-LC3PN COPY: RETURN TO ”. AFLYL TECHNICAL LIBRARY KiRfLAND AFB, M. M. ADAPTATION OF THE THEODORSEN THEORY TO THE REPRESENTATION OF A N AIRFOIL AS A COMBINATION OF A LIFTING L I N E A N D A THICKNESS DISTRIBUTION Raymond L. Burger __ -... 8 .. Lungley Reseurch Center H u n p o n , Va. 23 665 N A T I O N A L AERONAUTICS A N D SPACE A D M I N I S T R A T I O N W A S H I N G T O N , D. C.’ 1 , .‘ ‘ , . \ 1 1 , DECEMBER 1975 TECH LIBRARY KAFB, N M IIlli1l1l11l1ll111111llllll1HIIl 1 1. Report No. NASA TN D-8117 4. Title and Subtitle 3. Recipient's Catalog No. 2. Government Accession No. 5. Report Date December 1975 ADAPTATION O F THE THEODORSEN THEORY TO THE REPRESENTATION O F AN AIRFOIL AS A COMBINATION O F A LIFTING LINE AND A THICKNESS DISTRIBUTION 6. Performing Organization Code iI 7. Author(s) Raymond L. B a r g e r 9. Performing Organization Name and Address NASA Langley Research Center Hampton, Va. 23665 8. Performing Organization Report No. L-10476 10. Work Unit No. 505-06-31-02 11. Contract or Grant No. 13. Type of Report and Period Covered Technical Note 2. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address National Aeronautics and Space Administration Washington, D.C. 20546 14. Sponsoring Agency Code I 5. Supplementary Notes 6. Abstract A representation o the Theodorsen airfoil theory as a combination of a lifting line and a thickness distribution is described. The approximations of thin-airfoil theory are avoided, since the full potential theory is used throughout. The theory provides a direct method for resolving an airfoil into a lifting line and a thickness distribution as well as a m e a n s of synthesizing thickness and lift components into a resultant airfoil and computing i t s aerodynamic characteristics. Specific applications of the technique are discussed. 18. Distribution Statement 17. Key-Words (Suggested by Authoris) ) Airfoil Camber line Design Unclassified - Unlimited Subject Category 02 19. Security Classif. (of this report) Unclassified 20. Security Classif. (of this page) Unclassified 21. No. of Pages 18 1 22. Price' $3.25 For sale by the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 221 61 I ADAPTATION OF THE THEODORSEN THEORY TO THE REPRESENTATION OF AN AIRFOIL AS A COMBINATION OF A LIFTING LINE AND A THICKNESS DISTRIBUTION Raymond L. Barger Langley Research Center SUMMARY A representation of the Theodorsen airfoil theory as a combination of a lifting line and a thickness distribution is described. The approximations of thin-airfoil theory are avoided, since the f u l l potential theory is used throughout. The theory provides a direct method for resolving an airfoil into a lifting line a.nd a thickness distribution as well a s a means of synthesizing thickness and lift coinponents into a resultant airfoil and computing i t s aerodynamic characteristics. Specific applications of the technique a r e discussed. INTRODUCTION The thin-airfoil technique of representing an airfoil as a combination of a thickness distribution and a camber line is widely used because of the availability of a body of appropriate data (ref. 1) and because the method facilitates design, inasmuch as i t enables the designer to t r e a t the lifting and thickness components separately. On the other hand, the thin-airfoil theory itself is vulnerable to criticism on s e v e r a l grounds regarding both the consistency of the theory and the accuracy of the procedures. F o r example, the procedure of superimposing a thickness distribution normal to the camber line involves a nonuniform stretching of the basic thickness profile. F u r t h e r m o r e , the simple addition of velocities due to thickness, c a m b e r , and angle of attack i s not always reliable. An even m o r e serious difficulty is the failure of thin-airfoil theory to provide reasonable velocity values in the nose region. To improve the accuracy of the calculations in this region r e q u i r e s involved procedures. Finally, although the theory gives explicit equations f o r computing airfoil coordinates from thickness and camber distributions, i t provides no analytic means f o r accomplishing the inverse t a s k - that of resolving a given airfoil into its thickness and camber components. The present r e p o r t describes a method f o r representing the Theodorsen airfoil theory as a combination of a lifting line and a thickness distribution. In this approach the approximations of thin-airfoil theory are avoided, since the full potential theory is used throughout. Within the framework of the full potential