils use sexist language
panchayatraj institution.
in discussion and debate.
- Pupils should know that a lot
of power is delegated to PRIs.
- Women's role in development is
crucial. Students must know the
contribution of women to
development, What are the dis
advantages women face in
Chapter 4
Public Finance and
1. Meaning and Importance
- The principal objective of this
- Interactive and interrogative method is
- Students can be asked to
2. Public Expenditures
chapter is to make students
to be adopted to teach this chapter.
prepare a list of taxes imposed
3. Public Revenue - Taxation
understand the role of govern-
- The idea of federalism can be introduced
by central government, state
4. Deficit : Fiscal Deficit
ment finance in development.
at this level, Budget data of the state or
government and Gram
Pupils should know how govern- central government can be collected
ment collect income and how it
and questions can be asked.
- Students can be asked to
- Teacher must teach students that there is prepare a list of public work
- It enables the students to under- a difference between the borrowing of
done in the village by govern-
stand how much money comes
loan by government and borrowing by
ments such as roads, bridges,
to government and from what
water supply structure.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
sources it comes on the one hand
drainage, toilets etc.
and how it spends money and on
- Teaching and evaluation have to take
- If expenditure exceeds
what items it spends.
place simultaneously. Question and
revenue there will be deficit.
- This chapter enable students
answers method of teaching helps to
To fill this deficit government
to know types of taxes and
achieve this integration.
borrow loans. How much loan
non-tax source of income of
government of India has
the government.
borrowed during a particular
- They should be able to identify
differences between finance of
government and finance of
Syllabus Forming Committe
Dr. Sudha Seetaraman
- Chairperson
Fellow, Institute for
Social and Economic Change
Bangalore 560 072
Dr. Lakshmipathi
- Member
Reader, Department of Sociology and
Convenor NSS, NSS Building
Bangalore Univeristy
Jnanabharathi Campus, Banglaore
Dr. Parimala Rao
CWDS, 25, Bhaiveer Singh Marg
New Delhi 110 001
- Member
8 Standard
Unit / Concept
Chapter 1
We and the World
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
1. The Human Species
- Evolution (Finger thumb
opposition, erect posure, large
brain etc.,)
2. Man/woman is a Social animal.
3. Human child Vs. that of animals.
(long years of dependency - food,
security, protection, warmth etc.,)
- The students should be able to
appreciate the differences between human and animals and
also see for themselves how
biologically the human infant
is dependent on others around
them for nurture etc.,
- The student should be able to
- Class room teaching.
- Question answers - oral and written.
- Explore through the use of
visual media the animal
world and list the kind of
differences that one is able
to garner vis-a-vis human
- Collect the experiments on
various unsocialized
4. “Man becomes man only among
appreciate that societies are
childred and not what
men” (experiments of unsocialized
simultaneous with individuals
happened to them.
and that individuals are not
5. Human beings and language.
prior to them as it is often
6 Man/woman also a tool-making
animal. (Homo Sapines)
7. Pioneering Sociologists.
- Students should be able to
learn that language, which is
the most important attribute of
human being is socially formed
and that language is necessary
not just for communication but
the lesson shlould be able to
bring home the point that
language facilitates self-awareness and mastery of the environment.
- Human beings are also tool
makers and this is possible
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Class room teaching.
- List the different languages
because of their biological
- To put across to the students
the above without the use of
sociological jargon.
Chapter 2
Culture, Society
1. Culture
- Show to the student how
2. Cultural diversity
culture is not just about finer
3. Norms and Practices. (from what is
sensibilities that human beings,
to what ought to be)
possess, but it includes the
- Question aswers - oral and written.
and dialects spoken in
- Narrate the marriage
way they dress, their marriage
customs of the community
customs, family life, and their
that you belong to.
patterns of work, religious
- What are various languages
ceremonies and liesure pur-
spoken in your locality/
suits, among others.
- To show that culture is not
- Collect the various religious
singular but there are cultures
ceremonies that take place
all around us. And that there
outside of their homes.
is tremendous diversity among.
cultures. The purpose is to
make the student appreciate
that diversity essentially means
tolerance about the differences.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 3
Social Interaction
and Everyday life
1. The Study of Everyday Life.
- To help the students appreciate - Class room teaching.
