. .,. .. * ,.-+ ..> /J’i4 L?Bl 4’ m’ 0 z, ii n FOR AERONAUTICS I ( TECHNICAIJ LIFT AND P17TCHINGMOMEN’T CYLIND131CAL ASPECT NOTE 3795 INTERFERENCE BODY AND TRIANGULAR RATIOS By Jack N. Nielsenj AT MAC,H NUMBERS Elliott — —-. D. Katzen, Ames Aeronautical Moffett Field, A POINTED WINGS OF VARIOUS OF 1.50 AND 2.02 and Kenneth K. Tang Laboratory Calif. I I I Washington December . I 1956 ... . . .. . ... . ., . .. ... ..._. . .... . . -.. . -. .- TECH LIBRARYKAFB,NM NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR AERONAUTICS Ilunllmllnlllilllill llClbLL34 TECHNICALNOTE3795 . LIFT AND PITCEUNG-MOMENT ~NCE I BETWEEN A PO13WlXD CYUNDRICAL BODY AND TRIYdlGUIARWINGS OF VARIOUS ASPECT RATICS AT MACH NUMBERS OF I.yl and 2.021 By Jack N. Nielsen, Elliott D. Katzen, and Kenneth K. Tang ‘ sUMmRY In. order to investigate the effects of interference on wing-body combinations, tests were conducted at Mach nuaibersof 1.50 and 2.02 of a pointed, cylindrical body, of six triangular wings having asyect ratios from 0.67 to 4.00, and of the whgs and the body in combination. The body had a fineness ratio of 7.33, a conical nose with a semiapex angle of 15°, and an ogival trsmsition section to a cylindrical afterbody. The wings had 8-percent-thick double-wedge sections with the maximum thickness at the midchord, and the wing-body combinations were made by inserting the wings at zero incidence into the cylindrical pait of the body. Experimental Uft and pitching-moment results were obtained for a nominal angle-of-attack range of *5.5° and a constant Reynolds number, based on the body length, of 5.5 million. Theoretical characteristics of the body and wings alone and in combination, as well as the interference, were calculated from the available theories and compa~d with the experimentzilresults. The theory described by AUen ahd Perkins in N/WA Rep. 1048, 1951, produced results in good agreement with the measured values of lift and pitching moment for the body. The agreement was better at a Wch number of 1.50 than at 2.02. For the wing-body combinations hatig low-aspectratio wings, the theoretical.predictions of Spreiter in NACA Rep. 962, 1950, were in good agreement with the experimental values of lift and moment. For the wing-body combinations having higher-aspect-ratio wings, a modification of the theory of NACA Rep. 962 produced predictions in good agreement with experiment. Comparison of the wing-alone data with the results of Love in NACA Rep. 1238, 1955, indicated a marked effect of the position of maximum thichess on the lift-curve slope. The liftcurve slopes for the wings tested were considerably greater than for wings with the msximwn’thickness at 18-percent chord in the upper range of wing aspect ratios. %upersedes recently declassified NACA RMA50F06 by Jack ~. Nielsen, Elliott D. Katzen, and Kenneth K. Tsu, 1950. ~ “ ——-. .—.— — .- .. —- —— . . . .—.—— The results for the components alone and in combination W& used to determine the total interference, Wch iS *f tied = the S~ of the ~te~ ference effects of the body on the wing forces smd of the wings on the body forces. The interference effects were important for the wing-body combinations havfng small wings relative to the bcdy. Both the restits of the theory of NACA Rep. 962 and of the modified theory were in good sgreement with the expe~ntally measured interference results. . ‘ INTRODUCTION The forces on a conibinationof a w& snd a body can be considered to consist of the sum of the forces on the wing alone, the body slone, and the interference forces of the wing on the body and of the body on the wing . Several investigators have presented theoretical methods of pretivestigated dicting interference forces. Spreiter, in reference 1, W the effect of interference on the Wt-curve slope and center-of-pressure position of slender wing-body combinations. This theory assumes that the body is slender and the leading edges of the wings are swept well behind the Mach cone. I?errari,in reference 2, has investigated the problem of interference between a rectanguhr wing and a body. ~ this paper the effect of the wing on the body forces, -s*t fie flow field due to the wing is unchanged by the presence of the body, W the effect of the body on the wing forces, assuming that the body flow field iS ~cmed by the presence of the wing, were determined. Brown, Friedman, and Hodes, in reference 3, have investigated the conical-flow problem of interference between a triangular wing and a conical body, the apex of which coincides with the wing apex. The present experiments were designed to measure the total lift and pitching-mrnnentinterference of triangular wing-bmly combinations at supersonic speeds and to compare the data with the theory and a modification of the theory of reference 1. The experiments also afforded an opportunity for comparison of the Mt force and pitching mcment of the body and wings alone with values predicted by the available theories. The total interference, which is defined as the sum of the interference effects of the body on the wing forces and of the wing on the body forces, was determined by subtracting sum of the lift, or pitching moment, of the wings and body alone fran lift, or pitching mment, of the corresponding Combinations. . NOTATION A wing aspect ratio Ap plan-form area of body (2~: adx), a loti body radius, in. —-— ———— S~ in. _—— , NACA TN 3795 3 o 2 aerodynamic chord - cr , h. me~ cd’ cross-flow section drag coefficient of a circular cylinder CL lift coefficient based on total wing plan-fore area for wings and combinations and on base area for body % % increment in lift coefficient due to stream angle pitching-moment coefficient about wing.centroid for wings and cmribinationsand about body nose for body, based on total wing plan-from area and mean axmodynsmic chord for wings and combinations, and on base area and body len@h for body increment in moment coefficient due to stream angle Cr wing apex chord, in. E complete elJiptic integral of second kind L l&t 2 body length, in. force, lb total lift-interference M pitching moment, in.-lb % free-stream Mach number total.manent-interference ratio, moments about body nose *MC ,P %+% ‘r%-l ) loading coefficient, ratio of difference between lower- and upper-surface static pressures and free-stream dynsxnic pressure s local wing Semispsn, in. s tOtal Wing pl&l-fOrm area as *ended Sq in. v volw -—. —,. . . . .. . . —.-. in figure 1 (S = CrSm) , of body, cu in. _ .—. -----—— .———— ..