Regional Plan of Action on Promoting and SD Tae Hyung KIM
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Regional Plan of Action on Promoting and SD Tae Hyung KIM
Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development Regional Plan of Action on Promoting Space and GIS Applications for DRR and SD Sub-regional Training Workshop 26-29 August, Dehran Dun, India Tae Hyung KIM Economic Affairs Officer ICT and Disaster Risk Reduction Division (IDD), UNESCAP Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development Contents I. Overview II. Regional five year plan of action III.Regional Space Applications Programme IV.Way forward Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development I. Overview Ø 62 Governments – 58 within the region, i.e., from Turkey in the west to Kiribati in the east, and from the Russian Federation in the north to New Zealand in the south. Ø ESCAP’ ESCAP’s regional strategy on space applications focuses on regional/subregional/subregional cooperative mechanisms and substantial programmes for effective support disaster risk reduction and sustainable development. Policy analysis Advisory Services Technical Cooperation Projects Capacity Building Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development Ministerial Roundtable Panel Discussion: Building resilience to natural disasters and major economic crises 2013 ESCAP Theme Study Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development Disasters by region (1980-2011) • Asia-Pacific is the most disaster prone region in the world 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Asia Pacific Africa Latin America and Caribbean North America People affected (per 1,000 population) • …and the most affected Euro pe People affected Asia Pacific Asia Pacific Africa Africa Latin America and Caribbean Latin America and Caribbean North America North America Europe 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 Europe 0 0 500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 2,000,000 2,500,000 Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development 350 Economic damage (Billion dollars 2005) - Economic losses from disasters are rising globally Japan: Great East Japan Earthquake Expon. (Economic damage (Billion dollars 2005)) 300 250 Unit ed St ates: Katrina Sto rm 200 Japan: Kobe Earthquake 150 100 A lgeria: El A snam Earthquake China: Sichuan Earthquake Japan: Chūetsu Earthquake Iran: ManjilRudbarEarthquake Spain: Floods 50 Turkey: Earthquake China: Drought 0 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Low income - …and low-income countries are the most affected Lower middle income Upper middle income High income 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 Economic damage (% GDP) (2006-2010) 1.0 1.2 Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development Building Resilience Regional Cooperation Economics of Resilience Critical Infrastructure “The capacity of countries and their people to withstand, adapt to, and recover from natural disasters and major economic crises – so that their people can continue to lead the kind of lives they value.” Supply Chains Financial Cooperation Land, Water, Energy Community Resilience Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development II. Regional Plan of Action on Applications of Space and GIS for Disaster Risk Reduction and Sustainable Development, 2012-2017 Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development Ø The Plan of Action is divided into 5 sections • The Preamble • Towards Disaster Risk Reduction • Towards Sustainable Development • Finance and Resources • The Way Forward Ø Two thematic areas are divided to showcase work to be done at the • Regional and Subregional Level • National Level Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development Ø A Ministerial Conference was proposed to be organized in 2015 to evaluate progress made and provide further guidance for the successful implementation of the Plan of Action and to build stronger political support and ownership among all stakeholders. Ø The secretariat has been given huge mandate to harmonize and enhance existing regional initiatives and pool expertise and resources at regional and subregional levels; act as a clearing house for good practices and lessons; and take the lead at the regional level in implementing the Plan of Action. Partners •Investment Tracking on DRR promoting investment •Risk Transfer and Resilient Sectoral Development •Emerging Issues related to CCA and DRR •Asia Pacific Disaster Report Capacity building for Damage and Loss Assessment (DaLA) – Post Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) ECLAC DaLA/PDNA for low impact & high frequency disasters –focused on highrisk LLDC, LDCs and SIDs Joint programming for space applications Capacity development, Technical Assistance Mission UNITAR/UNOOSATMemorandum of Agreement between ESCAP and UNOOSA/SPIDER UNITAR /ONOSAT Typhoon Committee, Panel on Tropical Cyclone Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development 7 Priority Areas § green jobs and social inclusion § energy access, efficiency and sustainability § Food security & sustainable agriculture § sound water management § sustainable cities § sustainable management of the oceans § improved resilience and disaster preparedness