
Sociotechnical Approaches to Information Systems Development

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Sociotechnical Approaches to Information Systems Development
Sociotechnical Approaches to Information Systems Development
The British Computer Society Sociotechnical Group
Publications about the soci-technical approach
(1986) "Designing a Sociotechnical System", Agricultural Engineering, 67 (7), pp. 41-41.
(1996) "Introducing and Managing IT in a Civil Engineering Business - Reply", Proceedings of the
Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering, 114 (1), pp. 39-39.
Aarts, J. (2001) "On Articulation and Localization - Some Sociotechnical Issues of Design,
Implementation, and Evaluation of Knowledge Based Systems" in Artificial Intelligence in Medicine,
Proceedings, , pp. 16-19.
Abbott, A. (1995) "Sequence-Analysis - New Methods for Old Ideas", Annual Review of Sociology, 21
pp. 93-113.
Abraham, J. and J. Sheppard (1999) "Complacent and Conflicting Scientific Expertise in British and
American Drug Regulation: Clinical Risk Assessment of Triazolam", Social Studies of Science, 29 (6),
pp. 803-843.
Adams, M. L. (1994) "Quality 1st - a Model for Tqm Implementation and Planning", Ieee Aerospace and
Electronic Systems Magazine, 9 (2), pp. 25-27.
Adler, P. S. (1991) "Workers and Flexible Manufacturing Systems - 3 Installations Compared", Journal
of Organizational Behavior, 12 (5), pp. 447-460.
Adler, N. and P. Docherty (1998) "Bringing Business into Sociotechnical Theory and Practice", Human
Relations, 51 (3), pp. 319-345.
Adman, P. and L. Warren (2000) "Participatory Sociotechnical Design of Organizations and Information
Systems - an Adaptation of Ethics Methodology", Journal of Information Technology, 15 (1), pp. 39-51.
Ahire, S. L. and T. Ravichandran (2001) "An Innovation Diffusion Model of Tqm Implementation", Ieee
Transactions on Engineering Management, 48 (4), pp. 445-464.
Aibar, E. (1997) "Of Bicycles, Bakelites, and Bulbs. Toward a Theory of Sociotechnical Change Bijker,We", Arbor-Ciencia Pensamiento Y Cultura, 156 (615), pp. 121-125.
Alford, H. (1994) "Cellular Manufacturing - the Development of the Idea and Its Application", New
Technology Work and Employment, 9 (1), pp. 3-18.
Allegre, C. (2000) "Texts, Literary Corpora and New Electronic Technologies of Cultural Transmission",
Etudes Francaises, 36 (2), pp. 59-85.
Al-Mudimigh, A., M. Zairi and M. Al-Mashari (2001) "Erp Software Implementation: An Integrative
Framework", European Journal of Information Systems, 10 (4), pp. 216-226.
Anderson, W. L. and W. T. Crocca (1993) "Engineering Practice and Codevelopment of Product
Prototypes", Communications of the Acm, 36 (6), pp. 49-56.
Anderson, B., C. Gate, A. P. Gower, E. F. France, M. L. R. Jones, H. V. Lacohee, A. McWilliam, K.
Tracey and M. Trimby (2002) "Digital Living - People-Centred Innovation and Strategy", Bt Technology
Journal, 20 (2), pp. 11-29.
Ang, J. and F. Pavri (1994) "A Survey and Critique of the Impacts of Information Technology",
International Journal of Information Management, 14 (2), pp. 122-133.
Araujo, L. (1998) "Knowing and Learning as Networking", Management Learning, 29 (3), pp. 317-336.
Audirac, I. (2002) "Information Technology and Urban Form", Journal of Planning Literature, 17 (2), pp.
Ausubel, J. H. (1992) "Industrial Ecology - Reflections on a Colloquium", Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 89 (3), pp. 879-884.
Ausubel, J. H. (1994) "Directions for Environmental Technologies", Technology in Society, 16 (2), pp.
Axtell, C. M., P. E. Waterson and C. W. Clegg (1997) "Problems Integrating User Participation into
Software Development", International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 47 (2), pp. 323-345.
