
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October...

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ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October...
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
This chart represents a preliminary effort at identifying issues, areas of concern, organizations impacted, etc., on a best-efforts basis.
Suggestions to improve this work are welcome. Note the proposals cited are not yet agreed, but have been put forward for the most part
by ITU Member States.
The Internet Society has analyzed proposed revisions to the ITU Plenipotentiary conference with the aim of helping ISOC Members
identify those proposals that may impact the future development of the Internet, including the Internet model and the organizations that
have co-operated to create what we know today as the Internet. This matrix is intended to assist ISOC Members in preparing for PP-14.
Key to the matrix tables
PP-10 Resolutions – Potential Modifications
New Draft PP-14 Resolutions
PP-14 Proposals to modify CS/CV
PP-10 Decisions – Potential modifications
General Items that have been submitted to PP for Discussion
PP-14 key Internet issues
Internet related public policy issues (Res 2, 101, 102, 133, 178, 180, ITR Resolution 3 and the Role of the ITU, ITU PP-10
Decision 11)
(Cybersecurity) Confidence and security in the use of ICTs (Res 130, 174, 179, 181)
Child Online Protection and access to illegal information on the Internet (Res.174, 179)
Resolution 163, Stable ITU Constitution, including Definitions e.g. ICT, telecommunications
The ITU Strategic Plan 2016-2019 (Res. 71, 72 and 162, Guadalajara 2010) and the Financial Plan of the Union for 2016-2019
(Contribution #44) – financial issues and changes to scope of work to match funding levels.
ITU Transparency and public access to the ITU documents (Res. 64, 66, ITU PP-10 Decision 12)
WSIS and review processes including WSIS+10 and 2015 (Res. 140, 172)
Role of Standardization and the ITU (Res. 122, 123, 135, 178)
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
PP-10 Resolutions – Potential Modifications
Resolution #
PP-10 Resolution Title
Contribution Origin – Number &
Key Points
Internet Impacts
21 (Rev. Antalya
Special measures concerning alternative
calling procedures on international
telecommunications networks
ATU-69A1: notes the need to identify calls
for national security and for proper
charging, want acceptable level of QoS,
delivery of international calling line
identification (CLI), origin identification
(OI) and details to support charging per
ITU Recommendations
Brazil-75: proposes changing the title and
text of the Res. to remove alternative
calling and replace it with inappropriate
procedures, also inserted “issues related to
number misappropriation and misuse” per
WTSA-12 Res 61, includes statements on
release of routing information and other
details in cases of fraud
Belgium/Bulgaria /Czech Republic/Estonia
Netherlands/UK-83: modifications
proposed include recognizing the value of
competition, that alternative calling has
changed over time and that offering
alternative call procedures should be in
compliance with the regulatory and legal
frameworks of the Member States in which
such procedures are offered, calls for
studies of procedures in place and ITU-T
recommendations that apply to alternative
calling procedures and that recognition be
made to sates that have specific
requirements and procedures in place
Attempting to redefine Alternative Calling Procedures
(e.g. VoIP) to capture termination rates for IP traffic.
Brazil introduces “inappropriate behavior”, which is an
undefined term leaving IP network operators open to
subjective treatment. Brazil also introduced numbering
misuse and fraud as important conditions requiring
international action to resolve.
22 (Rev. Antalya,
Apportionment of revenues in providing
international telecommunication services
Brazil-75: notes ITU-T D.50 on tariffing
for interconnection and to continue work on
network externalities. Proposes
modifications to require Internet service
This resolution is focused on network externalities, IP
interconnection and IP/VoIP termination costs.
Depending on modifications to this Resolutions (and
implementation), IP network providers and VoIP could
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Resolution #
66 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
71 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
72 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
101 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
PP-10 Resolution Title
Contribution Origin – Number &
Key Points
Internet Impacts
providers (ISPs) to balance interconnection
charges with respect to charging between
developed and developing countries; that
carrier costs are an obstacle to Internet
development in developing countries; that a
rise in international Internet connection
costs lead to lags in Internet access and
be impacted by changes in international settlement
obligations for IP networks
CITEL-34A1: Proposal to add a glossary of
terms to the Strategic Plan
(ITU SG - Doc. 42, pgs 8-12) Annex 1 to
Res 71
CITEL-34(Rev.1)A1: revisions to the Strat
plan to provide for better oversight and
implementation of the plan
Potential synergies on Internet related issues as well as to
define the scope of ITU work and projects for the next
four years.