— free-stream velocity, in./see longitudinal coordinate, measured along body axis from body nose for body alone and combination, or measured along wing apex chord from wing apex for wings, positive downstream, in. lateral coordinate, normal to vertical plane of symmetry, in. angle of attack in radians umless otherwise specified stresm angle, radians wing semiapex amgle, deg modification factor to account for finite wing aspect ratios correction for three-dimensional effects on body sweep angle of wing leading edge, deg sweep angle of wing midchord line, deg velocity potential Subscripts B bcdy alone w wing alone c ~-body WB effect of wing onlody BW effect of body on wing \ L+ O combination liqdting value of quantity as lift approaches zero b value at body base 2 value at intersection of wing leading edge and body m msximum value s value due to stream angle t value at the wing trsllinn edge — ———.—— —.— . NACA TN 3795 5 m theoretical value for infinite aspect ratio bc centroid of body plan-form area Cp center of pressure of wing-body canbination ~ CONSDEMTIONS Apysratus and Procedure . The tests were performed in the Ames 1- by 3-foot supersonic wind tunnel No. 1. This closed-circuit continuous-operationwind tunnel is equipped with a flexible-plate nozzle that cam be adjusted to give testsection Mach nuuibersfrom 1.2 to 2.4. Reynolds number variation is accomplished by changing the absolute pressure b the tunnel fran onefifth of an atmosphere to approximately three atmospheres depending on the Mach number and ambient temperature. The tunnel is equi~ed with a strain-gage balance for measuring the aerodynamic forces on stingsupported models (ref. 4). ~ the ~t descfibed ~ refer=ce 4, the pitching moment was obtained fran the reactions on the main balance springs and was not sufficiently accurate. Therefore, the pitching mament in the present investigation was more accurately determined fra straingsge measurements of the bending mcment in the sting support (ref. 5). ‘ The modem were tested through a nominal angle-of-attack range of 5.5° at Mach nunbers of 1.50 ti-2.@. A const&rb Reynolds nmiber of 0.5 million per inch was maintained and, in order to make the effects of condensation negligible, the humidi~ was held to less than 0.0003 pound of water vapor per pound of dry &&. Models ti @pOrtS The body (fig. 1) had a fineness ratio of 7.33, a conical nose with a semiapex angle of 15°, and an ogival transition section fairing into a cylindrical sfterbody. The length of the body was limited by the condition that the nose wave reflected from the tunnel side wslls should fall behind the body base. The geometrical properties and designations of the six wing models used in the investigation are summmxized in table I. A photo~aph of the wing fsally is presented in figure 2. The wings had symmetrical double-wedge airfoil sections in the stresmwise direction with a msximum thickness of 8 percent at the midchord. All the wings were made of hardened tool steel and were f~shed by grinding. They were all equipped with small supports which were designed to reduce the effect of the supports on the aerodynamic forces of the wing alone to a ne~gi.ble quanti~. . .. . .—. —- — —-— — .—— ——— ——— 6 NACA TN 3795 . For all the wing:bcdy combinations the wings were located along the cylindrical part of the body. The meth~ of =sembling the combinations is shown in figure 3. All the models were mounted on the same st~. However, as shown in figure 4, difYerent shrouds were used for the wing tests than for the body sad combination tests. Corrections to E&perimental Results The experimental Et and mmnent data have been corrected for the nonuniform flow conditions in the tunnel test section. The measured values of the stresm sagle and pressure coefficient in the vertical plane of symmetry of the empty tunnel were used, together with the theoretical results of the appenti, in estimating the corrections. It was found, in general, that the correction to ldft and mcnnentwere small but not entirely negUgible. The maximum correction to Mft-curve slope for all configurations at both Mach numbers was 10 percent of the measured liftcurve slope. The corrections to the mcment data, at both l@ch numbers, shifted the center of pressure of the body 4 percent of the body length; the center of pressure of the wings, a maximum of 3 percent of the wing mean aerodynamic chord; and the center of pressure of the wing-body caibinations, a maximum of 3 percent of the body length. Precision The precision of the experimental data has been evsluated by the method outlined in Appendix A of reference 5. This includes an estimate of the precision of each measurement and the resulting uncertainty in the measurement. There is a further uncertainty involved in the accuracy of the corrections applied to the experimental data of the present tests. The latter inaccuracy is estimated to cawe an uncertainty of *O.007 in the lift coefficients for body, wings, and wing-body combinations; an uncertainty of 30.006 in the moment coefficients for the body and an uncertainty of 30.@ in the moment coefficients for the wings and the wing-body ccmibinations . The total uncertainty in the results is taken as the square root of the swn of the squares of the individual uncertainties. The following table lists the total uncertain@ for all configurations at both Mach nuoibers: — — —. ——_ . . . —— . NACA TN 3795 7 Quantity Uncertain~ for body Uncertainty for wings and wing-body combinations *(). @ Mo H.(X2 CL f.oog *.ocg % +*W *o@ a(deg) +.10 *010 THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS Body . Tsien (ref. 6) showed that the lift force and pitching moment on slender bcdies of revolution at low angles of attack are the same at supersonic speeds as at subsonic speeds, and that the results are the ssme = those predicted byllunkts airship theory (ref. 7). Thus, the Mft-curve slope of a baly with a finite base is 2 for all Mach nmibers if the base is used as the reference area. Experiments have shown that, while this is a good approximation at low angles of attack, at higher angles of attack the lift-curve slope increases and the slender-body theory is no longer adequate. Slender-body %heory neglects the effects of tiscosity and considers only the potential flow about the body. A large effect of viscosity can be included by considering the flow of a real fluid about an infinite cylinder inclined to the stresm. h reference 8, Jones has shown that the forces on sm inclined infinite cylinder are determined by the cross flow, that is, the ccmponent of the flow perpemltcular to the cylinder. Since the flow of a real fluid normal to a cylinder usually separates, a drag of cross flow occurs and appears as a normal force on the inclined cylinder. AUen (ref. 9) has estimated the effects of cross-fluw separation on the aerodyasmic coefficients.of slender bodies of revolution. The lift coefficient, by the method of tiference 9, is (1) CL = The first term represents the contribution of slender-body theory. The second term accounts for the added lift due to the cross-flow separation. In the second term c% is the drag coefficient experienced byan infinitely long circular cylinder at the Reynolds number and Mach number based upon the diameter of the body and the cross component of the velocity. The factor q allows for the effect of the finite length of the circular cylinder with the assumption that the reduction in drag coefficient for fineness ratio is the same for each element of the cylinder. It is also . . . _ ..