
National Security Engineering Research December 2015 1

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National Security Engineering Research December 2015 1
National Security
Engineering Research
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Rama Venkat
Dean, College of Engineering
Phone: (702) 895-1094
Email: [email protected]
Engineering security systems are an important area
of research to the State of Nevada and to the nation
as a whole.
UNLV researchers address many challenges related
to security engineering, including blast
containment, shock mitigation, and smart grid
security. Our researchers have been funded by
various federal and state agencies as well as
industrial partners.
We would like to introduce you to some of our
faculty. Please contact us if we can help with future
Dr. Mohamed Trabia
Associate Dean, College of Engineering
Phone: (702) 895-0957
Email: [email protected]
Graphics on Slide 1: Computational fluid dynamics
visualization of truck body aerodynamic drag reduction
technology (Dr. William Culbreth).
December 2015
National Security Engineering
Research Areas of Expertise
Computational modeling of radiation
transport and nuclear criticality problems
High Energy Density Physics (HEDP) diagnostics
Synthesis and characterization of advanced
nuclear fuels and materials
Synthesis and properties of novel ceramic waste
forms to immobilize radioactive high-level
Crystal structure characterization by X-ray fine
structure analysis and Rietveld structure
Nuclear systems design and analysis
Nuclear applications of accelerators
Radiation detectors
Active neutron interrogation and detection of
special nuclear material
Nuclear non-proliferation
Nano-material-enhanced radiation shielding
Development of detection algorithms and
adaptive signal processing
Determination of phase transitions by
high-temperature X-ray diffraction
High resolution electron microscopy using an
analytical FE-TEM on irradiated and radioactive
metals and ceramics
Novel accelerator-based method to determine
radiolytic product formation within the
near-field of a generic geological repository
High-speed, high-frequency microelectronics
GaN semiconductors and devices
Radiation-hard electronics, optoelectronics,
and imaging systems
Ultrafast lasers and electronics
December 2015
National Security Engineering
Research Areas of Expertise
Sensor technologies and instrumentation for safety
monitoring and process control
Transportation security imaging and secure
communication software development
Image analysis
Pulsed-ray radioscopy to detect nuclear materials
Pulsed power and plasma physics
Radioscopic cargo screening using mega-voltage
Novel radiation detector development for UAVs
Secure, reliable communication protocols for UAVs
Design of highly competitive online algorithms
against different adversaries
Critical infrastructure / Smart Grid security
Man-In-The-Middle (MITM) attack with tempered
SSL certificate detection
Thwarting Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)
Digital search warrants
Secure protocol development for software and
network applications
Wireless mesh network routing and security
Airport security inspection software design and
DICOS standard development
Insider threat detection
Structural analysis, failure analysis, experimental
Structural dynamics, explosives, and impact
Computational simulation of highly dynamic
Material characterization, custom component
Progressive collapse resistance of structures
Simulation of structures subjected to normal and
extreme loading events
Earthquake engineering
Dense and dynamic plasmas
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Las Vegas is a dynamic city with a population that
includes multiple ethnicities and age groups.
UNLV has a strong team of researchers who collaborate
on various areas of security engineering studies.
UNLV researchers also have developed strong
collaboration ties with key industrial partners including:
• National Security Technologies, LLC (NSTec)
NSTec manages operations at the Nevada National
Security Site (NNSS) – formerly known as the
Nevada Test Site – and its related facilities and
laboratories for the Department of Energy's National
Nuclear Security Administration.
• Varian Medical Systems
Varian's Security and Inspection Products group,
based in Las Vegas, provides cargo screening
systems with linear accelerators for X-ray imaging
for cargo screening operations.
UNLV is in the process of acquiring a linear accelerator,
K9, used for various applications, including cargo
imaging for Homeland Security and U.S. Customs; we are
also involved in radio-pharmaceutical production and
medium-to-high dose rate research.
December 2015
Faculty Involved in National Security
Engineering Research
Dr. Alexander Barzilov
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Wolfgang Bein
Professor, Department of Computer Science
Co-Director, Center for Information Technology and Algorithms (CITA)
Dr. William Culbreth
Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Thomas Hartmann
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Yingtao Jiang
Chair/Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Juyeon Jo
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
Dr. Kwang J. Kim
Southwest Gas Professor of Energy and Matter
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Yoohwan Kim, CISSP
Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science
Dr. Shahram Latifi, P.E.
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Co-Director, Center for Information Technology and Algorithms (CITA)
December 2015
Faculty Involved in National Security
Engineering Research
Dr. Brendan J. O'Toole
Professor and Chair, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Director, Center of Materials and Structures
Dr. Emma Regentova
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Stephen Rice, CPHIT, P.E.
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Robert Schill
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director, Energy Materials Interaction Technology Initiative of Nevada (EMITION) Center
Dr. Ke-Xun (Kevin) Sun
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dr. Ying Tian, P.E.
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction
Dr. Mohamed Trabia
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Dean for Research, Graduate Studies, and Computing
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Additional Resources
Center for Materials and Structures
Energy Materials Interaction Technology Initiative of Nevada (EMITION) Center
Center for the Advanced Study of Algorithms (CASA)
Center for Information Technology and Algorithms (CITA)
December 2015
National Security
Research Highlights
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Alexander Barzilov
Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Phone: (702) 895-4325
Email: [email protected]
• Expertise
• Radiation detection and spectroscopy
• Active neutron interrogation and non-destructive
assay of materials
• Prompt gamma neutron activation analysis
• Gamma ray spectral analysis and radiation source
• Computational modeling of radiation transport
and nuclear systems design and analysis
• Nuclear applications of accelerators
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Alexander Barzilov
Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Recent Publications
• Ali P. Yazdanpanah, J. Hartman, E. E. Regentova, A. Barzilov, Object Reconstruction and Material Discrimination in Sparse-View PhotonNeutron Computed Tomography, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (TNS), Nov.2015.