theory, the new method not only provides formulas for synthesizing an airfoil from a lifting line and a thickness distribution, but it a l s o provides analytic means f o r resolving a given airfoil into i t s thickness and lifting-line components. This latter capability is especially useful in certain airfoil design procedures. Both tke synthesis and the analysis procedures a r e simple in concept and convenient in application. SYMBOLS An 9 % Fourier coefficients a = Re - G O CP p r e s s u r e coefficient C airfoil chord length R radius of c i r c l e into which an airfoil is mapped by the Theodorsen transformation r radial coordinate in near -circle plane V undisturbed f r e e -stream velocity V local velocity X,Y P irfoil (Y angle of attack OI (YO E coordinates ideal angle of attack, - ‘N + ‘te 2 angle of attack a t z e r o lift function relating angular coordinates of near -circle and exact -circle airfoil transformations €(e) EN value of E at airfoil nose, ‘te value of E a t airfoil trailing edge, 2 at e=0 €(e) at 8 = 7~ G angular coordinate in near -circle plane 6 angular coordinate in exact -circle plane (6* dummy variable of integration + function relating radial coordinates of near-circle and exact-circle airfoil t r a n s f o r ni a t i o ns average value of +O + Subscripts: a antisymmetric S sym metric P r i m e s indicate derivatives with respect to 0. BASIC CONCEPTS Potential Theory Before reviewing some thin-airfoil techniques, i t is convenient f i r s t to state the basic formulas of the Theodorsen transformation theory for airfoil analysis. These for mulas are useful in understanding the following discussion of thin-airfoil techniques, and they a r e required in the subsequent analysis section. The Theodorsen airfoil theory (ref. 2) involves the Joukowski transformation of the airfoil into a shape approximating a c i r c l e . In the transformed plane, this near c i r c l e is described by polar coordinates (r,O). The approximate c i r c l e is then transformed into an exact c i r c l e having coordinates (R,$). The function and the constant q0 are defined by r = aeq and R = ae'o. Theodorsen shows that is the average value of that is, + +, 3 and that the functions Q - Qo and E = @ - 8 are related by the conjugate equations 1 1 2a E cot @*- @ d@* 2 237 0 IC/ - +bo = The function (3) +b is directly related to the airfoil coordinates in the physical plane by x = 2a cosh Q c o s 6' y = 2a sinh IC/ s i n 8 (4) In practice, +b is obtained directly as a function of 8 from equations (4),and then the function € ( e ) is obtained by taking the conjugate of Q. To be m o r e precise, E ( @ ) should be obtained by iteration by means of the relation @ = E + 8,and then E(0) should be calculated f r o m E ( 8 ) = E / $ ( @ ) ! . However, for practical airfoil shapes the additional precision gained by this s t e p is slight (ref. 3 ) , and so it is often omitted. The velocity distribution on the airfoil is computed from the equation Comments on Thin-Airfoil Methods The thin-airfoil theory, which affords a simple approximate procedure of synthesizing and analyzing an airfoil by combining lifting-line and thickness elements, does not p r o vide a means f o r separating a given airfoil into i t s camber line and thickness distribution. F u r t h e r m o r e , the thin-airfoil calculation of the velocity, by a distribution of sources and sinks along the axis, gives a poor approximation, especially in the nose region. Attempts to improve the accuracy of the basic thin-airfoil theory have led to complicated procedures. (See s e c . 4 . 5 of ref. 1, and ref. 4.) Another difficulty is that the thin-airfoil method of obtaining a profile by s u p e r i m posing a thickness distribution (fig. l(a)) normal to a camber line, as illustrated in figu r e l(b) , is an approximate procedure. The a r c length of the camber line is longer than the chord of the original thickness profile, and therefore the thickness form undergoes a distortion, the stretching being g r e a t e r for the upper surface than for the lower surface. The simpler thin-airfoil procedure, which attributes the lift to a mean line with the thick- 4 n e s s distribution superimposed on i t in 2. vertical direction (fig. l(c)), is an even poorer approximation. With this procedure, not only is the thickness distribution distorted, but the effective camber line is changed also. A theory that avoids some of the difficulties of the thin-airfoil methods is described in the following section. ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS Airfoil Synthesis F r o m Thickness and Lift Components This section describes the theory and procedure for synthesizing an airfoil by combining an a r b i t r a r y thickness distribution with an a r b i t r a r y lifting line within the context of the full potential theory. The aerodynamic relationships between the resulting a.irfoi1 and i t s thickness and lifting-line components a r e also discussed. In equations (a) and (b) of reference 2 , it is shown that (if as previously discussed) E and q can be expressed by 0 is substituted for @, m -E = L n=0 -1 - ( B ~ cos ne - A, sin nej Rn m $I - qo = -(An 1 Rn LJ n=0 F r o m i t s definition, E E(0) = E(277) It follows from equation cos ne + Bn sin ne) must be a continuous function of = EN 6 , and therefore, (7) (sa) that Now consider first the c a s e for which E is antisymmetric about a (fig. 2(a)); that is, €(a-6) = -€(a+@. Then Bn = 0 f o r all n, and therefore the conjugate function - q0 is symmetric about a (fig. 2(a)). Since +o is constant, +(a-e) = +(n+f?). + Consequently cosh +(n-e) = cosh +(n+e) and sinh +(n-e) = sinh +(a+e). Thus in equations (4)f o r the airfoil coordinates, x(n+8) = x(n-e); that is, x is symmetric with 5 respect to n. But because the s i n 6 factor is an odd function, y is antisymmetric; that is, y(n-I-6)= -y(n-6). In other words, since 6 = n corresponds to the trailing edge, the airfoil is s y m m e t r i c , and s o it r e p r e s e n t s a thickness distribution (fig. 2(b)) with the s a m e p r e s s u r e distribution for upper and lower s u r f a c e s (fig. 2(c)). The maximum thickn e s s is controlled by the average value *o of *. It is easily verified that f o r symmetric airfoils (thickness distributions) the conditions expressed by equations (7) and (8) a r e a s s u r e d by the antisymmetry of the €-function together with the continuity conditions. F u r t h e r m o r e i t is seen from figure 2(a) that, in this c a s e , both e N and ete vanish. Thus the angle of attack a t z e r o lift a. = -ete -. and the ideal angle of attack crI = - E N -t- Ete a r e both z e r o , as expected for a symmetric 2 airfoil. These a r e important aerodynamic p a r a m e t e r s because E te is proportional to the lift at CY = 0 and because aI is useful in locating the bucket of the drag curve (see pt. I11 of r e f . 5). When the converse situation, f o r which E is symmetric about n (fig. 3(a)), is considered, Q is antisymmetric about 71 (fig. 3(a)), provided that Qo = 0. In that c a s e , x(n+8) = x(n-e) because cosh i s an even function of i t s argument. Also y(ni-e) = y(n-e) because the product of the two odd functions sinh Q and sin 6 is even. In other words the upper and lower surfaces a r e identical, and the airfoil consists of a single line (fig. 3(b)). Its p r e s s u r e distribution is shown in figure 3(c). F o r such a lifting line the E-function must satisfy in o r d e r to satisfy equation (8). The magnitude of the lift at cy = 0 i s determined by c y o = -Ete. Usually f N has a somewhat l a r g e r negative value than c y o , s o that CYI = - + 2 is positive. Now consider the €-function that results from adding the e-function for the lifting line to that of the symmetric airfoil. If neither €-function is identically zero, the sum is neither symmetric nor antisymmetric about n. (See fig. 4(a) .) Since both component €-functions a r e continuous and satisfy the conditions expressed by equations (7) and (8), the resultant E-function also satisfies these conditions, and s o E corresponds to a r e a l airfoil. Also, since Ete and a r e both z e r o for the symmetric airfoil, these paraine t e r s have the same values in the resulting e-function as for the lifting line. This means that the airfoil corresponding to the resultant E-function has the s a m e angle of attack at z e r o lift and the s a m e design lift coefficient as that of the lifting line. 6 In o r d e r t o construct an airfoil corresponding to the €-function obtained by adding those of a lifting line and of a thickness distribution, it is necessary to have the c o r r e sponding - qb0 function. This function can be obtained as the conjugate of E, o r , if the +-functions f o r both component airfoils are known, i t is obtained simply by adding the - +o functions f o r the components. The parameter +o should be assigned the s a m e value as that f o r the symmetric airfoil since the value of q0 f o r the lifting line is zero. Then the airfoil coordinates are determined by equations (4),and the velocity distribution is computed