—-,— ,. ——— — NACA TN 3795 8 . assumed that the reduction in drag is the ssme for a body (of varying cross section) and a cylinder of equal fineness ratios. For a cylinder with the same fineness ratio as the present body, reference 9 gives ~ =0.65. This value, together with c% = 1.2, has been used with equation (1) in determining the theoretical lift curve for the body. - If the moments are taken about the nose and the body length is used as the reference length, the pitching-mment coefficient is given by (2) wings The lift-curve slopes for the wings were determined from the results of the linearized supersonic wing theory (refs. 10 or Il.). When the parameter ~ tan e is less than unity (subsonic leading edge), the lift-curve slope is given by dCL —= da 231tanE E(jl-@%m2e) (3) J For the triangular wings for which p tsm e is greater than unity (supersonic leaiMng edge), the lift-curve slope is given by (ref. 12) (4) Linear theory gives the result that the pitching-mcment coefficient with the ~oment taken about the centroid of the wing plsm-fom area is zero for alJ triangular wings having symmetrical sections. Wing-Body Combinations The lift-curve slope for a slender wing-body combination consisting of a low-aspect-ratio triangular wing mounted on the cylindrical part of a pointed body is by the method of Spreiter (ref. 1) 21’r~2 dCL —=—tanE+2fil—— sm2 du 22 % () Sm2 tan E (5) . ——. .——. .—..—.— —. Iw!A TN 3795 9 where the total wing plan-form sxea (including the part within the body) has been used as the reference area. The first term in equation (7) represents the contribution of the body nose to the lift, and the second term represents the contribution of the winged part of the configuration. The lift force on the cylindrical afterbody is considered to be zero for the angles of attack of the present tests. In order to extend the method of reference 1 for application to combinations consisting of trismgular wings of higher aspect ratio, the second term in equation (5) must be modified. When the method of Spreiter is applied to w3ngs alone, the results become identical to the low-aspectratio trianguhr-wing results of Jones (ref. 13). It iS hlOm that the lift-curve slopes estimatedby this theory are too large when the parameter ~ tsm c is not small ccnnpsredto unity andnmstbe multiplied bya factor A to bring them into agreement with the linearized theories applicable to triangular wings of higher aspect ratio. The factor X is obtained by dividhg equations (3) and (4) by the low-aspect-ratio res-tits (dC~da = 2YCtan e): 1 1’ E(~l- . ptane<l f32tan2e)’ 1 A= (6) 2 e; I-@tau we assumption is now made that the wing factor X canbe applied to the lift on the winged psrt of the combinations. TheoreticaXl_y,this assumption has been shown to be vslid for the conical flow case of a triangular wing mounted on a conical body, the apex of which coincides with the wing apex (ref. l.). By physical reasoning, this-asswption is a good approximation for SW vslues of 13tan ~ (the range where the theory of ref. 1 should be applicable) since A is then nearly unity. It is also good when the ldft on the tinged part of the combination is carried mostly by the wing, which is the case if ~ tan c is large when the wing is large relative to the body. By the application of the factor A to equation (5), there is obtained CICL 2Yca# —=—tszle+2fiAl—— sm2 da 22 () % sm2 -bane (7) This equation hss been used to detemine the modified theory values of lift-curve slope forthe wing-body combinations. By the use of the foregoing method, the value of dCm/dCL fOr moments taken about the wing centroid with the mean aerodynamic chord as reference length is given as follows: - ..—. . . ..—.— -—-——— .—c—..— — –— 10 d% dCL —= 0 [ +—-~l+~(’-a’[(’-s+= )=(-+a+l’l ~ ab’ 23c~ (%-2) v lT~2Cr ab= —+ %2 ab2 xl-— () 2 Sm’ (8) The position of the center of pressure with respect to the nose of the body iS given by Xcp —= z S(’-+)+’6-32[?(’+32 -Z(’-9+39191 ,,, ab’ —+ sm2 RESULTS ti %2 2 () Al-— Sm’ DISCUSSION in order to isolate the total interference characteristics of the body alone, the wings alone, and the combinations must be measured. The results of-the tests to det&mine these character: istics are discussed individually and are presented in the form of lift and pitching-moment coefficients in figures 5 to 7 for the body, wings, .ad combinations, respectively. The results are sumarized in table II. From these data, the total interference was determined and the results are presented b figure 8 in terms of the total lift-intetierence ratio and in figure 9 in terms of the total mcment-intetierence ratio. Lif-t.-At ~ = l.~0, the experimental curve (fig. 5) was in good agrea~ with the curve predicted by the theory of reference 9. At MO = 2.02, the experimen~ lift coefficients were greater inmsgnitude than the theoretical values at any angle of attack, consequently the experimental value of the lift-curve slope at zero angle of attack was greater than the theoretical. Since cross-flow separation does not affect (dC~da)L+ 0, the difference between the theoretical.and experimental values of this quantity must be attributed to other effects of viscosity or to the fact that the body was not sufficiently slender to warrant the use of slender-bdy theory. With regard to other effects of viscosity, it is known that Reynolti-number can have a large effect on the value of (d~@L+O of a body of revolution (ref. 4), but it was found that for , WA Ill m 3795 the present body (dC~du)L+O was independent of scale above a Reynolds number of 3xl& (based on the body length) for ~ = l.~0. Since the Reynolds number was ‘5.5x106for the data presented at both ~ = 1.50 and ~ = 2.02, it is believed that the scale effect was insignificant. , Pitching moment.