
G. Caboto Club Notizie / News May, 2016 Dal Presidente Dennis

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G. Caboto Club Notizie / News May, 2016 Dal Presidente Dennis
G. Caboto Club Notizie / News May, 2016
Dal Presidente Dennis Segatto
Dear Members,
As the weather improves, we hope to complete work on the new
parking lot and get on with the landscaping as well as hooking up the
2 docking zones for electric cars. The Board has given the task of
organizing the 100th anniversary celebration to the Public Relations Committee,
which will remain in place as an Ad Hoc Committee to see this important event
fulfilled. Although the Club is very strong financially, our Board and General
Manager will be taking a closer look at ways to cut costs and expenses to continue to
improve our profitability. I am pleased to report that younger people are becoming
members thus ensuring growth in our numbers. I encourage new members as well as
all our veteran members to become more involved in Club activities. I ask anyone that
has Facebook to share the Club's events with friends to help promote our Club. The
Club has received several awards: one from the Syrian Community which held two
very large fund raising events at our Club; also a Community Champion Award from
Trillium Gift of Life Network in conjunction with Windsor-Essex Gift of Life
Association, in recognition of outstanding effort to champion the cause of Organ and
Tissue Donation. We welcomed 9 hockey players from Italy playing in the CARHA
Tournament and treated them to pizza and drinks on Monday April 4th and gave them
a tour of the Club. They signed a jersey and gave it to us as a gift.
A special thank you to those who donate blood on behalf of the Club, last year we
donated over 600 units of blood for the fourth straight year!
President: Dennis Segatto
Cari Soci,
Speriamo che con l’avvicinarsi del buon tempo possiamo finire al piú presto il
nuovo parcheggio cosi possiamo proseguire con i lavori di landscaping. Le due
zone di parcheggio per le vetture elettriche saranno pronte imminentemente.
Abbiamo dato il compito di organizzare le celebrazioni per il 100°
anniversario del Caboto Club al Comitato Relazioni Pubbliche che rimarrà
responsabile fino al compimento delle celebrazioni. Il Consiglio assieme al
Manager del Club stanno esaminando metodi su come tagliare spese e
risparmiare, allo scopo di migliorare il profitto in paragone agli anni
precedenti. Il Club é molto solido finanziariamente e l’arrivo di nuovi soci
giovani ci aiutano a crescere, con la speranza che diventino piú attivi con le
attività del Club. Abbiamo ricevuto un premio di merito dalla Comunità
Siriana che hanno tenuto due grandi eventi di raccolta fondi al nostro Club.
Abbiamo ricevuto anche un Community Champion Award dalla Trillium Gift
of Life Network in congiunzione con l’Associazione Windsor-Essex Gift of
Life, in riconoscimento per il nostro contributo verso la causa degli Organi e
Tessuti. Chiedo a tutti voi che usate Facebook di condividere gli eventi del
Club con i vostri amici allo scopo di promuovere il nostro Club. Un particolare
ringraziamento a voi che donate il sangue a nome del Club. L’anno scorso
abbiamo donato oltre 600 unità di sangue che si ripete per 4 anni consecutivi.
Il 4 Aprile abbiamo ospitato 9 giocatori di hockey venuti dall’Italia per un
Torneo del CARHA. Abbiamo offerto delle pizze e bevande e hanno visitato il
nostro Club. Hanno autografato una maglietta e ce l’hanno regalata.