CEPT-80A1: proposed modifications to
further increase the transparency of the
finances of the Union and the budgets
relationship to the ITU strategic plan.
Opportunity to focus ITU activities according to budget
allocation and mandate.
CEPT-80A1: modifications under resolves
to require that ITU clearly identify the
range of non-content related Internet issues
that fall within its responsibilities
incumbent on the Union under its basic
texts and the activities in the WSIS
outcome documents where ITU has a role
as an action line facilitator and WSIS
coordinator; also adds new instructs the
Director of Telecommunication
Development Bureau to provide capacity
Modification to this resolution could impact role of ITU
in IP-based networks
Documents and publications of the Union
Strategic plan for the Union for 20122015 (To be revised for 2016 -2019)
Linking strategic, financial and
operational planning in ITU
Internet Protocol-based networks
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Resolution #
102 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
PP-10 Resolution Title
ITU's role with regard to international
public policy issues pertaining to the
Internet and the management of Internet
resources, including domain names and
Contribution Origin – Number &
Key Points
Internet Impacts
modifications proposed include support for
broadband development and the demand
for Internet access in developing countries
that is dependent on getting affordable ISP
interconnection for international
connectivity; and that carrier costs are an
obstacle to Internet development; that the
establishment of IXPs is a priority to tackle
connectivity problems, improve service
quality and reduce interconnection costs
Introduction of international interconnection issues to the
existing Resolution
Arab States-79A3: modifications proposed
include setting the theme of the next WTPF
to emerging issues related to IP-based
networks and the future internet, they also
note that Member States need to protect
their Internet from unlawful surveillance at
the international level
CEPT-80A1: modifications proposed - that
countries Member States should not be
involved in decisions regarding another
country's ccTLD, the need to conduct
Internet governance debates in an open and
transparent manner, includes greater
collaboration and coordination between
ITU and relevant organizations. Instructs
SecGen to publish without password
protection, the documents and reports of
the CWG Internet, so that all international
organizations and stakeholders can
collaborate fully
RCC-73A1: modifications focus on the
need to continue establishing internet
governance mechanisms with equitable
participation by all stakeholders, including
Introduces surveillance issues to Resolution. 2017
WTPF Theme.
Depending on modifications to the resolution, this could
open up the work of the CWG-Internet and refocus what
the group will work on for the next four year cycle.
Proposals to open the work of the CWG.
RCC does not support opening up the CWG-Internet to
other stakeholders, supports that it remain a Member
States only group, with consultations with stakeholders
as needed for input.
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Resolution #
123 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
PP-10 Resolution Title
Bridging the standardization gap between
developing and developed countries
Contribution Origin – Number &
Key Points
Internet Impacts
States, that security is a concern along with
the need to establish legal norms for
Internet governance that consider human
rights and fundamental freedoms, privacy
and protection of personal data. Including a
dispute process.
Arab States-79A3: modifications noted that
the policy authority for international
internet-related public policy issues is the
sovereign right of States, stated several
deep concerns regarding equal footing for
gov’ts and the lack of int’l policy for
protection of privacy and personal data
protection, wants the ITU SecGen to take a
leading role in int’l discussions and
requests that the three Bureaus develop
policy, standards and regulations for OTT,
including charging recommendations
Calls for ITU to send report on Internet governance to
UNGA for purpose of developing legal norms/rules
Adds surveillance issues
APT-72A1: proposed more support and
capacity building for developing countries
to bridge the standardization gap with focus
on recognition of ITU recommendations
RCC-73A1: modifications propose to
require the creation and support of regional
groups, training and workshops on new
technologies. Recognizes the need for all
ITU Recommendations to contain
guidelines and principles for
implementation to assist Developing
countries efforts to bridge the divide.
CITEL-34(Rev.1)A1: modifications to
align with WTDC outcomes, including
recognizing the need for high-quality
international standards developed rapidly in
line with principles of global connectivity,
Continued focus on ITU standards development for
developing countries
Adds surveillance issues, privacy, data proteciont;
regulatory consideration for OTT.
