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10-12 JULY 2012
This report has been prepared without any formal editing.
Organization of the Meeting
The Regional workshop on geo-referenced disaster risk management information system in
South and South-West Asia, and Central Asia was held in Kathmandu, Nepal from 10-12 July
The workshop was attended by representatives from the following countries in the region:
Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Georgia, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
The workshop was hosted by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of Nepal with the
participation of several line ministries, security establishments dealing with disaster response
and the National Planning Commission. The workshop was also attended by the
representatives of United Nations (UN) bodies such as, United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP)/Nepal, Secretariat of the United Nations International Strategy for
Disaster Reduction (UNISDR), United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian
Affairs (UNOCHA)/Nepal, the World Food Programme (WFP)/Nepal. Representatives of
World Bank/Nepal and International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
also participated in the workshop. There was also participation from USAID/Nepal. The list of
the participants is attached as annex 1.
Mr. Lakshmi P Dhakal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA), Government of
Nepal, welcomed participants of the workshop by delivering his welcome address at the
opening session. Mr. Sushil JB Rana, Secretary of the MOHA, Government of Nepal, was the
Chief Guest and inaugurated the workshop. Ms. Fahtimah Thasneem, Honourable Deputy
Minister, National Disaster Management Centre, Maldives was the Guest of Honour in the
opening session. Following the inauguration of the workshop, Mr. Nagesh Kumar, Chief
Economist and Director, ESCAP Sub-regional Office for South and South-West Asia (SROSSWA) delivered his opening remarks. This was followed by inaugural address by Chief
Guest Mr. Sushil JB Rama, Secretary of the MOHA, Government of Nepal. Mr. Ram Tiwaree,
Economic Affairs Officer, ESCAP announced the closing of the opening session with a Vote
of Thanks. Mr. Pradip Koirala, Under Secretary, MOHA was the Master of Ceremony of the
opening session. Mr Koirala also conducted all other sessions of the workshop. The
programme of the workshop is attached as annex 2.
Substantive sessions of the workshop were chaired by the following: Mr. Shankar Prasad
Koirala, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home affairs, Nepal for session 1; Ms. Fahtimah
Thasneem, Honourable Deputy Minister, National Disaster Management Centre, Maldives for
session 2; Mr. Asit Kumar Mukutmoni, Additional Secretary, Disaster Management and Relief
Division, Ministry of Food and Disaster Management, Bangladesh for session 3; Mrs.
Wasantha Samaraweera, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Disaster Management, Sri Lanka
for session 4-1; Mr. Majid Iranmanesh, Director, NDMA, Iran (Islamic Republic of) for
session 4-2; Mr. Mohammad Ajmal Karimi, Deputy Director, Afghanistan National Disaster
Management Authority (ANDMA), Afghanistan for session 5; Mr. Akylbek Chymyrov,
Director, KCGIS, Kyrgyzstan for session 6, and Mr. Sanjay K. Srivastava, Regional Advisor
for DRR, ESCAP for session 7. At the end of the workshop a visit was arranged to study
ICIMOD Geo-portal system.
The workshop was given an overview of Geo-DRM systems and explored how they can assist
in Disaster Risk Management in the region, adding support to the implementation of the
Hyogo Framework for Action. Experiences of the implementation and use of such systems in
the region, including prospects and challenges were shared. With country presentations and
discussions on institutional and policy issues and networking, the Workshop explored the
issues and challenges of information and data sharing, their needs and capacity gaps. The
issues pertaining to creating a network or Community of Practice (COP) for sustaining the
initiative were also explored.
Participating countries made presentations on the status of geospatial data sharing and capacity
to handle such data for the disaster risk management. Some countries have inadequate or
fragmented availability of geospatial maps and other relevant data and information. Most of
the countries informed that getting timely satellite data was a major bottleneck. They also felt
that there should be a platform where such data could be shared and a facility to create georeferenced data and information be made available.
ESCAP consultant presented the concept and the framework for the three options of Geo-DRM
systems. These options emerged as a result of the Expert Group Meeting on Geo-reference
Disaster Risk Management Information System in Asia-Pacific Region held in Bangkok from
15 to17 February 2012, and subsequent suggestions and deliberations among the project staff
and the consultants. These options were,
Option 1: Countries may have a geo-portal in a server at the country level. This server
may be linked to ESCAP Asia and Pacific Gateway for Disaster Risk Reduction and
Development (DRR Gateway).
