
July 1, 2015 James H. McCormick, Senior Consultant AGB Search

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July 1, 2015 James H. McCormick, Senior Consultant AGB Search
July 1, 2015
James H. McCormick, Senior Consultant
AGB Search
Dear Search Consultant and Search Committee:
Please consider this my expression of interest in the position of President of Dickinson State
University. At this time, I am completing my eleventh year as the Vice President and Dean of
Academic Affairs at the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford. Before coming to Bradford, I
served for twelve years as a faculty member and administrator at Spalding University in
Louisville, KY. My current position at a regional campus within the University of Pittsburgh
system is similar, in many respects, to opportunities and expectations presented by DSU. For
example, Pitt-Bradford is committed to making a difference in the local community as well as
the greater global community; the campus is in the middle of the Bradford oil field as well as the
Utica and the Marcellus Shale gas deposits (which the campus has responded to with academic
programing and various opportunities for students and faculty); and our campus is committed to
excellent teaching and student success. This resonates with the experiences available at DSU.
Additionally, my background is a reflection of my belief in the value of a liberal arts education
and during my career I have been fortunate to have the opportunity to work at institutions which
successfully integrated a liberal education, through their general education curriculum, with
experiential curricula and professional programs. This too, seems to resonate with DSU.
The position of President of DSU is an exceptional opportunity to take the next step in my career
at an institution that emphasizes excellence while also providing access and opportunity. More
importantly, however, I believe that my background has prepared me to be a good fit for this
position. As noted in my curriculum vitae, my background includes experiences as a research
scientist, a faculty member, an administrator at a private university in Kentucky (Spalding
University), and the chief academic officer at a regional-campus within a state-related system in
Pennsylvania (University of Pittsburgh at Bradford). My experiences working in the private
university environment as well as a public university system would be of value to DSU as the
campus strategically develops a new course for its future. I have worked closely with the
university community, the local community, elected officials at the state and federal level,
corporations, and foundations. These opportunities have provided a background in community
and university cooperation that would be beneficial in developing relationships at DSU.
I believe that my diverse experiences in higher education would be beneficial to DSU. I
progressed through the faculty ranks at Spalding University and then moved into administration.
My administrative positions include the following: Biology Program Director, Chair of the
School of Natural Science, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Associate Vice President
for Academic Affairs, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs, Vice President and Dean of
Academic Affairs, and Interim President. Along this path I have been involved in strategic
planning, governance, undergraduate and graduate education, collaborative agreements and
articulations, assessment, accreditation, faculty and staff personnel decisions, faculty
development, evaluations and salary increase processes, fundraising and grant writing, program
development, alumni relations, board and trustee relations, community relations, as well as major
restructuring at two different universities.
My experiences have also been geographically diverse and have taken me from Louisville,
Kentucky to Lawrence, Kansas for graduate studies. This was followed by research experiences
at the Molecular Biology Institute in Zurich, Switzerland and the Duke University Medical
Center in North Carolina. As mentioned previously, my service as a faculty member and an
administrator began with a move back to Louisville, and is now continuing in Bradford,
Pennsylvania. As you can see, I have had experiences that vary from large cities and institutions
to small rural communities and campuses. Each provided a unique set of opportunities for
growth and I have truly enjoyed each place that I have lived and worked. Furthermore, these
experiences have reinforced my belief in the importance of global competency in education. I
would encourage DSU to continue a commitment to global awareness and the enrichment that it
I constantly strive to enhance diversity on the campus through a number of initiatives. These
include activities such as the efforts to internationalize the campus, as well as efforts to enrich
diversity in the faculty, staff, and student body. In my opinion, one of the best ways to enhance
diversity across campus is to provide an accepting and understanding environment. Of course, I
also support more tangible actions such as the use of appropriate advertising venues to increase
the diversity of applicant pools, and open conversations with each search committee. Over the
past ten years, the percentage of minority faculty at Pitt-Bradford has increased by more than 4
percent and the percentage of minority students has increased over 15 percentage points.
Budgetary considerations are important for any institution, especially in the current economic
environment. My experience with the development and management of budgets is considerable.