- On the basis of slender-body theory, the center of pressure of the present body is approximately 19 percent of the body length behind the nose. According to the theory of reference 9, a force due to cross-flow separation, proportional to the square of the angle of attack, has been assumed to act at the centroid of the body plm-form mea. As the angle of attack increases, the cross force due to separation causes the center of pressure to move rearward, produc~ a stabilizing influence, as the theoretical curve of figure 5’shows. A comparison at the two Mach numbers of the experimental mmnent curve with the viscous theoretical curve shows that the agreement was good and there was little change with Mach number. wings Idft - The lift results for the wings alone are summarized in figure 100 ‘The wing lift-curve slopes are dividedby the two-dimensional lift-curve slopes and are shown as a function of B tan e. The experimental results obtained by Love (ref. 14) for triangular wings with the ssme thiclmess ratio as the present wings (8 percent), but with the maximum thickness at 18 percent of the chord instead of 50 percent of the chord, are also shown in figure 10. The Reynolds numbers in the tests of ?eference 14 were not greatly different from those of the present tests. Comparison of the present results with those of reference 14 shows that the lift-curve slope was much less h the upper range of B tan e for the wings which had steeper leading-edge wedge angles than those of the present wings. Thus, airfoil-section shape has a decided effect on the lift of triangular wings. When the flow perpendicular to the leading edge is considered, the bow wave should become attached to the wing leading edge at lower values of p tan e for the present wings than for wings with maximum thickness at 18 percent of the chord. Better agreement with-the linesr theory is thus to be expected in this range of f3tan e for the present wings. According to the linear theory, the wing lift-curve slope should fsll on one line when plotted aE shown in figure 10. The present experimental results at l&ch nuuibersof 1.50 and 2.02 did not fall on one line, thus additional effects of Mach number beyond those predictedby the linear theory were indicated. Why these effects of Mach number shouldbe important for the present wings and not for the wings with maximwn thickness at 18 percent of the chord is not clear. ● Center of pressure.- The experimental.variation of center-of-pressure position with B tan e is presented in figure Il. The data show that the center-of-pressurepositions were 3 to 8 percent of the me~ aerodynamic chord forward of the wing centroid of area for all the wings of the present investigation except WI at ~ = 1.50 and 2.02 and W2 at ~ = 1.50. NACA TN 3795 12” The results were not greatly different for the two Mach numibers. In general, the center-of-pressurepositions for the wings of the present tests were slightly forward of those for the wings of reference 14. The deviation of the center of pressure from the theoretical position at the wing centroid and the deviation between wings of different section must be due to higher-order compressibility and viscous effects. A complete explanation of the deviation must await a careful study of the boundarylayer behavior on the wings, together with experimen~ determinations-of the wing-pressure distributions. Wing-Bdy Combinations Lift.- The lift-curve slopes of the wing-body combinations are shown in figure 12 as a function of the wing parameter ~ tan e. The figure shows that the experimental results were in good sgreement with the theoretical results of reference 1 in the low range of values of ~ tan ~ for which the theory was intended. The agreement between the experimental results and the modified theoretical results was good throughout the test range. It thus appears that the modified theory should be applicable to wing-body combinations similar to those of the present tests - that is, to those configurations for which the lift of the wings is large cmpared to that of the body in the upper range of ~ tan e. The method would thus be applicable to a triangular-wing airplane. However, for the case of a small surface of lsrge j3tan e such that the lift of the surface is small compared to that on the body, it cannot be assumed that the present method would give valid results. . Center of pressure.- The center-of-pressurepositims at zero lift, as fractions of the body length behind the nose, have been plotted against ~ tsn e for both Mach numbers in figure 13. The figure includes the theoretical center-of-pressurepositions calculated by the method of reference 1 for the combinations with the low-aspect-ratio wings, and by the method of the modified theory for all the combinations. The figure shows a rapid rearward movement of the center of pressure as p tsn E increased, smdat high values of p tan e the center of pressure approached a constant position at x/z = 0.60. Since the moment was due prhnarily to the wings as ~ tan .s becsme large, the center of pressure for the combinations should a~roach asymptotically the limiting rearward position of the centroid for the wing fsmil.y. ‘l?his corresponds to 0.636 z behind the nose. The agreement between theory and experiment was good. The experimental values for & = 2.@ and large values of 13tan e were slightly greater than the theoretical values, but never by more than 2 percent of the body length. ~ . 13 NACA TN 3795 Interference Effects . . The Hft of a wing-bdy combination may be defined by (lo) k=h+%l+%l+%l where the wtng alone is defined as the total wing, including the part blaaketed by the body. The term ~W is defined as the difference between the lift force on the wing in the presence of the body and the lift force on the W@ alone. ThuE ~W is the effect of the body on the wing Et force. Similarlyj IWR is the effect of the wing on the body lift force. The total Mt-fiZerference ratio is %B+LBW %2 LB+Lw ‘~&-l (U) and, correspondingly, the total pitching-moment interference ratio is . (12) . with all mcnnentdtaken about the body nose. Thus the total interference ratios may be obtained from the characteristics of wings alone, body alone, and combinations. ratio was Lift.