Option 2: Countries may have a geo-portal on a rented cloud server at the remote
location. This cloud server may be linked to ESCAP DRR Gateway.
Option 3: Countries may have geo-portal on a rented self Managed Remote Server
System (MRSS). MRSS is a common remote server for all the countries to share and
manage separately by themselves. This server may be linked to ESCAP DRR Gateway.
The feasibility for the above options shall be examined during the comprehensive
technical assistance at country level.
The pros and cons of having these 3 options were discussed. The Consultant highlighted that
Option 1 involves a high investment and annual operation cost by the countries; Option 2
involves less investment, but with unstable running costs and security implications/protocols
on the server; Option 3 involves much less investment, as MRSS, could be shared by multiple
countries. In this case, annual operation cost is to be shared among the countries using the
MRSS after completion of the project.
The geo-DRM prototype presented during the third session on the day two of the workshop
was the first prototype version of the geo-DRM where the emphasis was on the user based
functionalities, system management and networking with line agencies. The geo-DRM
software was interoperable and in its current state, it was ready to be deployed as a prototype
on any server on the basis of options selected. ESCAP consultant highlighted Option 3
regarding its advantage on the cost, applicability and control on condition of security assured.
Capacity building was expressed as a strong requirement for almost all the participating
countries. Concept of capacity building for skill development to understand, manage and
operate such geo-portal was presented by ESCAP Consultant. The training programme may be
of two weeks duration related to data acquisition, data preprocessing, database management, IT
skills for management of the system, developed routine information products for decision
makers for effective disaster risk management including preparedness, response and recovery
The workshop made the following recommendations after the deliberations:
B. Recommendations and key outcomes
Setting up Geo-DRM
The setting up of the Geo-DRM portal for facilitating data sharing was appreciated by the
representatives from all the countries. The Geo-DRM portal was envisaged as an integral part
of ESCAP DRR Gateway. The main advantage of the portal was recognized in terms of
adding values by providing geo-referenced information and thus expanding the scope of the
It was also appreciated that this Geo-DRM portal has taken into account the other initiatives
such as UNISDR – Prevention Web, UNOCHA-Relief Web, Geospatial Portal of ICIMOD,
South Asia Disaster Knowledge Network (SADKN), and some of the national systems viz.,
Thailand Flood Monitoring System. It was noted that the Geo-DRM portal intends to fill the
gaps by populating geo-referenced information including near real-time satellite
data/products of disaster affected countries available from various sources.
On setting up the Geo-DRM portals in selected countries as a part of the network linked to
DRR Gateway, there were concerns raised on their operational feasibility, costs, data
security, capacity and sustainability in the longer run. The countries were of the opinion that
the Geo-DRM should be dovetailed to the existing initiatives at country as well as subregional levels. Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka
recommended that Geo-DRM should capitalize on existing SADKN initiative which is
already linked with the national systems.
It was noted that information in SADKN is owned by respective member countries of
SAARC. The representative from UNISDR supported the idea of integrating the Geo-DRM
with SADKN to avoid duplication by bringing synergy and collaboration to maximize the
benefits. It was therefore recommended that ESCAP should initiate the necessary dialogue
with SAARC in this regard.
In order to benefit the countries in South and South West Asia, and Central and North Asia
sub-regions by the Geo-DRM initiative, it was recommended that the similar efforts need to
be made with Economic Cooperation Organisation (ECO) and Central Asian Centre for
Disaster Response and Risk Reduction by ESCAP Secretariat through its Sub-regional
Offices for South and South West Asia, New Delhi, and North and Central Asia, Almaty.
ESCAP Secretariat was advised to initiate the necessary dialogues with ECO Secretariat and
the secretariat of Central Asian Centre for Disaster Response and Risk Reduction in this
regard. There was a request from the representative of Iran (Islamic Republic of) that some of
these activities could also be supported by the Asia and the Pacific Centre for Development of
Disaster Information Management being established in Tehran.