• J. Hartman, A. Barzilov, E. Peters, S. Yates, “Measurements of Response Functions of EJ-299-33A Plastic Scintillator for Fast Neutrons,”
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 804, 137-143 (2015).
• A. Barzilov, B. Kessler, P. Womble, “Analysis of 14-MeV Neutron Induced Gamma-Ray Spectra using Multiwavelets,” Radiation
Measurements 79, 43-49 (2015).
A. Guckes, A. Barzilov, N. Richardson*, “Modeling of Time-Correlated Detection of Fast Neutrons Emitted in Induced SNM Fission,” Physics
Procedia 66, 403-409 (2015).
A. Barzilov, I. Novikov, “Material Classification by Analysis of Prompt Photon Spectra Induced by 14-MeV Neutrons,” Physics Procedia 66,
396-402 (2015).
• J. Hartman, A. Barzilov, “Neutron Spectrum Measurements using the EJ-299-33A Plastic Scintillation Detector,” INMM Proc. 56th Annual
Meeting, Indian Wells, CA (2015).
• P. Guss, T. Stampahar, S. Mukhopadhyay, A. Barzilov, A. Guckes, “Maximum Likelihood Source Localization using Elpasolite Crystals as a
Dual Gamma-Neutron Directional Detector,” Proc. SPIE 9595: Radiation Detectors: Systems and Applications XVI, 959502 (2015).
• A. Barzilov, P. Womble, “Study of Doppler Broadening of Gamma-Ray Spectra in 14-MeV Neutron Activation Analysis,” Journal of
Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 301, 811-819 (2014).
• A. Barzilov, D. Beller, W. Culbreth, “Development of the Graduate Certificate Program in Nuclear Security and Safeguards at UNLV,”
Transactions of American Nuclear Society 110, 17 (2014).
• A. Barzilov, J. Hartman, N. Richardson, “Measurements of Fast Neutron Flux using an Array of EJ-299-33A Scintillator Detectors,”
Transactions of American Nuclear Society 110, 181 (2014).
• P. P. Guss, T. G. Stampahar, A. Barzilov, A. Guckes, “Directional Detection of 239-Pu,” Proc. of Conf. Plutonium Futures, 151, Las Vegas, NV
• P. P. Guss, T. G. Stampahar, S. Mukhopadhyay, A. Barzilov, A. Guckes, “Scintillation Properties of a Cs2LiLa(Br6)90%(Cl6)10%:Ce3+
(CLLBC) Crystal,” Proc. SPIE 9215, Radiation Detectors: Systems and Applications XV, 921505 (2014).
• W. Yim, A. Barzilov, G. Friesmuth, “Development of Autonomous Robotic Monitoring Vehicle (ARMV) for Aerial Radiation Monitoring,”
Proc. of 10th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence (URAI), 687 (2013).
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Wolfgang Bein
Professor, Department of Computer Science
Co-Director, Center for Information Technology and
Algorithms (CITA)
Phone: (702) 895-1477
Email: [email protected]
• Sensor networks
• Open source algorithm implementation
• Survey articles on issues in security
• Design of highly competitive online algorithms against
different adversaries
• Smart use of randomization
• Approximations for hard combinatorial optimization
Right: Communication
network design for the U.S.
Top: A tour of the United States
obtained through simulated
Bottom: Design of a competitive
randomized online algorithm
using knowledge states.
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Wolfgang Bein
Professor, Department of Computer Science
Co-Director, Center for Information Technology and Algorithms
Recent Publications
Coverage models for sensor networks.
Bang L, Bein W, Larmore LL. R-LINE: A Better Randomized 2-Server Algorithm on the Line. Theoretical Computer Science, 609: 106-118, 2015.
Chen J, Han X, Bein W, Ting H. Black And White Bin Packing Revisited, Proceedings of the 9th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and
Applications (COCOA 15), LNCS, Springer, 2015.
Andro-Vasko J, Bein W, Ito H, Nyknahad D. Evaluation of Online Power-Down Algorithms, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information
Technology, IEEE, 473-478, 2015.
Bein D, Bein W, Madan B, Karki A. Optimizing Border Patrol Operations Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on
Information Technology, IEEE, 479-484, 2015.
Bang L, Bein W and Larmore LL. R-LINE: A Better Randomized 2-Server Algorithm on the Line, Proceedings of the 10thWorkshop on Approximation and Online
Algorithms (WAOA2012), LNCS 7846, Springer Verlag, 120-130, 2013.
Bein W, Advanced Techniques for Dynamic Programming. In Pardalos P, Du D, Graham R, Editors, Handbook of Combinatorial Optimization, 2nd Edition, Springer
Verlag, 41 – 91, 2013.
Bein W, Bein D, Fault Tolerance and Transmission Reliability in Wireless Networks. In Khan S, Zomaya A, Wang L, Editors, in Scalable Computing and
Communications: Theory and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, 227 – 256, 2013.
Bein W, Hatta N, Hernandez-Cons N, Ito H, Kasahara S, and Kawahara J, An Online Algorithm Optimally Self-Tuning to Congestion for Power Management
Problems, Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Approximation and Online Algorithms (WAOA 2011), LNCS, Springer, 7164, pp. 35-48, 2012.
Bein W, Larmore LL, Noga J, Knowledge State Algorithms. Algorithmica, 60(3): 653 – 678, 2011.
Bein W, Iwama K, Kawahara J, Larmore L, Oravec J. A Randomized Algorithm for Two Servers in Cross Polytope Spaces. Theoretical Computer Science. 412 (7): 563 –
572, 2011.
