PROJECT ENGINEER SR Construction Inc. (SR) is seeking a Project Engineer to become part of our dynamic and highly qualified professional team. SR is a full service Design/Build firm founded in 1991 with a primary goal of providing our clients with the highest degree of quality and greatest level of service on every project. About SR Celebrating our 24th year of excellence, SR has completed over 1000 commercial projects throughout the Southwest to include the healthcare, hospitality and office markets. SR's project management approach begins with an attitude and a belief that the process will be successful by having all team members associated with the project participate as full and equal members of an interactive team from the start. Open, timely, and constant communication is the cornerstone to our success. SR was founded under the principle of the Design-Build method of delivery and utilizes both Design-Build and/or DesignAssist delivery methods on the majority of our projects with much success. For the past two decades SR has been an active member of the Design-Build Institute of America (DBIA). This gives us a clear understanding of the project goals and aesthetic and functional construction details. SR also applies an Integrated Project Delivery (IDP) System, also known as Lean Construction. IPD is a management-based approach that increases efficiency and eliminates waste throughout all phases of a project. Rather than focusing independently on a specific part of the process, the IPD team works together as one harnessing the strengths of all team members which has consistently resulted in a better value for the client, improved schedule, reduced cost and overall enjoyable experience. SR utilizes Revit and Navisworks as a Building Information Modeling service. This allows us to work with the client and design team to develop a virtual 3D construction model of a project for evaluation of all major trades during the construction life cycle. A BIM module provides the opportunity to identify and resolve potential building conflicts prior to construction alleviating later potential changes and or project conflicts. SR is one of the few general contractors that has a 3D modeling program in place and will continue to expand in 3D modeling. Please take a moment to visit SR's Facebook and website at to learn more about our exemplary service, executive team, and view many of our award projects. Job Skills / Requirements The ideal candidate will work in the following: Assist with proposal execution. Review plans and specifications to perform quantity take-offs to develop subcontract RFPs, procurement schedules, and project budgets. Contract documents to include, RFI’s, review of submittals for adherence to specifications. Negotiate change orders. Participate in design/coordination meetings, construction in progress meetings. Assist in monthly margin projections by reviewing and verifying costs from the field for estimate-to-completion. Manage project mobilization, punch-list, demobilization, and project closeout. 3579 Red Rock Street, Las Vegas, NV 89103 . 702.877.6111 O / 702.258.6326 F . NV License 33080A WWW.SRBUILT-USA.COM Software / Additional Requirements College degree in Construction Management, Engineering or Architecture Microsoft Office Products; Procore Construction Management, Primavera Suretrak; Autodesk Revit, Autodesk Navisworks, Bluebeam Revu; On Center OST (On Screen Takeoff) Excellent communication skills a must, both verbal and written SR offers excellent compensation, recognition and growth potential. Qualified candidates please email your resume and qualifications in confidence to: [email protected]. 3579 Red Rock Street, Las Vegas, NV 89103 . 