ESCAP’s Regional Cooperative Mechanism for Drought Monitoring and Early Warning RESAP networks for Education and Training for remote sensing & GIS applications in agricylture and food security Harmonizing the regional/international cooperation mechanisms (International Charter, Sentinel Asia, UNITAR, UNSPIDER) in support of more effectice disaster reponse to the member Countries Networking with RESAP members for access to satellite data in the event of major disasters Building the capacity for geo-spatial disaster information in the specific context of countries with spacial needs. RESAP networks for Education and Training for space applications in DRR/M Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development III. Regional Space Applications Programme (RESAP) Ø Space applications for DRR / M is addressed by ESCAP in both sectoral and multi-sectoral approaches, through its flagship programme (RESAP) . Ø RESAP aims to promote the use of space applications for inclusive, resilient and sustainable development in Asia and the Pacific. Ø Strengthen regional cooperation and networking of the space agencies in the region. - Disaster risk reduction and management - Natural resources management - Connectivity Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development Logistical arrangements endorsed by the 16th RESAP ICC: ØESCAP secretariat will be the ad hoc secretariat of the Mechanism. ØService Nodes to be established in different regions. The first service node is expected to be hosted in China. ØSupport on images data and products from India, Thailand and other RESAP members. ØCapacity building offered by ISRO, GISTDA, NRSC and related stakeholders. Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development RESAP Space Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development Survey Frameworks for Compendium and Needs analysis q (Survey 1) Compendium of Regional Space Capabilities Ø Up-to-date the previous Compendium Ø A draft Questionnaire was sent NFPs for initial feedback and final distribution Ø To identify Available Resources and current status of National Capabilities in major space applications areas; (a) National Institution and Space Programmes, (b) EO satellite, (c) Space-based Positioning, (d) Satellite Communication Ø Setup a web-based survey system to help NFPs input, save and update the data/information at any time by authorized person through password control 2 Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development q (Survey 2) RS applications Needs Ø To identify End Users’ Needs of RS applications Ø In 9 major application fields (1) Natural disasters, (2) Water Resource, (3) Natural resource, (4) Environment, (5) Agriculture, (6) Transportation, etc Ø What types of data & applications are used currently? Ø What types of data & applications are needed? Ø Other technical/human resource need to be supported Ø Provide basic information for Gap Analysis consolidated with Compendium Survey 3 Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development GAP Analysis through “Current Capabilities and Needs survey” Needs Survey(2) Capabilities Survey(1) • DRR/M • Institutional Gaps • Agriculture • Technical • Environment • Human Resource • Natural Resource • Water • Transport, etc Technical/Data gap Institutional gap Capacity Building/ Training Towards Customized Capacity Building 4 Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development ESCAP initiative: Improving disaster risk preparedness in the ESCAP region Ø ESCAP has embarked on a UNDA project entitled “Improving disaster risk preparedness in the ESCAP region”. Ø The project aims to support the establish and use georeference/geospatial information at natinoal level and strengthen the capacity of governments (disaster management authorities) in AsiaPacific region (LDCs, LLDCs, SIDS, and some high risk developing countries), in the implementation of the HFA through the use of georeferenced/geospatial information tools for disaster risk preparedness, and timely early recovery. Ø Enhance the capacity of ESCAP member states towards managing the disaster risks more efficiently and effectively, and reduce losses, and build resilience to hazards through the use/sharing of standardized geo-spatial information among and within the countries. 21 Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development On-going Activities Ø Prototype of the national geo-DRM portals for Mongolia, Cook Islands and other countries. Ø Linkage with regional level network (Asia-pacific Gateway for DRM) and Community of Practice (COP) . Ø Dialogue with sub-regional organizations (SAARC DMC, ASEAN AHA, SOPAC), to develop geo-DRM portal based on existing knowledge networks. Ø Capacity development activities: Awareness building workshop for countries in subregions; Ø In-depth training for selected countries including for those countries where geo-DRM portals will be established; 22 Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development Asia-Pacific Gateway for Disaster Risk Reduction and Development Professional Resources Technical Services Experts Directory Networks of Communities Discussion forums / helpdesk 23 Strengthening regional cooperation for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development IV. Way forward Ø Pls Fill in by yourself