Bein D, Bein W, Venigella S. Cloud Storage and Online Bin Packing, Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing (IDC 2011),
Studies in Computational Intelligence, 63- 68, 2012.
Bein D, Bein W, Phoha S. Efficient Data Centers, Cloud Computing in the Future of Distributed Computing, 7th International Conference on Information Technology,
IEEE Computer Society Press, 2010.
Bein W, Larmore LL, Golin M, Zhang Y. The Knuth-Yao Quadrangle-Inequality Speedup is a Consequence of Total-Monotonicity. ACM Transactions on Algorithms.
6(1), 22 pages, 2009.
Bein D, Bein W, Malladi S. Fault Tolerance Coverage Models for Sensor Networks. International Journal of Sensor Networks, 5(4): 199 – 209, 2009.
Bein W, Epstein L, Larmore LL, Noga J. Optimally Competitive List Batching. Theoretical Computer Science, 410(38-40): 3631 – 3639, 2009.
Bein W, Larmore LL, Morales L, Sudborough IH. A Quadratic Time 2-Approximation Algorithm for Block Sorting. Theoretical Computer Science, 410(8 –10): 711 – 717,
Bein W, Larmore LL, Reischuk R. Knowledge States for the Caching Problem in Shared Memory Multiprocessor Systems. International Journal of Foundations of
Computer Science, 20(1): 167 – 183, 2009.
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. William Culbreth
Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Phone: (702) 895-3426
Email: [email protected]
Above: MCNPX calculations provide a visual
image of shipping container contents using a
Varian x-ray accelerator.
• Computational modeling of radiation transport and nuclear criticality problems
• Experimental assessment of radiation detectors
• Active neutron interrogation and detection of Special Nuclear Material
• Dense Plasma Focus accelerator development for neutron production
• Design of alpha detectors for airflow measurements
• UAV flights and novel radiation detector development for UAVs
• Geologic nuclear reactor modeling
Above: UNLV unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) flights at the
Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) to test heavy diesel fuel
Left: Computational fluid dynamics visualization of truck body
aerodynamic drag reduction technology.
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. William Culbreth
Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Varian Cargo Scanning System
to identify actinides in
shipping containers.
Recent Publications
• Viggato, J., and Culbreth, W., “Thermohydraulic and Nuclear Modeling of Natural Fission Reactors,” ACS
Symposium 945, Applied Modeling and Computations in Nuclear Science, pp. 131 – 141, 2006.
• Schill, R., Culbreth, W., and Venkat, R., “Insulator Surface Features Resulting from Cutting Techniques,” 13th IEEE
International Pulsed Power Conference Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV, 6/17-22, 2001.
• Culbreth, W. G., “Meeting the Needs of Industry: Development of a Microcontroller Course for Mechanical
Engineers,” ASEE Annual Conference Proceedings, Summer Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM, June 24-26, 2001.
• Culbreth, W., and Glew, T., “Assessment of Radionuclides in Enclosed Pipes and Vessels,” Proceedings of RPS 2000,
American Nuclear Society, Spokane, Washington, September 2000.
• Culbreth, W., and Viggato, J., “Determination of the Depth and Pressure within the Oklo Natural Reactors,”
Proceedings of RPS 2000, American Nuclear Society, Spokane, Washington, September 2000.
• Culbreth, W., “Radiation Shielding and Calculations for the TriMev X-Ray Source,” Proceedings of RPS 2000,
American Nuclear Society, Spokane, Washington, September 2000.
• Culbreth, W., and Steeps, L., “Nuclear Criticality at the Oklo Natural Reactors,” Proceedings of the International
Conference on Nuclear Engineering, San Diego, CA, May, 1998.
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Thomas Hartmann
Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Phone: (702) 895-1934
Email: [email protected]
• Expertise
Synthesis and characterization of advanced
nuclear fuels and materials.
Synthesis and properties of novel ceramic waste
forms to immobilize radioactive high-level waste.
Crystal structure characterization by X-ray fine
structure analysis and Rietveld structure
Determination of phase transitions by hightemperature X-ray diffraction.
High resolution electron microscopy using an
analytical FE-TEM on irradiated and radioactive
metals and ceramics.
Novel accelerator-based method to determine
radiolytic product formation within the near-field
of a generic geological repository.
Top to bottom: Novel superconductors from high-level
radioactive waste and high burn-up fuel; advanced
99Tc waste forms; and key instrumentation, including
high-resolution XRD, FE-TEM, PPMS
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Thomas Hartmann
Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Recent Publications
• G.W. Egeland, R.D. Mariani, T. Hartmann, D.L. Porter, S.L. Hayes, J.R. Kennedy: Reducing fuel-cladding chemical interaction: The effect of
palladium on the reactivity of neodymium on iron in diffusion couples. Materials, 432, 539-544, (2013).
• T. Hartmann, A.J. Alaniz, D.J. Antonio: Fabrication and properties of technetium-bearing pyrochlores and perovskites as potential waste
forms. Procedia Chemistry, pp. 622-628 (2012).
• T. Hartmann, A.J. Alaniz, D.J. Antonio: Fabrication and properties of technetium-bearing pyrochlores and perovskites as potential waste
form. Atalante 2012: Nuclear Fuel Cycle for a Sustainable Fuel Cycles, Montpellier, France, 2-7 September, Proceedings, A210 (2012).
• A.J. Alaniz, L. Delgado, B. Werbick, T. Hartmann: Remote operated hot uniaxial press to fabricate Tc-99 bearing waste for. Atalante 2012:
Nuclear Fuel Cycle for a Sustainable Fuel Cycles, Montpellier, France, 2-7 September, Proceedings, A168 (2012).