-’Figure 8 reveals that the total ~-interference negat=(i.e., unfavorable) throughout the test range. It must be remembered, however, that the sign of this ratio depends to a large extent on the wing definition. In the present paper, the wing alone included the psrt inside the body. If the wing had been defined as the exposed halfwings joined together, the total lift interference would have been favorable, but of the same order of magnitude. The figure also shows that the interference ratio was largest inmagdtude for the combinations having the lowest ratio of the wing semispan to body radius. The interference ratio decreased rapidly as the wing semispan was increased relative to the body radius. For large values of #ah, the interference ratio approached zero. -. . Even though the results of reference 1 were not derived for wing-body combinations having wings of high aspect ratio, there is little difference between the res”ultscalculatedly this methd and those calculated by the modified theory when they are plotted in the form shown. The experimental values of the interference ratio were smaller in mqgnitude than the theoretical values, but the @geement between theory and experiment is . —...———. —- .—— .—.— _—._—. —— NACATN 14 3795 considered good. Better agreement is to be expected for a body of higher fineness ratio and thinner wings than those used in the present investigation. Pitching moment. - F@ure 9 shows that, in general, the total momentinterference ratio was negative (i.e., ~ < ~+~) and d&creased in msgnigreater than tude rapidly as sm/ab was increased. For values of ~/ab about 3~0 the inte%e~nce ratio was negligible. The e~–ertiental.values of the interference ratio were less in magnitude than the theoretical values, but the sgreement between experiment smd theory was considered good. Figure 9 also shows that there was little difference in the momentinterference results for the two Mach numbers. CONCLUSIONS In order to evaluate interference, the lift and pitching moment of a pointed cylindrical body, of six tri&gular wings having aspect ratios of 0.67 to 4.00 and of the wings and body in combination were investigated expetientally at Mach nunibersof 1.50 and 2.02. The experimental results for the body, wings, and canbinations, as welJ as the interference results, were compared with values predicted by available theories. The results support the following conclusions: 1. The lift and pitching-moment curves of the body as predicted by the method of NACA Rep. l@8, 1951, were in god agreement with the experimental curves. 2. Comparison of the results of the present investigation with those in NACA Rep. 1238, 1955, indicated that the position of the maximum thickness had a marked effect on the lift of triangular wings having doublewedge sections with a maximum thickness ratio of 8 percent. For the present wings of high aspect ratio and maximum thichess at 50-percent chord, the H&t-curve slopes were conside-bl.y greater than those for wings with maximum thicbess at 18-percent chord. 3. For the wing-body coribinationshaving low-aspect-ratio wings, the theoretical predictions of NACA Rep. 962, 1~0, were in good agreement with the experimental Mft and pitching-mament results. 4. For the wing-body cmnbinations having higher-aspect-ratiowings, the theoretical.results of NACA Rep. 962 were modified and found to be in god agreement with the experimental results. This modified theory should be applicable to wing-body combinations similar to those of the present tests - that is, to those configurations for which the lift of the wings is large canpared to that of the bcdy. . NACA TN 3795 15 5= The interference effects were important for the wing-body combinations having small wings relative to the body. Both the theoretical results of NACA Rep. 962-and the modified theoretical restits were in good agreement with the measured values. .- Ames Aeronautical Laboratory National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics Moffett Fieldj Calif., June 6, 1950 . — ● I?ACATr? 3795 16 ✎ APPENDIX A DERIVATION (I?CORRECTIONS FCIRSTREAM IWNUNIFORMIT13ZS The aercilynamiccoefficients of the present investigation have been corrected for nonuniform flow conditions at the tunnel position where the mcdels were tested. Corrections were applied to account for vertical and horizontal pressure gradients and for stream angle. Although the corrections were not negligible, they were not sufficiently large to warrant more refined methds in their calculation. In reference 1, the velocity potential Q for the steady~tate flow around an infinite cylinder having flat=plate wings was derived and used to determine the lift and pitching moment of slender wing~cxiy combina– tions. It was sham that the theory is appliable to triangular wingbcdy conibinationsat supersonic speeds, Providei the bcdy is slender and has a pointed nose and the wing is swept well behind the ~ch cone. The loading coefficient for a wing~aiy ccmibinationin a uniform stream was given in reference 1 as (Al) The lift cm a spe.nwisestrip of width dx was given as (A’) In a nonunifcmm stream, the leading on models is affected by both the streaqle magnitude amd the str~ e gadient. The magnitude of the stream angle can be accounted for by substituting equation (Al) in equation (A2) and integrating. This stistitution was nade in reference 1 for various configurations and the results are directly applicable to the present corrections if ~ is .wibstitutedfor a in finding the lift on a spanwise strip of width b due to the strcam-angle magnitude at the strip. An additional Wading term to account for a streawangle gTadient in the x direction is (A3) The lift on a spanwise element of the configuration due to the gradient of stream angle in the x direction can be found by substituting equation (A3) in equation (A2) and integrating. The total increment in lift :x ma 17 m 3795 due to stream angle can then be foti by adding the spanwise incremental lift due to strcam-angle gadient and streawangle Mgnitude ana integrating the result in the x direction. Body Corrections The lift and.pitching+mment coefficients of the lxxiyhave been cor– rected for stream angle, vertical pressure gradients, and for cross—flow separation due to stream angle in planes perpendicular to the bdly axis. For purposes of making these corrections, the fluw about the bmiy has been viewed in planes perpendicular to the bcdy axis as shown in figure 14. Consider point P in such a plane with the tunnel empty. There will be a certain pressure coefficient at point P due to conditions in its forecone. With the bcdy in place, the pressure coefficient at point P is the sum of the pressure coefficient in the empty tunnel mcdified by the shielding effect of the bcxiyplus the pressure disturbance due to flow arounilthe body. The shielding effect will be a complicated.function of how pressure disturbances arising in the shadow of the body from P pass around the bdy to P. It is believed that the shielding effect is smll if P is some distance from the body. Therefore, superimposed on the pressure coefficient