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Resolution #
PP-10 Resolution Title
Contribution Origin – Number &
Key Points
Internet Impacts
openness, affordability, reliability and
130 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
Strengthening the role of the ITU in
building confidence and security in the
use of information and communications
Cuba-70: Added text to include phishing,
botnets and DDOS to attack other countries
invites MS to reframe from using ICTs for
extraterritorial interception and monitoring
of communications
CEPT-80A1: editorial modifications
proposed to align text with WTDC-14 and
WTSA-12 decisions
Brazil-75: modifications proposed to call
upon States to take steps to avoid and to
refrain from taking any unilateral measure
not in accordance with international law
and the need to increase the awareness of
all stakeholders of the ethical dimension in
the of ICTs, adds protection of personal
data and privacy; resolves to support a
human rights based approach to
cybersecurity balance security and privacy,
and in this regard encourage ITU to work
closely with other bodies/agencies within
the United Nations, including but not
limited to UNESCO, UNODC and HRC,
taking into account the specific mandates
and areas of expertise of the different
agencies; instructs SecGen and Bureau
Directors to encourage further
strengthening of the trust and security
framework with complementary and
mutually reinforcing initiatives in the fields
of security in the use of ICTs, with
initiatives or guidelines with respect to
rights to privacy, data and consumer
Much of the revised text is directed at MS and
preventing monitoring and surveillance.
Note: call for Member States to report incidents to ITU
Sec Gen
Brazil’s modifications add a new dimension to
cybersecurity by adding to the overall scope of ITU work
in this area to include on-line privacy, data protection,
ethics and human rights in the digital age. Brazil also
noted WSIS and the future work of the ITU, as reflected
in the Dubai Action Plan (WTDC-14).
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Resolution #
PP-10 Resolution Title
Contribution Origin – Number &
Key Points
Internet Impacts
Indonesia-82: modifications to the resolves
section to include additional obligations to
report, Law enforcement collaboration,
avoid misuse of information
RCC-73A1: modifications proposed
include a focus on security, cyber attacks,
personal data protection, privacy and the
need for CIRTs to enable the exchange of
information between member States. Asks
the ITU to coordinate and train Member
States on establishing a CIRT, including
the development of a roadmap that
identifies roles and responsibilities of
Member States.
Indonesia-82: resolves to encourage
cooperation with other stakeholders on
cybercrime, to combat misuse, to protect
confidentially, integrity of data from
criminal abuse.
133 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
Role of administrations of Member States
in the management of internationalized
(multilingual) domain names
CEPT-80A1: proposes that ITU should
work with all stakeholders on a
cooperative, collaborative and reciprocal
basis in order to contribute to the
multistakeholder Internet governance for
the greater benefit of global users, and
instructs SecGen and Bureau Directors to
explore ways and means for greater
collaboration and coordination between
ITU and relevant organizations in the
development of IP-based networks and the
future Internet
135 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
ITU's role in the development of
telecommunications/information and
communication technologies, in
CITEL-34 (Rev1)A1: proposes
modifications to include provisions to take
into account the work of other sectors of
Modifications proposed focus on cooperation between
relevant organizations, including noting IETF and ISOC
as part of the multistakeholder community discussion
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Resolution #
PP-10 Resolution Title
Contribution Origin – Number &
Key Points
Internet Impacts
providing technical assistance and advice
to developing countries, and in
implementing relevant national, regional
and interregional projects
the Union and to include additional
elements for the BTD to facilitate and
collaborate on items such as satellite
spectrum, and broadband capacity building.
136 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
The use of
telecommunication/information and
communication technologies for
monitoring and management in
emergency and disaster situations for
early warning, prevention, mitigation and
APT-67A: proposes that ITU Directors
conduct training on technical and
operational aspects of network for
monitoring and management in emergency
and disaster situations.
India-85: modifications to propose
additional studies to cover smart grid, IMT
and other services/applications and disaster
recovery, asks for more standardization of
public safety features and services, and
asks the ITU-T to hold disaster drills to
enhance readiness of regional members to
respond to disasters
Modifications to enhance responses to disasters with the
ITU as a coordinator
137 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
Next-generation network deployment in
developing countries
APT-67A1: proposes additional assistance
with transition to NGN e.g.
interconnection, QoS and end use costs,
need assistance with development of tariffs
for NGN
RCC-73A1: modifications proposed to
include the operating costs and
maintenance of NGN infrastructure,
includes software defined networks (SDN)
as a long-term prospect that Developing
countries will need capacity development.