• E. Mausolf, J. Droessler, F. Poineau, T. Hartmann, K. Czerwinski: Tetraphenylpyridinium pertechnetate: a promising salt for the
immobilization of technetium. Radiochim. Acta 100, 1-4, (2012).
• K.R. Rogers, K. Bradham, T. Tolaymat, D.J. Thomas, T. Hartmann, L. Ma, A. Williams: Alterations in physical state of silver nanoparticles
exposed to synthetic human stomach fluid. Science of the Total Environment 420, 334-339, (2012).
• T. Hartmann, H. Pentinghaus: The ternary system palladium-rhodium-tellur: A study to understand phase formation in the vitrification
process of high-level waste concentrates (HLWC). Journal of Nuclear Materials, 422, 124-130, (2012).
• K. Holliday, T. Hartmann, G. Cerefice, K. Czerwinski: Dissolution behavior of plutonium containing zirconia-magnesia ceramics . Journal of
Nuclear Materials, 422, 109-115, (2012).
• K. Holliday, T. Hartmann, G. Cerefice, K. Czerwinski: Environmental behavior of ZrO2-MgO ceramics containing UO2. Radiochim Acta 99,
799-806, (2011).
• T. Hartmann, A. Alaniz, F. Poineau, P. F. Weck, J. A. Valdez, M. Tang, G. D. Jarvinen, K. R. Czerwinski and K. E. Sickafus: Structure Studies
on Lanthanide Technetium Pyrochlores as Prospective Host Phases to Immobilize 99Tc and Fission Lanthanides from Effluents of Reprocessed
Used Nuclear Fuels. Journal of Nuclear Materials, 411, 60-71, (2011).
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Yingtao Jiang
Chair and Professor,
Department of Electrical and Computer
Phone: (702) 895-2533
Email: [email protected]
Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZs) O2 sensor for monitoring
• Expertise
nuclear reactor coolant
• Sensors and instrumentation
• Signal processing, instrumentation, and
medical informatics
22-layer PCB board (NoC
• Semiconductor/microelectronics/integrated
• Wireless communications and security
• Computer/microprocessor architectures
• Renewable energy
An MRR with E/O tuning circuit
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Yingtao Jiang
Chair and Professor,
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Recent Publications
X. Tan, M. Yang, L. Zhang, X. Wang, and Yingtao Jiang, "A Hybrid Optoelectronic Networks-on-Chip Architecture," IEEE/OSA
Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 32, no. 5, pp. 991-998, March 2014.
X. Wang, T. Mak, M. Yang, and Yingtao Jiang, “Efficient Multicasting Schemes for 3-D Networks-on-Chip,” Journal of System
Architectures, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 693-708, Oct. 2013.
T. Moazzeni, A. Amei, J. Ma, and Yingtao Jiang, “On a New Approach to SNR Estimation of BPSK Signals,” International
Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 273-278, Sept. 2012.
T. Moazzeni, J. Ma, Yingtao Jiang, and N. Li, “Flow Rate Measurement in a High Temperature, Radioactive, and Corrosive
Environment,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement vol. 60, no. 6, pp. 2062-2069, June 2011.
L. Wang, C. Ding, J. Zhang, and Yingtao Jiang, “A High Performance, Low Area Reconfiguration Controller for Network-onChip-based Partial Dynamically Reconfigurable SoC Designs,” International Journal of Electronics, vol. 97, no. 10, pp. 12071225, Oct. 2010.
Y. Jin, L. Wang, J. Jo, Y. Kim, M. Yang and Yingtao Jiang, “EECCR: an Energy Efficient m-Coverage and n-Connectivity Routing
Algorithm under Border Effects in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 58, no.
3, pp. 1429-1442, March 2009.
L. Wang, S. Piao, Yingtao Jiang, and L. Zhang, “On a Web-graph based Micro-network Architecture for SoCs,” Journal of
Computer and Applications, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 1105-1111, March 2008.
Y. Wang, Y. Tang, Yingtao Jiang, Y.-G. Chung, S.-S. Song, and M.-S. Lim, “Novel Memory Reference Reduction Methods for
FFT Implementations on DSP Processors,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 2338 – 2349, May 2007.
L. Zhang, U. Kleine, and Yingtao Jiang, “An Automated Design Tool for Analog Layouts,” IEEE Transactions on Very Large
Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems, vol. 14, no. 8, pp. 881-894, Aug. 2006.
Y. Kim, J. Jo, F. Merat, M. Yang, and Yingtao Jiang, “Mitigating Distributed Denial-of-Service Attack with Deterministic Bit
Marking,” International Journal of Information Technology, vol. 11. no. 2, pp. 62-82, 2005.
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Ju-Yeon Jo
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science
Phone: (702) 895-5873
Email: [email protected]
Secure and reliable communication protocol for
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
Critical infrastructure / smart grid security
Man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack with a
tempered SSL certificate detection
Thwarting distributed denial of service (DDoS)
Digital search warrant
Transportation security imaging and secure
communication software development
A communication architecture with a two-level
wireless mesh network that is secure and scalable.
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Ju-Yeon Jo
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science
Routing Table Population Process
Recent Publications
• Kevin Benton, Ju-Yeon Jo, and Yoohwan Kim, “SignatureCheck: A Protocol to Detect Man-In-The-Middle Attack in
SSL”, 7th Annual Cyber Security and Information Intelligence Research Workshop, Oak Ridge, TN, Oct. 2011
• Yan Jin, Ling Wang, Ju-Yeon Jo, Yoohwan Kim, Mei Yang and Yingtao Jiang, “EECCR: An Energy-Efficient m-Coverage
and n-Connectivity Routing Algorithm under Border Effects in Heterogeneous Sensor Networks”, IEEE Transactions
on Vehicular Technology, Vol. 58, Issue 3, March 2009, pp. 1429 – 1442.