702.877.6111 O / 702.258.6326 F . NV License 33080A WWW.SRBUILT-USA.COM SR Construction, Inc. (SR) instills a corporate philosophy that consists of a Team-Approach, Design/Build process. This allows us to direct the integration of highly qualified architects, consultants, engineers, subcontractors and owner representatives to deliver a quality product on time and within budget. Open, timely, and constant communication by all members of the Team is the cornerstone of this participation and the main ingredient in what we refer to as The “SR BUILT” Process. SR understands that the most important aspect of the Team approach is the need to thoroughly comprehend the client’s vision, purpose, and goals. Year Incorporated: 1991 Business Type: S Corp State Incorporated: Nevada Licenses: Annual Volume: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 AZ, CA, CO, ID, ND, NM, NV, OK, TX, UT, WY $11M $31M $22M $27M $45M $67M (Projected) EMR: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 .95 .78 .83 .81 .81 .79 Certifications: Certified Healthcare Constructor (CHC), American Society of Healthcare Engineers (ASHE); US Green Building Council LEED Accredited Awards: NAIOP Entertainment - Merit: DB Brasserie Restaurant, 2014 NAIOP Community Impact - Merit: Nevada Health Center, 2013 NAIOP Community Impact - Merit: SMC Hospital-Patient Tower, 2012 Building of America: SMC Hospital-Patient Tower, 2011 ABC Excellence in Construction: Innovative Pain Center, 2011 3579 Red Rock Street, Las Vegas, NV 89103 . 702.877.6111 O / 702.258.6326 F . NV License 33080A WWW.SRBUILT-USA.COM SR Const ruct i on,Inc.(SR) i sa f ul l servi ce Desi gn / Bui l d General Cont ract or f ounded i n 1991 wi t ht he pri mary goalofprovi di ng ourcl i ent s wi t ht he hi ghestqual i t y and great estl evelof servi ce on every proj ect . SR’ s corporat e phi l osophy consi st s ofa t eam approach,Desi gn /Bui l d process t hatal l ows us t o di rect the i ntegrati on ofhi ghl y qual i f i ed owner representati ves, archi tects, consul tants, engi neers, and subcontractors t o del i ver a qual i t y producton t i me and wi t hi n budget .Throughoutourhi st ory,SR has compl et ed i n excessof900 proj ect swi t hi nt he Heal t hcare,Hospi t al i t y,Ret ai l ,Of f i ce,Indust ri al ,Pri vat e Educat i on,and Eccl esi ast i calmarket s. SR provi des t he f ol l owi ng servi ces: 24 YearsDesi gn /Bui l d & CMAR Experi ence LEED Const ruct i on /Cert i f i cat i on Si ngl e Source Responsi bi l i t y Val ue Engi neeri ng /Anal ysi s I nt egr at ed Proj ectDel i very Pl anni ng & Ent i t l ement s Desi gn /Preconst ruct i on /Const ruct i on Concept ualEst i mat i ng Bui l di ng I nf ormat i on Model i ng (BI M) Permi tTr acki ng /Expedi t i ng LEAN Const ruct i on Del i very Commi ssi oni ng /Li censure HEALTHCARE/HOSPI TALI TY/RETAI L/OFFI CE/EDUCATI ON /I NDUSTRI AL Hospi t al s/Emergency Depart ment s/OR’ s Surgi calSui t es/Di agnost i cI magi ng Pat i entRooms/Rehab /Gero-psych Medi calOf f i ce Bui l di ngs/ASC’ s Physi ci an Of f i ce TI ’ s/Cl i ni cs Vet eri nary Cl i ni cs “SR m ade ourpri ori ty thei rpri ori ty to be a f uncti onaland operati onalhospi tal wi th a f ocus on qual i ty and servi ce,by ensuri ng ourneeds were al ways m et. ” SUMMERLI NHOSPI TALMEDI CALCENTER aur ant/Ni ght cl ubs Rest Luxury Ret ai l Hot elRoom & Sui t e Renovat i ons Educat i onalFaci l i t i es Mast erPl anned Communi t i es Cl assA /B Of f i ce I nt eri ors CarDeal ershi ps I nudst ri al/Manuf act uri ng Faci l i t i es Feder alGovernmentProj ect s Hi ghl y Cl assi f i ed Proj ect s “SuncoastAut oBui l ders sel ect ed t hemostqual i f i ed gener alcont r act ort or epr esent uson si t e,and t o execut e al lphasesofconst ruct i on. Wi t houtreservat i on we recommend SR. In f act ,we areworki ng t oget heron ournextproj ect . " SUNCOAST TEAM SERVICES Ground-Up /Ti l t -Up /St ruct ur alSt eel Mul t i -St ory and Vert i calAddi t i ons Expansi ons/Renovat i ons Compl ex TenantI mprovement s AnnualSmoke Cont rolRecert i f i cat i on Si t ework “Iwoul dl i ket o commend SR on t hei rout st andi ng perf ormanceon t heNYNY proj ect . Thequal i t yof work speaksf ori t sel f .I know Ican TrustSR wi l l becal l ed upon f orf ut ure proj ect s. ” MGM MIRAGE DESIGN GROUP Unl i mi t ed Nevada Li cense #33080A Pl easevi si tSR’ swebsi t et ovi ew af ew ofourawar dwi nni ng pr oj ect sandl ear nmor eaboutourexecut i vet eam. www. sr bui l t -usa. com