at P in the empty tunnel is the increment due to the flow around the baiy. In slender~cdy theory, the flow in a plane perpendicular to the baiy depends only on the component of the freestream velocity in this plane together with the strearuwisegradient of this component. If it ‘isassumed that h the empty tunnel these qumtities are sensibly uniform in any vertical plane in the neigliborhocdof the region to be occupied by the bcdy, the flow as viewed in the plane will depend only on a+as and d(a+as) ~ (where as is the local stream angle) for the given bciiycross section in the plane. The stream angle will then cause an increment in the pressure coefficient at P which, to the order of the accuracy of the forego~ assumptions, is additive to the pressure coefficient for the empty tunnel. If the point P now moves to the baly and the shield= effect is still neglected, the pres— sure coefficients as measured in the empty tunnel and those due to stream angle both act on the bcdy and prcduce corrections to the aerodynamic coefficients. Vertical pressure [email protected].– The increments in lift and pitching– moment coefficients due to the vertical pressure gradients of the empty tunnel, LC~ respectively, nay readily be calculated. The and &?m, increment fi”lift coefficient with the base area as reference area is (A4) .—. . . . ..— —— — ——— ——— —.— 18 IIACATN 3795 where Apr/q is the ratio of the difference between the static pressure at the positim of the body surface in the empty tunnel and the referencewall static pressure to the free-stream dynamic pressure, snd 19 is the m=positi~ of the body meridian measured from the lower intersection of the vertical plane of symmetry with the body. The increment in mcment coefficient, taking the mment about the body nose and using the body length as the reference length, is (A5) The fact that vertical pressure grailientsmay have a large effect on the aerodynamic coefficients of a slender body is associated tith the inherent inefficiency of a slender bdy as a Mfti& device. - For the body alone, the velocity potential given in reference 1 wtth the velocity potential for unifom flow normal to the horizontal plane of symmetry subtracted out) reduces to -“ (A6) When equation (A6) is substituted in equation (A3), the loading coefficient due to the stremn-angle gradient becomes (A7) Equation (Al’)can be substituted in equation (A2) to give the lift due to stream-angle ~adient on a spsnwise strip of width & as (A8) The incremental spsnwise lift due to the msgnitude of the stresm angle can be found, by substituting equation (Al) in equation (A2), to be (A9) The adtition of equation (A8) and equation (A9) yields the kotalincremental spanwise lift due to stream angle as . NACA TN 3795 . 19 When equation (AIO) is integrated over the body length and converted to coefficient form, the increment in lift coefficient due to stream angle becomes (All) or (AM) Equation (AM) expresses the interesting result that the increment in lift coefficient due to stream angle for a pointed body of revolution depends only on the value of the stream angle at its base. The increment in pitching-moment coefficient due to stream angle is Cross-flow separation due to stresm angle.- The experhental data can be corrected for the effect of cross-flow separation due to stream angle by the methd of reference 9. When a is replacedby a+as, reference 9 gives the force per unit length due to cross-flow separation as fv = 2qac~q sin2(a+~) (A14) For small angles of attack, the cross force is nearly all lift and the net cross force can be determined approximately by integrating fv over the body length. By conversion to coefficient form, there is obtained For small angles of attack, the part of C~ due to stresm angle is (A15) The correction AC~ increases with @e of attack, ~ is usually small compared to second integral can be neglected. -. - . . ..—— —. ..— —.— of attack. At large angles a so that in this case the NACA TN 3795 20 The increment in pitching-mcment coefficient due to the effect of stream angle on cross-flow separation is Xb q=-~npp~ fiab2z . I J=-%--* 0 where moments are taken about the nose and the body length is the reference length. Experimental verification.- Body-alone corrections obtained by the foregoing method have been compsred with experimental pressure clistributions obtained on a parabolic-arc body of revolution set at zero angle of attack in the 1- by 3-foot supersonic wind tunnel No. 2. The contour of the body is shown in figure 15. Stream angle and pressure surveys were made in the vertical plane of symnetry with the wtnd tunnel empty. The model was equipped with pressure orifices at a number of longitudinal stations and pressue measurements were made by rotating the body one revolution by increments of 30°. The increment in lift coefficient per unit body length ~ (LCL) wasdetermined from thepressure meammements. This distribution of & (ML) includes the combined effects of vertical. and the effects of stream angle on crosspressure gradient, stream @e, flow separation and is representedby squares in figure 15. However, the effect of cross-flow separation due to stream angle is negligible at zero angle of attack, so that, if the pressure me&surements me corrected by subtracting out the pressures in the empty tunnel, the resulting distribution of -& (A@) should represent that duetostream angle This corrected distribution is representedby the circles of figure 15. By the method already given, it is possible to predict the distribution of ~ (ACLS) from the measured distribution of stream angle along the body. The predicted distribution is shown in figure 15 and is in fair agreement with the measured distribution corrected for vertical pressure gradients. From the figure, it is apparent that the effect of vertical pressure ~adients and stresm angle are of approximately equal magnitude. ‘rrisagular wing Corrections The only corrections applied to the aerodynamic coefficients of the to account for stresm triangular wings were increments ACk cmdA~ single. For the wing alone, the velocity potential given in reference 1 reduces to q)=“V&J’ (A17) 21 MACA‘m 3795 When equation (A.17)is substittied in equation (A3), the loading coeffi– cient due to stram-angle gradient becomes (Q8) The lift ona be spnwise strip of width dx is found tiom equation (A2) to (A19) The incremental spanwise lift due to the magnitude of the stream angle can be found by substituting equation (Al) in equation (A2). The result is (A20) The addition of equations (A19) and (A20) yields the total incremental spanwise lift due to stream angle as ,. (A21) . When equation (A21) is inte~ted over the wing apex chord and converted to coefficient form, the increment in lift coefficient due to stream an@e becomes Cr Ac~8 = -= Cr‘m J #-(cL@2) & (A22) o or (A23) Since equation (A23) is a result of theory, the factor X (described in the section THE-CAL CONSIDERATIONS) iS used to extend the results td hlgher~spec~tio triangular wings. The resulting equa– t-ion is ~Ls = 2YcXusttan e’ The increment in pitching moment due to stream angle is .