• Yoohwan Kim, Ju-Yeon Jo, and Kyounghee Suh, “Baseline Profile Stability for Network Anomaly Detection”,
International Journal of Network Security, Vol. 6, No.1, pp. 60 – 66, Jan. 2008
• Hal Berghel, James Carpinter, and Ju-Yeon Jo, “Phish Phactors: Offensive and Defensive Strategies”, Advances in
Computers, publisher: Elsevier Science and Technology, Vol. 70, June 2007, pp. 223 – 268 (book chapter).
• Yoohwan Kim, Wei Ren, Ju-Yeon Jo, Mei Yang, Yingtao Jiang, Jun Zheng, “SFRIC: A Secure Fast Roaming Scheme in
Wireless LAN Using ID-Based Cryptography”, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), June 2007, pp
1570 – 1575.
• Wei Ren, Yoohwan Kim, Ju-Yeon Jo, Mei Yang and Yingtao Jiang, “IdSRF: ID-based Secure Routing Framework for
Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks”, IEEE International Conference on Information Technology: New Generation (ITNG), April
2007, pp 102 – 110.
• Yoohwan Kim, Ahmed Abdelal, Ju-Yeon Jo, Yingtao Jiang, and Mei Yang, “An Efficient Defense against Distributed
Denial-of-Service Attacks using Congestion Path Marking”, IEEE ICC 2006, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2006 Vol. 5, pp 2159
– 2164.
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Kwang J. Kim
Southwest Gas Professor of Energy and Matter
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Phone: (702) 774-1419
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.kwangjinkim.org
Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/kwangkimlab
Publications: http://scholar.google.com/citations?user=VX3wtWEAAAAJ&hl=en
• Expertise
• Electroactive polymers for underwater applications
• Electroactive polymers for aerospace applications
• Electroactive polymers for ground applications
A bio-inspired fin using electroactive polymers, designed for underwater applications. Source:
Smart Mater. Struct. 22 (2013) 014003.
December 2015
National Security Engineering Research
Dr. Kwang J. Kim
Southwest Gas Professor of Energy and Matter
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Recent publications relevant to National Security Engineering
C. Jo, D. Pugal, I.-K. Oh, and K. J. Kim, and K. Asaka,“Recent Advances in Ionic
Polymer–Metal Composite Actuators and their Modeling and Applications,” Progress in
Polymer Science (PPS), Vol. 38(7), pp. 1037–1066 (2013).
J. Hubbard, M. Fleming, V. Palmre, D. Pugal, K. J. Kim, and K. K. Leang, “Monolithic IPMC
Fins for Propulsion and Maneuvering in Bio-Inspired Underwater Robotics,” IEEE Journal of
Oceanic Engineering (in print; 2013).
D. Pugal, K. J. Kim, and Alvo Aabloo, “An Explicit Physics-based Model of Ionic
Polymer-Metal Composite Actuators,” Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 110, pp. 084904 (2011)
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Yoohwan Kim
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science
Phone: (702) 895-5348
Email: [email protected]
• Expertise
• Secure protocol development for software and
network applications
• Critical infrastructure / smart grid security and
• Wireless mesh network routing and security
• Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack
• Secure and reliable communication scheme for
unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)
• Airport security inspection software design and
DICOS standard development
• Insider threat detection
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Yoohwan Kim
Associate Professor,
Department of Computer Science
Recent Publications
Yoohwan Kim, Frederick Sheldon, and Lee Hively, “Anomaly Detection in Multiple Scale for Insider Threat
Analysis”, 7th CSIIRW, Oct. 2011 .
Kevin Benton, Ju-Yeon Jo, and Yoohwan Kim, “SignatureCheck: A Protocol to Detect Man-In-The-Middle
Attack in SSL”, 7th CSIIRW, Oct. 2011.
Jungeun Kim and Yoohwan Kim, “A Secure on-line credit card transaction method: NNCC”, Journal of
Computing Science and Engineering, by KIISE, March 2011.
Yoohwan Kim, Wei Ren, Ju-Yeon Jo, Mei Yang, Yingtao Jiang, Jun Zheng,“ SFRIC: A Secure Fast Roaming
Scheme in Wireless LAN Using ID-Based Cryptography”, IEEE International Conference on Communications
(ICC), June 2007.
Yoohwan Kim, Ju-Yeon Jo, and Kyunghee Kim Suh, “Baseline Profile Stability for Network Anomaly
Detection”, International Journal of Network Security (IJNS), vol. 6, no. 1, 2008, pp. 60-66, Jan. 2008.
Wei Ren, Yoohwan Kim, Ju-Yeon Jo, Mei Yang and Yingtao Jiang, “IdSRF: ID-based Secure Routing
Framework for Wireless Ad-Hoc Networks”, ITNG 2007, April 2007.
Yoohwan Kim, Wing Cheong Lau, Mooi Choo Chuah and H. Jonathan Chao, “PacketScore: A Statistical
Overload Control against Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks”, IEEE Transaction on Dependable and Secure
Computing, vol. 3, issue 2, pp. 141-155, April-June, 2006.
Yoohwan Kim, Ahmed Abd El Al, Ju-Yeon Jo, Mei Yang and Yingtao Jiang,“ An Efficient Defense against
Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks using Congestion Path Marking”, IEEE ICC, June 2006.
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Shahram Latifi, P.E.
