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UNITED NATIONS ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COMMISSION FOR ASIA AND THE PACIFIC Regional Workshop on Geo-referenced Disaster Risk Management Information System in South-East and East Asia, and the Pacific 20-22 February 2013 Meeting Room A, 1st Floor United Nations Conference Centre Bangkok, Thailand TENTATIVE PROGRAMME Day 1 (20 February 2013) 08:15 - 09:00 REGISTRATION 09:00 - 09:30 Opening Session (Master of Ceremony: Mr. Keran Wang, IDD, ESCAP) - Welcome address by Ms. Shamika Sirimanne, Director, Information and Communications Technology and Disaster Risk Reduction Division (IDD), ESCAP - Election of the Officers - Adoption of Agenda - Special Event: Signing Ceremony on Memorandum of Agreement between ESCAP and UNITAR 09:30 - 10:00 BREAK 10:00 - 12:00 Session: 1 - Improving Disaster Risk Management through Geo-referenced Information System in the ESCAP region - Objective, needs and expected outcomes of the Project: improving disaster risk preparedness in the ESCAP region and the expected outcome of the current workshop by Mr. Ram Tiwaree, IDD, ESCAP - Asia-Pacific Plan of Action on the applications of Space Technology and GIS for disaster risk reduction and sustainable development (2012-2017), and its relation with the project: improving disaster risk preparedness in the ESCAP region by Mr. Keran Wang, IDD, ESCAP - Geo-referenced Information in support of Rio+20 outcome related to disaster risk reduction by Mr. Ram Tiwaree, IDD, ESCAP - Concepts of geo-referenced information for disaster risk management system in Asia-Pacific region by Mr. Nitin Tripathi, ESCAP Consultant Discussions (including Questions and Answers) 11:45 - 13:15 LUNCH 1 13:15 - 14:45 Session: 2 - Overview of Geo-referenced Disaster Risk Management (GeoDRM) Information System - Geospatial Database for the Geo-DRM System by Mr. Nitin Tripathi, ESCAP Consultant - Geo-DRM system configuration and functionality of the Geo-DRM Portal and System (discussion on options for geo-referenced portals) by Mr. Hamid Mehmood, ESCAP Consultant - Capacity building needs for skilled human resources to operate the geo-referenced information platform by Mr. Nitin Tripathi, ESCAP Consultant - Application of GIS and spatial data for calculating measures for disaster risk reduction with the example of ecosystem accounts by Mr. Daniel Clarke, Statistics Division, ESCAP Discussions (including Questions and Answers) 14:45 - 15:00 BREAK 15:00 - 16:15 Session: 3 - Institutional and Policy issues and Networking - Data sharing policies and institutional arrangements: issues and challenges by Mr. Keran Wang, IDD, ESCAP - Need for regional partnership development for information and knowledge sharing by Mr. Sujit Mohanty, ISDR - Networking and Community of Practices (COP): motivation, sustaining interest and willingness to share information by Mr. Rajindra Ariyabandu, ESCAP Consultant - IFRC Experience on Disaster Management Community of Practices by Ms. Katherine Roux, IFRC, Bangkok. Discussions (including Questions and Answers) 16:15 - 17:15 Session: 4 - Regional Geo-DRM Information Systems (15 minutes for each presentation) - Experience of UNOSAT in building capacity for the use of satellite analysis for emergency management, especially in South-East Asia, East Asia, and Pacific by Mr. Francesco Pisano, Director, UNOSAT/UNITAR - HFA priorities and relevance of space-based and geographic information - UNSPIDER interventions by Mr. Shirish Ravan, UN-SPIDER Beijing Office - How OCHA uses Geo-referenced data to prepare for, and respond to humanitarian emergencies by Mr. John Marinos, UN-OCHA Asia-Pacific Regional Office Discussions (including Questions and Answers) ------------------------------------- End of Day 1 ---------------------------------------- 2 Day 2 (21 February 2013) 08:45 - 09:45 Session: 4 - Regional Geo-DRM Information Systems (continue) - Experience of ASEAN-AHA Centre and Geo-referenced information system in South-East Asia by Mr. Janggam Adhityawarma, ASEAN-AHA Centre - Geo-referenced information management for disaster risk management: prospects and challenges in the Pacific by Ms. Joy Katrina Papao, SOPAC - Role of APSCO in Developing Tools and Applications for Geo-referenced Disaster Risk Management Information System in the Asia-Pacific Region by Mr. Maqbool Ahmad Chaudhry, APSCO Discussions (including Questions and Answers) 09:45-10:30 Session: 5 - Country Presentations (10 minutes for each country presentation) - Cambodia: - China (2): - Cook Islands: Discussions (including Questions and Answers) 10:30 - 10:45 10:45 - 12:00 BREAK Session: 5 - Country Presentations (continue) (10 minutes for each presentation) - Fiji: Indonesia: Kiribati: Lao PDR: Malaysia: Discussions (including Questions and Answers) 12:00 - 13:15 13:15 - 14:15 LUNCH Session: 5 - Country Presentations (continue) (10 minutes for each presentation) - Mongolia: - Myanmar (2): - Philippines: Discussions (including Questions and Answers) 3 14:15 - 15:15 Session: 5 - Country Presentations (continue) (10 minutes for each presentation) - Samoa: Thailand: Timor-Leste: Viet Nam: Discussions (including Questions and Answers) 15:15 - 15:30 15:30- 17:00 BREAK Session: 6 - Demonstration of Proposed Geo-portal Systems - Database Input, Archiving, Geo-referencing, and Sharing in proposed Geo-DRM by Mr. Nitin Tripathi, ESCAP Consultant - Query and Information Retrieval through Geo-DRM by Mr. Nitin Tripathi, ESCAP Consultant - System security, accessibility and synchronization by Mr. Nitin Tripathi, ESCAP Consultant - Uploading geo-referenced information at country level, attending to trouble shooting and resources and information reliability issues by Mr. Hamid Mehmood, ESCAP Consultant - Introduction of Geo-portal System by Mr. Lal Samarakoon, AIT Discussions (including Questions and Answers) ------------------------------------- End of Day 2 ---------------------------------------- Day 3 (22 February 2013) 09:30 - 12:00 Study Visit to GISTDA and National Disaster Warning Centre, Ministry of ICT1 12:00 - 13:00 LUNCH 14:30 - 17:00 Session: 7 - Way Forward (including concluding remarks)2 3 ------------------------------------- End of Day 3 ---------------------------------------1 Bus departs from ESCAP (front of UNCC) by 0815 hours Coffee break at 1530 hours for 15 minutes 3 Concluding Remarks by Mr. Keran Wang, Chief, Space Applications Section, IDD, ESCAP 2 4