Concern about ITU-T recommendations that will set the
bar for QoS, interconnection and settlements for IP
networks that transpose telecom requirements to IP
139 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
Telecommunications/information and
communication technologies to bridge
the digital divide and build an inclusive
information society
ATU-69A1: modifications to align with
UN and ITU strategic plans to support least
developed countries, including the value of
common approaches to conformance and
interoperability, requests continued support
for developing countries with
standardization efforts to bridge the gap.
Focus on development and alignment with Dubai
Agreement from WTDC 2014 which ha some import
aspects on Internet development.
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Resolution #
PP-10 Resolution Title
Contribution Origin – Number &
Key Points
Internet Impacts
Arab States-79A3: modifications include
the addition of the need to support
developing countries to bridge the
standards gap, to have the ITU to continue
to fund actions and to strengthen
relationships with regional groups
140 (Rev.
Guadalajara, 2010)
ITU's role in implementing the outcomes
of the World Summit on the Information
Society (WSIS)
APT-67A2: modifications to note that the
ITU and relevant international
organizations should seek to cooperate and
coordinate activities for the global benefit
of mankind
CEPT-80A1: modifications proposed that
reflect the processes that have been
undertaken in the past four year since PP10 on a WSIS+10 review, and to delete
duplicative or superfluous text and noted
the need for cooperation among all
international organizations as well as
resolves to submit to the December 2015
UN GA overall review high level meeting
the successful outcomes of the ITU
coordinated WSIS+10 High Level Event
elaborated through its Multistakeholder
Preparatory Platform
RCC-73A1: modifications proposed
support the work of the ITU in particular
the WSIS+10 outcomes, which the RCC
wants sent to the UN SecGen for the Dec.
UN session to discuss the future of WSIS,
including the ITU roadmap of activities for
2016-2019, notes that ICTs are one of the
key enablers for sustainable development
Opportunity for further multistakeholder collaboration
on the ITU WSIS Action lines
146 (Antalya, 2006)
Review of the International
Telecommunication Regulation
ATU-69A1: next WCIT should be in 8
years, with the agenda and the dates of the
next WCIT to be set by 2018.
Involves reopening the ITRs and possibly revisiting
“unresolved” issues from 2012 WCIT
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Resolution #
PP-10 Resolution Title
Contribution Origin – Number &
Key Points
Internet Impacts
RCC-73A1: modifications proposed to
establish that WCIT will be held every
eight (8) years, that the next WTPF theme
address the ITRs and approaches for
revision of the treaty text and that a
preparatory process be established by
163 (New
Guadalajara, 2010)
Establishment of a Council working
group on a stable ITU Constitution
APT-67A1: Suppress Resolution, wants no
changes including Annex that contains
definitions used in by the ITU
ATU-69A1: suppress Resolution and
proposed new resolution to continue the
work on development of a stable CS\CV
USA-27A: Suppress
CEPT-80A1: Suppress
Japan-77: modifications proposed to
continue the work of the CWG on Stable
CS/CV with new terms of reference with a
report to be submitted to PP-2018
Indonesia-82: Suppress
Arab States-79A4: SUP
Indonesia-82: SUP
171 (New
Guadalajara, 2010)
Preparations for the 2012 World
Conference on International
Telecommunications (WCIT)
Overall review of implementation of the
outcomes of the World Summit on the
Information Society
ITU's role with regard to international
public policy issues relating to the risk of
illicit use of information and
communication technologies
Cuba-70: instructs the SG to use influence
to defend ICTs against threat of
cyberattacks. Also emphasizes the work of
ITU-D Best Practices on cybersecurity and
172 (New
Guadalajara, 2010)
174 (New
Guadalajara, 2010)
Note: ATU will propose a new Resolution to continue
Council group on Stable Constitution
Arab States-79A3: modifications instruct
the Council to note the outcomes of WSIS
and to address the gaps as well as
addressing ICT challenges
Cuba focus is on cyberterrorism and the need for
additional monitoring of actions as well as development
of Best Practices for Developing County use.
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Resolution #
PP-10 Resolution Title
Contribution Origin – Number &
Key Points
Internet Impacts
Brazil-75: modifications proposed to
address the right to privacy and to results of
the recent discussions regarding
international public policy issues relating to
the risk of illicit use of information and
communication technologies that have been
held at the United Nations and at WTDC14.
Arab States-79A4: modifications to
promote an enabling environment for ICTs,
focus on preventative measures to mitigate
the illicit use of ICTs, and to take
appropriate measures to address security.