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer
Co-Director, Center for Information Technology and
Algorithms (CITA)
Phone: (702) 895-4016
Email: [email protected]
• Expertise
• Search and rescue
• Disaster relief
• Homeland security
• Nuclear non-proliferation
• Biometrics
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Shahram Latifi, P.E.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Co-Director, Center for Information Technology and Algorithms (CITA)
Recent Publications
D. Walker, S. Latifi, "Partial Iris Recognition as a Viable Biometric Scheme", Int’l Journal of Security and Networks, Vol. 6, Nos. 2/3,
J. Blake and S. Latifi, “Digital Watermarking Security”, Defense Science Journal, Vol. 61, No. 5, September 2011, pp. 408-414, 2011.
M. Sadowitz, S. Latifi, D. Walker, “An Iris and Retina Multimodal Biometric System” International Journal of Security and Networks
(IJSN), Vol. 3, no. 4, 2008, pp. 250-257.
V. Jolly and S. Latifi, “Reliable Data Transmission in Mobile Ad hoc Sensor Networks”, Int’l Journal of Mobile Communications, Vol.
5, No. 5, pp. 558-571, 2007.
E. Sharifahmadian, Y. Choi, and S. Latifi, “A Simulation Study of Detection of Weapon of Mass Destruction based on Radar” SPIE
Conference on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE) Sensing XIV, Vol. 8710, USA, May 2013, pp.
E. Sharifahmadian and S. Latifi, “Water Environment Risk Prediction Using Bayesian Network” IEEE Conference, Data Mining and
Machine Learning, SoutheastCon 2013, Jacksonville, Florida, USA, April 4-7, 2013, pp.1-5.
D. Walker and S. Latifi, “Software Reliability in Data Portals for Climate Change in Nevada”, 19th Int’l Conf. on Software Eng. and
Data Eng., June 2010, pp. 140-144.
Sithy Shameema, M. Yasim and S. Latifi, “A Study of SCADA Systems and Their Security,” Proc. of 2009 International Conference
on Information and Knowledge Engineering, July 2009, pp.581-588.
Venka Palaniappan, Aaron Ponzio, Jean Li, Ding Yuan, Warnick Kernan and Shahram Latifi, “Statistical Studies on Sequential
Probability Ratio Test for Radiation Detection”, Int’l Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Technology and Application,
pg 852-857, vol. 2, June 2007.
D. Bein, W. Bein, V. Jolly and S. Latifi, “Guarding against Web Spoofing and Phishing Attacks”, Roe EduNet, IEEE Conference 2006,
pp. 106-109.
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Brendan O’Toole
Chair and Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Phone: (702) 895-3885
Email: [email protected]
• Expertise
• Structural analysis, failure
Thin High Strength
analysis, experimental
Steel for High
• Structural dynamics, explosives,
and impact analysis
• Computational simulation of
highly dynamic events
• Material characterization,
custom component testing
High Strength
Steel for
Internal Baffling
toto Light Composite for
BlastWave Containment
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Brendan O’Toole
Chair and Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Composite for
Thin High Strength
Steel for High
Recent Publications
Internal Baffling to
Distribute Blast Models
• D. Somasundaram, S.K. Roy, M. Trabia, B. O’Toole, & R. Hixson, “Parametric Sensitivity Comparison of Simulation
for Flyer Plate
Impact Experiments”, International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurement, Accepted, 2015.
• Shawoon Roy, Mohamed B. Trabia, B. O'Toole, Robert Hixson, Steven Becker, Michael Pena, Richard Jennings, Deepak Somasundaram,
Melissa Matthes, Edward Daykin and Eric Machaorro, "Study of Hypervelocity Projectile Impact on Thick Metal Plates", Shock and
Vibration, Article ID 197102, Sept. 2015.
• J. Thota, M. Trabia, B. O’Toole, “Computational Prediction of Low Impact Shock Propagation in a Lab-Scale Space Bolted Frame
Structure”, Int. J. Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, v3 n2, pp 139 – 149, 2015.
• B. O’Toole, M. Trabia, R. Hixson, S. Roy, M. Pena, S. Becker, E. Daykin, E. Machorro, R. Jennings, M. Matthes, “Modeling Plastic
Deformation of Steel Plates in Hypervelocity Impact Experiments”, Procedia Engineering 103 (2015) pp 458 - 465.
• M. Howard, A. Luttman, E. Machorro, R. Kelly, J. Blair, M. Matthes, M. Pena, M. Hanache, B. O’Toole, N. Snipe, K. Crawford, B.T. Meehan,
R. Hixson, “Benchmarking Surface Position from Laser Velocimetry with High-Speed Video in Impact Experiments”, Procedia Engineering
103 (2015) pp 221 - 229. doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2015.04.030.
• D. Somasundaram, M. Trabia, B. O’Toole, “A Methodology for Predicting High Impact Shock Propagation within Bolted-Joint Structures”,
Int. J. Impact Engineering, 73, pp 30-42, 2014.
• D. Somasundaram, M. Trabia, B. O’Toole, Q. Liu, “Shock Mitigation for Electronic Boards within a Projectile”, Int. J. Computational
Methods and Experimental Measurements, v1, n4, pp 416-439, 2013.
• J. Thota, B. O’Toole, M. Trabia, “Optimization of Shocks within a Military Vehicle Space Frame”, Structural and Multidisciplinary
Optimization: Vol. 44, No. 6, 2011.
• S. Sueki, S. Ladkany, B. O’Toole, “Experimental and Computational Study of Acceleration Response in Layered Cylindrical Structure
Considering Impedance Mismatch Effect”, Shock and Vibration, 18: 807-826, 2011.
• S. Sueki, S. Ladkany, B. O’Toole, “Wave Propagation in Layered Cylindrical Structures Using Finite Element and Wave Tracing Analysis”,
Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials Engineering, v.4, n.10, pp. 1480 - 1495, 2010.
• J. Thota, M. Trabia, B. O’Toole, and A. Ayyaswamy, “Structural Response Optimization of Light-Weight Composite Blast Containment
Vessel”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, v131 n3, pp 031209: 1-9, April 2009.