Axtell, C., K. Pepper, C. Clegg, T. Wall and P. Gardner (2001) "Designing and Evaluating Now Ways of
Working: The Application of Some Sociotechnical Tools", Human Factors and Ergonomics in
Manufacturing, 11 (1), pp. 1-18.
Baba, M. L. and O. Mejabi (1997) "Advances in Sociotechnical Systems Integration: Object-Oriented
Simulation Modeling for Joint Optimization of Social and Technical Subsystems", Human Factors and
Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 7 (1), pp. 37-61.
Baburoglu, O. N. (1992) "Tracking the Development of the Emery-Trist Systems Paradigm (Etsp)",
Systems Practice, 5 (3), pp. 263-290.
Bacon, N. and P. Blyton (2000) "High Road and Low Road Teamworking: Perceptions of Management
Rationales and Organizational and Human Resource Outcomes", Human Relations, 53 (11), pp. 14251458.
Badham, R., P. Couchman and M. Zanko (2000) "Implementing Concurrent Engineering", Human
Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 10 (3), pp. 237-249.
Baitsch, C. and F. Heideloff (1997) "Collective Construction Changes Organizational Reality - an
Illustration of the Relative Influence of Both Consultants and Organizations", Journal of Organizational
Change Management, 10 (3), pp. 217-&.
Barab, S. A., J. G. MaKinster, J. A. Moore and D. J. Cunningham (2001) "Designing and Building an onLine Community: The Struggle to Support Sociability in the Inquiry Learning Forum", Etr&D-Educational
Technology Research and Development, 49 (4), pp. 71-96.
Barabanschikov, V. A. (2003) "System Organization and Development of Mind", Psikhologicheskii
Zhurnal, 24 (1), pp. 29-46.
Barko, W. and W. Pasmore (1986) "Introductory Statement to the Special Issue on Sociotechnical
Systems - Innovations in Designing High-Performing Systems", Journal of Applied Behavioral Science,
22 (3), pp. 195-199.
Bartkus, B. R. (1997) "Employee Ownership as Catalyst of Organizational Change", Journal of
Organizational Change Management, 10 (4), pp. 331-&.
Bass, B. M. (1994) "Continuity and Change in the Evolution of Work and Human- Resource
Management", Human Resource Management, 33 (1), pp. 3-31.
Batteau, A. W. (2001) "A Report from the Internet2 "Sociotechnical Summit"", Social Science Computer
Review, 19 (1), pp. 100-105.
Battmann, W. and P. Klumb (1993) "Behavioral Economics and Compliance with Safety Regulations",
Safety Science, 16 (1), pp. 35-46.
Baugh, P. J. and D. M. Walters (1992) "Impact of DSS within the Context of Organization Change - an
Application of the Sociotechnical Approach to the Nhs", IFIP Transactions a-Computer Science and
Technology, 9 pp. 241-250.
Baugh, P. J. and D. M. Walters (1993) "Decision-Support Systems within the Nhs - an Investigation into
the Application of CASE-Mix Management-Systems in the UK- National-Health-Service", IFIP
Transactions a-Computer Science and Technology, 26 pp. 57-68.
Bawden, D. (1996) "Tools for Change and Progress. A Socio-Technical Approach to Business Process
Reengineering - Mumford,E, Beekman,Gj", International Journal of Information Management, 16 (2), pp.
Beekun, R. I. (1989) "Assessing the Effectiveness of Sociotechnical Interventions - Antidote OR Fad",
Human Relations, 42 (10), pp. 877-897.
Benders, J. and G. Van Hootegem (1999) "Teams and Their Context: Moving the Team Discussion
Beyond Existing Dichotomies", Journal of Management Studies, 36 (5), pp. 609-628.
Berg, M., C. Langenberg, I. vander Berg and J. Kwakkernaat (1998) "Considerations for Sociotechnical
Design: Experiences with an Electronic Patient Record in a Clinical Context", International Journal of
Medical Informatics, 52 (1-3), pp. 243-251.
Berg, M. (1999) "Patient Care Information Systems and Health Care Work: A Sociotechnical Approach",
International Journal of Medical Informatics, 55 (2), pp. 87-101.