As the Chief Academic Officer at two different universities, I have been responsible for all
aspects of academics at the university and have managed all personnel and budgets associated
with that endeavor. As Interim President at Spalding, I worked with the senior administrative
team to develop the 2002/2003 institutional budget. For the first time in the history of the
university, the annual budget was augmented with budget projections for two additional years.
This was done in an attempt to better position the institution for the future and to leverage our
finances for the growth and security of the university.
Related to budgets, my advancement experiences have helped to provide support for student
success initiatives, program development, and institutional growth. For any university, it is
important to develop a strong institutional advancement team to help identify opportunities,
formulate plans, cultivate relationships, and manage logistics. Fundraising is “friend-raising”
and relationships with alumni and friends of the university must be nurtured. It is also important
for a new President to quickly work with the advancement team to develop plans to move
fundraising activities forward. A change in administration can be an opportunity to renew
relationships, generate new relationships, finalize commitments, and develop plans for new
capital campaigns. The President must understand and believe in the mission of the university
and its vision for the future and be able tell that story in a passionate and genuine manner. I
enjoy sharing the story of the institution with potential donors and helping them to better
understand how their interests match the needs of the campus. DSU’s character presents an
opportunity to tell the world an exciting story in higher education.
In order to successfully move into the future, you must know where you wish to go and have a
plan to get there. In 2009, Pitt-Bradford engaged in a planning process which ultimately
culminated in our current five-year strategic plan. At that time, I led the development of the
Academic Affairs portion of the plan as well as serving as a member of the Strategic Planning
Steering Committee, which developed the campus-wide plan. Currently, the campus and the
President’s cabinet are finalizing our next five-year strategic plan. In addition to my
responsibility for academics and my role as a member of the President’s Cabinet, as chair of the
campus Planning and Budgeting Committee, I am directly involved with the implementation of
our plan. The purpose of this committee is to ensure adherence to the strategic plan, regularly
review that plan, assess our progress, and to make recommendations to the President about new
initiatives. Additionally, as a member of the Strategic Positioning Committee at The Home of
the Innocents in Louisville, a member of the Board of Directors of the Bradford Area Chamber
of Commerce, and a member of the Board of Trustees of the Bradford Area Public Library, I
have dealt with difficult issues concerning the vision and the strategic positioning of these
organizations. The next President of DSU will need to solicit the cooperation of the entire
learning community to implement current initiatives and develop plans for the future.
I strongly believe in the unique system of shared governance that exists in colleges and
universities. Faculty governance over curricular issues and shared faculty/staff institutional
governance has the potential to be a strong force to move initiatives to a plane that they could not
otherwise achieve. For this force to reach its maximum potential there must be a good working
relationship with open communication and understanding between the faculty, staff, and
administration. Many of my past experiences have helped to form and strengthen the
relationship that I have built with our faculty and their leadership team. These include early
experiences at Spalding University, where I chaired the Faculty Senate and then later, as an
administrator, I chaired the committee that rewrote the governance document for the university.
Currently, I serve on the Faculty Senate Council and meet regularly with the Faculty Senate
President. I am proud to say that we have a very good working relationship. Working with the
faculty over the past ten years to develop and implement fifteen new academic programs is just
one example of the collaborative relationship that I have with the faculty. Also, I should add that
our Planning and Budgeting Committee is an important aspect of the shared
faculty/staff/administrative governance at Pitt-Bradford.
I am a collaborative leader and a consensus builder. I engage the community in many of the
decision-making processes at the institution and do my best to be as transparent as possible.
Strong teams working together can ensure a strong university for the students and the global
community. I enjoy working with people and I thrive on change, growth, and problem solving.
In my opinion, I have the experiences and skills to help your learning community grow and
prosper but I am very interested in further understanding DSU’s needs and aspirations and how I
could complement the work in progress on campus. I would welcome the opportunity to further
discuss the position of President of Dickinson State University. Please contact me if you require
additional information. Thank you for your consideration.
Steven E. Hardin, Ph.D.