- ——. (A24) 22 –~ (%+%2%-J% ‘“s”5) %3’ = . (A25) with the moments taken about the wing apex. To transfer the moment increment to the centroid of the wing p~form area, the following equ9tion Is used: % Wing+oay ‘%5’ +%’ (A26) Colillination Corrections The only correctims applied to the wing40dy combinations were increments of lift and pitching+ment coefficient to account fm stream angle. The corrections have been determined ushg a theory analogous to that used for the bcdy and the wings. The wing~dy combinatims can be considered to consist of three parts: (1) from the nose of the bcxlyto the intersec– tion of the wing leading edge and the bdy X2, (2) from X2 to the wing trailing edge ~, and (3) from xt to the bcdy base xb. Over the first part of the combination the analysis is the same as that for the body alone, but the limits of integration are changed. For this part the increment In lift coefficient due to stream angle is given by A12L’ = - (A27) For wing~cdy combinations similar to those of the present tests (in which the exposed wing lies entirely along the cylindrical part of the body), the velocity yotential due to the bdy, for the second Prt, is given by (A28) and the velocity potential for the wing is given by (A29) When equations (A28) and (A29) ar,es~stittied in equation (A3), the loading coefficients due to the str~ e .gdient become (A30) - 23 NACA TN 3795 and () AP Tw= (A31) ‘~s~ The lift on a spanwise strip of width dx due to the gradient in stream angle is found from equation (A2) to be (A32) The incremental spanwise Mft due to the msgnitude of the stream angle can be found by substituting equation (Al) in equation (A2). The result is Zflg [( %s2 Thus the increment in lift coefficient part is given by AC% _ ~2 1-~+~ a4 )1 (A33) ~ due to stresm angle for the second 2YC (A34) . For the third part, the analysis is again the same as that for alone, with the li&ts of integration changed. When this psrt body is cylindrical, as in the present case, the effect of the of the stream amgle is zero, and the incremental spanwise lift This is stresm sngle is that due to gradient of stresm -le. the body of the msgnitude due to given by (A35) The ticrement in HI% is coefficient due to stream angle for the third part (A36) The increment in lift coefficient for the combination is then found (by integrating over the three parts of the configuration and applying the factor A to the second part)’to be ..— — —.. .. —z - .—-—— .—— .——-- NACA TN 3795 24 AC% %ab2 ‘=% 23A Z+%cr [( ~m21_— %2 +— %4 ~m2 sm4 ) %-%%7 ,1+ (A37) The corresponding increment ii pitching-moment coefficient about the body nose is (A38) The increment in moment coefficient transferred to the centroid of the wing plan-form area is (A39) where <Jc is the distance frcm the body nose to the centroid of the wing plan-fore srea. REFERENm 1. Spreiter, John R.: Aerodynamic Properties of Slender Wing-Body Combinations at Subsonic, Trsnsonic, and Supersonic Speeds. NACA Rep. 962, 1950. 2. Ferrari, Carlo: Interference Between Wing and Bdy at Supersonic Speeds - Theory and Numerical Application. Jour. of Aero. Sci., vol. 15, no. 6, June lx, pp. 317-336. 3. Browne, S. H., Friedman, L., @ Hodes, I.: A moblem m NOV. 13, 1947. Supersonic Conicsl F1ow. North Americsn Rept. -387, 4. Van Dyke, Milton D.: Aerdynsmic Characteristics IncluUng Scale Effect of Several Wings and Bodies Alone and in Connation at a Mach Number of 1.53. NACA RMA61Q2, 1946. 25 NACA TN 3795 5. Vincenti, Walter G., Nielsen, Jack N., and Matteson, Frederick H.: Investigation of Wing Characteristics at a I@ch Number of 1.53. I- Triangular Wings of Aspect Ratio 2. NACARMA7I1O, 1947. 6. Tsien, Hsue-Shen: Supersonic Flow Over an Inclined Body of Revolution. Jour. Aero. Sci., vol. 5, no. W, Oct. 1938, pp. 48@@3. 7. Munk, 14ax. M.: The Aerodynamic Forces on Airship Hulls. Rep. 184, 1924. 8. Jones, Robert T.: Effects of Sweepback on Boundary Layer and Separation. NACA Rep. 884, 1947. 9. lCIIlen, H. Julian, smd Perkins, Edward W.: Estimation of the Forces and Mmnents Acting on Inclined Bodies of Revolution of High Fineness Ratio. NACA Rep. 1048, 1951. 10. NACA Clinton E.: Theoretical Ldft and Drag of Thin Triangulsx Wings at Supersonic Speeds. NACA Rep. 839, 1946. Brown, 1-1. Stewmt, H. J.: The Lift of a Delta Wing at Supersonic Speeds. m. of Applied Math., vol. IV, no. 3, Oct. 1946. .— 12. Puckett, Allen E.: Supersonic Wave Drag of Thin Airfoils. Aero. Sci., vol. 13, no. 9, Sept. 1946, pp. 475-484. Jour. 13. Jones, Robert T.: Properties of Low-Aspect-Ratio Pointed Wings at Speeds Below and Above the Speed of Sound. NACA Rep. 835, 1946. 14. Love, Eugene S.: Investigation at Supersonic Speeds of 22 Triangular Wings Representing Two Airfoil Sections for Each of 11.Apex Angles. NACA Rep. w38, 1955. .—..— — ,*,. — TABLE I.– SUMMARY OF GEOMETRICAL HIOPERTIES OF WINGS wing Sketch .i i A i A A A. (*g) 80.4 TL.6 63.2 56.0 50.3 45.0 A+ ( deg) 71.4 56.2 44.7 36.6 31.0 26.6 Sm (in. ) -25 1.75 2.25 2.76 3.24 3.74 2.97 2.73 2.60 2.49 =. E 4.95 (in. ) L + (in. ) 7.43 ) 5.23 4.45 4.10 3.90 3.74 s (in.a) 9.29 9.15 10.01 11.30 12.66 13.99 0.67 1.34 2.02 2.69 3.33 4.00 A —— MACATIT 3795 27 TABLE II.- SUMMKRY OF RESUITS c&flguration Lift ‘ %da Sydlol -O Mcmmnt (per deg) ,() Sketch l&l.50 l&2.02 (l& () dCL l&l.50 Lao “ l&2.02 B ~ 0.0340 (.0349) 0.0460 ( .0349) -0.20 (–.190) 4.20 (–.lgo) wl e .0208 (.0176) .0186 (.0169) –. 09 (o) -.03 (o) .0305 – ( .0323) .02~\ (.0289) (:) .06 (o) a .0387 (.0442) .0347 (.0374) .03 (0) .06 (o) 4 .0455 ( .0533) .0395 (.0398) .03 (0) .04 (0) .0507 (.0602) .0425 (.0398) .06 (0) .04 (o) .0544 (.0624) .0416 (.0398) 07 (o) .08 (o) w= a Wa W* W5 a we a ● W.B ~ .0160 (.0137) .0163 (.0134) (::0) .20 (.191) ‘,B - (“g::) (“gg~ (“:7) (::m) W3B .+[ ,;:;;, ,;:3, ,::., .<% + .04~ ( .0510) .0415 (.0395) .09 ( .0941) (:?!!) + .0526 (.0590) .0451 ( .0405) (:%9) .06 (.151) .0460 , (.0410) (::S8) (::0) w4B I W5B W6B Note: [ .0571 ‘ (.0622) In each case the e~rimntal value is given first and the correspending theoretical value indicated in parenthesess directly below. - ——— -——. —.—c. . . ——— — —— .—— —. .