Presidente: Dennis Segatto
Giovanni Caboto di Saverio Galli
Maggio 2016:
04 GCC Charity Pasta Night
07 Banchetto Torneo Invernale
08 Mother’s Day Brunch
09 Italian W.C. General Meeting
12 Riunione Consiglio
15 Assemblea
16 Italian W.C. Afternoon Social
23 Caboto Park Opening
Torneo di Bocce
30 Italian W.C. Afternoon Social
Giugno 2016:
01 GCC Charity Pasta Night
05 G.C. Park Torneo di Bocce
09 Riunione Consiglio
12 B. Tonial Golg Tournament
13 Italian W.C. Dinner & Meeting
19 Festa del Papà
20 Italian W.C. Afternoon Social
Luglio 2016:
03 Children’s Picnic Caboto Park
G.C. Park Torneo di Bocce
06 GCC Charity Pasta Night
31 Scholarship Deadline
Agosto 2016:
01 G.C. Park Torneo di Bocce
03 GCC Charity Pasta Night
11 Riunione Consiglio
21 Car Show
22 Italian W.C. Executive Meeting
26 Gara di Salumi
30 Home Made Wine Deadline
Settembre 2016:
05 Chiusura Caboto Park
Torneo di Bocce
07 GCC Charity Pasta Night
08 Riunione Consiglio
09 Wine Tasting Contest
10 Banchetto Assoc. Siciliana
12 Italian W.C. Meeting & Buffet
16 Beer Tasting
18 Riunione Consiglio
Nominations Open
19 Italian W.C. Afternoon Social
21-22 Fall Wedding Event
23 Puglia Regional Dinner
25 Caboto Soccer Banquet
26 Italian W.C. Executive Meeting
Caboto Youth Choir / Coro Gioventú
We can hardly believe that another season with the Coro Gioventù will
soon be coming to a close. Although final Choir practices for the season
will be held in May, we have many fun performances ahead. Next
performances: St. Angela Merici Mass (May 7, 4:30pm). Summer
performances will include the Carrousel of the Nations Italian Village
(June) and the St. Angela Merici Festival (August). A big thank you to all
of our talented and dedicated Choir members and their families.
Congratulations on another very successful year! Laura D’Agnolo & Sarah
Villella, Choir Directors. Info: Caboto Club Office 519-252-8383
Editorial Board
Editor; Joe Vesco
V. Editor; Mauro Chechi
Roberto Brait (pp)
Mario Fabris (pp)
Gino Piazza, Tino Pistor
Paolo Savio (pp)
Matt Sgrazzutti, Dan Tonial,
Roberto Tonial (pp)
For the Next Edition, please send
articles by email to:
[email protected] or
[email protected]
by August 5, 2016
Chairman: Mauro Chechi
Co-Chairman: Gino Piazza
Il comitato si riserva la facoltà di
modificare il contenuto.
NASCAR Sprint Cup Series
Pure Michigan 400
Sunday, August 28, 2106
Transportation from Caboto Club to Michigan Speedway.
Departure 8:00 a.m. Return about 9:00 p.m. Seats Turn 1 and Center
Stands. Cost: $65 (US) Speedway ticket and $60.00 (CDN) for
transportation and tailgate. Deadline to sign-up and pay is Friday, June 1,
2016 in the Caboto Office.
Chairman: Adriano Zanchetta
The committee reserves the right to
edit submissions without changing
to the content.
Office 519 252-8383
Fax 519 252-6954
Bar 519 252-4910
[email protected]
Nuovi Soci per il mese di:
Febbraio, 2016
Erin Zonta
Lucio Franceschelli
Caboto Club Parking Lot
Sunday, August 21st, 2016
Marzo, 2016
Antonio Da Fré
Rocco Richard Moceri
$10.00 fee for car registration.
Free to the Public.
Chairman: Mauro Chechi
Dei Soci Recentemente Deceduti
Of Recently Deceased Members
Photo Contest / Gara Fotografica
The themes are:
Photos of Windsor, Flowers and Pets.
Deadline Nov. 25, 2016
I temi sono: Foto di Windsor, Fiori e
Animaletti domestici.
Chairman: Mauro Chechi
Mauro Bome
Giovanni Greco
Ronald Truant
Elio Lori
Arideo Ciarocchi
Salvatore Lopez
Giovanni Caruso
George Zimbalatti
New Members for February, 2016
Erin Zonta, Lucio Franceschelli
New Members for March, 2016
Antonio Dafré, Rocco Richard Moceri
Young Members
Nel Notiziario di Marzo, 2016,
abbiamo usato il nome sbagliato
per un nuovo socio di Novembre
2015. Il nome corretto é David
The Young Members Committee is looking into
organizing teams to play Sand Volleyball and setting
up a ‘Three on Three Basketball’ competition come
this spring and summer, for information and
suggestions, Contact: Chairman: Frank De Luca or
Co-Chairman: Anthony Cutrone.
David Buzzeo
Dear Members of the Caboto Club,
Your 2016 Membership dues are levied as of January 31, 2016. Please
note that if you have not paid, you are no longer a member in good
standing and you may lose all benefits from the Mutual as well as Club
privileges. Please make payments to the office as soon as possible to
avoid receiving a registered letter and incurred penalties.