Steven E. Hardin
Biology Program Director, Spalding University, Department of
Mathematics and Science
Adjunct Professor, University of Louisville, Biology Department
Assistant Professor of Biology, Spalding University, Department of
Mathematics and Science
Postdoctoral Research Associate, Laboratory of Dr. Arno Greenleaf, Duke
University Medical Center, Department of Biochemistry, Duke University,
Durham, NC
Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Laboratory of Dr. Charles Weissmann, Institute
for Molecular Biology I, University of Zürich, 8093 Zürich, Switzerland
Research Assistant, Laboratory of Dr. Robert F. Weaver, Dept. of
Biochemistry, University of Kansas
Teaching Assistant, Biology 104, Division of Biological Sciences,
University of Kansas
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Guest Lecturer in Topics in Biology: Cancer Biology
Spalding University:
Fundamentals of Biology I and II
Fundamentals of Biology I and II Lab
Living Systems Development
Human Biology
Introduction to Microbiology
Introduction to Microbiology Lab
Intermediary Metabolism
Genetics (undergraduate and graduate levels)
Cell Biology (undergraduate and graduate levels)
Scientific Inquiry
Systems Theory (graduate level)
Human Biology for Social Work
University of Louisville:
Introductory Microbiology (with lab)
University of Kansas:
General Biology Laboratory
Completed “Focus Louisville-Leadership Development Program”
Participated in NSF grant awarded to H. T. Hudson and Patricia Watkins,
University of the Incarnate Word, San Antonio, Texas. Off-sight testing
and development of a new method of teaching science to non-science
majors in college. Co-author of a Laboratory Manual for the course.
Curatorial Supervisor, Archaeological Collections, Archaeological Survey,
University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
Steven E. Hardin
Curatorial Assistant, Archaeological Collections, Archaeological Survey,
University of Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
Archaeological Fieldworker, Archaeological Survey, University of
Louisville, Louisville, Kentucky
Honorary Member, Upsilon Phi Beta chapter of Alpha Sigma Lambda,
adult students in higher education national honor society
Honorary Member, Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society
Nominated for Trustee Award to Faculty, Spalding University
Borgendale Graduate Seminar Award, University of Kansas
Graduated With Honors in Zoology, University of Louisville
SIGMA XI, Scientific Research Society, 2001-2009
American Society of Virology, 1985-2004
American Society of Microbiology, 1984-Present
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1981-Present
Member of the University Pittsburgh at Bradford Energy Institute
Advisory Committee, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Co-Chair the General Education Review Committee, University of
Pittsburgh at Bradford
Advisory Board Co-Liaison -- Community, Government, and Corporate
Outreach Council of the University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Advisory
Advisory Board Liaison -- Community Relations Task Force of the
Community, Government, and Corporate Outreach Council of the
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Advisory Board
Member of the Search Committee for the Director of Continuing
Education and Regional Engagement, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Member of the Search Committee for the Director of the Energy Institute,
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Member of Steering Committee for Strategic Plan for the Fifth Decade,
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Member of Search Committee for the Director of the Center for Rural
Health Practice, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs/Chief Academic Officer,
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Advisory Board Liaison -- Academic Affairs/Outreach Council of the
University of Pittsburgh at Bradford Advisory Board
Member of the Faculty Senate and Faculty Senate Council, University of
Pittsburgh at Bradford
Steven E. Hardin
Member of the Educational Policy Committee, University of Pittsburgh at
Chair, Planning and Budgeting Committee, University of Pittsburgh at
Chair, Arts Programming Task Force, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford
Chair, School of Natural Science, Spalding University
Faculty Senator, Alternate, Spalding University
Chair, Administrative/Student Information Software Review Committee,
Spalding University
Interim President, Spalding University
Senior Vice President and Chief Academic Officer, Spalding University
Member of Search Committee for Associate Dean, School of Education,
Spalding University
Member of the Executive Steering Committee for the Redesign of the
Financial Aid System of Spalding University
Chair of Graduate Faculty Assembly, Spalding University
Academic Council Member, Spalding University
Administrative Representative on Faculty Salary Task Force, Spalding
Chair of the Graduate Scholarship Committee, Spalding University
Chair of Graduate Council, Spalding University
Faculty Representative on the Board of Trustees, Spalding University