from equation (5). Results f o r the sample c a s e a r e shown in figures 4(b) and 4(c). + + The constant Q0 is basically a thickness p a r a m e t e r , but this does not necessarily mean that the maximum thickness of the resultant airfoil will be exactly the s a m e as that of the original thickness distribution, although it should be very nearly the s a m e . Howe v e r , the important factor, e%, in the velocity equation (5) will be exactly the s a m e as that f o r the thickness distribution. This factor is not a function of position on the airfoil, and so i t determines the level of the velocity curves independently of the details of the shape of the airfoil. Thus it is seen that this method of combining a lifting line and a thickness distribution to synthesize an airfoil has a m o r e precise aerodynamic significance than the thinairfoil methods. The resultant airfoil has the s a m e angle of attack at z e r o lift and ideal angle of attack as the lifting line and the same velocity-amplitude factor e@O as the original thickness profile. Its pitching moment is not exactly the s a m e as that of the lifting line, because the pitching moment is not entirely independent of the thickness distribution according to the f u l l potential theory. The procedure may be summarized as follows: (1) Determine the @-functions for the thickness and lifting-line components from their coordinates. Compute the average value @o of @ f o r the thickness distribution and then compute the conjugate E-functions from equation (2). (2) Add the E-functions and the @-functions to obtain those f o r the resultant airfoil. (3) Obtain the resultant airfoil coordinates from equations (4) and the velocity d i s tribution for this airfoil from equation (5). If one intends to maintain a catalog of thickness distributions and lifting lines, he should also maintain a file of the corresponding E- and @-functions. The simple addition of a p a i r of these functions yields the resultant transformation functions from which both the coordinates and the velocity distribution for this airfoil can be obtained. Airfoil Resolution Into Thickness and Lift Components In o r d e r to find the lifting line and thickness distribution corresponding to a specified a r b i t r a r y airfoil (fig. 5), it is necessary to determine its transformation functions and to 7 resolve them into their symmetric and antisymmetric p a r t s (fig. 6). The formulas (for the E-function) are It is readily verified that es(.rr-O) a (.rr+0). The first of these functions, eS, corresponds to the lifting line, and e a c o r r e is resolved into its sponds to the thickness distribution. Conversely, when components, the symmetric p a r t corresponds to the thickness distribution, and IC/, is set equal to that of the original airfoil. F o r the antisymmetric part of - t,b0, c o r r e sponding to the lifting line, Go = 0. The I$- and €-functions for each of these components can then be used to compute the profiles f r o m equations (4) (figs. 5(b) and 5(c)) and the velocity distributions from equation (5) (fig. 7). = Es(.rr+O) and E a( n - 0 ) = -E + + Application of the theory to altering certain properties of an airfoil can be demons t r a t e d by a r a t h e r extreme exarnple. The airfoil of figure 5(a) is taken as the basic shape. Its lift at z e r o angle of attack is increased by 50 percent by adding to the E-function at ~ 0~= 0 to of its lifting line (fig. G(c)) a bilinear function that i n c r e a s e s from - 0 . 5 ~ +0.5ete a t 0 = .rr and then d e c r e a s e s linearly to - 0 . 5 at ~ ~ 0~= 271. The thickness of the airfoil is increased from 10.7 percent to 15 percent by changing the value of q0 f o r the thickness distribution (fig. 6(b)) from 0.10 to 0.137. The new E- a.nd +-functions a r e then combined, and the resulting airfoil and i t s p r e s s u r e distribution a r e shown in figure 8. If i t is desired to change the lifting-line component of an airfoil in o r d e r to r e d i s tribute the loading, the calculations should be c a r r i e d out a t the ideal angle of attack, a t which the leading-edge velocity is not infinite for the lifting line. For example, the p r e s s u r e distributions shown in figure 9(a) (for the airfoil) and in figure 9(b) (for i t s lifting line), which are computed at q, may be compared with those a t CY = 0 f o r the s a m e airfoil and f o r i t s lifting line (figs. 4(c) and 3(c), respectively). CONCLUDING REMARKS A representation of the Theodorsen airfoil theory as a combination of a lifting line and a thickness distribution is described. The approximations of thin-airfoil theory are avoided, since the full potential theory is used throughout. The theory provides a direct 8 method for resolving an airfoil into a lifting line and a thickness distribution as well as a means of synthesizing thickness and lift components into a resultant airfoil and computing i t s aerodynamic characteristics. Some specific applications of the technique are discussed. Langley Research Center National Aeronautics and Space Administration Hampton, Va. 23665 December 2, 1975 REFERENCES 1. Abbott, I r a H.; and Von Doenhoff, Albert E.: Inc., c. 1959. 