Financial Secretary: Giuliano Lunardi
Cari Soci del Caboto Club,
La vostra quota di tesseramento per l’anno 2016 é dovuta entro il 31 Gennaio, 2016. Si prega di notare che
se un Socio non paga il tesseramento non verrà considerato un Socio in regola e rischia di perdere tutti i
diritti e benefici del Club e del Mutuo. Per favore mettetevi in regola con i pagamenti, per evitare di
ricevere una lettera raccomandata con una eventuale multa per le spese di posta.
Segretario di Finanza: Giuliano Lunardi
Email Addresses
Dear Members,
You will soon be receiving a phone call from one of your Board Members
asking you for your email address. If you have an email address, please
provide it, as we will be using emails to better communicate with our
membership, items like news, events and specials for Members. We do have
some emails already on file, so if you don’t receive a call, it means that we
have your email. Feel free to contact the Communications Committee below
if you have recently changed your email.
Chairman: Roberto Tonial ([email protected])
Co-Chairman: Giuliano Lunardi ([email protected])
Caboto Italcultura-Cultural & Members Events
Chairman: Gino Piazza Co-chairman: Mauro Chechi
1. July 3, Sunday ---------------2. July 10, Sunday -------------3. August 4, Thursday --------4. August 4, Thursday --------5. August 13, Saturday -------6. August 21, Sunday ---------7. August 26, Friday ----------8. August 28, Sunday ---------9. August 31, Wednesday-----10. September 9, Friday -------11. September 16, Friday -----12. September 23, Friday -----13. September 25, Sunday -----14. September 30, Friday ------15. October 22, Saturday -------
Children’s Picnic at the Caboto Park
Essex County Wine Tour
12 days Cruise or Land Trip to Italy
2 to 3 week exchange trip to Miranda, Molise, Italy
Essex County Wine Tour
Caboto Car Show at the Caboto Club
Gara di Salumi at the Caboto Club
NASCAR Michigan Speedway day trip
Deadline for Homemade Wine contest
Caboto Wine Tasting event
Caboto Craft Beer Tasting event
Puglia Regional Dinner
Essex County Wine Tour
4 days/3nights trip to Ottawa
Essex County Wine Tour
Anyone who is interested in going on the following:
12 Day Cruise Italy, 12 Day Land Trip Italy or have
children that are interested in the trip to Miranda,
Italy, must sign-up no later than May 20, 2016. Full
details are available in the Caboto office.
1) – 12 Day Mediterranean Cruise, 7 ports,
transportation return from Windsor and all taxes
included = $3,517.66 (CAD per person).
2) – 12 Day Land Tour Italy, 10 cities,
transportation return from Windsor and all taxes
included = $3,626.00 (CAD per person).
3) – 2 to 3 week Miranda, Isernia, Molise, Italy
adventure for those 16+, cost is only a plane ticket
as accommodations will be with families in
Miranda, Italy.
Attenzione…Data Ultima
Le persone interessate ad andare alle seguenti:
12 giorni di crociera in Italia, 12 giorni di gita in
Italia con l’autobus, o che hanno figli interessati a
trascorrere un paio di settimane a Miranda, Isernia,
Italia, dovranno registrarsi non piú tardi del 20
Maggio, 2016. Ulteriori informazioni sono
disponibili all’ufficio del Club.
1) Crociera Mediterranea di 12 giorni, 7 Porti,
andata e ritorno da Windsor incluso le tasse =
$3,517.66 Cad. a persona.
2) Gita di 12 giorni con l’autobus, incluso andata e
ritorno da Windsor e le tasse = $3,626.00 Cad. a
3) Da 2 a 3 settimane a Miranda, Isernia, Italia per i
giovani superiori ai 16 anni. Costa solamente il
biglietto aereo, in quanto le accomodazioni saranno
offerte dalle famiglie di Miranda, Italia.
Dear Members, the winter has come and gone.
Now we focus on the task of achieving our pledge
of 600 Donations to the Canadian Blood Services
for the balance of 2016. The G. Caboto Club
Blood Drive Committee asks for your support in
reaching our goal. The next scheduled Drives are
Thursday June 2nd and Thursday October 6, 2016.
You should also know that you may donate at any
other time by simply calling C.B.S.
1-888-2DONATE ( 1-888-236-6283 ) or online at
I want to especially thank the members of the
Blood Drive Committee for their dedication.