Member of the Board Committee on Academic and Student Affairs (subcommittee of the Board of Trustees of Spalding University)
Member of the Academic Strategic Planning Committee, Spalding
Graduate Council Member, elected by graduate faculty of Spalding
Chairperson of Faculty Salary Task Force, Spalding University
Committee Member of the Rank and Tenure Committee, elected by
faculty of Spalding University
Chairperson of the Search Committee for the Senior Vice President for
Academic Affairs, Spalding University
Chairperson of the Faculty Council, elected by faculty of Spalding
Chairperson of the Facilities Task Action Group, Spalding University
Member of the Finance Task Action Group, Spalding University
Member of the Faculty Council, elected by faculty of Spalding University
Member of the Honors Program Development Committee, Spalding
Chairperson of the Research Ethics Committee, Spalding University
Member of the Search Committee for the Dean of the School of Nursing,
Spalding University
Attend the College Premed. Advising Conference at the University of
Louisville Medical School
College of Arts and Sciences Faculty Representative to the Faculty Salary
Task Force, Spalding University
Steven E. Hardin
Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member, Biology Department, University
of Louisville
Committee Member of the Rank and Tenure Committee, elected by
faculty of Spalding University
Committee Member of the Self-Study Groups for the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), re-accreditation of Spalding
Representative of Spalding University at the Annual Math/Science
Conclave of PRISM, Louisville, Kentucky
Representative of Spalding University at the conference: "Investigating
Allegations of Research Misconduct", San Francisco, California
Member of the "Upward Bound" Curriculum Development Team,
Spalding University
Representative of Spalding University at the National Science Foundation
Invitational Conference: "Beyond National Standards and Goals:
Excellence in Mathematics and Science Education K-16", Washington DC
Representative of Spalding University at Kentucky Education Reform Act
College/Faculty Institute, Louisville, Kentucky
Committee Member of the Spalding University Research Ethics
Committee, Spalding University
Molecular Biologist Search Committee Member (Division of Biological
Sciences), University of Kansas
Distinguished Professor of Biochemistry Search Committee Member
(Division of Biological Sciences), University of Kansas
Co-organizer of the First Annual Biochemistry Department Symposium,
University of Kansas
President of the Biochemistry Club, University of Kansas
Secretary, Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors
Member, Board of Trustees, Bradford Area Public Library
Member, Community Relations Committee, Bradford Area Public Library
Past President, Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors
President, Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors
Chair, Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce, Executive Committee
Vice President, Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors
Chair, Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce, Resource and Board
Development Committee
Second Vice President, Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce, Board of
Chair, Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce, Membership Committee
Member, Bradford Area Chamber of Commerce, Board of Directors
Member of Program Services Committee, Home of the Innocents,
Louisville KY
Judge, Science Fair at Manual High School, Louisville, KY
Member of Strategic Positioning Committee, Home of the Innocents,
Louisville KY
Steven E. Hardin
Judge, Science Fair at Middletown Elementary School, Louisville, KY
Conduct Annual DNA Technology Lab for the Advanced Placement
Biology Class of Presentation Academy, Louisville, KY
Head Judge (Biochemistry Division) of the Annual, Louisville Regional
Science Fair (sponsored by the Kiwanis Club)
Member of the Kentucky Educational Reform Act (KERA) Task
Development Team
United States Patent Number 5565327 (1996). See patent section below.
David Sterner, Jae Moon Lee, Steven E. Hardin, and Arno L. Greenleaf (1995) The
Yeast Carboxyl-Terminal Repeat Domain Kinase CTD Kinase CTDK-I is a Divergent
Cyclin-Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Complex. Molecular and Cellular Biology 15, 57165724.
Tom O'Brien, Steven E. Hardin, Arno L. Greenleaf, and John Lis (1994) Phosphorylation
of RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal Domain Coincides with Elongation from the 5' Pause
of Drosophila Genes. Nature 370, 75-77.
John R. Weeks*, Steven E. Hardin*, Jianjun Shen, Jae Moon Lee and Arno Greenleaf
(1993). Locus-Specific Variation in Phosphorylation State of RNA Polymerase II In
Vivo: Correlations with Gene Activity and Transcript Processing. Genes and
Development 7, 2329-2344. * The first two authors contributed equally to this paper.
Dieter Naf, Steven E. Hardin, and Charles Weissmann (1991). Multimerization of
AAGTGA and GAAAGT Generates Sequences That Mediate Virus Inducibility By
Mimicking An Interferon Promoter Element. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 88: 1369-1373.