Berg, M. (2002) "Patients and Professionals in the Information Society: What Might Keep Us Awake in
2013", International Journal of Medical Informatics, 66 (1-3), pp. 31-37.
Beuscart, J. S. (2002) "Putting Napster to Use: Between a Community and a Body of Customers - the
Construction and Regulation of a Sociotechnical Group", Sociologie Du Travail, 44 (4), pp. 461-480.
Bijker, W. E. (1993) "Do Not Despair - There IS Life after Constructivism", Science Technology &
Human Values, 18 (1), pp. 113-138.
Blosch, M. and D. Preece (2000) "Framing Work through a Socio-Technical Ensemble: The Case of
Butler Co", Technology Analysis & Strategic Management, 12 (1), pp. 91-102.
Boisot, M. and B. Cox (1999) "The I-Space: A Framework for Analyzing the Evolution of Social
Computing", Technovation, 19 (9), pp. 525-536.
Bonen, Z. (1981) "Evolutionary Behavior of Complex Sociotechnical Systems", Research Policy, 10 (1),
pp. 26-44.
Borner, K. and C. M. Chen (2002) "Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries: Motivation, Utilization, and
Socio-Technical Challenges" in Visual Interfaces to Digital Libraries, , pp. 1-9.
Bourque, R. (1999) "Union-Management Cooperation and Work Reorganization: Case Studies in
Quebec's Metallurgy and Paper Industries", Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 54 (1), pp. 136167.
Brandt, D. and E. Hartmann (1999) "Editorial: Research Topics and Strategies in Sociotechnical
Systems", Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 9 (3), pp. 241-243.
Brandt, D., E. Hartmann, C. Sander and G. Strina (1999) "Designing and Simulating Sociotechnical
Systems: Concepts and Strategies", Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 9 (3), pp. 245252.
Brown, G. (1995) "Community, Technology, and Risk - Collective Well-Being in the Aviation Industry",
Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 48 (3), pp. 259-267.
Brown, K. A., P. G. Willis and G. E. Prussia (2000) "Predicting Safe Employee Behavior in the Steel
Industry: Development and Test of a Sociotechnical Model", Journal of Operations Management, 18 (4),
pp. 445-465.
Burke, K. and L. Chidambaram (1995) "Developmental Differences between Distributed and Face-toFace Groups in Electronically Supported Meeting Environments - an Exploratory Investigation", Group
Decision and Negotiation, 4 (3), pp. 213-233.
Callon, M., C. Meadel and V. Rabeharisoa (2002) "The Economy of Qualities", Economy and Society,
31 (2), pp. 194-217.
Cambrosio, A., P. Keating and M. Mackenzie (1990) "Scientific Practice in the Courtroom - the
Construction of Sociotechnical Identities in a Biotechnology Patent Dispute", Social Problems, 37 (3),
pp. 275-293.
Campion, M. A., G. J. Medsker and A. C. Higgs (1993) "Relations between Work Group Characteristics
and Effectiveness - Implications for Designing Effective Work Groups", Personnel Psychology, 46 (4),
pp. 823-850.
Carayon, P. and M. J. Smith (2000) "Work Organization and Ergonomics", Applied Ergonomics, 31 (6),
pp. 649-662.
Carayon, P. and B. T. Karsh (2000) "Sociotechnical Issues in the Implementation of Imaging
Technology", Behaviour & Information Technology, 19 (4), pp. 247-262.
Carlson, W. B. and M. E. Gorman (1992) "Sociotechnical Graphs and Cognitive Maps - a Response",
Social Studies of Science, 22 (1), pp. 81-91.
Cherns, A. (1987) "Principles of Sociotechnical Design Revisted", Human Relations, 40 (3), pp. 153162.
Child, J. (1995) "Tools for Change and Progress - a Sociotechnical Approach to Business Process
Reengineering - Mumford,E, Beekman,Gj", New Technology Work and Employment, 10 (2), pp. 151154.
Chisholm, R. F. and J. T. Ziegenfuss (1986) "A Review of Applications of the Sociotechnical SystemsApproach to Health-Care Organizations", Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 22 (3), pp. 315-327.
