Third Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Foreign Direct Investment
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Third Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Foreign Direct Investment
Third Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Network for Least Developed and Landlocked Developing Countries Cambodia Case on Ensuring inclusive and sustainable FDI in the Natural Resource By SUON SOPHAL Deputy Director of Public Relations and Investment Promotion Council for the Development of Cambodia Economic Performance 1994-2013 14% 25.00% 12% 20.00% 10% 15.00% 8% 10.00% 6% z 5.00% 4% 0.00% 2% 0% GDP 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013e 9.20% 6.50% 5.30% 5.70% 5.00% 12.60% 9.20% 7.70% 6.20% 8.60% 10.0% 13.3% 10.8% 10.2% 6.70% 0.10% 5.90% 7.10% 7.30% 7.60% Inflation 17.90% 3.50% GDP per capita Source: SNEC & MEF 10% -5.00% 9.20% 13.30% 4.00% -0.80% 0.20% 3.30% 1.20% 3.90% 5.80% 4.70% 5.9% 19.70% -0.60% 4.00% 4.90% 3.00% 4.00% 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013e 402 468 534 623 738 731 909 990 1,080 830 Investments in Cambodia 2008-June 2013 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Jun-2013 $11,420,127183 $6,309,435,594 $3,029,497,634 $7,984,908,645 $2,965,537,652 $2,340,937,594 Rank Country % Country % Country % Country % Country % Country % 1 China 39.45 Cambodia 60.81 Korea 35.10 U.K 30.93 Cambodia 42.08 Cambodia 81.55 2 Cambodia 36.73 China 14.93 China 28.73 Cambodia 29.76 China 20.69 China 5.38 3 Korea 10.89 Vietnam 5.58 Cambodia 14.91 China 22.05 Korea 9.89 U.K 3.53 4 USA 5.59 Singapore 4.81 Malaysia 8.53 Vietnam 8.65 Japan 9.15 Korea 2.45 5 Israel 2.63 Russia 3.84 Vietnam 5.23 Malaysia 3.03 Malaysia 6.04 Singapore 2.31 6 Russia 0.92 Thailand 3.53 Portugal 1.66 Korea 2.10 Thailand 4.53 Hong Kong 1.59 7 U.K 0.59 Korea 2.89 Australia 1.65 U.S.A 1.78 Vietnam 2.89 Japan 0.86 8 Austria 0.54 India 1.90 Singapore 1.02 Japan 0.83 Singapore 2.59 Taiwan 0.73 9 Vietnam 0.51 Malaysia 1.19 Denmark 0.97 Australia 0.31 U.K 0.51 Samoa 0.56 10 11 France 0.50 Others 1.28 Others Japan 0.20 Japan 0.32 Others 0.86 Singapore 1.35 Others 0.20 U.S.A 0.42 Thailand 0.47 0.35 Others 1.21 Others 0.57 Approved Investments by Country/Region (Outside SEZ 1994- June 2013) US$ Million 10,000 9,301 9,000 8,000 7,000 6,000 4,381 5,000 3,639 4,000 2,614 3,000 2,000 1,294 1,282 953 878 795 785 1,000 387 Japan Singapore Hong Kong Thailand Taiwan Vietnam USA Malaysia EU Korea China 0 Approved Investments by Sector 1994 – June 2013 Agriculture 8% Service 18% Industry 28% Tourism 46% Investment in Natural Resource As of September 2013, • there are 54 projects with total investment capital around US$ 389,479,542, accounted for 2.07% of total investment, has been approved to undertake the mining exploration and exploitation. • Other 12 projects with total investment capital of US$ 264,283,187, accounted for 0.39% of total investment, is in Petroleum sector. 6 Availability of Natural Resources Oil and Gas petroleum, Natural gas Land and water resource to further develop and increase the value added in Agriculture Minerals bauxite, carbonate rocks, natural gas, gold, Iron, manganese, phosphate rock, salt, silica, zircon Ruby Sapphire 7 Related laws and regulations • Preah Reach Kram/NS-RKM-1296/36 dated November 18, 1996 ON ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AND NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT • Sub-decree No: 72 ANRK.BK dated August 11, 1999 on Environmental Impact Assessment • Preah Reach Kram NS/RKM/0701/09 dated July 13, 2001 enacted LAW ON MINERAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND EXPLOITATION 8 Mandate on inclusive and sustainable FDI in Natural Resource • Although the management of natural resources has improved with the strengthening of mineral resource management, there remain challenges requiring further efforts and initiatives to ensure sustainable development. • Royal Government will continue to take a comprehensive development approach toward environmental management in Cambodia, through Sustainable management of natural resources. • New ministry will be established to oversee the development of mining and energy. 9 Policy Action toward sustainable FDI • Encourage private sector to leverage their capital in sustainable development by channeling and increasing private productive investment into key sectors and industries that contribute to sustainable development; • Promote the role of private sector to be part of the solution. • Revise current Investment Law and Taxation Law as well as the adoption of Special Economic Zones Law with consideration to include policy actions below into this endeavor: 1) Mainstream sustainable development into investment policies. 2) Promote investment in inclusive growth. 3) Promote responsible investments, and 4) Channel investment into green growth and infrastructure development. 10 Building Partnership for growth • Continuing to strengthen Cambodia Development Cooperation Forum, Government-Private Sector Forum, Consultative Meeting between Government and NGOs, and Bilateral Consultation mechanisms, with the aim to transform all these fora into a “Cambodia Development Forum” which will serve as a unified platform for dialogue between the Royal Government and all its stakeholders, including development partners, private sector and NGOs as well as other relevant stakeholders, to discuss development issues in the country. • Related actions would be to work towards synergizing private investment with ODA and other development finance, and to build an investment policy framework for sustainable development, coupled with a public-private sector partnership action plan. 11