Technical assistance
Recognizing the value addition and alignment of the Geo-DRM with national systems
including the existing web-portals established as a part of DRR/DRM activities in the
countries, it was recommended that ESCAP secretariat should take up technical assistance
missions in the selected least developed countries (LDCs), land-locked developing countries
(LLDCs) and small islands developing states (SIDS). The countries that expressed interests
to have technical assistance were: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal and
Kyrgyzstan. Representatives of Pakistan and Sri Lanka also expressed their interest for such
assistance in their countries. It was suggested that the technical assistance should include
capacity building needs, which could be addressed appropriately in order to institutionalize
and sustain the Geo-DRM initiatives in the long-run. The ESCAP secretariat was requested
to develop the terms of reference (TOR) in consultations with the respective countries and
initiate the necessary follow-ups, in this regard.
Capacity building
Noting that the success of the Geo-DRM depends on the capacities at national level in terms
of having ‘the critical mass’ viz., trained personnel and institutional infrastructure,
specialized capacity building training was recommended. The ESCAP Secretariat was
requested to organize specialized training as part of implementing the Geo-DRM initiative.
The training network of the ESCAP Regional Space Applications Programme for Sustainable
Development (RESAP) could be activated for such training in China, India and Indonesia.
ESCAP Secretariat was requested to facilitate this process accordingly.
Network and Community of Practices
Member country participants at the workshop endorsed the proposal to establish a
community of practices (COP) as a means to enhance the awareness and sharing the GeoDRM information.
In particular, participants from Bangladesh and Maldives expressed the importance of a geoDRM network and a community of practices. They also expressed that the project should
attempt to network GIS mapping agencies and national experts as part of the success in
future plan.
A suggestion was made by the ICIMOD participant to make an assessment of existing portals
in the sub-region (namely ICIMOD and SADKN) and add value to enhance these networks.
Adoption of the Workshop Report
The participants appreciated ESCAP for organizing and Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA),
Government of Nepal for hosting the workshop. The workshop unanimously adopted the
report of the meeting on 12 July 2012, in Kathmandu, Nepal.
Annex 1
16 July 2012
Regional Workshop on Geo-referenced Disaster Risk Management Information System for
South and South-West Asia and Central Asia
Kathmandu, Nepal
10-12 July 2012
Mr. Mohammad Ajmal Karimi, Deputy Director, Foreign Relation Department, Afghanistan National
Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA), Kabul, Tel: +93-20 210 4870, Mb: +93-700 237511, +93-785
198088, Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mr. Asit Kumar Mukutmoni, Additional Secretary, Disaster Management and Relief Division, Ministry of
Food and Disaster Management, Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Tel: +88 9540744, Mb: +88-17
1120 0965, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Tshering Wangchuk, ICT Officer, Department of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home and Cultural
[email protected]
Mr. Archil Kavtaradze, Senior Inspector, Police Captain, Emergency Management Department, Ministry of
Internal Affairs of Georgia, Tbilisi, Tel: +9953 22413805, Fax: +9953 22752161, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Majid Iranmanesh, Director General for Disaster Management Organization (NDMO), Tehran, Tel: +9821 8867 0007, Fax: +98-21 8867 0009, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Ospanov Bakhtiyar, Senior Expert, Department of the Prevention of Emergency Situations of
Technogenic Character, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Astana, Tel: +7-7172 602105, Fax: +7-7172
602106, 934557, Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mr. Akylbek Chymyrov, Director, Kyrgyz Center of Geo-Information Systems (KCGIS), Member of the
Public Supervisory Board, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Kyrgyz State University of Construction,
Transportation and Architecture (KSUCTA), Bishkek, Tel: +996-312 545602, Fax: +996-312 545136, Email:
[email protected]
Ms. Fathimath Thasneem, Deputy Minister, National Disaster Management Centre, Male'
, Tel: +960
3345715, Fax: +960 3333443, Mobile: +960 7781126, Email: [email protected],
[email protected].
