2016 Indian River County 4-H Youth Fair Show and Auction
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2016 Indian River County 4-H Youth Fair Show and Auction
2016 Indian River County 4-H Youth Fair Show and Auction SCHEDULE of EVENTS MARCH 11, Friday 9:00 AM Check-in & weigh-in 12:00 PM All projects to be on the premises (except for steers) 5:30 PM Record books due to leaders 6:00 PM Mandatory Exhibitor’s Meeting 7:00 PM Dixie Wranglers-Exhibit Hall 7:30 PM Barn King/Queen Contest (Arena) MARCH 12, Saturday 9:00 AM Shooting Sports Competition at IRC Shooting Range 1:15 PM Citrus Tree Judging (Project Area) 2:30 PM Beef Cattle Breedstock Show (Arena) 3-5:00 PM Whip Cracking Contest (Main Stage) 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 7:15 PM Shooting Sports Contest Winners Announced (Arena) Dixie Wranglers-Exhibit Hall Baked Goods Auction (Arena) MARCH 13, Sunday 1:30 PM 4:00 PM 7:00 PM Rabbit & Cavy Show (Arena) Market Swine Show (Arena) Dixie Wranglers-Exhibit Hall MARCH 14, Monday 5:30–8:30 PM Chicken BBQ Contest 6:00 PM Poultry Show (Arena) 7:00 PM Dixie Wranglers-Exhibit Hall MARCH 15, Tuesday 8:00-9:00 AM Breedstock goes home 9:00 AM Steers arrive & weigh-in; carcass check for steer and swine 10:30 AM Deadline to have steers on the grounds 7:00 PM Meat Goat Breeding Show (Arena) MARCH 16, Wednesday 6:00 PM Dixie Wranglers 4-H Line dancing club performs (Main Stage) 6:45 PM Audrey’s Feed 7:00 PM Swine Showmanship (Arena) 7:00 PM Dixie Wranglers-Exhibit Hall MARCH 17, Thursday 7:00 PM Steer Show and Grooming (Arena) MARCH 18, Friday 7:00 PM Karaoke Contest & Barn Dance (Arena) 7:00 PM Dixie Wranglers-Exhibit Hall MARCH 19, Saturday 3-5:00 PM Buyer’s Appreciation Dinner 4:45 PM Trading Post Feed 5:00 PM Announcements Dixie Wranglers-Livestock Arena Live Auction of Market Steer & Swine, Grand/Reserve Grand Champion Citrus Trees, Grand/ Reserve Grand Poultry and Grand Champion/Reserve Rabbit Meat Pen (Arena) 5:00 PM Silent Auction of Citrus Trees & Poultry Ends (Project Areas) 7:00 PM Dixie Wranglers-Exhibit Hall MARCH 20, Sunday 8:00 AM Mandatory Barn Clean-Up All events and times subject to change without notice.