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Emma Regentova
Professor, Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering
Phone: (702) 895-3187
Email: [email protected]
Object reconstruction and
material discrimination in sparseview photon-neutron computed
Pulsed-ray radioscopy to detect
nuclear materials
Radioscopic cargo screening
using mega-voltage energy
Top: Material discrimination by 2D signatures: Ratio of
Photon/Neutron transmission vs. Neutron transmission for
various materials.
Bottom left: Container under interrogation.
Bottom right CT reconstruction from the neutron source: 18
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Emma Regentova
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Recent Publications
• Ali P., Yazdanpanah, J. Hartman, E. E. Regentova, A. Barzilov, Object Reconstruction and Material
Discrimination in Sparse-View Photon-Neutron Computed Tomography, submitted to IEEE Transactions on
Nuclear Science (TNS), Nov.2015.
• E. E. Regentova, Lei Zhang, Ajay K. Mandava, Vijay K. Mandava, Kranthi K. Potetti, Gongyin Chen , Zane
Wilson, Advantages and Challenges of Radioscopic Detection of Nuclear Materials in Cargo Containers with
Two Megavoltage Energy Barriers, will appear in Journal of Nuclear Technology, July 2011.
• E. E. Regentova, L. Zhang, V. K.Mandava, A.K. Mandava et al. , Advances and Challenges of Radioscopic
Detection of Nuclear Materials in Cargo Containers with Two Megavoltage Energy Barriers, American Nuclear
Society, Radiation Protection and Shielding Division, 2010 Topical Meeting, Las Vegas, April 18-23, 2010.
• Lei Zhang, Ajay K. Mandava, Emma E. Regentova, Zane Wilson, Gongyin Chen, Radioscopic inspection of
cargo containers with megavoltage energy barriers, IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and
Cybernetics, 2009. SMC 2009, 11-14 Oct. 2009 Page(s):3510 – 3515.
• L. Zhang, E. E. Regentova, A. Mandava, V. Mandava, S. Curtis, Radioscopic Cargo Screening for Detecting
Nuclear Materials with Megavoltage Dual Energy Barriers, HPS 2009 Midyear Proceedings, Recent Advances
in Planning and Response to Radiation Emergencies, San Antonio, January 31st, 2009, pp.31-39.
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Stephen Rice, CPHIT, P.E.
Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering
Phone: (702) 895-4240
Email: [email protected]
• Expertise
• Security and privacy of health records
• Secure Electronic Records System
• HIPAA privacy and security rules
• Security policy and procedures to
ensure legal compliance
Top: Flowchart of high-level system architecture for
an Electronic Records System (ERS).
Bottom left: A watermark to ensure no changes can
be made to any official record stored in the ERS.
Bottom right: Some of the functionality of the ERS.
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Robert Schill
Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director, Center for the Energy Materials Interaction Technology Initiative (EMITION)
Phone: (702) 895-1526
Email: [email protected]
• Expertise
• Electromagnetics
• Pulsed power and plasma physics
• Microwaves and optics
• Materials science
• Dense and dynamic plasmas
The Nevada Shocker is a pulse-power device used to study
material in a harsh electromagnetic environment.
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Robert Schill
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Director, Center for the Energy Materials Interaction Technology Initiative (EMITION)
Recent Publications
Shaoru Garner, Nathan Lehman, and Robert A. Schill, Jr., Spatial Distribution of Electron Stimulated Electron Desorption
from a Metal Surface, 2008 IEEE International Power Modulator and High Voltage Conf. (ed. Hulya Kirkici), Las Vegas, NV,
May 27-31, 2008, p. 303-306.
Shaoru Garner, Robert A. Schill, Jr., and Gopi Krishna Ari, Electron Stimulated Secondary Electron Emission from a Warm
Metal Surface, 2009 International Conference of Plasma Science, San Diego, California, May 31 - June 5, 2009.
A. Al Agry, R.A. Schill, Jr., S. Garner, S. Andersen, and K. Buchanan, Electromagnetic Dot Sensor – Calibration, 2009 17th
IEEE Int. Pulsed Power Conf. (PPC 2009), Washington DC, June 28- July 2, 2009, pp. 1348-1353.
A. Al Agry, R.A. Schill, Jr., "Calibration of Electromagnetic Dot Sensor - Part 1: B-Dot Mode," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14,
no. 9, September 2014, pp. 3101-3110.
A. Al Agry, R.A. Schill, Jr., "Calibration of Electromagnetic Dot Sensor - Part 2: D-Dot Mode," IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 14,
no. 9, September 2014, pp. 3111-3118.
Patented UNLV EM-Dot – US Patent Number: 7,482,814 (1/27/2009) and subject to International Patent Application No.:
PCT/US2006/033453 based on U.S. Patent Application No.: 11/213,628.
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Ke-Xun (Kevin) Sun
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Phone: (702) 774-1486
Email: [email protected]
• Expertise
• GaN semiconductors and devices
• Radiation-hard electronics, optoelectronics,
and imaging systems
• Optics and diffractive optics
• Ultrafast lasers and electronics
• Image analysis
• High Energy Density Physics (HEDP)
• CubeSats and formation flight
• Science payload instruments
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Ke-Xun (Kevin) Sun
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Recent Publications
Ke-Xun Sun, Lawrence MacNeil, Karthik Balakrishbnan, Erik Hultgren, John Goebel, Yuri Bilenko, JinweiYang,
Wenhong Sun, Max Shatalov, Xuhong Hu, Remis Gaska. “Extreme Radiation Hardness and Space Qualification of
AlGaN Optoelectronic Devices”. Late Breaking News, International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors, Tampa,
FL, October 2010.