Ciborra, C., P. Migliarese and P. Romano (1984) "A Methodological Inquiry of Organizational Noise in
Sociotechnical Systems", Human Relations, 37 (8), pp. 565-588.
Clancey, W. J. (1992) "Guidon-Manage Revisited - a Sociotechnical Systems-Approach", Lecture Notes
in Computer Science, 608 pp. 21-36.
Clancey, W. J. (1993) "The Knowledge Level Reinterpreted - Modeling Sociotechnical Systems",
International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 8 (1), pp. 33-49.
Clegg, C. (1994) "Psychology and Information Technology - the Study of Cognition in Organizations",
British Journal of Psychology, 85 pp. 449-477.
Clegg, C., P. Waterson and N. Carey (1994) "Computer-Supported Collaborative Working - Lessons
from Elsewhere", Journal of Information Technology, 9 (2), pp. 85-98.
Clegg, C. W., P. E. Waterson and C. M. Axtell (1996) "Software Development: Knowledge-Intensive
Work Organizations", Behaviour & Information Technology, 15 (4), pp. 237-249.
Clegg, C., P. Coleman, P. Hornby, R. Maclaren, J. Robson, N. Carey and G. Symon (1996) "Tools to
Incorporate Some Psychological and Organizational Issues During the Development of ComputerBased Systems", Ergonomics, 39 (3), pp. 482-511.
Clegg, C. W. (2000) "Sociotechnical Principles for System Design", Applied Ergonomics, 31 (5), pp.
Clegg, C. W., M. O. Gray and P. E. Waterson (2000) "The "'Charge of the Byte Brigade" and a SocioTechnical Response", International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 52 (2), pp. 235-251.
Cohen, S. G. and G. E. Ledford (1994) "The Effectiveness of Self-Managing Teams - a QuasiExperiment", Human Relations, 47 (1), pp. 13-43.
Cohen, S. G., G. E. Ledford and G. M. Spreitzer (1996) "A Predictive Model of Self-Managing Work
Team Effectiveness", Human Relations, 49 (5), pp. 643-676.
CohenRosenthal, E. (1997) "Sociotechnical Systems and Unions: Nicety or Necessity", Human
Relations, 50 (5), pp. 585-604.
Comfort, L. K. (2002) "Be Prepared!" Ieee Robotics & Automation Magazine, 9 (3), pp. 13-16.
Conrath, D. W. and R. S. Sharma (1992) "Toward a Diagnostic Instrument for Assessing the Quality of
Expert Systems", Data Base, 23 (1), pp. 37-43.
Constant, E. W. (1994) "Shaping Technology Building Society - Studies in Sociotechnical Change Bijker,We, Law,J", Journal of Social History, 27 (4), pp. 854-855.
Cooper, J., N. Gencturk and R. A. Lindley (1996) "A Sociotechnical Approach to Smart Card Systems
Design: An Australian Case Study", Behaviour & Information Technology, 15 (1), pp. 3-13.
Corlett, E. N. (1991) "Computers, Work and Health - a Sociotechnical Approach - Williams,Ta", Applied
Ergonomics, 22 (1), pp. 48-48.
Corolleur, F. (2001) "Knowledge Flows in National Systems of Innovation. A Comparative Analysis of
Sociotechnical Constituencies in Europe and Latin America", Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 11 (5),
pp. 573-577.
Costa, C., E. C. Correa, J. M. De Corte and J. C. Vansnick (2002) "Facilitating Bid Evaluation in Public
Call for Tenders: A Socio-Technical Approach", Omega-International Journal of Management Science,
30 (3), pp. 227-242.
Crook, S. (1998) "Minotaurs and Other Monsters: 'Everyday Life' in Recent Social Theory", Sociologythe Journal of the British Sociological Association, 32 (3), pp. 523-540.
Crouter, A. C. and B. Manke (1994) "The Changing American Workplace - Implications for Individuals
and Families", Family Relations, 43 (2), pp. 117-124.
Cullen, J. (1998) "The Needle and the Damage Done: Research, Action Research, and the
Organizational and Social Construction of Health in the "Information Society"", Human Relations, 51
(12), pp. 1543-1564.