178 (New
Guadalajara, 2010)
ITU role in organizing the work on
technical aspects of telecommunication
networks to support the Internet
179 (New
Guadalajara, 2010)
ITU's role in child online protection
CEPT-80A1: modifications proposed to
have the ITU develop and circulate its
materials more widely and to have the
CWG-Internet work closely with COP to
avoid duplication
RCC-73A1: modifications proposed to
encourage more collaboration as well as the
creation of standards to promote the
protection of children online
Arab States-79A3: modifications, instructs
TSB Director to launch a campaign
directed at children with disabilities and to
develop technical tools to protect children.
CITEL-34A1: modifications for ITU-T to
address the need to explore and identify
tools to protect children and to coordinate
the work within the ITU.
Focus of the COP efforts should remain on capacity
building and open collaboration between all parties
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
PP-10 Resolution Title
Resolution #
Contribution Origin – Number &
Key Points
Internet Impacts
Brazil-75: modifications proposed to have
manufacturers of customer premises
equipment (CPEs) make sure equipment
comes with IPv6 capacity, as for instance
assessing the IPv6 support in conformance
and interoperability tests, along with the
need to foster cooperation among
service/content providers and other relevant
stakeholders to accelerate the transition to
RCC-73A1: modifications proposed
include the need for a feasibility study as to
whether the ITU can become an RIR, that
there is more need for help with transition
to IPv6, including development of
Continuing ITU focus on IPv6 deployment and capacity
Contribution Origin – & key
Internet Impacts
Access to ITU Documents
USA: Proposes to open up access to all
ITU Documents with exceptions for
Transparency of ITU processes
180 (New
Guadalajara, 2010)
Facilitating the transition from IPv4 to
181 (New
Guadalajara, 2010)
Definitions and terminology relating to
building confidence and security in the
use of ICTs
New Draft PP-14 Resolutions
Doc No.
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Doc No.
Review of current methodologies and
development of a future vision for the
participation of Sector Members,
Associates and Academia in the activities
of the ITU
Review of current methodologies and
development of a future vision for the
participation of Sector members,
Associates and Academia in activities of
the ITU, from ITU 2014 Council
ITR Resolution 4 on the Periodic review
of the International Telecommunications
Regulations from the SecGen for PP
Harnessing the benefits of convergence
through the utilization of ICT
Applications- proposes that this be the
topic for the next WTPF
Facilitating Internet of Things (IOT) to
prepare for globally connected worlds
Extension Term of the CWG on the
Stable Constitution
Non-Discriminatory access to online
Services and Applications use by the ITU
New resolution on International standards
for real-time global flight tracking for
safety of life aviation applications
Contribution Origin – & key
privacy and other matters
USA: Proposes a means to ensure that all
parties have a means to participate in the
ITU activities
Internet Impacts
Inclusiveness of ITU processes
ITU SG: Proposes a review of the rights
and obligations of Sector Members per
Res. 14 as well as arrangements for
participation by Associates and Academia
to ensure that they are recognized during
ITU conferences and assemblies and other
ITU SG: Submitted the text from the ITR
resolution for PP to address the timing of
the next WCIT preparatory process. The
key question is the interval between
APT: Includes language on cooperation
with other stakeholders and experts;
Implications for participation of non member states
APT: Calls for Best practices, studies and
work to address security and
interoperability to foster IoT.
ATU: Proposes that the work of the CWG
continue and report to Council and at the
next PP
ATU: Calls on ITU to prepare and publish
the list of online services and applications
that are not accessible as complains
received from ITU member states
CEPT: The main purpose of this new
resolution is to ask WRC-15 to address the
issue of real-time global flight tracking for
safety of life aviation applications.
Notes the value of IPv6 for enabling future applications
and notes the need to collaborate with other relevant
Links to ongoing work on stable ITU Constitution
Date of next WCIT
Continued efforts to move ITU role to application layer
Raises issue of limitations to access to communications
by some countries (not users)
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Doc No.