Please remember that blood is LIFE and the blood
donation you make today will save an individuals
LIFE tomorrow, so make an appointment and
Chairman: John Naccarato
Co-Chairman: Frank De Luca
Cari Soci, l’inverno é trascorso. Adesso il nostro
compito é di superare la quota di 600 donazioni alla
Canadian Blood Services per la rimanenza dell’anno
2016. Il comitato del G. Caboto Blood Drive chiede
la vostra collaborazione per raggiungere il nostro
obbiettivo. Le prossime date fissate per le donazioni
sono il 2 Giugno, e 6 Ottobre 2016. Sappiate anche
che potete fare la vostra donazione in altri giorni,
semplicemente chiamando la C.B.S. al 1-8002DONATE (1-800-236-6283) oppure visitando il
Desidero ringraziare i soci del Blood Drive
Committee per la loro dedicazione. Prego di
ricordare che il sangue é VITA e il sangue che
donate oggi salverà la VITA di qualcuno nel futuro,
quindi fate un appuntamento e DONATE.
Chairman: John Naccarato
Co-Chairman: Frank De Luca
Il comitato ha lavorato tanto per preparare
l'apertura del Caboto Park, lunedi 23 maggio 2016.
Ha fatto una pulizia generale, con delle riparazioni
ai tavoli, e stà preparando la cucina per poter
servire i tipici piatti del G. Caboto, pasta, pollo e
trippa. La bocciofila maschile iniziera' il suo primo
torneo estivo. La giornata si prevede divertente per
Venite numerosi con amici e parenti.
Ci vediamo al Caboto Park!
Chairman: Giuliano Lunardi
Co-Chairman: Robert Brun
The Park Committee has been working hard in
preparation for the opening on Monday, May 23,
2016. The park grounds have been cleaned, tables
repaired and the kitchen is ready to serve.
Come out and relax, enjoy traditional Caboto cuisine
including pasta, chicken and trippa; just to name a
few. The Men’s Bocciofila will be hosting their
season opening tournament. The day promises to be
fun for all. Come out and enjoy some time with
family and friends. Looking forward to seeing you
Chairman: Giuliano Lunardi
Co-Chairman: Robert Brun
Children’s Picnic Sunday, July 3, 2016
Starting at 12:00 Noon at Caboto Park
*Rain or Shine….Pioggia o Sole*
Info: Caboto Office (519) 252-8383
Chairman: Pietro Palermo
Co-Chairman: Matt Sgrazzutti
Il Comitato Funerali
E’ molto importante che i soci attendano i funerali dei nostri soci defunti. Ringrazio le guardie d’onore e
tutti coloro che partecipano.
Chairman: Dino Rizzo
Co-Chairman: Dennis Segatto
Bruno Tonial Memorial
2016 Caboto Club Golf Tournament
Sunday June 12, 2016
Seven Lakes Golf Course
Located at 7200 Disputed Rd, LaSalle, Ontario
Registration at 8:00am Shotgun start 8:30am Sharp!
Cost $125.00 per person
Dinner at Caboto Club at 3:30 pm
For further information and registration forms, see attached flyer or contact the Office.
Italian of the Year
The recipient of this prestigious award, presented by the Giovanni
Caboto Club of Windsor, is selected by members of the Italian
Community. The award recognizes individuals who exemplify
honour and excellence in their profession and are involved in, and
display a commitment to the spirit of the presence of Italian culture
in the Windsor & Essex County area. This year's recipient, Raffaele
Meo, was gracious and well deserving. I would like to thank
everyone who participated for making this special event a
resounding success. We are now accepting nominee's for next
year's event.
Chairman: John Bonato
Co-Chairman: Pietro Palermo
Italiano Dell’Anno
L’Italiano che riceve questo prestigioso premio, presentato dal
Giovanni Caboto Club, viene selezionato dalla Comunità Italiana di
Windsor e Contea di Essex. Il premio riconosce individui che
esemplificano onore e eccellenza nell’ambito della loro professione
e che sono coinvolti nell’impegno di mantenere viva la cultura
Italiana nella zona di Windsor e Contea di Essex. Il premiato di
quest’anno, Raffaele Meo, é stato gentile e meritevole. Desidero
ringraziare tutti coloro che hanno partecipato a questo speciale
evento rendendolo un grande successo. Si accettano nominazioni
per il prossimo anno.