Nanda Tilakaratne, Steven E. Hardin, and Robert F. Weaver (1991). Nucleotide
Sequence and Transcript Mapping of the Hind III-F Region of Autographa californica
Nuclear Polyhedrosis Viral Genome. Journal of General Virology 72: 285-291.
Steven E. Hardin, and Robert F. Weaver (1990). Overlapping Divergent Transcripts
Mapping to the Hind III-F Region of the Autographa californica Nuclear Polyhedrosis
Virus. Journal of General Virology 71: 225-229.
Aifu Liu, Juchuan Qin, Carolyn Rankin, Steven E. Hardin, and Robert F. Weaver (1986).
Nucleotide Sequence of a Portion of the Autographa californica Nuclear Polyhedrosis
Virus Genome Containing the EcoRI Site-Rich Region (hr5) and an Open Reading Frame
Just 5´ of the p10 Gene. Journal of General Virology 67: 2565-2570.
A. L. Greenleaf, J. M. Lee, S. E. Hardin. U.S. Patent Number 5565327. METHODS OF
SUSCEPTBILITY OF PARASITES (Duke University file No. 00863)
Steven E. Hardin
Issue Date 10/15/1996; Expired 4/15/04.
Steven Hardin, Tom Hudson, Pat Watkins, Edwin Weber. Laboratory Manual for the
“Scientific Inquiry” Courses taught at Spalding University (1998-2002), University of the
Incarnate Word (1998-2001), and the University of the Philippines (1998-2001).
• TRiO Student Support Services Grant renewal $1,192,455 (2010-2015)
• Administered the TRiO Student Support Services Grant, $1,132,175 (2005-2010)
• Appalachian Teaching Project [Appalachian Regional Commission], $4,000 (2010)
• TRiO Talent Search Grant, $1,119,800 (2006-2011)
• Stackpole-Hall Foundation, Distance Learning Implementation gift, $35,000/year
with a match from the Zippo technology challenge for a total of $70,000/year. Total
= $210,000 (2006-2009)
• PA Department of Labor & Industry Workforce Readiness Training Equipment
Grant, $38,526 (2006-2007)
• Energy Partnership Worker Training Grant to Support the Petroleum Technology
Program (through the North Central PA Regional Planning and Development
Commission), $16,000 (2006-2007)
• Verizon assistive technology grant for Pitt-Bradford’s Academic Success Center,
$10,000 + Zippo/Case match for $10,000 (2006)
• Administered the $300,000 Brown Foundation Technology grant at Spalding
University (2000-2001)
• Kentucky NSF/EPSCoR Research Enhancement Grant (1994 and 1995)
• Spalding University Faculty Development Grants (1993-1996)
• Gift to support an undergraduate research opportunity for a student at the University
of Pittsburgh at Bradford, $2000 (2013)
• General Scholarship (Business Student); $25,000 endowment commitment (2014)
• Northwest Bank Business Management Scholarships (2007), $10,000/year
• Rescare Social Work Scholarships (2003)
• Norton Hospital Nursing Scholarships (2002)
• Glendorn Hospitality Management, paid internships (2009-present)
• Northwest Bank, paid internships (2007-present)
Steven E. Hardin
Panel Discussion Member: “Post-Secondary Education; Challenges and Opportunities”
Leadership McKean, Intermediate Unit 9 (Pennsylvania Department of
Education), Smethport, PA (February 2015)
Seminar: “The Continuum of Educational Opportunities in the Region” Leadership
McKean, Intermediate Unit 9 (Pennsylvania Department of Education),
Smethport, PA (February 2014)
Panel Discussion Member: “The Regional Impact of Distance Education” Leadership
McKean, Intermediate Unit 9 (Pennsylvania Department of Education), Port
Allegheny, PA (February 2012)
Panel Discussion Member: “Linkages Between K-12 and Higher Education” Leadership
McKean, Intermediate Unit 9 (Pennsylvania Department of Education), Port
Allegheny, PA (February 2009)
Panel Discussion Member: “Higher Education Opportunities in McKean County”
Leadership McKean, Bradford, PA (February 2008)
Seminar: “The University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, Looking to the Future” Steven E.
