
Introduction to ESCAP SRO - ENEA

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Introduction to ESCAP SRO - ENEA
Introduction to ESCAP
Peter Van Laere
Director, SRO-ENEA
Process towards SRO-ENEA
Major Goal and Roles of SRO-ENEA
Priority Areas of SRO Work
Internationally-agreed development goals, in particular MDGs
Greening economic growth and
improving eco-efficiency of
Addressing transboundary
challenges such as air pollution,
nature conservation in
transboundary areas, dust and
Supporting cooperation among
member States and majorstakeholders for the application of
innovative approaches
Poverty and Inclusive Development
Progress in MDGs in East Asia
Addressing persistent and
emerging social challenges such
as ageing, gender issues, youth
unemployment, social health,
migration, socio-economic rights
of vulnerable groups, etc
Supporting cooperation among
member States and major
stakeholders for addressing
poverty and social disparity
Supporting member States to
tackle country-specific
Reduce extreme poverty by half
Goal 1
Productive and decent employment
Reduce hunger by half
Goal 2
Universal primary schooling
Equal girls' enrolment in primary school
Goal 3
Women's share of paid employment
Women's equal representation in national parliaments
Goal 4
Reduce mortality of under-5-year-olds by two thirds
Reduce maternal mortality by three quarters
Goal 5
Access to reproductive health
Halt and reverse spread of HIV/AIDS
Goal 6
Halt and reverse spread of tuberculosis
Reverse loss of forests
Halve proportion without improved drinking water
Goal 7
No progress or deterioration
Halve proportion without sanitation
Progress insufficient to reach target
Improve the lives of slum dwellers
Progress sufficient to reach target
Already met or very close to meeting target
Goal 8
Internet users
Source: MDGs 2010 Progress Chart (Statistics Division, UN DESA)
Transport and Trade Facilitation
Analyzing physical and non-physical
barriers to trade facilitation and
Supporting existing initiatives for
trade facilitation to further
strengthen subregional cooperation
Addressing country-specific
challenges in member States, in
particular Mongolia – the only
landlocked member State.
ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction
Analyzing subregional situations and responses with regard to the
application of ICT for DRR
Supporting member States to build/ strengthen mechanisms for
exchange of disaster and policy information
Supporting programmes of the UN and international organizations for
building capacity of policy-makers, scientists and technicians
Activities since its inauguration
Building partnership with member States/potential partners
 Meetings with national institutions in the ROK and Embassies of Mongolia and the
Russian Federation
 Exchanging information with UN organizations in member States
Supporting/ organizing meetings
 Training workshop on statistics in support of MDGs (Oct 2010)
 Asia Economic Community Forum (Nov 2010)
 Workshop on nature conservation in transboundary area (Nov 2010)
Operating NEASPEC Secretariat and implementing projects
 Nature conservation in transboundary areas (Focus: China/ Russian Federation)
 Transboundary air pollution from coal-fired power plants (Focus: China/ Mongolia)
 Dust and sandstorms (Focus: Mongolia/ China)
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