Mr. Sushil JB Rana, Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singhadurbar, Kathmandu, Tel: +977-01 4211241,
Fax: +977-01 4211283
Mr. Shankar Prasad Koirala, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singhadurbar, Kathmandu, Tel:
+977-01 4211241, Fax: +977-01 4211283, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Lakshmi Prasad Dhakal, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singhadurbar, Kathmandu, Tel:
+977-01 4211241, Fax: +977-01 4211283, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Pradip Kumar Koirala, Under-Secretary, Disaster Management Section, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singh
Durbar, Kathmandu, Mb: +977 98 4137 7224, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Bamshi Kumar Acharya, SO, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singh Durbar, Kathmandu, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Laxmi Prasad Baskota, SO, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singh Durbar, Kathmandu, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Sanjeev Karki, ASO, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singh Durbar, Kathmandu, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Makar Khoj KC, ASO, Ministry of Home Affairs, Singh Durbar, Kathmandu, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Purushottam Ghimire, Joint Secretary, National Planning Commission, Kathmandu, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Durga Bahadur Kunwar, SSP Armed Police Force Nepal, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Khem Raj Bista, Section Officer, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development,
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Suresh Sapkota, DySP Armed Police Force Nepal, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Mani Prasad Rai, Joint-Secretary, Ministry of Urban Development, Email: [email protected]
Mr.Naresh Subba, colonel, Nepalese Army, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Top Bahadur Dangi, DySP, Armed Police Force, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Shulaxan Sharma, Major, Nepalese Army, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Dhurba Kumar Shrestha, Senior Division Engineer, Ministry of Irrigation, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Sudip Acharya, SSP, Nepal Police, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Ananda Poudel, Section Officer, Office of Prime minister and the council of ministers, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Chandra Bhakta Dhaubanjara, NPC, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Rana Bahadur Chand, SSP, Nepal Police, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Jhapper Sing Bishwakarma, Senior Divisional Engineer, Ministry of Education
Mr. Gautam Raj Karnikar, Deputy Director General, Department of Hydrology and Metrology, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Om Bahadur Rana, DYSP, Nepal Police, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Sujan Shrastha, Ins. Nepal Police, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Babu Kaji Dallakoti, Under Secretary, MoFSC, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Muhammad Naseer Mughal, Deputy Director, Environmental and Engineering Geology Division,
Geological Survey of Pakistan, Islamabad, Tel: +92-51 9257406, Mb: +92 306 5155439, Fax: +92-51
9250499, Email: [email protected]
Mrs. Wasantha Samaraweera, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Disaster Management, Colombo, Tel: +94-11
2665053, Fax: +94-11 2665098, Email: [email protected]
Mr. Tohir Habibov, Chief Specialist, Department of External Economic Cooperation, Ministry of Economic
Development and Trade, Dushanbe, Tel: +992 372211284, Fax: +992 372278857, Email:
[email protected]
Mr. Shiraz Sherzodovich Abdullaev, Attache of Main Department for Analysis and Strategy of Foreign
Policy, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Tashkent, Tel: +998-71 2336475, Fax: +998-71 2391517, Email:
[email protected]
United Nations Development Programme
Mr. Man B. Thapa
Programme Manager
UNDP Nepal
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977 98511 39461
Email: [email protected],
[email protected]
Secretariat of the United Nations
International Strategy for Disaster
Reduction (UNISDR)
Ms. Madhavi Malalgoda Ariyabandu
Regional Programme Officer
UNISDR for Asia & the Pacific
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +662 2881756
Mobile: +6681 753 6132
Fax: +662 2881050
Email: [email protected]
United Nations Office for the
Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
Mr. Narayan Raj Maharjan
GIS Officer
Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: [email protected]
United Nations World Food Program
Mr. Rajendra Kumar Lal
Logistic Officer
Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: [email protected]
World Bank
Mr. Anil Pokhrel
DRM Specialist
World Bank
Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: [email protected]
International Centre for Integrated
Mountain Development (ICIMOD)
Mr. Deo Raj Gurung
Remote Sensing Specialist
Mountain Environment and Natural Resources
Information System (MENRIS)
Kathmandu, Nepal
Tel: +977-98 0368 1002
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
United States Agency for
International Development
Mr. Indra Saran K.C.
