Name: ID Praxis Core ... PROGRAM OF STUDY FOR SECONDARY ED (7–12)│Intended TF:_____________________ Catalog...
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Name: ID Praxis Core ... PROGRAM OF STUDY FOR SECONDARY ED (7–12)│Intended TF:_____________________ Catalog...
Name: ID Praxis Core / / PROGRAM OF STUDY FOR SECONDARY ED (7–12)│Intended TF:_____________________ Catalog Year: 2015│702-895-1537│CEB 221 2.75 minimum GPA requirement Students must meet the following requirements for graduation: A minimum of 120 total credits depending of Teaching Field│60 credits from a 4-yr institution│40 upper-division credits 30 resident credits UNLV General Education Core Requirements First and Second Year Experience (5cr.) COE 102 COE 202 (Prerequisite ENG 102) English Composition & Literature Requirement (6cr.) ENG 101 (See semester schedule for prerequisite) ENG 102 Constitutions Requirement (4cr.) Choose one from (A) OR one EACH from (B) and (C). (A) HIST 100 OR PSC 101 (US & NV) OR (B) HIST 101, 106 OR PUA 241 (US only) and (C) HIST 102, 217 OR PSC 100 (NV only) Mathematics (3cr.) Any 100- or 200-level MATH course except 115 or 122 CR DATE GRADE 2 3 3 3 4 3 1–3 3 COMPLETE 2 OF THE FOLLOWING 3 DISTRIBUTION AREAS, DEPENDING ON YOUR FIRST TEACHING FIELD. Distribution Area 1: Humanities and Fine Arts (9cr) Required if first Teaching Field = Biology, Earth Science, General Science, Mathematics, OR Physical Science. Humanities 1: any ENG lit.course, foreign languages, HIST, PHIL (except PHIL 102, 105, 114), AAD 201/201D, COM 101, 211, 216, OR WMST* (if cross-listed with ENG. Lit, HIST or 3 PHIL) Humanities 2 (different area from above list): Spanish is recommended 3 Fine Arts: AAE 100, AAI 100, AAL 100, ART 101, 107, 135, 160, 211, 212, 216, 260, 261; DAN 100 (no longer offered at UNLV), 101, 103, 104, 165, 166/AAS 166; FIS 100, 110; MUS 3 101, 121, 125, 127, 129, 130, 134, 176; THTR 100, 105, 124, 175. *WMST 113 does not count as a Humanities Distribution Area 2: Life and Physical Sciences and Analytical Thinking (10cr) Required if first Teaching Field = English Comp. Lab science: Astronomy w/Lab; ANTH 102, 110L; BIOL; CHEM (except 103); GEOG w/Lab; 4 GEOL; PHYS Non-lab science: Astronomy; ANTH 102; BIOL; CHEM (except 103) NUTR 121; EGG 100, 3 150; ENV 101, 220; GEOG; GEOL; or PHYS PHIL 102 3 Distribution Area 3: Social Sciences (6cr) Required if first Teaching Field = Biology, Earth Science, English Comp., General Science, Mathematics, OR Physical Science. All statistics courses excluded. Do NOT take PSY courses here. Social science 1: EPY 303 (required for COE core; double-dips here) ------------------on back Social science 2: AAS & ETS (except those cross-listed with DAN, ENG, or HIST); ANTH (except 102); CED 117; MFT 360; CRJ 104, 270, 435, 436, 438, or 469; CST 200; ECON; 3 ECG 307; PBH 165, 429, 435; LAS 101; PSC; SWK 101; SOC; WMST 113. Social science 3: (different area from above list): 3 International Requirement (Ask about double-dipping. For a list of approved courses, go to: _____ Multicultural Requirement EDU 280 (required education core course; double-dips here) ----- ---------- College of Education: Department of Teaching & Learning: CCSD: NV Department of Education: on back Education Core Requirements (12cr.) – 2.75 GPA EDU 280 Valuing Cultural Diversity EPY 303 Educational Psychology EDSP 411 Students w/ Disabilities in GE Settings EDSP 432 Serving individuals w/Dis & Their Families PREREQ ENG 102 33 credits EDU 202 EDU 201,202, 203, or ECE 250 CR 3 3 3 3 Required for licensure, NOT for degree 0 EDU 210 Nevada School Law OR Test-Out Exam DATE GRADE Full-major requirements = 2.75 GPA; completion of gen. ed. core; EDU 202; and passing Praxi Core scores Take Praxis Core Exams early! For more info, go to: Secondary Education Requirements – 2.75 GPA EDU 202 Intro to Secondary Education EDU 214S Preparing Teachers to Use Technology ENG 102 Recommended: ENG 102 3 3 Sp Fa Sp Su Fa **All courses below require full admission to the major before registration. See Advising & Field Placement for full major and Field Experience applications & deadlines** The following 2 courses can be taken with Practicum I or Practicum II or prior EDRL 451 Content Area Literacy Instruction Full-major EDSC 408 Classroom Mgt. Secondary Ed. Full Major and EPY 303 3 3 Sp Fa Sp Su Fa Practicum I block: ___Apply by deadline prior semester (passing PPST scores required to apply-Effective 2/11) EDSC 311 Secondary Methods Practicum I (6hrs/week) EDSC 323 Teaching and Learning Secondary Ed. Corequisite: EDSC 323 Corequisite: EDSC 311 3 3 Sp Fa Sp Fa 3 Sp Fa See Catalog 3 3 Sp Fa Varies Completion of all of the above 10 2 Sp Fa Sp Fa Practicum II block: ___Apply by deadline prior semester ___Take Praxis II during Practicum II – for more info, go to: Prereq: EDSC 311 EDSC 313 Secondary Methods Practicum II (6hrs/week) Coreq: Subject methods Prereq: EDSC 311 & 323, EPY 303 & 451 EDSC ________ Teaching (Subject) Methods Additional Methods (if required): Coreq: EDSC 313 Student-teaching block (Full time, 12cr.): ___Apply by deadline prior semester with advisor EDSC 481 Secondary Supervised Stud. Tchg: Major Field EDSC 482 Secondary Supervised Stud. Tchg. Seminar Elective courses (usually not necessary) COURSE CR GRADE COURSE CR GRADE COURSE CR GRADE TEACHING FIELDS (36–48 credits) 2.75 minimum GPA requirement (both UNLV & transfer) First teaching field is required. Second teaching field is optional. Available teaching fields are listed online at For a list of the courses required for each teaching field, visit Advising Center or our website. Course offering term(s) listed in the date column are subject to change. Meet with an advisor every semester. 3/15