Contribution Origin – & key
New Resolution on strengthening the role
of ITU with regard to transparency and
confidence-building measures in outer
space activities
New Resolution on empowerment of
youth through information and
communication technologies
Procedures for the election of SecretaryGeneral, Deputy Secretary-General and
Directors of the Bureaux
Reduction of the gap in international
CEPT: focus is on Radio Sector capacity
building and sharing of best practices, the
intention is that there should be regular
meetings of experts to allow Member
States, interested Sector Members,
Associates and Academia to share their
CEPT: new resolution to highlight a
positive impact of ICTs on youth
Monitoring mechanism on ITU
programmes and projects
Terminology and definitions for texts
adopted in the pursuit of ITUs statutory
Policy on access to ITU documents and
Brazil proposes open procedures for
communicating candidate details, positions
and programs to all member States
Paraguay: proposes a new resolution that
calls for services providers to negotiate and
conclude bilateral trade agreements that
allow direct international connections via
the Internet, and to take into account the
possible need for compensation between
these providers for services based on the
value of elements such as the flow of
traffic, the number of routes, geographical
coverage and the cost of the transmission
Belgium/Czech Republic/UK: proposes
better monitoring and reporting of ITU
financial support by project
RCC: proposes to define ITU terms such
as decision, recommendation and
resolutions as part of the ITU Member
State statutory obligations to comply
Arab States: proposes that a CWG be
established to review and draft a policy for
access to ITU documents
Internet Impacts
This new resolution ties into a proposal submitted by the
Raises many of the economic issues associated with
access costs, particularly international costs; introduces
compensation and settlements for traffic
Has significant impact on ITU-T “standards” changing
the potential voluntary role they currently have to ones
that are legally binding if the Recommendation is
captured in an ITU Resolution. Also places obligations
on Member States to enforce compliance with ITU
Decisions, Recommendations and Resolutions within
their borders.
Will delay the decision to open up ITU documents until
the next PP in 2018
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Doc No.
Contribution Origin – & key
ITU Role in Strengthen Youth
Capabilities in building
Telecommunications/ICT Society
Assistance and support to Ukraine for
guaranteeing the use of frequency and
numbering resources in the territories of
the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and
the city of Sevastopol
Arab States: proposal to support
partnerships to promote youth in ITU
Ukraine: proposal on use of Ukraine
spectrum and numbering resources in
disputed territories using Ukraine’s
resources, to have ITU support, and to ask
that operators recognize use of resources to
route traffic to all areas.
India: proposal to have ITU-D and ITU-T
engage more in capacity building for
SDNs, such as with workshops and other
events regarding technology adoption and
CITEL: proposes to have the ITU work to
preserve and promote multilingualism
To promote efforts for early adoption of
Software Defined Networking (SDN) in
developing countries
34(Rev.1) A1
Preserving and promoting
multilingualism on the Internet for an
integrating and inclusive information
Protecting Telecommunications Service
34(Rev.1) A1
CITEL: proposes that the ITU and Member
States create and promote the development
of policies at providing transparent and
accurate information to consumers about
telecommunication services, including
international roaming rates
Internet Impacts
Similar to resource use proposals from Serbia and the
territories/newly formed countries that broke a way in the
last decade - very political in nature. ITU-T SG2 does
have Recommendations that address the separation and
use of numbering resources.
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
PP-14 Proposals to modify CS/CV
33 A1
Argentina, Brazil, Canada,
Brazil, Canada, Colombia and the US
ITU Council Report
67 A2
67 A2
CS/CV Proposal
NOC Art.1, 4, 7, 8
Proposal to modify Art.5 on the duties of
the SecGen
Art. 5 Definitions NOC
Annex Definition of Certain Terms NOC
Proposal to amend the duties of
DepSecGen per Art. 11
Proposal for stabilization of the CS\CV
NOC to Basic provisions and Art. 4
Proposal from Russia to amend Art.28 to
modify text on the ITU expenses, Art. 10
on financial review and control, Art.33
modifications to article on finances
Review of the current methodologies and
development of a future vision for the
participation of Sector Members,
Associates and Academia in the activities
of the ITU
NOC to Constitution; NOC to Convention
NOC to Annex Definition of Certain
Propose amendments to various Art.
Regarding the financial aspects of the ITU
and the approval process
Internet Impacts
No Change to CS\CV or to the ITU mandate
No change to ITU definitions
This requires PP agreement to revise the text of the ITU
Constitution and Convention
Report recommends that the ITU implement changes to
simplify and improve fairness for Sector membership as
well as look into establishing various pricing
methodologies, rights and obligations depending on
membership category
Stable ITU Constitution and Convention; no expansion of
No change in definitions
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
PP-10 Decisions – Potential modifications
PP-10 Decisions
PP-14 Proposals
Internet Impacts
(Guadalajara, 2010)
Creation and Management of Council
Working Groups
APT: proposed that CWGs be combined if
possible, no proposals on revising the
makeup of WGs
USA: supports opening up the CWGs to
all Member States and Sector Members as
well as to provide for active and full
support of all interested stakeholders in
the discussions and contributions of all
WGs addressing international internetrelated public policy.