- Ask the student to record
2. Non-verbal Communication.
how we act and react to people - Question answers - oral and written.
any conversation in various
3. Face, Body and Speech in
around us.
relationships. Teacher
4. What are roles? How do we learn
to play roles?
5. How do people come to occupy
roles in a lifetime?
- Many apparently trivial aspects
student; parents, parents
of our behaviour turn out on
and note the differences.
close examination turn out to
- List the ‘masks’ we wear to
be complex.
- Show the students how we
communicate not just through
language but also non-verbal
- To show there are socially
defined expectations of us
home and outside.
- Record how we behave
when guests arrive a home.
- Differentiate the behaviour
of one's parents at home and
at work and account for the
and how we live out those
- To communicate to the student
how each person plays a
number or roles at different
points in life and how some of
them may conflict with each
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 4
Types o Society
1. The Earliest Societies
- To help the student understand - Class room teaching.
a. Hunters and gatherers
that there are different types of - Question answers - oral and written.
b. Pastoral and agrarian societies
societies around us at any
c. The industrialising societies.
single point of time.
- To show how one's sdsociety is
different from that of others.
- List the features of the
habitat one lives in.
- Narrate the visit to any
place and list and
peaculiarities that one has
- Help the students understand
how communities come to be
scaled as superior/inferior;
ignorant etc.
9 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- To show the student how one
- Class room teaching.
- List and describe the
Chapter 1
Family and Household
1. What is the family?
2. Husbands and Wives / Parents
is born into a family and help
and Children
the student distinguish a house-
a. Childhood and Youth
hold from a family.
b. Adulthood, Middle age and
old age
c. Generations and Families
3. Different types of Familiesa. How do families differ on the
labour at home.
which individuals pass during
families by size arround
their lives seem at first sight
to be biological fixed are
really influenced by cultural
Joint family)
material circumstances of
b. Domestic Violence
- Describe the division of
- List the different types of
differences and also by the
a. Sexual abuse
festivals you celebrate.
- The various transitions through
basis of size (Nuclear, Extended,
4. The dark side of family
- Question answers - oral and written.
people's lives in given type of
- Not everything is fine about
the family in India.
Chapter 2
Socialisation and
Family Relations
1. What is Socialisation?
2. Family, neighbourhood, peer
group and school
3. Gender and Socialisation
- To bring home the difference
between nature and nurture.
- To analyse the development
- Class room teaching.
- Question answers - oral and written.
- Collect narratives of one's
childhood from parents,
neighbours and friends -
of human individual from
particularly the old.
infancy to early childhood
- Compare and contrast
identifying the main stages of
socialisation processes
change involved.
across ages.
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- Class room teaching.
- If your live in a city or
- To show how at each stage of
the child's development there
is a change of relationship
between the infant, mother
and other people caring for
the child and how these processes go on.
- To show how socialisation
is a process that continues
throughout the life course.
- How we learn characteristics
of our culture through socialisation.
Chapter 3
City and Community
1. What is a City?
- To help the students realise
2. Features of City
the differences in the habitat
3. Industrialisaiton and Urbanisation
and how these differences has
various places of
4. What is Community?
an effect on the social lives
importance in it.
5. Rural Community and its
of people.
6. Tribal Community and its
- Question answers - oral and written.
close to oine, describe the
- Note the events and circumstances where you have
noticed ‘we’ feeling among
10 Standard
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
- To show how everybody in
- Class room teaching.
- List how the city is
Chapter 1
Social Stratification
1. Why are people different?
(Income, Education, Dress
Beliefs etc.,)
2. How do we account for the
3. Prejudices associated with
4. Untouchability as a form of social
the society is not the same.
- Question answers - oral and written.
- To understand the nature of
inhabited by people who
move about buses, cars,
these differences and to
dresses, etc.
account for the same.
- Account why this is so.
- To discuss how differences
- Why are the affluent always
are associated with certain
portrayed as fair and the
poor, dark? Is this a
prejudice? Show hoe there
5. Eradication of untouchability
are prejudices associated
Legal Provisions against Caste
with income, caste, gender
- List the castes in your
- What practices distinguish
one caste from another etc.
Chapter 2
Work and Economic
1. Division of labour and classes
- To say what is work and bring
2. Paid and unpaid work
home its objective of how it
3. Unemployment
caters to human needs.