2. Theodorsen, Theodore: 19 3 1. Theory of Wing Sections. Dover Publ., Theory of Wing Sections of Arbitrary Shape. NACA Rep. 411, 3. Theodorsen, T.; and Garrick, I. E.: General Potential Theory of Arbitrary Wing Sections. NACA Rep. 452, 1933. 4. Allen, H. Julian: General Theory of Airfoil Sections Having Arbitrary Shape o r P r e s s u r e Distribution. NACA Rep. 833, 1945. 5. Theodorsen, Theodore: On the Theory of Wing Sections With Particular Reference to the Lift Distribution. NACA Rep. 383, 1931. 9 (a) Thickness distribution. (b) Lifting line used as camber line with thickness superimposed normal t o the line. / - (c) Lifting line used as mean line with thickness super imposed vertically. Figure 1.- Thin-airfoil procedures for combining a thickness distribution with a lifting line. 10 .1 .2 a .1 E -.l -.2 0 ..1 0 IT e (a) Transformation functions. (b) Thickness profile. I 1 I I I I I 0 (c) P r e s s u r e distribution. a! = I _I 1 .o 0. Figure 2. - Calculations for symmetric airfoil (thickness distribution). 11 (a)Transformation functions. (b) Lifting-line airfoil shape. Upper surface .4 L I I I 1 . 1 I I 1 0 x/c (c) P r e s s u r e distribution. a! = 0. Figure 3. - Calculations f o r lifting-line airfoil. 12 I J 1.0 (a) Transformation functions obtained by adding functions of figure 2(a) to corresponding functions of figure 3(a). (b) Airfoil profile. - .1 -.2 ( c ) P r e s s u r e distribution. a! = 0. Figure 4. - Theoretical r e s u l t s f o r airfoil synthesized f r o m thickness distribution of figure 2 and lifting line of figure 3. 13 II (a) Given airfoil. (b) Thickness distribution. (c) Lifting line. Figure 5. - Resolution of an airfoil into thickness and lifting-line components. 14 - . . .. . I (a) Functions corresponding t o given airfoil. I I I 7 7 J -.1 2n 0 (b) Symmetric part of of E +b and antisymmetric part (thickness component). .2 .1 E 1 0 ii E -.l 0 -.2 1 -.3 n 2 0 (c) Symmetric part of E and antisymmetric part of +b (lifting-line component). Figure 6. - Transformation functions corresponding respectively to airfoils of figures 5(a), 5(b), and 5(c). 15 -.8 -.6 -.4 cp -.2 0 .2 l .4 I 1 I I l I l I x, c l l 1 .o (a) For given airfoil. -.6 -.4 cp -.2 0 .2 (b) For thickness distribution. 1 -.6 - .4 -.2 0 1 .2 .4 .6 1.0 I x, c (c) For lifting line. Figure 7. - P r e s s u r e distributions corresponding respectively to airfoil shapes of figures 5(a), 5(b), and 5(c). 16 (a) Revised airfoil shape. -1.2 -1.0 - .8 -.6 -.4 - .2 \ r L o w e r surface \ , 0 .2 .4 , 0 I I 1 1 1 1 1 .o x/c (b) P r e s s u r e distribution. a = 0. Figure 8.- Redesign of airfoil of figure 5(a) to increase lift at z e r o angle of attack by 50 percent and to increase thickness from 10.7 percent to 1 5 percent. 17 -.6 Upper surface - .4 -.2 cP Lower surface 0 .2 .4 I 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 1 1.0 1 x/c (a) For airfoil of figure 4. Upper surface Lower surface (b) For lifting line of airfoil of figure 4. (See fig. 3 . ) Figure 9.- P r e s s u r e distributions at ideal angle of attack. 18 NASA-Langley, 1975 L - 10476 N A T I O N A L AERONAUTICS A N D SPACE A D M I N I S T R A T I O N WASHINGTON. D.C. 2 0 5 4 6 O F F I C I A L BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE $ 3 0 0 SPECIAL FOURTH-CLASS R A T E POSTAGE AND FEES P A I D NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE A D M I N I S T R A T I O N 451 USMAIL BOOK v d 1 . t , ? ,J 7‘39 0 0 1 C’l IJ A 751212 SO139031)S DEFT OF THE R I B F O R C E AF WEAPONS L A B O R A T O R Y ATTN: TECHNICAL L I B R A R Y { S U L ) K I R T L A N D A P E NM 87117 ‘ : , < -” - _ -- If Undeliverable (Section 158 Postal Rfnnunl) Do Not Return ._ *. “The aeronautical and space activities of the United States shall be conducted so as to contribute . . t o the expansion of human h o w l edge of phenomena in the atmosphere and space. 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