CEPT: proposed modifications that all
working groups shall be open to all
Member States and Sector Members; and
that working groups dealing with Internetrelated issues shall be open to all
interested stakeholders.
UAE: modification to address ITU
Telecom events, focus of proposal is on
requirements for host country
Note that in the CWG on International Internet Public
Policy, participation is currently limited to Member States
only, which excludes the Internet Community.
(Guadalajara, 2010)
Free online access to ITU Publications
ATU-69: Supports free online access to
ITRs, Radio regulations, Council
decisions and for disaster relief
RCC: supports continuing the current free
online access under a permanent
arrangement to instruments of the Union,
administrative regulations, rules of
procedure and other materials currently
provided under the trial arrangement
This is part of the push for more transparency as well as
unrestricted access to ITU materials by non-ITU Sector
Members, however this does not include TIES restricted
working materials. Budgetary implications for ITU.
New Decision on access to ITU
CEPT: The main purpose of this new
decision is to provide public access to all
ITU documents, unless where disclosure
would cause potential harm to a legitimate
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
PP-10 Decisions
PP-14 Proposals
Internet Impacts
private or public interest that outweighs
the benefits of accessibility. Furthermore,
the Decision instructs the Secretary
General to develop a policy on public
access to ITU documents.
General Items that have been submitted to PP for Discussion
Doc No.
New Items for PP Discussion
Summary of Proposal
From ITU SG – Resolution 4 (Dubai
2012) – Periodic review of the ITRs
Text from WCIT ITR Resolution
submitted for information to the PP
From ITU SG –
Report on the work carried out by the
Correspondence Group on the
Elaboration of a working definition of the
term ”ICT”
Background on the work carried out to
develop and agree (by TDAG) on the
proposed working definition of ICT as the
Technologies and equipment that
handle (e.g., access, create, collect,
store, transmit, receive, disseminate)
information and communication.
As Council was unable to come to
agreement on the working definition that
was proposed, this report is being sent to
PP for consideration.
A list of relevant WTDC 2014
Resolutions that PP should take note of
• Resolution 45 (Rev. Dubai 2014)
Mechanisms for enhancing
cooperation on cybersecurity,
including countering and combating
Internet Impacts
Definitions is a key topic for Plenipot
There were two items of note from the Contribution for
consideration of a an ICT definition that will come up
again at PP:
• The objective of the definition of ICT is confined to
the use in the recommendations and resolutions of
each ITU sector and it is envisioned that single agreed
definition should cover the scope of the entire ITU
activities related to ICT.
• The terms “telecommunications/ICT” or
“telecommunication/ICT services” are widely used in
the Resolutions of the Plenipotentiary Conference and
in Resolutions of WTSAs and WTDCs. The use of the
working definition of ICT in such scenario requires
further analysis.
SG report on WTDC 2014 Resolutions that might be of
interest to PP
ITU Plenipotentiary 2014 – Issues Matrix as of 16 October 2014
Doc No.
New Items for PP Discussion
Summary of Proposal
Internet Impacts
• Resolution 82 (Rev. Dubai, 2014)
Preserving and promoting
multilingualism on the Internet for an
inclusive information society
Further study on information/document
access in ITU
Report on full disclosure of all
information and documents generated by
the ITU. Also noted that the proposed
policy is subject to exceptions for
information falling into well-defined
categories deemed to be confidential and
therefore not available to the public.
Potential to allow all interested parties to have access to
the ITU documents and publications free of charge as
online downloads
SG - Comprehensive report on the Rights,
obligations and Conditions for
participation of Sector members,
Associates and Academia
Document provides a comprehensive
report to the Plenipotentiary Conference
on rights and obligations/conditions for
participation of Sector Members,
Associates, and Academia, as appropriate,
in meetings of all three Sectors and in
Council and Plenipotentiary Conferences
Its important to note that PP must approve and grant
exemption from paying membership fees, subject to
APT response to C59 on Access to ITU
APT provided an revised outline of a
policy for making ITU documents
available to the public
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