Ke‐Xun Sun, N. Leindecker, S. Higuchi, et al, “UV LED Operation Lifetime and Radiation Hardness Qualification for
Space Flights,” Journal of Physics CS, vol. 154, no. 1 (2009).
Ke-Xun Sun, W. Nishimura, T. Perry and S. Compton, “A second generation of X-ray Streak Camera with True Large
Formats, High Dynamic Range, and High Resolution”, Invited Paper, Proceedings of SPIE Vol.5920 Ultrafast X-Ray
Detectors, High-Speed Imaging, and Applications, 592008-1-592008-16 (2005).
Ke-Xun Sun and K. Marlett, “Time-frequency analysis using peak-value sampling of spatial-temporal image data
from streak camera”, Proc. SPIE 5559, p.443-454, Advanced Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, and
Implementations XIV; October 2004.
Ke-Xun Sun, “Applications of Robust, Radiation Hard AlGaN Optoelectronic Devices in Space Exploration and High
Energy Density Physics,” Invited paper at CLEO 2011, May 2011, Baltimore, Ke-Xun Sun et. Al., “Grating Angle
Magnification Enhanced Angular and Scanners,” US Patent 7,599,074 B2.
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Ying Tian, P.E.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering and Construction
Phone: (702) 774-4917
Email: [email protected]
• Expertise
• Progressive collapse resistance of
• Large-scale testing of structural
components and systems
• Simulation of structures subjected to
normal and extreme loading events
• Earthquake engineering
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Ying Tian, P.E.
Assistant Professor,
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction
Recent Publications
Widianto, Bayrak, O., Jirsa, J. O., and Tian, Y. (2010), “Seismic Rehabilitation of Slab-Column Connections,” ACI
Structural Journal, 107 (2), 237-247.
Su, Y., Tian, Y., and Song, X. (2009), “Progressive Collapse Resistance of Axially-Restrained Frame Beams,” ACI
Structural Journal, 106 (5), 600-607.
Saad, A., Said, A, and Tian, Y. (2009), “Comparison of Different Standards for Progressive Collapse Evaluation
Procedures at Various Seismic Conditions,” 5th International Conference in Structural Engineering and Construction
(ISEC-5), Las Vegas, Nevada, September 21-27.
Tian, Y., Jirsa, J. O., and Bayrak, O. (2009), “Nonlinear Modeling of Slab-Column Connections under Cyclic Loading,”
ACI Structural Journal, 106 (1), 30-38.
Su, Y. and Tian, Y. (2009), “Experimental Study of Reinforced Concrete Slab-CFT Column Connections,” 5th
International Conference in Structural Engineering and Construction (ISEC-5), Las Vegas, Nevada, September 21-27.
Saad, A., Said, A., and Tian, Y. (2008), “Overview of Progressive Collapse Analysis and Retrofit Techniques,” 5th
International Engineering and Construction Conference (IECC’5), Irvine, California, August 27-29.
Tian, Y., Jirsa, J. O., and Bayrak, O. (2008), “Strength Evaluation of Interior Slab-Column Connections,” ACI
Structural Journal, 105 (6), 692-700.
Tian, Y., Jirsa, J. O., Bayrak, O., Widianto, and Argudo, J. F. (2008), “Behavior of Slab-Column Connections of Existing
Flat-Plate Structures,” ACI Structural Journal, 105 (5), 561-569.
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Mohamed Trabia
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Dean for Research, Graduate Studies, and Computing
Phone: (702) 774-0957
Email: [email protected]
• Expertise
• Structural analysis, failure analysis, experimental
• Structural dynamics, explosives, and impact analysis
• Computational simulation of highly dynamic events
• Material characterization, custom component testing
Light composite for containment strength
December 2015
Security Engineering Research
Dr. Mohamed Trabia
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Associate Dean for Research, Graduate Studies, and Computing
Recent Publications
J. Thota, M. Trabia, and B. O’Toole, “Computational Prediction of Low Impact Shock Propagation in a Lab-Scale Space Bolted
Frame Structure,” International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, Vol. 3, No. 2, 2015, pp.
B. O’Toole, M. Trabia, R. Hixson, S. Roy, M. Pena, S. Becker, E. Daykin, E. Machorro, R. Jennings, M. Matthes, “Modeling Plastic
Deformation of Steel Plates in Hypervelocity Impact Experiments,” Procedia Engineering 103, 2015, pp. 458-465.
D. Somasundaram, M. Trabia, and B. O’Toole, “A Methodology for Predicting High Impact Shock Propagation within BoltedJoint Structures,” International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2014.
D. Somasundaram, M. Trabia, B. O’Toole, and Q. Liu, “Shock Mitigation for Electronic Boards within a Projectile,” International
Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements, Vol. 1, No. 4, 2013, pp. 416-439.
J. Thota, B. O’Toole, and M. Trabia, “Optimization of Shock Response within a Military Vehicle Space Frame,” Structural and
Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2011, pp. 1-15.
J. Thota, M. Trabia, B. O’Toole, and A. Ayyaswamy, “Optimization of Light-Weight Composite Blast Containment Vessel
Structural Response”, Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, v131 n3, pp. 031209: 1-9, April 2009.
V. Chakka, M. Trabia, B. O’Toole, S. Sridharala, S. Ladkany, and M. Chowdhury, “Modeling and Reduction of Shocks on
Electronic Components within a Projectile”, Int. J. of Impact Engineering, v35, pp. 1326-1338, 2008.
M. Trabia, B. O’Toole, J. Thota, and K. Matta, “Finite Element Modeling of a Light-Weight Composite Containment Vessel”,
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, v. 130, n. 1, pp. 011205 1-7, February 2008.
December 2015
Fly UP