Hardin, Kiwanis Club of Bradford, Bradford, PA (March 2005)
Panel Discussion Member: Career Forum for Biomedical Scientists, University of
Louisville, Louisville, KY (May 2004)
Seminar: “Challenges and Opportunities Facing Small Regional Universities” Steven E.
Hardin, University of Pittsburgh at Bradford, Bradford, PA (May 2004)
Seminar: “Future Directions for Academics at Spalding University” Steven E. Hardin,
Spalding University, Louisville, KY (October 2001)
Seminar: “The Role of Arts and Science in the Modern University” Steven E. Hardin,
Spalding University, Louisville, KY (April 2001)
Seminar: “Cloning” Steven E. Hardin, Invited Speaker-Simmons Bible College,
Louisville, KY (January 1999)
Seminar: “There’s Cloning and then There’s Cloning” Steven E. Hardin, Baseheart
Lecture Series, Spalding University, Louisville, KY (January, 1998)
Seminar: “Research Summary: Gene Expression and Cryptosporidium” Steven E.
Hardin, Spalding University Advising Committee (November, 1997)
Seminar: “Regulation of RNA Transcription by Phosphorylation of the C-Terminal
Domain of RNA Polymerase II” Steven E. Hardin, Institute For Molecular
Biology II, University of Zürich, Zürich, Switzerland (June, 1996)
Steven E. Hardin
Poster: “Localization of a CTD Kinase Antigen on Polytene Chromosome Spreads”
Steven E. Hardin, Sofija Zekovic, Amy Mehl, and Arno L. Greenleaf, Kentucky
NSF/EPSCoR Conference, Lexington, Kentucky (May, 1995)
Seminar: “A Tale of a Tail: The C-Terminal Repeat Domain of RNA Polymerase II”
Steven E. Hardin, Biology Department, University of Louisville, Louisville
Kentucky (December 6, 1993)
Abstract: “In Vivo Analysis of the C-Terminal Repeat Domain of RNA Polymerase II”
Jae Moon Lee, Steven Hardin, June Brickey, and Arno L. Greenleaf, Cellular
and Molecular Biology, supplement 16E (March 1992, UCLA Symposia
Series), Keystone, Colorado
Seminar: “The Cloning of a Gene for a Potential Drosophila CTD* Kinase (CarboxylTerminal Domain of RNA Polymerase II)” Steven E. Hardin, National Institute
of Environmental Health Sciences. Research Triangle Park, North Carolina
Poster: “The Cloning of a Gene for a Potential Drosophila CTD Kinase” Steven E.
Hardin and Arno Greenleaf, 1991 Annual Biochemistry Department Retreat
(Duke University Medical center), Beaufort, North Carolina
Abstract: “Virus Inducibility of the Human IFN-α1 and IFN-β Genes are Mediated by
Different Response Elements” Charles Weissmann, Dieter Naf, Andreas Sailer,
Nicholas J. MacDonald, Heinz Ruffner, Deborah Maguire, and Steven E.
Hardin, 1990 Meeting of: Reunion des Interferonistes, Bruxelles, Belgium
Poster: “The IRF-Mediated Pathway of Virus Inducibility” D. Naf, H. Ruffner, S.
Hardin, N. J. MacDonald, and C. Weissmann, 1990 Meeting of the
USGEB/USSBE, Zurich-Honggerberg, Switzerland
Seminar: “Mapping Overlapping Early and Late Transcripts Which Lie Upstream From the
Polyhedrin Gene of Autographa californica Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus” Steven
E. Hardin and Robert F. Weaver, 1987 Meeting of the American Society of
Seminar: “Physical Mapping and Sequence of Early and Late Genes in the Autographa
californica Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus” Steven E. Hardin, Aifu Liu, Juchuan
Qin, and Robert F. Weaver, 1986 Meeting of the West Central States
Biochemistry Conference
Seminar: “Physical Mapping and Sequence of Early and Late Genes in the Autographa
californica Nuclear Polyhedrosis Virus.” Steven E. Hardin, Aifu Liu, Juchuan
Qin, and Robert F. Weaver, 1986 Meeting of the American Society of Virology
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