Chairman: John Bonato Co-Chairman: Pietro Palermo
Local Fall Trip to Ottawa September 30 - October 3, 2016
A fully guided trip with a local tour company will include departure from the Caboto Club on board a
motor coach (bus). Late afternoon check in for 3 nights at the Marriot Downtown Ottawa. Included with
Saturday admission to the Museum of History, a river cruise lunch, a guided city bus tour with stops at the
Parliament Building, Supreme Court, Rideau Hall, Rideau Canal, Prime Minister's Residence and War
Memorial. Group dinner included on Saturday night. On Sunday a guided bus tour to visit Gatineau Park
and the Fall colours of the area with lunch included. We will depart early Monday morning for the return
trip to Windsor. Limited to 36 seats. Cost $729 per person based on double occupancy and includes HST.
Leave your name and phone number with the office and we will contact you.
Chairman: Giuliano Lunardi Co-Chairman: Ron Moro
Gain from Caboto Mentoring Program
We invite our younger members to mine the Wealth of Knowledge & Experience (very wide field) of our
elder members that have volunteered to Mentor & put you on the right road to avoid pitfalls & achieve
success! For further information, please contact Rick Buzzeo at ([email protected]).
Chairman: Rick Buzzeo
Co-Chairman: Andy Moro
Gara di Salumi Contest
It's that time again. All club members with children
graduating Grade 12 this year are invited to apply for
"Caboto Scholarships". Applications are available for
pick-up in the G. Caboto Club office.
Deadline is July 31, 2016; 4:00 pm!
Any questions about criteria or qualifications contact:
J. Bonato: [email protected]
or phone 519-979-8559
We are hosting our 3rd Annual Home Made
Salumi Contest, Friday August 26th at
7:00pm. Please be sure to register early.
Contact either the office or myself if you
have and entry. You must be a Member of
the G. Caboto Club to participate in this
event. Prizes will be awarded in every
category. Good luck to all!
Chairman: John Benotto
Co-Chairman: Matt Sgrazzutti
Chairman: John Bonato
Co-Chairman: Ian Accetta
Homemade Wine Tasting
Gara Vini Fatti in Casa
Between August 1st and August 31st we will, once
again, be asking our members to drop off their
homemade wine at the office. Bragging rights are on
the line and the winners will be announced at our
Annual Wine Tasting September 9th. Good luck.
Tra il 1° Agosto e il 31 Agosto, ancora una volta
chiederemo ai nostri soci di lasciare il loro vino
fatto in casa presso l’ufficio del Club. I vincitori
verranno annunciati alla gara annuale d’assaggio
vini che si terrà il 9 Settembre, 2016.
Chairman: Matt Sgrazzutti
Co-Chairman: Pietro Palermo
Chairman: Matt Sgrazzutti
Co-Chairman: Pietro Palermo
Wine Tasting
Gara Assaggio Vini
On September 9th we will be holding our annual
wine tasting, which is a favourite to summer’s end
amongst members and friends. We invite everyone
to try their luck and knowledge in tasting various
Chairman: Matt Sgrazzutti
Co-Chairman: Pietro Palermo
Il 9 Settembre si terrà la gara annuale Assaggio
Vini. Un evento favorito di fine estate fra soci e
amici. Vi invitiamo a partecipare e dare prova
della vostra conoscenza dei vari vini.
Chairman: Matt Sgrazzutti
Co-Chairman: Pietro Palermo
Attention * BEER TASTERS * Attention
We have changed the date of our annual beer tasting from June 10 to
September 16 to enhance our tasting experience. This year’s event will be a
food pairing event, featuring Railway City Brewing, Maclean's Brewery,
Walkerville Brewery, Lake of Bays Brewery, and Motorcraft Ales with 6
differently selected beers with complementing food dishes.
Chairman: Matt Sgrazzutti Co-Chairman: Alessandro Sorrentino
Caboto Wine Tours 2016
Dates and Locations
Sunday, July 10, 2016 – Mastronardi, Aleksander, Pelee Island, Cooper’s Hawk
Saturday, August 13, 2016 – Cooper’s Hawk, Muscedere, Oxley, Paglione
Sunday, September 25, 2016 – North 42, Muscedere, Colio, Sprucewood Shores
Saturday, October 22, 2016 – Colio, Muscedere, Sprucewood Shores, Oxley
Cost & Transportation
$55 per person
Lunch, 4 wine tours/tastings, and bus transportation are included
20-24 people per wine tour
If there are not 20 people paid by the week before, the tour will be
- Pick up and drop off at the G. Caboto Club
Chairman: Robert Brun
Co-Chairmen: Giovanni Martinello & Giordano Sorrentino
Fly UP