Trustworthy medical databases
Trustworthy medical databases In Text Freq Key Concept cartilage 306 cancer 102 tumor 36 tumors 36 cancers 3 cells 111 cell 54 treatment 96 treated 30 treatments 12 therapeutic 9 treat 6 shark cartilage angiogenesis inhibitors 146 42 Type Total Score Cartilage MeSH 306 0.047 Neoplasms MeSH 177 0.027 Cells MeSH 165 0.025 Therapeutics MeSH 153 0.023 Shark cartilage Other 146 0.022 Angiogenesis inhibitors MeSH 42 0.012 !" # $ What are the risk factors % neoplasmas del cuello uterino AND factores de riesgo for cancer of the cervix? neoplasias do colo uterino AND fatores de risco MeSH Mapping krebs der zervix AND risikofaktoren Search Engine facteur risque AND tumeur col utérus 5 languages: English, French, German, Spanish & Portuguesse Ask query in your mother tongue and get result in other languages Submit pages in an other language and get the results in your mother tongue How is search carried out? • MeSH terms are boosted • Synonyms are used • TF-IDF (Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency) – Content – Title – URL • Spatial proximity decrease of the keywords – i.e: Are the keywords present next to each other in a window of 1, 5, 10, 100, 1000 or more. Smart display of results • Automatic Conclusion Detection – Hypothesis: a conclusion is a good candidate to synthesize the results as a key sentence – Learn with 12,000 citations from MEDLINE (where argumentative TAGs such as CONCLUSION are indicated) – The system has 97.5% precision (to identify conclusion) • KWIC (KeyWords In Context) – Display “relevant” extracts of the document, selected by: • Keyword diversity (synonyms included) • Keyword weighting • Display of the original document with #& ' #( %"# $ – Naive Bayes classifier on 4 classes, PURPOSE, METHOD, RESULTS and CONCLUSION – 3 types of feature are linearly combined: stem, stem bigram and stem trigram. Evaluation – 15.56% of the results are mis-recognised as conclusion – 97.57% of conclusions are well recognised (F-Score 85%) Other functionalities • Language guesser (5 languages) – Lexical approach from • StopWord lexicon • MeSH – Ngram approach for unknown words counted from • MeSH • Spelling corrector, e.g. “Do you mean…?” – MeSH words (boosted) – Common Dictionary words – Performs search, identifies spelling errors, Contextual Reformulation Based on MeSH mapping PreProcess of the document MeSH terms common to the results documents # • Three types of questionnaire (fr/en): Technical, Satisfaction and Ergonomic • The evaluation was online and compared WRAPIN with Google results • Queries: Free, pre-formatted, and URL for more than 30 medical disciplines • Two populations were considered: • « Normal Population », 15 tests (NP) • « HON Population », 2 tests or more (HP) # • Do you trust the reply(ies) given by the system? Q210 • WRAPIN NP HP Other engine TP NP HP TP Yes 265 49 314 200 26 226 No 44 6 50 78 15 93 Not sure 68 7 73 94 21 115 The perception of trustworthiness proves to be very positive on the side of WRAPIN. Conclusion of the User Evaluation • WRAPIN addresses a real need: • WRAPIN has the capacity to reply with summarized information, free of advertising. • WRAPIN has been perceived as informative, reliable and trustworthy. • In the view of the testers, WRAPIN outperforms other search engines for relevant queries. WRAPIN Conclusion & Perspective • The User evaluation was very encouraging • A new evaluation needs to be planned to take into account the latest version of WRAPIN • The ability to treat an URL is innovative • Multilingualism of WRAPIN is a great advantage • Coverage of the resource should be increased • Creation/modification date of the page should be taken into account • A Topic Sensitive Page Ranking should be added to select the best pages for a specific topic. Perspectives • Manual review is necessary BUT can be reinforced by automatic (computed) analysis: – HON is contributing to the PIPS* project: Multilingual quality criteria extractor with search facility * PIPS: Personalized Information Platform for life and health Service • Enhanced accessFP6: to507019 HONcodeaccredited Web sites Summing up: • Since its creation in 1995, HON protects and guides citizens as they seek health and medical information online • +5,000 sites from 72 countries are currently accredited by HON, and pledge to uphold the ethical code of conduct of the HON Foundation, the HONcode • In 2005, received Summing up: standards for online health information quality can be achieved • Membership in HONcode accreditation program and use of HON’s automated tools is increasing every year • Standards can infer quality from the information production process • Ethical quality standards overcome difficulties posed by volume of information and disagreement on scientific matters « Health and Medical Internet Usage » trends International recognition • In 2001, HON Foundation was recognized as a Non Governmental Organization and granted special consultative the HON Economic • status In May to2004, was and Social Councilofof the named winner the United «eEurope Nations Award (UNfor ECOSOC) eHealth» by the European Union and EU HON’s mission: To guide Internet users to reliable, understandable and relevant sources of online health and medical information. HON thanks Direction Générale, Département de l’Action Sociale et de Santé, Genève Established in 1995 under the aegis of Geneva Health Ministry (DASS) HON • Founders: – Dr. Don Lindberg, Vice-President – M. Guy Olivier Segond – Prof. Jean-Raoul Scherrer – M. Michel Carpentier, Vice-President • President: – Prof. Antoine Geissbühler Chief of Medical Informatics Service Geneva University Hospitals HON Team HONcode Accreditation Sergio Garcia Vicente, MD Erik Montesinos, MD Mélanie Provost, DPharm. Samia Reffas, Phd Mikhail Mizin Computer development Vincent Baujard Arnaud Gaudinat Hamidul Huq Design Ndaté Sylla Secretary Guilia Ramagnano Direction Celia Boyer Supported by: Département de l’Action Sociale et de Santé, Genève Powered by ReadSpeaker: the new voice of HON • "Voice-on-the-web" audio technology on the HON web site. The system will improve access for sight impaired and dyslexic users and anyone who prefers to listen rather than read. World-Wide online Reliable Advice to Patients and Individuals EU project: IST-2001-33260 – Two years (Sep 2001- Aug 2003) Partenaires: HON (Health On Net) HUG-SIM ( Service of Medical Informatics, University Hospital Geneva) Lertim (Laboratoire d' Enseignement et de Recherche sur le Traitement de l' information Médical ) MISS (Mission pour l’informatisation du système de santé) NICE Computing THALES Infromation systems XR-Partner Under the aegis of: Sous l’égide de: Département de l’Action Sociale et de Santé, Genève Powered by