Geospatial Analyst
Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Mr. Nagesh Kumar
Chief Economist of ESCAP
Director, ESCAP Subregional Office for South and SouthWest Asia (SRO-SSWA)
New Delhi - India
Tel: +91-11 30973701/02
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Sanjay Kumar Srivastava
Regional Advisor
Information and Communications Technology and Disaster
Risk Reduction Division (IDD)
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 288 1458
Fax: +66-2 288 3012, 1085
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Ram S. Tiwaree
Economic Affairs Officer
Space Applications Section
Information and Communications Technology and Disaster
Risk Reduction Division (IDD)
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 288 1438
Fax: +66-2 288 3012, 1085
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Timothy Loh
Associate Economic Affairs Officer
Space Applications Section
Information and Communications Technology and Disaster
Risk Reduction Division (IDD)
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 288 1809
Fax: +66-2 288 3012, 1085
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Rajindra Ariyabandu
Space Applications Section
Information and Communications Technology and Disaster
Risk Reduction Division (IDD)
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 288 1756
Fax: +66-2 288 3012, 1085
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Hamid Mehmood
Institute of Geographical Information Systems
RIMMS Building
National University of Sciences and Technology
Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92-333 5058666
Email: [email protected]
Mr. Nitin Kumar Tripathi
Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)
Pathumthani, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 5246392
Mb: +66-81 751 8384
Fax: +66-2 524 5597
Email: [email protected]
Ms. Patricia Budiyanto
Team Assistant
Space Applications Section
Information and Communications Technology and Disaster
Risk Reduction Division (IDD)
Bangkok, Thailand
Tel: +66-2 288 1685
Fax: +66-2 288 3012, 1085
Email: [email protected]
Annex 2
Regional Workshop on Geo-referenced Disaster Risk Management Information System in South and
South-West Asia, and Central Asia
10-12 July 2012
Malla Hotel
Kathmandu, Nepal
Day 1 (10 July 2012)
08:30 - 09:30
09:30 - 10:00
Opening Session
Master of Ceremony: Mr. Pradip Koirala, Under Secretary, Ministry of Home
Affairs (MOHA), Government of Nepal
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome Address by Mr. Lakshmi P. Dhakal, Joint Secretary, MOHA,
Government of Nepal
- Opening Remarks by Mr. Nagesh Kumar, Chief Economist of ESCAP and
Director, ESCAP Sub-regional Office for South and South-West Asia (SROSSWA)
- Inauguration Address by Mr. Sushil JB Rana, Secretary, Chief Guest of the
regional workshop and Secretary of MOHA, Government of Nepal
- Vote of thanks and closing of the opening session by Mr. Ram S. Tiwaree,
Economic Affairs Officer, ESCAP
10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
Session: 1- Improving Disaster Risk Management through Geo-referenced
Information System in the ESCAP region
Chairperson: Mr. Shankar P. Koirala, Joint Secretary, MOHA, Nepal
Convener: Mr. Man B. Thapa, UNDP/Nepal
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo-referenced Information to support the implementation of Hyogo Framework
for Action (HFA) (2005-2015) in SSWA and CA region by Mr. Sanjay
Srivastava, IDD, ESCAP
- Objective, needs and expected outcomes of the UNDA Project and the overview
of the workshop by Mr. Ram Tiwaree, IDD, ESCAP
- Concepts of geo-referenced information for disaster risk management system in
Asia-Pacific region by Mr. Nitin Tripathi, ESCAP Consultant
Discussions (including Questions and Answers)
12:00 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:00
Session: 2- Overview of Geo-referenced Disaster Risk Management (GeoDRM) Information System
Chairperson: Ms. Fathimath Thasneem, Deputy Minister, NDMC, Maldives
Convener: Mr. Timothy Loh, ESCAP
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geospatial Database for the Geo-DRM System by Mr. Nitin Tripathi, ESCAP
- Detail functionality of the Geo-DRM Portal and System ( discussion on options
for geo-referenced portals) by Mr. Hamid Mehmood, ESCAP Consultant
- Integration of geo-referenced information platform to existing DRM portals by
Mr. Nitin Tripathi, ESCAP Consultant
Discussions (including Questions and Answers)
15:00 - 15:30
15:30 - 17:00
Session: 3- Regional Geo-DRM Systems for Disaster Risk Management