Cummings, T. G. (1986) "A Concluding Note - Future-Directions of Sociotechnical Theory and
Research", Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 22 (3), pp. 355-360.
Cuny, X. and M. Lejeune (2003) "Statistical Modelling and Risk Assessment", Safety Science, 41 (1),
pp. 29-51.
Cutchergershenfeld, J., M. Nitta, B. Barrett, N. Belhedi, J. Bullard, C. Coutchie, T. Inaba, I. Ishino, S.
Lee, W. J. Lin, W. Mothersell, S. Rabine, S. Ramanand, M. Strolle and A. Wheaton (1994) "Japanese
Team-Based Work Systems in North-America - Explaining the Diversity", California Management
Review, 37 (1), pp. 42-64.
Cytrynbaum, S. (1995) "The Social Engagement of Social-Science - a Tavistock Anthology, Vol 2, the
Sociotechnical Perspective - Trist,E, Murray,H", International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 45 (4),
pp. 567-570.
Dankbaar, B. (1997) "Lean Production: Denial, Confirmation or Extension of Sociotechnical Systems
Design?" Human Relations, 50 (5), pp. 567-583.
Danziger, J. N., K. L. Kraemer, D. E. Dunkle and J. L. King (1993) "Enhancing the Quality of Computing
Service - Technology, Structure, and People", Public Administration Review, 53 (2), pp. 161-169.
Davis, K. H. (1981) "Expanded Socio-Technical Outlook Urged", Mechanical Engineering, 103 (4), pp.
Davis, R. H. (1982) "Sociotechnical Theory - Managing Boundaries to Enhance Student Learning",
Human Relations, 35 (4), pp. 261-281.
Davis, G. B., A. S. Lee, K. R. Nickles, S. Chatterjee, R. Hartung and Y. L. Wu (1992) "Diagnosis of an
Information-System Failure - a Framework and Interpretive Process", Information & Management, 23
(5), pp. 293-318.
de Haan, J. and K. van Mol (1999) "Soft-Investments Appraisal - Cost-Benefit Analysis of the
Implementation of Work Groups as an Example", International Journal of Operations & Production
Management, 19 (1), pp. 38-54.
de Laet, M. (2000) "Patents, Travel, Space: Ethnographic Encounters with Objects in Transit",
Environment and Planning D-Society & Space, 18 (2), pp. 149-168.
de Laet, M. and A. Mol (2000) "The Zimbabwe Bush Pump: Mechanics of a Fluid Technology", Social
Studies of Science, 30 (2), pp. 225-263.
de Leede, J. and J. K. Looise (1999) "Continuous Improvement and the Mini-Company Concept",
International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 19 (11), pp. 1188-1202.
de Leede, J., J. K. Looise and M. Verkerk (2002) "The Mini-Company - a Specification of Sociotechnical
Business Systems", Personnel Review, 31 (3), pp. 338-355.
de Moor, A. and W. J. van den Heuvel (2001) "Making Virtual Communities Work: Matching Their
Functionalities" in Conceptual Structures: Broadening the Base, Proceedings, , pp. 260-274.
de Moor, A. (2002) "Language/Action Meets Organisational Semiotics: Situating Conversations with
Norms", Information Systems Frontiers, 4 (3), pp. 257-272.
Degani, A. and E. L. Wiener (1993) "Cockpit Checklists - Concepts, Design, and Use", Human Factors,
35 (2), pp. 345-359.
Degreene, K. B. (1988) "Long-Wave Cycles of Sociotechnical Change and Innovation - a
Macropsychological Perspective", Journal of Occupational Psychology, 61 (1), pp. 7-23.
Degreene, K. B. (1990) "The Turbulent-Field Environment of Sociotechnical Systems - Beyond
Metaphor", Behavioral Science, 35 (1), pp. 49-59.
Degreene, K. B. (1991) "Evolving System-Fields, Versus Context-Free, Futures Perspectives - Some
Thoughts on Controllability", Systems Research, 8 (2), pp. 59-76.
Degreene, K. B. (1991) "Rigidity and Fragility of Large Sociotechnical Systems - Advanced Information
Technology, the Dominant Coalition, and Paradigm Shift at the End of the 20th-Century", Behavioral
Science, 36 (1), pp. 64-79.