4. Inequalities work
- To show how there is a lot of
5. Organised Workers and
work that is unpaid and how in
Unorganised workers.
many instances only paid work
- Class room teaching.
- Question answers - oral and written.
- Make a note the kind of
work is performed by all the
members of one's family
and household and to note
the differences among them.
- Make a list of how one's
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
is respected and voluntary is
household income gets to
not with the intention to seek
be spent and on what.
if such divisions create ine-
- To enquire into why certain
jobs get paid more and
- To show how different
certain others less and to
occupations get paid differently
account for the differences.
and why.
- Who do some people around
us don't work. Don't they want
to work or is no work?
Chapter 3
Collective action
and Protests
1. Crowds, riots and collective action. - The student should be able to
2. Other forms of Collective action.
- Class room teaching.
- Have you come across any
gather that there are differences - Question answers - oral and written.
protest, if so what was it all
a. Environmental issues
in society and take account of
about. Describe.
b. Self-help groups of women
how people voice their differe-
- Are there any groups in
nces when they feel that they
your locality - see why they
deserve better.
were formed and for what
- To describe how people come
together to form groups to vent
their grievances.
- Do your or your neighbours
face any water, electricity
or sanitary problems? What
do you do when there is no
water at home?
Unit / Concept
Sub Unit / Concepts
Method and Evaluation
Chapter 4
Social Problems
1. Child labour
2. Violence against women
- To show how problems around - Class room teaching.
us not a creation of individuals - Question answers - oral and written.
a. Dowry
and how there are forces
b. Female foeticide and infanticide
beyond them that contribute
to this.
- Do you have problems?
What are those? List them.
- Are the problems you face
- Do people in your
immediate community have
- Describe how do you think
people stand up to
Board of Studies \ i
1. History \ 1
2. Civics & Political Science \ 40
3. Geography \ 58
4. Business Studies \ 87
5. Economics \ 103
6. Sociology \ 116
Social Sciences Syllabus Forming Committe
Chairman: Dr. Vijay Poonacha T.
Dr. Vijay Poonacha T.
- Chairman
Professor, Department of History
Kannada University, Hampi
Vidyaranya, Bellary District - 583 276
Dr. Narendra Prasad S.
- Member
Professor, Department of History
JSS Womens College
Saraswathipuram, Mysore
Dr. K. Mahesh
- Member
Senior Grade Lecturer
First Grade Government College
Shidlagatta, Chikkaballapura District
Dr. Vagiswari
- Member
Professor, Department of History
Christ College, Hosur Road, Bangalore
Dr. Shashidhara
- Member
Department of History
Bangalore University
Jnanabharathi Campus, Bangalore
Dr. Parimala Rao
- Member
CWDS, 25, Bhaiveer Singh Marg
New Delhi 110 001
Civics & Political Science
P.A. Kumar
- Chairman
Professor (Rtd.)
Department of Political Science
Vijaya College, Bangalore
Dr. K.M. Kumar
- Member
Department of Political Science
First Grade Government College
Nyamati, Davanagere District
Prof. Manjunath
- Chairman
Department of Geography
MES Junior College
Jayanagara, Bangalore
Prof. Devaraj
Department of Geography
Cauvary College, Gonikoppa
Kodagu Dist.
- Member
Sri. Katti
Department of Geography
First Grade Govt. College
- Member
Business Studies
Dr. Uday Kumar Ervathur
- Chairperson
Professor of Commerce
Mangalore University College
Hampanakatte, Mangalore
Dr. B. Mahadevappa
- Member
Department of Commerce
Mysore Univesity PG Centre
Hassan 573 220
Dr. T.R. Chandrashekhara
- Chairman
Department of Development Studies
Kannada University, Hampi
Vidyaranya, Bellary District - 583 276
Dr. Sudha Seetaraman
- Chairperson
Fellow, Institute for Social and
Economic Change
Bangalore 560 072
Dr. Lakshmipathi
- Member
Reader, Department of Sociology and
Convenor NSS, NSS Building
Bangalore Univeristy
Jnanabharathi Campus, Banglaore
Dr. Parimala Rao
- Member
CWDS, 25, Bhaiveer Singh Marg
New Delhi 110 001
Social Sciences Syllabus
(Vth to Xth Standard)
Submitted to
Government of Karnataka
June 2008
Fly UP