Chairperson: Mr. Asit Kumar Mukutmoni, Additional Secretary, Disaster
Management and Relief Division, Bangladesh
Convener: Mr Sanjay K. Srivastava, ESCAP
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Geo-information for disaster risk reduction in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region
by Mr. Deo Raj Gurung, ICIMOD, Nepal (15-17 Min)
- Experience on South Asia Disaster Knowledge Network and Geo-referenced
information system in SAARC region by Ms. Madhavi Ariyabandu, UN-ISDR
(15-17 Min)
- Geo-reference information management, prospects and challenges in Central Asia
by Mr. Akylbek Chymyrov, KCGIS, Kyrgyzstan (15-17 Min)
- UNDP experience in Geo-DRM in Nepal by Mr. Man Thapa, UNDP/Nepal (15
Discussions (including Questions and Answers)
------------------------------------- End of Day 1 ----------------------------------------
Day 2 (11 July 2012)
09:00 - 10:30
Session: 4- Country Presentations (10 minutes for each country presentation)
Chairperson: Mrs. Wasantha Samaraweera, Additional Secretary, Ministry of
Disaster Management, Sri Lanka
Convener: Mr. Rajindra Ariyabandu, ESCAP
NEPAL: Responses and Challenges - Case of Seti River Flood
BANGLADESH: Geo-referenced Risk Management System in Bangladesh
BHUTAN: Disaster Management in Bhutan
GEORGIA: Geo-referenced Disaster Risk Management (DRM)
AFGHANISTAN: National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA)
IRAN (Islamic Republic of): National Disaster Management Information
KAZAKHSTAN: Disaster Risk Management Systems in Kazakhstan
Discussions (including Questions and Answers)
10:30 - 11:00
11:00 - 12:30
Session: 4- Country Presentation (continue) (10 min for each presentation)
Chairperson: Mr. Majid Iranmanesh, Director, NDMA, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Mr. Rajindra Ariyabandu, ESCAP
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ KYRGYZSTAN: GIS for Disaster Risk Management in Kyrgyzstan
- MALDIVES: Maldives Geo-referenced Disaster Management
- PAKISTAN: Geological Survey of Pakistan’s Role in Disaster Risk Assessment
& Reduction (DRRM) in Pakistan
- SRI LANKA: Disaster Management in Sri Lanka
- TAJIKISTAN: Country Paper Presentation of Tajikistan
- UZBEKISTAN: Disaster Risk Information of Uzbekistan
- AIT Capacity Development by Mr. Nitin K. Tripathi, ESCAP Consultant
- RESAP Capacity Development by Mr. Timothy Loh, ESCAP
Discussions (including Questions and Answers)
12:30 - 13:30
13:30 - 15:15
Session: 5- Institutional and Policy issues and Networking
Chairperson: Mr. Mohammad Ajmal Karimi, Deputy Director, Afghanistan
National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA), Afghanistan
Convener: Mr. Ram Tiwaree, ESCAP
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mainstreaming DRR into National Plan, Policies and Programmes in Nepal by
Mr. Purushottam Ghimire, National Planning Commission, Nepal
- Data sharing policies: issues and challenges by Mr. Sanjay Srivastava, ESCAP
- Policies landscapes for information sharing in context of HFA: prospects and
Challenges in the sub-regions by Mrs. Madhavi Ariyabandu, ISDR
- Networking and Community of Practices: Sustaining the initiatives by Mr.
Rajindra Ariyabandu, ESCAP Consultant
Country Specific Comments
Discussions (including Questions and Answers)
15:15 - 15:45
Session: 6- Demonstration of Proposed System
Chairperson: Mr. Akylbek Chymyrov, Director, KCGIS, Kyrgyzstan
Convener: Mrs. Madhavi Ariyabandhu, ISDR
- Database Input, Archiving, Georeferencing, and Sharing in proposed Geo-DRM
by Mr. Nitin Tripathi, ESCAP Consultant
- Query and Information Retrieval through Geo-DRM by Mr. Nitin Tripathi,
ESCAP Consultant
- System security, accessibility and synchronization Mr. Nitin Tripathi, ESCAP
- Uploading geo-referenced information at country level, Attending to trouble
shooting and resources and information reliability issues by Mr. Hamid
Mehmood, ESCAP Consultant
Discussions (including Questions and Answers)
------------------------------------- End of Day 2 ----------------------------------------
Day 3 (12 July 2012)
09:00 - 12:00
Session: 7- Way Forward (including concluding remarks)2
Chairperson: Mr. Sanjay Srivastava, Regional Advisor for DRR, ESCAP
Convener: Mr. Nitin K. Tripathi, ESCAP
12:00 - 13:00
13:00 - 17:00
Study Visit to ICIMOD, Nepal
------------------------------------- End of Day 3 ----------------------------------------
Concluding remarks by Mr Lakshmi P. Dhakal, Joint Secretary, MOHA, Government of Nepa
Fly UP