Degreene, K. B. (1993) "Will There Be a 5th Kondratiev Cycle/Structure", Systems Research, 10 (4), pp.
Degreene, K. B. (1993) "Evolutionary Structure in the Informational Environmental Field of Large-Scale
Human Systems", Journal of Social and Evolutionary Systems, 16 (2), pp. 215-230.
Degreene, K. B. (1993) "The Growth of Exhaustion", European Journal of Operational Research, 69 (1),
pp. 14-25.
deJong, H. and A. Rip (1997) "The Computer Revolution in Science: Steps Towards the Realization of
Computer-Supported Discovery Environments", Artificial Intelligence, 91 (2), pp. 225-256.
Demchak, C. C. (2001) "Technology's Knowledge Burden, the Rma and the Idf: Organizing the
Hypertext Organization for Future 'Wars of Disruption'?" Journal of Strategic Studies, 24 (2), pp. 77-+.
Denison, D. R. (1982) "Sociotechnical Design and Self-Managing Work Groups - the Impact on Control",
Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 3 (4), pp. 297-314.
Descleves, E. and L. Letot (2001) "Technologies and Sociotechnical Systems for Future Destroyers",
Naval Engineers Journal, 113 (1), pp. 81-87.
deSitter, L. U., J. F. denHertog and B. Dankbaar (1997) "From Complex Organizations with Simple Jobs
to Simple Organizations with Complex Jobs", Human Relations, 50 (5), pp. 497-534.
Dhondt, S. and J. Benders (1998) "Missing Links - Production Structures and Quality of Working Life in
the Clothing Industry", International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 18 (11-12), pp.
di Norcia, V. (2002) "Diverse Knowledges and Competing Interests: An Essay on Socio- Technical
Problem-Solving", Science and Engineering Ethics, 8 (1), pp. 83-98.
Dillon, A. and M. G. Morris (1996) "User Acceptance of Information Technology: Theories and Models",
Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 31 pp. 3-32.
Dodier, N. (1994) "Cause and Blame - Sociotechnical Innovation and Moral Judgment as Regards
Accidents in the Workplace", Revue Francaise De Sociologie, 35 (2), pp. 251-281.
Dodier, N. (1997) "Comments on the Consciousness of the Collective in Sociotechnical Networks",
Sociologie Du Travail, 39 (2), pp. 131-148.
Doll, W. J. and M. A. Vonderembse (1991) "The Evolution of Manufacturing Systems - Towards the
Postindustrial Enterprise", Omega-International Journal of Management Science, 19 (5), pp. 401-411.
Duffield, J. E. and R. H. McCuen (2000) "Ethical Maturity and Successful Leadership", Journal of
Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, 126 (2), pp. 79-82.
Duncker, E. (2000) "How Lincs Were Made: Alignment and Exclusion in American Medical Informatics",
Information Society, 16 (3), pp. 187-199.
Dunne, E. A. (1992) "Organizational Aspects and Implications of Cognitive Skills in New Technologies",
Irish Journal of Psychology, 13 (1), pp. 51-61.
Dyersmith, M. B. A. (1992) "Shipboard Organization - the Choices for International Shipping", Journal of
Navigation, 45 (3), pp. 414-424.
Dyersmith, M. B. A. and M. Stein (1993) "Human Resourcing in the European Marine Industry",
European Review of Applied Psychology-Revue Europeenne De Psychologie Appliquee, 43 (1), pp. 511.
Dykman, C. A. (1992) "Refinery Constructors Incorporated - a CASE-Study in Adaptation to Advanced
Telecommunications Technology", Systems Practice, 5 (3), pp. 251-262.
Eason, K. D. (1991) "Ergonomic Perspectives on Advances in Human Computer Interaction",
Ergonomics, 34 (6), pp. 721-741.
Eason, K. (2001) "Changing Perspectives on the Organizational Consequences of Information
Technology", Behaviour & Information Technology, 20 (5), pp. 323-328.