—— —. —. Figure /. - Plan-form dimensions of body, wings, and wing-body combinations. Figure 2 .- Wing series. Figure 3,- Exploded view of body, wing, and s t i n g , ( a ) Wing-body combination. ( b ) Wing alone. Figure 4.- Wing and wing-body conibinat ion mounted i n tunnel. jX NAC!A!I?N3795 33 .4 . .3 .2 C.S4 *. .I $ * , I I 4 :2 I / / -. / *Z 1 I I I I I / -6 I I < 1 K= -8 I :0 0 u ~. I %“ 4 1 ‘0”” m #“ Y :3 74 [ 4 -2 Angle 0 of 2 attack, d, 1.50 4 -6 4 Angle of attack, 4 d, 68 deg . Figure 5 .– L/I? and moment coefficients -—_ :04 Pitching-moment de9 OP + 73 74 :08 68 , -8 :2 for bo@Yat hW50 and 44=2.02 0 .04 coe ff[c[ent, .08 Cm 34 r?AcAm 3795 .4 .3 — ——U78ar theory Angle Angle of of attack, artack, d, >, deg Pitching-moment de; Pitching-moment (0) U7ng 1. Figure 6 .– Lift andmomenf coefficients of wings at k%=150 and MQ.2W — — coeff/c/ent, coe fflclent, Cm Cm ~a m 3795 35 .4 .3 .,? Q“ # .I ~ .s to m a u ~ ~/ -. 4 :2 73 :4 -8 -6 -4 02 -Z Angle of attack, 4 d, 68 deg P/tching -moment coe fffc[ent, Cm .4 .3 .2 .1 Qi *. to $ < a o u ;/ ; 4:2 . :3 Angle of attack, d, ‘!08 :04 Pitching-moment deg 0 .04 coefficient, .08 ‘ Cm (b) Wing 2. Figure 6.- Continued. -— ————._— .—. —— —— — ma 36 m 3795 . Angle of attack, -2 Angle of attack, d, deg d, 4 deg Pitching-moment .4 .3 J? & .1 ~. .$ *Qo % Q Q u :1 ~ + :2 , :3 :4 -8 -6 4 02 68 (c) IWng 3. Figure 6 .– Continued. we fficient, Cm NACA‘m 3795 . 37 .4 .4 .3 .3 .2 .2 04 *. c ..Q Q“ ~. .1 c .? .$ ~o Q Q ~ -et .. 4 .1 go : ~ -./ .. -J -.2 -.2 -.3 -3 -. 4 -8 -6 + Angl;pof o~ack, 2 d, 4 -.:08 68 :04 0 Pitching -moment deg .04 coe fficlent, .08 Cm .4 .3 .P -I .1 u *. < 0 -Q ~ a o Q ~1 % --+ :.2 73 -6 4 -2 An91e of 0.2468 attack, d, -4 :04 .:08 Pitching-moment deg 0 .04 coefficient, .08 Cm (d) Wing 4. Figure 6 .– Continued. . —. ———— — I’WA m 3795 38 .4 .3 .2 u< .. .1 ~ .Q $0 Q u s 4 71 :.? :3 +8 -6 4 -2 Angle of 6 02 attack, 8 c1, de: Pitching-moment (e) I$fng 5. Figure 6 .– Continued. coeff/c/ent, I& —.-. NACA — .. . . ‘UN 5“(!D 39 “:08 Angle . of attock, d, deg :04 Pitching-moment 0 .04 coeff/c/ent, .08 Cm . RfmRl .P d ~. .1 -?0 .Q :EB!!Ei3 :04 :08 Pitching-moment (f) . Figure 6 .– 0 .@ coeff/c/ent, .08 Cm 6. Conchnfed. . —— —.——— .— 40 Pitching-moment (a) Combinathm W, B. Figure 7.- Lift and moment coeffh”mts of wing-body combinaths at h&150 and 1%-2D2 coefficient, C- x NACA ~ 41 3795 , Angle of ottock, d, Pitching -moment deg .4 - .4 .3 .3 coe ffic/ent, Gm .2 c.? ‘ ~. $ ~o “~ m W=B : u :1 z.4 :2 M.= 2.02 73 +8 -6 -4 -2 Angle 0 of attack, ~ d, H 4 deg 73 :4 708 68 :04 Pitching -moment 0 .04 .08 coe fffcient, Gn (b) Comblnaftbn W2B. Figure . .— ...— 7.- Con f~nued. — —.. — — — —-— —— .. .—— MACATJ93795 42 . . ‘:8 -6 4 -2 Angle 0 of ottack, z d, 4 6 # deg M= 2.02 :3 :4 -8 -6 4 -2 Angle of 02 attack, d, 4 dug 6 8 Pitching-moment coefficient, (c) CcmhhaiYm H$B. Figure — 7 .– Continued. — — Cm NAcA m 3795 !, 43 .4 .4 .3 .3 .2 .2 Q< + .I u< .1 . a’ * * .$ $ >0 Q u $0 Q b $ :1 -J ~ + :1 72 :2 73 73 :4 -8 -6 4 -.? Angle of 02 attack, 4 d, 68 deg :4 :08 :04 Pitching-moment 0 .04 coefficient, .o&7 Cm 1 Angle af aft ack, d, deg Pitching-moment (d) Combination . Figure 7. – Continued. ——.. .-. ——z coe ffic/en~, Cm 44 NACAm 3795 .4 .3 .2 U4 ~. -/ & * $0 Q u ~ :/ 4 :2 :3 :4 -8 -6 4 -2 Angle of 0 attack, -2 d, 4 68 deg . .4 .3 .2 & %’ - / $j * $0 Q o 2 -/ \-J :2 :3 74 -8 -6 4 -2 Angle 4 02 of attack, ci, 68 deg [e) Comhtnofkw ~B. Figure ———— 7 .– Continued. .4 .3 .2 04 ~. .1 & * ?O m o Q %- I >. -J :2 :3 :4 :08 :04 Pitching-moment .4 .4 .3 .3 .2 .2 C? # .f 04 ~. .1 & & .s Q Q Q ~ ./ %“ -J ?0 @ Q Q ; ~f < 4 :2 T2 :3 :3 “$ o -4 .:08 :04 Pitching-moment :4 Angle of attack, d, deg (f) Combl%atim . Figure 7 .– Concluded. Wg. 0 0 .m .08 coefffcfent, I& .04 coefficient, .08 Cm IIAcA m 3795 46 . , , % ‘m ModiYiedtheory ––+.&o —- +=202 .. Yj$-.ql ~ ~+ ~ py$$l I w _ o Fgure 8.— .4 Ilft -interference Total -Lo .8 I I I I 1.2 Figure 9.— .4 Total .8 24 2B 32 3.6 4~ . I I I ‘+ I-2 moment -interference — 20 of roth at M.=L50 and M.=2.02. -!~-~~ o IJS 7zwy Expedment + M.=L50 * A!$=2a? ( 20 M A40d?fied thory Tktzv Experiment -o- IUO=I.50 of 24 28 ratio ot AL=L50 ond Af.=2.02. .- 3-2 3.6 40 h a. i“ IVACAm 3795 47 I L? I Su&sonic I I /eating I edge LO Linear I i * [ theory— > / f / ~-. --- @ / -> _. ----- / #- - ~~enf tests of wings wifh maximum thickness ot 50% chord 4 .2 edge / / /~ / // leading — — ____---- ---- --- /’ 1 , / / / .8 .6 1 Supersonh / Tests of wings with moximum ti?ckne~ of 18 Z chord[refer- ./) /; It - ~.=j 50 “ ~ “ Me .~@ [ {{ ‘-___ IWe=L62 IIAx240 ~..~2 L6 /.. ence ~) OJ o .2 .4 .6 10 .8 L2 [4 20 Figure 10. — Lift- curve slopes for trlanguhm wings with maxt’mum thickness at 50-percenf chord and at 18-percent chord. IQ100 , F ~ 80 $ 2 b ~ 60 Q 5 2 t Q # , , , , , Subsonic leading edge _ & 40 4 y , , , leading I , edge Present fests of win~ *MO “130 with maximum thick— ness at 50% chord c --- --- __ --- ._ — . _ _--- __ — 0 . . — L –Linear theory o 0 Figure Il. — 2 4 A — .6 B ID L2 Center-of -pressure focotlons for triangular at 50-percent —_ chord and& —G ~ { — 18-percenf 14 ~ — Tests of wings with moximum thickness ---— ot 18% chwd (refer}{ ence /4) $m c e —------ ..— , w Supersonic 1.6 MO=202 — —— M’RI.62 ~**f92 IW240 18 2.0 wings with moximum thickness chord. — ..—. — 48 MCA m 3795 ./2 I Theory — ——~o.f.50 .10 —. —&=2.02 b * $ .08 fiperimenf ? M’*=150 ~ M.=2.02 7i3eory of reference I tj .06 1 R I 1 ~ < . $.04 < / ./ ~’ Aw w ~ ~ -y .02 [ < I L=&T- 111111 5- .% -1 00 leading edge t Subsonic .’ / # .2 .6 .8 p i7@e 12.- ~ Supersonic leading edge 10 12 /.4 [6 ~8 2.0 L8 20 ton 6 L/ft -curve slopes of wing-be@ combinations of M0=150 and M0=2.02. .8 /{ Theory of reference I 1 1 /J 1 // m .. b , / . “ -Modified theory- Uv+ ‘s--r I A.t Theory — --M.”i50 A 4 Experiment 0 IWO*I!O E M.=2C?2 _-_~.2~~ .2 ~ S&onic o -o Figure i3. — .2 .4 i Ieadi@ i edge * .6 .8 CWer-of-pn?ssure 1 t Lo A9fan 6 , t 1 1 1 J Supersonic kwding edge L2 L4 is postiiom of wing-body combinations at IU=iSO and ~e_202. —- ——. — ..— ——.._ K 49 IliuA ‘m 3795 .P o t kA Section A-A Figure 14.– 19ew of bo~ In fmet’, and cress-secffonul view mrmal to body UXLS 1 –—–distribution Q measured ❑ .1 uncorrected Q ~~ b predict ed from of* distribution of @& corrected for vertical .0/ pressure angles gradients. o y — — — — — - .7 ~ c) 0 El r1 -b -D3 stream dafo a -.01 4 !& -.02 1 measured c3 01234567&7 I 9 Distance aft of body 10 II f. nose, x, inches between measured Ih? distribution corrected for vert)cal pressure f7gure 15. - Comparison gradients and lift distribution predicted from measured streum angles on a parabolicarc body at zgro angie of attack. NACA - Langley Fi6+d, Va, ———c.——