Edwards, P. N. (1994) "Hypertext and Hypertension - Poststructuralist Critical-Theory, Social-Studies of
Science and Software", Social Studies of Science, 24 (2), pp. 229-278.
Effken, J. A. (2002) "Different Lenses, Improved Outcomes: A New Approach to the Analysis and
Design of Healthcare Information Systems", International Journal of Medical Informatics, 65 (1), pp. 5974.
Ehrenreich, R. M. (1996) "Archaeometallurgy and the Analysis of Early Sociotechnical Systems", JomJournal of the Minerals Metals & Materials Society, 48 (7), pp. 62-63.
Eichener, V. (1996) "The Impact of Technical Standards on the Diffusion of Anthropocentric Production
Systems", International Journal of Human Factors in Manufacturing, 6 (2), pp. 131-145.
Elden, M. (1986) "Sociotechnical Systems Ideas as Public-Policy in Norway - Empowering Participation
through Worker-Managed Change", Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 22 (3), pp. 239-255.
Elmhamedi, A. and Z. Binder (1992) "Sociotechnical Design and Evaluation of Production Systems",
International Journal of Systems Science, 23 (7), pp. 1141-1154.
Elzen, B., B. Enserink and W. A. Smit (1996) "Socio-Technical Networks: How a Technology Studies
Approach May Help to Solve Problems Related to Technical Change", Social Studies of Science, 26 (1),
pp. 95-141.
Emery, F. (1982) "Sociotechnical Foundations for a New Social-Order", Human Relations, 35 (12), pp.
Eschenfelder, K. (2001) "A Socio-Technical Analysis of Web Content Management: "Content Is King"" in
Asist 2001: Proceedings of the 64th Asist Annual Meeting, Vol 38, 2001, , pp. 517-524.
Esogbue, A. O. (1999) "The Computational Complexity of Some Fuzzy Dynamic Programs", Computers
& Mathematics with Applications, 37 (11-12), pp. 47-51.
Fahlbruch, B., R. Miller and B. Wilpert (1998) "Safety through Organizational Learning", AtwInternationale Zeitschrift Fur Kernenergie, 43 (11), pp. 699-703.
Fairhurst, G. T., S. Green and J. Courtright (1995) "Inertial Forces and the Implementation of a
Sociotechnical Systems-Approach - a Communication Study", Organization Science, 6 (2), pp. 168-185.
Fechter, W. (1988) "The CASE for the Sociotechnical Engineer", Manufacturing Engineering, 101 (3),
pp. 112-112.
Ferland, J. (1987) "Fragmented Socialism and Collective Socialism - a Socio- Technical Interpretation of
Workers Struggle in the Textile and Shoe Industry in Quebec, 1880-1914", Labour-Le Travail, (19), pp.
Fioranipiacentini, V. (1985) "Socio-Technical Formations and Politico-Administrative Structures on the
Southern Iranian Coast", Nuova Rivista Storica, 69 (3-4), pp. 277-280.
Franklin, I., D. Pain, E. Green and J. Owen (1992) "Job Design within a Human Centered (System)
Design Framework", Behaviour & Information Technology, 11 (3), pp. 141-150.
Frohlich, M. T. and J. R. Dixon (1999) "Information Systems Adaptation and the Successful
Implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Technologies", Decision Sciences, 30 (4), pp. 921-957.
Fujimoto, M., K. Miyazaki and N. von Tunzelmann (2000) "Complex Systems in Technology and Policy:
Telemedicine and Telecare in Japan", Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare, 6 (4), pp. 187-192.
Gaertner, T. (2002) "The Limitations of the Sociological Analyses - Socio-Technical Construct of Life
and Death in Intensive Care Medicine", Gesundheitswesen, 64 (11), pp. 613-613.
Gaines, B. R. and D. H. Norrie (1997) "Coordinating Societies of Research Agents - Ims Experience",
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, 4 (3), pp. 179-190.
Galliers, R. D., P. M. C. Swatman and P. A. Swatman (1995) "Strategic Information-Systems Planning Deriving Comparative Advantage from EDI", Journal of Information Technology, 10 (3), pp. 149-157.
Galliers, R. D. and B. S. H. Baker (1995) "An Approach to Business Process Reengineering: The
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